I can't stand cops who abuse their power!!!


Senior member
Oct 20, 2002
So my brother bought a 03 Volvo last week. He bought it at a dealership and they got all his ducks in a row registration wise, meaning the dealership filled out all the proper paperwork and gave it to my brother when he left.

Flash forward to this morning. My brother was on his way to work and is pulled over for speeding. Whether or not he was speeding is not in question and is not important, as it was only a ticket and not a court appearance or a towable offense, so my brother should have been ticketed and sent on his way, with his car.

The cop comes up after pulling my brother over, asks him for license, registration, insurance etc. My brother gave him his insurance, license, photocopy of his registration and his bill of sale from the dealership. Because my brother traded his old car in at the dealership, they don't use temp tags, they are legally able to use his old tags for twenty days, providing they are legally registered and are not any longer being used on another car, and the dealership is doing the legwork. The cop tells him that he didn't have the proper paperwork, insinuating that my brother didn't register his car and that he was likely going to tow it. My brother told him he was wrong, and that his car was properly registered, and that he had 20 days from the date of purchase to go to the registry, or have the dealership do it. He is having the dealership do it for him. Since the dealership is doing it for him, they give him a copy of his registration and a bill of sale, since they are REQUIRED BY THE STATE to give my brother's old registration to the new purchasers of his old car, which he traded in, so they can register it. That is how it is done in this state, and my brother's car was totally legal to be driven.

I am of the opinion that the cop knewt my bro was legal and just had something against my brother. I don't know whether it was because my brother is white, nicely dressed and has a nice car and the officer in question was black, or if he was just an a-hole, but this is clearly wrong.

Not only did my brother get a speeding ticket for $350, which he says is also inaccurate(my brother thinks the cop was pissed because my brother passed him on the highway, which is not illegal), but the cop towed his car($200 tow bill), and also gave him a ticket to appear in court for no proof of registration and driving an unregistered vehicle. All of which is untrue. He was totally legal.

My brother called the state police to report this incident, and was told that, yes, he was right about the law, but that either there must have been some other reason for the tow, which there was not. They said that they could not help at all, so my brother will have to take a day out of work to get the ticket dropped, costing him at the least a half a days pay, a $200 towing charge and the use of his car. Thankfully, even though the cop told the tow driver that under no circumstance was he to allow my brother to have access to his car back until it was registered, which couldn't even happen until Monday, the tow driver knew my brother was in the right, so instead of following the officer's request of impounding it, he dropped it at my bro's house.

I am so pissed, because it seems like this crap happens to so many people, and no matter what, most times judges may let you off of the fine, but what about your time and accrued costs? You are expected to eat it, and if you get a lawyer, that is supposed to come out of your pocket. It is not right. This cop was clearly in the wrong, and just wanted to make my brother pay for some reason. Either this cop is ignorant of the laws he is supposed to enforce, or he is just a jerk and doesn't like to be told he is wrong. COPS ARE NOT ALWAYS RIGHT, BUT THEY THINK THEY ARE ABOVE THE LAW!! There is absolutely no excuse for his actions.


Nov 18, 2001
So cops are supposed to trust every Joe Blow that quotes legal doctrine?


Feb 7, 2004
So he did not get the memo not to pass a cop?

Seriously, don't look for trouble.

Yea, abusive cops suck. I got a ticket for running a stop sign when I had been sitting there for 5 minutes waiting for traffic to clear once.


Feb 7, 2004
Originally posted by: BigJ
So cops are supposed to trust every Joe Blow that quotes legal doctrine?

I think his post was more along the lines that cops should know the law.


Senior member
Oct 20, 2002
No, he is supposed to know what constitutes the proper paperwork for a car purchased in his state. I has to happen daily, or has he never been in a situation where a person purchased a new car?


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: episodic
Originally posted by: BigJ
So cops are supposed to trust every Joe Blow that quotes legal doctrine?

I think his post was more along the lines that cops should know the law.

And God forbid the cop fvcks up one time on something that probably doesn't happen too often (car dealership registration stuff).

Even experts in their field aren't going to know everything.


Senior member
Oct 20, 2002
Originally posted by: episodic
Originally posted by: BigJ
So cops are supposed to trust every Joe Blow that quotes legal doctrine?

I think his post was more along the lines that cops should know the law.

Yea, he knows that was kind of stupid, but says the cop was going unreasonably slow on the highway, and was in the middle of a line of three cars, so he did not see him until it was too late. Still dumb, but not illegal.


Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2004
Originally posted by: BigJ
So cops are supposed to trust every Joe Blow that quotes legal doctrine?

when joe blow knows his sh!t.

the cop should know the laws in the first place. or why is he a cop?


Senior member
Oct 20, 2002
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: episodic
Originally posted by: BigJ
So cops are supposed to trust every Joe Blow that quotes legal doctrine?

I think his post was more along the lines that cops should know the law.

And God forbid the cop fvcks up one time on something that probably doesn't happen too often (car dealership registration stuff).

Even experts in their field aren't going to know everything.

It was not a screw up, he knew what was up and likely did it because my brother passed him on the highway.

Look, I don't pretend to know what was going on in the cops head, but as has been stated, if it was a mistake, he should know the laws he has to deal with on a daily basis. It is not like this was some obscure law, this was something that he has got to see a few tiimes a day.


Feb 7, 2004
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: episodic
Originally posted by: BigJ
So cops are supposed to trust every Joe Blow that quotes legal doctrine?

I think his post was more along the lines that cops should know the law.

And God forbid the cop fvcks up one time on something that probably doesn't happen too often (car dealership registration stuff).

Even experts in their field aren't going to know everything.

So you are saying a traffic cop should not know the proper registration procedures for his state? I call utter BS if that is what you are saying.

Now, I can see the cop not knowing some archaic seldom used law - but c'mon - to have a guy's car towed? It seems he should know the law on that one beforehand. Even if he was new, a discreet call on the radio to a superior to ask real quick before he had the man's car impounded would seem the level headed thing to do.


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: totalcommand
Originally posted by: BigJ
So cops are supposed to trust every Joe Blow that quotes legal doctrine?

when joe blow knows his sh!t.

the cop should know the laws in the first place. or why is he a cop?

So every cop you encounter should know every law on the books? Does every electrician you have ever talked to know every electrical code on the books? How about plumbers, or builders?

And since when is making a mistake equal to blatant abuse of power?


Apr 29, 2003
Well that sucks, if all you say is true hopefully he'll get his towing fee back.

But seriously, passing a cop is retarded.


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: episodic
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: episodic
Originally posted by: BigJ
So cops are supposed to trust every Joe Blow that quotes legal doctrine?

I think his post was more along the lines that cops should know the law.

And God forbid the cop fvcks up one time on something that probably doesn't happen too often (car dealership registration stuff).

Even experts in their field aren't going to know everything.

So you are saying a traffic cop should not know the proper registration procedures for his state? I call utter BS if that is what you are saying.

Now, I can see the cop not knowing some archaic seldom used law - but c'mon - to have a guy's car towed? It seems he should know the law on that one beforehand. Even if he was new, a discreet call on the radio to a superior to ask real quick before he had the man's car impounded would seem the level headed thing to do.

I'm not saying the cop didn't fvck up. What I am saying is I don't really think it was an abuse of power, and I sure as hell don't think it was racism as the OP is implying.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
I was a PI for 14 years, and you'd be surprised how many cops, especially in urban areas, don't know basic aspects of the law.

Like someone else mentioned, you blow by a cop, you get to feel the full effects of the oh so tender ministrations of the law, a blunt instrument if there ever was one. Don't want that? Don't flamboyantly fvck up. It's that simple.


Senior member
Oct 20, 2002
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: totalcommand
Originally posted by: BigJ
So cops are supposed to trust every Joe Blow that quotes legal doctrine?

when joe blow knows his sh!t.

the cop should know the laws in the first place. or why is he a cop?

So every cop you encounter should know every law on the books? Does every electrician you have ever talked to know every electrical code on the books? How about plumbers, or builders?

And since when is making a mistake equal to blatant abuse of power?

If you believe it's right for him to tow a car and cost my brother what is going to end up well over a $500 in the end, then all I can say is I hope it happens to you. This is a law he should have certainly known being a state trooper and all.


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: JohnPaul
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: totalcommand
Originally posted by: BigJ
So cops are supposed to trust every Joe Blow that quotes legal doctrine?

when joe blow knows his sh!t.

the cop should know the laws in the first place. or why is he a cop?

So every cop you encounter should know every law on the books? Does every electrician you have ever talked to know every electrical code on the books? How about plumbers, or builders?

And since when is making a mistake equal to blatant abuse of power?

If you believe it's right for him to tow a car and cost my brother what is going to end up well over a $500 in the end, then all I can say is I hope it happens to you. This is a law he should have certainly known being a state trooper and all.

Where am I saying it's right? Look through the thread and I agree, the cop fvcked up. But I disagree that you're calling it an abuse of power when it was a mistake, and I also disagree that it was racism, as you imply in your OP.

EDIT: And you know what, maybe it was an abuse of power. If your brother was stupid enough to blow by an officer, I'm sure he was stupid enough to mouth off to an officer when presenting all of his paperwork, and being a smartass about knowing the law.

So it could've been an honest mistake, or it could've been an abuse of power.


Senior member
Oct 20, 2002
If I truly believed it was a mistake, I could possibly forgive it, but he made it very clear according to my brother that he did not like him. He asked if he had ever been arrested, where he got the money for the car etc., pretty much accusing him of being a drug dealer or some kind of criminal. This cop was a jerk.


Senior member
Dec 17, 1999
I don't believe how many of you guys are defending the cop here, this type of behavior by legal authorities is despicable. Speeding, fine, pull him over, give him a ticket if he did it. I fully believe you should make a huge case about crap like this and sue for every civil dollar you can possibly find. Loss of wages, inconveinience, unlawful towing, court costs, lawyer costs, make the ass pay! There should be no "oops, my bad" that results in you spending your own time because of some jackass having a bad day.


Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2004
Originally posted by: icelazer
I don't believe how many of you guys are defending the cop here, this type of behavior by legal authorities is despicable. Speeding, fine, pull him over, give him a ticket if he did it. I fully believe you should make a huge case about crap like this and sue for every civil dollar you can possibly find. Loss of wages, inconveinience, unlawful towing, court costs, lawyer costs, make the ass pay! There should be no "oops, my bad" that results in you spending your own time because of some jackass having a bad day.

i concur


Platinum Member
Apr 21, 2004
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: totalcommand
Originally posted by: BigJ
So cops are supposed to trust every Joe Blow that quotes legal doctrine?

when joe blow knows his sh!t.

the cop should know the laws in the first place. or why is he a cop?

So every cop you encounter should know every law on the books? Does every electrician you have ever talked to know every electrical code on the books? How about plumbers, or builders?

And since when is making a mistake equal to blatant abuse of power?

What would you say if a doctor didn't know his sh!t in the ER? Every professional is duty-bound to know what they are supposed to know. There is no excuse.


Senior member
Oct 20, 2002
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: JohnPaul
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: totalcommand
Originally posted by: BigJ
So cops are supposed to trust every Joe Blow that quotes legal doctrine?

when joe blow knows his sh!t.

the cop should know the laws in the first place. or why is he a cop?

So every cop you encounter should know every law on the books? Does every electrician you have ever talked to know every electrical code on the books? How about plumbers, or builders?

And since when is making a mistake equal to blatant abuse of power?

If you believe it's right for him to tow a car and cost my brother what is going to end up well over a $500 in the end, then all I can say is I hope it happens to you. This is a law he should have certainly known being a state trooper and all.

Where am I saying it's right? Look through the thread and I agree, the cop fvcked up. But I disagree that you're calling it an abuse of power when it was a mistake, and I also disagree that it was racism, as you imply in your OP.

EDIT: And you know what, maybe it was an abuse of power. If your brother was stupid enough to blow by an officer, I'm sure he was stupid enough to mouth off to an officer when presenting all of his paperwork, and being a smartass about knowing the law.

So it could've been an honest mistake, or it could've been an abuse of power.

Nope, he didn't mouth off and pretty much kissed his ass. He also didn't blow by him, just passed the cluster of car he was driving in and got back into the slow lane. Even if he did, it does not give him the right to tow my brother's car. That is what I am saying about being above the law. Cops don't think they are above the law, they know it, as they get off on accusations constantly because judges don't want to call it like they see it, because they have to deal with these guys daily. I have seen it first hand in court. No matter what you say or what proof you have you cannot seem to win. It's like you have to have double the proof of the cop, and even then they act like they are doing you a favor letting you off.

I did not accuse the cop of racism, just suggested that it could be a reason for the way he acted. I was not there, but I believe what my brother says, as he calls them like he sees them.


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: totalcommand
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: totalcommand
Originally posted by: BigJ
So cops are supposed to trust every Joe Blow that quotes legal doctrine?

when joe blow knows his sh!t.

the cop should know the laws in the first place. or why is he a cop?

So every cop you encounter should know every law on the books? Does every electrician you have ever talked to know every electrical code on the books? How about plumbers, or builders?

And since when is making a mistake equal to blatant abuse of power?

What would you say if a doctor didn't know his sh!t in the ER? Every professional is duty-bound to know what they are supposed to know. There is no excuse.

How many years of school does a Doc in ER have? How much are they paid? How often are multiple Doctors available in the ER to assist a Doc, or specialists in the ER in case of a real emergency?

The answers to those questions are a bit different than 30 credit hours (if that), $30-50k, and little to no assistance in the field.

If you want Police Officers to have the level of expertise that Doctors have, require them to have 8+ years of college, pay them over $100k a year, and make sure they're adequately staffed.


Feb 7, 2004
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: totalcommand
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: totalcommand
Originally posted by: BigJ
So cops are supposed to trust every Joe Blow that quotes legal doctrine?

when joe blow knows his sh!t.

the cop should know the laws in the first place. or why is he a cop?

So every cop you encounter should know every law on the books? Does every electrician you have ever talked to know every electrical code on the books? How about plumbers, or builders?

And since when is making a mistake equal to blatant abuse of power?

What would you say if a doctor didn't know his sh!t in the ER? Every professional is duty-bound to know what they are supposed to know. There is no excuse.

How many years of school does a Doc in ER have? How much are they paid? How often are multiple Doctors available in the ER to assist a Doc, or specialists in the ER in case of a real emergency?

The answers to those questions are a bit different than 30 credit hours (if that), $30-50k, and little to no assistance in the field.

If you want Police Officers to have the level of expertise that Doctors have, require them to have 8+ years of college, pay them over $100k a year, and make sure they're adequately staffed.

I notice you ignored my post where I zeroed in on the fact that cops can not be expected to know all laws, but I would expect a traffic cop to know pertinant registration information for his state at least.



Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: episodic

I notice you ignored my post where I zeroed in on the fact that cops can not be expected to know all laws, but I would expect a traffic cop to know pertinant registration information for his state at least.

The cop fvcked up and should know it. It's that simple. Was it an abuse of power? I really don't think so.


Golden Member
May 18, 2001
instead of arguing with the cop, why didn't he just say.....
" Wow, i'm really sorry, I thought the dealership had all the paperwork in order. I will make sure to let them know they made a mistake."

Cop probably would have just handed him his ticket and left.
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