Hunter Biden's Laptop

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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Like I said, If it's not true, there should be severe penalties for making this kind of accusation. If there's evidence, let's see it.

fuck you're dumb.

you've swallowed the NY Post article as worthy of publication, simply because they published it, and without any evidence. Yet, now you claim that because the accusation is made, it is now incumbent upon...anyone else to provide the evidence, otherwise it remains a legitimate accusation.

It is the accuser's job to provide support for the accusation.

Do you not honestly see how fucking wrong you are here? This is 3rd grade horseshit, and you've swallowed it completely uncritically.


Golden Member
Dec 8, 2018
When our government officials and/or news and information outlets are proven to be intentionally and deliberately lying there should be severe penalties. I don't know how that should work but there must be some way to stop this shit.

We have absolutely no faith in anything we hear from any politician or any "news" outlet. They have all been exposed for deliberately spreading misinformation and propaganda at one time or another. How do we make informed decisions when all information is biased at best or more likely outright lies?
Is it really crazy to say that I expect truth from our news outlets and from our elected officials?
I honestly don't know but don't you think it's time we try to do something or do you not see it as a problem?
I'm sorry but the only accusations I recall making were that our "news" sources are known to lie. I presented an article where the Post is making an accusation and stated that, if a "news" outlet is making an accusation of this severity that should, in my opinion, be investigated.

I can't believe I'm actually having to argue in defense of honesty.
We don't actually know if evidence does or does not exist. A self described "news" outlet is saying that evidence exists. In light of that accusation, I believe that we should have a serious investigation. If it turns out to be a deliberately false accusation there should be some form of serious penalty. But that's just my opinion and it doesn't seem to be a popular opinion, at least on the left.
I think you've misunderstood one point. I don't think I or any of us should just throw our hands up. I think we should not only expect and demand truth from our news sources but severely punish them when they deliberately spread lies. I accept the distasteful art of spinning a story but deliberate lies are unacceptable to me.

You have to go way back to the Nixon era, for the start of the dismantling of truth through the News.
Remember when The News was boring? I do. I digress.

You have to start voting for your own self interests, instead of voting for people that are against them. If you want truth in reporting, well, that needs some regulation now doesn't it? To hold reporting accountable.

But in the past many decades, people have been voting for de regulation.

You could start with Googling the fairness doctrine, someone please correct me if I am wrong. There was also another "ACT" that was de regulated, oh sometime during the Reagan administration. Kinda like before FOX News "Fair and Balanced" became a thing.

They are perfectly happy to leave the evidence status where it is so they can continue to keep this alive with BS. They want no facts. Just like Bengazi.

Oh how they spent god awful amounts of money on those investigations, while controlling all 3 parties at some points in time. Think they should have been able to prosecute right.

The Bengazi Files. Those were the days.

Wonder if OP remembers those, why they never "Locked Her Up" ?

Anyway quoted for posterity.


Oct 20, 2003
The conversation about how the powers that be control information-flow to their advantage is another topic entirely.

Back in the days of 13 OTA TV channels (early 1970's) I recall watching a documentary on PBS about the US "manipulating" news coverage of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and it was quite disturbing.


Jun 23, 2004
I like how the clowns think posting the same garbage nonsense over and over legitimizes it.

Now there's a funny word. Legitimize.

Actually that isn't their goal, nor need it be. Faith in logic and reason is a vapid thing. People generally do not operate that way. They believe in whatever feels favorable. The "same garbage nonsense" is actually more effective than Americans like to think it is. For the reasons I describe. Truth is not relevant to the effectiveness of lies. Merely the repetition of said lies. Case in point, the entire nation of Russia. Or China for that matter. Totalitarianism is fueled by fanatical lies. One may be a declining, possibly failed state, but the other is poised to eclipse and succeed us on the world stage.

To think legitimacy matters one ounce is to belie human nature and the threats we face both at home and abroad.

Free speech might have been forever damaged in this country as our fellow Americans rush to make it obsolete.


Feb 6, 2002


Mar 17, 2008
What do we actually know, or assign an above average chance of being true?

Is there a laptop?
Was files recovered from it?

I mean if thats the scope of it… son made money off fathers name… and this has tajbull enraged with Jakob Creutzfeldt syndrome. I would point out Trumps cabinet and… but why.

We only have this via Rudy right? Do I recall correctly that it was around the time he was fellating Putin puppets in Ukraine in search of dirt on Biden?

At the time numerous ex-intelligence people said it was Russian disinformation - guess that could be orchestrated with money and power… but IIRC there was no official statement on the matter from the IC?

I cant seem to dig up information about why the nytimes think these emails are actually from a laptop… in delaware… that Hunter left behind? But they obv. have reasons to state what they do?

Lets be fair. Its from Rudy. Cant. Be. Trusted.
Reactions: Pohemi


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
What do we actually know, or assign an above average chance of being true?

Is there a laptop?
Was files recovered from it?

I mean if thats the scope of it… son made money off fathers name… and this has tajbull enraged with Jakob Creutzfeldt syndrome. I would point out Trumps cabinet and… but why.

We only have this via Rudy right? Do I recall correctly that it was around the time he was fellating Putin puppets in Ukraine in search of dirt on Biden?

At the time numerous ex-intelligence people said it was Russian disinformation - guess that could be orchestrated with money and power… but IIRC there was no official statement on the matter from the IC?

I cant seem to dig up information about why the nytimes think these emails are actually from a laptop… in delaware… that Hunter left behind? But they obv. have reasons to state what they do?

Lets be fair. Its from Rudy. Cant. Be. Trusted.
From my understandings these are the basic facts:

1) There are in fact laptops that contain at least some real emails/documents from Hunter Biden.
2) These laptops were obtained in basically the shadiest circumstances imaginable, that being an unknown individual dropped them off at a blind repairman's shop seemingly out of nowhere, right in the middle of an election.
3) A common misinformation technique is to take collections of legitimate documents and then salt them with fake ones, because the existence of the legitimate ones lends credibility to the fake ones.
4) Since the origin of the laptop is so suspect each individual document on it must be independently verified.

Considering the known scale and 2016 history of Russian disinformation campaigns around our elections, the NYT and other media outlets were correctly skeptical of this and didn't publish material they couldn't verify. This is responsible journalism - conservatives don't like that though because their definition of good journalism is that which helps conservatives. It's not about factual information.


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
It terrifies me that I can't tell which posts in this thread are sarcasm and which aren't.
Reactions: cytg111


Mar 17, 2008
From my understandings these are the basic facts:

1) There are in fact laptops that contain at least some real emails/documents from Hunter Biden.
2) These laptops were obtained in basically the shadiest circumstances imaginable, that being an unknown individual dropped them off at a blind repairman's shop seemingly out of nowhere, right in the middle of an election.
3) A common misinformation technique is to take collections of legitimate documents and then salt them with fake ones, because the existence of the legitimate ones lends credibility to the fake ones.
4) Since the origin of the laptop is so suspect each individual document on it must be independently verified.

Considering the known scale and 2016 history of Russian disinformation campaigns around our elections, the NYT and other media outlets were correctly skeptical of this and didn't publish material they couldn't verify. This is responsible journalism - conservatives don't like that though because their definition of good journalism is that which helps conservatives. It's not about factual information.
Yea, so its still very probable that it IS Russian disinformation.
I listened to Rogan yesterday cause he had an IC dude on and I was curious… Rogan of course manages to pitch that the laptop was real all along and all that bullshit.
You know, the very thing these “podcasters” ala Rogan and aspiring Russell Brand like to bitch about main stream media and how they follow sensationalist and narrative driven content cause advertising ratings and money.
Its not like Rogan and Russell and xyz looks at where their subscriber base i coming from right? GOTTA GET THAT YOUTUBE MONEY BITCH. And people gobble it up, finally a truth sayer etc.
Fuck. Me.
Reactions: KMFJD and Pohemi


Dec 12, 2000
Yea, so its still very probable that it IS Russian disinformation.
I listened to Rogan yesterday cause he had an IC dude on and I was curious… Rogan of course manages to pitch that the laptop was real all along and all that bullshit.
You know, the very thing these “podcasters” ala Rogan and aspiring Russell Brand like to bitch about main stream media and how they follow sensationalist and narrative driven content cause advertising ratings and money.
Its not like Rogan and Russell and xyz looks at where their subscriber base i coming from right? GOTTA GET THAT YOUTUBE MONEY BITCH. And people gobble it up, finally a truth sayer etc.
Fuck. Me.
It DOESN'T MATTER whether it's 100% Russian disinformation or 100% Hunter Biden's emails! IT DOESN'T!!! THAT'S the point! This thread was bumped because NYT published an article claiming to have authenticated some of Hunter's emails and texts on the laptop. Qtards took that to mean Trump/Giuliani were right about Hunter and Lamestream Media buried the story to help Biden get elected. NO, they didn't! Multiple outlets linked to the original NYPost story or discussed it via Twitter feeds, social media, talking heads on CNN etc.

Let's assume that 100% of that laptop's hard drive is authentic. Great! So what is responsible media supposed to do about it, given the issues with CHAIN OF CUSTODY??? We are talking about property that is potentially stolen that went through multiple suspect channels before landing at the NY Post. Media would have to authenticate it. That means going back to the likely source, and Hunter wasn't even willing to claim that it was his or that he in fact dropped off the computers and signed the repair slip, nevermind sue the repair shop owner for illegally sharing his private materials. So what do reporters do then? They sift through the emails one by one and find things that can be independently verified. Given the state of modern newsrooms, I can imagine they'd put this on some intern or do this as a spare time project. It seems NYT was the only one willing to do the digging and independently verify some the content's of Hunter's hard drive.

This was a moot point, really, because Hunter does not hold public office, and nothing on the hard drive suggested any real impropriety between the elder Biden and his son. Those things that might have been construed as "gotchas" by right wing media have been debunked. Joe Biden did not take a stake in a Chinese energy company. Joe Biden did not pressure Ukraine to fire a prosecutor to protect Burisma (if anything, he did it because the prosecutor WASN'T fighting corruption.) That a presidential candidate took a dinner meeting with a foreign official at the behest of his son smells a bit like inside baseball, but there's zero indication of anything illegal happening based on that meeting.


Mar 17, 2008
It DOESN'T MATTER whether it's 100% Russian disinformation or 100% Hunter Biden's emails! IT DOESN'T!!! THAT'S the point! This thread was bumped because NYT published an article claiming to have authenticated some of Hunter's emails and texts on the laptop. Qtards took that to mean Trump/Giuliani were right about Hunter and Lamestream Media buried the story to help Biden get elected. NO, they didn't! Multiple outlets linked to the original NYPost story or discussed it via Twitter feeds, social media, talking heads on CNN etc.

Let's assume that 100% of that laptop's hard drive is authentic. Great! So what is responsible media supposed to do about it, given the issues with CHAIN OF CUSTODY??? We are talking about property that is potentially stolen that went through multiple suspect channels before landing at the NY Post. Media would have to authenticate it. That means going back to the likely source, and Hunter wasn't even willing to claim that it was his or that he in fact dropped off the computers and signed the repair slip, nevermind sue the repair shop owner for illegally sharing his private materials. So what do reporters do then? They sift through the emails one by one and find things that can be independently verified. Given the state of modern newsrooms, I can imagine they'd put this on some intern or do this as a spare time project. It seems NYT was the only one willing to do the digging and independently verify some the content's of Hunter's hard drive.

This was a moot point, really, because Hunter does not hold public office, and nothing on the hard drive suggested any real impropriety between the elder Biden and his son. Those things that might have been construed as "gotchas" by right wing media have been debunked. Joe Biden did not take a stake in a Chinese energy company. Joe Biden did not pressure Ukraine to fire a prosecutor to protect Burisma (if anything, he did it because the prosecutor WASN'T fighting corruption.) That a presidential candidate took a dinner meeting with a foreign official at the behest of his son smells a bit like inside baseball, but there's zero indication of anything illegal happening based on that meeting.

For example

"More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” "

So. If you could provide ACTUAL proof that the laptop was legit. The emails cache is real (lets say Hunter admits to all of it on Oprah : I did it uuuhuuuuu and yea, thats my laptop uuuhuuuuuuuu)

That means that you had a counter information campaign running on the democratic side that ran up FIFTY former senior Intelligence officials, gets them to sign a bs letter in blood, and use it to run interference in the information space.- AND pin it on the Russians.

That would not be nothing.

You cant stop sniffing at the truth just because a few free range maga retards froths and defecates in proximity, trying to flood the zone.

Still at the end of the day it smells like the same old Rudy turd as it did yesterday.
Reactions: Perknose


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
If one thought the laptop was as damning as people claim it is, why wouldn't one turn it over to law enforcement immediately?
The given, totally legit sounding rationale is that after the mystery person dropped off the laptops the repairman waited for a while and then when the mystery individual never returned he examined the contents and figured that in order to prevent himself from being murdered like Seth Rich (seriously) he better give the contents to Rudy Giuliani.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
There you go, using your brain again.

You'd be a shit Republican.
This is the kind of thing that happens to you when you pick the right week to quit sniffing glue
The given, totally legit sounding rationale is that after the mystery person dropped off the laptops the repairman waited for a while and then when the mystery individual never returned he examined the contents and figured that in order to prevent himself from being murdered like Seth Rich (seriously) he better give the contents to Rudy Giuliani.
Giuliani, who then also doesn't turn it over to law enforcement?


Feb 24, 2009
You have to go way back to the Nixon era, for the start of the dismantling of truth through the News.
Remember when The News was boring? I do. I digress.

You have to start voting for your own self interests, instead of voting for people that are against them. If you want truth in reporting, well, that needs some regulation now doesn't it? To hold reporting accountable.

But in the past many decades, people have been voting for de regulation.

You could start with Googling the fairness doctrine, someone please correct me if I am wrong. There was also another "ACT" that was de regulated, oh sometime during the Reagan administration. Kinda like before FOX News "Fair and Balanced" became a thing.

Oh how they spent god awful amounts of money on those investigations, while controlling all 3 parties at some points in time. Think they should have been able to prosecute right.

The Bengazi Files. Those were the days.

Wonder if OP remembers those, why they never "Locked Her Up" ?

Anyway quoted for posterity.
Ownership rules have significantly changed since then also. We are ripe for an American Berlusconi.
Reactions: Perknose and Pohemi


Mar 17, 2008
If one thought the laptop was as damning as people claim it is, why wouldn't one turn it over to law enforcement immediately?
Well to be fair, team Trump & Rudy is exactly the kind of brains that... probably would not, cause 7D Chess featuring the Donning Kruger rules.

But it sure smells to high heaven of a covert drop off, guess they figured wikileaks was burned.
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