I managed to stay WoW-free for all of two months

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Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: SunnyD
WoW free for 3 months and counting. No desire to go back to the wait-two-hours-in-lagforge-to-find-a-raid-group-and-then-another-two-hours-to-fill-the-raid-group-only-to-have-10-people-drop-before-we-get-to-the-instance-then-wait-another-hour-to-fill-those-10-spots-before-we-can-waste-6-hours-inside-the-instance-only-to-wipe-2-times-to-some-Leeroy-wannabe.

Fixed that for ya.

Fixed back. I had a good guild thanks, and we had a decent alliance thanks. I actually leveled faster got better gear in the solo and 5-man groups. Raid instances were just a waste of time for those that don't have 8 hours straight of "life" to waste.

No, I'm sorry, but "having a good guild" and that forum-breaking diatribe which you described are mutually exclusive. What kind of "good guild" takes 5 hours just to build up a raid party and then another 6 hours to run an instance with "Leeroy-wannabe" wipes?


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Why is this thread so wide? Shouldn't hyphens autocarriage when needed? OP part of an
"introduce the mentally handicapped to the wonders of the internet" program?

Anyway, I never have & never will understand the MMORPG hate. How much TV do you watch?
Did you know your brain is less active when watching TV than during sleep? Heh, and you thought
watching people eat slugs was educational... MMORPGs offer social interaction and challenges to overcome.
What else are you going to do with your free time, honestly? The argument that you need hours upon
hours to accomplish anything is pure bullsh!t, and I think on some level you know it. It's just easier to
blame a source of enjoyment for your overindulgence rather than yourself. Same reason fat people tried
to sue McDonalds.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Dman877
Is wow your first mmp? If so, I feel for ya. I played DAoC off and on for over 3 years before giving it up for good. Never gonna touch an mmp again, I've learned my lesson .

You most likely will never get addicted to an mmorpg as much as your first one. Unless you just have an addictive personality.


Feb 28, 2003
Originally posted by: skace
Originally posted by: Dman877
Is wow your first mmp? If so, I feel for ya. I played DAoC off and on for over 3 years before giving it up for good. Never gonna touch an mmp again, I've learned my lesson .

You most likely will never get addicted to an mmorpg as much as your first one. Unless you just have an addictive personality.

I was going to disagree with this until I realized that my first mmorpg was actually a MUD. My first graphical mmorpg was Asheron's Call and I was not nearly as addicted to that as I was the mud Medievia back in the mid 90s.



Senior member
Mar 21, 2005
RBachman, I think the MMORPG hate is a stigma that people carry from the pen-and-paper days. That, and I don't think many people understand the idea of considering people you only know through the internet as "real" friends, despite talking to them for years, knowing what they do for a living, knowing the names of their spouse/kids/pets.

I actually got a lot of heat taken off of me for playing with my "virtual friends" at my sister's wedding last weekend. She's been talking to a few people on some wedding forum (the Knot?) for months, and a few of them actually came to her wedding. She was so excited to meet her "friends". When I asked her, my parents, and my wife what made them any different than the people I've played MMORPG's with for years and they didn't have an answer, the threats of an "intervention" against my one to two hour a day MMORPG habit ceased.


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2006
Originally posted by: RBachman
Anyway, I never have & never will understand the MMORPG hate. How much TV do you watch?
Did you know your brain is less active when watching TV than during sleep? Heh, and you thought
watching people eat slugs was educational... MMORPGs offer social interaction and challenges to overcome.
What else are you going to do with your free time, honestly? The argument that you need hours upon
hours to accomplish anything is pure bullsh!t, and I think on some level you know it. It's just easier to
blame a source of enjoyment for your overindulgence rather than yourself. Same reason fat people tried
to sue McDonalds.

MMOG's are designed as time sinks. The time sinks are also increasing, so that at later point, you need to spend much more time for a porportional gain. If you think that you don't need to spend hours upon hours, then you probably simply haven't reached a point of content exhaustion that makes that true. For example, you can get to level 2 in a matter of minutes. You cannot get to level 60 in a matter of minutes. That "achievement" is certainly going to cost you hours and hours. However, that "achievement" is still quite a bit easier than say the "achievement" of a full tier 2 gear set for example, or even a minimum set of 3 tier 2 pieces. And for many many players, this is just what they have to do for further achievement. It's true by definition -- the best gear just isn't easily accessible; it's not meant to be, as a cornerstone of the game design.

If your definition of "achievement" is social interaction / guild chat, etc., then you're talking about a chat program, not about the game -- you can probably talk about matters much more substantially in focused external chat groups than in guild / public chat.

So the difference between someone who still thinks that they can accomplish something without "hours and hours" and the others is pretty much the amount of experience they already have in the game, and this is perfectly normal; how it should be. You don't play tag or hopscotch or cars or dolls or whatever for the rest of your life -- you exhaust its content and go on to something else.

As to blaming the source of indulgence vs. yourself, I think it's pretty clear that if you look at the elements of game design and the economics of the games themselves, that the game designers are out to make something that keeps you engaged, and have included mechanics that are addictive. At best, with more recent games, they try to avoid time sinks, but never really succeed. It's just not possible to have that much content at the rate that players consume it. Again, if you're not in the tail end of content exhaustion, you just haven't reached the limit yet; this doesn't apply to you yet. Around 50% of MMOG players self-report addiction, and around 20% self-report some harm to their personal lives as a result. You can blame the players, and they do deserve some of the blame, but to ignore these factors is also self-deception.

I think TV is a strawman here. It's not even the biggest alternative to online gaming -- the internet is. While it's true that around 95% of TV is pure crap, there is a small proportion of TV that makes any online game look like the game that it is. Don't delude yourself here further by making a strawman argument. A real test of gaming addiction is how much it takes you away from things that matter to you in "real life". Do you sit with your family for dinner, or do you tell them "sorry, I have to go to this raid, or I'm in the middle of a group"? Do you skimp on homework? Do your grades slip? Do you go to work sleepy? Does your family complain that you're not spending enough time with them? That you seem to like your online friends more than them? These are the real tests. If you pass, wonderful! If you don't, then consider getting your kicks from a game which has save and pause buttons -- they're just not there in MMORGs for obvious reasons.

As to "MMOG hate". This is also a strawman. I and others have been playing multiple MMOG's for a long time. It's not as if we need any lectures on guild mechanics, or gaming. We're players, not outside observers. I quit EQ when I saw it for the grind that it had become. I quit WoW when I saw that I couldn't commit the time it took to get farther ahead. I might go back to WoW when they increase the level cap. So how does that equate with a blind "MMOG hate" that you put up as a strawman argument?


Apr 8, 2002
Been WoW free since early January and wont ever go back. I have been playing daoc again and they have simplified the leveling big time. 2 months into it and I already have 2 lvl 50s and out in rvr on a nightly basis.



Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Not going to quote Madwand1's post for legibility's sake, as I'm doing manual HRs. Your post only holds true for the raid-centric MMORPG model Tigole
(may he die, for the genre's sake) turned EQ into with PoP. The entire point of the games is immersion and openendedness, not the raiding treadmill
he envisioned and, sadly, has implemented as a core staple of the genre. Still, it's entirely possible to "stop and smell the roses", so to say, in the
modern MMORPG. People simply refuse to do so, wanting instead to "win" the game; something which we used to joke about the absurdity of but which
has become a reality.


Senior member
Mar 21, 2006
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
They always come back.......

I have quit four times myself.


I quit 2 months ago...and i'm staying off. Even if I wanted to start back up again I'm too lazy to wait around for hours for the new patches to dl/install.

so no more wow for me. w00t!


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: SunnyD
WoW free for 3 months and counting. No desire to go back to the wait-two-hours-in-lagforge-to-find-a-raid-group-and-then-another-two-hours-to-fill-the-raid-group-only-to-have-10-people-drop-before-we-get-to-the-instance-then-wait-another-hour-to-fill-those-10-spots-before-we-can-waste-6-hours-inside-the-instance-only-to-wipe-2-times-to-some-Leeroy-wannabe.

Fixed that for ya.

Fixed back. I had a good guild thanks, and we had a decent alliance thanks. I actually leveled faster got better gear in the solo and 5-man groups. Raid instances were just a waste of time for those that don't have 8 hours straight of "life" to waste.

No, I'm sorry, but "having a good guild" and that forum-breaking diatribe which you described are mutually exclusive. What kind of "good guild" takes 5 hours just to build up a raid party and then another 6 hours to run an instance with "Leeroy-wannabe" wipes?

Forum breaking? Get a better browser, forums fit fine in IE7.

As I said, I had a good guild. For our guild-only 5- and 10- man stuff, we rocked. Whenever it came time to venture out into alliance-land to hit the raid content, that's where the waste of time was. Ah, but you'll say my guild obviously wasn't good, since we weren't a h@rdc0r3 guild with 18-bazillion people that spent 24x7 farming raids.

Yup, none of us were 12 years old. None of us threw temper tantrums cause we didn't win the Epic drop that the hunter rolled on. None of us would decide on a whim to run if we could pull out a win, or stay if it meant a wipe. But we could roll, get into a rhythm, and do guild-only instances without issue.

And yes, ask just about anyone, my scenario is mostly typical of the type of day that awaits a level 60. Especially a person that has gone through puberty.


Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: SunnyD
WoW free for 3 months and counting. No desire to go back to the <ass>.

Fixed that for ya.

Fixed back. I had a good guild thanks, and we had a decent alliance thanks. I actually leveled faster got better gear in the solo and 5-man groups. Raid instances were just a waste of time for those that don't have 8 hours straight of "life" to waste.

No, I'm sorry, but "having a good guild" and that forum-breaking diatribe which you described are mutually exclusive. What kind of "good guild" takes 5 hours just to build up a raid party and then another 6 hours to run an instance with "Leeroy-wannabe" wipes?

Forum breaking? Get a better browser, forums fit fine in IE7.

As I said, I had a good guild. For our guild-only 5- and 10- man stuff, we rocked. Whenever it came time to venture out into alliance-land to hit the raid content, that's where the waste of time was. Ah, but you'll say my guild obviously wasn't good, since we weren't a h@rdc0r3 guild with 18-bazillion people that spent 24x7 farming raids.

Yup, none of us were 12 years old. None of us threw temper tantrums cause we didn't win the Epic drop that the hunter rolled on. None of us would decide on a whim to run if we could pull out a win, or stay if it meant a wipe. But we could roll, get into a rhythm, and do guild-only instances without issue.

And yes, ask just about anyone, my scenario is mostly typical of the type of day that awaits a level 60. Especially a person that has gone through puberty.


1) Off on a tangent, but you'd have to be talking to someone using an early version of Lynx to be able to claim IE7 as a "better" browser. :laugh:

2) Get off your high horse - I'm willing to bet my kids are nearly as old as you, so can shove your "puberty" and AOL-speak comments. The average age of my main guild was 31. Thre was no "whining" over epics or any of that stuff you obviously pulled out of you ass. So go ahead and save your straw-men for your Oz theme parties.

3) Make up your mind - your first posts were nothing more than whine-fests about how bad the game was and how much you did not enjoy it. That's why I suggested that you probably didn't get involved in a guild or group of friends that catered to the type of activities that you wanted to do and cosidered "fun." But now, all of a sudden, your guild was great and you had lots of fun. :roll:

Like I said in another thread - MMORPGs are what you make them. If you feel that they are giant time-sinks and you have to invest 12+ hours a day raiding with people you don't like in order to feel like you are accomplishing something, that's not the game's fault - it's yours. Some of us have been playing with a small niche of friends and family for over a year now, without experiencing any of those things you feel the need to bitch and moan about.

*shrug* To each, their own, I guess.


Golden Member
Nov 16, 2004
I played the original EQ for about 2 weeks before quitting and haven't had any interest in MMORPGs since. It just ate too much time for what I was getting out of it. I should've known better too... I had the same problem with text-based MUDs.



Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: Dethfrumbelo
I played the original EQ for about 2 weeks before quitting and haven't had any interest in MMORPGs since. It just ate too much time for what I was getting out of it. I should've known better too... I had the same problem with text-based MUDs.
It's true that some people simply have addictive personalities
when it comes to certain items. It's good that you can recognize
and take steps to limit them before they become a problem. :thumbsup:


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
1) Off on a tangent, but you'd have to be talking to someone using an early version of Lynx to be able to claim IE7 as a "better" browser. :laugh:

2) Get off your high horse - I'm willing to bet my kids are nearly as old as you, so can shove your "puberty" and AOL-speak comments. The average age of my main guild was 31. Thre was no "whining" over epics or any of that stuff you obviously pulled out of you ass. So go ahead and save your straw-men for your Oz theme parties.

3) Make up your mind - your first posts were nothing more than whine-fests about how bad the game was and how much you did not enjoy it. That's why I suggested that you probably didn't get involved in a guild or group of friends that catered to the type of activities that you wanted to do and cosidered "fun." But now, all of a sudden, your guild was great and you had lots of fun. :roll:

Like I said in another thread - MMORPGs are what you make them. If you feel that they are giant time-sinks and you have to invest 12+ hours a day raiding with people you don't like in order to feel like you are accomplishing something, that's not the game's fault - it's yours. Some of us have been playing with a small niche of friends and family for over a year now, without experiencing any of those things you feel the need to bitch and moan about.

*shrug* To each, their own, I guess.

1) Irrelivant.

2) If you say so. Let's not get this into a "my kid can beat up your kid" post.

3) Yes, I enjoyed WoW... up until I hit level 60. For the third time. Simply put, I enjoyed the first 3 months of the game. The rest of it was a waste (aka: endgame instances and PvP grinding). Personally, I enjoyed the company of the friends I made in my guild and the others in the game. It was the massive waste of time in preparation for the endgame raids and such that really degraded the game. There was (and is still) little to no challenge for those that don't want to invest in that huge time sink outside of those raid instances.

Maybe I was on a server that sucked (nope, I think we were something like 9th to open AQ). Maybe all the people on the server I was on had a below average IQ or something (doubtful, but the in-game gold spammers sure brought it down a few points). Maybe I just wasn't logged in at the right times (7pm-12pm EST on an eastern server?).

I don't know... you're right about one thing. To each their own.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Update on the mile-wide thing - apparently IE and Opera autocarriage on hyphens, and Mozilla/Firefox don't. It's a browser issue...
Personally, if I could screw a thread for IE users, I wouldn't out of common courtesy. But that's in short supply here...


Senior member
Mar 21, 2005
Originally posted by: ArmchairAthlete
I quit about a year ago, haven't looked back.

Given the typical crowd at the CoC, I'd say you don't have the problem of having an outlet for your geeky side ('01 GaTech ME grad)

On the topic of Tigole and the raid treadmill... I never saw that much of a problem as a non-raider, except for a lack of new non-raid content. Yes the raid mudflation hurts non-raiders who want to PvP, but aside from that the mudflation doesn't affect non-raiders in non-raid instances.

There is definately a push to get people onto that treadmill though. Even the new dungeon armor sets are a push to get on the raid treadmill. It was hilarious to see non-raiders praising Blizzard for the release of those sets with no new non-raid content to go with them. We were clearing the 5-mans and UBRS fine in the existing blues, the only utility to the new sets is to bridge the gap between non-raid and raid gear for the sole purpose of making the transition into the raid game easier.


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2001
I quit playing WoW and most other computer games in March. I haven't had any issues expect my wife and son miss playing WoW.


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2000
i'm trying to keep myself from loading WoW again. i did for one night (and cancelled without being billed, lucky me), rolled a priest, had a bit of fun but saw myself getting sucked back into it again and quit before i got that involved.


Senior member
May 18, 2000
My old co-worker is still heavy into it, and keeps promising to buy my epic mounts if i come back, as he is a major AH player/merchant.

I quit last year around Dec., and i'm not going back. I was thinking about it recently, but a quick visit to my old guilds website brought back all the not so wonderful feelings i have about rsvp'ing for grinding MC, and BWL.. etc.. I just dont have the time for the post 60 world. I just started oblivion 2 days ago, and that is filling the rpg void for now.. bf2, graw, and cod2 are fullfilling my multiplayer jones.

But now I can join a MP game, play a few rounds, explore some of oblivion and be done all in the same amount of time it would have taken to gear up, visit the AH, and find a PUG/Guild group. never mind more tiem for actual questing, and a LOT more time if its raid night...

If i ever go back it will be to see the Alliance side of the world up to 60 as i only played horde before.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2002
I quit a couple months ago. Rolled a Human Priest to 60, got her pretty geared up (no epics, but had most of the tier 0 set, upgraded about half to 0.5, was running MC).

After devoting 20-30+ hours a week to it, I really found myself liking all the free time I had. The whole grind was just getting too tedious.


Oct 10, 1999
I still play more then I probably should, but I just don't do things I don't enjoy.

I've got my 60 druid in MC, BWL, and AQ40 epics. I raid maybe 4 days per week. I usually abstain from the weekly MC runs. We've only killed nef maybe 9 or 10 times so far, so BWL still hasn't lost it's "charm" for me. I enjoy running that instance.

AQ40 is still a real challenge. We're still trying to take out Fankriss, we got him down to 40% this Monday. I'm hoping we take him out before the next reset.

Healing sometimes gets to be too much of the same in end game raids, but they have me off tank stuff sometimes, and I do give a lot of input when it comes to tactics, strats, etc.

We went and checked out Naxx last week after the patch for a few days. It was a pretty cool new instance, and I look forward to going there again in the future, where we can get bosses down below 90% rather then just wipe a ton.

When I don't feel like raiding, I play alts.
Leveling up is a lot of fun. Every time I level up an alt and hit an even level, I feel like a kid at Christmass. I got my warrior to 60 late last year, and since then I've MT'd ZG a couple of times with him. (mostly inactive though on that toon.) My current favorite is My lock, I just dingged 60 a week ago. Even with only 2 epics (lifestone and RoTV) and mostly blues, I have a hell of a time with him in PVP (currently SM/Ruin specced.)

I'm currently leveling up a mage and a hunter (mage is 46, hunter is 24) I just play them when I want mindless entertainment, or when my buddies are leveling up their alts.

I have lots of fun with it, and while I am probably addicted to it, I only waste what would otherwise be "free time" with WoW.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
I just stopped my subscription a few days ago. I got bored with the game and my friends are playing other games, so I joined them.

I do hope that 1.12 comes out before my playtime runs out (Mid August), because I'd really like to see the Rogue changes.
I also plan on playing again once the expansion comes out, I'll be rolling one of each of the new races, just to see how they are. And I might even take an Alliance toon to 60, since I've yet to get one past 30.
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