I hate guns.

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May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: Uncle T
This is another reason why I always carry my gun (CCW) on me and never let it leave my side except for when I sleep in my house. If I sleep somewhere else then I leave it on my side without a bullet in the chamber, so I don?t shot myself. This is also why I carry my gun because stupid people let the wrong people have the guns.

No one is really mad at guns they are mad at stupid people with guns.


So, you never go the post office?

I don't.

When I have to go to court I lock it in the lockbox at the courthouse.

I carry absolutely everywhere it's legal to do so, and do my best to avoid anywhere it's prohibited.

How is that any better/worse than locking a gun in one's car?

A car can get broken into. If someone robs the courthouse/sherrif's office, they deserve whatever they manage to get away with. Moreover, there are about 10 armed law enforcement personnel surrounding me the entire time I'm in the building. That's not true other places.

One of the significant qualifiers most ccw holders have is the concept of a secured location. If there are only limited entrances, guarded and secured, and other armed persons present who have sworn to protect you, then it's not a huge deal to hand over the weapon for a bit.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2003
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: Uncle T
This is another reason why I always carry my gun (CCW) on me and never let it leave my side except for when I sleep in my house. If I sleep somewhere else then I leave it on my side without a bullet in the chamber, so I don?t shot myself. This is also why I carry my gun because stupid people let the wrong people have the guns.

No one is really mad at guns they are mad at stupid people with guns.


So, you never go the post office?

I don't.

When I have to go to court I lock it in the lockbox at the courthouse.

I carry absolutely everywhere it's legal to do so, and do my best to avoid anywhere it's prohibited.

How is that any better/worse than locking a gun in one's car?

A car can get broken into. If someone robs the courthouse/sherrif's office, they deserve whatever they manage to get away with. Moreover, there are about 10 armed law enforcement personnel surrounding me the entire time I'm in the building. That's not true other places.

One of the significant qualifiers most ccw holders have is the concept of a secured location. If there are only limited entrances, guarded and secured, and other armed persons present who have sworn to protect you, then it's not a huge deal to hand over the weapon for a bit.

My house can get broken into. Should I not be allowed to have guns there, either? After all, it is not guarded by 10 LEOs at any given time (thank god).

And while I am completely against the idea that one needs to be disarmed to enter ANY location, courthouses included, it is the least of my worries. I am extremely baffled by this idea that a property owner should be held responsible because his/her car was broken into and a piece of property, gun or not, was removed.

Blame the criminal, not the victim.


Diamond Member
Sep 8, 2005
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: Uncle T
This is another reason why I always carry my gun (CCW) on me and never let it leave my side except for when I sleep in my house. If I sleep somewhere else then I leave it on my side without a bullet in the chamber, so I don?t shot myself. This is also why I carry my gun because stupid people let the wrong people have the guns.

No one is really mad at guns they are mad at stupid people with guns.


So, you never go the post office?

I don't.

When I have to go to court I lock it in the lockbox at the courthouse.

I carry absolutely everywhere it's legal to do so, and do my best to avoid anywhere it's prohibited.

I would do the same if WI ever decides to pass the bill.


Diamond Member
Sep 8, 2005
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: Uncle T
This is another reason why I always carry my gun (CCW) on me and never let it leave my side except for when I sleep in my house. If I sleep somewhere else then I leave it on my side without a bullet in the chamber, so I don?t shot myself. This is also why I carry my gun because stupid people let the wrong people have the guns.

No one is really mad at guns they are mad at stupid people with guns.


So, you never go the post office?

I don't.

When I have to go to court I lock it in the lockbox at the courthouse.

I carry absolutely everywhere it's legal to do so, and do my best to avoid anywhere it's prohibited.

How is that any better/worse than locking a gun in one's car?

A car can get broken into. If someone robs the courthouse/sherrif's office, they deserve whatever they manage to get away with. Moreover, there are about 10 armed law enforcement personnel surrounding me the entire time I'm in the building. That's not true other places.

One of the significant qualifiers most ccw holders have is the concept of a secured location. If there are only limited entrances, guarded and secured, and other armed persons present who have sworn to protect you, then it's not a huge deal to hand over the weapon for a bit.

My house can get broken into. Should I not be allowed to have guns there, either? After all, it is not guarded by 10 LEOs at any given time (thank god).

And while I am completely against the idea that one needs to be disarmed to enter ANY location, courthouses included, it is the least of my worries. I am extremely baffled by this idea that a property owner should be held responsible because his/her car was broken into and a piece of property, gun or not, was removed.

Blame the criminal, not the victim.

Gun safe.

There are plenty that are easily accessible in case of emergency. I also had an alarm system installed on my home while I lived there.
May 16, 2000
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: Uncle T
This is another reason why I always carry my gun (CCW) on me and never let it leave my side except for when I sleep in my house. If I sleep somewhere else then I leave it on my side without a bullet in the chamber, so I don?t shot myself. This is also why I carry my gun because stupid people let the wrong people have the guns.

No one is really mad at guns they are mad at stupid people with guns.


So, you never go the post office?

I don't.

When I have to go to court I lock it in the lockbox at the courthouse.

I carry absolutely everywhere it's legal to do so, and do my best to avoid anywhere it's prohibited.

How is that any better/worse than locking a gun in one's car?

A car can get broken into. If someone robs the courthouse/sherrif's office, they deserve whatever they manage to get away with. Moreover, there are about 10 armed law enforcement personnel surrounding me the entire time I'm in the building. That's not true other places.

One of the significant qualifiers most ccw holders have is the concept of a secured location. If there are only limited entrances, guarded and secured, and other armed persons present who have sworn to protect you, then it's not a huge deal to hand over the weapon for a bit.

My house can get broken into. Should I not be allowed to have guns there, either? After all, it is not guarded by 10 LEOs at any given time (thank god).

And while I am completely against the idea that one needs to be disarmed to enter ANY location, courthouses included, it is the least of my worries. I am extremely baffled by this idea that a property owner should be held responsible because his/her car was broken into and a piece of property, gun or not, was removed.

Blame the criminal, not the victim.

I'm lost; I never claimed otherwise.

Still, I do think it's bad form to leave a weapon completely unsecured...when I do have to leave it in the car it goes into my mounted lockbox. You can get one installed for $100, so there's really no excuse not to have one. At home, I at least usually close the doors and lock the place up if I'm gone. At least that way I feel like I did everything reasonable to keep a weapon out of the wrong hands.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Originally posted by: the unknown
I dunno. I like to consider myself a realist on a lot of things. And if you take away guns, it will just be substituted with something else. But guns aren't cool. I think they're pretty hate-able. Think of all the people that have died in wars to guns. WWI, WW2... A machine designed to kill, so easily and effectively. It doesn't take much effort. That 8yo that killed his father was made only possible by a gun. He could have used no other object that I can think of to kill his father. Anything else the father could have stopped, or would be too difficult for the child to use.

People that own and use guns have two main defenses.
Originally posted by: ric1287
a gun laying on the street doesn't kill anyone.
"A gun isn't innately dangerous." Well great, but that easily disproved. Just say that guns were on every street lying there. Would you feel safe? No, because people are idiots. And guns are dangerous in the hands of stupid people. The worst part is, a lot of stupid people don't know they're stupid. So saying guns should be in the hands of only smart people doesn't work when any generic idiot can walk off the street and buy one.

Originally posted by: irishScott
You know alcohol kills more people each year than guns right? God I hate alcohol now. :roll:
Add the numbers from all the world wars and tally that number again. Plus isn't a fair comparison. People don't use alcohol to kill other people. Or cars. Or heart disease. I'm sure if you compared what people use to kill one another, guns would be at the top. Unless bombs killed more people, but there are a hell of a lot more guns out there then bombs.

Originally posted by: JDub02
Armed people prevent crimes. Police are there to figure out whodunit after the crimes have been committed. I prefer crime prevention myself.
Bwahahaha I just read this. The thought that some gun owners think they're Batman (irony, I know) and stop crimes from happening is laughable. A small minority of gun owners, I know, but still.

Wow, a coherent argument against gun ownership. I actually agree with you that any idiot can walk in off the street and buy a gun and a background check doesn't do shit to detect idiots.

I agree with everything you posted but I have actually lived in an area where society broke down for a few days and if you don't think it could happen where you live well, you're living in a dream.

I lived in Los Angeles after the Rodney King verdicts and we had a good 3 days of complete lawlessness here. People were rioting and looting stores, buildings were burned to the ground and the cops were fucking useless.

I owned 2 handguns at the time and I had to drive through an area being actively looted to pick my wife up from work on day two of the riots. The same area I drove through to drop her off that morning that was relatively safe the thousands of times I'd driven through there before was a fucking war zone. Buildings were burning, people were running out of stores with their loot...it was chaos. I actually wept for society after seeing what I did driving through there...and I had to drive back through it to get home.

I'll tell you that a loaded Colt .45 semi-auto was mighty comforting during those days and it's something I'll not readily give up. I still own that gun today and hopefully I'll pass it down to my son someday.

I don't have a solution that will satisfy those who point out the damage that law abiding gun owners do willingly or unwillingly but I do think that making sheep out of all of us is not a good solution either.

My .02

Edit-I'm not entirely convinced that CCWs are the answer to...whatever question nobody asked either.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Zenmervolt
Originally posted by: Atheus
I just find it very sad that so much anger is directed towards those who advocate a world without guns. Naive and idealistic they may be, but their ideals are peaceful, and they are met only with hate. How can you be so twisted as to insult and deride someone for believing humans should not be hurting eachother? It it wrong to strive for a world like this, regardless of how unrealistic you think it might be? In fact, is not not honorable to do so?

"Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man. "

Mahatma Gandhi

I'm out of this thread.

/edit: not directed at anyone in particular.

"'Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest."

Mahatma Gandhi


Yet Gandhi changed the world without a gun.

Just sayin'


Nov 12, 2008
Edit-I'm not entirely convinced that CCWs are the answer to...whatever question nobody asked either.

As long as handguns are completely legal and easy to get I don't see how CCWs can really hurt much.


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2003
I have my 9mm and my .380 sitting right in front of me atm. Guess what, they haven't shot me yet!


Sep 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Unheard
I have my 9mm and my .380 sitting right in front of me atm. Guess what, they haven't shot me yet!

Neither has my .45, which is resting comfortably behind my right hip..


Oct 10, 2006
Originally posted by: the unknown

Originally posted by: irishScott
You know alcohol kills more people each year than guns right? God I hate alcohol now. :roll:
Add the numbers from all the world wars and tally that number again. Plus isn't a fair comparison. People don't use alcohol to kill other people. Or cars. Or heart disease. I'm sure if you compared what people use to kill one another, guns would be at the top. Unless bombs killed more people, but there are a hell of a lot more guns out there then bombs.

We're not talking about wars. We're talking about guns on the street and the ownership of guns by civilians. Fact is the deaths due to inappropriate use of alcohol far outweigh the deaths due to inappropriate use of guns within the civilian populations of most Western nations, even those with loose regulations.

Fact is the old adage. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. The argument that guns can only be used for one purpose and are thus more dangerous is flawed. Going back to my previous example, a lot of people use alcohol to relax. A minority of these people are irresponsible and decide to drive drunk/pass out/are angry when drunk/etc, and in some cases these people kill other people due to their usage of alcohol. These deaths far outweigh deaths from irresponsible/illegal usage of guns. The fact that their intended use was relaxation is irrelevant. It kills more people.

I'm not saying alcohol should be banned, but the argument that guns are somehow more dangerous in general yet cause fewer deaths is just wrong.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
man, there is so much screwed up info above on what gun ownership is and is not about. Gun ownership was never about making the pussy ass fucker equal to a trained fighter...if anything the original laws of our country were designed to let that trained fighter serve Mr. Pussy Ass Fucker his ass on a plate for running his mouth.

Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
Given a choice would you prefer getting shot. Or hacked to death. Only the weapons change the people using them are the same.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2002
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: Unheard
I have my 9mm and my .380 sitting right in front of me atm. Guess what, they haven't shot me yet!

Neither has my .45, which is resting comfortably behind my right hip..

My 9mm is in my top drawer under my desk atm... so it wont unexpectedly shoot at me. I can also lock that top drawer if I get really scared!


Nov 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Chryso
Damn guns, always getting themselves stolen, and then making themselves shoot people with their bullets. They totally do it deliberately...

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