I need a topic on Canadian Politics *input from Canadians much appreciated* Update: Topic decided - Sir Guy Carleton


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001
I was going to do it on Canada in NATO but all the books are gone from the library. :|

Has to be around 7 pages. Research, not argumentative... so I'm looking for something that I can find a lot of info on in the library.

Not interested in the over-done ones like Marijuana, Quebec seperation, etc.. Oh yeah, no one tank.

THanks for the inputs guys. Keep em coming. I'll consider them all but I'm hoping I find one that catches my interest to make the paper easier to write.

Update #1 - Sh1t. I thought of doing the affect of Immigration on Canada, but all those books are gone also. THis is what I get for starting late.

Any Canadians know of any current provincial problems or such? Not Western grievances or Quebec seperation though... Sorry, don't know much of anything about Canada, hence a reason I am taking this class.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
How about research upon the federal Canadian Senate? Currently senators are appointed, not elected - appointments tend to stem heavily from patronage instead of ability. Should we get rid of the Senate? Should we make it election-based? Etc.


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2001

Durham's Report, Quebec Conference, British North American Act, Charlottetown Conference, Founding Fathers, etc?

I wrote a 1950 word report solely on Durham's Report and the Quebec Resolutions.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001
Originally posted by: yllus
How about research upon the federal Canadian Senate? Currently senators are appointed, not elected - appointments tend to stem heavily from patronage instead of ability. Should we get rid of the Senate? Should we make it election-based? Etc.

Well thats more an argumentative paper. Though I suppose I can go in the history of the Senate and its (potential) reforms. But I think we went over that too much in class unfortunately


Dec 27, 2001
effects of military cutbacks? ie: the tank needs its oil changed

I dont know much about Canadian politics, but from what I do know the seperation between the french speaking province(s) and the others is a pretty heated debate.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
How about the influence of US's policies & actions on canadian politics?

I'm afraid thats goign to be difficult because seems kinda subjective, and that I'm going to talk too much form the US perspective (has to be Canadians viewpoint and sources). THough maybe I can do something like Canadian influence on the US... hmmm...


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001
Originally posted by: tennisflip
How about Quebec and separatism?
I think that topics going to be done by many and I feel we done a lot on that in class (paper has to be something on not covered much).

The Acadian Expulsion?

Though that was over a century before Canada was founded....


Nov 19, 2003
Does it have to be an issue which is uniquely Canadian or can it be an issue which affects the world but in which Canada is blazing the trail?


Jan 30, 2001
I know if I lived there I would be livid over the Quebec abatement on the federal income tax if I lived in the other provinces.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001
Originally posted by: sm8000
The Acadian Expulsion?

Though that was over a century before Canada was founded....

Hmm. Thats an interesting topic. Let me see if I can find enough sources though and have enough information to write 7 pages on it.

Originally posted by: AIWGuru
Does it have to be an issue which is uniquely Canadian or can it be an issue which affects the world but in which Canada is blazing the trail?
It does not have to be a uniquely Canadian, but it has to deal with some type of issue affecting Canada. I will have to be using Canadian resources and information and such, so though it can be universal (my orignal though of NATO) but it has to focus on the Canadian aspect of it.



Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Dragnov
Originally posted by: sm8000
The Acadian Expulsion?

Though that was over a century before Canada was founded....

Hmm. Thats an interesting topic. Let me see if I can find enough sources though and have enough information to write 7 pages on it.

Originally posted by: AIWGuru
Does it have to be an issue which is uniquely Canadian or can it be an issue which affects the world but in which Canada is blazing the trail?
It does not have to be a uniquely Canadian, but it has to deal with some type of issue affecting Canada. I will have to be using Canadian resources and information and such, so though it can be universal (my orignal though of NATO) but it has to focus on the Canadian aspect of it.

why not NAFTA?


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Originally posted by: GoodDad
effects of military cutbacks? ie: the tank needs its oil changed
Silly Yankee, the tank does not require oil! :Q


Nov 19, 2003
Originally posted by: Dragnov
It does not have to be a uniquely Canadian, but it has to deal with some type of issue affecting Canada. I will have to be using Canadian resources and information and such, so though it can be universal (my orignal though of NATO) but it has to focus on the Canadian aspect of it.

This is a topic which may appeal to you because Canada is a pioneer in the area and it's a key issue in the United States:

Gay marriage.

You may or may not be familiar with the politics on this in Canada and redifining marriage.
This is particularly poiniant because Canada's closest ally (whom we are putting in the groundwork for SHARED LAWS especially as they pertain to digital rights) has proposed a constitutional amendedment to specifically ban gay marriages. The massechusettes supreme court ruled that DISallowing gay marriage was a violation of the 4th amendment. This would be only the second time (prohibition being the first) where specific rights and freedoms have been restricted by the constitution. It's a confusion of religion and law. But, said ammendment does guarantee equal protection under the law which most certainly applies to Spousal Priveldge, Post Mortem property rights, emergency medical authority etc guaranteed by marriage.
Yes, this is in the States but Canada being such a close partner and integrating our legal system puts this issue in a unique light.
Since Gay marriage is legal here, and we're about redifine marriage, how does this portray Canadians?
Did we take this step because of being more socially advanced than the United States?
Did we take this step because of biological proof that homosexuality is genetic?
What makes Canada different from out big brother to the south on this topic.
Here are some references you have my permission to use.
If you have any questions or need more suggestions on this topic, feel free to contact me:\


Allen LS, Gorski RA (1992) Sexual orientation and the size of the anterior commissure in the human brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 89, 7199-202.
Ayala FJ and Kiger JA (1984) Modern Genetics 2nd ed. Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park.

Bailey JM and Pillard RC (1991) A genetic study of male sexual orientation. Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 48, 1089-1096.

Bailey JM and Benishay DS (1993) Familial aggregation of female sexual orientation. Am. J. Psychiat. 150, 272-277.

Bailey JM, Pillard RC, Neale MC and Agyei Y (1993) Heritable factors influence sexual orientation in women. Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 50, 217-223.

Diamond JM (1988) Tay-Sachs carriers and tuberculosis resistance. Nature 331, 666.

Dickemann M (1995) Wilson's Panchreston: the inclusive fitness hypothesis of sociobiology re-examined. J. Homosex.28, 147-183.

Downey L (1980) Intergenerational change in sex behavior: a belated look at Kinsey's males. Arch Sex Behav 9, 267-317.

Durham WH (1991) Coevolution: genes, culture and human diversity. Stanford University Press, Stanford.

Fay RE, Turner CF, Klassen AD and Gagnon JH (1989) Prevalence and patterns of same-gender sexual contact among men. Science243, 338-48.

Gabriel SE, Brigman KN, Koller BH, Boucher RC and Stutts MJ (1994) Cystic fibrosis heterozygote resistance to cholera toxin in cystic fibrosis mouse model. Science 266, 107-109.

Gallup GG and Suarez SD (1983) Homosexuality as a by-product of selection for optimal heterosexual strategies. Perspect Biol Med 26, 315-22.

Gonsiorek JC, Sell RL, Weinrich JD (1995) Definition and measurement of sexual orientation. Suicide Life Threat Behav 25 Suppl, 40-51.

Hamer DH, Hu S, Magnuson VL, Hu N and Pattatucci AML (1993) A linkage between DNA markers on the X chromosome and male sexual orientation. Science 261, 321-327.

Hu S, Pattatucci AML, Patterson C, Li L, Fulker DW, Cherny SS, Kruglyak L and Hamer DH (1995) Linkage between sexual orientation and chromosome Xq28 in males but not in females. Nature Genet. 11, 248-256.

Haynes JD (1995) A critique of the possibility of genetic inheritance of homosexual orientation. J Homosex 28, 91-113.

Johnson AM (1994) (ed.) Sexual attitudes and lifestyles. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.

Laland KN (1992) A theoretical investigation of the role of social transmission in evolution. Ethology and Sociobiology 13, 87-113.

LeVay, S (1991) A difference in hypothalamic structure between heterosexual and homosexual men. Science 253, 1034-1037.

Lhomond B (1993) Between man and woman: the character of the lesbian. J Homosex 25, 63-73.

Lynch A (1999) Thought Contagion: How Belief Spreads through Society. A response to Paul Marsden. Journal of Artifical Societies and Social Simulation 2 (http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/2/3/lynch.html).

McFadden D and Pasanen EG (1999) Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in heterosexuals, homosexuals, and bisexuals. J Acoust Soc Am 105, 2403-13.

Miller EM (2000) Homosexuality, birth order, and evolution: toward an equilibrium reproductive economics of homosexuality. Arch Sex Behav 29, 1-34.

Pillard RC and Weinrich JD (1986) Evidence of familial nature of male homosexuality. Arch. Gen. Psychiat.43, 808-812.

Reite M, Sheeder J, Richardson D and Teale P (1995) Cerebral laterality in homosexual males: preliminary communication using magnetoencephalography. Arch Sex Behav 24, 585-93.

Rice G, Anderson C, Risch N and Ebers G (1999) Male homosexuality: absence of linkage to microsatellite markers at Xq28. Science284, 665-667.

Risch N, Squires-Wheeler E and Keats BJB (1993) Male sexual orientation and genetic evidence. Science 262, 2063-2065.

Ruse M (1981) Are there gay genes? Sociobiology and homosexuality. J Homosex 6, 5-34.

Sanders G and Wright M (1997) Sexual orientation differences in cerebral asymmetry and in the performance of sexually dimorphic cognitive and motor tasks. Arch Sex Behav 26, 463-80.

Snyder PJ, Weinrich JD and Pillard RC (1994) Personality and lipid level differences associated with homosexual and bisexual identity in men. Arch Sex Behav 23, 433-51.

Spyropoulos B, Moens PB, Davidson J and Lowden JA (1981) Heterozygote advantage in Tay-Sachs carriers?. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 32, 375-380.

Swaab DF and Hofman MA (1995) Sexual differentiation of the human hypothalamus in relation to gender and sexual orientation. Trends Neurosci18, 264-70.

Thin RN and Smith DM (1976) Some characteristics of homosexual men. Br J Vener Dis 52, 161-4.

Waugh IM, Plake EV and Rienzi BM (2000) Assessing attitudes toward gay marriage among selected Christian groups using the lost-letter technique.Psychol Rep 86, 215-8.

Weinrich JD, Snyder PJ, Pillard RC, Grant I, Jacobson DL, Robinson SR and McCutchan JA (1993) A factor analysis of the Klein sexual orientation grid in two disparate samples. Arch Sex Behav 22, 157-68 .

Werner D (1979) A cross-cultural perspective on theory and research on male homosexuality. J Homosex 4, 345-62.

Woolf LI (1986) The heterozygote advantage in phenylketonuria. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 38, 773-775.

Zhou JN, Hofman MA, Gooren LJ and Swaab DF (1995) A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality. Nature378, 68-70.


Dec 12, 2000
Compare and contrast Ronald Reagan and Brial Mulroney's economic policies and the impact each had on their nation's economy in the 80's.


Golden Member
May 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Dragnov
Originally posted by: sm8000
The Acadian Expulsion?

Though that was over a century before Canada was founded....

Hmm. Thats an interesting topic. Let me see if I can find enough sources though and have enough information to write 7 pages on it.

I'd be more than happy to help you. I'm Acadian and in fact, I live in the Acadian Peninsula in New Brunswick



Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2002
Originally posted by: Jigga
Compare and contrast Ronald Reagan and Brial Mulroney's economic policies and the impact each had on their nation's economy in the 80's.

That would be an awesome topic. Easy to write.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001
I'd be more than happy to help you. I'm Acadian and in fact, I live in the Acadian Peninsula in New Brunswick

Argh. Well thanks for you offer but there absolutley nothing on it at my school library. In fact, theres absolutley nothing on Canada itself! :| Either my library is lying in saying they carrying that stuff, or that all of its checked out. WTF.

I gotta head to the UCLA library and see what I can find there now. Blah.

THe problem is I need books, magaizines, article, etc. Can't just use internet..


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2001
You could do a report on the effect of Sir Guy Carleton's Governorship of Canada had on the Canadian Provinces not joining the other Colonies in the Revolution. Contrast him with the Governor's of another colonies. It has always been a facination of mine that the Canadians of Quebec, especially, didn't join the lower colonies given the short time between the French and Indian war and the American Revolution. It has ben my belief that if we had had Governor's of Carelton's caliber we would all be speaking English instead of American.
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