Howard Dean goes ballistic again


Apr 25, 2000
In comments that offended even members of his own party, Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean blasted House Majority Leader Tom DeLay on Saturday as a criminal, saying that the top Republican belongs in jail.

"I think Tom DeLay ought to go back to Houston, where he can serve his jail sentence down there," Dean told Massachusetts Democrats at their state convention.

Incredibly, in the next breath the top Democrat complained about "this ugly, nasty dialogue that is coming from the right wing of the American Republican Party."
Dean's comments drew a sharp rebuke from Rep. Barney Frank, who told the Boston Globe, "That's just wrong."

"I think Howard Dean was out of line talking about DeLay," the House Democrat complained. "The man has not been indicted. I don't like him, I disagree with some of what he does, but I don't think you, in a political speech, talk about a man as a criminal or his jail sentence."

The top Republican has been targeted for what Democrats say is an abuse of congressional travel privileges.

A study released last week by the Web site, however, found that the top ten trip-takers in Congress are all Democrats, with DeLay ranking 121st on the list.

Dean: DeLay Belongs in Jail

Dean was rebuked by the far leftist Barney Frank. So where does that put Dean on the political spectrum.

How fitting that a nut case, loose canon like Dean is heading the party.


Jan 25, 2000
Yeah, he has gone off the deep end. We need Delay to stick around till 2006. He still has many DNC commercials to star in.


Apr 25, 2000
Isn't Nancy Pelosi, one of the main critics of DeLay, going to be staring in the DNC commercials?

Pelosi PAC fined $21,000 by federal elections officials

WASHINGTON (AP) ? A fund-raising committee run by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was fined $21,000 for improperly accepting donations over federal limits, according to records and interviews.
The political action committee, Team Majority, was one of two PACs Pelosi used to fund candidates during the 2002 campaign. She stopped raising and donating money through the committee more than a year ago, after complaints that she was improperly using the multiple PACs to exceed limits.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Isn't Nancy Pelosi going to be staring in the DNC commercials?

Pelosi PAC fined $21,000 by federal elections officials

WASHINGTON (AP) ? A fund-raising committee run by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was fined $21,000 for improperly accepting donations over federal limits, according to records and interviews.
The political action committee, Team Majority, was one of two PACs Pelosi used to fund candidates during the 2002 campaign. She stopped raising and donating money through the committee more than a year ago, after complaints that she was improperly using the multiple PACs to exceed limits.

Good bout damn time women and especially Democrat Women learn how to pull in the big bucks like their counterpart Republican crooks. :thumbsup:

Fight Fire with Fire


Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2002
Bout time the Dems grow a set of balls against the Repub Thugs.


rip still blaring the republican loud speaker, its saying "delay may be a criminal, but at least i didn't sleep with lumberg........ i mean delay may be a criminal, but look nacy pelosi was fined 21k, even though delay plays with sums of money 25 times larger."

not to mension the paper trail on delay stretches from DC to texas, some of the crap is really obvious too


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: dannybin1742
Bout time the Dems grow a set of balls against the Repub Thugs.


rip still blaring the republican loud speaker, its saying "delay may be a criminal, but at least i didn't sleep with lumberg........ i mean delay may be a criminal, but look nacy pelosi was fined 21k, even though delay plays with sums of money 25 times larger."

not to mension the paper trail on delay stretches from DC to texas, some of the crap is really obvious too

Rip really does a nice service pointing out just how much more Republicans Crooks are compared to the tiny Democrat crooks. :thumbsup:



Nov 11, 1999
Delay isn't under indictment- yet. If some of his very close associates are successfully convicted in the Texas money laundering scandal, he probably will be, however. They'll roll like marbles. If Abramoff and Scanlon are successfully prosecuted, they'll do the same, I'm sure. There's nothing quite like the promise of leniency to bring out the rat factor...

Dean's words aren't any where near as outrageous as Delay's claims that he's being persecuted because of his alleged "Faith", or his threats wrt the Federal Judiciary...


Senior member
Apr 27, 2005
Just because Dean was impolite and didn't suck Delay's balls does not mean he is a far left extremist. It just means he is impolite and doesn't suck balls.


Diamond Member
Nov 10, 2001
Originally posted by: dannybin1742
Bout time the Dems grow a set of balls against the Repub Thugs.


rip still blaring the republican loud speaker, its saying "delay may be a criminal, but at least i didn't sleep with lumberg........ i mean delay may be a criminal, but look nacy pelosi was fined 21k, even though delay plays with sums of money 25 times larger."

not to mension the paper trail on delay stretches from DC to texas, some of the crap is really obvious too

Heh.. Nice



Apr 17, 2005
Originally posted by: Malfeas
Just because Dean was impolite and didn't suck Delay's balls does not mean he is a far left extremist. It just means he is impolite and doesn't suck balls.

I agree. I wish there was some audio or something. People really need to build some vocabulary. I certainly didn't read anything so far that would constitute Dean "going ballistic".


Dec 12, 2003
Yeah, where exactly does he go ballistic. And I can see where Barney Frank would have some empathy for Delay here, having been in some hot water himself not too long ago.

Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY

<- couldn't resist


resist what, posting another silly emoticon?


Senior member
Apr 27, 2005
Hey, I liked that speech. It made me want to vote for him. I thought "finally a politician with some energy and passion" when I saw that. But I guess most people prefer the boring, cookie cutter, monotone, follow the goatherder type of politician.


Senior member
Nov 6, 2004
By the way, Dean never went ballistic.

'Dean Scream' Clip Was Media Fraud
By Edward Wasserman
The Miami Herald

Wednesday 23 February 2005

The news media got an unusual bashing during last year's bitter electoral campaigns. They got slapped around from all sides, and everybody argued about how the media tried either to undermine Bush or discredit Kerry or both.

Still, it's never clear why some media wrongs are made into a big deal while others slip by. Take the CBS "60 Minutes" report on Bush's military nonservice: The story itself was old, the dubious evidence was of dubious importance, and the broadcast had no discernible effect. It became a major scandal anyway.

On the other end of the scale is an instance of clear-cut media wrongdoing that involved unquestionably fraudulent evidence and had dramatic consequences. This one, however, has gone largely unremarked. It is the famous incident involving Democratic presidential hopeful Howard Dean that is known as The Dean Scream.

And with Dean's recent appointment as Democratic Party chairman it's being hauled out as constituting the ceiling on whatever political ambitions he might still have, proof that he's shaky, unstable, unfit to serve - Howard Dean's Chappaquiddick.

You've seen the clip. After Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" at the Super Bowl, it's the most famous news video of 2004. Dean is addressing campaign supporters after he lost the Iowa party caucuses in January. He's screaming for no apparent reason, practically shrieking, ticking off the states where he's vowing to continue the race. His face is red, his voice breaking. He looks deranged. It's a portrait of a man out of control. It's documentary evidence that Dean lacks the temperament for high office.

In fact the Dean Scream was a fraud, probably the clearest instance of media assassination in recent U.S. political history.

Last year, a young cable news producer attended one of our twice-yearly Ethics Institutes at Washington and Lee University, in which students and journalists gather to discuss newsroom wrongdoing. He brought two clips.

The first was the familiar pool footage of Dean in Iowa. The candidate filled the screen, no supporters were visible. Crowd noise was silenced by the microphone he held, which deadened ambient sounds. You saw only him and heard only his inexplicable screaming.

The second clip was the same speech taped by a supporter on the floor of the hall. The difference was stunning. The place was packed. The noise was deafening. Dean was on the podium, but you couldn't hear him. The roar from his supporters was drowning him out.

Dean was no longer scary, unhinged, volcanic, over the top. He was like the coach of a would-be championship NCAA football team at a pre-game rally, trying to be heard over a gym full of determined, wildly enthusiastic fans. I saw energy, not lunacy.

The difference was context. As psychiatrist R.D. Laing once wrote: We see a woman on her knees, eyes closed, muttering to someone who isn't there. Of course, she's praying. But if we deny her that context, we naturally conclude she's insane.

The Dean Scream footage that was repeatedly aired rests on a similar falsehood. It takes a man who in context was acting reasonably, and by stripping away that context transforms him into a lunatic.

But that clip was aired an estimated 700 times on various cable and broadcast channels in the week after the Iowa caucus. The people who showed that clip are far more technically sophisticated than I and had to understand how tight visual framing and noise-suppression hardware can distort reality.

True, some network news executives commented afterward that perhaps the footage was overplayed and offered the bureaucrat's favorite bromide, that hindsight is 20/20. But the media establishment has never acknowledged this as a burning matter of ethical harm.

That's because the Dean Scream incriminates the entire professional mission of television news, which is built around the primacy of the picture. TV producers don't profess to offer meaning and context; they get you the visuals, unless they're gory or obscene. The notion that great footage would be not shown just because it's profoundly misleading - that's a possibility few TV news executives would entertain.

That's why they're not eager to see the Dean Scream enter the canon of journalistic sin. And if that leaves Howard Dean's political future hobbled by a lie, so be it.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Riprorin
In comments that offended even members of his own party, Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean blasted House Majority Leader Tom DeLay on Saturday as a criminal, saying that the top Republican belongs in jail.

"I think Tom DeLay ought to go back to Houston, where he can serve his jail sentence down there," Dean told Massachusetts Democrats at their state convention.

Incredibly, in the next breath the top Democrat complained about "this ugly, nasty dialogue that is coming from the right wing of the American Republican Party."
Dean's comments drew a sharp rebuke from Rep. Barney Frank, who told the Boston Globe, "That's just wrong."

"I think Howard Dean was out of line talking about DeLay," the House Democrat complained. "The man has not been indicted. I don't like him, I disagree with some of what he does, but I don't think you, in a political speech, talk about a man as a criminal or his jail sentence."

The top Republican has been targeted for what Democrats say is an abuse of congressional travel privileges.

A study released last week by the Web site, however, found that the top ten trip-takers in Congress are all Democrats, with DeLay ranking 121st on the list.

Dean: DeLay Belongs in Jail

Dean was rebuked by the far leftist Barney Frank. So where does that put Dean on the political spectrum.

How fitting that a nut case, loose canon like Dean is heading the party.

How fitting that you are doing here to Dean the evil you pretend he is guilty of. Isn't there something in the Ten Commandments about bearing false witness.


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: dannybin1742
Bout time the Dems grow a set of balls against the Repub Thugs.


rip still blaring the republican loud speaker, its saying "delay may be a criminal, but at least i didn't sleep with lumberg........ i mean delay may be a criminal, but look nacy pelosi was fined 21k, even though delay plays with sums of money 25 times larger."

not to mension the paper trail on delay stretches from DC to texas, some of the crap is really obvious too



Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Yeah, he has gone off the deep end. We need Delay to stick around till 2006. He still has many DNC commercials to star in.

ROFL. No doubt.

Dean is hilarious.
Feb 16, 2005
Originally posted by: Riprorin
In comments that offended even members of his own party, Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean blasted House Majority Leader Tom DeLay on Saturday as a criminal, saying that the top Republican belongs in jail.

"I think Tom DeLay ought to go back to Houston, where he can serve his jail sentence down there," Dean told Massachusetts Democrats at their state convention.

Incredibly, in the next breath the top Democrat complained about "this ugly, nasty dialogue that is coming from the right wing of the American Republican Party."
Dean's comments drew a sharp rebuke from Rep. Barney Frank, who told the Boston Globe, "That's just wrong."

"I think Howard Dean was out of line talking about DeLay," the House Democrat complained. "The man has not been indicted. I don't like him, I disagree with some of what he does, but I don't think you, in a political speech, talk about a man as a criminal or his jail sentence."

The top Republican has been targeted for what Democrats say is an abuse of congressional travel privileges.

A study released last week by the Web site, however, found that the top ten trip-takers in Congress are all Democrats, with DeLay ranking 121st on the list.

Dean: DeLay Belongs in Jail

Dean was rebuked by the far leftist Barney Frank. So where does that put Dean on the political spectrum.

How fitting that a nut case, loose canon like Dean is heading the party.

Where the hell was your partisan disapproval when dickie cheney called someone a mother fvcker in congress? Hmmm? That seems a bit more harsh than saying that tommy "Teflon" delay should be in jail. Seriously rip, grow up.



Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Isn't Nancy Pelosi, one of the main critics of DeLay, going to be staring in the DNC commercials?

Pelosi PAC fined $21,000 by federal elections officials

WASHINGTON (AP) ? A fund-raising committee run by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was fined $21,000 for improperly accepting donations over federal limits, according to records and interviews.
The political action committee, Team Majority, was one of two PACs Pelosi used to fund candidates during the 2002 campaign. She stopped raising and donating money through the committee more than a year ago, after complaints that she was improperly using the multiple PACs to exceed limits.

This Delay standoff is amusing to watch the dems walk the fine line. They know if they push it too far the next person sitting in Delays hotseat could very well be themselves.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Riprorin
Isn't Nancy Pelosi, one of the main critics of DeLay, going to be staring in the DNC commercials?

Pelosi PAC fined $21,000 by federal elections officials

WASHINGTON (AP) ? A fund-raising committee run by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was fined $21,000 for improperly accepting donations over federal limits, according to records and interviews.
The political action committee, Team Majority, was one of two PACs Pelosi used to fund candidates during the 2002 campaign. She stopped raising and donating money through the committee more than a year ago, after complaints that she was improperly using the multiple PACs to exceed limits.

This Delay standoff is amusing to watch the dems walk the fine line. They know if they push it too far the next person sitting in Delays hotseat could very well be themselves.

From a liberal, if she's a crook, get rid of her.

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