I am feeling REALLY depressed!


Jan 8, 2002
Anyone care to talk to me?

I just found out I'm being demoted. The owner of the company tried to put it in a nice way I guess. He said he wants me to become a floating manager that goes to each of the four kiosks on a week to week basis. But I can easily see through that and see that after Christmas I will probably be put down to part-timer status.

So I'm sitting here, thinking what in God's name am I going to do? I know I want out of sales and I don't want anything to do with sales.

What other jobs are out there that dont' deal with sales or retail, period?

I'm pretty sad and upset at myself right now. Going through all of the thoughts of what if, or what did I do wrong, or what could I have changed etc.

I have about two more years before I'm done with my associates.

I'm a freaking loser, an idiot, a retard, a nobody, a guy who got demoted, man, I just don't know what to think of myself. I have so many problems that it isn't even funny. Things are taking way too long.

I could never go back to pushing carts and bagging groceries.

Thanks for listening and being a friend, all of you, thank you.


May 19, 2002
sometimes failure is needed for success..

there is always a silver lining..

keep toughing it! ull be fine!



Diamond Member
May 7, 2000
i know it's tough, but you gotta turn that rejected feeling into motivation to find a better job...think of the satisfaction you'll have when a couple months later you can walk up to your old manager and show him your new paycheck which will be higher than his.


Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Nocturnal
Anyone care to talk to me?

I just found out I'm being demoted. The owner of the company tried to put it in a nice way I guess. He said he wants me to become a floating manager that goes to each of the four kiosks on a week to week basis. But I can easily see through that and see that after Christmas I will probably be put down to part-timer status.

So I'm sitting here, thinking what in God's name am I going to do? I know I want out of sales and I don't want anything to do with sales.

What other jobs are out there that dont' deal with sales or retail, period?

I'm pretty sad and upset at myself right now. Going through all of the thoughts of what if, or what did I do wrong, or what could I have changed etc.

I have about two more years before I'm done with my associates.

I'm a freaking loser, an idiot, a retard, a nobody, a guy who got demoted, man, I just don't know what to think of myself. I have so many problems that it isn't even funny. Things are taking way too long.

I could never go back to pushing carts and bagging groceries.

Thanks for listening and being a friend, all of you, thank you.


I know that we haven't always seen eye to eye. I am sorry to hear that you'll be demoted.

Whatever happened to your aspirations for a computer tech job?

If I ever get off my lazy ass, I'd like to get into computer networking, etc.

Good luck!


Jan 18, 2003
First of all, how old are you?

second, no matter what age, cheer up ... i work at target and i know your pain..... i was on carts until i couldnt take it anymore and practically begged them to put me in Electronics instead..... As for other jobs, Pizza Delivery?


Senior member
Sep 28, 2003
Dude... first off there's no need to put yourself down.

Point One: I can understand that you want to find out where the blame is. But in life, sh!t happens. Things that you can't control happen man.

Point Two: There are people who have got it worse than you. There is ALWAYS somebody in a worse situation. So be grateful you are where you are. You got a job, you make money. You're not starving ( i hope)

Point Three: I don't know if this will cheer you up or not but you should really consider that you going to be ok.

Point Four; Read the sig


Jan 8, 2002
Thanks for the comments guys. I'm 21 years old with 16 college credits behind my belt. I really appreciate the kind comments even from you Ross. Thanks again guys I love this community.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I don't know how to say this the right way, but sometimes adversity opens the door for new opportunities. Continue to work had while looking for another line of work. If you let yourself get stepped on, you'll only end up being squashed. Go out and make something good turn out of this. :gift:


Jan 18, 2003
Originally posted by: Nocturnal
Thanks for the comments guys. I'm 21 years old with 16 college credits behind my belt. I really appreciate the kind comments even from you Ross. Thanks again guys I love this community.

Im sure there are some jobs out there youd be great at... I mean for a while you might have to start at a sucky part-time job or even work 2 jobs, but the hard work will pay off in the end.... Keep smilin' dude... The key to happiness is work at a job you like, find some activities you LOVE to do, and hopefully find a girl who can make your dreams come true..


Senior member
Sep 28, 2003
I'm 21 too... i'm going to college, i have over 97 credit hours and i'm going to 2 yr college. Yep i'm a college flunkie... but i'm going to try to get into pharmacy school. Dunno if it'll happen but i hope it will. Nervous? Yes. Depressed? Was for long time... Now? OK.

You'll do just fine bro...

EDIT: crap! now i'm scared!


Oct 17, 1999
Originally posted by: Nocturnal
Thanks for the comments guys. I'm 21 years old with 16 college credits behind my belt. I really appreciate the kind comments even from you Ross. Thanks again guys I love this community.

Are you married and have kids? Do you have a lot of debt?

What do you really want to do?


Jan 8, 2002
Originally posted by: PipBoy
Do you know why you're being demoted?

He said my store is not doing too well as far as sales go. But my store is the slowest store out of the four kiosks and has been the slowest ever since this company started. I am personal friends with the previous manager who worked at my current store and he said so himself that his stats were the same as mine.

I am here to make NO excuses. I guess sales is just not my niche.


Jan 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Dr Smooth
Originally posted by: Nocturnal
Thanks for the comments guys. I'm 21 years old with 16 college credits behind my belt. I really appreciate the kind comments even from you Ross. Thanks again guys I love this community.

Are you married and have kids? Do you have a lot of debt?

What do you really want to do?

I want to get a job in the IT field. Of course you need some sort of certification, degree or know someone who connections. I'm tired of sales and do not want to go back into that field. I also do not want to work at K-Mart or Walmart pushing carts or stocking shelves. I know with this day and age I cannot be picky and if worse comes to worse I'll have to do just that. But I'm hoping for the best and that something else will come up.

Mean MrMustard

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2001
Originally posted by: MartyMcFly3
First of all, how old are you?

second, no matter what age, cheer up ... i work at target and i know your pain..... i was on carts until i couldnt take it anymore and practically begged them to put me in Electronics instead..... As for other jobs, Pizza Delivery?

Dude, I was in Electronics and then moved to cart attendant. I didn't mind it at the time (no one cared what the cart attendant was doing as long as there were enough carts in the well), anyway, eventually it was time to move on...


Oct 20, 2002
Don't know what to add to what all of these guys have said

So... here's a hug (Comments can be directed to PM's )


Apr 18, 2001
Maybe if you didnt suck at what you do, they wouldn't demote you!

nah, i'm just joking. good luck


Jan 18, 2003
Originally posted by: ELP
Originally posted by: MartyMcFly3
First of all, how old are you?

second, no matter what age, cheer up ... i work at target and i know your pain..... i was on carts until i couldnt take it anymore and practically begged them to put me in Electronics instead..... As for other jobs, Pizza Delivery?

Dude, I was in Electronics and then moved to cart attendant. I didn't mind it at the time (no one cared what the cart attendant was doing as long as there were enough carts in the well), anyway, eventually it was time to move on...

I didnt mind being on carts at first, but i eventually hit a point where not only was i basically forgotten about (one time they let practically everyone go home and admittingly forgot about me getting an assload of carts-- this is at Target btw)..... At Target, the cart attendant got the sh!t jobs.... Wiping off toilet seats covered with someone else's #1 and/or #2 was when i hit my limit... Dont regret changing positions at all...


Apr 22, 2003
Originally posted by: Nocturnal
Anyone care to talk to me?

I just found out I'm being demoted. The owner of the company tried to put it in a nice way I guess. He said he wants me to become a floating manager that goes to each of the four kiosks on a week to week basis. But I can easily see through that and see that after Christmas I will probably be put down to part-timer status.

So I'm sitting here, thinking what in God's name am I going to do? I know I want out of sales and I don't want anything to do with sales.

What other jobs are out there that dont' deal with sales or retail, period?

I'm pretty sad and upset at myself right now. Going through all of the thoughts of what if, or what did I do wrong, or what could I have changed etc.

I have about two more years before I'm done with my associates.

I'm a freaking loser, an idiot, a retard, a nobody, a guy who got demoted, man, I just don't know what to think of myself. I have so many problems that it isn't even funny. Things are taking way too long.

I could never go back to pushing carts and bagging groceries.

Thanks for listening and being a friend, all of you, thank you.

Think about it.


Nov 19, 2003
Things happen for a reason. I am a firm believer of this! There is something better for you, it's now your responsibility to go find. So buck up, put on a happy face and go find it! It's there for the taking. It will be alright as long as you don't wallow in self pity. After all that's a silly thing to do! No time for it now. You didn't get to be a manager by being a loser so odds are you aren't one now. Better days are ahead. Believe this and it will come true because you will make it come true!


Diamond Member
Oct 26, 1999
Originally posted by: 5ayle
Dude... first off there's no need to put yourself down.

Point One: I can understand that you want to find out where the blame is. But in life, sh!t happens. Things that you can't control happen man.

Point Two: There are people who have got it worse than you. There is ALWAYS somebody in a worse situation. So be grateful you are where you are. You got a job, you make money. You're not starving ( i hope)

Point Three: I don't know if this will cheer you up or not but you should really consider that you going to be ok.

Point Four; Read the sig

except point four isnt particularly comforting


May 26, 2003

The world we live in is not perfect, it never was. Things happen.

We can experience the tears of joy, and tears of failure in the same day. Believe me, failure is not that easy to accomplish unless you really want to fail.

You are still a young man. Actually, too young to be depressed about life.

I don't know where you live, but I am sure there are other jobs too. Since you go to college, you can always apply for jobs in your school's IT department. I recently applied for my school's 4HELP desk. I'll basically install OSs, install anti-virus apps and just help students with networking problems.

I am sure your school has jobs like this. Go talk to career services.

I hope you feel better this morning. Good luck man.



Oct 25, 2003
A courtesy clerk position (The guys you see pushing carts) at Wal-Mart isn't too bad of a position for actually anyone (except that it pays squat).

Courtesy clerks are the gods of Wal-Mart. If they call in sick, the crap hits the fan.

You know everything that is going on in every department. You have the most freedom. If you want, you can do nothing if you are caught up with your primary duties. You handle all of layaways stuff that needs to be put away (means you get to climb around in the shelves. Woo hoo! Always fun). You handle the bikes, the T.Vs, and parking lot security. You kick ass and take names.

You get to work outside most of the day (best part about it). Yeah, the work is as hard as you are willing to make it. Me, I couldn't let myself slack off so I often overworked myself to insanity pulling in load after load of carts. You get to work in the blistering heat and the freezing rain. It seems depressing thinking of working in the freezing rain for 8 hours, but once you are out in it, it is fun.

You can get forklift licensed and be king of the road. You get called to help with all the physical stuff.

I liked it, but at the same time, disliked it. Not the position, but wal-mart in general. Remember though, that was like 2 years ago. Actually, it was pretty much my own fault. After all, I choose to work there. I just hold super high standards for myself, and I end up getting really frustrated with the customers and the co-workers who don't give a crap about anything (wal-mart doesn't hire enough good people).

But of course, they don't even pay close to what is deserved by the workers, so they don't get enough decent people wanting to work there.

Plus, I was into computers at the time more than I am now. Being such, time away from the computer seemed to drag on. 8 hours seemed like an eternity. That drove me mad as well. That's why I try not to get to involved with computers now while in school.

But when I look back on it now, it would be hard to find a cooler non-specialized job than that. You get to be in a super chaotic, ever-changing work place where you don't know what's going to happen or what the day might bring. Wal-Mart is the king of retail and the bootcamp for retail employment.

If they would only pay their employees just a tad more, I bet they would find awesome results. If they started people at $9.50-$10.00 per hour (they start people at like $7.50 or $7.75 in my area currently) after 90 days... the employee's would be mentally be much better off and it would contribute to a wayyy better workplace. Why can't people understand that if you don't pay people enough money to allow them to have some extra play $$$ every month, they are only going to be in a lousy mood at work?

That's why I don't like Wal-Mart. They are all corporate. Christ, even the radio and air-conditioning are controlled by the home office. The home office tells the stores how many people can be hired in one department, regardless of workload. It's ridiculous. I can understand that set standards are needed in such a large network, but come on, how about a little leeway. Yeah.. anyways. I think I'm just going to finish up some college credits, and join the airforce or something. Retire at 43 and play games for the next 40 years. Hee hee!
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