I moved from NJ to CA, seeking roof and Bio-IT job.


Senior member
Jan 28, 2001
On July 1 I picked up from my northern NJ apartment and moved out here to California. I'm currently staying at the Extended StayAmerica in Dublin, CA, near San Francisco. I don't want to bore anyone with my ranting, but I thought I'd take the opportunity to share my opinion having been raised in NJ and exposed to Northern CA for four days.

Before I came out here, I asked everyone I could about California. People on EQ, FFXI, family, friends, co-workers... It's quite the leap of faith I made, after they told me that people were 'too fake', that traffic was too slow, that jobs were too sparse, and that gas (and living in general) was too expensive. They were so far off key that I don't even want to try and correct them.

In the past three days, I've been enjoying being a tourist in San Francisco. My friend Tony, who drove out here with me, came along as we saw Pier 39 and Japantown, as we drove from Marin county through S.F. to San Jose (stopping at Mitsuwa and the bookstore next to it). On Monday at 4 PM, we took 101 to 92, the bridge that leads to Oakland, and saw about 10 miles of 20mph traffic. On Tuesday at 5, we took 101 to 84, across another bridge, and saw slow-downs at road merges only. Today, we went down 1 along the coast (shur was perty) to Half Moon Bay, cutting back east and onto 280 to go down to San Jose and saw 5 miles of 25mph traffic and another 2 miles on 84 as we went back to Dublin (around 7 PM). Now, I don't know if we've been lucky or if we're looking for trouble in the wrong places, but I have to say that this kind of traffic really pales compared to commutes through the NYC tunnel system, waits at the Driscoll toll booths of the Garden State Parkway, or meandering down Rt. 1 past Woodbridge. Sorry, I'm not scared of the traffic here at all. If anyone has some good routes out of S.F. for me to try tomorrow, I'd be happy to take an extra ride. However, the roads out here in California don't have dashed lines between lanes, instead replacing them with round reflectors creating rumble strips between each and every lane! It's very intimidating.

Gas varies depending on the brand, from 2.12 to 2.35 per gallon. It's really strange to me, not seeing any of the Exxons, Mobils, and Raceways that were native to NJ, and I don't know which gas stations are the 'good' ones and which are the 'cheap' ones, but gas prices are really comparable. When I left, I was paying anywhere from 2.00 to 2.25, which is all still a fraction of what our European bretheren are forced to pay (although I'll never be able to compare, since their rate is in pounds per liter). Restaurant eating has all been comparable, though our lunch today in a Japanese restaurant in Novato left a little to be desired, and groceries seem to be the same except for an additional recyclables deposit (and, again, without the Pathmarks, A&Ps, or ShopRights I don't know whether Albertsons or SafeWay is the place to go).

I was told that the rent would break my wallet. Well, the rent seems to be higher than (New Brunswick) NJ's in the Fremont area that I was shopping in. What I was paying $950 for in NJ is priced around $1100 here, but all the apartment complexes here have covered parking, a pool, and some sort of excercise room. Rentals of rooms from shared houses seems to be comparable, but I may not have an accurate idea of that since the only room prices I looked up in NJ were in a 'college town'. So although I may be asked to pay more per month, I'd say that price-per-feature is probably the same or close to it.

I don't know anyone here in California personally, yet, and I haven't found a job yet (though I haven't looked since I left NJ), so maybe I'm too quick to judge... but California isn't as scary as I was told it would be. I haven't driven around to find cars with smashed windows and would-be professionals lying on the streets. The traffic here is certainly more dense than the traffic in Montana, where you could almost drive 120 mph across the entire state without another vehicle getting in your way...

I hope to add more to my 'Review of California' later, as I get more familiar with it, but to anyone else afraid to leave NJ for Northern CA, I'd say that it's alot easier than you think.

I need a place to live. This hotel isn't friendly on my wallet, and was planning on signing up with Amber Courts Apts in Fremont by the end of the week, if I don't find someplace else to live. Originally, Iw as intending to get a 1-BR aptment, but someone suggested that my adjustment would be easier if I found a roommate or someone else who was renting out a single bedroom. Furthermore, I'm looking for work. I want to work in the IT department of a Biotech/Pharm. company or help with Bioinformatics programming, someplace comfortable that will support my getting a Master's in Biochemistry while still utilizing my B.S. in Electrical/Computer Engineering and minor in Genetics. I'll take any leads I can get, even if I don't have a return address to put at the top of my resume yet. Entelos, Perlgen, BioMarin, Genentech, Xenogen, Affymetrix, Valentis, B-Bridge, etc... none would give me the time of day while I was in NJ. Next week, I'll be hunting them down and knocking on doors, though I had a bad start today when I went to Novato and BioMarin, where every door on the building was locked and said 'Please use Main Entrance'.

I know I always ask for things from the people here, but I'll take whatever is being given out. I want restaurant suggestions, club reviews, road previews, town opinions, and employment tips. I'm feeling too alone to go boldly forward on my own two legs, and don't have the savings to spend six months using trial-and-error, so like the beggar I saw this afternoon in Golden Gate recreational area, I'll take whatever little bits I can have and add it together into something fantastic.

Thanks, everyone.



Diamond Member
Nov 27, 1999
1) California is great
2) I need a job
3) anywhere good to go/visit?


Apr 3, 2001
california is the best states in the usa, in my opinion having lived in both northern and sourther califonria, southern califnoria is way better then northern california, but any where in cali is better then NJ.

in 5 years you'll look back and think to yourself that it was the best move youve ever made.

as far as biotech jobs a majority of them are in southern california, san diego, orange, and ventura county.


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2000
hey ed -

as a person who grew up in norcal but is living in socal now,


the traffic is ten gazillion times better up in norcal, it is ONLY bad during rush hour on weekdays. in LA, you can expect some kind of jam almost anywhere, any time of day.

the rent is cheaper in fremont. it is insanely expensive in san francisco however. the commute from fremont to SF is definitely doable, and you could always do BART if you are so inclined. but if you want to work in SF, i'd live on the peninsula or outside the city, cuz either way the commute does get to you.

keep looking for jobs everywhere, and i'd just suggest finding a community close to where you work. apt prices range widely in the bay area, depending on the area you are in, so good luck.

as for places to visit, you've done most of the SF tourist thing. catch an a's game and a giants game - both have very different fan bases and you can tell.

i'm not much for restaurant reviews or club reviews since i am not big in either scene. i did grow up in san jose, spent tons of time in SF, and i know most of the south bay i guess.


Senior member
Jan 28, 2001
Thanks Lazee, you know your writing's somehow important to schoolchildren nationwide when you get your own Cliff's Notes.

I'm in Northern California partly because of the weather; I am ill-inclined towards hot, but appreciate being able to drive to ski-areas or beaches depending on the season.

One of my issues is that apartments want 6-12 month leases. Living in Fremont is an attempt at putting myself in the middle, since jobs range from Marin county to the south end of Silicon Valley.

Freesia, were there many car-breakins in San Jose? Some of the places I've driven by, Oakland and Newark come to mind, have appeared terribly run down, but I haven't seen anything 'evil' happening on my drive by.


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Sensor
Thanks Lazee, you know your writing's somehow important to schoolchildren nationwide when you get your own Cliff's Notes.

I'm in Northern California partly because of the weather; I am ill-inclined towards hot, but appreciate being able to drive to ski-areas or beaches depending on the season.

One of my issues is that apartments want 6-12 month leases. Living in Fremont is an attempt at putting myself in the middle, since jobs range from Marin county to the south end of Silicon Valley.

Freesia, were there many car-breakins in San Jose? Some of the places I've driven by, Oakland and Newark come to mind, have appeared terribly run down, but I haven't seen anything 'evil' happening on my drive by.

totally depends on where in san jose you are. my family lives in a nicer part of it, so i'd leave my car on the street or in the driveway. the worst thing that ever happened to my car was that it was egged one night. (damn kids.)

i'm not sure of the stats, but www.bayarea.com is the link to the SJ mercury news.

oakland is mostly gross all over the place, oakland hills is a lot nicer. (anywhere that has the word "hill" after it is $$$). nothing ever happens when you drive by really.

all in all i find the bay area to be safe, but there are some places i'd never go (i.e. oakland.) my aunt lives in newark and they've been fine out there.

most apts anywhere want a lease though, because its not easy to fill those empty spaces.


Mar 16, 2004
Dude EQ sucks now, its average player age approaches CS's at near the speed of light, it's buggy, and Sony really rapes its customers. Quit, for your own good.

Glad you like CA, I've always wanted to visit but never gotten around to it. Friend loved it.


Jan 25, 2000
Try looking on craigslist for apartments.
If you don't care about pools and exercise things, you can save money. You can drive over to Stanford and swim for free in their pool.
I am paying 875 for a huge apt in a triplex with a garage and no neighbors except for one small wall, and this is in Sunnyvale. So Fremont may be cheaper.
As far as restaurants, there is a good cheap place called Banana Leaf in Milpitas that I like, and of course SF has lots of places and Berkeley too.
If you like hiking, try rancho san antonio near cupertino, stinson beach, muir woods, mount diablo, and all along the Skyline.
Bay area is pretty boring and career oriented for a young straight guy, but it has some nice outdoors stuff to do.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2001
Wow...out of all the places to stay why Dublin? Don't get me wrong its a nice quiet city but so far away from SF.

BTW I live in Burlingame and my GF lives in Castro Valley, about a 10 minute drive from Dublin.

For gas, sign up for a Safeway club card and get gas at the Safeway across from Good Guys and Target on Dublin boulevard. Another cheap gas station is Valero, there is a station closeby to Southland mall off of 880 in Hayward. These are the two main gas stations that I try to go to if I have time as they are slightly out of my way.

Castro Valley Boulevard/Redwood Road has a Shell and Exxon station that has pretty decent prices on gas also.

You said that you wanted a Bio or IT job, if you look at South San Francisco there are a tons of Bio-Tech companies there, as well as Emeryville and Alameda.

Check here for Biotech companies in south city. Biospace

If you check Hayward or San Leandro you may be able to find cheaper apartments than Fremont but, the area is definitely not as nice.

Food! The food here is great! Sushi House in Southshore Plaza in Alameda is great with reasonable prices. PPQ on Irving in the sunset district is great for Pho. Za Zang Myun in Oakland on Telegraph is great for Korean noodles. Darda in Milpitas Square is great for some hand cut Chinese noodles. I could go on!

I'll post more later... post your questions here I'll be happy to answer them for you.


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: freesia39
hey ed -

as a person who grew up in norcal but is living in socal now,


the traffic is ten gazillion times better up in norcal, it is ONLY bad during rush hour on weekdays. in LA, you can expect some kind of jam almost anywhere, any time of day.

As a person who grew up in socal but is living in norcal now, I concur.
You need to look no further than the carpool lane. In norcal it's only carpool lane during rush hour, in LA it's carpool lane 24-7, because that's their rush hour Socal has gotten too big for its own good, and I don't really like going there all that much anymore.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001
Man, theres nothing in Fremont. I stayed there for the summer and ZZZZZzzzzzZZZ. Biotech jobs you would be much better off looking in Southern California.

Oakland is so incredibly ghetto (even worse than Downtown L.A.). Most people say don't go there during night (because you seriously might get shot, and get your car jacked).... I wouldn't even go there during the day.

Theres bad parts and good parts all mixed in together. One place can be filthy rich and nice but its neighboring city may be ghetto and dangerous. It's simply about knowing where to avoid.

I saw no difference in traffic in Northern California (though Northern California people can't drive for sh*t) than compared to Southern California. San Francisco is just as crowded. It's all about avoiding rush hour and you'll be fine though. Plus you get used to it.

Exxon and Mobil exist in Southern California, but not in Northern California. Arco is considered the "cheap" gas.

Albertsons > Safeway (same as Vons, which is in SoCal). But Safeway is cheaper.

"However, the roads out here in California don't have dashed lines between lanes, instead replacing them with round reflectors creating rumble strips between each and every lane! It's very intimidating."
I found that hilarious because I didn't know other states didn't have them. It seems so commonplace, but yeah they're pretty annoying. When I'm bored driving and changing lanes sometimes I see if I can avoid them by cutting through in the gaps (I think every California driver has attempted this before.)

Personally, I did not like Northern California (elitist culture) and the fact that you have to drive freakin 30 minutes just to get legitimate retail stores like Best Buy, Target, Walmart, or any mall for that matter. Hell even fast food joints are limited (no Carls Jr! In N' Out is quite a drive.... you probably haven't had either hamburer fast food joint so I recommend them.. my two favorite).

But if you're looking to settle down and have a slower paced life, or have a snobby attitude and into culturual/intellectual stuff than you'll enjoy it there. I rather much enjoy the superficial, capitialist, retail stores all over the place, the huge malls and department stores, etc.

P.S. There are no real beaches in Northern Califoria (water is too freakin cold! and so is the typical gloomy weather.) Furthermore, the closest ski places are all the way in Tahoe... a good 3 hour drive.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2001
As for the drive to SF tomorrow you can take 580 west avoiding 238, and go all the way north to the I80 west junction. That should take you to the Bay Bridge which will then take you right into the city.

I80 east will take you into Emeryville and Berkeley, Emeryville has a new outdoor shopping area called Bay Street off of the Powell Street exit. It has a new AMC Theater, Barnes and Noble, Apple Store, Magnolia HiFi, QCup for Boba, Banana, GAP, etc... and Ikea is right next door if you need furniture.

BTW.. I have no clue where people are getting the idea of NorCal being more elitist and superficial than SoCal. Have you been to Westwood and Beverly Hills? I admit there are a lot of snobs here but, isn't that the case with any big city, especially a wealthy city and area.

You just have to meet the right people and find a good group of people to hang out with, it can be difficult in a lot of areas especially one as large as the bay area.


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Dragnov
Man, theres nothing in Fremont. I stayed there for the summer and ZZZZZzzzzzZZZ. Biotech jobs you would be much better off looking in Southern California.
Ok, you have a point about ZZZZZ, and biotech jobs in San Diego.
Oakland is so incredibly ghetto (even worse than Downtown L.A.). Most people say don't go there during night (because you seriously might get shot, and get your car jacked).... I wouldn't even go there during the day.
P.S.A: Downtown LA is not THE Ghetto of LA. Ever hear of Compton or South Central LA? I don't think it's all that better than Oakland. At least Oakland has some good warehouse raves

Theres bad parts and good parts all mixed in together. One place can be filthy rich and nice but its neighboring city may be ghetto and dangerous. It's simply about knowing where to avoid.
aside from oakland and maybe east palo alto, it's pretty much all filty reach around here
I saw no difference in traffic in Northern California (though Northern California people can't drive for sh*t) than compared to Southern California. San Francisco is just as crowded. It's all about avoiding rush hour and you'll be fine though. Plus you get used to it.
I have one thing to say to that: "405"
Exxon and Mobil exist in Southern California, but not in Northern California. Arco is considered the "cheap" gas.
Who the hell cares, really?
Albertsons > Safeway (same as Vons, which is in SoCal). But Safeway is cheaper.
That is true, but I like Nob Hill more than either of those.
"However, the roads out here in California don't have dashed lines between lanes, instead replacing them with round reflectors creating rumble strips between each and every lane! It's very intimidating."
I found that hilarious because I didn't know other states didn't have them. It seems so commonplace, but yeah they're pretty annoying. When I'm bored driving and changing lanes sometimes I see if I can avoid them by cutting through in the gaps (I think every California driver has attempted this before.)
Yep, do that all the time.
Personally, I did not like Northern California (elitist culture) and the fact that you have to drive freakin 30 minutes just to get legitimate retail stores like Best Buy, Target, Walmart, or any mall for that matter. Hell even fast food joints are limited (no Carls Jr! In N' Out is quite a drive.... you probably haven't had either hamburer fast food joint so I recommend them.. my two favorite).
Are you sure you just didn't know where these stores were, or does fremont suck that much? There is fry's, walmart, target, BB, costco, in'n out, several carls jrs and malls within 10 minute drive from my apt.
But if you're looking to settle down and have a slower paced life, or have a snobby attitude and into culturual/intellectual stuff than you'll enjoy it there.
It's kinda expensive to settle down here, and somewhat boring to live here.


Diamond Member
Nov 27, 1999
Originally posted by: Sensor
Thanks Lazee, you know your writing's somehow important to schoolchildren nationwide when you get your own Cliff's Notes.

i dunno about that, but I was cutting off any "cliffnotes?" nef responses


Oct 7, 2001
i lived in California all my life.

california rocks! i love it here. I've been a tourist in florida, arizona, nevada, NJ, NY....

all are nice places, but nothing can compare to california in my opinion. esp. southern california.



Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: DanTMWTMP
i lived in California all my life.

california rocks! i love it here. I've been a tourist in florida, arizona, nevada, NJ, NY....

all are nice places, but nothing can compare to california in my opinion. esp. southern california.

Isn't La Jolla the most expensive place in the US for housing prices? It sure is a nice place.


Golden Member
Apr 23, 2004
Good to hear you made it okay. When you have more time it'd be interesting to hear what paths you took, states you went through, etc. I'm not from either coast, never even seen an ocean so I couldn't compare the two or help you in any way.

Most all of you live in coastal states, so when I hear the prices mentioned I cringe. While out here in the boonies (rural Nebraska) we don't have the same job ops or high wages, but prices are so much cheaper, and traffic just isn't an issue. To give you an idea, I lived in a nice 3 bedroom apartment in Lincoln that charged $550 a month plus utilities.(less than $200 each total for 3 guys) It wasn't ghetto, nice brick neighborhood, but it was a bargain even around here. How much would that cost in NJ or North/South Cal? (can't imagine)

Good luck on the job/home search Sensor. Hopefully the economy will start producing more jobs for us tech folk.

Edit: Some cool pics, looks like you took in the attractions.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2004
Originally posted by: DanTMWTMP
i lived in California all my life.

california rocks! i love it here. I've been a tourist in florida, arizona, nevada, NJ, NY....

all are nice places, but nothing can compare to california in my opinion. esp. southern california.

when u came to visit NJ, was there anything to see besides AC, and our crappy-dirty-junk-infested-from-nyc beaches?


Golden Member
Mar 6, 2001
If you want a biotech job you should come down to san diego, the BEST city in the US Norcal is interesting to visit, but I would never want to live there.... Traffic isn't bad in SD depending on where you are. The 5 sucks... 805, 163, and 15 are fine except during traffic hours. Rent is high in La Jolla(college town + rich people = expensive), but gets more reasonable as you go further away from the area. 1100+ for a single bedroom in La Jolla, can get to as low as 800+ in other areas of SD.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
When winter comes rolling around you will really appreciate Ca as you won't get any of the extreme weather you get in the North East.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
There's only two places to live in SOcal. Dana Point or San Clemete... well pretty much any beach in Orange county is good...and no way can you afford it. Stay in NORcal is much better than the rest of SOcal IMHO and I grew up in costa mesa...even there sucks now.
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