HTC should maybe go out of business

Brian Stirling

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
OK, HTC has a new flagship smartphone that Verizon will carry, probably less than a month from now. This phone, the HTC DNA is based on the Japanese J Butterfly but we were lead to believe it would differ in the battery and uSD storage, but it looks like that's not the case. This phone is very tempting based on the 5 inch 1920cx1080 screen that anyone whose seen it raves about, but it only has a 2020mAHr battery, 16GB of internal storage and no uSD slot.

The battery is likely to be a deal breaker by itself, but with only 16GB of storage and no uSD slot this is a no sale for me -- truly sad!!!

WTF is wrong with HTC? WTF???

Feb 19, 2001
What the eff is wrong with Verizon. They should've picked up the HTC One X+ which is selling worldwide already and gaining good traction.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2000
The battery is likely to be a deal breaker by itself, but with only 16GB of storage and no uSD slot this is a no sale for me -- truly sad!!!

So because you won't buy it HTC should shut down?

Personally, I have no problem with the storage. As to battery life, spec wise it has me concerned but I will wait for the reviews to see how the phone actually does. If I can go 1 day of typical usage, I don't see a problem.

Not that I don't understand that many people have a need for more storage and greater battery life but it seems that people in that category don't understand many people don't share their needs.

Right now, it looks to be my next phone.



Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2008
why do they keep releasing phones with poor battery life and a buggy overlay? i had the original incredible, id never buy another htc phone

Brian Stirling

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
So because you won't buy it HTC should shut down?

Personally, I have no problem with the storage. As to battery life, spec wise it has me concerned but I will wait for the reviews to see how the phone actually does. If I can go 1 day of typical usage, I don't see a problem.

Not that I don't understand that many people have a need for more storage and greater battery life but it seems that people in that category don't understand many people don't share their needs.

Right now, it looks to be my next phone.


So your point is that because YOU and some others can get by with 16GB of storage it's wise for HTC to limit the storage to that -- seriously? Your point about not everyone needing larger storage is fine except that there ARE many folks that DO want more storage and limiting the phone to 16GB is THE deal breaker for me -- even more than the 202mAHr battery...

When you have any otherwise kickass phone but cripple it wth unnecessary storage limits and small battery you're asking to go out of business!!!

Feb 19, 2001
why do they keep releasing phones with poor battery life and a buggy overlay? i had the original incredible, id never buy another htc phone

The original incredible was a Nexus One adapted for Verizon. Yes HTC could've done better, but part of that was the CDMA radio. The Nexus One was a great phone at its time. Battery life then has since improved greatly in devices in general.

Brian Stirling

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
One of the factors that maybe at the heart of why so many phones have small/marginal batteries is that the carriers probably like it that way for two reasons:

First, we are conditioned to want the thinnest phones possible and that limits the battery size.

Second, the carriers like it when phones don't last long as that tends to reduce network usage. If your phone is dead or you fear it won't last the day you will tend to use it less.

As to why HTC would impose a hard limit of 16GB -- stupidity!

Feb 19, 2001
One of the factors that maybe at the heart of why so many phones have small/marginal batteries is that the carriers probably like it that way for two reasons:

First, we are conditioned to want the thinnest phones possible and that limits the battery size.
So? Blame PD for not coming out with a reasonable phone with a reasonable battery. The HTC One X was decent I thought. The One X+ increased battery more. I'd say I take issue with phones like the iPhone. Does 7mm really help us? It's at the point where people buy cases because its so thin to hold. All those dropped iPhones? I bet you if you made the phone a little thicker and easier to hold, you'd have less dropped phones. I wouldn't mind 8.5mm with 40% increased battery.

Companies need to evaluate their design thoroughly rather than obsessing with z-height. Apple's the main one here, but since they've been pretty good at delivering with battery performance despite small capacities, I'm not as furious.

Second, the carriers like it when phones don't last long as that tends to reduce network usage. If your phone is dead or you fear it won't last the day you will tend to use it less.
What? This is a conspiracy now. Carriers would love you to hit data overage charges.

As to why HTC would impose a hard limit of 16GB -- stupidity!

So why would Google impose 16gb limit on the Nexus 4? Where's the outrage? HTC at least had a 16/32gb lineup for the One X. As for the One X+ they corrected on this mistake and added a 64gb version.

I'd say Verizon's an idiot for not going with a global standard. Nope. They want an exclusive Verizon red phone with a stupid name. Maybe that's what got the Incredible to be such a crappy phone to begin with.


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2002
I literally don't know what the worry about GB is. I actually don't even know how much my Rezound has. 16 or 32 I'm sure....

Netflix and pandora means I don't ever need a lot of space.


Jul 2, 2009
I literally don't know what the worry about GB is. I actually don't even know how much my Rezound has. 16 or 32 I'm sure....

Netflix and pandora means I don't ever need a lot of space.
I know this is shocking, but different users have different usage patterns.
Feb 19, 2001
I have 8GB of data in my camera folder.

- With 1080p video there's more reason to have increased space. Same with larger photos.
- With larger screens there's more reason to put HD content on your phone.
- With carrier bandwidth limits, it's hard to stream everything unless you are on wifi 24/7. But in that case why not save that for your tablet?
- Apps are getting larger.

I may not care about putting all my music on my phone as my 16gb iPhone is enough, but I have at least 4GB of apps on my iPod Touch 32gb. Put that with photos and camera, and I eat up 16gb easily. 16gb should be a minimum. It was the minimum when the iPhone 3GS came out in 2009. I find it reprehensible that the Nexus 4 has only 16gb. (And for the apologists who want to cry $350, is a $1 phone with 640kb of memory ok for you because it's only $1?).

Anyway, I think the fact is users use more space now and that some will care, and others won't, but to go backwards with specs on phones is bad. HTC should be following its One X+ strategy and using 32/64gb models.


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2000
One of the factors that maybe at the heart of why so many phones have small/marginal batteries is that the carriers probably like it that way for two reasons:

First, we are conditioned to want the thinnest phones possible and that limits the battery size.

Second, the carriers like it when phones don't last long as that tends to reduce network usage. If your phone is dead or you fear it won't last the day you will tend to use it less.

As to why HTC would impose a hard limit of 16GB -- stupidity!


Verizon has sold the Razr Maxx and now the Razr Maxx HD. They obviously don't have any problem selling big battery phones. If you regularly need to swap batteries, get this thing ( from Monoprice.

The storage thing always kind of sucks, but the battery thing is a non-issue for most people outside of the press (who seems to tether constantly) and power users. I'll trade a thinner, better designed phone for being able to remove the battery any day of the week. If you aren't willing to make that trade, then you have to find a different phone that meets your needs.


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2005
I'd be more concerned with the battery life than the storage. The DNA's screen is its main selling point. There will always be phones with compromises.


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2005
I won't buy HTC again

Had Diamond and Sensation... Sensation was where they started turning to turd

Brian Stirling

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
I literally don't know what the worry about GB is. I actually don't even know how much my Rezound has. 16 or 32 I'm sure....

Netflix and pandora means I don't ever need a lot of space.

Why should I waste bandwidth streaming crappy, highly over-compressed music when I already own music that's been ripped at high bit rate? Why should I waste additionally battery life using the radios to stream when I can just play from storage?

I have about 16GB of music and with only 16GB of storage and perhaps 11GB available I will not be able to store all my music not to mention that holding even one HD movie will eat many GB's.

We no longer live in the stone age and many have discovered it's cheaper in the long run to have and use storage than to waste bandwidth and battery.



Platinum Member
Apr 30, 2012
wtf is wrong with people complaining about 16gig and lack of microSD slot?

Learn to consolidate your stuff or learn to use the cloud. It's not that difficult. Stream less porn for your own good so you can use cloud based storage. Don't install 200 apps to clog your storage and drain battery. Don't have enough bandwidth from your mobile carrier? Dump it and get yourself an unlimited Verizon account at a cost. If you signed your soul to carrier's limited data, then why would you complaint about limited storage???

People bend over backwards to carriers, but expect the hardware manufacturer's to solve their issues.


Senior member
Mar 8, 2006
I won't buy HTC again

Had Diamond and Sensation... Sensation was where they started turning to turd

I think the Thunderbolt was what really killed their reputation. I knew several people who owned one. Most of them are now using a SGS3 or iPhone.


Oct 25, 2002
OP is selfish. The company should go out of business because you don't like a particulat phone on a particular network? Grow up. HTC is doing better. We don't know what the battery life on this particular phone is yet because reviews are not up. So don't jump to conclusions. Also, the Sprint and international versions of the One X had SD slots or more storage. If you don't like their phones vote with your wallet but don't wish ill will on the company.

Brian Stirling

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
So? Blame PD for not coming out with a reasonable phone with a reasonable battery. The HTC One X was decent I thought. The One X+ increased battery more. I'd say I take issue with phones like the iPhone. Does 7mm really help us? It's at the point where people buy cases because its so thin to hold. All those dropped iPhones? I bet you if you made the phone a little thicker and easier to hold, you'd have less dropped phones. I wouldn't mind 8.5mm with 40% increased battery.

Companies need to evaluate their design thoroughly rather than obsessing with z-height. Apple's the main one here, but since they've been pretty good at delivering with battery performance despite small capacities, I'm not as furious.

What? This is a conspiracy now. Carriers would love you to hit data overage charges.

So why would Google impose 16gb limit on the Nexus 4? Where's the outrage? HTC at least had a 16/32gb lineup for the One X. As for the One X+ they corrected on this mistake and added a 64gb version.

I'd say Verizon's an idiot for not going with a global standard. Nope. They want an exclusive Verizon red phone with a stupid name. Maybe that's what got the Incredible to be such a crappy phone to begin with.

Yeah, I do not understand the fixation many have with phones that are so thin they are MORE likely to be dropped and wind up in thick cases anyway. I run my phones (iP4 and SGNexus) naked.

In many places (eg. NYC) the carriers can't add additional towers to increase capacity and phone usage kills data rates. The user experience in those places tends to be not so good. Limiting the data usage means better user experience in bandwidth limited situations.

I have no interest in the Nexus 4 and haven't looked into so it's limitations are not important for me. The DNA, OTH, has the 1920x1080 screen and great SoC so I am interested in it. But, the other specs are very disappointing -- so much so that I will not buy it...



Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
OP is selfish. The company should go out of business because you don't like a particulat phone on a particular network? Grow up. HTC is doing better. We don't know what the battery life on this particular phone is yet because reviews are not up. So don't jump to conclusions. Also, the Sprint and international versions of the One X had SD slots or more storage. If you don't like their phones vote with your wallet but don't wish ill will on the company.

Considering what we know about Android, HTC, this SOC, the screen size, and the battery capacity, it is about as reasonable to assume this phone will have trash battery life as it is reasonable to assume the sun will rise tomorrow

Brian Stirling

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
OP is selfish. The company should go out of business because you don't like a particulat phone on a particular network? Grow up. HTC is doing better. We don't know what the battery life on this particular phone is yet because reviews are not up. So don't jump to conclusions. Also, the Sprint and international versions of the One X had SD slots or more storage. If you don't like their phones vote with your wallet but don't wish ill will on the company.

You missed the word "maybe". How the [heck] is it selfish to expect a flagship phone to have better than below average storage and battery options?

When a company is hanging on by its fingernails and then produces a crippled "flagship" phone they are asking to go into receivership...

Maybe they'll surprise me and sell millions, but my guess is it will be a marginal success in numbers but some/many will be disappointed in its limitations and chose not to by HTC again.

Again, I LOVE the idea of the 1920x1080 5" screen as that may well be, for me, about the perfect size and resolution, but I can not live with 16GB of storage and, although the battery life is yet to be put to the test, a 2020mAHr battery doesn't hold much promise.


No profanity in the tech forums please
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Aug 22, 2004
wtf is wrong with people complaining about 16gig and lack of microSD slot?

Learn to consolidate your stuff or learn to use the cloud. It's not that difficult. Stream less porn for your own good so you can use cloud based storage. Don't install 200 apps to clog your storage and drain battery. Don't have enough bandwidth from your mobile carrier? Dump it and get yourself an unlimited Verizon account at a cost. If you signed your soul to carrier's limited data, then why would you complaint about limited storage???

People bend over backwards to carriers, but expect the hardware manufacturer's to solve their issues.

You MUST be trolling. What about people who can't use the cloud? ALL the carrier data networks are extremely unreliable at my work. I can barely get email and use Facebook. No way in hell I'm going to be able to stream Internet Radio (which all suck anyway). I also don't want to use my data allowance when I don't need to.

So instead, I keep my music on a 32gb external uSD (using about 8-9gb currently) card and I leave my internal 16gb for pictures and game data. I don't watch movies on my phone - the screen's too small.

16gb with a uSD slot is the absolute minimum I'll even consider.


Oct 25, 2002
Considering what we know about Android, HTC, this SOC, the screen size, and the battery capacity, it is about as reasonable to assume this phone will have trash battery life as it is reasonable to assume the sun will rise tomorrow

That's the thing. Maybe you know far less than you think you do. These new screens have integrated the touch panel into the screen, saving space and energy. Furthermore, the Sharp Full HD screen is far more energy efficient than other models because of new technology. I don't know what voodoo Japan Display cooked up with their screens but they may have realized similar efficiencies. Furthermore, HTC may have made their version of Android more energy efficient. The SoC may also be more energy efficient. In other words, there may be a lot of specialization and customization behind the scenes that ends up making this device very energy efficient. Your speculation is just that until reviews pop up.

You missed the word "maybe". How the [heck] is it selfish to expect a flagship phone to have better than below average storage and battery options?

When a company is hanging on by its fingernails and then produces a crippled "flagship" phone they are asking to go into receivership...

Maybe they'll surprise me and sell millions, but my guess is it will be a marginal success in numbers but some/many will be disappointed in its limitations and chose not to by HTC again.

Again, I LOVE the idea of the 1920x1080 5" screen as that may well be, for me, about the perfect size and resolution, but I can not live with 16GB of storage and, although the battery life is yet to be put to the test, a 2020mAHr battery doesn't hold much promise.


Below average storage options? The average storage for phones that come with a 2 year contract is 16GB. Battery is also 2000 or less.

If you cannot live with 16GB of storage in your phone then you have bigger problems, my friend.
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