I am disgusted.


Aug 14, 2000
I was just reading a thread where a young BOY just admitted to being suicidal and the remarks that followed were probabley the most shameful and disgusting things I have ever read here. People telling him to off himself, people making fun of him. If you don't know the hopeless feeling of depression and why someone would want to kill themselves and can't be supportive about it then STFU!

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only effects the person but everyone around them that loves them. How would you like it if you mom, grandmother, brother, sister, gf, whoever, was suicidal and there was nothing you could do for them? How would you like it if people told them over and over how much they sucked and told them to kill themselves?

Sometimes, suicide is a cry for attention, but it is almost never because "mommy and daddy wouldn't buy me a car", a serious suicide attempt is a cry for help in a world where life seems so terrible and hopeless that a person could choose not to exist.

This is not the first time I have read comments like this here. People "advising" others to ignore suicidal people (instead of calling the police or trying to get them help), people telling others to just kill themselves when they make a post describing how hopeless life is.

I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.


Feb 29, 2004
Originally posted by: eakers
I was just reading a thread where a young BOY just admitted to being suicidal and the remarks that followed were probabley the most shameful and disgusting things I have ever read here. People telling him to off himself, people making fun of him. If you don't know the hopeless feeling of depression and why someone would want to kill themselves and can't be supportive about it then STFU!

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only effects the person but everyone around them that loves them. How would you like it if you mom, grandmother, brother, sister, gf, whoever, was suicidal and there was nothing you could do for them? How would you like it if people told them over and over how much they sucked and told them to kill themselves?

Sometimes, suicide is a cry for attention, but it is almost never because "mommy and daddy wouldn't buy me a car", a serious suicide attempt is a cry for help in a world where life seems so terrible and hopeless that a person could choose not to exist.

This is not the first time I have read comments like this here. People "advising" others to ignore suicidal people (instead of calling the police or trying to get them help), people telling others to just kill themselves when they make a post describing how hopeless life is.

I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.

He was 15. Everyone at 13-15 at least once thinks they want to commit suicide and thinks they're "depressed." It's called growing up.

Obviously you take things way too seriously and have no experience with people of that age, so you stfu, n00b. I know people who are really depressed, and I know people who are self-diagnosed as depressed.

I hope this gets locked, for your sake.


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: aplefka
Originally posted by: eakers
I was just reading a thread where a young BOY just admitted to being suicidal and the remarks that followed were probabley the most shameful and disgusting things I have ever read here. People telling him to off himself, people making fun of him. If you don't know the hopeless feeling of depression and why someone would want to kill themselves and can't be supportive about it then STFU!

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only effects the person but everyone around them that loves them. How would you like it if you mom, grandmother, brother, sister, gf, whoever, was suicidal and there was nothing you could do for them? How would you like it if people told them over and over how much they sucked and told them to kill themselves?

Sometimes, suicide is a cry for attention, but it is almost never because "mommy and daddy wouldn't buy me a car", a serious suicide attempt is a cry for help in a world where life seems so terrible and hopeless that a person could choose not to exist.

This is not the first time I have read comments like this here. People "advising" others to ignore suicidal people (instead of calling the police or trying to get them help), people telling others to just kill themselves when they make a post describing how hopeless life is.

I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.

He was 15. Everyone at 13-15 at least once thinks they want to commit suicide and thinks they're "depressed." It's called growing up.

Obviously you take things way too seriously and have no experience with people of that age, so you stfu, n00b. I know people who are really depressed, and I know people who are self-diagnosed as depressed.

I hope this gets locked, for your sake.
who are you calling n00b? do you even know what it means?



Oct 1, 2001
Originally posted by: aplefka
Originally posted by: eakers
I was just reading a thread where a young BOY just admitted to being suicidal and the remarks that followed were probabley the most shameful and disgusting things I have ever read here. People telling him to off himself, people making fun of him. If you don't know the hopeless feeling of depression and why someone would want to kill themselves and can't be supportive about it then STFU!

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only effects the person but everyone around them that loves them. How would you like it if you mom, grandmother, brother, sister, gf, whoever, was suicidal and there was nothing you could do for them? How would you like it if people told them over and over how much they sucked and told them to kill themselves?

Sometimes, suicide is a cry for attention, but it is almost never because "mommy and daddy wouldn't buy me a car", a serious suicide attempt is a cry for help in a world where life seems so terrible and hopeless that a person could choose not to exist.

This is not the first time I have read comments like this here. People "advising" others to ignore suicidal people (instead of calling the police or trying to get them help), people telling others to just kill themselves when they make a post describing how hopeless life is.

I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.

He was 15. Everyone at 13-15 at least once thinks they want to commit suicide and thinks they're "depressed." It's called growing up.

Obviously you take things way too seriously and have no experience with people of that age, so you stfu, n00b. I know people who are really depressed, and I know people who are self-diagnosed as depressed.

I hope this gets locked, for your sake.

Out of the 5 people here that have posted... I think you're the only noob in here.


Jan 16, 2001
While I can appreciate your emotional response, I must make a point here.

If the world ground to a screeching halt every time someone, male or female, young or old, "dropped hints about doing something drastic" nothing would ever get done.

Not everyone lives to be a hundred. Whether you die in a car wreck, a self-inflicted gunshot wound or natural causes, you'll be removed from the planet one way or another.

While it truly sucks for those left behind, I'd rather someone who is an "at risk psycho" remove themselves and only themselves, rather than hold a schoolbus full of children hostage.

Sometimes people add their own bleach to the gene pool.


Aug 14, 2000
Originally posted by: aplefka
Originally posted by: eakers
I was just reading a thread where a young BOY just admitted to being suicidal and the remarks that followed were probabley the most shameful and disgusting things I have ever read here. People telling him to off himself, people making fun of him. If you don't know the hopeless feeling of depression and why someone would want to kill themselves and can't be supportive about it then STFU!

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only effects the person but everyone around them that loves them. How would you like it if you mom, grandmother, brother, sister, gf, whoever, was suicidal and there was nothing you could do for them? How would you like it if people told them over and over how much they sucked and told them to kill themselves?

Sometimes, suicide is a cry for attention, but it is almost never because "mommy and daddy wouldn't buy me a car", a serious suicide attempt is a cry for help in a world where life seems so terrible and hopeless that a person could choose not to exist.

This is not the first time I have read comments like this here. People "advising" others to ignore suicidal people (instead of calling the police or trying to get them help), people telling others to just kill themselves when they make a post describing how hopeless life is.

I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.

He was 15. Everyone at 13-15 at least once thinks they want to commit suicide and thinks they're "depressed." It's called growing up.

Obviously you take things way too seriously and have no experience with people of that age, so you stfu, n00b. I know people who are really depressed, and I know people who are self-diagnosed as depressed.

I hope this gets locked, for your sake.

I have no experience?!

my brother and mom have both attempted suicide, niether was 15.


Platinum Member
Dec 27, 2004
I've just decided to leave any thread or comment regarding suicide alone... I cared too much, and got trolled by some POS who posted a suicide note here a few months ago...


Jun 24, 2003
I agree. I guess sometimes we take things too far. We seperate the boards too far from reality. If we continue, eventually someone will die as a result of our callousness. We shouldn't wait until it's too late; We need to change the way we deal with these people now.


Feb 29, 2004
Originally posted by: eakers
Originally posted by: aplefka
Originally posted by: eakers
I was just reading a thread where a young BOY just admitted to being suicidal and the remarks that followed were probabley the most shameful and disgusting things I have ever read here. People telling him to off himself, people making fun of him. If you don't know the hopeless feeling of depression and why someone would want to kill themselves and can't be supportive about it then STFU!

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only effects the person but everyone around them that loves them. How would you like it if you mom, grandmother, brother, sister, gf, whoever, was suicidal and there was nothing you could do for them? How would you like it if people told them over and over how much they sucked and told them to kill themselves?

Sometimes, suicide is a cry for attention, but it is almost never because "mommy and daddy wouldn't buy me a car", a serious suicide attempt is a cry for help in a world where life seems so terrible and hopeless that a person could choose not to exist.

This is not the first time I have read comments like this here. People "advising" others to ignore suicidal people (instead of calling the police or trying to get them help), people telling others to just kill themselves when they make a post describing how hopeless life is.

I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.

He was 15. Everyone at 13-15 at least once thinks they want to commit suicide and thinks they're "depressed." It's called growing up.

Obviously you take things way too seriously and have no experience with people of that age, so you stfu, n00b. I know people who are really depressed, and I know people who are self-diagnosed as depressed.

I hope this gets locked, for your sake.

I have no experience?!

my brother and mom have both attempted suicide, niether was 15.

They were probably older and clinically depressed. Saying you're depressed and suicidal over a girl is not clinical.


Feb 29, 2004
Originally posted by: moshquerade
Originally posted by: aplefka
Originally posted by: eakers
I was just reading a thread where a young BOY just admitted to being suicidal and the remarks that followed were probabley the most shameful and disgusting things I have ever read here. People telling him to off himself, people making fun of him. If you don't know the hopeless feeling of depression and why someone would want to kill themselves and can't be supportive about it then STFU!

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only effects the person but everyone around them that loves them. How would you like it if you mom, grandmother, brother, sister, gf, whoever, was suicidal and there was nothing you could do for them? How would you like it if people told them over and over how much they sucked and told them to kill themselves?

Sometimes, suicide is a cry for attention, but it is almost never because "mommy and daddy wouldn't buy me a car", a serious suicide attempt is a cry for help in a world where life seems so terrible and hopeless that a person could choose not to exist.

This is not the first time I have read comments like this here. People "advising" others to ignore suicidal people (instead of calling the police or trying to get them help), people telling others to just kill themselves when they make a post describing how hopeless life is.

I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.

He was 15. Everyone at 13-15 at least once thinks they want to commit suicide and thinks they're "depressed." It's called growing up.

Obviously you take things way too seriously and have no experience with people of that age, so you stfu, n00b. I know people who are really depressed, and I know people who are self-diagnosed as depressed.

I hope this gets locked, for your sake.
who are you calling n00b? do you even know what it means?

I was calling the OP a n00b for what seems his/her inexperience with people ages 13-15.

hzl eyed grl

Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Dec 28, 1999
Originally posted by: aplefka
Originally posted by: eakers
I was just reading a thread where a young BOY just admitted to being suicidal and the remarks that followed were probabley the most shameful and disgusting things I have ever read here. People telling him to off himself, people making fun of him. If you don't know the hopeless feeling of depression and why someone would want to kill themselves and can't be supportive about it then STFU!

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only effects the person but everyone around them that loves them. How would you like it if you mom, grandmother, brother, sister, gf, whoever, was suicidal and there was nothing you could do for them? How would you like it if people told them over and over how much they sucked and told them to kill themselves?

Sometimes, suicide is a cry for attention, but it is almost never because "mommy and daddy wouldn't buy me a car", a serious suicide attempt is a cry for help in a world where life seems so terrible and hopeless that a person could choose not to exist.

This is not the first time I have read comments like this here. People "advising" others to ignore suicidal people (instead of calling the police or trying to get them help), people telling others to just kill themselves when they make a post describing how hopeless life is.

I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.

He was 15. Everyone at 13-15 at least once thinks they want to commit suicide and thinks they're "depressed." It's called growing up.

Obviously you take things way too seriously and have no experience with people of that age, so you stfu, n00b. I know people who are really depressed, and I know people who are self-diagnosed as depressed.

I hope this gets locked, for your sake.

Nope, not everyone. I never thought about suicide at that age. I did later, but not at that age. I was in my 20's.

Unfortunately I've seen those types of threads AND responses here before. It is completely saddening. There's nothing you or I can do about the insensitive as$holes here, but just try to help when we can.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2003
Originally posted by: aplefka
Originally posted by: eakers
I was just reading a thread where a young BOY just admitted to being suicidal and the remarks that followed were probabley the most shameful and disgusting things I have ever read here. People telling him to off himself, people making fun of him. If you don't know the hopeless feeling of depression and why someone would want to kill themselves and can't be supportive about it then STFU!

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only effects the person but everyone around them that loves them. How would you like it if you mom, grandmother, brother, sister, gf, whoever, was suicidal and there was nothing you could do for them? How would you like it if people told them over and over how much they sucked and told them to kill themselves?

Sometimes, suicide is a cry for attention, but it is almost never because "mommy and daddy wouldn't buy me a car", a serious suicide attempt is a cry for help in a world where life seems so terrible and hopeless that a person could choose not to exist.

This is not the first time I have read comments like this here. People "advising" others to ignore suicidal people (instead of calling the police or trying to get them help), people telling others to just kill themselves when they make a post describing how hopeless life is.

I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.

He was 15. Everyone at 13-15 at least once thinks they want to commit suicide and thinks they're "depressed." It's called growing up.

Obviously you take things way too seriously and have no experience with people of that age, so you stfu, n00b. I know people who are really depressed, and I know people who are self-diagnosed as depressed.

I hope this gets locked, for your sake.

Yeah, that's increidlby mature. telling her to "stfu, n00b". I can see that you're very credible, and are obviously a medical doctor, majoring in psychology. Your post is so ironic that I don't even have to state what makes it so.

I've felt the feelings that that kid did, and I swaer that I would've given anything to havea listening, supportive ear to speak into. People like you make me sick. It's apathy and ridicule for the sake of being one of the "cool kids" on an internet forum.

Now I suppose that you'lll correct my grammar.


Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: eakers
I was just reading a thread where a young BOY just admitted to being suicidal and the remarks that followed were probabley the most shameful and disgusting things I have ever read here. People telling him to off himself, people making fun of him. If you don't know the hopeless feeling of depression and why someone would want to kill themselves and can't be supportive about it then STFU!

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only effects the person but everyone around them that loves them. How would you like it if you mom, grandmother, brother, sister, gf, whoever, was suicidal and there was nothing you could do for them? How would you like it if people told them over and over how much they sucked and told them to kill themselves?

Sometimes, suicide is a cry for attention, but it is almost never because "mommy and daddy wouldn't buy me a car", a serious suicide attempt is a cry for help in a world where life seems so terrible and hopeless that a person could choose not to exist.

This is not the first time I have read comments like this here. People "advising" others to ignore suicidal people (instead of calling the police or trying to get them help), people telling others to just kill themselves when they make a post describing how hopeless life is.

I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.

I have NO sympathy for someone who wants to kill themselves. If you cant find any amount of happiness surrounded by all the crap modern day culture can provide for you, then the simple flat out fact is this world is better off without you.
Suicide is for the weak. Darwin at work. We desperately need him anyways.


Feb 29, 2004
Originally posted by: hzl eyed grl
Originally posted by: aplefka
Originally posted by: eakers
I was just reading a thread where a young BOY just admitted to being suicidal and the remarks that followed were probabley the most shameful and disgusting things I have ever read here. People telling him to off himself, people making fun of him. If you don't know the hopeless feeling of depression and why someone would want to kill themselves and can't be supportive about it then STFU!

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only effects the person but everyone around them that loves them. How would you like it if you mom, grandmother, brother, sister, gf, whoever, was suicidal and there was nothing you could do for them? How would you like it if people told them over and over how much they sucked and told them to kill themselves?

Sometimes, suicide is a cry for attention, but it is almost never because "mommy and daddy wouldn't buy me a car", a serious suicide attempt is a cry for help in a world where life seems so terrible and hopeless that a person could choose not to exist.

This is not the first time I have read comments like this here. People "advising" others to ignore suicidal people (instead of calling the police or trying to get them help), people telling others to just kill themselves when they make a post describing how hopeless life is.

I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.

He was 15. Everyone at 13-15 at least once thinks they want to commit suicide and thinks they're "depressed." It's called growing up.

Obviously you take things way too seriously and have no experience with people of that age, so you stfu, n00b. I know people who are really depressed, and I know people who are self-diagnosed as depressed.

I hope this gets locked, for your sake.

Nope, not everyone. I never thought about suicide at that age. I did later, but not at that age. I was in my 20's.

Unfortunately I've seen those types of threads AND responses here before. It is completely saddening. There's nothing you or I can do about the insensitive as$holes here, but just try to help when we can.

I would be all for giving advice if something had happened that was really disheartening, such as a family member dying or a divorce or something of that nature. But a girl problem at age 15? Serious relationships don't even start until you're at least 16-17, and even then they're not much more than hormones raging.


Aug 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Originally posted by: eakers
I was just reading a thread where a young BOY just admitted to being suicidal and the remarks that followed were probabley the most shameful and disgusting things I have ever read here. People telling him to off himself, people making fun of him. If you don't know the hopeless feeling of depression and why someone would want to kill themselves and can't be supportive about it then STFU!

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only effects the person but everyone around them that loves them. How would you like it if you mom, grandmother, brother, sister, gf, whoever, was suicidal and there was nothing you could do for them? How would you like it if people told them over and over how much they sucked and told them to kill themselves?

Sometimes, suicide is a cry for attention, but it is almost never because "mommy and daddy wouldn't buy me a car", a serious suicide attempt is a cry for help in a world where life seems so terrible and hopeless that a person could choose not to exist.

This is not the first time I have read comments like this here. People "advising" others to ignore suicidal people (instead of calling the police or trying to get them help), people telling others to just kill themselves when they make a post describing how hopeless life is.

I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.

I have NO sympathy for someone who wants to kill themselves. If you cant find any amount of happiness surrounded by all the crap modern day culture can provide for you, then the simple flat out fact is this world is better off without you.
Suicide is for the weak. Darwin at work. We desperately need him anyways.

Depression is often physiological, altho thank goodness ignorance isn't always contagious.


Feb 29, 2004
Originally posted by: jjsole
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Originally posted by: eakers
I was just reading a thread where a young BOY just admitted to being suicidal and the remarks that followed were probabley the most shameful and disgusting things I have ever read here. People telling him to off himself, people making fun of him. If you don't know the hopeless feeling of depression and why someone would want to kill themselves and can't be supportive about it then STFU!

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only effects the person but everyone around them that loves them. How would you like it if you mom, grandmother, brother, sister, gf, whoever, was suicidal and there was nothing you could do for them? How would you like it if people told them over and over how much they sucked and told them to kill themselves?

Sometimes, suicide is a cry for attention, but it is almost never because "mommy and daddy wouldn't buy me a car", a serious suicide attempt is a cry for help in a world where life seems so terrible and hopeless that a person could choose not to exist.

This is not the first time I have read comments like this here. People "advising" others to ignore suicidal people (instead of calling the police or trying to get them help), people telling others to just kill themselves when they make a post describing how hopeless life is.

I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.

I have NO sympathy for someone who wants to kill themselves. If you cant find any amount of happiness surrounded by all the crap modern day culture can provide for you, then the simple flat out fact is this world is better off without you.
Suicide is for the weak. Darwin at work. We desperately need him anyways.

Depression is often physiological, altho thank goodness ignorance isn't always contagious.

Depression is also psychological. You just keep thinking something in your mind and then slowly you convince yourself that it's true.

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.

It's the internet eakers, and everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. I tried to help, others did not; it is a fact of life. While I respect your opinion, how does this rant help the OP of the thread you are posting about?


Jun 24, 2003
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Originally posted by: eakers
I was just reading a thread where a young BOY just admitted to being suicidal and the remarks that followed were probabley the most shameful and disgusting things I have ever read here. People telling him to off himself, people making fun of him. If you don't know the hopeless feeling of depression and why someone would want to kill themselves and can't be supportive about it then STFU!

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only effects the person but everyone around them that loves them. How would you like it if you mom, grandmother, brother, sister, gf, whoever, was suicidal and there was nothing you could do for them? How would you like it if people told them over and over how much they sucked and told them to kill themselves?

Sometimes, suicide is a cry for attention, but it is almost never because "mommy and daddy wouldn't buy me a car", a serious suicide attempt is a cry for help in a world where life seems so terrible and hopeless that a person could choose not to exist.

This is not the first time I have read comments like this here. People "advising" others to ignore suicidal people (instead of calling the police or trying to get them help), people telling others to just kill themselves when they make a post describing how hopeless life is.

I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.

I have NO sympathy for someone who wants to kill themselves. If you cant find any amount of happiness surrounded by all the crap modern day culture can provide for you, then the simple flat out fact is this world is better off without you.
Suicide is for the weak. Darwin at work. We desperately need him anyways.

That's pretty cold. It's what I expected Michael D to say, but even he was more tactful.


May 9, 2002
maybe when snot nosed 16yo know it alls actually get into the real world out from underneath mommy and daddys wings theyll realize just what a stupid punk theyve been.

edit: this was directed at those who say suicidal people are weak and should off themselves, not those with problems which push those to those thoughts. just wanted to make that clear.
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