i hate the term 'gas guzzling V8'

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Senior member
Oct 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Black88GTA
Because to some (myself included) driving a gutless wonder of a car is incredibly frustrating. It's worth it when attempting to merge onto an expressway and knowing you can do it effortlessly, rather than hoping that there will be an opening a mile wide so my slow piece of $hit can accelerate up to speed in time to avoid being rear ended or tailgated by the semi barreling along at 80 mph in the very lane I'm trying to merge into.

Not to mention, driving a slow car is no fun. And when you load up said slow car with 5 people and lots of cargo, slow car becomes almost immobile. I'm willing to trade a few MPG so I can enjoy my time in my car, rather than worry about things like merging, passing, etc. I also tend to drive pretty fast, so I enjoy having a vehicle that can sustain the speed easily, rather than some wheezy four banger that sounds like it'll blow apart at anything past 75 mph.

Just my .02 of course.

Oh, and "penis enlargement surgery" :roll: give me a break. Because I enjoy driving a performace car, that automatically makes me "compensating" for something? Honestly, this is the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

That is the "argument" that anyone who isn't into cars or performance regurgitates anytime this subject comes up. It's all about personal preferences and tastes, not "OMG I HAS SMALL PEN0S, I NEED V8 SO I CAN BE MANLEE!!!11!!2

Grow up. :roll:

Well, I like how you conveniently ignored my "not necessarily calling out anyone here" comment. As a result, I feel I must retort.

First, why don't you give me a f*ckin break? You mean to tell me that you honestly bought an SUV/V8 so that you can merge onto the freeway effortlessly? I've never heard of a more pathetic disguise for a fallic substitute. You just admitted that "driving a slow car is no fun." How much more childish can you get? Boo f*ckin hoo...my car isn't fun. Why don't you go ahead and cry me a river little one? I need to grow up? I have a toddler cousins who use that same excuse for not wanting to eat vegetables or do their homework. You can merge into traffic just fine with a f*ckin 4 cylinder. Hell, I drive one, and I sure as sh*t don't have to worry about avoiding 18 wheelers. I may not accelerate as fast, and I may not be able to haul a boat or some oxen, but I can fit 5 people in my car comfortably and get where I'm going without having to pay $40-50 every time I fill up.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2003
Originally posted by: mdahc
Originally posted by: Black88GTA
Because to some (myself included) driving a gutless wonder of a car is incredibly frustrating. It's worth it when attempting to merge onto an expressway and knowing you can do it effortlessly, rather than hoping that there will be an opening a mile wide so my slow piece of $hit can accelerate up to speed in time to avoid being rear ended or tailgated by the semi barreling along at 80 mph in the very lane I'm trying to merge into.

Not to mention, driving a slow car is no fun. And when you load up said slow car with 5 people and lots of cargo, slow car becomes almost immobile. I'm willing to trade a few MPG so I can enjoy my time in my car, rather than worry about things like merging, passing, etc. I also tend to drive pretty fast, so I enjoy having a vehicle that can sustain the speed easily, rather than some wheezy four banger that sounds like it'll blow apart at anything past 75 mph.

Just my .02 of course.

Oh, and "penis enlargement surgery" :roll: give me a break. Because I enjoy driving a performace car, that automatically makes me "compensating" for something? Honestly, this is the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

That is the "argument" that anyone who isn't into cars or performance regurgitates anytime this subject comes up. It's all about personal preferences and tastes, not "OMG I HAS SMALL PEN0S, I NEED V8 SO I CAN BE MANLEE!!!11!!2

Grow up. :roll:

Well, I like how you conveniently ignored my "not necessarily calling out anyone here" comment. As a result, I feel I must retort.

First, why don't you give me a f*ckin break? You mean to tell me that you honestly bought an SUV/V8 so that you can merge onto the freeway effortlessly? I've never heard of a more pathetic disguise for a fallic substitute. You just admitted that "driving a slow car is no fun." How much more childish can you get? Boo f*ckin hoo...my car isn't fun. Why don't you go ahead and cry me a river little one? I need to grow up? I have a toddler cousins who use that same excuse for not wanting to eat vegetables or do their homework. You can merge into traffic just fine with a f*ckin 4 cylinder. Hell, I drive one, and I sure as sh*t don't have to worry about avoiding 18 wheelers. I may not accelerate as fast, and I may not be able to haul a boat or some oxen, but I can fit 5 people in my car comfortably and get where I'm going without having to pay $40-50 every time I fill up.

Wow. Calm down. You asked a question:
So, of all you who own an SUV or an automobile with a V8, do you really need that kind of power? Does any of you make a living going offroading in the Rockies or towing cattle? I'm not a tree hugger or anything, but I just don't see the point. I respect your perspective and admiration for engines, but wouldn't you rather spend your money elsewhere? Is going from 0 to 60 mph in a few less seconds or minutes really going to help when you're travelling from stop light to stop light or on the jammed freeways?

And I ANSWERED IT. I gave you MY PERSONAL REASONS for driving the car that I do. I made no personal attacks on you, I just gave an honest answer to your questions. And you responded with:

First, why don't you give me a f*ckin break? You mean to tell me that you honestly bought an SUV/V8 so that you can merge onto the freeway effortlessly? I've never heard of a more pathetic disguise for a fallic substitute.

That's not the only reason, dipsh!t. Perhaps you missed where I said
driving a slow car is no fun
or where I said
I'm willing to trade a few MPG so I can enjoy my time in my car, rather than worry about things like merging, passing, etc.
I also tend to drive pretty fast, so I enjoy having a vehicle that can sustain the speed easily, rather than some wheezy four banger that sounds like it'll blow apart at anything past 75 mph.

And then you say:
You just admitted that "driving a slow car is no fun." How much more childish can you get? Boo f*ckin hoo...my car isn't fun. Why don't you go ahead and cry me a river little one?
I mean, WTF is wrong with you? I ENJOY driving, and am just not happy in a slow car. Bottom line. Period. I pay a bit extra at the gas pump, but it is WORTH IT to me. When the fvck did I ever complain about it? Who's "crying a river?" How much more childish can I get? Re-read your ridiculous rant. You're the one who asked a question - and then flamed the only person who bothered to reply to it. Your entire post is filled with unwarranted flames and personal attacks, FFS! Read your drivel again, and then ask me that with a straight face.

And in response to this nonsense
I need to grow up? I have a toddler cousins who use that same excuse for not wanting to eat vegetables or do their homework.
That was in response to your ridiculous inference that anyone driving other than a fuel-efficient slug only does so because they have a small d!ck. Which, I see, you've repeated in your moronic rant. :roll: I say again, grow up.

You can merge into traffic just fine with a f*ckin 4 cylinder. Hell, I drive one, and I sure as sh*t don't have to worry about avoiding 18 wheelers.
I drive one also. In the winter. Speaking from experience, it's a HELL OF A LOT EASIER to merge onto a busy freeway in my V8 car than it is in that 4 cyl. Granted, this is not the case with all 4 cyls, as some are quite fast. However, the ones that are tuned for performance get gas mileage comparable to a V-8.

I may not accelerate as fast, and I may not be able to haul a boat or some oxen, but I can fit 5 people in my car comfortably and get where I'm going without having to pay $40-50 every time I fill up

That's nice. I don't care. That's your PERSONAL PREFERENCE. Just like it is MY preference is to be able to accelerate faster, and "haul a boat or some oxen" if I so desire.

Oh - and paying "$40-$50 every time I fill up" is dependent on the SIZE OF YOUR GAS TANK. NOT the rate at which the fuel is burned. As if you hadn't already proved your ignorance multiple times over in this thread.

And for the record, I pay about $25 each time I fill up.


Senior member
Oct 9, 2004
First, I thought we were talking about vehicles with V8's, as the thread title states. So if my ignorant a$$ is correct, most V8 SUV's have at least 20 gallon tanks (i.e. Suburbans, Tahoes, Sequoias, Armadas), and if you multiply that by the national price/gal. avg. for the U.S., which is currently about $2.30, you get around $46.00. Hence, I am aware that fill up depends on the size of your tank, a$$wipe.

Secondly, let's review. You made three false assertions: 1) You must have a non-gutless wonder of a car (i.e. a V8/SUV) in order to merge onto the highway without frustration, which is bullsh*t; 2) you chose an SUV's/V8 because you care about providing enough space for 5 people, which is also bullsh*t because if space is really of concern to you a mini or full size van would make more sense, wouldn't it?; 3) again, "driving a slow car is no fun" is your justification for an SUV/V8, which may be a personal preference, but that doesn't mean it's not childish.

I directed my original post towards those a$$holes who either tailgate me when I'm already going 5-10 mph over the speed limit (as if going another 10 mph will get them to the next red light/stop sign that much faster) or who try to pass me on two lane roads because I'm not going 65 mph in a 40 mph zone with houses on either side. My whole penis enlargement comment, if you would've read more closely, was therefore directed towards these same Neanderthals. As a result, the fact that you got so offended by my comment makes me think you're probably someone of a similar nature who's pathetically trying to justify his adolescent need to just go fast.

No one is disputing that driving an SUV/V8 is a personal preference, but do you really think that means you're beyond reproach? Do you think you can just say "personal preference" and everyone's going to shut up? I'm questioning the motivation behind your preference Einstein, which is clearly not some heartfelt concern about merging onto the freeway or providing enough space for your passengers. You just like going fast and burning gas, oh yeah, because it's (as you so candidly admitted) fun.

You have therefore proven my initial asssertion. You don't make your living offroading in the Rockies, you're not a rancher in Montana, you don't have an SUV/V8 to help get through dense snowfall, and you're not really getting anywhere any faster. You're nothing more than a guy who's living out some childish, teenage urge to press the pedal a little harder.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2003
Originally posted by: mdahc
First, I thought we were talking about vehicles with V8's, as the thread title states. So if my ignorant a$$ is correct, most V8 SUV's have at least 20 gallon tanks (i.e. Suburbans, Tahoes, Sequoias, Armadas), and if you multiply that by the national price/gal. avg. for the U.S., which is currently about $2.30, you get around $46.00. Hence, I am aware that fill up depends on the size of your tank, a$$wipe.

Pssst...the 4 cyl and v6 versions of those vehicles have the same capacity gas tank as the V8 ones. This goes for any car/truck/SUV that has a base engine that's not a V8, but is available with one in higher trim levels. So, again, your argument is stupid. My V8 car technically has only a 15 gal. tank, but every time I fill up, I only end up putting in 11-13 gallons.

Secondly, let's review. You made three false assertions: 1) You must have a non-gutless wonder of a car (i.e. a V8/SUV) in order to merge onto the highway without frustration, which is bullsh*t;

Like I said, I drive a 4 cyl car in the winter. It is very frustrating to me to try to merge onto a busy freeway, where everyone is going 70-80 MPH and my car can't accelerate to match them at an adequate rate. Maybe you're different. Again, personal perception.

2) you chose an SUV's/V8 because you care about providing enough space for 5 people, which is also bullsh*t because if space is really of concern to you a mini or full size van would make more sense, wouldn't it?;

Who said anything about providing enough space for 5 people? My car seats two comfortably up front, and 2 in the back who are squashed in like sardines. My point was that if you put a lot of weight in a 4 cyl car, the acceleration / performance suffers tremendously. It's hardly noticeable in a more powerful car.

3) again, "driving a slow car is no fun" is your justification for an SUV/V8, which may be a personal preference, but that doesn't mean it's not childish.

Um, please enlighten me. How is it "childish"? Please, provide me with some valid justification for that, other than your worthless opinion. Carroll Shelby has dedicated his entire life to making cars fast. The man is 82 years old today, and "designed and manufactured the Shelby Seres 1 sports car" in 1997. Apparently some do not believe going after more hp/torque is "childish."

Here's maybe a bit of an eye-opener for you. Google the name of most vehicles produced/sold in the last 20 years (and beyond), and you are almost guaranteed to find a web forum dedicated to that car, full of posts from people discussing how to make their cars a bit (or a lot) faster, among other topics of course. That's an awful lot of people to be calling "childish," no? I'm also willing to bet that many of them are a hell of a lot more mature than you are.

I directed my original post towards those a$$holes who either tailgate me when I'm already going 5-10 mph over the speed limit (as if going another 10 mph will get them to the next red light/stop sign that much faster)...

Get the hell out of the left lane then.

...or who try to pass me on two lane roads because I'm not going 65 mph in a 40 mph zone with houses on either side.

Anyone who does that IS an as$hole. There's no excuse for dangerous driving of that sort, especially through residential areas. For the record, the same thing has happened to me, numerous times - but (gasp!) some of those d!ckheads were driving 4 -cyls! OMG! :roll:

Dangerous drivers come in all shapes, sizes, and vehicles. Not just V8s.

My whole penis enlargement comment, if you would've read more closely, was therefore directed towards these same Neanderthals. As a result, the fact that you got so offended by my comment makes me think you're probably someone of a similar nature who's pathetically trying to justify his adolescent need to just go fast.

How so? How does driving recklessly indicate that you have a small d!ck? The two are completely unrelated! If it seemed that I got "so offended," maybe it's because that is a completely baseless argument - without any merit or justification whatsoever - but morons like you like to say stuff like that any time this subject comes up. Why, I have no idea, however this stupid statement is parroted by your ilk like some kind of hippie mantra. While we're on the subject, if you re-read your post, you were the one who got all bent out of shape and opened up with both barrels when I basically said that 4 cyls suck.

No one is disputing that driving an SUV/V8 is a personal preference, but do you really think that means you're beyond reproach?

Beyond reproach? What the hell should I be reproached for? "Ooh, shame on me, I drive a car with a V8." WTF is your argument?

Do you think you can just say "personal preference" and everyone's going to shut up? I'm questioning the motivation behind your preference Einstein, which is clearly not some heartfelt concern about merging onto the freeway or providing enough space for your passengers. You just like going fast and burning gas, oh yeah, because it's (as you so candidly admitted) fun.

Um, yes. Because it is my personal preference. I could care less what you choose to drive around in. Why are you so concerned with what I am driving? You question the motivation behind my preference...Uhh, ok, I said that I like driving fast and having power available when I need it. Plain and simple. What are you saying, exactly? I already said that I didn't buy my car for passenger space - in fact, there's quite a lack of it. And yes, I do like going fast. It IS fun. But you know what? It's not nearly as much fun as burning all the gas! Damn, that's the best part!! :roll: You'd actually have a leg to stand on, here, if you were the one paying for my gas. But you're not. I AM. And I DEAL WITH IT, and ACCEPT IT AS A CONSEQUENCE of driving the way I do. You seem to be the one hung up on it.

You have therefore proven my initial asssertion. You don't make your living offroading in the Rockies, you're not a rancher in Montana, you don't have an SUV/V8 to help get through dense snowfall, and you're not really getting anywhere any faster. You're nothing more than a guy who's living out some childish, teenage urge to press the pedal a little harder.

In many cases, you're right. I'm not any of those things (obviously). I'm not getting most places faster. But I'm enjoying the ride a hell of a lot more. To me, that's worth it.

I think your own closed-mindedness, and attitude of "I THINK THIS WAY, SO THEREFORE IT IS CORRECT, AND EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG" is much more "childish" than the way I drive. You have what you like (obviously) and I have what I like. I don't care that you drive the car you do, why do you care so much what I choose?

BTW, ever been on the Autobahn? I have. Not driving, unfortunately - however, in some stretches (although not all of it), most people are going 100+ MPH. Are they all childish too? Just some food for thought.



Senior member
Oct 9, 2004
So Nissan Armada's and Toyota Sequoia's (for example) come with 4 and 6 cylinder engines? So the fact that Nissan's Web site states that all Armada's are equipped with 5.6 liter V8's and the fact that Toyota's site lists the lower end Sequoia as housing a standard V8 means they come with 4 and 6 cylinder engines?

Regardless, if you're so proud of the fact that you just like going fast, then why did you manufacture these bullsh*t excuses in your original post about merging onto the freeway without frustration and being able to seat 5 people without loading down your 4 cylinder (and BTW, are you hauling around some Sumo wrestlers or something? My 4 cylinder sedan can haul 5 people, a reasonable amount of cargo, and still merge onto the freeway effortlessly). Why not just come right out and say you like going fast in the beginning instead of hiding behind these pathetic assertions?

Also, I think buying a V8 SUV because you just want to go fast when you obtain no tangible benefit (i.e. like not really getting anywhere faster) yet receive tangible disadvantages (esp. since almost all V8 SUV's come with large tanks thus costing you more just to get around, yet not all 4 and 6 cylinder based vehicles come with large tanks) is childish. It's like a child who's mischevious in front of his/her parents despite knowing that he/she will not gain anything but hell and punishment. It's just the thrill of it.

Lastly, if you could care less about what I choose to drive, then why mention it?



Apr 6, 2005
Originally posted by: ultimatebob
I'll tell ya what... if someone can show me a V-8 that gets over 35 miles a gallon AND makes over 100 horsepower, I'll stop using that term completely

Well, in theory at least, you could have a VERY small V8 that is less than 2L in displacement. I don't think I can' think of such an example, but the V12's used by Ferrari have relatively small cylinders compared to the V8's used in more common cars.

You could probably build a small displacement V8 that isn't tuned for high output but for effiency and make >100 HP with 35 MPG.

Also I think I saw a spied photo of a Hybrid Lexus LS, but that's cheating with an Electric motor to assist


Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: ArjSiv

Well, in theory at least, you could have a VERY small V8 that is less than 2L in displacement. I don't think I can' think of such an example, but the V12's used by Ferrari have relatively small cylinders compared to the V8's used in more common cars.

You're right.

The 1975 Ferrari 208 GT4 had a 2L V8


Apr 6, 2005
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
I think much of the confusion stems from the fact that people don't truly understand the concept of fuel efficiency. All they see is mpg ratings, which tell you how far the engine will move that vehicle using a gallon of fuel. But all else is not equal there. Mpg is not a true measurement of fuel efficiency. A true measurement of efficiency is power produced per unit of fuel, or specific fuel consumption.

They see a tractor trailer getting 6 mpg and think how inefficient it is. They see a motorcycle getting 50 mpg and think it's very efficient. But if they used the proper measurement of efficiency, they'd see that the tractor trailer engine produced a far greater amount of horsepower per gallon of fuel. It was able to move 80,000 lbs 6 miles on a gallon of fuel, while the motorcycle moved 600 lbs 50 miles on a gallon of fuel. The power requirements to move that weight was much different. To make it short, the truck engine did more work using the same amount of fuel. It did this by using the fuel more efficiently.

To sum it up:

Engine efficiency = ability to convert fuel into mechanical power. Lower specific fuel consumption equals higher efficiency.

More miles per gallon = could be due to more efficient engine, but usually simply due to making or limiting the engine do less work. Make the car light, aerodynamic, and put a weak engine in it, and it'll get good fuel efficiency.

More power per displacement = Higher power density. Tells you nothing about efficiency. Rotary engines have a high power density but are very inefficient.

True for the most part, but those statements can be misleading.
Fore example, you can't really compare the HP/fuel between all vehicles like that. And you definitely cannot compare displacements with rotaries because they're, well rotary engines. It's like comparing the displacement of a jet engine versus a combustion engine.

First, the translation isn't really linear, it isn't correct to take the peak HP and divide it by how much fuel was used while it was running on its own for say 1 hour. You could have a An engine running so that it generates 100BHP, that uses X amount of fuel, but increasing the throttle and increasing the output to 200BHP won't necessarly result in 2*X amount of fuel consumed.

The graph of this is rarely linear, and it's more apropriate to just take the area undernearth the curve and that gives you a pretty good overall picture of the effiency of an engine with the variable being the HP produced. In this case you'll find that a truck engine will perform poorly but a rotary will perform quite well.

In addition to that, if you wanted to compare how efficient an engine is under load, you do the same test but varying the resistance. You'll get another curve, find the area underneath it. You'll find that truck engines excell, and for obvious reasons, and a rotary will do poorly.

And even these measurements are misleading because you're taking engines out of their normal environments and putting them in new ones. A truck engine isn't designed to do low 0-60 times and the engine from the RX-8 isn't designed to pull a 80,000LB trailer.

On top of that, a lot of people couldn't care less if a truck could pull 80,000LB with a relatively low fuel consumption, they're more concerned with the absolute consumption because most people don't need that kind of torque to drive the kids to soccer practice. And it's wrong to say that a large engine would be more efficient because "it doesnt try as hard", when in some respects it really does. You lose a lot of energy because of the extra weight, more friction, etc. in a larger engine that's running below its optimal RPM.

On a regular note:

There are more technologies that try to improve effiency of larger engines like disabling certain cylinders during cruising, but you're still wasting a lot of energy because the disabled cylinders are still dead weight, I don't think this is the right direction to go. Variable cam profiles with CVT would be a better solution but I don't think modern CVT's are used on anything that's known for towing ( hence why the Murano has a low towing capacity ).

The term "gas guzzling V8" is a stereotype. A lot of V8's do use a lot of fuel, and I believe is referring to some of the less efficient V8's in the last 10 years. It is possible to develop an efficient V8 that is less than 2.5L in displacement, but that would drive up costs since you have more cylinders, more valves, etc. 4 cylinder cars have become more efficient, more powerful, and are relatively cheap to make, that's why more Camrys and Accords these days have the 4 cylinder engine than before. So the major reason to go for a V8 is when you need more torque and low end power, so you sacrifice some fuel effiency to deliver a larger, more powerful engine, there's no point in having a small V8 for smaller cars since a 4 cylinder will do the same job at a lower cost.


Jan 31, 2005
About the rotaries, they're always pretty inefficient. They have a low thermal efficiency due to the amount of surface area in the rotor housing (or so I've heard). The old RX-7's got horrible gas mileage and the Renesis in the new RX-8's, while better, still cannot compare to a similar powered engine in a similar size/weight car.



Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2003
Originally posted by: mdahc
So Nissan Armada's and Toyota Sequoia's (for example) come with 4 and 6 cylinder engines? So the fact that Nissan's Web site states that all Armada's are equipped with 5.6 liter V8's and the fact that Toyota's site lists the lower end Sequoia as housing a standard V8 means they come with 4 and 6 cylinder engines?

Obviously, not every vehicle with a V8 engine has a 4 cyl option. I'm not talking about SUVs. In fact, I dislike them. But that's beside the point. I'm talking about cars with a V8 as an option. Both cars that I own had a 4 cyl and a V8 as engine choices. I own a Trans Am with a V8 (the base Firebird was available with a 2.5l 4 cyl in the 80s) and a Fox Body 1992 Mustang (which is the 4 cyl that I drive in the winter). All I'm saying is, the cars that you slam for having large gas tanks that cost a lot to fill up have the exact same fuel capacity as their V6 or 4 cyl counterparts. In fact, both cars that I own have relatively small gas tanks - like I said, my Trans Am only has about a 15 gal capacity, and my Mustang is similar.

Regardless, if you're so proud of the fact that you just like going fast, then why did you manufacture these bullsh*t excuses in your original post about merging onto the freeway without frustration and being able to seat 5 people without loading down your 4 cylinder (and BTW, are you hauling around some Sumo wrestlers or something? My 4 cylinder sedan can haul 5 people, a reasonable amount of cargo, and still merge onto the freeway effortlessly). Why not just come right out and say you like going fast in the beginning instead of hiding behind these pathetic assertions?

I did say that. Right in the beginning. I said "I also tend to drive pretty fast, so I enjoy having a vehicle that can sustain the speed easily" in the very first post I put in this thread. Those other "bullsh*t excuses" are not bullsh!t at all - they are the truth, IMO. My 4 cyl car is incredibly slow, and frustrating (to me) to merge onto an expressway with. And when I do put lots of people/cargo in it, it is even slower than normal. That car made 105 HP BRAND NEW. I can guarantee you that it makes significantly less than that now, 13 years later. I'm not "hiding behind" any "pathetic assertions." I simply gave my honest reasons for why I drive the car that I do.

Also, I think buying a V8 SUV because you just want to go fast when you obtain no tangible benefit (i.e. like not really getting anywhere faster) yet receive tangible disadvantages (esp. since almost all V8 SUV's come with large tanks thus costing you more just to get around, yet not all 4 and 6 cylinder based vehicles come with large tanks) is childish. It's like a child who's mischevious in front of his/her parents despite knowing that he/she will not gain anything but hell and punishment. It's just the thrill of it.

First off, I DO NOT HAVE AN SUV. I thought I made that pretty clear in my last post. Besides, SUVs generally are not fast, even V8 versions. (Yes, I know there are some exceptions). However, these are not the topic of this thread.

As for your statement of no "tangible benefit" - well, not to someone like you, perhaps. You obviously drive because you have to, and just want to get from A==>B. And that's your perogative. Well, guess what? Not everyone thinks the same way. Some people want to enjoy the ride, and just can't do that in a gutless 4 cyl, optimized for fuel efficiency - at the expense of performance. It is worth it to many people to pay a bit extra at the gas pump to get a bit of enjoyment out of the time they spend in their car.

Lastly, if you could care less about what I choose to drive, then why mention it?

I wouldn't have - however, if you read your previous posts, you asked questions about why people drive cars with a V8. I answered, giving my own reasons. Then you got all pissy and started calling me names and threw an e-fit.

To answer your question - you're right, I couldn't care less what you choose to drive. It's your POV, not mine - just as what I choose to drive is my perogative. However, since you brought it up, I felt obligated to defend myself.



Senior member
Oct 9, 2004
Sorry, I could/couldn't care less is just one of my pet peeves. Okay, no I didn't realize that you don't have an SUV.


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
DAMN you guys all whinge about nothing..comeback to when you have paid for the fuel to run a daily driven 440rwhp+ V8 and then complain that your pitiful SUV's are gas guzzlers....oh wait I get better than 30mpg..DOH my bad!


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
Originally posted by: CraigRT
Black88GTA, not all 4cyls are slow... add some boost and they're faster than most V8's.

hehehe yeah..and find it morally wrong to put crap on yanks..hehehe...WHAT A LOAD OF HORSE SH*T add a little boost, pfft so much hot air in this thread


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2003
Originally posted by: CraigRT
Black88GTA, not all 4cyls are slow... add some boost and they're faster than most V8's.

Oh, I know that not all of them are slow. Some are very respectable. However, the ones that are designed for optimum fuel efficiency (most) are generally slugs. Vehicles like the WRX-Sti, Lancer Evo, and your Neon SRT-4 can't really be called "economy cars" anymore, since the great gas mileage went out the window in favor of more performance.

The ones that are boosted and designed with performance in mind generally get comparable gas mileage to modern V8s.


Nov 10, 2003
Originally posted by: Black88GTA
And for the record, I pay about $25 each time I fill up.

Do you refill your tank every time it is about 1/2 empty? If you are driving a V8 vehicle, there is no way you pay about 25 bucks everytime you fill it up when it has less than 1/4 tank left or so. Unless your tank is about 12 gallons size and I never hear of any V8 has a tank that small.

<<---- is driving a 4 cylinders vehicle and paying about $25 a fillup (1/4 left).


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2003
Originally posted by: Svnla
Originally posted by: Black88GTA
And for the record, I pay about $25 each time I fill up.

Do you refill your tank every time it is about 1/2 empty? If you are driving a V8 vehicle, there is no way you pay about 25 bucks everytime you fill it up when it has less than 1/4 tank left or so. Unless your tank is about 12 gallons size and I never hear of any V8 has a tank that small.

<<---- is driving a 4 cylinders vehicle and paying about $25 a fillup (1/4 left).

Originally posted by: Black88GTA My V8 car technically has only a 15 gal. tank, but every time I fill up, I only end up putting in 11-13 gallons.

my Trans Am only has about a 15 gal capacity, and my Mustang is similar.

It only costs me about $25 each time. Both vehicles I own have small tanks.
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