I think China is really going to do it...

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Dec 9, 1999
Go back to trolling 00f, I'm not joining your reindeer games.

Man I'm not trolling him/her/it, I'm just wanting to get some money to some needy children and have an alt reveal - how is that not a win for all of us? Consider it like a B-52 strike on multiple profiles...


Jun 9, 2016
What really will be interesting will be your revealed other user name(s), if we can ever settle on a reveal date. Is there some problem picking a date for the reveal? I already said if Christmas day wasn't good for you, we can settle on another date, I'm flexible.

It's hard to imagine this kind of incessant nagging has gotten you much in life after leaving home. Regardless, the best part about simple minds is they predictable follow however trivial models of operation. For example, this'll predictably be the thing you'll follow me around as a petulant manchild. This is likely what you've done in the past with others until they got sick of it, which is about as close to any success you've experience. Fortunately I've some experience dealing with problem kids and pets, which will come in handy in this case.


Golden Member
Jul 27, 2015
It won't be the first, it won't be the last... haha

But I'd rather just get a nice $ pot going for St. Jude or some other worthwhile charity, wouldn't you? Come on, who do you think our 'super high brain functioning supah dupah head nodding in mirror smart' alt is?

So you know you're doing wrong, you just don't care.


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2008
There use to be a task force between Taiwan and China, not sure if it was stopped and/or how long ago it was.


Nov 10, 2003
Japan is facing the potential of invasion from commie china. Not a few but hundreds of boats and ships - http://www.businessinsider.com/chin...ilitary-invasion-in-the-east-china-sea-2016-9

Not only with Japan, but those ships are fishing in other nations (Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia) EEZ. No wonder the neighbors call those invaders as cockroaches.

Edit: Vietnam is meeting with India PM to purchase new missiles - http://www.voanews.com/a/china-india-narendra-modi-visits-vietnam/3490788.html

The new leader of Philippines is not taking things laying down vs. commie china - http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/duterte-raise-sea-feud-ruling-chinese-wishes-41714574
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Dec 9, 1999
It's hard to imagine this kind of incessant nagging has gotten you much in life after leaving home. Regardless, the best part about simple minds is they predictable follow however trivial models of operation. For example, this'll predictably be the thing you'll follow me around as a petulant manchild. This is likely what you've done in the past with others until they got sick of it, which is about as close to any success you've experience. Fortunately I've some experience dealing with problem kids and pets, which will come in handy in this case.

That's cool and all, but, did you pick a reveal date yet?

So you know you're doing wrong, you just don't care.

Doing wrong? This alt is like Nickie-lite, can you really blame me for putting in a quarte...well, let's not overvalue the alt now...a nickle and reading the lulz entertainment?


Jun 9, 2016
That's cool and all, but, did you pick a reveal date yet?

It'll have to be a time after you can come up with $100 so irrelevant really. Still amusing you believe this'll demonstrate anything other than your childishness.


Jun 9, 2016
So you know you're doing wrong, you just don't care.

It's tempting to think he's just trolling, but consider if there's an actual segment of the population known for wagering money they can't part with and repeating simple slogans and accusations. Now correlate the typically genuine beliefs & habits of those people with chucky, and that's far from a coincidence. Of course he plays along with the more charitable & less pathetic label of troll given this alternative.
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Dec 9, 1999
It'll have to be a time after you can come up with $100 so irrelevant really. Still amusing you believe this'll demonstrate anything other than your childishness.

It's tempting to think he's just trolling, but consider if there's an actual segment of the population known for wagering money they can't part with and repeating simple slogans and accusations. Now correlate the typically genuine beliefs & habits of those people with chucky, and that's far from a coincidence. Of course he plays along with the more charitable & less pathetic label of troll given this alternative.

I'm disappointed alt, why do you hate the children?


Jun 9, 2016
I'm disappointed alt, why do you hate the children?

I can't imagine why you believe anyone would care how you feel, but it's interesting to ponder how svnla must feel that you're the best ally he can get in blacks muslims mexican chinese hate thread.


Nov 10, 2003
I can't imagine why you believe anyone would care how you feel, but it's interesting to ponder how svnla must feel that you're the best ally he can get in blacks muslims mexican chinese hate thread.

I tried and tried to ignore you but you have to drag me in. So now providing factual statements about china/chinese aggression = hate per you? You better keep your mouth shut with your ignorant statement before I show you with facts to shame and humiliate you and your kind in public again.

Funny that not one, not two, but several posters in this thread made statements that I was the ONLY one in this thread with links and sources to back up my statements while you and the other fool have NOTHING but pathetic insults and of course, wikipedia. Oh no, they must be my allies too. LOL.

It feels good, no..GREAT to have facts on my side. I feel bad for you to lose face so badly in public. A little mind is a terrible thing to waste indeed. Tst..tst..tst...
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Jun 9, 2016
I tried and tried to ignore you but you have to drag me in. So now providing factual statements about china/chinese aggression = hate per you? You better keep your mouth shut with your ignorant statement before I show you with facts to shame and humiliate you and your kind in public again.

Funny that not one, not two, but several posters in this thread made statements that I was the ONLY one in this thread with links and sources to back up my statements while you and the other fool have NOTHING but pathetic insults and of course, wikipedia. Oh no, they must be my allies too. LOL.

It feels good, no..GREAT to have facts on my side. I feel bad for you to lose face so badly in public. A little mind is a terrible thing to waste indeed. Tst..tst..tst...

The reality is nothing is going to dissuade you of these beliefs any more than billy-bob from the hills is going to be dissuaded from stockpilling guns since the chi-coms are coming to get him.

As a simple example, you can't even properly compare an academically sourced encyclopedia entry with whatever powerline blog that informs you of all that happens around china. This is something grade school kids learning how to write an essay are expected to grasp, yet here we are stuck with billy-bob and friends who will believe till the end they're the smart edumacated ones.


Nov 10, 2003
The reality is nothing is going to dissuade you of these beliefs any more than billy-bob from the hills is going to be dissuaded from stockpilling guns since the chi-coms are coming to get him.

As a simple example, you can't even properly compare an academically sourced encyclopedia entry with whatever powerline blog that informs you of all that happens around china. This is something grade school kids learning how to write an essay are expected to grasp, yet here we are stuck with billy-bob and friends who will believe till the end they're the righteous edumacated ones.

Blah, blah, blah and more blah. Nothing but more hot air bull crap. Blog? Funny in this thread, I posted multiple links from well know news sources around the world (see right below). Learn how to lie better, kiddo.

Look here, even the chinese themselves do not like the mainland chinese. Look how chinese in Hong Kong called the mainlanders as "LOCUSTS" - http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/895bc3de-b5a5-11e4-b58d-00144feab7de.html . So are those HK chinese racists to their own kind or because the mainland chinese own bad behavior?

Why don't you just bend over, grab your ankles and accept your destiny. ROTFLAO.

Now your turn, post a link or two from well know sources to dispute my statements. Don't be such a pathetic loser and run your mouth with more hot air and nothing else.


Jun 9, 2016
Blah, blah, blah and more blah. Nothing but more hot air bull crap. Blog? Funny in this thread, I posted multiple links from well know news sources around the world (see right below). Learn how to lie better, kiddo.

Look here, even the chinese themselves do not like the mainland chinese. Look how chinese in Hong Kong called the mainlanders as "LOCUSTS" - http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/895bc3de-b5a5-11e4-b58d-00144feab7de.html . So are those HK chinese racists to their own kind or because the mainland chinese own bad behavior?

Some folks in HK do tend to be full of themselves, not unlike someone in your position towards social groups with less perceived social standing. I take it you nor the author have even been to the various metropolis in china (or much of anywhere off the hill), which tend to be more advanced than HK these days.

Why don't you just bend over, grab your ankles and accept your destiny. ROTFLAO.

Now your turn, post a link or two from well know sources to dispute my statements. Don't be such a pathetic loser and run your mouth with more hot air and nothing else.

This variety of rhetoric straight from the trailer park is not helping your cause. Neither is this infatuation with links as if this were some dumbshit reblog-off. Gaining some perspective on current events in the context of history requires some basic scholarship. I would've recommended reading the encyclopedia entry for these topics as a starter, but regrettably you're too dumb to avail yourself of that resource.


Nov 10, 2003
Folks in HK do tend to be full of themselves, not unlike someone in your position towards social groups with less perceived social standing. I take it you nor the author have even been to the various metropolis in china (or much of anywhere off the hill), which tend to be more advanced than HK these days.

This variety of rhetoric straight from the trailer park is not helping your cause. Neither is this infatuation with links as if this were some dumbshit reblog-off. Gaining some perspective on current events in the context of history requires some basic scholarship. I would've recommended reading the encyclopedia entry for these topics as a starter, but regrettably you're too dumb to avail yourself of that resource.

Still nothing to dispute my statements? Nothing at all? Financial Times that I cited as "dumbshit reblog-off"? LOL.

Metropolis that are more advanced? You mean like these? - http://www.boredpanda.com/pollution-china/

and http://www.businessinsider.com/chin...ray-and-yellow-because-of-the-air-pollution-2

So glorious and awesome, eh? Keep boasting for the whole world to see and laugh at. LOL.

How does it feel to be shame and humiliate in public by facts and logic and unable to defense yourself?


Jun 9, 2016
Still nothing to dispute my statements? Nothing at all? Financial Times that I cited as "dumbshit reblog-off"? LOL.

Metropolis that are more advanced? You mean like these? - http://www.boredpanda.com/pollution-china/

and http://www.businessinsider.com/chin...ray-and-yellow-because-of-the-air-pollution-2

So glorious and awesome, eh? Keep boasting for the whole world to see and laugh at. LOL.

How does it feel to be shame and humiliate in public by facts and logic and unable to defense yourself?

You simply lack any basic awareness of how your news works. For example, someone can blog about every act of violence in the US or whatever first world country of which there are still inevitably many, and dummies who only read that blog and where similarly smart as you would think the US is most dangerous place to live ever. Now, someone with some knowledge of the US or at least minimal perspective would notice how comically tarded that notion is, but that someone is not you nor friends.

I'm pretty sure even you can find a library with books pertaining to the history of modern china, but that's obviously not where your sort get their information. The dumbshittery in this thread and others like it is so transparent that frankly anyone who can't see it for what is it should skip remedial ed and admit themselves to the special kind.


Nov 10, 2003
You simply lack any basic awareness of how your news works. For example, someone can blog about every act of violence in the US or whatever first world country of which there are still inevitably many, and dummies who only read that blog and where similarly smart as you would think the US is most dangerous place to live ever. Now, someone with some knowledge of the US or at least minimal perspective would notice how comically tarded that notion is, but that someone is not you nor friends.

I'm pretty sure even you can find a library with books pertaining to the history of modern china, but that's obviously not where your sort get their information. The dumbshittery in this thread and others like it is so transparent that frankly anyone who can't see it for what is it should skip remedial ed and admit themselves to the special kind.

Blah, blah, and more blah. More pathetic attempt to spin and unable to defense against my verbal beat down/assault onto you with facts. Let see, I posted links from ABCNews, Financial Times, CNN, PopularMechanics, AsiaOne, and on and on. All from well known news sources around the world and what do you have to dispute them? Your own pathetic words of "blogs" this and that. <Must.Stop.Laughing.So.Hard>

Keep telling lies and boasting about how "great" china is and I will keep postings links about how pathetic and sad of your lies and boasts.

Here is another one, how "great" china is - http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/12/world/asia/china-underground-water-pollution.html?_r=0

Of course, New York Times is just a blog to you, right?

Keep drinking those polluted water and telling yourself how "great" china is.

Since you think commie china is all that great, why not move to china and join the pla so you can drive a tank over protesters (Tiananmen) , shoot unarmed monks (Tibet) and poor peasants (East Turk) yet unable to do anything to Japan but more hot air.
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Jun 9, 2016
Blah, blah, and more blah. More pathetic attempt to spin and unable to defense against my verbal beat down/assault onto you with facts. Let see, I posted links from ABCNews, Financial Times, CNN, PopularMechanics, AsiaOne, and on and on. All from well known news sources around the world and what do you have to dispute them? Your own pathetic words of "blogs" this and that. <Must.Stop.Laughing.So.Hard>

Keep telling lies and boasting about how "great" china is and I will keep postings links about how pathetic and sad of your lies and boasts.

Here is another one, how "great" china is - http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/12/world/asia/china-underground-water-pollution.html?_r=0

Of course, New York Times is just a blog to you, right?

Keep drinking those polluted water and telling yourself how "great" china is.

There are various threads here concerning the criminality and general uppitiness of blacks, mexicans, muslims and so on, all copy-pasted in much like the usual right wing reblog format you're reliably parroting. You've been informed as to why this implies nothing about their generally credibility even if the stories are from CNN, etc, and it comes as no surprise you can't understand that. You're further been informed how knowledge acquisition works with respect to scholarship, and decided that's not for you either.

That all rather makes sense in the context of who you're parroting and what audience they strike for. To be fair, I suppose the absolute lowest common denominator feel the need to get news too, but it's worth pointing out what they're doing is not the same thing as anyone marginally educated enough to have some perspective. For example, many parts of china are rather polluted, which is a consequence of compacting 100 years of industrial development into 10 without careful environmental controls. Now a person of at least marginal intellect might ponder that for a bit and figure something out, but nobody's ever accused you of any of those things.


Nov 10, 2003
There are various threads here concerning the criminality and general uppitiness of blacks, mexicans, muslims and so on, all copy-pasted in much like the usual right wing reblog format you're reliably parroting. You've been informed as to why this implies nothing about their generally credibility even if the stories are from CNN, etc, and it comes as no surprise you can't understand that. You're further been informed how knowledge acquisition works with respect to scholarship, and decided that's not for you either.

That all rather makes sense in the context of who you're parroting and what audience they strike for. To be fair, I suppose the absolute lowest common denominator feel the need to get news too, but it's worth pointing out what they're doing is not the same thing as anyone marginally educated enough to have some perspective. For example, many parts of china are rather polluted, which is a consequence of compacting 100 years of industrial development into 10 without careful environmental controls. Now a person of at least marginal intellect might ponder that for a bit and figure something out, but nobody's ever accused you of any of those things.

Same ole pathetic spinning and more spinning. I provided multiple links from numerous DIFFERENT sources that are well know around the world, even in china yet all you could do were labeled them as "blogs" and whined and bitched. How sad and pathetic, just like an eunuch.

Since you started the last round by pulling my name into your fight with chucky, I replied kindly with more verbal beat down and assault with FACTS onto you (again as usual). Unlike commie china, I don't take pleasure on keeping on beating the weak, the mentally handicap, and the ones that are unable to defense themselves so take a hike and move back to china so you can drink those polluted water, breathe those nasty air and eat those faked meat and tell yourself how glorious and awesome china really is.
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Jun 9, 2016
Same ole pathetic spinning and more spinning. I provided multiple links from numerous DIFFERENT sources that are well know around the world, even in china yet all you could do were labeled them as "blogs". How sad and pathetic.
No, you're just copy pasting whatever applicable link comes your way when reading various right wing sources, same as every other worthless reblogger except you do it in a forum, unfortunately this one. It's the same pattern as every other lowest common denominator jingoist/nativist thread here, so nothing new.

Since you started the last round by pulling my name into your fight with chucky, I replied kindly with more verbal beat down and assault. Unlike commie china, I don't take pleasure on keeping on beating the weak and ones that are unable to defense themselves so take a hike and move back to china so you can drink those polluted water, breathe those nasty air and eat those faked meat.

No, your sort prey exclusively on groups/ethnicities which are perceived to be weaker in social standing. It's the usual trailer garbage which thinks much of themselves because at least they aint black/mexican/chinese.


Dec 9, 1999
I can't imagine why you believe anyone would care how you feel, but it's interesting to ponder how svnla must feel that you're the best ally he can get in blacks muslims mexican chinese hate thread.

Well alt, Svnla doesn't need an ally, he's schooling you all by himself lol. I'm just shocked someone behind the alt would be so greedy as to continue the alt at the expense of children. I think anyone still reading here, well, other than your altship, is pretty disappointed someone would be so petty.

<IDidNotHaveSexualRelationsWithThatWoman!Voice>Think of the children...</
IDidNotHaveSexualRelationsWithThatWoman!Voice> That doesn't work for you? No?


Jun 9, 2016
Well alt, Svnla doesn't need an ally, he's schooling you all by himself lol. I'm just shocked someone behind the alt would be so greedy as to continue the alt at the expense of children. I think anyone still reading here, well, other than your altship, is pretty disappointed someone would be so petty.

<IDidNotHaveSexualRelationsWithThatWoman!Voice>Think of the children...</
IDidNotHaveSexualRelationsWithThatWoman!Voice> That doesn't work for you? No?

The alt-right types do tend to believe they're always winning despite the recent historical failure of white nationalism. Fulfilling every stereotype attributed to them is not a great plan.


Nov 10, 2003
No, you're just copy pasting whatever applicable link comes your way when reading various right wing sources, same as every other worthless reblogger except you do it in a forum, unfortunately this one. It's the same pattern as every other lowest common denominator jingoist/nativist thread here, so nothing new.

No, your sort prey exclusively on groups/ethnicities which are perceived to be weaker in social standing. It's the usual trailer garbage which thinks much of themselves because at least they aint black/mexican/chinese.

Right wing sources you said?




So HuffPo and CNBC are right wing now? Keep lying comrade eunuch.

As I said, keep your pants down, grab your ankles, open wide, and accept your destiny and do what you were born to do. ROTFLMAO.
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