hypocritical christians

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Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2001
Originally posted by: nachiketa1
Originally posted by: udonoogen
Originally posted by: Beast1284
Originally posted by: HappyPuppy Beast1284 In my view, the only people who truly know what it is to be Christian, are people who are not Christian. The people who have researched the Bible and it's origins to no ends, are the ones who know the bvllshit behind it. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have some links to prove your point?
If I did I would have provided them. My Christian studies teacher in College has a PHD in Theology. I have spoken with him many times in private and him and his colleagues in general are not believers. They were interested in the subject in college, but by the time they had their degree, they understood what Christianity is really all about, and did not believe it because of what they knew about it. My girlfriends father used to be a hardcore Christian, until he devoted his life to studying the Bible. It became his obsession. To make a long story short, he learned that what the god wanted from people was impossible to give, due to human nature as we know it. But like I said, this is all my view on the subject, and it's the most rational argument i have yet to see.
what God wants from us IS impossible to give. He requires perfection in order to get into heaven. obviously no one with the exception of Himself was perfect. now to us that seems really jacked up. it is. He loves us too and that's why He wanted to circumvent this problem. He did this through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. by His forgiveness, we are made clean in the eyes of God. we just need to accept this forgiveness. it's nothing WE do ... it's accepting what HE has done. hope this helps. =)

Where is it stated that God requires perfection from all living entities to attain Him? All that is required is sincere devotion. Just wondering, do the followers of Christ believe that God is a formless all-pervading "force" or that He has a form.

i apologize for not addressing your question earlier. i thought i had answered it (i had partially ... matthew 5:48, posted earlier).

as for the formless all-pervading force or form? hrm. this potentially opens up a whole new can of worms, but here it goes. Jesus Christ was the "infinite God-man" ... that is ... He was/is forever ... and while on earth, he was 100% man and 100% God ... I know that adds up to 200%. i guess think of it as Clark Kent being both 100% Clark Kent and 100% Superman. that kind of addition. anyhow ... so like at this point, he had "form," as you say. outside of this world, i don't think we can describe God in the ways we describe other things.

i think a problem that many have is that they try to put God into their own frames of reference. if it doesn't make sense in this frame of reference, it can't possibly be. God exists outside of the world as we know it. to say that He is/isnt a "force" or does/doesn't have form is irrelevant in some respects. the rules don't apply to God because He made them and is not applicable. is this a cop-out answer? perhaps some may see it that way. it satisfies me right down to the ground, though. =)

edit: oops typo


Jun 15, 2001
As far as the salvation part, I was told that as long as you honestly believed that Christ died for the sins of man, and you accepted him into your heart, then you earned a place in heaven.

Nobody is perfect, God knows this, since he is the creator.


Sep 21, 2002
It's quite obvious to any non-biased, neutral observer that only the Jehovah's Witnesses are the true religion. Only they, as a group, obey and live for Christ and God day in and day out every day.


Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Beast1284
I can call myself Michael Jackson but that doesn't mean I am. Christians can only be Christians if they act as Christians. \

Also, getting drunk of high is kind of a shady subject because the Greeks did plenty of drinking. Lots of Greeks were also gay so who the fvck knows.

eh but i don't think the greeks called themselves christian


Jul 7, 2001
meh... i tried to read all the posts, but i couldn't make it past the first 1.2 pages. anywho

to answer your question, i think it is because they are retards... seriously

i don't mean christians in general, i mean the ones that do what you describe.



Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2000
I go to church 4 times a week but does that make me a christian?


This is a heart thing...... Now don't get me wrong I struggle and fall sometimes
but I don't give up....... Just pray and get up and go....

I have been a Christian for over 3 years now and I can see a change in myself
I am happier and as I got fatter lol I do feel better....



Diamond Member
May 29, 2002
Originally posted by: Copperman
I go to church 4 times a week but does that make me a christian?


This is a heart thing...... Now don't get me wrong I struggle and fall sometimes
but I don't give up....... Just pray and get up and go....

I have been a Christian for over 3 years now and I can see a change in myself
I am happier and as I got fatter lol I do feel better....

i can relate and agree with your story very well....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
about the whole drinking thing anyway... to half-ass quote Chris Rock: I don't think when you are being judged, you DIET will come into effect very much

eat all the pork and whatever else you want that isn't kosher (I eat what tastes good, so i don't know what exactly makes something kosher, nor do i really care), and drink all the wine and beer and liqour you want as well! Do you really think you'll be kept out of heaven due to your DIET???

And where does it say anything in any teachings that smoking (tobacco or weed or hell even crack) is bad?? it's that weird argument that "if god didn't want us to smoke it then he wouldn't have created it and put it on the earth.... no no wait!! he put it there to test us!!!!"

kind of like the people who say "if god wanted us to fly he would have given us wings" well what about "if god DIDN'T want us to fly he would have made the laws of physics different so we couldn't possibly invent airplanes"

I wish i could find the link that suggests they were eating psychotropic mushrooms at the last supper, so we could put a little meat into the "jesus got drunk and high" argument... anyone have that link??


Jul 3, 2001
Alright, I read the whole thread so here's what I have to say...

Matthew 15:9
But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
The commandments of men are things added to the Bible. Ex. Catholic amendments.

Mark 7:6-9
He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.

1 Peter 4:16
Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.
Yep, we get some slack for what we believe, but all for the greater glory.

Colossians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
For the ones who think we are not to judge others.
1) To reprove gently but earnestly.
2) To counsel (another) against something to be avoided; caution.
3) To remind of something forgotten or disregarded, as an obligation or a responsibility.

Matthew 7:1-5
Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
mote - a very small particle; a speck
beam - a squared-off log or a large, oblong piece of timber, metal, or stone used especially as a horizontal support in construction (in other words, a big log)
Often misinterpretted due to lack of context. Judge not, because you yourself will be judged as well. Taken in context it instructs to not judge someone for some small flaw they have (speck in their eye) while you yourself have much greater problems (log in your eye). It calls a person doing this a hypocrite, and instructs them to get rid of their own problems (cast out the beam out of thine own eye) and then they will be able to properly help the other fallen Christian. (see clearly help out your brother)
Note: when speaking of "brothers" throughout the New Testament it is refering to fellow Christians.

That is all, for now.


Jul 3, 2001
Ah yes, I also recommend Christnotes.org for lookup of verses and recommend the King James Version.

edit: oh yes, and please reply...I tend to be the thread killer of such topics.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Jfur
Originally posted by: GTaudiophile
Originally posted by: Jfur
Originally posted by: Beast1284
Originally posted by: Jfur
Originally posted by: Beast1284
Originally posted by: ElDonAntonio
Originally posted by: Beast1284
Originally posted by: ElDonAntonio
I think people striclty sticking to their religion and the rules they impose are backward people.

What's the point of a religion? it's not wearing special clothes, or avoiding electricity or not having sex. It's about finding peace of mind, that's all. Some people find it through religion, other through meditation, other through martial arts, while others don't seek it at all.

Furthermore, IMHO, a true religion should not impose any way of life besides that of respecting humanity. I am proud of being a christian because I find Jesus Christ's "rules" of respecting and loving each other remarquable. I don't go to church every sunday, but that doesn't make me any less christian. I do my best to forgive others' mistakes, and to help anyone as much as I can. No, I'm not perfect, but I try to be a better man every day. I guess that's the whole point.

In all cases, I don't care at all what you call your god or how many you have. The only important thing is that every one respects the other and finds peace of mind in whatever he believes in. A belief is personnal and should not be imposed on someone else. Any alien looking at us would think we're complete morons insulting and killing each other because of religion.

What is your definition of a Christian?

I think this is quite an irrelevant question, but I'd say it's someone who believes in Jesus Christ. Hence the word "christian".

Well it is relevant to the thread, but not relevant to your post. But that is exactly the point I was trying to make. You believe that if you believe in Christ, that you will go to heaven. All I am saying is that is not all the Bible teaches. There is much more to it than that.

isn't is sinful to "spill one's seed" on the ground?

That is an extremely gray area. Here is my take on it. Nowhere does the Bible talk about masturbation directly. It does talk about lust. Lusting is a sin in the Bible. So, I suppose if you could get off without thinking of anything sexual, I suppose that would not be a sin.

I thought God killed Onan for masturbating

Geez. Onan wasn't masturbating!!! He got killed for not doing what God had commanded him to do.

oh, I see, God commanded him to ejaculate in a WOMAN, and when he didn't, he was killed. Exegesis, exegesis

I think it's because God didn't like seeing all of those dead kittens. :Q



Jul 3, 2001
Also something I find just a bit annoying...is it really necessary to including every single quote in your reply? It takes three page downs just to get through them all.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Back to your original post, and surely repeating things that have been said already....

I think it's wrong to call Christians "hypocrites" when they aren't perfect. Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven. No one can be perfect like God is. We have a human nature which is sinful. It's a struggle that Christians face every single day. Even Paul, who wrote much of the New Testament, wrote, "I do not understand the things I do. I do not do what I want to do, and I do the things I hate." (Romans 7:15) He goes on: "I want to do the things that are good, but I do not do them. I do not do the things I want to do, but I do the bad things I do not want to do." We don't know exactly what things he is talking about, but I certainly can relate to what he said.

The idea that if a Christian gets drunk, high, swears, etc. than he/she isn't really a Christian is something I don't understand. That's not what Christians believe! I know I cannot live a perfect life. Now, if I tell you you are going to hell for drinking, and I drink, then I'm a total hypocrite. But if I drink, and don't condemn you for drinking, I'm not a hypocrite. I'm still a Christian.

If your view of Christianity is that anyone who professes Christianity and isn't perfect is a hypocrite, then I'd ask you to please re-evaluate your viewpoint. By that standard, every single Christian is a hypocrite because no one can be perfect. I'd hope that no Christian would claim to be perfect and condemn anyone else who doesn't live up to that person's standard - as they define it - of living a Christian life.

When I do something wrong, which is often, I do feel badly. I ask for forgiveness. Yet I often do the same things again. If I do those things with the thought that "I'll just do this bad thing and ask for forgiveness and I'll get another get-out-of-jail-free card," that's wrong. I believe I have to be sincerely repentant.

My point is not to say it's OK for Christians to do wrong. I'm only trying to say that defining Christians as hypocrites because they drink or get high, etc. is an unreasonable standard.

In our church, there's a woman who was a crack addict. She also slept around a lot - a LOT. She worked in a bar, and often would get picked up at the end of the night by a customer. She felt terrible every time it happened. I consider her a Christian anyway. Just because she smoked crack and slept with strangers, is it up to me to condemn her? No, it's not. I believe she has accepted Christ as her savior, and I believe she never did these things with the thought that she could just ask to be forgiven later and that makes it OK. She's no longer doing these things, after years and years of living that lifestyle, and she would be the first to tell you that if she hadn't become a Christian she'd still be doing it.


Nov 14, 1999
"hypocritcal christians"

We are simply members of a large family that has many mature and immature, wise and unwise.
Each menber will receive the result of their action on this Earth. After Earth, Heaven.


Jul 3, 2001
Well said Kranky.

Its not that sinning makes you "not a Christian", its the idea that there will be a lot of Christians that aren't going to heaven as well.
Matthew 7:14
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: weezergirl
how do christians get drunk, get high, have premarital sex, are homosexuals, swear on a regular basis, cheat, etc and still manage to call themselves christians and go to church every sunday?

not saying i disagree with everything listed up there but then again, I DONT' CALL MYSELF CHRISTIAN. i would say more than 50% of the christians i know at my school (a college) do one or more of those things on a regular basis and then they have the nerve to try and convert me? from what i've heard, even if you BELIEVE in God...if you do any of these things on a regular basis with no attempts to change then you haven't really accepted God or the christian way of life...and nope! you ain't going to heaven either.

WTF. somebody explain it to me, preferrably a christian that does one of these things!

Being Christian doesn't make you perfecct. All those bloody wankers out there who think that those who proclaim to be Christians need to be perfect are going to be in for a big letdown. Don't expect us to be what we cannot possibly be and actually READ about the religion before you go spouting off about it, mkay? I'm sick of those people walking around pointing fingers judging us and then turning right around and saying that Christians are evil because we judge everybody else because we're so much "better" than everyone. It's bullsh|t. We're not better. You're not better. Do you not see the problem with that? You call us hypocrites when in fact the only way you recognize hypocrites in the first place is if you're actually one to begin with.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
I'm sick of those people walking around pointing fingers judging us and then turning right around and saying that Christians are evil because we judge everybody else because we're so much "better" than everyone
Don't worry nik, despite your religious hypocrasy we still like you


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: Beast1284
Originally posted by: ScottyB
Originally posted by: weezergirl
how do christians get drunk, get high, have premarital sex, are homosexuals, swear on a regular basis, cheat, etc and still manage to call themselves christians and go to church every sunday?
I don't do those things, but Jesus Christ died for our sins. You can do those things and still be saved.

Not if you don't repent them. You must be truly sorry to be forgiven of your sins, and if you're not forgiven, well your SOL.

When you accept Christ as your personal savior, you accept His forgivemess that He extends to you. That's a one time thing, bub. You don't have to get on your knees every day and go "GOD DON'T SEND ME TO HELL! I DID A BAD THING!" When you're saved, you're saved. Period.



No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: StormRider
I'm an agnostic and I'm a 39 year old virgin. I'd like to see a religious person beat that...

religion isn't about being old or never getting any. It's people like you that piss me off so easily :| You're like the immature 3rd grade bully running around exaggerating stories to everyone just so they can feel like they've got something that no one else has. Grow up and learn about the religion before you go spouting crap like this.



No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: Beast1284
Originally posted by: Jfur
Originally posted by: Beast1284
Originally posted by: ElDonAntonio
Originally posted by: Beast1284
Originally posted by: ElDonAntonio
I think people striclty sticking to their religion and the rules they impose are backward people.

What's the point of a religion? it's not wearing special clothes, or avoiding electricity or not having sex. It's about finding peace of mind, that's all. Some people find it through religion, other through meditation, other through martial arts, while others don't seek it at all.

Furthermore, IMHO, a true religion should not impose any way of life besides that of respecting humanity. I am proud of being a christian because I find Jesus Christ's "rules" of respecting and loving each other remarquable. I don't go to church every sunday, but that doesn't make me any less christian. I do my best to forgive others' mistakes, and to help anyone as much as I can. No, I'm not perfect, but I try to be a better man every day. I guess that's the whole point.

In all cases, I don't care at all what you call your god or how many you have. The only important thing is that every one respects the other and finds peace of mind in whatever he believes in. A belief is personnal and should not be imposed on someone else. Any alien looking at us would think we're complete morons insulting and killing each other because of religion.

What is your definition of a Christian?

I think this is quite an irrelevant question, but I'd say it's someone who believes in Jesus Christ. Hence the word "christian".

Well it is relevant to the thread, but not relevant to your post. But that is exactly the point I was trying to make. You believe that if you believe in Christ, that you will go to heaven. All I am saying is that is not all the Bible teaches. There is much more to it than that.

isn't is sinful to "spill one's seed" on the ground?

That is an extremely gray area. Here is my take on it. Nowhere does the Bible talk about masturbation directly. It does talk about lust. Lusting is a sin in the Bible. So, I suppose if you could get off without thinking of anything sexual, I suppose that would not be a sin.

It also says not to forsake the natural use of a man and not to forsake the natural use of a woman.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: ffmcobalt
Originally posted by: StormRider
I'm an agnostic and I'm a 39 year old virgin. I'd like to see a religious person beat that...

religion isn't about being old or never getting any. It's people like you that piss me off so easily :|
It seems like it's just people period that piss you off easily


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: MonkOnXanax
here's the biggies:

did jesus have sex before he died, and if so, isn't premarital sex a sin?

when/why did premarital sex become a sin?

did the 'virgin' mary die a virgin, and did jesus have any siblings?

jesus himself was against organized religion. religion nowadays is a multi-$$$$ corporation.

Of course. Religion is a set of legalistic rules and practices. He was all for having a personal relationship with God. That's called having a faith -and THAT is what gets you past the legalism that grips so many churches today. I am not "religious" ... I simply love Christ with all my heart and have a personal relationship with Him.


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999
I try to be a nice person and to be fair to others, I sure as heck have no intention of asking anybody's forgivess for that.Besides,back in my old line of work,people kneeling and praying to the air? well let's just say that was rather dignostic
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