I don't understand USA patriotism

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Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
You can thank the US for the debauchery in the Middle East, thanks to ensuring that they spread Wahhabi Islam since 1945. I wonder what a Vietnamese victim of Agent Orange would have to say about the US, or a peasant family from Afghanistan, or Cambodians who lost limbs to American ordinance, or Guatemalans who were raped by the US sponsored Government's military, or the Kurds who were sexually enslaved by (at the time, and for a long while after) the staunch US ally Saddam Hussein, or Syrian refugees, or the Nicaraguans brutally raped and tortured by US sponsored "contra rebels", etc. etc.

Do you ever get out of your cave where you pretend to white-knight for all the so-called oppressed by the big bad US people of the world?

I've met plenty of people from Vietnam- they were thankful to come to the US rather than stay in a shit hole where they would likely have been killed or treated as slaves for years. The French were the ones trying to subjugate the Vietnamese, just like Europeans did in every other country of the world, not the US. You're just too stupid to know that. Ditto Cambodians- most that got out are if anything, angry that the US and other countries didn't do anything to stop the Khmer Rouge from murdering as many as 3 million of their countrymen. But an idiot like you is way too stupid to know anything about that- you probably subscribe to ideologies similar to that of the KR and think it's peachy.

Your head is so far up your ass if you ever actually picked up a legitimate history book, instead of the crap you're steeped in, you'd know the bloody soil caused by Euroweenies around the globe is so thick there's no possibly way any that know their ACTUAL history could possibly think they could point fingers at the US or anyone else. Almost every conflict in the world has a Euroweenie playing at being colonial 'master' origin.
Reactions: Starbuck1975


Sep 5, 2000
Do you ever get out of your cave where you pretend to white-knight for all the so-called oppressed by the big bad US people of the world?

I've met plenty of people from Vietnam- they were thankful to come to the US rather than stay in a shit hole where they would likely have been killed or treated as slaves for years. The French were the ones trying to subjugate the Vietnamese, just like Europeans did in every other country of the world, not the US. You're just too stupid to know that. Ditto Cambodians- most that got out are if anything, angry that the US and other countries didn't do anything to stop the Khmer Rouge from murdering as many as 3 million of their countrymen. But an idiot like you is way too stupid to know anything about that- you probably subscribe to ideologies similar to that of the KR and think it's peachy.

Your head is so far up your ass if you ever actually picked up a legitimate history book, instead of the crap you're steeped in, you'd know the bloody soil caused by Euroweenies around the globe is so thick there's no possibly way any that know their ACTUAL history could possibly think they could point fingers at the US or anyone else. Almost every conflict in the world has a Euroweenie playing at being colonial 'master' origin.

While you bring up some good point we did fuck up the middle east.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Jun 19, 2006
Euroweenies, now that's the first time I've heard that. Pretty funny.

So we would be Angloweeneis for subjugating the American Indian?


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
Can someone explain it to this Canadian?

At this point, I don't understand American patriotism. You guys are the most powerful country in the world ,that uses it mostly to fund wars for profit, refuse to provide your citizens with health care and well funded education, imprison your population for profit, and elected an administration that claims climate change is a lie.

America is by far, BY FAR, the biggest threat to the survival of the species as has ever been formed on the planet. Now Trump wants to have NFL players fired for not bending a knee.

Most Americans don't even know that the English didn't come on the Mayflower to escape religious persecution but because they wanted to be able to persecute others for having the wrong religion since all variations of Christianity were OK in England. Just another myth that they all "know" just like how dropping the nukes saved lives or any of all of the other bullshit that never happened or where they were on the wrong side but play pretend they never were.

Mainly the puritans hated the Quakers which is why they hanged Mary Dyer.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008

Now let's play spot the nations oppressed by the big bad US vs the legion of Euroweenies. It's color coded for those historically challenged by complete bullshit.
Reactions: Starbuck1975


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
It was fucked up way more seriously for centuries by their own people long before the US got involved.

Since the cold war? Yeah, the US had no part what so ever in that.

Never did arm those despots, right? Not officially anyway except it's been well known for 25 years.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Jun 19, 2004
Since the cold war? Yeah, the US had no part what so ever in that.

Never did arm those despots, right? Not officially anyway except it's been well known for 25 years.
Did modern history only start with the cold war? Is history only useful if it's limited to a few generations? Are you only interested in retribution or, in changing perspectives and outlooks. The middle east has fought amongst themselves for ALL of recorded history. Perhaps there's a better way.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
Did modern history only start with the cold war? Is history only useful if it's limited to a few generations? Are you only interested in retribution or, in changing perspectives and outlooks. The middle east has fought amongst themselves for ALL of recorded history. Perhaps there's a better way.

No, the unending support of the worst religious leaders did cause what happened since the modernization in the 1960's though. The entire cause of modern day ME is because of the meddling during the cold war when secularization and modernization was the key word for the region.

Take a look at what nations like Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan looked like during the 1960's. There was no religious leadership, no requirement for women to cover their hair, no nothing.

The the US and USSR starts playing games with ME nations and we get this shit. The endless support the US has for Wahabbism continues to this day with the damnation of Shia (Iran) and unending support of the House of Saud.

Every single tribe has fought internally since the existence of mankind, it's not useful to analyse everything from that stage. What IS useful is to see what happened to their secular and modern societies and who is responsible for fucking that up and the answer is clear as daylight. The USSR and the US.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017

Now let's play spot the nations oppressed by the big bad US vs the legion of Euroweenies. It's color coded for those historically challenged by complete bullshit.

Or let's not be retarded and realize that in the 1960's there was a different era in the ME. In Iran a secular leadership removed religious laws (until the US fucked that up for profits) and in nations like Afghanistan and Pakistan secularism was key while modernization led to equal rights and universities that could compete with the west.

Why not go back to the year 300 if we are playing bullshit games and not modern times (post WWII)? Because the US didn't exist yet and puritans who wanted to persecute others hadn't arrived yet?


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Or let's not be retarded and realize that in the 1960's there was a different era in the ME. In Iran a secular leadership removed religious laws (until the US fucked that up for profits) and in nations like Afghanistan and Pakistan secularism was key while modernization led to equal rights and universities that could compete with the west.

Why not go back to the year 300 if we are playing bullshit games and not modern times (post WWII)? Because the US didn't exist yet and puritans who wanted to persecute others hadn't arrived yet?
So in other words, your country conquered and fucked up MOST OF THE WORLD, but sweep all that under the table and blame the US because... its the bullshit you've been taught.

You miserable pricks even created the entire Israeli conflict- that was a territory fucked over by the Brits.

Every single Euroweenie nation was more than happy to sell arms and support the tyrannies in the Middle East right up to present times. Get your head out of you fucking ass, Brits of ALL PEOPLE have no fucking room to talk about fucking the world up. You did it more consistently than virtually anyone, even the French and Russians- and both of those are feats.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
So in other words, your country conquered and fucked up MOST OF THE WORLD, but sweep all that under the table and blame the US because... its the bullshit you've been taught.

You miserable pricks even created the entire Israeli conflict- that was a territory fucked over by the Brits.

Every single Euroweenie nation was more than happy to sell arms and support the tyrannies in the Middle East right up to present times. Get your head out of you fucking ass, Brits of ALL PEOPLE have no fucking room to talk about fucking the world up. You did it more consistently than virtually anyone, even the French and Russians- and both of those are feats.

From the 1960's, again, modernization and secularization was prevalent until the USSR and the US started fucking it up.

Who sold the most arms? Who prepped and equipped Bin Ladin's crew? Who ensured the Mullah rule in Iran? Who ensured Taliban rule in Afghanistan? Who to this day are arming the Saudis and bowing to their feet while condemning Iran for defeating IS using Hizbollah?

But no, let's go back to a specific time that isn't the cause of today's bullshit, that had ended well before the 1960's secularization and modernization and aquit the US yet again.

Just like with the murderous Puritans that just wanted to murder people with slightly different interpretations of the Bible. Let's ignore them and play pretend that it was escape from religious freedom... ooops I mean persecution in the UK instead...

Just like with the nukes, let's play pretend that Japan unconditionally surrendered afterwards and didn't keep their emperor which was the exact same deal as before dropping the nukes...

Let's do US history because in US history facts don't matter, only glorious leader and flag does.

Also, let me hear more of your thoughts about the Israel/"Palestine" conflict.

Specifically, could you give me the borders of the nation "Palestine" from any year ranging from 9600BC until today? Could you also go look up the UN declaration that was unanimously agreed upon through pressure from the US because you REALLY hated Jews and had turned away their ships of refugees?

Don't come to me with your poverty understanding of history, you won't win even a cracker.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
From the 1960's, again, modernization and secularization was prevalent until the USSR and the US started fucking it up.
LOL! Such a typical history revision asshole! Notice how your goal posts keep shifting! "Since the cold war...!" "Since the 60's...!" "Since the 70's...!"

The UK and the Soviets Invaded Iran and set up the Shah, you nitwit- look it up. The UK was just as interested in keeping their oil interests in the Middle East from being taken back by the nations that owned them as anyone.

The US even stood against you assholes in Egypt, when Nassar wanted to take back the Suez Canal and its nation's oil, and of course you pansies wanted to preserve your bloody empire. You drove Egpyt and other Middle Eastern nations to more radical views every bit as much and more as the US. Oh but that right, let's sweep under the carpet the ENTIRE history of these regions and Euro-weenies playing 'master' over all the people in them, because you want to shift the goal posts!

Go back to bleating about how Euroweenies "ended slavery" even as you subjugated half the world's nations, enslaved the populations on site, and stole all the natural resources out of them (ie, the new and improved Slavery 2.0). I'm sure those subjugated loved every second of it. I'd love to ask 10 million people in the Congo- and an equal number around the world for you "Sun Never Sets" assholes- but I can't- they're dead.
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Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
LOL! Such a typical history revision asshole! Notice how your goal posts keep shifting! "Since the cold war...!" "Since the 60's...!"

The UK and the Soviets Invaded Iran and set up the Shah, you nitwit- look it up. The UK was just as interested in keeping their oil interests in the Middle East from being taken back by the nations that owned them as anyone.

The US even stood against you assholes in Egypt, when Nassar wanted to take back the Suez Canal and its nation's oil, and of course you pansies wanted to preserve your bloody empire. You drove Egpyt and other Middle Eastern nations to more radical views every bit as much and more as the US. Oh but that right, let's sweep under the carpet the ENTIRE history of these regions and Euro-weenies playing 'master' over all the people in them, because you want to shift the goal posts!

Are you functionally retarded? I mentioned both in my first post and the cold war started in 1947 and lasted to 1991 so what in the actual fuck are you even on about. Can you think at all? Can you read?

Holy mother of mercy, the UK and the USSR invaded Iran to set up the Shah? And the US was not involved at all but was against that action?

You know what, there is something so incredibly fucked up about your "knowledge" that at this point you have to be trolling.

No, let's not let your idiocy cloud the actual facts of the matter which is that post WWII the region was going secular and modernized until the US and the USSR fucked it up.

But of course, it was the UK that invaded Iraq too, and Afghanistan and we probably were Germany in the 1940's too according to your "knowledge".
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Mar 9, 2005
Most Americans don't even know that the English didn't come on the Mayflower to escape religious persecution but because they wanted to be able to persecute others for having the wrong religion since all variations of Christianity were OK in England. Just another myth that they all "know" just like how dropping the nukes saved lives or any of all of the other bullshit that never happened or where they were on the wrong side but play pretend they never were.

Mainly the puritans hated the Quakers which is why they hanged Mary Dyer.
It doesn't matter America is still the best home a person could have.


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015
Do you ever get out of your cave where you pretend to white-knight for all the so-called oppressed by the big bad US people of the world?

I've met plenty of people from Vietnam- they were thankful to come to the US rather than stay in a shit hole where they would likely have been killed or treated as slaves for years.

So what do you think about the Invasion of Vietnam, where the US murdered and raped with impunity, as well as spraying genocidal chemicals that, to this day, leave the Vietnamese riddled with monstrous births and cancer?

You ought to read about what your boys in green did to the Vietnamese: http://links.org.au/node/3343

The French were the ones trying to subjugate the Vietnamese, just like Europeans did in every other country of the world, not the US. You're just too stupid to know that. Ditto Cambodians- most that got out are if anything, angry that the US and other countries didn't do anything to stop the Khmer Rouge from murdering as many as 3 million of their countrymen. But an idiot like you is way too stupid to know anything about that- you probably subscribe to ideologies similar to that of the KR and think it's peachy.

Keep up; the US invaded Vietnam. The French did indeed colonize 'em, and then the US came in to rape and murder them in turn.

Or are you going to be like PCGeek, and say that the US never set foot in Vietnam?

Your head is so far up your ass if you ever actually picked up a legitimate history book, instead of the crap you're steeped in, you'd know the bloody soil caused by Euroweenies around the globe is so thick there's no possibly way any that know their ACTUAL history could possibly think they could point fingers at the US or anyone else. Almost every conflict in the world has a Euroweenie playing at being colonial 'master' origin.

This country did bad things too, so you can't criticize my country for doing bad things
Reactions: DarthKyrie
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