hypocritical christians

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Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001

There is a different between believing in something and trusting in something.

Sure....even Satan believes in Jesus.....but he is certainly not trusting in him. His end is already told in Revelations.[/quote]I thought you were talking about believing, not trusting.[/quote]

I'm sorry, I didn't use the proper word but I assumed you understood the gist of what I was trying to convey but
thanks for the clarification.

And I agree with the verses you quoted that tell us that the saved (trusting Jesus for salvation)
are to hold each other accountable (admonish) but it's only within the boundries of the saved.

I am not to "judge" the lost (unsaved) because that is reserved for God. They have sentenced themselves already
because of their not trusting Jesus in salvation.



Platinum Member
Oct 6, 2001
By the way, here's my view of Christianity.

Being a Christian, is loving Jesus/God. That's it. You believe that he died for you. You believe in him. That's it.

Now, if you love someone, you won't do things they don't like, right? Like, if you love your parents, you won't deliberatley do things they disaprove of. With Christianity it's the same thing. If you love Jesus you shouldn't do crap he doesn't like. And he doesn't like people defacing his name. Thus, hypocrisy is something he *doesn't* want.

Now, here's the possibly harder to understand part. If you go around and have premartial sex, do homosexuality, swear, get drunk get high etc.. do you really love God? I know if I loved my parents I wouldn't deliberatley try to do things that they would disaprove of. Thus, these people, I believe, don't really love God. They do things that they know are wrong, or they do them out of ignorance and not knowing that God disaproves. The former much worse than the latter.

But as you know, Christians say Jesus forgives. So if you wanna quit doin somethin, you ask him to forgive you and stuff and he does. But you didn't really ask for forgiveness if you keep going around and doing it again and again and again. You know what I mean? And if you keep doing it again then you didn't really ask for forgiveness, and if you know it hurts him but you keep doing it over and over again, on purpose, I think atleast, it means that you don't really love him. Because it's logic that if you love someone you wouldn't deliberatley do something that makes them sad.

Now, we all sin now and again, but the point for Christians is that you never go out and sin deliberatley. If you do, you're not a Christian. Christians sinning deliberatley is akin to hardcore communists trying to run a capatalist business and try and get rich at everyone else's expense. This, I believe, might be what you're looking for in terms of "Answers".


Platinum Member
Oct 6, 2001
Originally posted by: GtPrOjEcTX
Some more points conflicting with the onced saved always saved idea..

John 15:9-10
As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.

So its stated IF we keep his commandments, THEN we shall abide in his love. Pretty simple syntax. And to follow up..

John 15:6
If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.

So and if we aren't abiding in him (not keeping his commandments), we are cast away and put in a fire and burned...sounds like external punishment to me..

But, if we keep his commandments, we shall be in his love. (salvation)

I'd like to add something to that. All christians sin. But they don't sin chronically. If a christian is a Christian, you should see some sort of change in their life. If you keep on sinning, and no that it's sin, then there's something wrong with your Christianity.



Platinum Member
Dec 30, 2000
GtPrOjEcTX - If you adhere to that philosophy then Christ died for nought. No one can keep his commandments. Do you love your neighbor as yourself without fail? We all slip, but by your interpretation, that slip sends us to Hell if we perish before repenting? No, that is not the case. I agree fully that we should exhibit works without ceasing. But if to be saved we must keep the commandments, then we are under the Law and Christ died for nothing. Is every Christian that doesn't tithe going to Hell?


Jul 3, 2001
And I'll add the verses to back up what you added to what I said FishTankX

1 John 1:8-9
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

So clearly when we sin, we become unrighteous. And to finish that point...

1 Corinthians 6:9
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived

edit: this applies for your comment as well przero.
btw, define tithe for me...I looked it up at dictionary.com but none of the definitions seem to have anything to do with what we're discussing...except if I'm missing something.


No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: linuxboy
It's called being human. There isn't one single person on earth who is 100% trusting in Christ 100% of the time.

"You are as gods"


"Be, therefore, perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect"

Do or do not, there is no try. Time is irrelevant from that perspective, and trust is.

Cheers !



Senior member
Nov 4, 1999
The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.


Zakath15, I saw your post in the ATOT Census thread. You had undecided as religion. So, I was wondering: Aren't you a Christian anymore? I'm confused. I remember where you used to describe yourself as a Christian and would argue in support of Christianity in those religion threads. If you don't mind my question: What's your present stand?


Nov 5, 2002
Originally posted by: weezergirl
how do christians get drunk, get high, have premarital sex, are homosexuals, swear on a regular basis, cheat, etc and still manage to call themselves christians and go to church every sunday?

not saying i disagree with everything listed up there but then again, I DONT' CALL MYSELF CHRISTIAN. i would say more than 50% of the christians i know at my school (a college) do one or more of those things on a regular basis and then they have the nerve to try and convert me? from what i've heard, even if you BELIEVE in God...if you do any of these things on a regular basis with no attempts to change then you haven't really accepted God or the christian way of life...and nope! you ain't going to heaven either.

WTF. somebody explain it to me, preferrably a christian that does one of these things!

Ya I have a big problem with that too, how those people can do that? You will know if they really are christians by their actions, not just by what they say. I"m a christian, and I"m very careful to act like one. As a saying goes, by sitting in a garage does not make you a car, in the same way going to church or going through the motions does not make you a christian. Many many people claim to be "christians" such as those I see on tv asking for all of my money so they can dye their hair purple.
I hope that explains the situation. The same concept can be applied to many things.



Junior Member
Dec 7, 2002
Weezergirl, I see it's been a while since you've contributed to this thread. It seems your questions have been pushed aside, "Too many cooks in the Kitchen" as it were. By that I mean there have been so many intelligent views expressed but intelligence does not equate to understanding. And in this case, understanding can only come from first hand experience. I hope you continue to seek to find answers to your questions about faith.
Jesus said "If you Love me, you will obey me". Most see that as a commandment. I believe He's telling me that when I love Him enough to cultivate a personal relationship with Him, that I will become a person who desires to please Him. I will grow and mature into the person God meant for me to be. Obedience will then become a natural product of my relationship with him.
The mistake is the idea that obedience comes first, then (if at all) the relationship. If you look at a parent and infant child, obedience is not even a concept to the child and the parent holds no expectations of the infant. As the the infant becomes a toddler, obedience becomes a concept that the toddler is beginning to grasp and the parent begins to expect a certain degree of 'compliance' but the concept is still vague to the toddler and the parent is understanding, forgiving and nurturing. It's a growth process that continues even after the child matures into an adult. Spiritual growth is much the same.
Weezergirl, I encourage you to turn to those christian friends who have earned your respect. Take your questions to them and I'm sure they would be more than happy, even thrilled to spend whatever time you can spare to help you come to an understanding of 'what christianity is all about'. To truly find the answers you're looking for, you need some 'face to face' time with people who are able to give you all the time (and space) that you need. God bless you little sister.
Go in peace, Go with Christ


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ffmcobalt
Originally posted by: linuxboy
It's called being human. There isn't one single person on earth who is 100% trusting in Christ 100% of the time.

"You are as gods"


"Be, therefore, perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect"

Do or do not, there is no try. Time is irrelevant from that perspective, and trust is.

Cheers !

Hmm, that can mean any number of things. But I take it that you interpreted my random quoting and absolutism as somehow not reconciliatory with your views of Christianity and therefore are puzzled as to my position, thinking I have one, not sure what to do with the command to be perfect and follow absolutely.

Thing is, Nik, the point is that we are saved. The point is that Christ died for our sins, that we should abandon the puerile stuff of infancy and move on to the more solid food contained in Him. The point is that we are given an example, we know a Perfection, a completeness in Him. We are called then to imitate that, to make it such a large part of our everyday worlds that we can say, "Abba, my Father. You know. I am not, You are". We are as gods, since we know right from wrong and have words.

To stray isn't called "being human". Being human, fully and truly human is to be simultaneously cognizant of our nothingness and the grandeur we are granted as agents of God, affecting His Will, our union with the Beloved, our inseparability and sinking, that holy baptisto into Him.

So what should it say, "Don't be perfect, because only God is perfect?" No, only He is flawless, but he wants us to model him...basically the jist of that verse.

Yes, but it gives no excuse (hence, no "try". Do, or do not. You are either with me or against me is what Christ said. You gather, you do, or you spend, you do not). It tells us as a commandment, as a realizable point we can reach, given direction and guidance within the Church. That renewal and sanctification is what our everyday realities become in Christ.

weezergirl (hey ), let me try and answer your question. Many people here have quoted some excellent words and interpretations to explain how Christianity and Christians reconcile the exact conflict you presented herein.

how do christians get drunk, get high, have premarital sex, are homosexuals, swear on a regular basis, cheat, etc and still manage to call themselves christians and go to church every sunday?

not saying i disagree with everything listed up there but then again, I DONT' CALL MYSELF CHRISTIAN. i would say more than 50% of the christians i know at my school (a college) do one or more of those things on a regular basis and then they have the nerve to try and convert me? from what i've heard, even if you BELIEVE in God...if you do any of these things on a regular basis with no attempts to change then you haven't really accepted God or the christian way of life...and nope! you ain't going to heaven either.

WTF. somebody explain it to me, preferrably a christian that does one of these things!

Only God judges. Humans are stuck within this plane of knowing, within our flesh, our contradictions between words and how things are. Contradictions between known ideals of the Good and a lack of power/strength to fulfill that knowledge. We're generally miserable creatures, plagued by our whims, emotions, drives, and positions.


But for ages, humankind struggled to find a conceptual system to operationalize their spiritual shortcomings, the bible(s) and scipture(s) give it to us. Only problem is people have always been immoral, shiftless, self-gratifying, good-for-nothing shits

Who we are remains the same. People do as they do, as they have done, as they will continue to do, hopefully with some improvement as those of us knowledgable of humanity's predicament find the strength or are given the strength to love, to support, to overcome and prevail. Christianity poses a solution by recognizing that people cannot save themselves, are perpetually mired in their pettiness and strife. The solution is Christ, his life exemplifying a way to become, to understand, and to enact Love (aka God). That someone calls him/her self one label or another is no indication of their experiences, their being, or their state of fallenness relative to God. From the Christian perspective, the primary work is within the Church, to prepare and become full in all perfection. It is to recognize that people are as they are and to continually live in Christ in order to be saved.

You seem to ask how can a person say one thing and do another? Because words are like that, they lie. We know people by their faith, as shown by the fruit, and completed by their works.

All things, hidden and blatant have impact and outcome.

Cheers !


Jul 9, 2002
Originally posted by: GTaudiophile
Christians never said they were perfect; only that Jesus was and that as followers of Him, we should try to be so as well. It's the difference between "knowing the path" and "walking the path." Some certainly walk it well and get others to walk with them, but most do not. Yes, we believe that we are forgiven if we ask for it, but we are also told to repent or hold up our end of the bargain. The Greek translation of "repent" is literally to turn around.

Edit: I think you're right, though. God would rather have lots of non-Christians than half-hearted ones. They won't be going anywhere or converting anyone. Just don't think that ALL Christians are like that as I have seen many who can walk the line in most ways.

I agree, that God would rather have someone be a true Christian, or a non-Christian. Citation


Golden Member
Jun 3, 2001
Originally posted by: weezergirl
how do christians get drunk, get high, have premarital sex, are homosexuals, swear on a regular basis, cheat, etc and still manage to call themselves christians and go to church every sunday?

not saying i disagree with everything listed up there but then again, I DONT' CALL MYSELF CHRISTIAN. i would say more than 50% of the christians i know at my school (a college) do one or more of those things on a regular basis and then they have the nerve to try and convert me? from what i've heard, even if you BELIEVE in God...if you do any of these things on a regular basis with no attempts to change then you haven't really accepted God or the christian way of life...and nope! you ain't going to heaven either.

WTF. somebody explain it to me, preferrably a christian that does one of these things!

- I drink when I celebrate.
- I don't get high, I get even .
- Sex? What?
- I'm straight!
- Oh yes, I do speak French when I'm ticked off!
- I don't cheat; no g/f at the moment.
- I don't go to church every Sunday.
- I went to a Catholic High School.
- I'm a Christian.

Tell me, do you believe in faith? Why not? Because you don't like the idea that you're not in control of your own life? Hmmmmmm...
I find this religion as a guide in my life.

But in order not to drink, have sex, don't cheat and so many other things you mentioned, all females would have to become nuns and all men become priests (and even they have problems of their own). A lot of gays & lesbians turn to Christianity because God loves all people. Your average gay is prolly killed in other countires with funny religions as ie. Allah was straight
. After all, we're just human.


Jul 9, 2002
Originally posted by: StormRider
Originally posted by: Copperman
Then Judah said to Onan, "Lie with your brother's wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to produce offspring for your brother." 9 But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother's wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the LORD's sight; so he put him to death also.

here is what my Bible says on this passage

Ge:38:8: And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.
Ge:38:9: And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.

he was told to marry her

I have so much trouble understanding the Bible -- mainly because of the weird styled English they used. The first part does seem to say "Go to your brother's wife and marry her". But what does "raise up seed to thy brother" mean? Does it mean give your child to your brother?

But if he marries his brother's wife, why should he give his child to his "now-unmarried" brother? Or does "marry her" basically mean to have sex with her (i.e. act like you are married).

And isn't it weird to tell someone to go marry your brother's wife? What's that all about?

I actually prefer the NIV translation over the King James version because it makes the reading easier to understand.


Jul 9, 2002
Here's a little something to think about:


Not too long ago, I was encouraged by a woman from my church to share the gospel with a young man who was dating her daughter. She felt that he would be open to a gospel presentation, and when I called him, indeed he was.

I met with this young man for a couple of hours, getting to know him personally, and then carefully explaining the good news about Jesus Christ to him. At the end of the gospel presentation, I asked him if he was willing to trust Christ as his Savior. He immediately said yes. We prayed together and I sincerely believed that he had entered into God's family.

When I sent one of the elders from our church to follow up on him, however, this new "Christian" kept putting him off. Later on when I talked with him personally, he professed to be a Christian, but he could not explain to me in any intelligible fashion what it meant to be a Christian.

Since that time, it has come to light that the young man's "conversion" did not result in any spiritual fruit that could be observed, and I have had to conclude that he is almost certainly a "professor," but not a "possessor." John Piper in his book Desiring God stated:

We are surrounded by unconverted people who think they do believe in Jesus. Drunks on the street say they believe. Unmarried couples sleeping together say they believe. Elderly people who haven't sought worship or fellowship for 40 years say they believe. All kinds of lukewarm, world-loving church attenders say they believe. The world abounds with millions of unconverted people who say that they believe in Jesus (p.42).
There are undoubtedly many people in the world today, and especially in the United States, who call themselves Christians, but who are not truly born again. This should not surprise us, because this was also true in Christ's day.

One day Christ was speaking in the synagogue in Capernaum, and He told all who were listening that "he who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life" (John 6:54). This caused quite a stir among those listening, including Christ's "disciples" (vv.60-61). The final result was that "many of His disciples withdrew, and were not walking with Him anymore" (v.66).

Here were people who professed to "believe" in Jesus and were following Him as "disciples," but who then left Christ, never to return. What was the problem? Were they unwilling to accept the lordship of Christ? Not according to the passage. Were the rigors of discipleship too much for them to endure? Apparently not. The problem was that they had never truly believed that Christ was the Savior and the Messiah. In fact, Christ told them that "there are some of you who do not believe" (v.64).

For some time these people followed Christ and claimed to be His disciples, but when they finally understood the essence of Christ's message, they rejected it and Him. When they said, "This is a difficult statement; who can listen to it?" (v.60), they really meant, "Who can accept it?" They were unwilling to accept Christ as their Savior and Messiah. There are always people around who claim to be Christians, but who actually are not.

First of all, there are false teachers as well as false professors. False teachers are different from false professors because they deliberately misrepresent themselves as true believers for various reasons. Sometimes false teachers pretend to be believers in order to gain sex, money, or fame. Jude warned about this in his letter (Jude 16). But in many cases false teachers claim to be Christians so that they can spread false doctrine.

Recently, some Mormon missionaries showed up at our Wednesday night service, claiming to simply be Christians who were looking for a place for worship and fellowship with other believers. Their real motive, however, became apparent when they began to contact people from our church. They were seeking people to convert to Mormonism. I arranged a meeting with them and told them they were not to enter our services again or contact our people. They left my office still insisting that they were Christians who meant no harm. They were false teachers, not just false professors.

When we know that someone is not a Christian but is pretending to be one for sinful reasons, then according to Paul we are to "turn away" from him (Rom. 16:17-18).

False professors, however, are people who think they are saved but who have not truly believed. They may have faith, but that faith is deficient and/or defective.

False professors sometimes have a problem understanding that they are sinners who are totally lost. They may be "trusting" in Christ, but these people are also trusting in their good works. Thus their faith in Christ is deficient. They are not trusting in Christ alone to get to heaven. Others who are false professors realize they are sinners, but they do not understand that Christ's death totally paid for all their sins. Thus their faith is defective because they believe they have to do good works in order to make up the difference.

So false professors do not completely or correctly understand the gospel message, and it is our responsibility as Christians to help them comprehend it.

It is true that the Holy Spirit is ultimately the one who convicts people about their sinfulness as well as the righteousness found in Christ (John 16:8-11). If it were not for Him, not one person would ever come to a clear understanding of what the gospel message is all about. Nevertheless, God has sovereignly decided to use people who faithfully present the Word of God as a part of this process (Rom. 10:14).



May 10, 2002
There is good discussion here. Many verses taken out of context, but you'll have that anywhere.

The problem is that 90% of professing Christians are NOT Christians. Faith without works? Someone that professes to be saved, but has no evidence of a true repentance from sin...is NOT saved.

Someone that is saved, but openly involved in homosexuality, is NOT saved.

Many are called, but few are chosen. Christ had the majority of his disciples choose NOT to follow him. These people professed to be Christians, but when it came right down to it, eventually ended up in Hell.

Hell will be FULL of preachers and "Christians"


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
Originally posted by: cw823
There is good discussion here. Many verses taken out of context, but you'll have that anywhere

The problem is that 90% of professing Christians are NOT Christians.

Hell will be FULL of preachers and "Christians"

90% of professing Christians? where have you seen that percentage?


These religious discussions on computer forums grow older each day, some people just thrive on conflict.
If you really want the answer then go to the horse's mouth (so to speak). Pick up a Bible and read about it, instead of being a horse's ass.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I can't believe some of you trying to have a serious religious discussion on ATOT. That's like trying to squeeze blood out of a turnip. Heck any attempt at serious discussion on Banandtech off topic is like trying to squeeze blood from a turnip. You might get some blood, but it'll probably be your own from hurting yourself trying.

Having said that I'll say this: I'm not a christian, I don't subscribe to any formal religion. But I am a hypocrite. I think I'm better than you but I'm probably not. But then again, maybe I am.

Stick that in your crack pipe and smoke it.


Aug 18, 2002
Originally posted by: weezergirl
Originally posted by: udonoogen
Originally posted by: weezergirl
Ok, I'm getting conflicting views on christianity here. One group of christians agrees with me, the other group does not. which is right?

in other words, what exactly does it mean to be christian?

being a Christian is trusting Jesus Christ for your salvation. it's accepting the fact that you mess up and that you need forgiveness in order to be redeemed. Christianity isn't about a system of do's and don'ts. you don't get grace by these means. grace is only from God ... and it is a free gift. =) hope that helps

that sounds like a good definition to me. but to ask for forgiveness, you must be sorry for what you did...if you do it on a continual basis are you really that sorry? that's my point!

that is a pretty good definition. now let me add a little to this.
i will openly admit that i do nt follow all the precepts of what it is t be catholic. i do go to church every sunday, i do hold the basic dogma and doctrine of my faith very closely. unfotunately...i'm also very easily tempted by alcohol and females. i do not have too much of a problem with gluttony, etc.. and i do not do drugs at all.
i feel bad after giving in to those temptations, i regret commiting the sins that i have, but i havent learned the self-control necessary to abstain from them. i feel as though i am forgiven when i go to confession (once every month, slightly more more often), even though i'm not sure how long i will be able to avoid those temptations. the longest i went was a full month where i did not drink and did not hook up with anyone, (that month was two months ago) and i'm slowly but steadily improving in refraining from drinking excessively and being a male slut. even though i repeatedly commit the same sins, i know that i am forgiven because i try not to commit these sins, and i regret commiting sins. now then, that said, if they are not sorry for their sins, and they do not try to avoid sinning again, i'm not sure where their relationship with god is, but god is always open to a completely loving relationship with whoever seeks it - so they only need to truly repent for their sins and god will forgive them and forget that they commited the sins.

note: this is my life and my beliefs, please do not flame me for being catholic, or participating in what i do. i'm simply trying to explain what i believe in response to weezergirl's question.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Phocas
These religious discussions on computer forums grow older each day, some people just thrive on conflict.
If you really want the answer then go to the horse's mouth (so to speak). Pick up a Bible and read about it, instead of being a horse's ass.

I think that we who have posted in this thread have done a pretty good job of not turning the
discussion into an big argument or a brawl. I've seen a few posts who were posted to get an
reaction but it appears that most of them have been honestly trying to explain by using the
scriptures for the foundation of their beliefs.

I don't expect people on A-T to read anything I have typed and chime right in but I find it
interesting the view that some have. It doesn't mean that I'm changing my beliefs, but
it doesn't mean that they are totally without any merit at all either.



Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2000

Originally posted by: StormRider


Originally posted by: Copperman
Then Judah said to Onan, "Lie with your brother's wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to produce offspring for your brother." 9 But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother's wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the LORD's sight; so he put him to death also.

here is what my Bible says on this passage

Ge:38:8: And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.
Ge:38:9: And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.

he was told to marry her

I have so much trouble understanding the Bible -- mainly because of the weird styled English they used. The first part does seem to say "Go to your brother's wife and marry her". But what does "raise up seed to thy brother" mean? Does it mean give your child to your brother?

But if he marries his brother's wife, why should he give his child to his "now-unmarried" brother? Or does "marry her" basically mean to have sex with her (i.e. act like you are married).

And isn't it weird to tell someone to go marry your brother's wife? What's that all about?

I actually prefer the NIV translation over the King James version because it makes the reading easier to understand.

But where they leave out that he should marry her first....... that is fornication...... I don't know just the little stuff
that is left out of some of these Bibles........(I SAID SOME) could be hard when your not suppose to commit fornication
but then sounds like the NIV is telling Onan to fornicate...
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