HOWTO: Use Linksys WRT54G as a wireless ethernet bridge

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Jul 11, 2004
I would strongly encourage you to use encription, as without it your packets (that go to all the wireless clients) are readable by 3rd parties, even if they can't connect to your network. I have WEP working with this setup: on the d-link (home->wireless tab) I have authentication set to "Open System", WEP enabled 64-bit, key type HEX, using key #1. On the wrt54g (Wireless->Security tab) I have security mode set to WEP, transmit key #1, WEP encription is 64-bit 10 hex digits, and using the same key (obviously) as the d-link. Did you ever use encription between the dlink and other wireless clients ?


Junior Member
Feb 15, 2005
Yeah, I used WPA-PSK + Mac filtering until I added the Linksys. Can't get the sonbitch to work with 128bit WEP or WPA. I'll play with it some more later and I'll try 64. I know most morons won't bother trying to crack encryptions, especially around an upper middle-class area, but still, I'd much rather use WPA. >=/


Junior Member
Oct 9, 2003
I just got two WRT54Gs and set them up as described in the original post. Only one of them, the "client" router, is flashed with the SVEASOFT firmware, because I was for whatever reason unable to connect the main router to the internet with SVEASOFT. With that in mind, my main computers are connected to the client router, which is 192.168.2.x as opposed to 192.168.1.x for the main router. My question is, how to I do port forwarding here? The client router's firewall is disabled, but the main router only has port forwarding options for 192.168.1.x.

It's not a problem now, but as I want to pick up WoW over the summer, I can imagine it causing complications later. I would try to set everything up in the same subnet with that WDS strategy, but as stated previously, the main router when flashed w/ SVEASOFT refuses to connect to the internet...


Jul 11, 2004
I think Jumperus has two flashed wrt54g's, so maybe he can help with providing the settings you need for the main router. My main router is a dlink di-624, but I should think that setting up the main router should be simple as it should operate in the most common settings. Maybe jumperus can help with the exact settings.......

And why do you need port forwarding to play online ? you only need that if you're running a server. I play ut2004 online all the time from pc's behind the client router as well as behind the main router. And anyway, it should be simple to forward ports, you just need to do it on both routers (main forwards to client which forwards to attached pc).


Junior Member
Oct 9, 2003
I definitely know of some games which give you issues if the ports are not forwarded. Starcraft was one of them I think. But even then, I'm not sure how self-explanatory it would be. So let's say my computer at needs UDP port 4000 forwarded. So I can enter that into the client router. But what would I put for the main router, seeing as it would only allow entries?

If I can get a flashed WRT54G to connect to the internet, that would be the best solution...


Jul 11, 2004
The client router also has an address (in addition to assigned by the main router on the 192.168.1.x network (e.g. You can see that IP address in the status::router screen. So for port forwarding, you can forward the port from the main router to Then the client router can forward to the attached PC. But your starcraft example is a little out of date, online gaming has progressed. I've never had to forward any ports for any online game I ever played in the last few years. So you don't need it, unless you want to start hosting games.....


Junior Member
Feb 15, 2005
Originally posted by: user1234
I think Jumperus has two flashed wrt54g's, so maybe he can help with providing the settings you need for the main router. My main router is a dlink di-624, but I should think that setting up the main router should be simple as it should operate in the most common settings. Maybe jumperus can help with the exact settings.......

Actually, no, I'm essentially the same system you are. DI-624 as the gateway and WRT54G as client. Working fine, but I still haven't tried encryption. Not terribly worried right now; I'll get to it soon.

As for that port forwarding, yeah, I imagine that'd work. Especially if you're not enabling the firewall on the client router. Wouldn't the client router just use NAT to send the appropriate packets to the proper PC that's been using Port X? Of course, I'm thinking some applications send on one port and receive on another. Hmn. But yeah, either way, shouldn't dual forwarding work? Naturally, everything looks good in theory, but configurations are the devil.


Junior Member
Feb 21, 2005
Hello everyone, newbie here, I saw a deal for this router and found out about its potential so i decided to buy one. I want it to be primarily an ethernet bridge. Here is my set up....basically have di624 as main router connected to a couple of pc's and to the internet. I would like to use the wrt54g to allow my replaytv in my living room to be part of my network. I have done the suggested procedure for setting up the ethernet bridge and got it to work, in addition i also added a route entry via cmd prompt so my pc from the main router can communicate with the replay on the wrt54g router. The only downfall is that this system is not efficient enough to handle streaming video. Another system I use to do was allow my laptop to be a wireless bridge. The ethernet port from the laptop would be connected to the replay tv via crossover cable and the wireless card would receive signal from the di624. In windows, I just bridge the two connections. In this system, all components are in the same subnet ( replay, my pc, router , and laptop). Ip's all came from the di624 router. In this system, streaming was perfect. I would think there should be a way to allow the wrt54g to do this as well, but I need some guidance on how to go about doing it. If anyone has any input please feel free to comment.


Junior Member
Feb 21, 2005
Is it possible to bridge together a WRT54G and WRT54GS? They both use Sveasoft firmware and have the same basic technologies.


Jul 11, 2004
Originally posted by: robeest
Hello everyone, newbie here, I saw a deal for this router and found out about its potential so i decided to buy one. I want it to be primarily an ethernet bridge. Here is my set up....basically have di624 as main router connected to a couple of pc's and to the internet. I would like to use the wrt54g to allow my replaytv in my living room to be part of my network. I have done the suggested procedure for setting up the ethernet bridge and got it to work, in addition i also added a route entry via cmd prompt so my pc from the main router can communicate with the replay on the wrt54g router. The only downfall is that this system is not efficient enough to handle streaming video. Another system I use to do was allow my laptop to be a wireless bridge. The ethernet port from the laptop would be connected to the replay tv via crossover cable and the wireless card would receive signal from the di624. In windows, I just bridge the two connections. In this system, all components are in the same subnet ( replay, my pc, router , and laptop). Ip's all came from the di624 router. In this system, streaming was perfect. I would think there should be a way to allow the wrt54g to do this as well, but I need some guidance on how to go about doing it. If anyone has any input please feel free to comment.

well, I would also be interested to know if you know how to set up real bridging with a single network. But as far as the throughput, I don't think this setup is limiting it. I'm getting 20 Mbps between the routers, which is as good as I get with any other wireless client device. I did notice the wrt54g is not the fastest router in the world, even a local ping takes twice as much time as a local ping against the dlink. Maybe a faster client device could do 25-30 mbps, which is better, but don't forget this router is based on a slower microprocessor than your laptop (and cheaper by a thousand bucks). And anyway real 20 mbps is quite a reasaonable speed for a 54g connection thru 2 walls and 20 feet away (in my case).


Junior Member
Feb 21, 2005
Thanks for the reply user1234. If you like to know how i made a wireless bridge with only a single network you can look at

I used that tutorial to basically use my laptop as a wireless bridge. Well, I tried something different today to check to see what was wrong with my setup. Basically, i changed the wrt54g to default settings (not communicating with di624) and I connected my laptop wirelessly to it. I connected the replay tv to one of the four ports. I then tried streaming a show. The show played quite well. I was not suprised to see this happen, I am just now confused on what to do. I want the replay tv to connect to my di624 so it can download listings fromt he internet. But in that configuration, I am not able to stream video, I am only able to download shows from the replay at the rate of 500kB/s average. So, I guess I am asking if there is any way for the wrt54g to not create a new subnet, but yet still able to connect to di624 to get to the internet wirelessly. I am thinking that maybe packets are getting lost somewhere, but don't know really. I don't know much about routing tables.


Jul 11, 2004
your download rate indicates you might have been working on 802.11b settings - so make suree both routers are on "G" (in wrt54g set the "Wireless Network Mode" in the "Wireless::Basic Settings" screen to "G-Only"). I've just checked again, and right now I'm transferring an 600 MB ISO image from a PC attached to the D-link to a PC attached to the wrt54g using SSH, at 1830 KB/sec (shown by WinSCP). The actual speed is a little higher because SSH adds some overhead.

And btw, I don't think you can use the wrt54g as both a wireless router and a bridge (with a single network), unless you use WDS mode in conjunction with another WDS compliant router. But since WDS is not fully standardized, compatibility is a problem (but you can definetely make it work with another flashed wrt54g).


Junior Member
Feb 21, 2005
Hi user1234.

I have almost the same setup as you. I have a Dlink 524 as my main router and I have a WRT54G that i want to locate somewere else. I understand that you can only have one computer connected to the WRT54G as it is operating in client mode. Is it possible for that computer to connect wirelessly to it. I have been reading the post and I dont think that anyone has been able to do it.


Junior Member
Feb 21, 2005
Thanks for the reply user1234. As you suggested, I already have the wrt54g on "G-only" mode. On the di624 router I have it on G mode and have used it with and without "dynamic turbo". As you noted,

I've just checked again, and right now I'm transferring an 600 MB ISO image from a PC attached to the D-link to a PC attached to the wrt54g using SSH, at 1830 KB/sec (shown by WinSCP)

I understand that you uploaded a file from pc wired to di624(main router ) to pc wired to wrt54g. I was wondering if you can do the same but send the file from the pc wired to the wrt54g as that is how i am downloading from my replaytv, which is wired to the wrt54g. Thanks again for the help.



Jul 11, 2004
Originally posted by: wheeler459
Hi user1234.

I have almost the same setup as you. I have a Dlink 524 as my main router and I have a WRT54G that i want to locate somewere else. I understand that you can only have one computer connected to the WRT54G as it is operating in client mode. Is it possible for that computer to connect wirelessly to it. I have been reading the post and I dont think that anyone has been able to do it.

Actually, you can have up to 4 computers wired to the wrt54g and used simultaneously (I tried it with at least two). You're right that in client mode it's not possible to connect to the wrt54g wirelessly, according to the doc (although I haven't verified that).


Jul 11, 2004
Originally posted by: robeest
Thanks for the reply user1234. As you suggested, I already have the wrt54g on "G-only" mode. On the di624 router I have it on G mode and have used it with and without "dynamic turbo". As you noted,

I've just checked again, and right now I'm transferring an 600 MB ISO image from a PC attached to the D-link to a PC attached to the wrt54g using SSH, at 1830 KB/sec (shown by WinSCP)

I understand that you uploaded a file from pc wired to di624(main router ) to pc wired to wrt54g. I was wondering if you can do the same but send the file from the pc wired to the wrt54g as that is how i am downloading from my replaytv, which is wired to the wrt54g. Thanks again for the help.

I just transfered a 89.3 MB file from a PC attached to the WRT54G to a PC attached to the DI-624 in 43 seconds. That's about 2.1 MB/sec = 16.8 Mbps. This time I used Linux on both ends (previously the remote machine was booting windows), which has a better ssh implementation. I can repeat this in both directions and get the same speed. I think 17 Mbps is quite reasonable for a wireless-G connection of 20 feet away and going thru two walls. Hopefully this will be good enough for your streaming video. What's the throughput you're getting ?

btw, thanks for the bridging information for a windows machine. I was considering a solution like this before I got the wrt54g, but I'd hate to keep a PC running just for doing bridging. Using a simple dedicated router will save you a lot of money on the electric bills.


Junior Member
Feb 21, 2005
ok...i think I narrowed down what my problem is. I think basically the software I am using, dvarchive, does not like this set up. FYI, dvarchive is an application for the replaytv in order to download shows and archive them. Anyways, i did some tests just as you did to confirm that the thoroughput was up to par. I received similar numbers as you did, the 2.1MB/s was the same I was getting. I transfered files from pc behind the di624 to a pc behind the wrt54g and vice versa. I also streamed video and it was fine. The only trouble was when I started trying to access the replaytv with the dvarchive software. This software is perfect when pc and replaytv are in the same subnet. Unfortunately, I don't know a workaround for it. I guess I will be returning this great router. Thanks for all your help user1234, I am going to try to see if someone has had a similar problem in the replaytv forums.


Jul 11, 2004
Hmmm...maybe the software you are using is not compatible with NAT, which changes the IP addresses of datagrams. But some apps emded (pre-translated) IP addresses in the messages, which means means that they will not match the translated addresses that the receiver sees, which could cause problem. Normally application shouldn't do that, but maybe because this was designed to work only on a LAN it does d\something like that, which prevents it from working with this setup because we created two separate networks. Maybe there's a way to use the wrt54g as only a bridge without doing NAT, but I haven't yet figured that out. Btw, a similar problem occurs when you want to play games on your LAN - it doesn't work because of the separate networks. It only works using the general internet option (ut2004).


Junior Member
Feb 21, 2005
hello user 1234, sorry to bother you again. i managed to get the wrt54g side to have the same subnet now. I can access the internet from the wrt54g side with the subnet same as the di624. I basically just changed autodhcp setting to static and put in ip address in the range of the subnet. I also put in the DNS of the di624 router which i guess is given by my isp. I also enabled upnp. I basically did not know what i was doing..just fiddling around. But now my problems is that i cannot ping a machine from either side of the routers. for instance, my laptop connected to wrt54g cannot ping my pc connected to the di624 router and vice versa. my laptop connected to wrt54g cannot ping di624 router ( it can only ping the wrt54g. I tried that route command from the pc connected to di624 as you suggested in your tutorial when there were two subnets, but in this new case there is only one subnet but for some reason not all machines can't see eachother...I would really appreciate your help on this once again.


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Oct 25, 1999

69 posts that were viewed 2,216 times, and still Going On.

I wonder what it means?




Nov 21, 2001
I've looked in from time to time, just to see the type of questions that get asked.


Jul 11, 2004
Originally posted by: robeest
hello user 1234, sorry to bother you again. i managed to get the wrt54g side to have the same subnet now. I can access the internet from the wrt54g side with the subnet same as the di624. I basically just changed autodhcp setting to static and put in ip address in the range of the subnet. I also put in the DNS of the di624 router which i guess is given by my isp. I also enabled upnp. I basically did not know what i was doing..just fiddling around. But now my problems is that i cannot ping a machine from either side of the routers. for instance, my laptop connected to wrt54g cannot ping my pc connected to the di624 router and vice versa. my laptop connected to wrt54g cannot ping di624 router ( it can only ping the wrt54g. I tried that route command from the pc connected to di624 as you suggested in your tutorial when there were two subnets, but in this new case there is only one subnet but for some reason not all machines can't see eachother...I would really appreciate your help on this once again.

What you've done is just make the two networks (unfortunately you still have two separate networks - using the same address range doesn't make them into a single network) use overlapping IP address ranges, which doesn't really help much, but creates more problems for the routing since the addresses are now indistguishable, so we can't create a routing table rule to to properly forward them (for example, now your client router will not forward packets addressed to 192.168.0.x to the main router). Also you turning off DHCP doesn't make any difference, just makes things more tedious (nor does Upnp matters here).

But you gave me an idea to improve upon this by making the client network to be a proper subnet of the main network. You do this by choosing a netmask of and the IP address of in the client router (leaving the gateway as and automatic configuration via DHCP). Also make sure the starting IP address the client router assigns to its attached PCs starts at a number higher then 129 (for example All these setting are in Setup::Basic Setup screen of the client router. Also make sure that the address range the main router assigns to its attached devices ends at so it doesn't overlap the client's router subnet.

So now all the numbers will be in the 192.168.0.x range, where x is below 128 in the main network and above it in the client network. This is important because now the address are easy to tell apart and will be routed properly from the client network to the main network. To create the routing table entry for forwarding packets from the main network back to the client network you can (manually) add this rule:

route add -net netmask gw

(where is the client router's address in the main network as shown in its status screen).

But I still don't think this will solve your problem, as these are still two different networks - a main network and a subnet (instead of two distinct networks previously). Try it and see. The only way we can make this into a single network if we could somehow get the client router to not perform network address (replacing the addresses in packets with its own address) translation when it forwards packets.


Jul 11, 2004
Originally posted by: JackMDS

69 posts that were viewed 2,216 times, and still Going On.

I wonder what it means?


it means it helped hundreds of people set up a wireless bridge.


Junior Member
Feb 21, 2005
thanks user1234, that helped a lot. I am now able to stream content from the replay with this setting. speeds are very good. Now i just need to figure out a way to add a route entry to my xbox so it can also see my replay tv. Thanks again for everything user1234. Look forward to more informative posts you have about this router. (maybe a configuration to truly make this a single subnet)
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