I must have unconsciously been working on figuring out why the right wing has lost it's mind over Obama

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Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
My dear Corn, my superior advancement about the rest of you mortals is difficult to reconcile because you are an idiot who believes I'm superior to you.

I can assure you, Moonie, I do not believe you are superior to myself--evident in the inferrence through the following statement I made: Moonie would do well to carefully consider his words before assembling them for the sermon lest they unintentionally reveal too much into his own character, brought to light by those more "advanced" than he.

Just because I know how inferior you feel, and do not know you feel, does not make me any different than you or any better.
That *almost* makes sense.

You can't comprehend that being told you hate yourself is anything but a put down.
I think nothing of the sort, I'm in love with myself and you are simply wrong.

How many times do I have to tell you that what you feel is a lie, that you were created in the image or God or created Him in your image, if you prefer.

If there was a god, I might care.

Corn: yet feel the same way about a liar and swindler and you are no better than the liar and swindler.

You're beginning to confuse yourself.......

M: You see, you think in terms of better and worse because you are judgmental and you are judgmental because you have contempt.

I find many behaviors to be contemptable. Tell me something I don't already know. Some behaviors *are* worse than others.

You are no better than the liar and the swindler because when you judge you condemn yourself.

Yeah, that almost makes sense too. Oh hell, it doesn't come anywhere near making sense.

M: No, Corn, not every time. I have posted the facts on bigotry many many times

Now you're just being dishonest.

Nobody is deserving of shame or punishment because people are what they are without it being their fault.

Again your dishonesty streaks across the stadium looking for victims to shock in its nakedness. You are one of the most judgmental people on this forum when the topic is one of your pet peeves like porn, bigotry, or abortion. It is no great feat to fool the simple Moonie.

A liar is duplicitous and harms himself and others via his lies, but he can't bear to feel the truth. A swindler violates the rights of others and requires separation so that he can't harm others. No swindler will be cured by punishment. Only when a swindler sees that he swindles because he feels small and incapable of living productively on his own steam, and finds that feeling to be a lie, will he not be a potential swindler.

Speaking the obvious yet missing the point as usual. Of course a swindler, having learned empathy, will cease to steal from others. It is a lofty goal and I agree completely. The problem is, people don't simply hear your ridiculous sermons and recant their behavior. Punishment is a needed deterrent. Countless people steal hundreds and thousands of dollars worth of intellectual property every second using the internet because they believe they won't get caught--and hence don't believe they'll be punished. Yet they wouldn't think of walking into a Best Buy and crotch dvd's and software. I certainly hope I don't have to point out why.

M: You want to win something, Corn, and are is some sort of tussle but I'm not playing your game.

If that isn't an admission of guilt I don't know what is. I guess I did *win*, didn't I?

You are a fool because you are caught trying to make me suffer humiliation that I already do and have. I am a worthless piece of shit, OK, now look at yourself. I think you need the mirror more than me.

That is definitely sig worthy, but I'll be merciful and put it away to use only when necessary. Like you, I also recognize I'm not perfect, but there's the difference between us. I mean it when I recognize my faults as my actions *are* consistant (but not perfect). You on the other hand, more often than not, act exactly the opposite of what you preach.

It matters little to me who is the bigger asshole. That fact should be obvious to any and all who have read my posts.



Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
Originally posted by: Moonbeam

"The right hurls vitriol at Obama because they know they can't win on intellectual grounds. Only by stirring up emotions can they keep minds closed. Hatred and fear displace rational thought, and rational thought is the enemy of the Right."

I find this to be a preposterous over-simplification. There are plenty of people on the right who could intellectually bury you. Your inferiority manifests an intellectual arrogance and pride. Not saying you are stupid, only blind. There are also plenty of people on the right with minds more open than yours. Another part of your need to self flatter. Rational thought is everybody's enemy it would seem, because you are no more rational yourself as evidenced here by your exclusivity. There is truth in what you say but you don't include yourself or acknowledge exceptions, I think, because you are projecting and have a need.

You know, that's the straightest paragraph I've ever seen you write on these forums. Finally, you say what you mean, with almost no twists or turns. Even your attempts to provoke a reaction are so undisguised I can't possibly take offence at them, as I can see your good heart shining through. You should try this more often - the Mr. Mystical schtick is getting pretty old.

The rest of your response wasn't so good, I'm sorry to say. But I'll just provide a single example (to go further would be piling on):

s: I see a man filled with bigotry for gays. Does that mean I see myself as a bigot?

M: You can tell a bigot you just can't tell him much. It does not make you a bigot unless you despise his bigotry, if you have some hidden emotional need to change him.

The problem here is that you've just contradicted yourself, because in an earlier post you wrote,

"You will not see in anybody our there, me included, that you do not already feel is true about yourself."

So, on the one hand, you say you can't see a trait in another that you don't already see in yourself. But then you admit that seeing a trait (bigotry) in another doesn't make you [see yourself as] a bigot. So, which is it?

Oh, let me guess: It's both and it's neither and it's a cucumber and it's a banana. And none of it matters, or it matters too much, because you "feel" rather than think.


Jun 30, 2003
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Fenixgoon
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
M: My dear Corn, my superior advancement about the rest of you mortals is difficult to reconcile because you are an idiot who believes I'm superior to you.

not a snowball's chance in hell


You feel it too fool or you wouldn't need to laugh; you lack the introspection to see you are on a hook, that you laugh because you are vicious with pride. You feel laughable so you laugh at me hoping I will feel the same humiliation you do. Good luck.

if you say so, chief. i don't doubt that i lack introspection. i could probably have told you that. but there are only a few things on which i pride myself. one thing i've learned is that there are plenty of people who know more than me on a variety of subjects. i don't claim to know everything, unlike you.

oh let me guess, i'm projecting myself again somehow :roll:


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: shira
Originally posted by: MoonbeamBut I know something I believe you do not. You will not see in anybody our there, me included, that you do not already feel is true about yourself. It is know as projection

Now wait just a second there: Let's agree that psychological projection is an (unconscious) strategy whereby a person makes him- or herself feel better by seeing in others ("projecting") his or her own unacceptable characteristics, regardless of whether or not that perception is accurate.

In other words: A man dislikes his selfishness. He temporarily negates or reduces that unpleasant feeling by perceiving real or imagined selfishness in others.

Fine. But where do you get from that that a person CANNOT see unacceptable characteristics in others that the person does not already see in themselves?


Enough with the over-simplifications.

Take what you said earlier if you want to deal with over-simplifications:

"The right hurls vitriol at Obama because they know they can't win on intellectual grounds. Only by stirring up emotions can they keep minds closed. Hatred and fear displace rational thought, and rational thought is the enemy of the Right."

I find this to be a preposterous over-simplification. There are plenty of people on the right who could intellectually bury you. Your inferiority manifests an intellectual arrogance and pride. Not saying you are stupid, only blind. There are also plenty of people on the right with minds more open than yours. Another part of your need to self flatter. Rational thought is everybody's enemy it would seem, because you are no more rational yourself as evidenced here by your exclusivity. There is truth in what you say but you don't include yourself or acknowledge exceptions, I think, because you are projecting and have a need.

As to the points in your last post you have missed the key component that makes projection projection, that projection is not about thoughts but emotions:

s: I see a man filled with bigotry for gays. Does that mean I see myself as a bigot?

M: You can tell a bigot you just can't tell him much. It does not make you a bigot unless you despise his bigotry, if you have some hidden emotional need to change him.

s: I recognize a woman as a liar and swindler. Does that mean I see myself as a liar and swindler?

M: Not unless you feel some need that she should be punished or feel shame.

s: I see a man abusing his dog. Does that mean I see myself as an abuser of animals?

M: No, but if you feel yourself to be that dog and want to bite the abuser, then you are projecting.

s: I see a man driving recklessly. Does that mean I see myself as a reckless driver?

M: If you see him as a doddering idiot because he is going slower than you are, or a madman because he's driving faster, then yes, your own self contempt is involved.

s: I see a woman cheating on her husband. Does that mean I see myself as a cheater?

M: It's all about what you feel.

s: I see you misusing psychological concepts. Does that mean I see myself as misunderstand psychology?

M: You may not see it but you are.

s: Is the most enlightened Sufi master unable to see human failings? Was God or Jesus or any other sentient being you believe to be perfect unable to see human failings?

M: They are truly free from feeling anything other than love. They are undivided from what they see. They do not project......they are mirroring God.

The difficulty with projecting is that we do not know when we do it because we do not know what we feel and the more intellectual we are and the less intuitive and feeling, the truer this is.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
s: I see a man filled with bigotry for gays. Does that mean I see myself as a bigot?

M: You can tell a bigot you just can't tell him much. It does not make you a bigot unless you despise his bigotry, if you have some hidden emotional need to change him.[/quote]

The problem here is that you've just contradicted yourself, because in an earlier post you wrote,

"You will not see in anybody our there, me included, that you do not already feel is true about yourself."

So, on the one hand, you say you can't see a trait in another that you don't already see in yourself. But then you admit that seeing a trait (bigotry) in another doesn't make you [see yourself as] a bigot. So, which is it?

Oh, let me guess: It's both and it's neither and it's a cucumber and it's a banana. And none of it matters, or it matters too much, because you "feel" rather than think.

M: Maybe if you were more interested in seeing how I am right rather than how you are superior in intellect you could use some of it to try to see if you could find the answer yourself.

The answer, in fact, is rather simple and I have told you a thousand times. You do not know what you feel. You see what you feel in others but you do not see that you feel it. That is why it is projection and that is why it is a defense. When you see what is, without projecting, without negative feelings biasing your view you are likely seeing without bias or projection.

Remember that I am talking about projection here and by definition it is the projection of feelings we do not acknowledge as having their source in us. So whether you believe in projection or not, I am logically consistent within that definition, am I not and this silly nonsense about bananas.....but no, let's not pile on. Hehehehehe



Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2008
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
nobodyknows: I just attribute all the insanity to the death throes of the psuedo-conservatives. The pendulum is clesrly swinging to the left and like flies before a frost the neocons are getting overly aggressive.

Yes, yes, there are any number of ways to look at it in simple terms. What I am interested in is the deeper realities that make these true. What is the insanity of death throws all about?

I can't be sure exactly what causes the "insanity" but I'm guessing the percieved and very real loss of power/control? How deep does that rabbit hole go? Deep enough that it will corrupt the left as they take over that power/control
The right has demonized the left, turned liberal in to dangerous menace and now the demons are in control. What is the fear of the devil? I look at myself to understand. Those monsters out there at the ends of the sea are the monsters I project, the me I hate and can't admit to being.

Actually I've been around long enough that I saw the left become corrupted enough that they made it easy for the right to demonize them and wrest control away from them. Now it is the left demonizing the right, but only people who don't hate themselves can see that truth, right?.
I create all these monsters because I can't feel my own self hate and I know this to be true because I have had real experience breaking in there, feeling what I feel. And what a surprise.

I think it is fear that creates monsters and hate is what keeps them alive.

As Lucy from Charlie Brown would say, $5 please.



Senior member
Jan 29, 2006
This post made me want to sit on a knife. You didn't really figure anything out you just put your overall mentality into words.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
C: I can assure you, Moonie, I do not believe you are superior to myself--

M: You can assure me of nothing, Corn, because I believe you do not know what you feel and I know you don't whereas I know that most folk are not aware of that.

Just because I know how inferior you feel, and do not know you feel, does not make me any different than you or any better.

C: That *almost* makes sense.

M: Yes, well, like I said, you don't know that you have hidden feelings of inferiority and maybe some that aren't, but I believe that to be the case, even if it doesn't make sense to you, and I can assure you that if I know what I say I know and I am right, then it still does not make me better than you or any more free of just those same feelings in me. I am not your enemy. I am telling you what I see and believe to be true. I don't tell you to make you feel bad. I think you already do and don't know it and knowing it can possibly change that.

You can't comprehend that being told you hate yourself is anything but a put down.

C: I think nothing of the sort, I'm in love with myself and you are simply wrong.

M: We disagree. I can't tell you how difficult it is to access your feelings. You would have to do it to know. I know. That doesn't make me better but it doesn't deny that I have had experiences you have not, ones that are very uncommon.

How many times do I have to tell you that what you feel is a lie, that you were created in the image or God or created Him in your image, if you prefer.

C: If there was a god, I might care.

M: I think God is what people know about who do not hate themselves, but I don't know that for sure.

Corn: yet feel the same way about a liar and swindler and you are no better than the liar and swindler.

C: You're beginning to confuse yourself.......

M: It isn't me that is confused. This is not an easy thing to see. I told you you hate in others what you you were made to feel about yourself. If you were put down as a child and made to hate yourself if you lie, you will grow up hating liars. What you experience then when somebody lies as an old contempt, a reflection of when you got put down. To get free of that you have to know it's true and you won't do that if it means you have to remember feeling like a liar. You have to become what you hate to remember and get free, and it's easier to do when you give up condemnation of others. It takes the edge off your own self hate.

M: You see, you think in terms of better and worse because you are judgmental and you are judgmental because you have contempt.

C: I find many behaviors to be contemptible. Tell me something I don't already know. Some behaviors *are* worse than others.

M: No question about it, some are worse than others but you harden yourself with contempt. Remember that what you hate is yourself and you shouldn't. You were made to believe in lies. If you buy the lie you buy your own condemnation.

You are no better than the liar and the swindler because when you judge you condemn yourself.

C: Yeah, that almost makes sense too. Oh hell, it doesn't come anywhere near making sense.

M: It makes sense when you realize you are projecting. The think you hate out there is really yourself. Don't hate out there so you can have compassion for your self. Don't judge so you don't condemn yourself.

M: No, Corn, not every time. I have posted the facts on bigotry many many times

C: Now you're just being dishonest.

M: No, you don't see all that I post or you may not be a careful reader. At any rate, I am not going to go back and find something to prove you are wrong because I always get around to the same points over and over.

Nobody is deserving of shame or punishment because people are what they are without it being their fault.

C: Again your dishonesty streaks across the stadium looking for victims to shock in its nakedness. You are one of the most judgmental people on this forum when the topic is one of your pet peeves like porn, bigotry, or abortion. It is no great feat to fool the simple Moonie.

M: Hehe, You are absolutely right. I know things, but I am just like you, or worse. I like to post as who I am even if I know it's stupid. Just because I know stuff doesn't mean I can use it myself. I fail to be what I wish I could be, but I don't hide that fact or pretend. I am a nobody. But I's also something of a Tar Baby. And in a room full of wolves you don't get too far being a sheep. People form bad habits when they think they can bite and not get bitten back, no?

A liar is duplicitous and harms himself and others via his lies, but he can't bear to feel the truth. A swindler violates the rights of others and requires separation so that he can't harm others. No swindler will be cured by punishment. Only when a swindler sees that he swindles because he feels small and incapable of living productively on his own steam, and finds that feeling to be a lie, will he not be a potential swindler.

C: Speaking the obvious yet missing the point as usual. Of course a swindler, having learned empathy, will cease to steal from others. It is a lofty goal and I agree completely. The problem is, people don't simply hear your ridiculous sermons and recant their behavior. Punishment is a needed deterrent. Countless people steal hundreds and thousands of dollars worth of intellectual property every second using the internet because they believe they won't get caught--and hence don't believe they'll be punished. Yet they wouldn't think of walking into a Best Buy and crotch dvd's and software. I certainly hope I don't have to point out why.

M: Corn, you don't get it if you think that fear equals morality. I am a reasonably subtle person. I could get away with a lot of crime. But I don't because it costs self respect. To steal is to feel worthless, to admit personal failure, to say I am to small and weak to make an honest way like so many self respecting people do. I try to be as good as I know how to be because I do not want to add factual evidence to the truth of how I feel. My morality is totally internalized. Power can't corrupt me because the highest good is my own self respect. I will not sell it for anything.

You don't see how self hate works because you don't take it seriously. People learned to hate themselves because they were punished. Crime is all about reliving those feelings, getting close to being caught, feeling the danger, the thrill. Punishment creates criminals. It does not stop or cure them. The world is up side down and mad because it does not see the paradox of self hate.

M: You want to win something, Corn, and are is some sort of tussle but I'm not playing your game.

C: If that isn't an admission of guilt I don't know what is. I guess I did *win*, didn't I?

M: You always win, in your own mind. If I am guilty I am guilty, I try not to worry so much about losing. I lost everything I ever believed sacred to know what I know. I am a nobody, hehe. I lost a long time ago.

You are a fool because you are caught trying to make me suffer humiliation that I already do and have. I am a worthless piece of shit, OK, now look at yourself. I think you need the mirror more than me.

C: That is definitely sig worthy, but I'll be merciful and put it away to use only when necessary. Like you, I also recognize I'm not perfect, but there's the difference between us. I mean it when I recognize my faults as my actions *are* consistant (but not perfect). You on the other hand, more often than not, act exactly the opposite of what you preach.

M: Yes I don't have your compunction to be consistent. I am all over the map. I am what I 'preach against'. I think I have less need to be perfect. You are I think, more authoritarian than me. I say what I believe is the truth and turn around and am what I am. I'm hoping one day I will hear something I say.

C: It matters little to me who is the bigger asshole. That fact should be obvious to any and all who have read my posts.

M: Well you should know that self haters have a hard time with praise which was the original point of this thread.



Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2008
Originally posted by: AliasX
This post made me want to sit on a knife. You didn't really figure anything out you just put your overall mentality into words.

That's kind of like what I thought of Jamie Lee Curtis's performance in "A Fish Called Wanda" the first time I saw it. It just took a while to soak in.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: zephyrprime
It's because he's black.

Nah, they freaked out the same over Clinton too, and -- ideologically speaking -- Bill was the best Republican President since Eisenhower.


Aug 5, 2000
Originally posted by: jonks
Communism! Socialism! Anti-Christ!

hmm...where have we seen this before???


Hey, in that pic link you posted I think I see a very young Karl Rove standing next to Dick Cheney taking notes in the background, along with little Rush Limbaugh who's screaming into a fake microphone jumping up and down like a baby chimp high on crack.

Ha ha, Moonbeam shines his lunar light down on us and reveals so much of what we unknowingly try to hide from each other.



Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
When you see what is, without projecting, without negative feelings biasing your view you are likely seeing without bias or projection.

Finally. Thanks for admitting that you CAN perceive negatives in others that you don't perceive in yourself.

I accept your retraction.


Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2001
Originally posted by: nobodyknows
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
nobodyknows: I just attribute all the insanity to the death throes of the psuedo-conservatives. The pendulum is clesrly swinging to the left and like flies before a frost the neocons are getting overly aggressive.

Yes, yes, there are any number of ways to look at it in simple terms. What I am interested in is the deeper realities that make these true. What is the insanity of death throws all about?

I can't be sure exactly what causes the "insanity" but I'm guessing the percieved and very real loss of power/control? How deep does that rabbit hole go? Deep enough that it will corrupt the left as they take over that power/control
The right has demonized the left, turned liberal in to dangerous menace and now the demons are in control. What is the fear of the devil? I look at myself to understand. Those monsters out there at the ends of the sea are the monsters I project, the me I hate and can't admit to being.

Actually I've been around long enough that I saw the left become corrupted enough that they made it easy for the right to demonize them and wrest control away from them. Now it is the left demonizing the right, but only people who don't hate themselves can see that truth, right?.
I create all these monsters because I can't feel my own self hate and I know this to be true because I have had real experience breaking in there, feeling what I feel. And what a surprise.

I think it is fear that creates monsters and hate is what keeps them alive.

As Lucy from Charlie Brown would say, $5 please.

that's 5 cents, please...



Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2008
Originally posted by: cubeless
Originally posted by: nobodyknows
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
nobodyknows: I just attribute all the insanity to the death throes of the psuedo-conservatives. The pendulum is clesrly swinging to the left and like flies before a frost the neocons are getting overly aggressive.

Yes, yes, there are any number of ways to look at it in simple terms. What I am interested in is the deeper realities that make these true. What is the insanity of death throws all about?

I can't be sure exactly what causes the "insanity" but I'm guessing the percieved and very real loss of power/control? How deep does that rabbit hole go? Deep enough that it will corrupt the left as they take over that power/control
The right has demonized the left, turned liberal in to dangerous menace and now the demons are in control. What is the fear of the devil? I look at myself to understand. Those monsters out there at the ends of the sea are the monsters I project, the me I hate and can't admit to being.

Actually I've been around long enough that I saw the left become corrupted enough that they made it easy for the right to demonize them and wrest control away from them. Now it is the left demonizing the right, but only people who don't hate themselves can see that truth, right?.
I create all these monsters because I can't feel my own self hate and I know this to be true because I have had real experience breaking in there, feeling what I feel. And what a surprise.

I think it is fear that creates monsters and hate is what keeps them alive.

As Lucy from Charlie Brown would say, $5 please.

that's 5 cents, please...

I take paypal.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: shira
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
When you see what is, without projecting, without negative feelings biasing your view you are likely seeing without bias or projection.

Finally. Thanks for admitting that you CAN perceive negatives in others that you don't perceive in yourself.

I accept your retraction.

No, it seems you are still all too wound up in some emotional need for contest won by extracting retractions of your own fabrication to pay fuller attention to what it is I actually said or for that matter, so it would seem, what you are saying either.

"You CAN perceive negatives in others that you don't perceive in yourself.", is the definition of bigotry. It is exactly what I have described with the term projection and is a retraction of nothing I have said.

Now what I suspect you intended is the notion that you can see negatives in others, things called faults, biases and prejudices, etc. that you yourself do not have in yourself, but that is not exactly right either. You will note that you used the word negatives to describe these things, things about which you have negative feelings. Well the magical question always is where did you get those feelings. If you are unconscious of the origin of prejudice that creates the attitude of seeing things as negative, you are still biased in your views. You are applying unconsciously your own attitudes. What I said when I said you can see in others attitudes you yourself do not have, I mean you can see them without bias if you see them without seeing them as negative. It is that seeing of things in the negative that you bring to the table that is your bias.

And the reason I think you keep going in circles is that you do not look at things that way. You are glued to the duality of right and wrong, good and bad, positive and negative, and this major approach to the world dominates how we see things. We almost never see what is as it is without the categorization of thought, the separation of us from what we see.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
What would your thoughts be on the following:

While sitting in Starbucks a fellow patron comments, "F'ing four armed pygmy giants, I hate them all. Their entire race should be housed in a zoo." Hearing this, I quick like a bunny whip out my Iphone get on Google and type in 'Bigot' and sure enough a definition from Wikipedia comes up which describes the statement made by the patron as being bigoted. [assume for this hypothetical that there are such beings living someplace and they are generally thought to be a nice peace loving people simply having two more arms than most humans and for Pygmy folks they are quite large and the statement would be considered bigoted by definition.] Ergo, the statement fits the definition as far as I can tell so I proclaim to this patron that he is a bigot.
In my mind the actions I took were; to categorize the statement, to inform the patron of my findings with out his requesting I do so and to then go about drinking my coffee having the only question regarding this episode being wonderment over why this patron feels this way about this race of tall, four armed pygmies.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Fell upon this tonight while wondering around on the net:

Fr. John A. Sanford, Episcopal priest and Jungian analyst, interprets Jesus' teachings from a Jungian perspective in his 1970 book The Kingdom Within. In it[10] he associates being a Pharisee with identifying with our mask or persona. He interprets the Devil or temptation to sin as "the inner adversary", the saying "love your enemies" as the dictate to discover and remove our projections from others, and advocates Jesus as the exemplar of human wholeness, uniting body, soul, spirit, sexuality, eros, and meaning through love.

seemingly random

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2007
Originally posted by: babylon5
Originally posted by: Fenixgoon
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: TheSkinsFan
so wait... the premise of your own psychotic rant is that everyone is insane and angry that Obama is sane?

profound. :roll:

Speaking of taking today's medicine... have you? I guess the good news is that you did make me laugh. Thank you for that.

Not everybody, you stupid fuck, just self hating assholes like you.

what happened to the "PERSONAL FLAMES WILL NOT BE TOLERATED" part of P&N?

Big babies. I hope you don't still go crying to mommy when you're called a name.


Golden Member
Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: seemingly random
Originally posted by: babylon5
Originally posted by: Fenixgoon
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: TheSkinsFan
so wait... the premise of your own psychotic rant is that everyone is insane and angry that Obama is sane?

profound. :roll:

Speaking of taking today's medicine... have you? I guess the good news is that you did make me laugh. Thank you for that.

Not everybody, you stupid fuck, just self hating assholes like you.

what happened to the "PERSONAL FLAMES WILL NOT BE TOLERATED" part of P&N?

Big babies. I hope you don't still go crying to mommy when you're called a name.

You know what's sad? You're way late to this discussion to add your egocentric comment. I give you an "F" for being late and a moron.

seemingly random

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2007
Originally posted by: babylon5
Originally posted by: seemingly random
Originally posted by: babylon5
Originally posted by: Fenixgoon
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: TheSkinsFan
so wait... the premise of your own psychotic rant is that everyone is insane and angry that Obama is sane?

profound. :roll:

Speaking of taking today's medicine... have you? I guess the good news is that you did make me laugh. Thank you for that.

Not everybody, you stupid fuck, just self hating assholes like you.

what happened to the "PERSONAL FLAMES WILL NOT BE TOLERATED" part of P&N?

Big babies. I hope you don't still go crying to mommy when you're called a name.

You know what's sad? You're way late to this discussion to add your egocentric comment. I give you an "F" for being late and a mormon.
:laugh: Your unedited version made any lateness well worth it. I won't even bring up freud. I assume you're using the Quote link located below each post. In the subsequent reply window, have you ever noticed the button next to the "Reply to Topic" button? I wonder what it's purpose is...

You've already made yourself look like a sniveling fool. I only pointed it out. You did all the work. Ya big baby.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Moonie = Bill???

9-27-09Bill Clinton speaks of vast, right-wing conspiracy

WASHINGTON ? Bill Clinton says a vast, right-wing conspiracy that once targeted him is now focusing on President Barack Obama.

The ex-president made the comment in a television interview when he was asked about one of the signature moments of the Monica Lewinsky affair over a decade ago. Back then, first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton used the term "vast, right-wing conspiracy" to describe how her husband's political enemies were out to destroy his presidency.

Bill Clinton was asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" whether the conspiracy is still there. He replied: "You bet. Sure it is. It's not as strong as it was because America has changed demographically. But it's as virulent as it was."

Clinton said that this time around, the focus is on Obama and "their agenda seems to be wanting him to fail."

seemingly random

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2007
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Moonie = Bill???

9-27-09Bill Clinton speaks of vast, right-wing conspiracy

WASHINGTON ? Bill Clinton says a vast, right-wing conspiracy that once targeted him is now focusing on President Barack Obama.

The ex-president made the comment in a television interview when he was asked about one of the signature moments of the Monica Lewinsky affair over a decade ago. Back then, first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton used the term "vast, right-wing conspiracy" to describe how her husband's political enemies were out to destroy his presidency.

Bill Clinton was asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" whether the conspiracy is still there. He replied: "You bet. Sure it is. It's not as strong as it was because America has changed demographically. But it's as virulent as it was."

Clinton said that this time around, the focus is on Obama and "their agenda seems to be wanting him to fail."
Craig234 said ~a year ago that he thought they made a concerted attack on clinton as payback for nixon. It might be giving too much credit but elephants supposedly have long memories.
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