How to trace a hacker?


Junior Member
Dec 17, 2010
I suspect, or rather I'm pretty sure, that someone controls my computer. I need to find out who's doing that, somehow find him/her. Because I'm unfamiliar with this topic at all, I try to find someone experienced, who would be able to help me with this. I'd be very grateful for any progress, becoming really hopeless..

Besides I would like to say that I can learn new things pretty well and if someone capable is willing to help, I believe that you will not be bothered with idiocy too much.

I can't speak english very well and also I wrote to some other forums with this topic so I apologise if I would have bad respond time. Now I'll explain closely my suspicion to make it clearer that I'm not hunting for the fiction. Quite a lot of weird things happed on my pcs, so I don't mention everything. Fact that all just CAN be interpreted as a coincidence makes me crazy, but there is so much incidents.... So for example:
1. One time my computer was spontaneously rebooting several times a day. Without apparent reason it stopped itself again.
2. I was looking for a job in one town and every time I opened any offer (from many different sites) in that place (specially only that place), the browser crashed. Other sites worked fine.
3. While communicating through ICQ it often switches to different language on keyboard, so I can't write correctly. It happens mostly when talking to one person and at times when it's somehow sharpened between us. This never happened to me before and I use icq for cca 10 years..
4. One day the computer failed to start. I decreased overclocking, which ran steadily before, and it worked again. Later I had to decrease it again to get even boot to windows. More later I could set almost equal frequency like I had before problems. Its weird to me..
5. Once I played the game and every time I made a mistake of inattention (like missed the turn onto the road or died), the game crashed. It was happening many times consecutively, so I had to stop play. And again, it works fine now without apparent reason.
etc....I had also many other problems. I'll describe them later if necessary.

I installed a new OS, but these anomalies was still there. And it happend on my both pcs:
1. board asus a7n8x-x, amd athlonXP 2500+, radeon 9800, seagate hdd, os XP, antivir NOD32, firewall netlimiter2
2. DFI NF4 Infinity, amd opteron 144, radeon hd4850, 2x hdd seagate, hdd samsung, os XP + 7, antivir and firewall in XP like above and in 7 Kaspersky.
My home network consists of adsl router and switch.

I tried to use Wireshark and I didnt find anything (but Im not very experienced with this program), there is log file, maybe somebody can say more:
It was captured after I exited all apps which makes connections, these remains in win7 network monitoring:

  • schvost.exe (NetworkService)
  • schvost.exe (netsvcs)
  • schvost.exe (LocalServicePeerNet)
  • schvost.exe (LocalServiceNetworkRestricted)
  • schvost.exe (LocalServiceAndNoImpresonation)
Wireshark still gives me some new connection entries every second and network traffic is continually somewhere 5kb/s.

Also I tried scan with antiviruses. NOD32 found some infiltrations, but only in files that I have in my pc for many years and it didnt do any problems before. I checked them all and there wasnt nothing unknown. Problems didnt stop after cleaning these files.
Files which were marked as threats by Kaspersky are:

  • POPCAPGAME1.exe - from game Plants vs. zombies
  • PRIME95.exe
  • GF35ZIKM.bat - from GMER (Rootkit Detector and Remover)
  • MSSETUPEX.exe - marked as "PDM.DNS Query", dont know origin, root is "H: \USERS\PETR\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\{DEC6A2B0-7D45-42B2-AC8E-2CE0DB41424D}\"
  • MSSETUPEX.exe - marked as "PDM.Invader (loader)", root is same as above
  • WDICT32.exe - from PC Translator
With Kaspersky is performed "Full scan" at first and deleted suspicious files. After that it says "Your computer security is at risk. Detected legal software that can be used by criminals for damaging your computer or personal data", so with pushing button "Fix it now" antivirus disable programs to be executed (it looked like this). In a few moments Kaspersky restarts pc without any warning. Then Kaspersky says that some postprocess is needed, so I performed it, but threats are still there. Now antivirus again says that "Full scan" is needed and that there is still mentioned "security risk".

Naturally I asked myself who could do this, for what reason.. and everything fits me to one person who is capable to do ANYTHING. I dont want write out about her motives now. Its obvious that nobody would do this to random stranger.


Platinum Member
Jun 20, 2009
This is more appropriate for the "Security" forum rather than "General Hardware".

Tis' indeed... Tis' indeed...

Sounds like it might not be a hacker though. Those are both very old systems, and as such are prone to technical difficulties at this stage in their lifespan.

P.S. You have very good English compared to 99% of the people who post on this forum.


Junior Member
Dec 17, 2010
it sounds like a hardware problem maybe not a hacker?
or maybe both..

This is more appropriate for the "Security" forum rather than "General Hardware".
or it belongs to both

Sounds like it might not be a hacker though. Those are both very old systems, and as such are prone to technical difficulties at this stage in their lifespan.
P.S. You have very good English compared to 99% of the people who post on this forum.
Thank you for praising my English skills, it really made me happy

I have much more reasons to think that I've been hacked. I think if it would be only hardware problems, it would be pernament. But I have not these problems for a couple month. For example, I was facing this:
I dont know how its technically possible, but in one time period for a few weeks, my computer reacted to ON or OFF the desk lamp and ON or OFF the speakers. I had just connected two monitors to one pc and always in the evening (without exception every night), when I needed to use headphone speakers and switched off the loud ones, my both monitors turned off (light indicator on both turned from green to orange), the computer froze (caps lock light indicator on the keyboard didnt react) and the fans inside the case spun to the max - Gigabyte HD4850 have small fan and at max speed it yell very loudly. The pc was in this situation until I reseted it. Then after booting I turned on the desk lamp and the same thing AGAIN. Before I went to sleep I turned off this lamp and if it was before turning off my pc, it happened AGAIN! Then in the morning, when I turned on the speaker, it happened again.. After that, when I tried experimentally switch on the lamp (which is pretty absurd when it was light), nothing happened. So I off the lamp and AGAIN! Together I guess that this had to happen for at least 30 times, rather more ... Now it is alright and it doesnt happen, it stopped spontaneously.
These anomalies are becoming even with disconnected network cable so it must be somehow over the hardware. Components that I bought later are the hd4850 graphics, 1GB ram and Samsung hdd. So it must be in some of those components, or somebody did something in my pc during my absence without me knowing. I tried to visually check the graphics against pics from the net, I didnt find any difference compared to them. But Im not saying that it was absolutely 100% control, I could miss something..

Another reasons which makes me beleave in my opinion comes from online communication with one person (mentioned in the first post becouse of switching keybord language).
And I have another reasons from real world, that makes me believe. I still didnt mention a country which I'm living in. Its Czech Republic....dont you think that there is happening something unordinary lately? (in this country)


Aug 17, 2007
a motherboard starting to go bad could cause this.
bad memory could cause this, bad psu could cause this.

memory going bad could cause this and when the pc reads a certain block of memory it freezes.
bad psu could cause this because its losing power and its not losing enough to turn all the way off but its not enough to power everything.


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
Hello kobaltin, and welcome to AnandTech forums.

Based on your description, I would say it is a hardware problem. In fact, I would probably narrow it down to your power supplies as the likeliest culprit, followed by the motherboards as second likeliest. Another possibility is a grounding issue. Note that these are just educated guesses based on your description and my experience. Without having the computer actually in front of me so that I can examine it, I probably can't be more precise than that.

You came to your conclusion about being hacked due to your reason #3 (keyboard language). If you re-wrote your posts and did not include that part, plus did not include your suspicions of being hacked, then what I said above would likely be the most logical conclusion by many of the techs that frequent these forums, based on your multitude of problems.


Platinum Member
Jun 20, 2009
I have much more reasons to think that I've been hacked. I think if it would be only hardware problems, it would be pernament. But I have not these problems for a couple month. For example, I was facing this:
I dont know how its technically possible, but in one time period for a few weeks, my computer reacted to ON or OFF the desk lamp and ON or OFF the speakers. I had just connected two monitors to one pc and always in the evening (without exception every night), when I needed to use headphone speakers and switched off the loud ones, my both monitors turned off (light indicator on both turned from green to orange), the computer froze (caps lock light indicator on the keyboard didnt react) and the fans inside the case spun to the max - Gigabyte HD4850 have small fan and at max speed it yell very loudly. The pc was in this situation until I reseted it. Then after booting I turned on the desk lamp and the same thing AGAIN. Before I went to sleep I turned off this lamp and if it was before turning off my pc, it happened AGAIN! Then in the morning, when I turned on the speaker, it happened again.. After that, when I tried experimentally switch on the lamp (which is pretty absurd when it was light), nothing happened. So I off the lamp and AGAIN! Together I guess that this had to happen for at least 30 times, rather more ... Now it is alright and it doesnt happen, it stopped spontaneously.
These anomalies are becoming even with disconnected network cable so it must be somehow over the hardware. Components that I bought later are the hd4850 graphics, 1GB ram and Samsung hdd. So it must be in some of those components, or somebody did something in my pc during my absence without me knowing. I tried to visually check the graphics against pics from the net, I didnt find any difference compared to them. But Im not saying that it was absolutely 100% control, I could miss something..

Another reasons which makes me beleave in my opinion comes from online communication with one person (mentioned in the first post becouse of switching keybord language).
And I have another reasons from real world, that makes me believe. I still didnt mention a country which I'm living in. Its Czech Republic....dont you think that there is happening something unordinary lately? (in this country)

Sounds like a motherboard or Operating system problem to me, especially if it happens when you disconnect the ethernet cable. It could be that you have a virus. Have you tried any scanning software?

The thing with turning off an on your lamp might be the electrical wiring in your house or apartment, or the PSU.


Elite Member
Jan 17, 2010
Well, the desk lamp thing is pretty interesting. Sounds like you have an electrical problem coupled with a failing power supply. Can you try moving your system or the lamp to another outlet?


Platinum Member
Jun 20, 2009
A majority of your problems stem from a failing motherboard, the power switching on and off is likely either the wiring of your house, or a failing PSU or both. It's not happening now, but I wouldn't trust either the wiring or the PSU until you've at least replaced the PSU and not had any other problems after.

As for the other issues, what information would you have that these people would stalk you for? If you work for the KGB, NSA, CIA, I would understand, but it seems like you are getting paranoid through coincidence. Why do you need to track her down?


Senior member
Feb 29, 2004
This is epic even if trolling, may become legendary if serious. I feel the need to contribute so as not to spoil it, or to actually help.

Computers are far more sensitive to poor power conditions than other household electronics, so I would really suggest checking out the outlets that you use your computers on with a good multimeter. 230V is nominal for czech republic, so it should be near that. A multimeter won't show spikes properly though. Have you been running through a surge protector? Could you provide the model numbers for the components in both of your computers?


Elite Member
Dec 24, 2005
^^^ this.

And back up your data, wipe the disk, and securely re-install your operating system and applications. Next time, be more careful about having a router,a patched OS and applications, passwords, antivirus, and general PC hygiene.

In general, if there IS a hacker, it's nothing personal. It's mostly done by bots who have no idea who you are and don't care.


Elite Member
Dec 24, 2005
This is epic even if trolling, may become legendary if serious. I feel the need to contribute so as not to spoil it, or to actually help.
I remember a classic TV interview of some guy who was posing as a woman on the Internet. HE was the one pretending he was a woman, but HE was laughing at the people he'd fooled, saying they were sick f**ks.

Also, note to the O.P.:
It's almost impossible for someone to take over your computer as long as you:
1) Have a router installed between you and the Internet
2) Don't install (intentionally or otherwise) software that contains hidden remote control functions
3) Don't get contaminated by a malicious web site that infects the PC automatically using various techniques
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Platinum Member
Jun 20, 2009
You have some hardware and wiring problems OP. Stop being crazy and try to fix them, or don't and keep being crazy somewhere else. You are sounding like a guy who wears a tin foil hat. You are not being hacked, you are just being paranoid.


Platinum Member
Jun 20, 2009
As I said I dont have problems for a couple of months. Yes, Im not normal, you think this could happen to someone normal? Now I dont have money for buying new pc, so I cant do 100% solution for hardware theory.

you could get a new motherboard for like $30... or a very small amount in CZK as well. You would not have to buy a new computer.

Hey, what if Im right? Arent you curious if it could be the true? Isnt there too much coincidences? Im really dissapointed that you cant include this option to your advices and when I bring more evidence I onlz get more rejection. Hm, how interesting that my keybord switched language right in previous sentence ("only" word). That brings to my mind this part of conversation:

These are not "too many coincidences", this person is likely fooling with you to get a laugh, but is not seriously hacking your computers. Anyways, if you aren't having problems now then what is the point? I'm done here. You're just being paranoid...


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
Guys pleas calm down, or I'll be forced to lock the thread.

kobaltin please drop the Hacking issue.

There is nothing we can do about it through a forum more than what was already posted above by Rebate Monger.

You are welcome to pursue a technical track without the hacking business.



Junior Member
Dec 17, 2010
If anyone have a comment to hacking business, please continue in this thread:
Link deleted

No hacking business stuff allowed there either.
Admin allisolm
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