I hate to say it but DPC....


Dec 17, 2000
Is indestructable!

While we were number 1 I joined TA, started running my machines 24/7 which I've never done before. Even bought a new machine solely to do RC5.. started asslaminating.. literally every person I personally know with a computer is running rc5 for TA now. DPC takes first place. DPC keeps first place. DPC hops on a spaceship and in hyperdrive runs with first place. Joke all you like, but all our base is theirs... sad but true. with the # of members they have we will never regain 1st place. They are just running away too fast with it for us to catch up.

I don't mean to be a gloomy gus and I'm not looking for trouble or a flamewar. I just feel like we're at a point where I should stop kidding myself thinking 1st place would be obtainable again for us. We'd literally need to double our active userbase to catch up and pass DPC at rc5.. I honestly don't see that happening.

What's really hurting us is inter-team bickering, lack of entire team effort and the fact the DPC can just waltz in here and read any/all plans we have. From the start, there should have been a TA only message area for planning etc..ah well..

btw: for people who have 5 computers or more.. what the heck do you do with them all besides crack? Unless I start having computer classes in my house or something I feel all this

<< muscle >>

is just going to waste collecting dust...

thx for the soap box.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000
I believe I'll beat the rush and head for the 'chocolate pudding' bar now...


Golden Member
Jun 14, 2000
I prefer Tapioca, but to each there own.

HomerFan....you may be correct in that we may never take back the #1 spot, but count me as one of the people who look beyond simply being number 1. I enjoy the forums (mostly) and I generally like the people on the forums. Have I tripled my output since the DPC took number 1 from us. You bet. Am I looking for new suckers...., uh, I mean recruits. Sure I am.

I agree, this shouldn't be flame material for anyone, this is just a person expressing his opinion in a civil way, and I respect that.



Jun 22, 2000
what the hell???

dude you are such an idiot, how dumb do you think we are, if you joined when we were in 1st, why are you still a junior member? oh and thanks for not having a profile or allowing pm's hmmmmm.

You are obviously a DPC, trying to kill our morale, you are obviously afraid of the Trains secret weapon. mwuhahahaha, and a haha ha ha ha, he he, ho ho, i cant stop laughing at what a but head you are.

I think ill dig up a classic TA quote:

&quot;Hey DanC, theres that extra chromosome again&quot;


Mar 11, 2000
Assuming you're legit (which is a big assumption)... Well, if you're only interested in #1 and are going to give it up RC5, then you could always join OGR. We are #1, with DPC WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY behind. But I would really suggest that you stick with RC5 to maintain your strong overall standing.


Oct 10, 1999
If you think you can not, you won't. If you think you can, you will!

NEVER give up. Persist. that's what it's all about. To paraphrase Russ' sig:
Those of you who say it can't be done, please get out of the way of those who are doing it.

Our member rate is going up, our keyrate is going up, we are in there for the duration. Where would America be if the colonists had your attitude? Oh, gee, the British have a larger, well trained army, they are so much bigger than we are, they've been on top for ever, we should just give up, or not even try. Bah!

Me and my son's home herd is helping he and I learn many things, networking, building PCs, etc. It's a hobby with me, and something that I feel fortunate in that I can share with my teenage son, and have time together. My dad and I didn't have much in common, so we didn't spend a lot of time together. I'm glad I can share this with my son, and help him learn something that can turn into a good career if he choses.

Dream the &quot;impossible&quot; dream. dare to strive to regain #1. Steel hardens under fire! Now is the time to harden our resolve, redouble our efforts, and regain #1. It CAN be done, it WILL be done.

To state that old cliche, Quitters never win, and Winners never quit!

[edit]fixed some spelling and other probs [/edit]


Dec 17, 2000
Special thanks to those who level headedly read and responded. Jator is a gleaming example of this. Good job!

Train on the other hand... hehehe..


<< What's really hurting us is inter-team bickering, lack of entire team effort and the fact the DPC can just waltz in >>


<< i cant stop laughing at what a but head you are. >>

Thank you for proving my point. and might I say, your detective work is about as fine as it gets:

<< dude you are such an idiot, how dumb do you think we are, if you joined when we were in 1st, why are you still a junior member? oh and thanks for not having a profile or allowing pm's hmmmmm.

You are obviously a DPC, trying to kill our morale, you are obviously afraid of the Trains secret weapon.

Point 1: member status has nothing to do with TA RC5 activity, that's judged by how many times a person posts..

Point 2: Yes, I'm obviously DPC which explains my perfect english and the fact I brought up having a protected TA only message board so DPC can't read it. as to not having a profile or allowing pm's - you think I want to hear more crap in private from you? lol!

also: secret weapon? unleash it! I would love it if someone could prove me wrong, and we end up back at #1.. step up, let's see it!

To those who mentioned quitting
I don't recall using the word quit. I like the team, the boards, and the members most of them at least and especially the stats. I don't think anyone on any team should quit because it will be neat to see just how long it takes to find this key. I was just pointing out the #1 status thing because it seems so many people think there's a genuine shot at us regaining #1 where I just don't see it that way as long as things continue the way they have been.



Golden Member
Nov 11, 2000
We MAY only have half the number of users as them. BUT we stick together as a team and work together and as long as we have done out part we are happy! It sounds fishy that you are a JUNIOR member and sticking up so much for DPC... Almost sounds like you are trying to get us away from chasing the DPCs...Were you send to this forum by them to say all this? Trying to dishearten us? I don't want to flame you or nothing but if this negativety carries on then I WILL have to report this to a mod!


P.S Also fishy that you disabled PM and profile!


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
Guys: It's called a search. You can do it to find all posts made by a certain member. He came in about a month ago after joining the team and asked for help, and a bunch of people helped him out getting him started cracking.

If he were a DPC &quot;spy&quot;, do you really think someone would go to the trouble of hanging out here for over a month, asking questions and getting help from people, and even making a few posts in OT, etc, just so he can come in here later and sabotage us?

Homerfan: You've got a point, that it'll take a LOT of effort to get close to their production. But you gotta remember that it didn't take long at all (MAYBE six months) for the DPC's to go from 200k blocks per day to around 2,000,000 blocks per day. So, it's FAR from impossible to catch up.


Oct 9, 1999
I'd like to discuss this issue, but right now I'm too busy working on crack rack #2.

Russ, NCNE


Golden Member
Nov 11, 2000
OK then... Maybe I mis interperated it then... But still its the taking part that counts the most and as long as we can hold firm together, and a sudden surge of people joining Team AT then we may get close to them! Cause there are somethign like 44,000 plus people using these forums and only about 2500+ or so members running At compared to the 4000+ running DPC, so if more members join Team AT then we could catch up, don't you think???

I hope we do in the end...

And sorry if I misinterperated your initial post HomerFan!



Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
I like whipped topping on my chocolate pudding.

Hey, don't be disheartened, HomerFan. We have a good Team going here, and it's constantly improving thanks to the people here who apply their talents in so many ways. My hope is that the Team will become something very fun and involving, so that it will grow and retain its members, new and old. I'm excited to see what develops with the www.teamanandtech.com website. Get thinking of ways to make it involving and fun, Mika is taking suggestions.

You should drop by the IRC channel if you want to concoct secret plans, and meet some of the teammates. We usually have 15 to 25 people logged in at a time, and you can pop into a secondary channel or a private chat to discuss plans for secret dumps, or anything else you want to keep private. Main channel is #teamanandtech on irc.teamanandtech.com. We also coordinate games of UT and so on, it's fun playing with people from the Team.


Oct 10, 1999
<but all our base is theirs... sad but true. with the # of members they have we will never regain 1st place. They are just running away too fast with it for us to catch up.

I don't mean to be a gloomy gus and I'm not looking for trouble or a flamewar. I just feel like we're at a point where I should stop kidding myself thinking 1st place would be obtainable again for us.>

You may have not said the word quit, but the tone of your post is one of resignation, of giving up, of a hopelessness of ever taking 1st again, which infers quitting. Again, If you think you can't you won't, and if you think you can, you will!

I understood it to be a legitimate opinion, not a flame war, and with that kind of attitude, we will never regain 1st. Yes, it does get discouraging, but when I start feeling that way, I go try to get more out of my PCs, or see if there is someone I can assimilate, or some way of talking the wife into me getting yet another PC. In other words, the best way to counter negative feelings is with some positive action!

All I'm saying that it IS possible to take 1st again. Maybe not today, but someday, if we all do our part. History is full of people and groups, that against overwhelming odds, succeed. We see it in the Olympics, we see it in everyday life.

Our own negative attitudes will defeat us. That is what we have to steel ourselves against.

Now off to get some Klinux boxes up and running!


Golden Member
Dec 8, 1999
&quot;there should have been a TA only message area for planning etc&quot;

Nothing like this can be done. Anyone can come in, pretend he's got a pentium 133 and live is Sao Paulo and wants to join the team, submit some block and get &quot;membership&quot;.

Covert ops are planned by a few ppl who know and trust each otherand words are passed by email or PMs. Also, miniteams have priv cannels on irc or on egroups for internal communication.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I just don't understand the reasoning behind this thread. What good is it going to do? Maybe the DPC are too strong to overtake, I don't know and I don't think anyone can say for sure either way. One thing is certain, if everyone gives up they will surely run away with it.

I do SETI and when I joined the Anandtech SETI Team we were in the upper 30's to low 40's in Club rankings. Right now we're 12th (almost 11th) and it will be a LONG hard battle to get to 8th or 9th. I know that we will *never* be #1 in the SETI Club rankings. So what!? Why is it so important to be #1? Only one team can be on top. That doesn't mean everyone else should quit. What fun would that be?

Assimilation is the answer!



Mar 31, 2000
Since when is anything or anybody unbeatable ? This race isn't over untill it's over. If we can get to become #1 from a position in the neighborhoud of #11 in the beginning of 2000 (and at that time we weren't even the daily #1) anyone can do it. Just assimilate everything you can, keep your spirit high, be active in all areas you like and know and promote your team. Not being #1 can be either a great motivator or a demoraliser, you make the decission what it should be and have the power to change it.

oh and ps: accusing all critisism/negative thoughts of being some sort of spy induced hidden agenda thingy is a great demoralizer. Keep up the good work .


Mar 29, 2000
Here's a little history to prove at least 2 of you wrong,
the rc5 stats for jan. 6, 2000:

1. AnandTech (431,655)
2. HackZone Team -- Combined power of Russia and exUSSR countries (365,536)
3. Slashdot.org (358,368)
4. Russian Team (346,983)
5. Team Warped (OS/2) (267,552)
16. Dutch power cows (147,454)

(no top 5, we didn't track that at the time but i guess TA was #3, chasing the Macs)

38. Japan Celeron Users Group (Tot:28,813,748, Gis:73,028)
39. Texas Longhorns (Tot:27,829,987, Gis:41,347)
40. Dutch power cows (Tot:27,137,942, Gis:147,454)
41. Wonder Monkeys (Tot:26,574,301)
42. Singapore RC5 Effort (Tot:25,640,178, Gis:73,821)

Homerfan: I hope you see that anything is possible TA almost tripled our daily output back then, but we never lost hope.

Eug: I hope you see that in our (DPC) point of view we're not behind at all in OGR.. this is target practice for all we care [insert develish grin]



Jan 28, 2000
Hey now,

I've been with TA for a couple days now and the main reason I joined was to do my part in trying to regain the #1 spot and also to give back to a community that I am proud to call myself a member. I say keep on crackin', we'll be back!


Oct 9, 1999
I am a cranky, 55 year old guy, with a somewhat sensitive work situation. I take my old processors in to work and put them in slow machines. I upgraded all my home machines with various processors bought at coumputer shows. Flushing keys requires my driving 3 towns over to another LAN site. Who cares. I do it because I like it. My ex-wife cranks keys. For me.
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