I get conservative guys point about public assistance

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Nov 11, 1999
The NY Times makes a claim that opposes your claims. Try to avoid that all you want but the facts remain that you are blowing a bunch of smoke up everyone's collective butt,

Of course you have.


It's quite remarkable how deep a hole you've dug for yourself. The authors of the study cited in the NYT piece go even further than I suggest, to the point of redistributing not only income but also capital-

They argue that future policy should focus more on raising the primary income of the American working class. Possibilities include improving education and job training, equalizing distribution of human and financial capital, and increasing labor bargaining power, combined with a return to steeply progressive taxation.

Meanwhile, Repubs are intent on cutting taxes for the 1% & beating the piss out of what's left of Unions. Their base seems entirely happy with that, cuz freedumb, I guess.

Azuma Hazuki

Golden Member
Jun 18, 2012
Don't bother trying to reason with him. His destiny is to become a bucket of greasy extra-crispy recipe in hell.


Dec 9, 1999
Its called 50% of all available jobs are $15/hr or less. In other words, poverty level jobs. America is increasingly a second tier nation. The blame for this rampantly obvious. It has to do with a tiny sector of the population purchasing our political system and perverting in a such a way that all the profits of labor go to the wealthy. I am encouraging my kids to move out of this country. There are about a dozen beautiful SOCIALIST nations that are doing a world better than here in every meaningful category and where the labor force has an actual future.


First, probably the key to bolstering the wages of low wage jobs, and the availability of them, at least in many areas (most areas?), would be to stop allowing 10s of Millions of illegals to invade and fill them. Then not have it made worse by their legal kids next competing for them and higher way jobs (kids that never would have been here had we not allowed an illegal invasion problem to occur in the first place).

Second, I'm all for your kids leaving. From what I remember your son has turned into a joke and I can't remember about your other but I remember it was another Oh Jesus look at this moment with him/her... We already have crazy liberals, crazy conservatives, we don't need anymore F'd up people in the country so if you could make that happen that'd be great! <thumbs up Emoji>
Sep 12, 2004
It's quite remarkable how deep a hole you've dug for yourself. The authors of the study cited in the NYT piece go even further than I suggest, to the point of redistributing not only income but also capital-
What hole have I dug, Jhhnn? First of all, you were wrong about the lower 75% with your claim that their income dropped 25% since the 80s. I showed that in "real money" (you know what that is, right?) it has actually risen. So you FUBARED that.

btw, the authors of this NY Times article specifically concluded:

"Despite this, the study argues that more redistribution won’t fix the problem."

They aren't suggesting redistributing income. And they are not arguing about redistributing "capital." That's a blatant lie by omission. What they claim is"

"They argue that future policy should focus more on raising the primary income of the American working class. Possibilities include improving education and job training, equalizing distribution of human and financial capital, and increasing labor bargaining power, combined with a return to steeply progressive taxation."

"Financial" capital, Jhhnn. Do you know what that even is, because it appears that either you don't have a clue or are being patently dishonest with your argument?

Meanwhile, Repubs are intent on cutting taxes for the 1% & beating the piss out of what's left of Unions. Their base seems entirely happy with that, cuz freedumb, I guess.
Once again you focus on the GOP, as if your whine and cheese party is going to change a damn thing. Once again, focus on your own party and whip them into shape because constantly being a whiny bitch about the opposition gets things nowhere.

Now, who has dug that hole for themselves? It surely isn't me.

You got some work to do to dig yourself out of that pit. Good luck to you.


Nov 11, 1999
First, probably the key to bolstering the wages of low wage jobs, and the availability of them, at least in many areas (most areas?), would be to stop allowing 10s of Millions of illegals to invade and fill them. Then not have it made worse by their legal kids next competing for them and higher way jobs (kids that never would have been here had we not allowed an illegal invasion problem to occur in the first place).

Second, I'm all for your kids leaving. From what I remember your son has turned into a joke and I can't remember about your other but I remember it was another Oh Jesus look at this moment with him/her... We already have crazy liberals, crazy conservatives, we don't need anymore F'd up people in the country so if you could make that happen that'd be great! <thumbs up Emoji>

Illegals can't steal the jobs in Trump country because there aren't any to steal. Just say "Thanks, Job Creators!" & keep voting for that good ol' trickle down...


Dec 9, 1999
Illegals can't steal the jobs in Trump country because there aren't any to steal. Just say "Thanks, Job Creators!" & keep voting for that good ol' trickle down...

Outsourcing and technology gains are a bitch eh? Of course, in all the other areas that are flooded with illegals, they're not filling jobs that people sitting on their ass could do but won't, because the public teat is more attractive to them. Nah, couldn't be...

It's all the Job Creators (who really are the job creators, whether they employ here, legally or illegally, or elsewhere, so why you'd derp derp on about them is perplexing) fault, it must be!

Oh, hey, Is the echo chamber still good up there in Billary Bowel land?


Nov 11, 1999
What hole have I dug, Jhhnn? First of all, you were wrong about the lower 75% with your claim that their income dropped 25% since the 80s. I showed that in "real money" (you know what that is, right?) it has actually risen. So you FUBARED that.

You've been corrected twice & refuse to abandon a straw man position. The NYT article & my own link refer to *share of of national income*, not dollar income.

btw, the authors of this NY Times article specifically concluded:

"Despite this, the study argues that more redistribution won’t fix the problem."

They aren't suggesting redistributing income. And they are not arguing about redistributing "capital." That's a blatant lie by omission. What they claim is"

"They argue that future policy should focus more on raising the primary income of the American working class. Possibilities include improving education and job training, equalizing distribution of human and financial capital, and increasing labor bargaining power, combined with a return to steeply progressive taxation."

"Financial" capital, Jhhnn. Do you know what that even is, because it appears that either you don't have a clue or are being patently dishonest with your argument?

The authors of the study in the NYT go further than I suggest & advocate transfer of wealth, not just income. That's what "financial assets" really are-


Once again you focus on the GOP, as if your whine and cheese party is going to change a damn thing. Once again, focus on your own party and whip them into shape because constantly being a whiny bitch about the opposition gets things nowhere.

Now, who has dug that hole for themselves? It surely isn't me.

You got some work to do to dig yourself out of that pit. Good luck to you.

Of course I focus on Repubs. Their obvious intent is to increase inequality, not ameliorate it. Like you, they're white knights for the greediest people in the solar system.[/QUOTE]
Reactions: Azuma Hazuki
Sep 12, 2004
You've been corrected twice & refuse to abandon a straw man position. The NYT article & my own link refer to *share of of national income*, not dollar income.

You've been corrected twice & refuse to abandon a straw man position. The NYT article & my own link refer to *share of of national income*, not dollar income.
"Share" of income is the real strawman here. It assumes that lower income groups should have the exact same increase in income the upper level groups do.

So do tell, why should a burger flipper, or a floor waxer, or car washer enjoy the same share of income advancement as someone who, say, founded the largest online sales market on the internet, or controls the largest brick & mortar presence in the US, or controls the biggest software company in the world?

For that matter, why should a burger flipper be paid the same as an EMT?

Please explain.

The authors of the study in the NYT go further than I suggest & advocate transfer of wealth, not just income. That's what "financial assets" really are-

It's not "financial assets," it's financial "capital." Try again.

Of course I focus on Repubs. Their obvious intent is to increase inequality, not ameliorate it. Like you, they're white knights for the greediest people in the solar system.
And that changes nothing for your side. NOTHING! What is it about that fact that you can't grasp?

You're nothing more than a whiny bitch, Jhhnn. You have no impact and don't change a thing. You're a grump.

Good on you. Continue being a grump and change nothing at all. Have no impact. Be a useless whiner. Apparently that's the legacy that you choose.


Jun 9, 2016
Harsh when reality cuts through those delusions huh Fail?

The harsh reality here is how much your sorts disagree with liberals over slavery, segregation, and the list goes on. Same as this guy:

"Share" of income is the real strawman here. It assumes that lower income groups should have the exact same increase in income the upper level groups do.

So do tell, why should a burger flipper, or a floor waxer, or car washer enjoy the same share of income advancement as someone who, say, founded the largest online sales market on the internet, or controls the largest brick & mortar presence in the US, or controls the biggest software company in the world?

For that matter, why should a burger flipper be paid the same as an EMT?

Please explain.

It's not "financial assets," it's financial "capital." Try again.

And that changes nothing for your side. NOTHING! What is it about that fact that you can't grasp?

You're nothing more than a whiny bitch, Jhhnn. You have no impact and don't change a thing. You're a grump.

Good on you. Continue being a grump and change nothing at all. Have no impact. Be a useless whiner. Apparently that's the legacy that you choose.
Sep 12, 2004
The harsh reality here is how much your sorts disagree with liberals over slavery, segregation, and the list goes on. Same as this guy:
You're so clueless that posts like the one above make you look like a complete and utter fool.

But rage on. People aren't laughing with you, they are laughing at you. You just don't realize it because you've consumed way too much of your own Kool-Aid.


Jun 9, 2016
You're so clueless that posts like the one above make you look like a complete and utter fool.

But rage on. People aren't laughing with you, they are laughing at you. You just don't realize it because you've consumed way too much of your own Kool-Aid.

It's just unimpeachable fact you've only had occasion to disagree with me on everything, and never the self-avowed hardcore race realist here. You know, the guy who you agree with on everything, including I'm the Real racist and you guys are the Real victims, just like every white nationalist out there.

But I know, your peer group are the Real brain trust despite all evidence to the contrary.
Reactions: Azuma Hazuki


Nov 11, 1999
"Share" of income is the real strawman here. It assumes that lower income groups should have the exact same increase in income the upper level groups do.

So do tell, why should a burger flipper, or a floor waxer, or car washer enjoy the same share of income advancement as someone who, say, founded the largest online sales market on the internet, or controls the largest brick & mortar presence in the US, or controls the biggest software company in the world?

For that matter, why should a burger flipper be paid the same as an EMT?

Please explain.

It's not "financial assets," it's financial "capital." Try again.

If you read the link, assets are financial capital- facilities, machinery & so forth.

The rest is just obfuscational gobbleydegook of the straw man variety all over again.

You compare loss of national income share for half the population to class mobility, two entirely different things. And, yes, I think that American incomes should advance in a broad fashion rather than gains simply going to the tippy top of the heap. Back in 1978, I didn't notice rich people being not rich when their share of national income was half of what it is today. I do notice, however, that we've failed to fairly compensate half the population in obeisance to their greed.

And that changes nothing for your side. NOTHING! What is it about that fact that you can't grasp?

You're nothing more than a whiny bitch, Jhhnn. You have no impact and don't change a thing. You're a grump.

Good on you. Continue being a grump and change nothing at all. Have no impact. Be a useless whiner. Apparently that's the legacy that you choose.

And a dollop of derision & personal attack, the last refuge of the argumentatively challenged. You're cornered wearing a classist attitude & white knighting for unfathomable greed. I'm sure they really, really appreciate the adulation & support.


Jun 26, 2009
If you read the link, assets are financial capital- facilities, machinery & so forth.

The rest is just obfuscational gobbleydegook of the straw man variety all over again.

You compare loss of national income share for half the population to class mobility, two entirely different things. And, yes, I think that American incomes should advance in a broad fashion rather than gains simply going to the tippy top of the heap. Back in 1978, I didn't notice rich people being not rich when their share of national income was half of what it is today. I do notice, however, that we've failed to fairly compensate half the population in obeisance to their greed.

And a dollop of derision & personal attack, the last refuge of the argumentatively challenged. You're cornered wearing a classist attitude & white knighting for unfathomable greed. I'm sure they really, really appreciate the adulation & support.
Look, who doesn't want their boots licked clean?
Sep 12, 2004
Why not show the facts of the tech economy then? Because this paper you cite doesn't do that.

Reconcile automation in the economy for me while you're at it.
I was responding to your claim about a service economy.

Regarding the tech sector, it can be difficult to quantify its economic impact because the Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn't have a tech sector umbrella. Instead it's spread out under a number of categories.

However, there is this:


"The U.S. tech industry continues to make significant contributions to our economy," said Todd Thibodeaux, president and CEO, CompTIA. "The tech industry accounts for 7.1 percent of the overall U.S. GDP and 11.4 percent of the total U.S. private sector payroll. With annual average wages that are more than double that of the private sector, we should be doing all we can to encourage the growth and vitality of our nation's tech industry."

I'd be preaching to the choir in here to say that computer tech now pervades nearly every aspect of life. We are, hopefully, all aware of the huge impact of the tech industry and what is has done for the economy both domestically and internationally over the last 25 years.

So why play dumb about its impact?

Regarding automation, nice red herring. I'll pass.
Sep 12, 2004
If you read the link, assets are financial capital- facilities, machinery & so forth.

The rest is just obfuscational gobbleydegook of the straw man variety all over again.

You compare loss of national income share for half the population to class mobility, two entirely different things. And, yes, I think that American incomes should advance in a broad fashion rather than gains simply going to the tippy top of the heap. Back in 1978, I didn't notice rich people being not rich when their share of national income was half of what it is today. I do notice, however, that we've failed to fairly compensate half the population in obeisance to their greed.
Financial capital is not just assets, Jhhnn. That is one, small aspect of financial capital, and yet another example of you spewing a partial fact while withholding the entire truth of the matter.


Financial capital generally refers to saved-up financial wealth, especially that used to start or maintain a business.

We also need to read the study to comprehend the author's use of the term. Are they talking about assets? Of course not, they are talking about financial investments, which directly aligns with the quote above.

More dishonesty from you. Color me not surprised though. It's something you engage in frequently.

And a dollop of derision & personal attack, the last refuge of the argumentatively challenged. You're cornered wearing a classist attitude & white knighting for unfathomable greed. I'm sure they really, really appreciate the adulation & support.
As if derision and personal attacks are a place that you don't reside? Give me a break. /rolleyes

And I don't give a shit about the rich. I just enjoy swatting your bullshit aside. And, once again, it's been a great pleasure doing exactly that.


Nov 11, 1999
Financial capital is not just assets, Jhhnn. That is one, small aspect of financial capital, and yet another example of you spewing a partial fact while withholding the entire truth of the matter.


We also need to read the study to comprehend the author's use of the term. Are they talking about assets? Of course not, they are talking about financial investments, which directly aligns with the quote above.

More dishonesty from you. Color me not surprised though. It's something you engage in frequently.

As if derision and personal attacks are a place that you don't reside? Give me a break. /rolleyes

And I don't give a shit about the rich. I just enjoy swatting your bullshit aside. And, once again, it's been a great pleasure doing exactly that.

You dodge magnificently. The authors of the study in your own link advocate solutions even more "Leftist!" than my own, no matter how hard you try to dance around it. They advocate the transfer of capital as well as income to ameliorate the effects of 40 years of ever expanding inequality. I tend to agree more with them the more I think about it.

Surely you do too, given that you linked the article, right?

Or do they have it wrong?

If you don't care about the Rich, why are you carrying their water?
Reactions: Azuma Hazuki

Azuma Hazuki

Golden Member
Jun 18, 2012
Again, you're wasting your time. Spend a little bit perusing his forum post history to see what kind of person he is.
Sep 12, 2004
You dodge magnificently. The authors of the study in your own link advocate solutions even more "Leftist!" than my own, no matter how hard you try to dance around it. They advocate the transfer of capital as well as income to ameliorate the effects of 40 years of ever expanding inequality. I tend to agree more with them the more I think about it.

Surely you do too, given that you linked the article, right?

Or do they have it wrong?

If you don't care about the Rich, why are you carrying their water?
Actually, I do agree with many of their assertions and conclusions, Jhhnn.

The difference is that they present their findings in a non-partisan manner, and matter-of-factly. They don't whine about the right like some butthurt douche.

Perhaps you might even learn something from them?
Sep 12, 2004
TLC & I go way back.
I respect you Jhhnn, regardless of the shit I give you, and the shit you give me. I enjoy the political jousting that has gone on for years. Unfortunately, some don't get it though.

Certain people in here don't seem to grasp the drift and try to make things way too personal by making false accusations and posturing. They don't even seem to realize what idiots they are making of themselves in the process. But the clueless will be what they are. I really don't care. The overall forum realizes what kind of morons they are, even if they don't.
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