I am disgusted.

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Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2002
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Originally posted by: SP33Demon
Very nice ownage of "Special OP 007" lol. You should just stop posting SpecOp.

For those who can simplify clinical depression's solution to "get off the couch" or "man up" or "it's Darwinism", heed my quote: "Ignorance is bliss".

I suspect many have never even taken Psych 101, hence the premise for their opinion cannot be taken seriously.

Lets see, whos the owns who are really owned at the end of the day?
Me, who drives home with a smile, or some kid who cant even get off the couch without breaking out in tears....

Your post was totally useless because I couldn't even begin to understand what you were trying to say.

Oh, by the way, do you watch FOX News?


Platinum Member
Apr 14, 2004
Originally posted by: aplefka
Originally posted by: eakers
I was just reading a thread where a young BOY just admitted to being suicidal and the remarks that followed were probabley the most shameful and disgusting things I have ever read here. People telling him to off himself, people making fun of him. If you don't know the hopeless feeling of depression and why someone would want to kill themselves and can't be supportive about it then STFU!

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only effects the person but everyone around them that loves them. How would you like it if you mom, grandmother, brother, sister, gf, whoever, was suicidal and there was nothing you could do for them? How would you like it if people told them over and over how much they sucked and told them to kill themselves?

Sometimes, suicide is a cry for attention, but it is almost never because "mommy and daddy wouldn't buy me a car", a serious suicide attempt is a cry for help in a world where life seems so terrible and hopeless that a person could choose not to exist.

This is not the first time I have read comments like this here. People "advising" others to ignore suicidal people (instead of calling the police or trying to get them help), people telling others to just kill themselves when they make a post describing how hopeless life is.

I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.

He was 15. Everyone at 13-15 at least once thinks they want to commit suicide and thinks they're "depressed." It's called growing up.

Obviously you take things way too seriously and have no experience with people of that age, so you stfu, n00b. I know people who are really depressed, and I know people who are self-diagnosed as depressed.

I hope this gets locked, for your sake.

wow you're an idiot.


Platinum Member
Oct 15, 2002
Ok... My ex of 4½ years was manic depressant. her mother commited suicide when she was 8. As well as an occasion of suicide down her family tree.

At the time she was on 100mg of zoloft/day. She was the greatest. Happy times. Ex - 100mg zoloft = holy shit. You can tell if she took it just by having a 2 minute conversation with her.

As I said in an earlier post. Its not just influenced by outside sources... its also hereditary. Just like cancer is.

I myself lapsed into a depression but recovered qith help of family friends and alcohol and lots of weed with a side serving of ecstacy (which is basically a super anti-depressant).

hah lucky me


Golden Member
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Specop 007

I have NO sympathy for someone who wants to kill themselves. If you cant find any amount of happiness surrounded by all the crap modern day culture can provide for you, then the simple flat out fact is this world is better off without you.
Suicide is for the weak. Darwin at work. We desperately need him anyways.

This is by the far the stupidest thing I have ever read.


Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2002
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Originally posted by: SP33Demon
SpecOp, did you marry your sister after having the kids? Nebraskans are good for a laugh out there in the sticks. Also, I've heard that many people in Nebraska have summer teeth: Some are here, some are there, get it? *snicker* </bliss>

This is about the level of idiocy that you've presented to this thread regarding your knowledge, and experience with respect to clinical depression. You should be up for owned of the year award by the time this is done.

You realize Mosh's link supports what I'm saying right?
Let me put this simply. There is no organism on earth that will for no reason whatsoever end its own life. Just doesnt happen, it defies the very point of life.
The human body is an amazingly complex and sensitive machine. But, at the most basic level it IS just a machine, if an organic one. Much like a car, it gives warning signs if something is wrong.
If your car begins to overheat do you just ignore it and keep driving? No. If your low fuel light comes on do you say "Oh its nothing!" and keep going? Of course not.
Well, Mosh's link states (very clearly I might add) that they dont know what causes depression.
Now heres the kicker. I'm going to single handedly solve the issue of depression, if your willing to listen with an open mind.
Depression is a sign something in your environment is wrong. Its your body's oil light so to speak. Proof? People in "gloomy" states suffer more cases or depression then in "happy" states. Such as Oregon, where theres not as much sunlight. Or Alaska, again because of the lack of sunlight.
Well, that outside stimulus is negatively affecting your body and the first warning signs are depression. But, most people have been spoon fed this medical PC correct horsesh1t that "Its not your fault, its a medical condition! Take a pill, we can fix you!"
To HELL with that I say! YOU can solve your depression. You dont need doctors, you dont need drugs. You need to do a Corona and "Change your lattitude". Find out whats causing your depression and CHANGE IT. No, it wont be easy, no it wont happen overnight. But, rather then man up and try to find what in yoru environment is causing depression people buy into this medical horsesh1t of "Its not your fault, its a medical condition".
Well, of COURSE its a medical condition. Its a medical condition of a chemical imbalance caused by an outside stimulus. Simple as that!
Maybe these depressed people need to move. Maybe they need to start an exercise program. Maybe they need to eat healthy. Hell, maybe they just need a bigger TV! Who knows? But the point is, it IS within your OWN hands to deal with your depression and overcome it! You DONT need drugs, you DONT need doctors. You just need to grow some balls, man up and say "Something is causing me unhappiness" and make some changes!!

Its that simple. You can be a victim and hide behind drugs, or you can work to make yoruself a better man (Or woman) and strike at the root of the problem and change your life. A change which most likely will be for the better, since your body is already giving you warnings signs that something isnt right in your environment.

Own that bitch.

A car has no soul. A car has no spiritual worth. Nobody gets spooked walking through a junkyard. Nobody has to exercise a whole lot of care transporting the alternator from a wrecked car to their own car. Most importantly, a car does not fix itself. It cannot change its own oil nor fill its own gas. If a car runs out of gas, are you just going to sit there and kick the doors in until it gets up on two wheels and fills itself, or are you going to lend a hand to make that person realize what's going on?

I agree with you on something, however. From your point of view and my point of view, yes, depression is caused by outside circumstances. But when you're in it, however, it's a lot harder to figure out what's wrong, and everything becomes very, very confusing. It's not as simple as getting a new job or starting a new exercise program. You lose the very motivation to do something, and that's how the spiral starts. You need an outside hand that ENCOURAGES, not one that causes the person to doubt even further their own abilities to escape from it.

"If you continue to do what you've always done, you'll continue to get what you've always gotten." (quote from a professor of mine)

For me, I got out of it with a new girlfriend and with a new hobby of repairing engines. It's hard to imagine how something so simple can cure something so severe as the desire to take your own life.


Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2002
Originally posted by: MantisFistMonk
Originally posted by: Specop 007

A well thought out and logical argument. Certainly cant have an intelligent discussion with you I see.






Flames are useless in discussion.


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2003
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Originally posted by: moshquerade
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Whos ignorance?
You can cover up for other people all you want. Fact is their weak and want attention. I'm better off without them, and so are you. If you cant pick your "depressed" butt up off the couch, and quit shovin Oreos in your mouth and go outside and be happy then hell man I dont see much point for you to be here.
wow... you don't have a clue as to what depression is. people can't just "snap" out of it. true depression is a chemical imbalance within their brain. maybe one day you or someone close to you will go through it and you'll realize what you just said was a load of horsecrap.

Ok, a chemical imbalance caused by what? Most likely outside infuelnces.
You dont get fat by eating healthy and exercising do you?
So, what causes depression?

Either way, lets assume its COMPLETELY outside the control of the individual....Again, its simply Darwin at work. Weeding out the weak. So either way your argument is worthless. Because either we're protecting and sheltering the weak, or it IS within their control to not be depressed.
And how many times do i hear "HAHAHA! Darwin at work!" when someone posts a video of someone doing something stupid...(que kid planting his face in a bumper)

So, it seems people DO support Darwin, of course only when it fits their personal agenda. Hell with tat, I support Darwin all the time! And depression is just another of those times.

We are talkinga bout TRUE depressioni here, not depression where kids just say "oh i'm depressed". With TRUE depression you aren't motivated to do anything and it takes time to get out of it, it isn't a "snap". Most people who say that they are depressed aren't, and you (Specop 007) are refering to those who thinks they are depressed. But you have to understand there are those who truly are depressed based on a chemical imbalance. I used to think like you, and felt that all psychological disorders are bs, if you convince yourself long enough that you're something you will eventually be that way, but after studying psychology for a few quarters, it appears that there is a big difference between "making yourself depressed by constantly thinking to" and "actual chemical imbalances in your system".


Platinum Member
Apr 14, 2004
Originally posted by: Geekbabe

There are many where who view this board as their only outlet to strut, swagger and play the tough guy because they couldn't possibly pull it off in real life.

That said, I think many of us know how it feels to be that sad and despondent,the real shame here is that the OP followed his inclination to post here instead of reaching out to somebody he trusts in real life.The internet is wonderful but a text message can't hug you, can't make you a cup of tea or hand you a box of kleenex.

Has the technology progressed to the point where many of us prefer it's cold comfort to that of interacting with real flesh and blood people ? Are there really so many among usd who feel so unpowerful in their real time lives that they must use the web to act out and lash out against misguided peers ?

Nothing beats life in real time people, nothing.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Specop, I know you're hacking notches in your belt for every poster you feel you've "KEYBOARD-PWN3D" but in the end, you're just an arrogant, immature, and utterly useless individual bringing absolutely nothing new to the table. It's so ridiculously easy to be cynical and insensitive, to boast about some obscure principles we all learned in 8th grade science, and to imitate experience and maturity with a grammar check and a thesaurus.

Maybe this "hardcore" act you're trying to pull off makes you feel like that tough-guy you want to be, but if you honestly wanted to be effective as a Darwinist, I doubt you'd be sitting at home slamming on a 15 year old kid in an off-topic computer forum.

Age does NOT equal maturity
Arrogance does NOT equal self-confidence
Being able to spout a little Darwin does NOT give you the right to dictate the flow and ebb of the world, regardless of what your misguided little mind tells you.

Grow up, get a grip on reality. If "survival of the fittest" really was the guilding principle of the universe, you most certainly wouldn't be around to discuss it.


Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2002
Originally posted by: SP33Demon
Originally posted by: kevinthenerd
Originally posted by: gigapet
You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

If you care that little about life, why don't YOU off yourself? I am different from everyone else because I CHOSE to be different. I CHOOSE each and every day to convince sad, gray people like you that love and joy DO exist, and that they're attainable right NOW.

I guess misery truly does love company. Your comment makes you no better than the sad, lost soul who wants to end their own life.
I think he was being facetious, that's a quote from Fight Club. FWIW

I love Fight Club, but those are my own words for the same concept.


Nov 18, 2001
All I have to say is I am honestly shocked at the level of ignorance Specop 007 displays when it comes to depression.

Maybe it's not even that he's ignorant, as much that he's too stubborn to learn and accept what it truly is.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Have you had it? Depression that is, where you day dream about jumping from a bridge?
If I had I would be unlikely to bemoan it here


Golden Member
Jan 13, 2005
Originally posted by: kevinthenerd
Flames are useless in discussion.

Ahh yes and your enlightened intellectual approach is working wonders.


We both walked into a room full of monkeys throwing sh!t at eachother.

You can sit here and try to talk it out with them. This is unfortunatly, not the first time I've walked into this room.

You go ahead and do what you feel will make the biggest impact, or whatever you're trying to achieve, and I'll just go on about my business.

When this is over, you can tell me how many monkeys you've helped attain rational logic, and I'll tell you how many monkeys I hit in the face with sh!t.



Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2002
Originally posted by: RelaxTheMind
Ok... My ex of 4½ years was manic depressant. her mother commited suicide when she was 8. As well as an occasion of suicide down her family tree.

At the time she was on 100mg of zoloft/day. She was the greatest. Happy times. Ex - 100mg zoloft = holy shit. You can tell if she took it just by having a 2 minute conversation with her.

As I said in an earlier post. Its not just influenced by outside sources... its also hereditary. Just like cancer is.

I myself lapsed into a depression but recovered qith help of family friends and alcohol and lots of weed with a side serving of ecstacy (which is basically a super anti-depressant).

hah lucky me

Alcohol causes further depression. My bet is on the weed. (I never tried ecstacy, but weed is the reason why I hate employment drug screening.)


Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2002
Originally posted by: MantisFistMonk
Originally posted by: kevinthenerd
Flames are useless in discussion.

Ahh yes and your enlightened intellectual approach is working wonders.


We both walked into a room full of monkeys throwing sh!t at eachother.

You can sit here and try to talk it out with them. This is unfortunatly, not the first time I've walked into this room.

You go ahead and do what you feel will make the biggest impact, or whatever you're trying to achieve, and I'll just go on about my business.

When this is over, you can tell me how many monkeys you've helped attain rational logic, and I'll tell you how many monkeys I hit in the face with sh!t.



Maybe my imagination is a little too fertile, or maybe I'm just a little too tired after working 11 days straight, but the mental image of somehow opening a door and finding not a classroom (as I would have expected in the engineering building I'm in) but rather a room full of monkeys throwing sh¡t at eachother.... you really have to SEE it in your head to find it as funny as I do. There's a human in there throwing sh¡t with them, and..... LMAO!!!!

I guess it's time for a nap.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
here's the difference I think between chemical depression and the majority of people who think they're depressed.

Take joe. He's having a great day. Birds are singing, weather is awesome and he's on top of the world. Now tell him that his entire family has died in a horrific plane accident. He is the number one suspect. Everything he owns has just been seized by the authorities, and his dog got run over twice by the cops trying to snatch him up at his home. He's not going to be too happy anymore.

Now take john. He's tripping on X. His seratonin levels are through the roof. Tell him any amount of bad news, and he'll grin at you like a dumb schmoo. His car being impounded...Awesome! his cat peed on him? Spectacular!

I think most people are just stressed, not depressed.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2004
Originally posted by: MantisFistMonk
Originally posted by: kevinthenerd
Flames are useless in discussion.

Ahh yes and your enlightened intellectual approach is working wonders.


We both walked into a room full of monkeys throwing sh!t at eachother.

You can sit here and try to talk it out with them. This is unfortunatly, not the first time I've walked into this room.

You go ahead and do what you feel will make the biggest impact, or whatever you're trying to achieve, and I'll just go on about my business.

When this is over, you can tell me how many monkeys you've helped attain rational logic, and I'll tell you how many monkeys I hit in the face with sh!t.

Haha You know what, I like you Mantis.


Golden Member
Apr 21, 2001
if a kid is suicidal, he shouldnt be posting on ATOT for help, he should talk to a doctor or some relatives or friends


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
sadly this forum is the worst place to look for support. we all know what it's like to be alone, and frustrated. just keep the BS to yourself as it may be someone honestly reaching out for the only form of community they know.


Golden Member
Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: aplefka
Originally posted by: eakers
I was just reading a thread where a young BOY just admitted to being suicidal and the remarks that followed were probabley the most shameful and disgusting things I have ever read here. People telling him to off himself, people making fun of him. If you don't know the hopeless feeling of depression and why someone would want to kill themselves and can't be supportive about it then STFU!

Depression is a serious mental illness that not only effects the person but everyone around them that loves them. How would you like it if you mom, grandmother, brother, sister, gf, whoever, was suicidal and there was nothing you could do for them? How would you like it if people told them over and over how much they sucked and told them to kill themselves?

Sometimes, suicide is a cry for attention, but it is almost never because "mommy and daddy wouldn't buy me a car", a serious suicide attempt is a cry for help in a world where life seems so terrible and hopeless that a person could choose not to exist.

This is not the first time I have read comments like this here. People "advising" others to ignore suicidal people (instead of calling the police or trying to get them help), people telling others to just kill themselves when they make a post describing how hopeless life is.

I know this forum is made up with little boys who don't know better or are trying to look cool but I am sickened by the attitude some here take towards suicide.

He was 15. Everyone at 13-15 at least once thinks they want to commit suicide and thinks they're "depressed." It's called growing up.

Obviously you take things way too seriously and have no experience with people of that age, so you stfu, n00b. I know people who are really depressed, and I know people who are self-diagnosed as depressed.

I hope this gets locked, for your sake.

Not really sure why you seem to think all people 13 to 15 think of suicide. Where are you getting that statistic?



Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: kevinthenerd
Originally posted by: gigapet
You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

If you care that little about life, why don't YOU off yourself? I am different from everyone else because I CHOSE to be different. I CHOOSE each and every day to convince sad, gray people like you that love and joy DO exist, and that they're attainable right NOW.

I guess misery truly does love company. Your comment makes you no better than the sad, lost soul who wants to end their own life.

Wow You should be an inspirational and motivational speaker! Can I book you for next friday?
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