I dislike atheists

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Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Perknose
You are mistaking strongly expressing one's opinion, which we ALL do on every topic imaginable here on this board, with trying to convert someone. I have never seen an atheist try to "convert" someone to atheism, but I have experienced dipwads trying to aggressively convert me to their particular religion.

If they aren't trying to convert someone, then they are trying to ridicule someone. Have you never seen this, truly? I find it rather hard to believe. It happens at least a few times per year around me. I rarely even bring the topic up because I have such a strong need to do vocal ripping and anus stuffings. I prefer to keep quiet and listen to the stupidity.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Perknose
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: Perknose
Have you ever really had an atheist try to push their view on you? I never have . . . only annoying and arrogant fundies and the like.


[1] Have you ever actually stepped into one of the atheism vs religion threads on ATOT? They're full of crazy people, religious and non-religious alike! I can pull up a list of threads with atheists trying to push their views on others if you'd like...

I find your post interesting though. You used the word 'fundies' clearly meaning religious fundamentalists, but every group has fundamentalists! [2] Some atheists make a strong effort of converting others. That's the entire point of most of the atheism vs religion threads on ATOT, is it not? Some of the atheist zealots come out to convert others, some of the religious zealots come out to convert others, and the rest of us can't figure out why and end up being called names by one side or the other.

[1] I'm talking about IRL. On a forum, YOU have the option never to click on any one thread, or to quit it once you don't LIKE it! You are not having anything pushed on you!

I'm talking about IRL, where the only people who have ever aggressively tried to push their views on me are ultra religious types.

[2] You are mistaking strongly expressing one's opinion, which we ALL do on every topic imaginable here on this board, with trying to convert someone. I have never seen an atheist try to "convert" someone to atheism, but I have experienced dipwads trying to aggressively convert me to their particular religion.

Btw, I am neither an atheist nor an agnostic, but a believer in the divinity of the universe. Some years ago, at the cost of $6,000, I went through an exhaustive and interesting 2 and 1/2 year program and am now an ordained interfaith minister. We learned in depth from highly accredited visiting lecturers from every major religion, and several minor ones. I learned and I grew. But you wouldn't know any of that because I believe religious belief is a private matter between you and your conception of God, and I would never try to impose my beliefs on another, ever.

I have no problem with atheists or agnostics, and I have no problem with believers, save the ones who are so unsure of their own beliefs that they try to validate them by pushing them on others.

The OP is a case in point. He creates a thread solely to whine about atheists, yet casually say THIS about the one atheist he knows IRL:

my friend and I joke around that he is the anti-christ.

Can't you see his rigid intolerance and screaming hypocrisy?

Reply to [1] Then you should have clarified. First of all, the thread pertains primarily to atheists online, so it's reasonable to assume that this is what you were talking about.

Second, by your logic, you're not FORCED to listen to people pushing their beliefs on you IRL, you can ignore them. Slightly more difficult, but even in non-religious threads you occasionally find posts regarding atheism vs religion; I can't exactly ignore those when I'm reading through threads that seem innocent enough. It's similar to how P&N trolls tend to wander into ATOT threads and post a love haiku about their favorite senators. Thus, this point is null

Third, yes, in real life I've encountered atheists who have tried to bush their beliefs on me. It has been less common than other religions trying to convert me (damn Mormons). One of my good friends tried to convert me to atheism until we sat down and discussed how neither of us really care whether the other believes in a supreme being.

Reply to [2] Actually, I'm not. I don't consider it a conversion attempt when someone calls the Bible 'a book of fairy tales' or God 'an invisible man in the sky' or something inane like that. I consider it a conversion attempt when someone makes a concerted effort to convince me that there is no God. One-line quips don't qualify, but forum essays count (unless they're full of typos, then I assume that it's a bad joke).

Also, wouldn't that make you a deist? Universe was created by a supreme power (divine), but that supreme power doesn't mess around with its inner workings (much like a watch owner who doesn't manually wind it). Or maybe I just like that term and want more people to use it.

Yes, the OP is a moron, but that doesn't excuse that there are a plethora of hypocritical atheists on this board who enjoy taunting the religious folk with examples of extremism. That's like comparing an environmentalist to an eco-terrorist. They both have some basic principles in common, but they are different by several orders of magnitude! I find most atheists to be pretty reasonable people, just like most Christians. The fundamentalists always give everyone a bad name.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: Ocguy31
You know, its funny. The relig-nuts go their whole lives in thier little bubble.

From birth they are brought up in the church. Some go to religious schools, always being around religious people. Thier views are never contradicted or challenged. They never encounter anyone who doesnt hold thier beliefs. And when they do encounter these people in public, religion is probably not brought up. The friends they met were probably from the church or school, so everyone they associate with is on the same boat (or ark?).

Then along comes the internet/message boards, where ideas flow freely. What a shock it must be to the god-squad that there are people out there who didnt get caught up in the fish-net that is youth indoctrination. In a way, I feel sorry for them. It is hard not to have your mind molded when it is started so young.

You're a moron and your thread makes no sense. You could easily make the same argument for atheists. If you can't make that basic step in logic, then you're no better than the relig-nuts that you're railing against.

Hmmm......classic response

Because people go to "Athiest" schools, and on Sundays they all hangout and talk about how there is no-gawd for an hour. Then they pass a bucket around to fill with money for a tax-exempt organization, that goes to spreading the word of no-gawd around the world. Oh, and also to pay settlements of the Athiest-priests who touched little boys.

Great, wink at me instead of making a counterpoint. I'm serious, how can you claim to have a free mind when you're shackled to beliefs that you can't even defend? My belief is that people with a closed mind should STFU, which is why I reply to people like you (and your more religious counterparts). What's your excuse?

Answer me this: Why does anyone else's religious beliefs even matter to you?

Gah, I'm just sick of people like you dragging religion through the mad in such a zealous fashion. What makes your lack of belief so much better? Senseless rhetoric and illogical talking points are all people like you have. You're no better than assholes like Fred Thompson.

Edit - To fix your edited message
Amazing, you've written a whole paragraph and failed to make a single point to defend yourself. Got any other zingers?

Your name calling is so un-christian of you.

Not really - name-calling is a time-honored (edit: Irish) Catholic tradition. What's your excuse?


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: torpid
Originally posted by: Perknose
You are mistaking strongly expressing one's opinion, which we ALL do on every topic imaginable here on this board, with trying to convert someone. I have never seen an atheist try to "convert" someone to atheism, but I have experienced dipwads trying to aggressively convert me to their particular religion.

If they aren't trying to convert someone, then they are trying to ridicule someone. Have you never seen this, truly? I find it rather hard to believe. It happens at least a few times per year around me. I rarely even bring the topic up because I have such a strong need to do vocal ripping and anus stuffings. I prefer to keep quiet and listen to the stupidity.

Point taken and LOL at your last two sentences. :thumbsup:



Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
lol in this day and age, new and upcoming children shouldn't have their minds poisoned with religion. it holds society back.

Teach good morals, but not in the form of a fucking bible. You god believers make me sick.



May 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Perknose
Originally posted by: torpid
Originally posted by: Perknose
You are mistaking strongly expressing one's opinion, which we ALL do on every topic imaginable here on this board, with trying to convert someone. I have never seen an atheist try to "convert" someone to atheism, but I have experienced dipwads trying to aggressively convert me to their particular religion.

If they aren't trying to convert someone, then they are trying to ridicule someone. Have you never seen this, truly? I find it rather hard to believe. It happens at least a few times per year around me. I rarely even bring the topic up because I have such a strong need to do vocal ripping and anus stuffings. I prefer to keep quiet and listen to the stupidity.

Point taken and LOL at your last two sentences. :thumbsup:

....and then....

Originally posted by: RESmonkey
lol in this day and age, new and upcoming children shouldn't have their minds poisoned with religion. it holds society back.

Teach good morals, but not in the form of a fucking bible. You god believers make me sick.

Phew! We almost established civility in a religion thread. Good save RESmonkey.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Also, wouldn't that make you a deist? Universe was created by a supreme power (divine), but that supreme power doesn't mess around with its inner workings (much like a watch owner who doesn't manually wind it). Or maybe I just like that term and want more people to use it.

Actually, no, I don't quite fit that description. I can't quite say that the universe was created by [an other, corporeal or not] "supreme power." I think the problem with these kinds of conceptions are that people created their "God" in the image of man, not vice-versa, and that such conceptions are primitive and very limiting in understanding divinity.

If pressed, I would say I lean more towards the Buddhist view that all supposed "concrete" divisions are illusory (see my sig), created by us, and that we are all part of one indivisible and sacred whole.

If string theory is correct, there are at least 11 or so ACTUAL dimensions to the universe, not 4 or 3. What does that tell you about the limiting power of the language and concepts we currently use to describe the universe?

But none of this lends itself to an OT level discussion.

Originally posted by: Eeezee
Yes, the OP is a moron.
I find most atheists to be pretty reasonable people, just like most Christians.

The fundamentalists always give everyone a bad name.

On these three points, we find common ground. Finding common ground is a good thing, imho. :thumbsup:



Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Perknose
On these three points, we find common ground. Finding common ground is a good thing, imho. :thumbsup:

Disagree. Then we have to go to court to see who actually owns the ground, or have a parks division set up to police it from the homeless if it really is legally common ground.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
The religious: I believe in God. That means I hold a conception of who God is and I believe such a conception exists.

The atheist: I don't believe in God. That means I hold a conception of who God is and I don't believe such a conception exists.

The agnostic: I don't know if God exists. That means I hold fuzzy conceptions of God and I don't know if they are true or not.

The man of God: I know nothing. I have no conception of God. I am I and have my being in a River of Love.

Oh my Beloved, wherever I look it appears to be Thou.

God is when the self is not. Truth is not gained, it is what is left when everything that can be lost is lost. God is the ground of our Being and we are all the same.



Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
The agnostic: I don't know if God exists. That means I hold fuzzy conceptions of God and I don't know if they are true or not.

Fuzzy conceptions? WTF does that mean? You seem to be mixing up ignosticism with agnosticism.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2005
Zealots, regardless of creed (or lack of one, though yes that in itself is one...), are not worth talking to. They're idiots. All of them.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2001
Originally posted by: DVad3r
I don't know any atheists in real life and all that I have met over the years have been online, mostly through games. I have come to the conclusion that atheists really try to push their views onto you and bring you down for believing in God. I, as a Roman Catholic, don't go around parading my religion or views onto anyone. I respect peoples views and have a "to each and his own approach".

Actually I shouldn't say I don't know any in real life, I do, my friends younger brother who is in high school. He goes to an all guys Catholic school and my friend and I joke around that he is the anti-christ. I find that with him, he is young, filled with tons of thoughts/ideas, but at least in real life he is respectful to a certain extent. Online he does talk a bit of smack and try to bring me down, but I tell him I don't really care what his thoughts or opinions are on the subject. I also find it funny because he has a priest as his religion teacher who is a crazy smart bastard (I had him in high school also). He won't mention to the priest he is atheist, even though he attends class everyday and completes all the assignments, conflicted thoughts of a young mind I guess.

But going back to what I was saying, I find online atheists to be very degrading and pushy, as if they want you in the same boat as them. I understand that they probably had previous dealings with crazy religious fanatics (and I can only imagine how many of those exist in the USA with hundreds if not thousands of different congregations/religions), but not everyone is a religious fanatic trying to push their thoughts onto them. What I am trying to convey is that, not everyone is a fanatic. There are people like me who care as to whether you are atheist or not, but in terms of talking to you about it, I could give a rats ass, do what you want, people have to change on their own terms and not by someone elses.

In conclusion I just wish the online atheist community would stop talking so much shit, and the religious fanatics should settle down too, your pastor is probably an ex crack addict who claims he saw the light of God (my friends Spanish "Christian" church's is).

From experience the best way to get along is to not discuss religion with each other at all unless you know 100 % that it won't affect your relationship in any way. I have good close muslim friends, jewish friends, that I've known for years and not one of us has mentioned anything religious to each other. We all do our own thing and that's that.

The online community is whack /thread

oh the ironing
Feb 6, 2007
Originally posted by: Cattlegod
Originally posted by: DVad3r
I, as a Roman Catholic, don't go around parading my religion or views onto anyone.

oh the ironing

Please, when have the Roman Catholics ever paraded their religion around or attempted to force their views on others?


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: moshquerade
oh great, another "let's bash on your beliefs because they differ from mine" thread. just what this forum needs.
And here you are stoking the flames as usual.
That would be you.


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2006
There are more choices out there than atheist or religious :roll:

Damn Christians... always trying to force people into something :laugh:


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2001
Athiests wouldn't try to 'enlighten' you if religious people didn't try to push their MORAL beliefs into the LEGAL realm where they DO NOT belong. If people would honestly leave private things to private matters, things would be great, but alas they don't so Athiests will try to gain majority and Religious will try to gain majority.



Dec 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
The religious: I believe in God. That means I hold a conception of who God is and I believe such a conception exists.

The atheist: I don't believe in God. That means I hold a conception of who God is and I don't believe such a conception exists.

The agnostic: I don't know if God exists. That means I hold fuzzy conceptions of God and I don't know if they are true or not.

The man of God: I know nothing. I have no conception of God. I am I and have my being in a River of Love.

Oh my Beloved, wherever I look it appears to be Thou.

God is when the self is not. Truth is not gained, it is what is left when everything that can be lost is lost. God is the ground of our Being and we are all the same.

Agnositc: It's impossible for me to tell whether or god exists or not. Therefore there's no point in even arguing about it.

Atheists: God doesn't exist and I can provide arguments for this view.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
Atheists are SO lost it's not even funny. I'd almost like to be here for the rapture to see what non sense they come up with LOL. Alien abductions and stuff LOL


Jul 14, 2000
Originally posted by: RedSquirrel
Atheists are SO lost it's not even funny. I'd almost like to be here for the rapture to see what non sense they come up with LOL. Alien abductions and stuff LOL

since all christians cant agree on what it is(and some dont believe in it at all), if it makes you feel better, your odds of being around for this event are just as good as mine

also, "rapture" is a fun word. i think it would be a good name for a roller-coaster.


Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: RedSquirrel
Atheists are SO lost it's not even funny. I'd almost like to be here for the rapture to see what non sense they come up with LOL. Alien abductions and stuff LOL
I have a good feeling we'll be waiting for a very very long time.

"OMG, our generation will totally be the one to see the end of the world!" - Said by every generation since the idea of "the end of the world" came into style.
Based on the simple fact that the world is still here, I'd say that the world hasn't ended yet.

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