I think Biden is toast in a general election because..

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Sep 6, 2000
Joe Biden is doomed in the General because
Joe Biden Reminiscences About How Nice and Personable Segregationists Were

He also tells well-healed Donors they don't have to worry their little heads about higher taxes to help the poor and middle class because "Say it ain't So Joe" believes in neo-liberal economics


I have zero doubts that Biden is going to self-destruct again. Perhaps as early as these first debates. I can easily see him reprising his “Indians and 7-11 stores” with Elizabeth Warren or his “Obama is articulate for a black guy” gaffe with Buttigieg. Something like “You aren’t as flamboyant as most gays I know, do you even like show tunes or Judy Garland?”


Apr 5, 2005
Rational people did, and uh... do you remember the last 2+ years? So much about the Trump disaster has shown to be true, this isn't 2016 anymore where there are still questions about his record. Now add the Mueller Report and rampant obstruction into that mix with Warren.

Trump will hug himself and attempt to repeat all the fragments of talking points his meager mind can handle, but the bad lady won't stop. It'd be brutal, another scathing indictment of how retarded republicans are to have supported such an extraordinarily unintelligent traitor and criminal.

If the last two years have shown us anything, it's how unbelievably stupid how half of the voting US population is.


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2008
Is he seriously trying to get the white segregationist vote which hasn't voted for dems since LBJ?

This is like Hillary trying to peel off Republicans.

Stupid is as stupid does.

I don't think that he is trying to get their vote, you have to remember that he is an old, white man. In this country, most white men at his age use to be racists. As hard as you try to change, it's very difficult to shed what you've learned and grown up with as a kid. It was normal to act racist as a white person back in his era. We just need to wait for those old white people to die off.


Jul 17, 2003
If the last two years have shown us anything, it's how unbelievably stupid how half of the voting US population is.

Can't argue that, but it's also removed a lot of excuses from the Obama voters who supported Trump. It's why his polls are in the shitter and he's firing people in anger over it.

Remember this country has on average been losing about 10k baby boomers a day, and to date 15 states have pledged their electoral votes to the popular vote winner. And then there's a very real possibility of the dipshit who squeaked by in 2016 running in 2020 while being impeached for multiple felonies.

I don't think Trump's getting re-elected, and I think his people know it. The race to load courts and gut environmental protections is telling.

Edit: after posting that I realized I heard the 10k/day factoid roughly 1-2 years or so ago. Went looking, found this counter which says about 4,600/day, no idea how it's calculated though. I maintain it's still significant for a guy who won with 70k votes spread across 3 states.
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Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2008
I agree that Trump pulling off a second upset is very, very unlikely. His base is with him but they are more to the far right. Moderate Republicans who voted Republican will most likely either abstain from voting or actually vote for someone else besides Trump this coming election. What the Democrats need to do is instead of focusing on Trump and blasting him repeatedly like they did in the last election cycle, is to focus on our current list of Democratic candidates. Make sure their policies and stances are clearly laid out for everyone to see, then people can decide which Democratic candidate makes the most sense for our future.


Jan 28, 2002
I don't think that he is trying to get their vote, you have to remember that he is an old, white man. In this country, most white men at his age use to be racists. As hard as you try to change, it's very difficult to shed what you've learned and grown up with as a kid. It was normal to act racist as a white person back in his era. We just need to wait for those old white people to die off.

Uh...look at the age group of the Proud Boys/ Klannish marchers in Charlottesville.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
From Salon

Joe Biden to rich donors: "Nothing would fundamentally change" if he's elected

In other words when it comes to taxes Biden would be barely better than Trump... maybe he'd reverse Trump's recent Tax Bill maybe not....

...If you listen to this story and you still prefer Joe Biden anybody who's listening to this.
Ok, but just come to terms with it... you're a moderate republican maybe not even that moderate. Just a republican. You're a conservative it's just what you are...
The above is especially true about Biden's economic policy...

Joe Biden's Campaign Slogan should be
Nothing would fundamentally Change



Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
If the last two years have shown us anything, it's how unbelievably stupid how half of the voting US population is.
No different than minorities that burn down their own neighborhoods when they feel like there is no hope and things reach a point where “burn it all down” as stupid as it may seem to those outside looks like a proper course of action at the time even if it is detrimental in the long run to themselves.

But it's alot easier to point fingers and call someone stupid than fixing the underlying issues that leads to Trump types winning.
Recent decades have witnessed a collapse in confidence in government and recurrent populist uprisings in America. The Ross Perot candidacy in 1992, the Republican “revolution” of 1994, the Democratic sweep in the 2006 midterms, the election of Barack Obama in 2008 and the Republican resurgence in 2010 are great national examples of a frustrated electorate lashing out at a system they believed had forgotten them. In many respects, Mr. Trump’s victory (and the strength of Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Primary) was just another manifestation of these populist uprisings. Though few predicted that Donald Trump would win, the signs of a victory like his were there for years.

The populist uprising explanation for Mr. Trump’s victory finds considerable support in election exit polls. On Election Day 2016, fully 69 percent of voters were either dissatisfied with or angry at government; Mr. Trump won 58 percent of them. A plurality of voters, 48 percent, wanted the next president to be more conservative than Barack Obama; Mr. Trump won 83 percent of them. A clear plurality, 39 percent, said the quality that mattered most to them in a new president was that he/she can bring change; Mr. Trump won 83 percent of those voters. Fully half of all voters said government already does too much as opposed to too little, and Donald Trump won 73 percent of them.

Given her resume, Ms. Clinton had no choice but to be the establishment candidate. In the midst of that populist ire, she ran as the candidate of Mr. Obama’s third term. She wrapped herself in the cloak of the Obama agenda. She did all of this in a year when most voters did not want the establishment to win. Neither candidate was viewed as honest or likable, and most voters were not happy with the choice presented them in 2016. In a rather telling finding, fully 60 percent of voters said Mr. Trump was not qualified to be president. Yet he still managed to win 20 percent of those folks; 2016 was an election based on discontent and frustration, not qualifications and temperament.

Though Ms. Clinton and her supporters have offered myriad explanations for her defeat — from Russian interference, Wikileaks, James Comey’s decision to reopen the investigation into Ms. Clinton’s e-mail server, and misogyny — exit poll data suggests that Ms. Clinton lost for many of the same reasons that prior candidates have lost. On Election Day, over two-thirds of the electorate were either dissatisfied with or angry at the federal government. Nearly two-thirds of the electorate said that the American economy was in poor shape and that the country was headed in the wrong direction. Mr. Trump carried those voters by wide margins. Those feelings of discontent were very similar to the sentiments that led to John McCain's defeat by Barack Obama in 2008. No extraordinary factors needed.

The size and scope of what happened in November 2016 points not necessarily to a realignment in American politics, or to a result influenced by nefarious forces, but to a systemic and recurring reaction by an upset and frustrated electorate. It was the manifestation of years, in fact decades, of rising levels of discontent by a growing number of disaffected voters. And into the midst of that discontent entered two immensely unpopular candidates for president. One, a former senator, a former secretary of state, a former candidate for president, the spouse of a former president, and the heir apparent to an outgoing two term president, was the embodiment of the very political establishment that populist uprisings rail against. The other candidate … wasn’t. And that is “what happened” on Election Day 2016.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Whether he is creepy or not(Hint: It's not even "Old Fashioned" to sniff other people or be all touchy feely with strangers), the real problem with him is that he brings nothing other than replacing Trump in the Oval Office. People want change, not an Empty Suit.


Jun 26, 2009
Whether he is creepy or not(Hint: It's not even "Old Fashioned" to sniff other people or be all touchy feely with strangers), the real problem with him is that he brings nothing other than replacing Trump in the Oval Office. People want change, not an Empty Suit.
The wealthy would love an empty suit.


Jun 23, 2004


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
That's a unique argument. Certainly has truth to it, but are you sanctioning groping women and children?

As for emotionally dead world, we already arrived?
#MeToo backlash: More male managers avoid mentoring women or meeting alone with them
Hopefully nothing I said would imply any groping of women and children. I am saying that in my opinion that sexually healthy people, people free of perversion or whatever the hell it is that drives the creepy behavior so many people fear express love and fondness for each other by touch. It’s the first instinct that gets expressed when people are hurt. It’s how we comfort each other and demonstrate an intention to protect. It is easily perverted when all those early needs are denied when they turn into forbidden craving.

And yes, the magnitude of our cultural mental illness just make the healthy more and more distrusted and that a tool for abuse by the cunning by those who bear false witness or project their own twisted mental state on others.


Apr 5, 2005
Can't argue that, but it's also removed a lot of excuses from the Obama voters who supported Trump. It's why his polls are in the shitter and he's firing people in anger over it.

Remember this country has on average been losing about 10k baby boomers a day, and to date 15 states have pledged their electoral votes to the popular vote winner. And then there's a very real possibility of the dipshit who squeaked by in 2016 running in 2020 while being impeached for multiple felonies.

I don't think Trump's getting re-elected, and I think his people know it. The race to load courts and gut environmental protections is telling.

Dude, you are way more optimistic than I am.


May 11, 2002
Can't argue that, but it's also removed a lot of excuses from the Obama voters who supported Trump. It's why his polls are in the shitter and he's firing people in anger over it.

Remember this country has on average been losing about 10k baby boomers a day, and to date 15 states have pledged their electoral votes to the popular vote winner. And then there's a very real possibility of the dipshit who squeaked by in 2016 running in 2020 while being impeached for multiple felonies.

I don't think Trump's getting re-elected, and I think his people know it. The race to load courts and gut environmental protections is telling.

That would be 14 million + babyboomers dying. I refuse to say they all vote for Trump, but say half of them do, that's 7 million.

7 million less votes. Do you really think he'll fall short by 7 million votes this time?


Jul 17, 2003
That would be 14 million + babyboomers dying. I refuse to say they all vote for Trump, but say half of them do, that's 7 million.

7 million less votes. Do you really think he'll fall short by 7 million votes this time?

There's never been anyone worse at the job, I wouldn't be surprised if it was more.

I think he's got an uphill battle, and that there is pretty much no way non Trump supporters will look at the last 4 years and think "Yeah I was wrong, this guy is totally fit for office." That and institutional changes like EC pledges and the GOP losing gerrymandered-to-hell states should help do to Trump what so many legal, ethical and moral failures couldn't thanks to republican hypocrisy, greed and treason.


May 11, 2002
There's never been anyone worse at the job, I wouldn't be surprised if it was more.

I think he's got an uphill battle, and that there is pretty much no way non Trump supporters will look at the last 4 years and think "Yeah I was wrong, this guy is totally fit for office." That and institutional changes like EC pledges and the GOP losing gerrymandered-to-hell states should help do to Trump what so many legal, ethical and moral failures couldn't thanks to republican hypocrisy, greed and treason.

Except EC pledges don't kick in until we have 270 electoral votes pledged. We're getting closer but still a long ways off to go.


Jul 17, 2003
Dude, you are way more optimistic than I am.

Disgust is like torture. Everybody has a breaking point, no one can hold out forever. It helps to keep in mind that much of what this useless orange fuck has done can be undone. That and the alternative is bad for you.


Jul 17, 2003
Except EC pledges don't kick in until we have 270 electoral votes pledged. We're getting closer but still a long ways off to go.

True. See edited post above, changes your math to something more acceptable I think?

Still work to be done, agreed. I'm encouraged by ranked choice voting catching on. Let's go ranked choice and move voting to the USPS while we're at it.Two simple and easy steps that would have an immediate bolstering effect for voting rights and democracy in general (red states would fight it obviously, but oh well).


May 11, 2002
Well after the debate yesterday there is even more cause for concern about this guy.

Seems out of touch and trying 1970's ideas in a 2020 world.


Apr 8, 2013
Well after the debate yesterday there is even more cause for concern about this guy.

Seems out of touch and trying 1970's ideas in a 2020 world.

If by 1970's ideas, you mean civility, then you're probably right. It's outdated in today's climate. Obama tried it and it didn't work and that was 10 years ago. It's worse now.

If OTOH you mean racism, I see no evidence of any such thing on Biden's part. Biden didn't praise either man in your OP, and his opposition to federally mandated busing was supported by the vast majority of white and blacks at the time.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2005
Biden is a gentleman. A gentleman is not what you need right now.

Joe Biden has done next to nothing in his 100 years of politics. Except for plagiarizing speeches and interfering with foreign governments by threat of withholding US taxpayer money.


Jul 17, 2003
Well after the debate yesterday there is even more cause for concern about this guy.

Seems out of touch and trying 1970's ideas in a 2020 world.

I agree. His showing in the debates was I think a big let down, getting harder to dismiss the age issue. It wasn't a Dubya level scene of confusion and being lost, but it did him no favors.

Biden is not the guy. If he got bruised by Harris it's not going to go well when he's got Warren's complete and undivided attention. She made him look stupid back in the 80s and she'll do it again.


Jul 17, 2003
Joe Biden has done next to nothing in his 100 years of politics. Except for plagiarizing speeches and interfering with foreign governments by threat of withholding US taxpayer money.

Did Biden every pay for fake online poll results? Defraud people trying to get a diploma? Conceal affairs with pornstars while running for office under family values flag? Lie to voters while running about business ties to Russia? Would you feel better if his wife plagiarized Michelle Obama, or if Biden plagiarized an animated kids movie for speech material? Just imagine how mad you'd be if it had been Biden who took Americans hostage right before Xmas with an American gov shut down.

God damn you're pathetic, it's almost funny. You make Steve Doocy sound like an informed stand up guy. Not sure what happened (or never happened) to you to create such ethical and morally deficient person, but you definitely have my sympathy. It must suck going through life so divorced from reality, to always have your hate and butthurt directing your views.

Go do something with your life. There has to be something you're actually good at, that doesn't end in laughter or readers wondering if you need professional help.
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Sep 6, 2000
Did Biden every pay for fake online poll results? Defraud people trying to get a diploma? Conceal affairs with pornstars while running for office under family values flag? Lie to voters while running about business ties to Russia? Would you feel better if his wife plagiarized Michelle Obama, or if Biden plagiarized an animated kids movie for speech material? Just imagine how mad you'd be if it had been Biden who took Americans hostage right before Xmas with an American gov shut down.

God damn you're pathetic, it's almost funny. You make Steve Doocy sound like an informed stand up guy. Not sure what happened (or never happened) to you to create such ethical and morally deficient person, but you definitely have my sympathy. It must suck going through life so divorced from reality, to always have your hate and butthurt directing your views.

Go do something with your life. There has to be something you're actually good at, that doesn't in laughter or readers wondering if you need professional help.

Just because Trump is terrible doesn’t automatically make anyone running against him great. Sure Joe is better than Trump but that’s literally the worlds smallest compliment. “Better than Trump” isn’t the metric we should be looking for here, but rather “better than the other Democratic candidates.” Anyone who says that Biden is better than all the other Democratic candidates is either a fool or lying. It’s probably more accurate to say that he’s in the bottom tier of Dem candidates.
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