I think China is really going to do it...

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Nov 10, 2003
Amusing you deny racism yet ethnicity is evidently important to you.

So no answer and by your style of debate or rather the lack of it (excessive usage of Wiki and no other sources, and so quick to use insults). I know what you are. Go earn your 50 cents. I am done with you here in this thread. I will come back with more links about how other countries in the neighborhood are getting ready for the chinese invaders. Oh no, they must be hating the chinese, right? LOL.


Jun 9, 2016
So no answer and by your style of debate or rather the lack of it. I know what you are. Go earn your 50 cents. I am done with you here in this thread. I will come back with more links about how other countries in the neighborhood are getting ready for the chinese invaders. Oh no, they must be hating the chinese, right? LOL.

No, it's pretty well established you don't know anything about the world outside of regurgitated right-wing agitprop. I suppose that's the extent of your bubble so it makes sense you believe you're well-educated or something given that limited scope.

Also just a tip for your own future benefit: when someone is schooling your hillbilly ass, don't call them a lowly epithet because it implies you get schooled by epithets.
Reactions: Capt Caveman


Nov 10, 2003
How Philippines can win against chinese aggression in SCS = http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/08/16...-in-the-south-china-sea-fabius-rome-trickery/

Go PH, be smart and cunning to fight the invading chinese.

Countries in the area are pushing back hard again the chinese invaders = http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/12/07/why-chinas-land-grab-is-backfiring-on-beijing/

Japan is developing new missiles and be ready for any chinese aggression = http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/20...f-disputed-senkakus-source-says/#.V7QC-SgrJhE

and helping out PH = http://www.businessinsider.com/japan-coast-guard-ships-to-philippines-south-china-sea-2016-8

More links to come. Gotta love this. Facts are facts.
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Jun 9, 2016
"no problem with chinese (and presumably black/mexican/muslim) people"

"they're like invading cockroaches"

Also just for the record I've lived in the south, too, so this sort of dissonance is nothing new.
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Mar 17, 2008
Holy crap this is funny .. nickqt vs. Svnla vs. agent00f .. and then 2 guys and 1 gal trying to discuss something inbetween just drowning in the sewer storm. Must hang out more in P&N .

On China and production. Over the last couple of years I've come to the conclusion that the consumer/producer relationship will come to a halt come "the second industrial revolution".. with robotics and 3D printing, much as described in this article i just googled..


What is your thoughts on that? Wishful thinking?


Dec 13, 2013
This is just an internet forum. Please simmer down. I am removing the personal attack as it is egregious..
Why are we provoking them? Is it worth the casualties to defend some rocks for other countries?

Obviously, we were so successful when we helped out Kuwait from Iraq. Totally worth the 50k casualties, $2 trillion cost, and pissing off the entire Middle East.


Okay tough guy. Same argument was made in the Korean War, the Vietnam war, and the Iraq wars. All made by geniuses like yourself. please be the first to enlist, otherwise leave my ass out of it.

The chances of the US weasling out of treaties to protect another country? 100%
Even the Japanese don't believe the treaties. That's why they want to amend their constitution and expand their military.

Also the right move for the US, no way do I agree that my tax dollars be used to fight wars for other countries. Now if only we could bring all of our troops back, and stop giving so much "aid" to Israel...

Oh really? What did the US do when Putin invaded Georgia/Crimea/east Ukraine?

Nothing. That's what. Because both Bush and Obama knew that we only mess with countries without nuclear missiles. I thought Bill Clinton promised Ukraine we'd have their back, to get them to dismantle their nukes? When the shit hit the fan for Ukraine, they found out that "agreements" are bullshit and no way in hell will we start a war with Russia. Not over Ukraine, nor any of our other allies.

Same shit will play out for our Asian "allies" and their disputes with China.

Over the top personal attack deleted.

Your overwhelming purposeful ignorance and deceitful self-righteous bias are no where near the appropriate, just, or smart necessary actions towards the reality of any of the subjects that you just careened over.
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Dec 13, 2013
Holy crap this is funny .. nickqt vs. Svnla vs. agent00f .. and then 2 guys and 1 gal trying to discuss something inbetween just drowning in the sewer storm. Must hang out more in P&N .

On China and production. Over the last couple of years I've come to the conclusion that the consumer/producer relationship will come to a halt come "the second industrial revolution".. with robotics and 3D printing, much as described in this article i just googled..


What is your thoughts on that? Wishful thinking?

The government has a monopoly of force, and the businesses obviously know this. They have tried, currently try, and will continue to try to force the bulk of the populace into shadow indentured servitude as 2nd class citizens. They realize that probably the best way to do this is to corrupt the government from within.


Dec 13, 2013
I do not remember that the US has any formal treaty to defend Ukraine as it has with Japan. Feel free to prove me wrong.

You could be right that the US will do nothing to defend Japan if commie china attacks it. Only time will tell. Stay tuned.

We would.

Want to know why?

Because we also have nukes.

Basically we would have no problems getting into a conventional war, and woe to China if they start a nuclear war, even if it is woe to us.

Also, China probably could not survive the resulting naval blockade.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Funny. Several posters in this site accused me as an old white hairy white guy living in a broken trailer with a huge Confederate flag in the background and my wife is also my sister. What is truth and what is fiction? WWJD?

Yes yes, some of us now understand that your "southie" status refers to south vietnamese...so you're basically a china/commie-hating vietnamese that confuses his unbridled racism with logical thought.

Hey I kind of get it--I'd hate the chinese too if they invaded, murdered my family and countrymen, and still attempt to wash away that history. I'm actually more or less with you on that.

But it still doesn't excuse your pedestrian and ignorant attempts at having a real discussion. Your mind is closed to external thought. Talking with you is like pounding sand, because your hate and racism has replaced any potential for education and frank discussion.
Reactions: Capt Caveman


Nov 10, 2003
Yes yes, some of us now understand that your "southie" status refers to south vietnamese...so you're basically a china/commie-hating vietnamese that confuses his unbridled racism with logical thought.

Hey I kind of get it--I'd hate the chinese too if they invaded, murdered my family and countrymen, and still attempt to wash away that history. I'm actually more or less with you on that.

But it still doesn't excuse your pedestrian and ignorant attempts at having a real discussion. Your mind is closed to external thought. Talking with you is like pounding sand, because your hate and racism has replaced any potential for education and frank discussion.

So now I am a Vietnamese because some of you "think" so? And I though I was an old white dude or a Japanese or a Filipino or a Korean? So now you figure me all out, right? You never met me, we never exchanged PMs or email or anything yet you know all about me, eh? Better luck next time because you have no freaking clue but of course, continue to open your mouth, insert foot, again.

Real frank discussion with you and fools like you? Like how you whine and bitch non stop about my sig? Like how you accused multiple times of of shit that I never said or did? Give me a freaking break.

You were talking about mind closed and at the same time, pull the bullshit "soooooooooo rrrrrrrrraaaaaaaccccccsiiiiiiissssssssttttttt" card, again. You might want to look up the true definition of racism.

Oh noooooo, I better watch out or you will not take me seriously!!!!!! WWJD. I am so scared. <eyes rolling upward>

Back on topic:

US Army chief to china - US's top missle defense system is going to S. Korea = http://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-army-chief-chinese-counterpart-144643931.html
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Jun 9, 2016
Holy crap this is funny .. nickqt vs. Svnla vs. agent00f .. and then 2 guys and 1 gal trying to discuss something inbetween just drowning in the sewer storm. Must hang out more in P&N .

On China and production. Over the last couple of years I've come to the conclusion that the consumer/producer relationship will come to a halt come "the second industrial revolution".. with robotics and 3D printing, much as described in this article i just googled..


What is your thoughts on that? Wishful thinking?

3d printing is always going to be much more expensive than simple molding/extrusion.

Yes yes, some of us now understand that your "southie" status refers to south vietnamese...so you're basically a china/commie-hating vietnamese that confuses his unbridled racism with logical thought.

Hey I kind of get it--I'd hate the chinese too if they invaded, murdered my family and countrymen, and still attempt to wash away that history. I'm actually more or less with you on that.

But it still doesn't excuse your pedestrian and ignorant attempts at having a real discussion. Your mind is closed to external thought. Talking with you is like pounding sand, because your hate and racism has replaced any potential for education and frank discussion.

If that's the case he must be the dumbest vietnamese person ever. The vietnamese war resulted from the US inheriting a french colonial/imperial conflict against a local independence movement, so basically his "pride" would be predicated on assisting western foreigners and/or emperor kill his countrymen. The level of that prideful ignorance would be rather atypical of the vietnamese folks I've known.


Nov 10, 2003
This is why bully china is claiming 90% of the South china Sea:

"On Wednesday, Indonesia celebrated its Independence Day with a bang -- blowing up several Chinese boats that had been caught fishing illegally in its waters and impounded. China doesn't dispute Indonesia's territorial claims, but Chinese fishermen have more pressing concerns. According to reports in Chinese state media this week, overfishing and pollution have so depleted China's own fishery resources that in some places -- including the East China Sea -- there are virtually "no fish" left.

Today, the Yangtze River, which supplies 60 percent of China's freshwater catch, produces less than a quarter of the fish it did in 1954, and most of the 170 species in the river are on the verge of extinction. The situation is no better offshore. The government acknowledges that Chinese fishermen routinely exceed annual sustainable catch limits in Chinese territorial seas by 30 percent or more. A visit to any Chinese seafood market will turn up large inventories of under-sized fish that should never have been hauled in in the first place."


No wonder the neighbors are pushing back because they do not want to have their fishes stolen by chinese invaders. Even the chinese in Hong Kong and elsewhere are considered the mainland chinese as "locusts".


Senior member
Aug 25, 2008
I'm actually surprised you liberals are perfectly OK with China's expansionist plans, their takeover of Tibet, etc. I thought you guys were against these sort of imperialist ambitions? Is it OK because America / Europe did it at one time so let China have its fun too?


Dec 3, 2013
The "ghost cities" are generally a misnomer by people uninformed about the facts on the ground. They're part of a "build it and they will come" type policy, and the vast majority of such structures are inhabited if not crowded pretty soon after.



Dec 9, 1999
Mods, you've got three people trolling Snvla and failing at it, hard. Is there some point where you restore order in a thread or do you like seeing these 3 post the lulz? (I confess, I get entertainment from Nickie, so I can understand if you like seeing Svnla slap them around)
Reactions: nixium


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Here is an interesting article on China...

Both a Trump and a Clinton presidency would probably lead to increased tensions with China, but by very different routes. Hillary Clinton is regarded in Beijing as a dangerous hawk who would be likely to be more determined in pushing back against China’s maritime claims. President Xi is a tough-minded nationalist, so a Clinton presidency would increase the chances of a clash in the Pacific between the US and China.

Trump, by contrast, seems relatively uninterested in America’s strategic role in the Pacific, but his vociferous protectionism has led him to propose swingeing tariffs on Chinese goods. Any such policy would be regarded as an act of economic warfare by Beijing.

Either way, the era when globalisation seemed like a process that could create only common interests between China and the west is over. It is now giving way to an epoch that looks altogether darker and more dangerous.



Senior member
Aug 25, 2008
Mods, you've got three people trolling Snvla and failing at it, hard. Is there some point where you restore order in a thread or do you like seeing these 3 post the lulz? (I confess, I get entertainment from Nickie, so I can understand if you like seeing Svnla slap them around)

It's certainly amusing to see their attacks bouncing off him while he valiantly sticks to his subject. Notice how all the attacks are basically the same - belittling his points about wiki, his intelligence, showing off their possibly student-loan-funded liberal arts chops, lamenting his lack of application of precious Liberal College Peer Approved groupthink all the while brushing away the original point of China's expansionist plans.

The irony is even more keen when you consider the same gang rise in vicious outrage if as much as an Israeli stone falls past UN defined borders.

But hey, China taking stuff from its neighbors and flexing muscles? A-OK


Platinum Member
Feb 12, 2005
It's certainly amusing to see their attacks bouncing off him while he valiantly sticks to his subject. Notice how all the attacks are basically the same - belittling his points about wiki, his intelligence, showing off their possibly student-loan-funded liberal arts chops, lamenting his lack of application of precious Liberal College Peer Approved groupthink all the while brushing away the original point of China's expansionist plans.

The irony is even more keen when you consider the same gang rise in vicious outrage if as much as an Israeli stone falls past UN defined borders.

But hey, China taking stuff from its neighbors and flexing muscles? A-OK

No one is saying that it's "okay" for them to be flexing their muscles. The point is that the parties involved should sort their own shit out. That means China/Vietnam/Japan/Phillipines/etc.

That does NOT mean the USA should get involved and start a catastrophic conflict with China. We are done being the mall cops of the world. People need to fight their own wars, we of all peoples should know that by now.


Senior member
Apr 26, 2006
lol there is not going to be any catastrophic conflict with China. Nobody is going to war.

First of all, China literally cannot go to war against any seasoned force, such as the US or Japan's. For now, China's aggressive capabilities top out at bullying third-world nations. They do not have the capability to go to war with -- and win against -- any first-world nation with a decent army.

Second, nuclear arms are going to prevent all war.

This will end in chafing, many feelings hurt, and cries for the west to stop meddling in their internal affairs. All of it so far is posturing, and China is getting really upset that the west are getting involved because it means they can't bully their way to resources.

All the theories of escalation and hyperbole like "catastrophic" aren't really realistic. Whether or not the US *should* get involved is another matter, yes.


Jun 9, 2016

Vice is just being sensationalist here. The uninhabited areas are a very small portion of new construction. For some perspective, shanghai boomed from something like 2mil pop to >20mil in not that many years. Buildings are being thrown up fast as possible for anyone looking to make a buck and some do inevitably fail.

lol there is not going to be any catastrophic conflict with China. Nobody is going to war.

First of all, China literally cannot go to war against any seasoned force, such as the US or Japan's. For now, China's aggressive capabilities top out at bullying third-world nations. They do not have the capability to go to war with -- and win against -- any first-world nation with a decent army.

Second, nuclear arms are going to prevent all war.

This will end in chafing, many feelings hurt, and cries for the west to stop meddling in their internal affairs. All of it so far is posturing, and China is getting really upset that the west are getting involved because it means they can't bully their way to resources.

All the theories of escalation and hyperbole like "catastrophic" aren't really realistic. Whether or not the US *should* get involved is another matter, yes.

You simply don't understand a soft power strategy. Building out a military on par with the US is incredibly expensive, and arguably what tipped over the Soviets. It's also completely unnecessary to competing for influence in most of the world. That's why you see the chinese out building infrastructure in the third world in exchange for access, for much less rmb with visibly better results.


Jun 9, 2016
Mods, you've got three people trolling Snvla and failing at it, hard. Is there some point where you restore order in a thread or do you like seeing these 3 post the lulz? (I confess, I get entertainment from Nickie, so I can understand if you like seeing Svnla slap them around)
It's certainly amusing to see their attacks bouncing off him while he valiantly sticks to his subject. Notice how all the attacks are basically the same - belittling his points about wiki, his intelligence, showing off their possibly student-loan-funded liberal arts chops, lamenting his lack of application of precious Liberal College Peer Approved groupthink all the while brushing away the original point of China's expansionist plans.

The irony is even more keen when you consider the same gang rise in vicious outrage if as much as an Israeli stone falls past UN defined borders.

But hey, China taking stuff from its neighbors and flexing muscles? A-OK

Snvla is simply a dumbass with an agenda. He's clearly never been to china or know anything about it, yet feels compelled to share every piece of right wing agit-prop or such he can find on the web. Facts evidently don't matter to these people, so the conversation as usual turns to the underlying problem. It's the same deal with the islamophobe threads or others where the usually suspects come out of the woodwork when some minority does anything untoward. It's basically their chance to "I told you so" about segregation/exclusion-act/etc.


I was pondering these sorts of thread and had an idea. In the interest of better organization, this forum should have a thread for every foreign ethnicity, where records of their uppidiness can be recorded for posterity & reference. For logistical purposes, we should assign a member who ostensibly hates each race/creed the most to their respective responsibility. A foreseeable issue though is that these bigotries tend to overlap, for example, some might hate all asians, but others only the chinese, similarly arabs/muslims or hispanics/mexicans. So the bigots will have to work out some kind of system for deduplication & such.


Senior member
Apr 26, 2006
You simply don't understand a soft power strategy. Building out a military on par with the US is incredibly expensive, and arguably what tipped over the Soviets. It's also completely unnecessary to competing for influence in most of the world. That's why you see the chinese out building infrastructure in the third world in exchange for access, for much less rmb with visibly better results.

My reply was to the person who said that US intervention would lead to a "catastrophic conflict". There will be no wars, and not just because of nukes, but because China can't, nor will they be able to for the foreseeable future. That's a major misunderstanding of a lot of people; that China is a superpower in the traditional sense.
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Jun 9, 2016
My reply was to the person who said that US intervention would lead to a "catastrophic conflict". There will be no wars, and not just because of nukes, but because China can't, nor will they be able to for the foreseeable future. That's a major misunderstanding of a lot of people; that China is a superpower in the traditional sense.

China does have nukes on ICBMs so there won't be an intervention if it came to that. At the end of the day Washington cares far more about SF/LA than Taipei or leveling Beijing or whatever.

Also, it's basically the job of hawks to always make noise as some kind of deterrent. Unfortunately dummies misinterpret that and think it proves their manhood to throw down.

I'm actually surprised you liberals are perfectly OK with China's expansionist plans, their takeover of Tibet, etc. I thought you guys were against these sort of imperialist ambitions? Is it OK because America / Europe did it at one time so let China have its fun too?

Some of us understand the circumstances surrounding Tibet Taiwan etc. Others by the look of things above probably never will. What's most amusing are the guys who were all about that "nation-building" criticizing anyone who might appear to be competitors.
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