HOWTO: Use Linksys WRT54G as a wireless ethernet bridge

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Junior Member
Mar 24, 2005
I am getting a bit frustrated.... BEFW11S4(primary) and WRT54G(secondary) and I have seen 2 versions of this whole tutorial going on. One I did @ a month ago and now this... the first one suggested leaving the subnet mask the same on BOTH routers. Now the first page of this says change the WRT to 128.

All I want to do is get my freaking xbox (hooked to WRT in livingroom) to go online and have it see any network shares I setup on my main terminal (Hooked to BEFW in my office) and the whole of it frustrates me to no end.

Can one of you PLEASE write a damn step by step without all the technobabble, I took my network+ classes which makes me kinda dangerous because I know a little more than the average idiot, but lay it out simple if you could so I can actually get this thing working. My current firmware is pre7a


Jul 11, 2004
HarshReality, I updated the instructions last night to use the 25 bit netmask for the client router, which makes it use part of the address range which the main router uses. This makes all PCs appear to be in a single subnet, which makes some things simpler. The idea is that all addresses start with 192.168.0.x and the main router thinks that all machines in the range 0-255 are on its network, but actually the machines connected to the client router (which are in the range 128-255) use the client router as their gateway. So when a macine attached to the main router wants to connect to a machine attached to the client, it thinks it should find it in the same network and issues ARP to find its physical address. This is where proxy arp setting comes in, so that the client router (which is wirelessly connected to the main router's network) forwards the ARP request and also sends a response on behalf of its attached PC. So it appears to the main PC that the client PC is on the same subnet even though it's really on a separate subnet.

With the new instructions I think you should be able to get all PCs/XBOXes to see each other. Please tell us what is the problem you are having ? I understand you can go online now, but you can't get the XBOX to mount file shares from your main computer ? I suggest to try entering the IP address of the main computer (e.g. , as it may not show up automatically in the network browsing folder.

Damon Spector

Junior Member
Mar 25, 2005
I have tried following the steps in the first post but when I try to connect to my main router I can't get a connection. When I try to ping it I get an destanation host unreachable message. I'm using static IP addresses and thought I changed everything I needed for it to work but if you could give me the changes in the steps I need it would be very welcome.

Thank you

my main router is a westell versalink 327w router/ADSL modem


Jul 11, 2004
Make sure the client router (e.g. the wrt54g is set as the gateway for all its attached computers, and the subnet mask they are using is This is crucial.

Also you can check if the encription and MAC filtering is not the source of the problem by turing them off (temporarily) and see if that helps.

Damon Spector

Junior Member
Mar 25, 2005
MAC and encription are off, subnet is set, the wrt54g is the gateway for the computer hooked into it but I still can't get a conection or ping to the host router


Jul 11, 2004
Is your client router set to automatic configuration via DHCP (that is, it get's its external IP from the main router) ?
Also go back over the instructions and make sure your settings are correct, especially the gateway that the wrt54g uses, and the SSID.


Sep 19, 2004
Does this firmware allow a much greater wireless range with the stock antenna's? And if it doesn't work like I want, is it possible to revert back to the linksys firmware?


Junior Member
Mar 14, 2005
Hey user1234,

I found my dilemma with DI-624. With Belkin pre-n, the linksys was connecting fine, and I never had success with DI-624 and 128 bit wep, if you'd recall. Well, it turns out, if you switch the DI-624 to Open, from Shared Key, it works fine with 128 Bit WEP.

I was trying to make my PSP wireless work and it failed with Belkin using 128 bit WEP. So I decided to give a shot to DI-624, and with trial and error I found out the settings. Interestingly, Belkin pre-n does not have any Open or Shared Key option (or any advanced wireless options, such CTS, RTS, Fragmentation Threshold, etc for that matter). Once the PSP was working, I cut the Linksys back on, and to my surprise it worked just fine


Jul 11, 2004
Great, I'm glad you got it working. I guess I'm gonna switch to 128 bit WEP as well, or maybe even WPA. Anyway, the encription on the wireless channel is not really directly relevant to the settings required to set up the bridging function of the wrt54g. My guide is meant to show how to set up the wrt54g as a wireless bridge. The encription settings are an orthogonal issue, although an important one for sure.


Jul 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Damon Spector
MAC and encription are off, subnet is set, the wrt54g is the gateway for the computer hooked into it but I still can't get a conection or ping to the host router

Actually I see you mentioned you're using static IP addresses. In that case you need to make s?re you set the external address and IP correctly in the Basic Setup screen: In the "Internet ConnectionType" section enter in "Internet IP address" your chosen address in range 2-127 (e.g. - this is the external address of the client router (which is seen by your main router). The subnet mask line below the address should be, and the gateway set to the address of the main router (e.g.

Now, in the "Router IP" section enter "Local IP Address" as and subnet mask, and gateway is again the address of the main router (e.g.

Now you should be able to establish a connection to the main router. Try to ping it from a PC attached to the client router. (Make sure the attached PC has IP address in range 130-254, has subnet mask of and gateway set to



Junior Member
Mar 26, 2005
I have been trying to get WRT54GS working in Client mode with no success.

I have I ADSL connection with 6 static public IP addresses (.248 mask). The ADSL router is working as a DHCP server and is connected to a ethernet switch. I also have a desktop computer and HP 420 Access point, which are connected to the switch.

ADSL router IP is

Desktop PC settings are:
ip (static)
mask .248
default gateway .241
(PC has also an additional IP for AP management

HP 420 access point does has only a management IP address

I have also a laptop with wlan card. It receives IP address from ADSL router:
mask .248
default gateway .241

I have also another Desktop PC which a would like to connect wirelessly to the HP access point. I have WRT54GS (Alchemy_6rc5 or pre7a) connected to this PC with an ethernet cable using LAN 1 port. I would like that PC would receive an IP address from my ADSL router similar to laptop. But I can not get this working.

Desktop PC 2 wanted settings:
ip (dhcp assigned)
mask .248
default gateway .241

How do I need to configure my WRT54GS to get this working?

Damon Spector

Junior Member
Mar 25, 2005
I set the addresses like you sugested but for some reason I still can't get my client computer to ping my main router but it will ping my wrt54g. also I can't find a ping command on the web interface of the wrt54g. and when I double checked the wireless page on step 7 it has the wrong MAC address.


Jul 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Damon Spector
I set the addresses like you sugested but for some reason I still can't get my client computer to ping my main router but it will ping my wrt54g. also I can't find a ping command on the web interface of the wrt54g. and when I double checked the wireless page on step 7 it has the wrong MAC address.

can you telnet into the wrt54g (root/admin) and type the command route, and then ifconfig, and send the output ? also try to ping the main router from the command line of the wrt54g and see if that works.


Jul 11, 2004
Originally posted by: mlrtime
Originally posted by: Jumperus
Yeah, I used WPA-PSK + Mac filtering until I added the Linksys. Can't get the sonbitch to work with 128bit WEP or WPA. I'll play with it some more later and I'll try 64. I know most morons won't bother trying to crack encryptions, especially around an upper middle-class area, but still, I'd much rather use WPA. >=/

Jumperus, I'm having the exact same problem. My setup is working fine now (Even with same network). But the second I turn on any type of encyption, it fails. The wrt54g refuses to talk to my wireless ap (att 6850). Anyway I turned on mac filtering on the ap and my linux firewall, and i'll write a program to parse to watch for attempts.

Anyone have any ideas why this fails with wpa/wep?


From some other people's post (thanks semsoid) it seems that you may need to try either open system or shared key in as your authentication mode in the main router. This setting is automatic on some routers, but on others (like DLink DI-624), you need to set it manually. Also it may work with 64-bit encription with one setting, but need a different setting for the 128-bit, so the bottom line is to try both modes (open and shared).


Junior Member
Mar 26, 2005
Originally posted by: user1234

6. In "Wireless::Basic Settings" screen, set Wireless mode to "Client", wireless network mode to "mixed", and SSID to your main wireless router's SSID.
Hi there,

I am also trying to use the WRT54GS in "Client Mode". Running Alchemy6.0RC1.W42 there is an additional option in the "Wireless::Basic Settings" dialog:

Client Mode [ ] Routed [ ] Bridged

I thought that using "Bridged" mode would make configuration a lot easier, but then I read that
Bridged client mode broadcasts forwarding and DHCP relay will not work with this release. DHCP relay will be worked on for my Talisman builds.

That's a real pity because with bridged mode you could drop all that subnet and ip configuration that the "routed" configuration needs and instead just plug and pray.

But it does not work for me :-( If I enable "bridged" mode, I don't even have the interface eth1 that is the wireless one (if I am correct).



Junior Member
Mar 26, 2005
Originally posted by: user1234
I guess I'm gonna switch to 128 bit WEP as well, or maybe even WPA. Anyway, the encription on the wireless channel is not really directly relevant to the settings required to set up the bridging function of the wrt54g.
True, encryption has nothing to to with the "client mode" setup we are talking about in this thread.

Still encryption is an important feature one has to think about when setting up a wireless connection.

I had only success using the (obsolete) WEP-128 but failed using WPA-PreSharedKey TKIP. Bummer!

Any ideas why?


Damon Spector

Junior Member
Mar 25, 2005
here is my ipconfig and route output

~ # ifconfig
br0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:13:10:18:0C:F3
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:818 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:703 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:47998 (46.8 KiB) TX bytes:143819 (140.4 KiB)

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:13:10:18:0C:F3
RX packets:17165 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:61176 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
RX bytes:1558330 (1.4 MiB) TX bytes:6931807 (6.6 MiB)
Interrupt:5 Base address:0x2000

eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:13:10:18:0C:F4
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:3105 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:20646
TX packets:9478 errors:31 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
RX bytes:326947 (319.2 KiB) TX bytes:872868 (852.4 KiB)
Interrupt:4 Base address:0x1000

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:103 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:103 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:7652 (7.4 KiB) TX bytes:7652 (7.4 KiB)

vlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:13:10:18:0C:F3
RX packets:17165 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:61176 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:1249360 (1.1 MiB) TX bytes:6931807 (6.6 MiB)

vlan1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:13:10:18:0C:F3
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

~ #

~ # route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * U 0 0 0 br0 * U 0 0 0 eth1 * U 0 0 0 lo
default UG 0 0 0 eth1
~ #

and I could ping the main router when I was telneted in but I first had to enable telnet. I can also now ping the main router from the computer attached to the wrt54g and even log in to it (using However I still cant get on to the internet with it.


Jul 11, 2004
Mr Damon Spector - I see you have made progress since you can ping the main router from a computer attached to the client router. This means you established a wireless connection between the main and client router (see step 7 of the tutorial for additional way to verify you have established a connection).

Your settings look correct, and in fact you should already be able to connect to the internet : try to "ping", which is the IP address of (university of wisconsin), from the PC attached to wrt54g (and from wrt54g itself). If this works, then the only remaining issue is the DNS translation (domain name to IP address) - make sure your attached PC has the correct domain name server (DNS) address entered. The DNS server address should be same as what the main router and its PCs use - it's usually shown in the (main) router's status screen. Btw, all these manual configurations can be avoided when using DHCP.

Also to avoid other problems, I suggest that you go thru the list of step in the tutorial again and check that your settings match. For example, in step 9 I mentioned you should enable Telent access in administraion/management screen. Also make sure you perform step 10. I know that doing all the steps seems a little long and tedious, but in fact it usually saves a lot of time in troubleshooting a missing part of the setup.


Jul 11, 2004
Originally posted by: daniel29
Originally posted by: user1234

6. In "Wireless::Basic Settings" screen, set Wireless mode to "Client", wireless network mode to "mixed", and SSID to your main wireless router's SSID.
Hi there,

I am also trying to use the WRT54GS in "Client Mode". Running Alchemy6.0RC1.W42 there is an additional option in the "Wireless::Basic Settings" dialog:

Client Mode [ ] Routed [ ] Bridged

I thought that using "Bridged" mode would make configuration a lot easier, but then I read that
Bridged client mode broadcasts forwarding and DHCP relay will not work with this release. DHCP relay will be worked on for my Talisman builds.

That's a real pity because with bridged mode you could drop all that subnet and ip configuration that the "routed" configuration needs and instead just plug and pray.

But it does not work for me :-( If I enable "bridged" mode, I don't even have the interface eth1 that is the wireless one (if I am correct).

yep, you hit the nail on the head with this enlightening post. The main limitation of my setup is that there are still two subnets (even if they share the same address range), one for the main router and its attached PCs and one for the client router and its PCs.
This means that when a PC sends a broadcast packet to its local subnet it is only seen by the PCs attached to the same router, and not by PCs attached to the other router (which are on a different subnet). So all the automatic detection utilites which use broadcasting to find what other PCs are on the local network would not find PCs attached to the other router.

But you can alway enter the actual IP address of the PC you want to connect to, and this should work, as the routing between the two subnets is set up correctly in my instructions.

So full bridging would mean that broadcasts should be forwarded, including DHCP messages. I tried to experiment with this and noticed that currently they are not forwarded. Since wrt54g is running a linux kernel, it should be possible to set up the kernel's ip tables to do this kind of forwarding, but that's beyond what a normal user would want to try. So it's best to wait until it's implemented in the firmware and available via the web interface of the router.

Did you mange to get your setup working using the "Routed" client mode ?


Junior Member
Mar 26, 2005

I update my WRT54GS with Satori firmware and now it is working fine as WLAN client. All dhcp traffic goes fine trough it.


Junior Member
Mar 26, 2005
Originally posted by: MartzisI update my WRT54GS with Satori firmware and now it is working fine as WLAN client. All dhcp traffic goes fine trough it.
And so do ARP request and other broadcast packets? And the WRT54's IP is just for administration and not for anything else (gateway address, dns proxy)? Fine! Exactly what the client mode should be: transparent.

What exactly is the Satori firmware version you are talking about? Does Satori know anything about "WPA"?

If I flash Satori, can I easily revert to Alchemy or DD-WRT (Alchemy based)? I am also interested in trying Enhanced WRT Linux distribution or OpenWRT but I am also unsure if this process is reversable.



Feb 8, 2005
I'll echo the comments regarding the Belkin routers and their WDS mode.

The Belkin F5D7230-4 is at $10 (AR - 30+30) again at (I think: Circuit Sh!tty). Up to 4 of these can be set up to bridge (Wireless Distribution Service mode). I have 3. At the deals I found, they'll cost me a net total of $35! I can ebay (or trade, right here!) my existing 802.11B network components for more

Much simpler setup, albeit you eschew WPA (new firmware should recitfy that) as also any funky 'Super' mode functionality (plain-jane 54MBPS)

I have a multitude of TiVos, PCs, Linksys Vonage PAP2, game consoles and laptops (when friends visit, I don't own any game consoles, nor wireless devices any more!) connected together and get tremendous performance in a 3-level home! Laptops happily roam from one router to the other, depending on signal strength (confirmed by checking router MACs) and overall bandwidth is better managed than it would be if multiple wireless devices were on the network (home routers don't handle that well - ideal case is one wireless device and one router!)

FYI - I don't care for the icky Belkin router interface and capabilities, so I retained my D-link router with the 802.11B radio turned off as my outside router that handles DHCP (or Static IP) and tunneling, rules, firewall, MAC filtering etc etc.

Try it, and feel free to PM me if you have issues. I'll try to write up a mini-HOWTO from the notes I've made (all gleaned from others' help over on TiVo Community Forums - credit where its due )

<edit to reiterate ...> Only one rebate per household, in their infinite stupidity. Use countermeasures I had my uncle buy one, and a friend buy another. The (rebate) system cheats us often enough to justify (doing) this with minimal guilt! FYI!


Junior Member
Mar 26, 2005
I flashed my WRT54GS to DD-WRT (Alchemy based) using the web interface. But this firmware does not provide the "bridged/routed" option in Client Mode. So it always routes. Bad luck.

Then I flashed the Enhanced WRT Linux distribution 0.2. And that worked in client mode (transparently bridging the LAN to the WLAN interface)!
Here is how I did it:

In Setup::Basic Setup:
  • Select "Static IP" and give the WAN interface any IP address from a network different from your LAN, e.g.
  • Set the "Local IP address" to a value in your LAN, so you can access the WRT. This IP is only needed for administration.
  • Check "Use the local gateway as the default gateway"
  • Disable DHCP server.

In WIRELESS::Basic Wireless Settings:
  • Set Wireless Mode to "Client".
  • Enter SSID of your AP.
  • Select the WLAN channel your WLAN-Router (AP) is sending on.
  • Disable "wireless SSID broadcast".

This configuration works like an Ethernet-to-WLAN-adapter and is completely transparent. Works also with WEP-128! But not with WPA :-(

Why does WPA fail? Analysis so far: AP=Router STA=WRT54G in client mode.
AP sends "Beacon frames"
STA -> AP: Probe Request
AP -> STA: Probe Response
STA -> AP: Authentication
AP -> STA: Authentication
STA -> AP: Association Request
AP -> STA: Association Response
Up to this point to connection is established if one does not use encryption.

With WPA enabled, both devices are now supposed to create a Pairwise Transient Key (PTK) through an EAPOL-key exchange (EAPOL, the Extensible Authentication Protocol over LANs) called "4-way handshake". See IEEE 802.11i and wireless security or Wikipedia 802.11i or IEEE 802.11i. The Four-Way-Handshake computes the PTK from the static Pre-Shared Key (PSK), which is the passphrase one has to enter when configuring WPA.

The AP sends the first handshake message but the WRT only responds with an empty 802.11 frame.
See the ethereal transcript here!

Why is this?

Daniel Kabs


Junior Member
Feb 21, 2005
hey guys..i just tried upgrading firmware to ewrt 0.2. It upgraded...but now my ethernet ports don't work. I can't get into the router through wired ethernet. I need to use wireless to connect to router. the router is set to default and gives ip to wireless but not to wired machines. I have checked the wires and my ethernet card. Both are functioning correctly with my other router. I have installed my old alchemy firmware and linksys firmware...but that didn't work. I think something is wrong physically. I have also tried manually configuring ip so it is in same range with router..but still gets connected but router cannot ping to pc and pc cannot ping to router using wired connection.. Any suggestions will be appreciated. thanks in advance.


Jan 19, 2005
hey "user1234" can you help me fix this.
first here is my setting.
main router(netgear) has
Default Gateway:
subnet mask:

linksys wrt54gs has
default gateway:
subnet mask:
PC1 connect to wrt54gs ip is:

how do i forward port 1414 so that PC1 can use that port.
I've try to login to netgear forward like this
start: 1414 and end port 1414: server ip address: is linksys)
and also try to forward port 1414 in the linksys router to ip: is PC1)
but it doesn't work. please help me.
Nevermind, i figure it out, i forward it to is my linksys router assigns by the netgear router), and it's work
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