I <3 hundredpushups.com


Jan 6, 2002
About 2 weeks ago I stumbled on this site, hadn't worked out in uhhh, lol a very very long, maybe a decade? I did the initial test and was broken hearted when my results were 1 1/2 pushups. I knew I wasn't going to bang out 20 or even 10, but when I actually collapsed from 1 1/2 I was humbled at how bad of shape I'm actually in. I'm 5'11 210'ish so I'm not huge or anything. I decided to follow the program and see if it works for me. I'm on day 3 of the 2nd week, the goal for the final set is 8 pushups. I managed 13, my forms getting better too. I know pushups get talked about a lot on here, but I don't see this site mentioned much. Anyone like me who's not in shape go to the web site and print out the guide and do it. I know it's kinda sad but Saturday when I was on week 2 day 2 and was able to do 10 straight I was very excited afterwards. I got a long way to go to hit 100 consecutive but I don't think anything has ever motivated me like this site. I think this is a good site for a noob because even if they're not easy you won't be sweating to death or investing hours of your time. Maybe 30 minutes total a week and I'm already feeling improvement.

Sorry for the blog I'm just finally starting to actually get into the idea of getting in better shape and working out. Wonder if I'll hit the magic 100 number after 7 weeks. That would be fuckin uber


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Well done. Fast results are great motivation. Just don't forget to train the rest of your body as well.


Jan 6, 2002
Well done. Fast results are great motivation. Just don't forget to train the rest of your body as well.

I'm doing some cardio, and once the 7 weeks is up and I've hit 100 pushups I'll get into lifting. I tried to lift last week and did the pushups the following day and failed miserably. I'm not at the stage where I can be working out any 1 muscle group too often lol. About to go pick up some Nike+ shoes and start jogging. This Nike+ seems like it should be a huge motivator, cool technology and not very expensive.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
I tried that site for a while. I started off doing 25 pushups. 4 weeks later I was only doing like 30 (after repeating week 3 twice). Then I realized that the "6 weeks" it claims is total rubbish as its basically expected that you repeat weeks over and over again until you get further. If you look at the 6th week, the most it has you doing is 60 pushups, then magically it expects you to be able to do 100 the next week.
The theory in general is sound, but the 6 week claims are just totally bogus.


Mar 31, 2001
I didn't follow the guide but I did take on the challenge. I can do 100+ now though my form starts to decay after 50ish. I typically do my pushup workouts at the end of my lifting days, I'd bang out 4 sets alternating between ab workouts. I'm currently doing 4x~70 2x/week. When I first started on this endeavour, I could only do 4x20... that was about 6 months ago.

They're not perfect form pushups though, that's my next goal 100 consecutive perfect form pushups with full lockout on top.


Jan 6, 2002
I tried that site for a while. I started off doing 25 pushups. 4 weeks later I was only doing like 30 (after repeating week 3 twice). Then I realized that the "6 weeks" it claims is total rubbish as its basically expected that you repeat weeks over and over again until you get further. If you look at the 6th week, the most it has you doing is 60 pushups, then magically it expects you to be able to do 100 the next week.
The theory in general is sound, but the 6 week claims are just totally bogus.

I read some of the user comments on the hundredpushuplogger which is likt the blog site for people who do it. I will say quite a few said it took them 10-12 weeks to finish. The guide even says you might have to repeat week 5 & 6 over to be able to hit 100. I think 7 is realistic for some though. All I know is the site got me interested in attempting working out and I'm pretty sure by the 7 week mark I'll be able to do 50-60 which is a huge improvement from the 1 1/2 I could do on day 1 lol. And unless the people are flat out lying I saw a bunch on the blogger site that completed the 7 week program successfully.


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2007
I'm doing some cardio, and once the 7 weeks is up and I've hit 100 pushups I'll get into lifting. I tried to lift last week and did the pushups the following day and failed miserably. I'm not at the stage where I can be working out any 1 muscle group too often lol. About to go pick up some Nike+ shoes and start jogging. This Nike+ seems like it should be a huge motivator, cool technology and not very expensive.

I would highly recommend a Garmin GPS watch. I have a 305 and it is the second best $150 I have spent on workout equipment.(the best being a good pair of running shoes and running socks). The accuracy of the GPS for distance and pace is incredible. The included heartbeat monitor is great for staying in a targeted range. Those two things alone make it worth the money to me. All of the other features are just icing on the cake. Going home and looking at your run overlayed on google earth is pretty cool too. I tried the Nike+ and found it to be a waste of money. It wasn't accurate at all.


Jan 6, 2002
I would highly recommend a Garmin GPS watch. I have a 305 and it is the second best $150 I have spent on workout equipment.(the best being a good pair of running shoes and running socks). The accuracy of the GPS for distance and pace is incredible. The included heartbeat monitor is great for staying in a targeted range. Those two things alone make it worth the money to me. All of the other features are just icing on the cake. Going home and looking at your run overlayed on google earth is pretty cool too. I tried the Nike+ and found it to be a waste of money. It wasn't accurate at all.

Hummm maybe you got a faulty Nike+? I have seen some people complaning about it not being accurate for them either. But I've used it 3 times on the same route and it was spot on. Also tried it on a High School track and it was only a few meters off, for a quarter mile I can live with a 1-2% margin of error. I already put the money into getting a Nano & Nike+, the Garmin sounds nice but minus the heart rate monitor this one does everything I'm after. It's accurate enough for me, and the online community is really great. The challenges people put on there are motivating me to measure up.


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2003
I use the 100 pushups iphone app. I got about 25 on my first test and was doing 50+ in just two weeks, but then I fell off the wagon. I never ran into any issues with my arms and pecs, it was my core that got the greatest workout. Right in my lower abs.

It's a great premise and keeps you working toward a goal for sure. Keep it up!


Jan 6, 2002
I use the 100 pushups iphone app. I got about 25 on my first test and was doing 50+ in just two weeks, but then I fell off the wagon. I never ran into any issues with my arms and pecs, it was my core that got the greatest workout. Right in my lower abs.

It's a great premise and keeps you working toward a goal for sure. Keep it up!

I'm on week 3 day 2, I did 55 total on Saturday, with 17 in the final set (12 was the goal) Even if it takes me 12 weeks to hit 100, this is definitely helping me get there. Cool idea, cool web site. This plus Nike+ has got me really into wanting to work out again.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2005

I know how you feel. ; ) For me pushups are the 2nd hardest exercise after pullups. I started with just 5 and got to 25. That's 3 normal sets of 25 with good form, going all the way down! I do not use momentum, and I dont "bang them out" like most people, unless I am limited in time. I thought pushups only work the chest, triceps and shoulders, but it "feels" like this isnt true, because in the beginning I felt literally exhausted all over after every 5 pushups.


Senior member
Aug 25, 2008
Can this program be combined with an existing workout routine? Mine involves pushups but only 1x a week. I tried looking at that site, but didn't see anything that indicates so...
Mar 22, 2002
Can this program be combined with an existing workout routine? Mine involves pushups but only 1x a week. I tried looking at that site, but didn't see anything that indicates so...

Yeah, very easily. It's not a high load exercise so recovery is quick. It shouldn't affect the other program your utilizing.


Jan 6, 2002

I know how you feel. ; ) For me pushups are the 2nd hardest exercise after pullups. I started with just 5 and got to 25. That's 3 normal sets of 25 with good form, going all the way down! I do not use momentum, and I dont "bang them out" like most people, unless I am limited in time. I thought pushups only work the chest, triceps and shoulders, but it "feels" like this isnt true, because in the beginning I felt literally exhausted all over after every 5 pushups.

I cannot do pullups, I plan to get to a point where I can do them. They're obviously much harder as the guy behind 100 pushups & 200 sits up & 200 squats is coming out with a new program called 25 pullups the 3 other I mentioned sound pretty impressive IMHO, but to say I did 25 pull ups? MEH! But then again I can't even do a single one so we'll see. I'm going to conquer all his programs.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2001
i've always been able to do at least 50 push-ups and 5 pull-ups...
regardless of how out of shape i may have been...
at least, that's what i thought.

but the other day, i went to a local fitness club... first time in almost a year.
i went for that pull up bar.
and it was as if gravity just injected itself a dose of steroids.
i could barely hold on to the bar... never mind pulling myself up.
before others could notice, i gracefully got back down and moved on to other equipments.

sigh... i guess i too am getting old.

still managed to do 50 push ups though.

oh, and i have both garmin 305 and nike+.
as with other tools, the best ones are the ones that gets well used.
having said that, if i were to just use one, i'd definitely go with garmin.
that heartbeat monitor adds another dimension to your workout.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2002
I used to do pushups on a very intermittent basis, and felt like improvement happened very rapidly. I always seemed to be able to do 10 without much difficulty, but then again I was never very heavy either.

Once I could do 25-30 without too much trouble, I felt less motivated to keep trying. Maybe this was my fault for not being disciplined enough, but the idea for this website seems pretty cool. I gotta do something to start getting back into shape, it may as well be this? Ok maybe this and the door gym.


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2000
I cannot do pullups, I plan to get to a point where I can do them. They're obviously much harder as the guy behind 100 pushups & 200 sits up & 200 squats is coming out with a new program called 25 pullups the 3 other I mentioned sound pretty impressive IMHO, but to say I did 25 pull ups? MEH! But then again I can't even do a single one so we'll see. I'm going to conquer all his programs.

25 consecutive deadhang pullups (no kipping) is alot harder than 100 pushups / 200 situps or 200 squats imo


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2005
I'm on week 4 day 2 and struggling.. I had to repeat week 3 and am actually on my "3rd week" of week 4. Once I get to set 5 where they want at least 36 pushups I am usually too dead from set 4 which I only barely pulled off in the first place.

My exhaustion tests have always put in in column 3 so far.


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
I didn't follow the guide but I did take on the challenge. I can do 100+ now though my form starts to decay after 50ish. I typically do my pushup workouts at the end of my lifting days, I'd bang out 4 sets alternating between ab workouts. I'm currently doing 4x~70 2x/week. When I first started on this endeavour, I could only do 4x20... that was about 6 months ago.

They're not perfect form pushups though, that's my next goal 100 consecutive perfect form pushups with full lockout on top.

I want to see a video of 100 push ups!

When most people do push ups they mean upper arms parallel to the floor...I do them chest to the floor full arm lock out. I've always done them this strict. I banged out 50 at the start of the routine this way. I've done 75 when I go down to touch a tennis ball instead of the floor. Started on the 3rd week and couldn't finish the 3rd session with the 60seconds rest inbetween each set

Week3: Session2: 3rd Column
21: fine
30: tough
20: very tough
20: very tough
Max: at least 28: I did 25 and got buried on the 26th.

The recovery is my biggest issue.

Did it later with more recovery and completed the session a lot easier!

Theres no way you would be able to do 100 in 6 weeks unless your max was at least 75-80 already imo with little push up training.

25 pull ups (strict) is ridiculously tough. Most would to get even 10! Let alone 15 or 20 let alone 25! Pull ups are where your palms are facing AWAY from you also.

I've been very hit and miss as I have my focus elsewhere but I have seen some size improvements on my chest and shoulders but this isn't that hard since I do sod all for my chest apart from weighted dips.

Let us know what results you get out of this!

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Mar 31, 2001
Admittedly with 100 consecutive, my form start to fail. Like I said, with full lockout, chest to ground, maybe 60-70ish now on a good day, I don't test myself often. Most days I just practice my pushups after my lifting[which included bench presses], do like 4 sets of 70 crap ups as I call it.


Mar 12, 2000
Could never get far past ~50 on any of those programs, and believe me I tried for a long time. My muscles just don't have anything left in them after I reach that number (until I rest for around a minute).

Endurance has always been my biggest physical issue, though, regardless of what kind of exercise I'm doing.
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Apr 1, 2001
As I'll be on the road nonstop for the next 2+ months, I imagine that I'll be doing a lot of pushups in my hotel room. Yesterday at my CF gym, we worked on our bench press! (The horror!) Found a 1RM and then did 85&#37; 3-5 times followed by 10 clapping pushups, 4 sets.

To say the least, I'm hoping I don't have any heavy doors to push open today.
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