I Bought Intel Friends Tell me AMD better...

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Platinum Member
Aug 2, 2004
Because justly, anyone with a functional brain would realize that if you believe there will be pci-e, ddr2 and other developing features supported on 754 there is no reason to pay attention at all to the debates over the upgradability of either socket. The debate exists based upon the possibility that 754 will not see all the features that will become standards soon enough. I don't have much of an opinion either way in fact, but when questions of the relevance of the arguement come up, you can only argue its relevance by assuming it is founded. As to your suggestion that I label my posts with "IMO", you might try reading what you quoted, since I said that 754's future support of developing features was uncertain. Which is about the only thing that can be said that isn't an opinion. I'm not sure why you have some vendetta against compairing the futures of 939 and 754. But you should pay better attention to what has been said, rather then your apparent fervent belief that I'm cutting 754 a raw deal, when I am only mentioning the discussion that's been going on over it for the past several months.

Gamingphreak, yes that is a Sis board.


Oct 17, 2004
Alright, I've been enjoying reading this huge thread. I think it is getting a bit off topic as the only thing I wanted to know was should I be kicking myself in the ass for buying Intel. Yes, Intel pretty much bit the dust but hey thats only going to benefit prices and force prices to drop for Intel.

I wanted DDR2 and PCI-E right away and a 6600GT so I bought Intel and I didn't want to wait. Yes new things are coming out such as the nf4 but I didn't want to wait that much longer plus the SB83G5 has that silver industrial steel look which I liked.

Anyway, I hate to see all you guys argue over something that is painfully obvious. Intel screwed up and AMD is pretty much at the top. Ok, so what... lets all take our opinions and just be happy with what we have. I mean I made this thread pretty much disappointed with my purchase with all the rant and rave going on about the latest top of the line processors. However, reading all your posts has actually made me quite happy with my purchase because this processor war won't end. Even as everyone reposts their thoughts and opinions theres going to be times when Intel is king and then when AMD is king and visa versa. I guess this is what makes this topic so interesting is the competition is so tight. These two companies are face to face in a neverending battle and us end users are the ones who have something to say. Some of us follow one company, some of us just go with whatever is best, or some go with what will get them the most with their money.

But whatever it is just get whatever makes ya happy and don't let other people spoil it for you. My friends still continue to taunt me about my lowly Intel but whatever ya know, whatever makes them feel better about their purchase is fine with me. All I wanted was smoother frame rates and to be able to play upcoming games for a couple years and of course to take my tower with me easily. I got that all and nothing is wrong with that. So sorry if I did anything to cause an arguement but i guess it can't be helped. However, feel free to keep discussing I enjoy reading everyones post.

In the mean time I'm going to start a new thread on how I can overclock properly so if anyone would like to help or has experience in that please look for my post in the CPU forum. Thanks guys.



Jul 25, 2003
Lithan, don't get yourself all worked up, the only reason I have been responding to your comment is that it didn't make sence to me. You incinuated that socket 939 is the only socket that has an upgrade path to PCI-e and DDR2. I was only trying to show that as long as there is a market for socket 754 (be it performance. mainstream or budget) motherboard manufactures will try to inovate and gain market share, and since any Athlon 64 chipset can be used on any Athlon 64 socket design, making a PCI-e socket 754 seem viable and likely.

As for DDR2, I thought it was going to require a new socket anyway since the memory controller is integrated on the processor core. If true, then socket 939 will be no better than socket 754 for this upgrade.

I just don't see socket 754 ending up the way you say unless both AMD and ALL motherboard manufactures are in agreement that socket 754 should die. The thing is, untill Sempron moves to socket 939 I think socket 754 is going to stay around, and recieve the same chipset upgrades as socket 939.


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: mnarciso
Alright, I've been enjoying reading this huge thread. I think it is getting a bit off topic as the only thing I wanted to know was should I be kicking myself in the ass for buying Intel. Yes, Intel pretty much bit the dust but hey thats only going to benefit prices and force prices to drop for Intel.

I wanted DDR2 and PCI-E right away and a 6600GT so I bought Intel and I didn't want to wait. Yes new things are coming out such as the nf4 but I didn't want to wait that much longer plus the SB83G5 has that silver industrial steel look which I liked.

Anyway, I hate to see all you guys argue over something that is painfully obvious. Intel screwed up and AMD is pretty much at the top. Ok, so what... lets all take our opinions and just be happy with what we have. I mean I made this thread pretty much disappointed with my purchase with all the rant and rave going on about the latest top of the line processors. However, reading all your posts has actually made me quite happy with my purchase because this processor war won't end. Even as everyone reposts their thoughts and opinions theres going to be times when Intel is king and then when AMD is king and visa versa. I guess this is what makes this topic so interesting is the competition is so tight. These two companies are face to face in a neverending battle and us end users are the ones who have something to say. Some of us follow one company, some of us just go with whatever is best, or some go with what will get them the most with their money.

But whatever it is just get whatever makes ya happy and don't let other people spoil it for you. My friends still continue to taunt me about my lowly Intel but whatever ya know, whatever makes them feel better about their purchase is fine with me. All I wanted was smoother frame rates and to be able to play upcoming games for a couple years and of course to take my tower with me easily. I got that all and nothing is wrong with that. So sorry if I did anything to cause an arguement but i guess it can't be helped. However, feel free to keep discussing I enjoy reading everyones post.

In the mean time I'm going to start a new thread on how I can overclock properly so if anyone would like to help or has experience in that please look for my post in the CPU forum. Thanks guys.

Regardless of what your told, you went with teh winnah - Intel! Then #1 chip company in the world, and for good reason. Dont regret not being a second class pc user and going with the number two company out there.


Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Regardless of what your told, you went with teh winnah - Intel! Then #1 chip company in the world, and for good reason. Dont regret not being a second class pc user and going with the number two company out there.
AOL is the world's #1 ISP, and I'm proud not to be a subscriber to their service.


Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: mnarciso
I think it is getting a bit off topic as the only thing I wanted to know was should I be kicking myself in the ass for buying Intel.
You opened up the usual can of worms in this forum, hence the big debate. You shouldn't be kicking yourself at all. It sounds like you're very happy w/ your system, and as you said the A64 would have cost about the same. Since the prices are at par, it does come down to preference and feature set. The general concensus is that AMD has a slight edge right now. People get all worked up about it because intel was always unmatched in the high-end in the past. The fact that AMD is eating into their market share in certain segments when their CPUs are the same price is a huge event in the CPU world.


Platinum Member
Aug 2, 2004
Originally posted by: justly
Lithan, don't get yourself all worked up, the only reason I have been responding to your comment is that it didn't make sence to me. You incinuated that socket 939 is the only socket that has an upgrade path to PCI-e and DDR2. I was only trying to show that as long as there is a market for socket 754 (be it performance. mainstream or budget) motherboard manufactures will try to inovate and gain market share, and since any Athlon 64 chipset can be used on any Athlon 64 socket design, making a PCI-e socket 754 seem viable and likely.

As for DDR2, I thought it was going to require a new socket anyway since the memory controller is integrated on the processor core. If true, then socket 939 will be no better than socket 754 for this upgrade.

I just don't see socket 754 ending up the way you say unless both AMD and ALL motherboard manufactures are in agreement that socket 754 should die. The thing is, untill Sempron moves to socket 939 I think socket 754 is going to stay around, and recieve the same chipset upgrades as socket 939.

I didn't insinuate any such thing. I pointed out the case in the upgrading path arguement between 939 and 754 with qualifiers every step of the way. I never once said that 754 wouldn't recieve future enhancements or processors. I said that it was questionable whether it would see some of the enhancements 939 will see. Yet you still refuse to admit that you misread what I had posted.


Apr 27, 2000
Originally posted by: mnarciso
I wanted DDR2 and PCI-E right away and a 6600GT so I bought Intel and I didn't want to wait. Yes new things are coming out such as the nf4 but I didn't want to wait that much longer plus the SB83G5 has that silver industrial steel look which I liked.

Heh, if all you wanted was PCI-e support, right here and right now, then obviously you had to go for LGA-775. I can't see why you'd want DDR2(it ain't doin the P4 any favors), but if that's what you wanted, by jove, you've got it.


Oct 21, 2004
'Regardless of what your told, you went with teh winnah - Intel! Then #1 chip company in the world, and for good reason. Dont regret not being a second class pc user and going with the number two company out there. '

Felix - I respect your choice to choose Intel over AMD. I've had both Intel and AMD. Frankly, I don't care if the computer I have currently has the 'edge' or is the company that needs to catch up to the 'edge'. But please consider when you make a statement like the above. I'm a bit offended that you'd lable me a 'second class pc user' simply because I choose one company over the other. Both companies use the same earth-made parts. The only thing that differs is marketing strategy and human thought as to how to go about assembling chips and systems. Let's all try to be 'first class' and keep the comments like the above from representing AnAndTech, as well as whatever company you are trying to stick for in here.

Take it all into perspective guys. In 100 years, who's going to know the difference for certain - or care..


Mar 31, 2003
Jen, dont even try. You wont get through. Felix has a post like once a week trying to get him banned. Evey forum has a troll, well felix is the troll of the AT forums. He wont change.



Oct 21, 2004
I just hate to see someone's thread turned into what essentially (from my perspective) equates to personal opinion. I've seen these benchmark test thingies - and often it's so close between the two companies. It's not like one company is going to junk yards and scrapping for parts and hence makes cruddy systems. Both are great.

This may be the sleep deprivation/exhaustion speaking (My former entry has quite a few typos, too) - but whenever I see this sort of rivalry in threads, I get an image of two gangs a'la east coast/west coast. I see bling-bling in the shape of 'Intel Inside' on diamond studded necklaces or 'AMD' tattoo'd on the back of people's noggins. Luckly, nobody here is going to die from selecting one company over the other. Though I guess some people will still get a bit upset with each other. =/


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: JenniAMDCHP
'Regardless of what your told, you went with teh winnah - Intel! Then #1 chip company in the world, and for good reason. Dont regret not being a second class pc user and going with the number two company out there. '

Felix - I respect your choice to choose Intel over AMD. I've had both Intel and AMD. Frankly, I don't care if the computer I have currently has the 'edge' or is the company that needs to catch up to the 'edge'. But please consider when you make a statement like the above. I'm a bit offended that you'd lable me a 'second class pc user' simply because I choose one company over the other. Both companies use the same earth-made parts. The only thing that differs is marketing strategy and human thought as to how to go about assembling chips and systems. Let's all try to be 'first class' and keep the comments like the above from representing AnAndTech, as well as whatever company you are trying to stick for in here.

Take it all into perspective guys. In 100 years, who's going to know the difference for certain - or care..

I agree Jen, and in light of your thoughtful post, I agree to no longer call AMD users 'second class pc users'.

Have a good one.


Oct 17, 2004
All I know is next time I'm going to come here for my next upgrade this is by far the best community I have found.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Lithan
Cainam, thermal diodes are misleadingly calibrated and read. Math doesn't lie. There isn't a magical heat hole that lets a processor put 100w of heat into a heatsink/fan with a c/w of .30 and wind up with temperatures fifteen degrees above ambient. As much as you'd like to believe your "first hand experience" the fact is that your opinions derived from it simply don't mesh up with known and provable fact.

And 3.4 p4c runs about 23w cooler than 3.6 p4e according to tech docs.

This isn't about AMD and Intel anymore is it. This is about Lithan being right no matter what it takes. He'll type til his fingers bleed. Someone who disagrees with every single word spoken (typed) is truly not interested in the subject matter. Just interested in being the one who is right.



Senior member
May 25, 2004
Prescott are money sinks due to the poor perfomance and heat.Sorry man I been a intel fan for years and they still give better performance below he 3.4 ghz line *normaly*.But now your just end up wasteing money choising from 1ghz band with, gaming editions, and ht editions, which are all the same peice of crap


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: willfreund
Prescott are money sinks due to the poor perfomance and heat.Sorry man I been a intel fan for years and they still give better performance below he 3.4 ghz line *normaly*.But now your just end up wasteing money choising from 1ghz band with, gaming editions, and ht editions, which are all the same peice of crap

gaming editions? HT editions?

1ghz bandwidth?

youre a tech? LMAO.


Platinum Member
Aug 2, 2004
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Originally posted by: Lithan
Cainam, thermal diodes are misleadingly calibrated and read. Math doesn't lie. There isn't a magical heat hole that lets a processor put 100w of heat into a heatsink/fan with a c/w of .30 and wind up with temperatures fifteen degrees above ambient. As much as you'd like to believe your "first hand experience" the fact is that your opinions derived from it simply don't mesh up with known and provable fact.

And 3.4 p4c runs about 23w cooler than 3.6 p4e according to tech docs.

This isn't about AMD and Intel anymore is it. This is about Lithan being right no matter what it takes. He'll type til his fingers bleed. Someone who disagrees with every single word spoken (typed) is truly not interested in the subject matter. Just interested in being the one who is right.

Are you saying that motherboard thermal diodes are accurate or are you just talking out your ass because you have nothing better to do?


Platinum Member
Jul 16, 2002
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Originally posted by: Lithan
Cainam, thermal diodes are misleadingly calibrated and read. Math doesn't lie. There isn't a magical heat hole that lets a processor put 100w of heat into a heatsink/fan with a c/w of .30 and wind up with temperatures fifteen degrees above ambient. As much as you'd like to believe your "first hand experience" the fact is that your opinions derived from it simply don't mesh up with known and provable fact.

And 3.4 p4c runs about 23w cooler than 3.6 p4e according to tech docs.

This isn't about AMD and Intel anymore is it. This is about Lithan being right no matter what it takes. He'll type til his fingers bleed. Someone who disagrees with every single word spoken (typed) is truly not interested in the subject matter. Just interested in being the one who is right.

Lithan, the experience of one person is not the end all and be all. Obviously others as well as myself do not agree with many of your observations or claims. Some we can, some we clearly cannot.


Platinum Member
Aug 2, 2004
What claims? Looking at the tech docs for the processors and heatsinks then performing simple calculations will show the general differences in temps you will see. And it's common knowledge that Mainboard temp readings are innaccurate. If you want to believe they aren't then that is your opinion, but Simply buying an independant diode of your own would make clear some of the glaring discrepancies I've mentioned.


Platinum Member
Jul 16, 2002
Originally posted by: Lithan
What claims? Looking at the tech docs for the processors and heatsinks then performing simple calculations will show the general differences in temps you will see. And it's common knowledge that Mainboard temp readings are innaccurate. If you want to believe they aren't then that is your opinion, but Simply buying an independant diode of your own would make clear some of the glaring discrepancies I've mentioned.

I run at 3*C under room temp @ 1.60vcore 3.9ghz on xp120 with a silent fan.

you posted

I hope you are not trying to tell me that 33 C is room temperature, which equates to 91 Fahrenheit...

such is a claim probably based on an incorrect temperature measurement of your case temps, and certainly not reflective of the actual room temp unless you have your computer next to a boiler.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 1999
Originally posted by: Acanthus
It is my understanding that you cant get below ambient anyway with air cooling.
Well, of course not.

The problem is that Lithan applys one circumstance (his) to all other circumstances. Well, not even that actually... Just the ones he chooses.



Platinum Member
Aug 2, 2004
My room is 96*F at the moment actually.

And Acanthus, you win the prize. Seems everyone else here failed to realize that I was making a point of just how godawful motherboards temp readings are.

Wingnutz, we have been over this., I don't draw any conclusions based on motherboard temp readings because drawing conclusions based on flawed data results in flawed results. I point out that board temp readings are godawful only because someone pointed to an extremely generic poll conducted with no hints of scientific control whatsoever as "evidence" that prescotts don't run hot.


Oct 17, 2004
Alright break it up, break it up =).

Whats that program your using Lithan, the one in the screenshot you put up for your motherboard temps?
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