I Got World of Warcraft for Christmas

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No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
(rule of thumb: the prettier the females of a race are, the more kids you have playing that race).

in 2 weeks horde are getting Blood Elfs, you guys are screwed


Feb 8, 2004
Originally posted by: Pr0d1gy
First hint for new WoW players:

Google this: Leeroy Jenkins video

Wow, i didnt understand a bit of that lol. But one thing is for sure, the lines from the southpark episode "make love not warcraft" were in that video!! Cartman says "i WILL use intimidating shout" etc hehe.

What did leroy do wrong?


Aug 24, 2004
Originally posted by: Luthien
Sell the game on ebay and give your daughter lots of hugs and attention instead and the money back and explain to her you just don't have the time.

QFT! This is the best advice yet. It's sad how many parents become addicted to WoW and neglect their children.

Mr. Lennon

Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
Warriors are gimp, roll a orc hunter

Just play it with moderation and dont get caught up in all the raiding BS


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Originally posted by: Anubis
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
(rule of thumb: the prettier the females of a race are, the more kids you have playing that race).

in 2 weeks horde are getting Blood Elfs, you guys are screwed

Yes.... yes we are, rolling Russian goat man on alliance next server.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Originally posted by: Anubis
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
(rule of thumb: the prettier the females of a race are, the more kids you have playing that race).

in 2 weeks horde are getting Blood Elfs, you guys are screwed

Yes.... yes we are, rolling Russian goat man on alliance next server.



Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2004
I played it for 2 years since release. Never got any of my Alliance characters up past 54 (NE Druid). Then I rolled Horde. My god, it was like night and day! More mature, not a lot of infighting. Good raiding guilds. If you needed help on a quest, 2 or 3 people would pop up and help you out. Got my rogue up to 60...then lost interest very quickly. I haven't touched the game since patch 1.10. I've been giving Blizzard my $15 since then.

It's all in who you end up guilding with. The game can provide only so much entertainment. It's when you're with friends and others who like you around that the game becomes a different shade of fun.


Golden Member
Feb 1, 2004
Soviet what Leroy did wrong was come back from taking a dump or getting a drink or whatever and run into the "rookery" without waiting for his team to be ready with a plan and doing what he did means the group wiped out which means they have to likely spend anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes getting back to the same spot and in some cases if they took a long time getting to that spot even longer. Back in the beginning before they did away with a lot of "spawns" and increased the time before the respawn after being killed it could have meant an hour or longer and when that happens too often people get very frustrated and pissed off. That instance they were in is called UBRS Upper Black Rock Spire. I have probably run through UBRS myself at least 150 times and that is just one instance. Each time it averaged about 2-3 hours and in the beginning might have taken 4-5 hours when noone knew what to do. I was playing the first week when the game came out after my nephew got me into it. The game was very fun when everyone was on the same playing level but now the game is very stratified with players in the best guilds down to players that are new or just never got into a top guild. A person can accomplish more in a top guild which is just about impossible to get into anymore without a lot of experience beforehand in a few months than someone in a medium level guild would accomplish in a years time. However the top guilds will require more from you. Once again it comes down to the social aspects of the game. Without the social aspects of the game which are forced on players that wish to progress in the game, WOW would never be as successful as it is. People would quit in disgust within 1/5 of the time they do now.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Btw, on the required time investment at 60 - that's a thing of the past in PvP. You can now gear up through PvP battlegrounds at your own pace. Some items take a good bit of grinding to get, but you can do it over the course of a hardcore weekend or a casual month - it's up to you. There's no schedule to follow, and you can play however you like rather than however a guild tells you to. The caveat to this is that you'd better play horde. There aren't enough horde to go around, so the alliance have to wait in lines to PvP, often really long ones. The horde can queue up and get in instantly, which is a huge advantage in so many ways... god I'm glad I'm horde


Golden Member
Oct 2, 2004
Originally posted by: warcrow
WoW is more addictive than most games -but it really depends on the person.

I'm a gamer, and have played a ton of games throughout my life. None (except for maybe Quake 3) compelled me to play it more than this game. I'm completely over it now and have lost interest -but it took me a year to do so.

Jeez, it's like I'm reading my own post. The only two games I've every been overly addicted to are Quake3 and WoW. Quake3 for the never ending CTF games, WoW for the never ending... game.

I'd say you're going to be spending a lot of time playing WoW if you have a problem... an addiction... with leaving your character in an 'imperfect' state. Imperfect, in that you aren't level 60 decked out in all the finest. And it takes a very long time to get up there.

I have an addictive personality. This addiction is fine for me if I'm playing a game like Zelda, where it'll take 20 hours but then the game's over and life can go on. But with WoW there's just so much more time involved to get up there levelwise. The addiction for me was that although improvement was slow and there was lots of grinding, it was rewarding enough to get to the higher levels and be able to play at new areas and buy new cool stuff at the auction house. I ended up just having to stop cold turkey, because, although I tried limiting the time I put into the game per day, I just go too impatient and the pavlovian reward system would overtake me... I'd end up playing for 8+ hours a day. After doing this for a week or two... I came to terms with what I was doing, admitted that I couldn't play this game with any amount of sanity, and canceled my account. And life returned to normal and was much more enjoyable after that


Senior member
Nov 11, 2003
i effed up a semester because i got hooked. talk about a waste of time and money. The game was new however, and i was hooked on being among the first few on the server to get the latest and greatest gear. It probably wouldnt be so addictive for me now.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Originally posted by: Anubis
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Originally posted by: Anubis
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
(rule of thumb: the prettier the females of a race are, the more kids you have playing that race).

in 2 weeks horde are getting Blood Elfs, you guys are screwed

Yes.... yes we are, rolling Russian goat man on alliance next server.


Think the new alliance race.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Originally posted by: Anubis
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Originally posted by: Anubis
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
(rule of thumb: the prettier the females of a race are, the more kids you have playing that race).

in 2 weeks horde are getting Blood Elfs, you guys are screwed

Yes.... yes we are, rolling Russian goat man on alliance next server.


Think the new alliance race.


Haha speaking of Starcraft, I got the Starcraft font working in WoW, looked awesome :laugh: Was a bit hard on the eyes though, and no lower case. I ended up going back to comic sans. *shameless UI pic*


Golden Member
Feb 1, 2004
Good post Mjrpes3. That describes me well and many others I am sure but unlike you I tend to stick with things longer before I either come to terms with quiting like you said or or something makes me quit which makes WOW type games really bad for me. I don't ever want to play another MMO again and WOW hopefully was my first and last.


Nov 27, 2001
I've leveled quite a bit of characters in my time, and you probably won't have much fun with warriors to be honest. The one thing leveling a warrior will teach you is a ton of patience. The class cannot kill things as fast as a rogue, it has tons of downtime (i.e. rage loss) and generally cannot fight the same encounters as other classes. My first 60 was a rogue and then I went to a priest and then a warrior. Let me tell you, rogue and priest were cake, but a warrior was hell and a half, because I was just too used to things being easy! It was that bad even though I did have decent gear and some nice enchants (such as Whirlwind Axe with +15 agility. Didn't feel like blowing the money on Crusader ).

Hunters are pure "hax" when it comes to leveling. I play mine sometimes (around level 25) and he can kill mobs that con red (i.e. their level is written in red) to him without a problem. It's simply the fact that a mob can never catch you and your pet also does some extra damage while it chases after you (if you spend talent points in the Marksmanship tree, don't expect your pet to keep aggro off you easily or at all).

The game itself, isn't really addicting. What kept me playing more than I should have is my natural tendency to try to be efficient. I could not stop halfway through something. I simply cannot do it. If I was questing in an area far away from the town, I wanted to finish my questing (more than likely it involved multiple quests) in that area, so I wouldn't have to go back again. It was that sense of completion that I needed to be able to stop. This was especially bad that I know literally almost every Alliance quest in the game (they called me Darrobot for a reason).

Also, guys... why are you even talking about 60? By the time the OP hits 60, Burning Crusade will be out and he can just purchase that to go up to 70. He is lucky and won't suffer from the year and a half that some of us spent at level 60.

Also, if you PVP, just get the weapons at this point. There are quests that can give decent weapons in TBC, but the one that I found the other day is a level 68 group quest. From what I've been told though, current armor will simply be outclassed much more than the weapons will.


Dec 10, 2004
The game can summed up like this.

Do you want the latest and greatest epic gear? Do you want people to oooh and ahhh when you walk by, and show you respect? Would you like to flatten people with 2 hits when you PvP? Well, get ready to raid 20+ hours a week then. Get ready to hear kids annoy you non-stop in your guild. Get ready to babysit! Need a break and don't want to raid hardcore? Well, get ready to get booted!

Otherwise you'll find yourself bored pretty quickly after you hit max level. Your attacks will bounce off geared players like you weren't there. Your gear will be bottom of the barrel quality. Sure you can pvp, but when you come across a geared group, you'll be mowed down faster than the Energizer bunny in a lion's den.

The bottom line is this game is all about GEAR. You get in a guild to raid the same instances over and over for months. Why? Just for gear. You're not in a guild, but run the smaller instances. Why? Same thing, you're hoping for something nice to drop. The hunt for gear is almost like a job, whether you do it constantly(guild raiding) or casually over a long time.


Nov 27, 2001
Originally posted by: termac50
The bottom line is this game is all about GEAR. You get in a guild to raid the same instances over and over for months. Why? Just for gear. You're not in a guild, but run the smaller instances. Why? Same thing, you're hoping for something nice to drop. The hunt for gear is almost like a job, whether you do it constantly(guild raiding) or casually over a long time.

Frost Mage in blues vs Tier 3 Warrior

Tell me that fight's all about the purps .


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: termac50
The game can summed up like this.

Do you want the latest and greatest epic gear? Do you want people to oooh and ahhh when you walk by, and show you respect? Would you like to flatten people with 2 hits when you PvP? Well, get ready to raid 20+ hours a week then. Get ready to hear kids annoy you non-stop in your guild. Get ready to babysit! Need a break and don't want to raid hardcore? Well, get ready to get booted!

Otherwise you'll find yourself bored pretty quickly after you hit max level. Your attacks will bounce off geared players like you weren't there. Your gear will be bottom of the barrel quality. Sure you can pvp, but when you come across a geared group, you'll be mowed down faster than the Energizer bunny in a lion's den.

The bottom line is this game is all about GEAR. You get in a guild to raid the same instances over and over for months. Why? Just for gear. You're not in a guild, but run the smaller instances. Why? Same thing, you're hoping for something nice to drop. The hunt for gear is almost like a job, whether you do it constantly(guild raiding) or casually over a long time.

Note that this guy couldn't be bothered reading my post about how this is no longer the case if you choose PvP as your path to gearing up. Speaking of people in need of babysitters...


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2002
YES it's addictive. Be aware. Be cautious. Use the "/played" command in-game to track the amount of time you haven't spent with your daughter.

Once you hit max level, play for a while and enjoy yourself but if you start to grind the same instances over and over for an item it's probably time to put your addiction in check and quit. WOW is very fun and I think you'll have a blast. Just keep an eye out for warning signs. Repeated raiding of same instance and the "/played" command should be your warning flags.

As for class selection: Many many opinions out there. I would discourage you from playing a hunter though. It's appealing at first but disappointing in late game.
Do not play PVP. PVP means for the first 50+ levels you'll spend your life being ganked. Once you hit 60 you'll spend life ganking people.



Nov 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Smilin
YES it's addictive. Be aware. Be cautious. Use the "/played" command in-game to track the amount of time you haven't spent with your daughter.

Thank God I don't have a daughter, or she would've missed around 230 days with me :laugh:. See, Smilin, the secret is if you find you play it too much, just buy your loved ones a copy of the game too! My sister kept complaining that I play too much, so I bought her a copy .

Originally posted by: Smilin
Once you hit max level, play for a while and enjoy yourself but if you start to grind the same instances over and over for an item it's probably time to put your addiction in check and quit. WOW is very fun and I think you'll have a blast. Just keep an eye out for warning signs. Repeated raiding of same instance and the "/played" command should be your warning flags.

Now c'mon, this is starting to sound like that article about how to tell if your child is a hacker. Raiding to get an item isn't a bad thing; maybe raiding the same instance many times in a single day might be bad. There's nothing wrong with trying a couple times in a week.

Originally posted by: Smilin
As for class selection: Many many opinions out there. I would discourage you from playing a hunter though. It's appealing at first but disappointing in late game.
Do not play PVP. PVP means for the first 50+ levels you'll spend your life being ganked. Once you hit 60 you'll spend life ganking people.

How's a hunter disappointing? It's one of the few classes that can kill mobs that are a higher level than itself (albeit it's not the easiest thing to do, but you can get used to doing it quickly, and now it's even easier with traps while in combat).


Dec 10, 2004
Originally posted by: CKent
Originally posted by: termac50
The game can summed up like this.

Do you want the latest and greatest epic gear? Do you want people to oooh and ahhh when you walk by, and show you respect? Would you like to flatten people with 2 hits when you PvP? Well, get ready to raid 20+ hours a week then. Get ready to hear kids annoy you non-stop in your guild. Get ready to babysit! Need a break and don't want to raid hardcore? Well, get ready to get booted!

Otherwise you'll find yourself bored pretty quickly after you hit max level. Your attacks will bounce off geared players like you weren't there. Your gear will be bottom of the barrel quality. Sure you can pvp, but when you come across a geared group, you'll be mowed down faster than the Energizer bunny in a lion's den.

The bottom line is this game is all about GEAR. You get in a guild to raid the same instances over and over for months. Why? Just for gear. You're not in a guild, but run the smaller instances. Why? Same thing, you're hoping for something nice to drop. The hunt for gear is almost like a job, whether you do it constantly(guild raiding) or casually over a long time.

Note that this guy couldn't be bothered reading my post about how this is no longer the case if you choose PvP as your path to gearing up. Speaking of people in need of babysitters...

Well, in response to the frost mage vs a tier3 warrior, check out a free action potion. Dead frost mage.

And as for the pvp remark, the game is designed so that raiders always get better gear. Sure, pvp gear is getting an upgrade. But pvp gear will always be inferior to raiding gear. It is now, and will be at level 70. Hell, the last toon I played was my Naxx gear warlock, I took out a HWL warrior and a warlord druid at the same time in AV. Not because I'm a wizard with the controls, but when I resist hamstring, mortal strike, root, moonfire, etc...the difference in gear is clear.
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