I think I know where the Bush apologists' orders are coming from.


May 21, 2002
I wasn't kidding in that post I was kidding in.

I really did sign up with the Republican Party as a "Team Leader!" I did it after I read an article about the Republican National Committee giving away gifts for people who earned points for writing letters to the editor and callling radio shows spewing the "party line."

I get a few good laughs each week when the weekly team leader newsletter arrives at my inbox.

The spin they put on things would be enough to stop Earth's rotation if spun in the opposite direction.

Well, they're at it again and I'm sure some of our apologists are in on the game.

From this week's team leader.

"Should we be discouraged by the pundits? Absolutely not! This election is going to be won or lost at the grassroots level. Not since 1988 has a president won more than 50% of the popular vote. But I believe President Bush is the President who will stop that trend. His vision is the right vision for America. His leadership is the right leadership for this great nation. That?s why you as a Team Leader can make such a difference by your individual and team efforts. It is more important than ever that we distribute the facts about the President and Republicans' positive agenda and what it means to our communities - directly to our communities. Your help is essential to our success. By sharing the facts with your neighbors, contacting local press, and helping organize for the coming election, you are making our efforts a reality. I also want to reiterate my challenge to you to organize voter registration drives. You will hear this again and again from the leadership of the Republican Party. There are literally millions of our voters out there who are not even registered to vote. For us to win in 2004, it is critical that we get them registered to vote."

"This Week's Action Alert: Write News Editors

Let your local news editors know that the Democrat's pessimism and protest is not what this country needs.
Tell them that you are rejecting these negative attacks.
Make sure your community knows that you support the
President?s positive agenda, write your news editors today."

This stuff is funnier than the comedy channel!

I guess this includes P&N forums as well.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2002
Yeah, my 13 year old son did the same with each party. They ALL have the same type of game they play, Reps., Dems., Libs., Green, etc..
Jan 12, 2003
..so you probably saw this in there:

Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT): "I thought that John Kerry's statement in his announcement address -- that he voted for the resolution just to threaten Saddam Hussein -- was unbelievable. It was clearly an authorization for President Bush to use force against Saddam. ... I don't get it. He's been criticizing Howard Dean for lacking experience to lead America in the world today. It's true. It's not the best time to put a rookie in charge of our country's future. It hasn't been a good time to have a cowboy in charge of our future, but we also don't need a waffler in charge of our country's future." (Glen Johnson And Anne E. Kornblut, "Democrats Rip Bush In 8-Way Debate," The Boston Globe, http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2003/09/05/democrats_rip_bush_in_8_way_debate/, 9/5/03)


May 21, 2002
Originally posted by: xxxxxJohnGaltxxxxx
..so you probably saw this in there:

Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT): "I thought that John Kerry's statement in his announcement address -- that he voted for the resolution just to threaten Saddam Hussein -- was unbelievable. It was clearly an authorization for President Bush to use force against Saddam. ... I don't get it. He's been criticizing Howard Dean for lacking experience to lead America in the world today. It's true. It's not the best time to put a rookie in charge of our country's future. It hasn't been a good time to have a cowboy in charge of our future, but we also don't need a waffler in charge of our country's future." (Glen Johnson And Anne E. Kornblut, "Democrats Rip Bush In 8-Way Debate," The Boston Globe, http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2003/09/05/democrats_rip_bush_in_8_way_debate/, 9/5/03)

I see everything in there and believe nothing.

Galt, I'm so surprised. You're a "Team Leader" too!

We're both members. Hi fellow "Team Leader!"

It just goes to show, President Clinton was right. We have more things in common than keep us apart.



Golden Member
Dec 28, 2002
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: xxxxxJohnGaltxxxxx
..so you probably saw this in there:

Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT): "I thought that John Kerry's statement in his announcement address -- that he voted for the resolution just to threaten Saddam Hussein -- was unbelievable. It was clearly an authorization for President Bush to use force against Saddam. ... I don't get it. He's been criticizing Howard Dean for lacking experience to lead America in the world today. It's true. It's not the best time to put a rookie in charge of our country's future. It hasn't been a good time to have a cowboy in charge of our future, but we also don't need a waffler in charge of our country's future." (Glen Johnson And Anne E. Kornblut, "Democrats Rip Bush In 8-Way Debate," The Boston Globe, http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2003/09/05/democrats_rip_bush_in_8_way_debate/, 9/5/03)

I see everything in there and believe nothing.

Galt, I'm so surprised. You're a "Team Leader" too!

We're both members. Hi fellow "Team Leader!"

It just goes to show, President Clinton was right. We have more things in common than keep us apart.

Put ALL politicians in a large bag, shake it up, dump it, and you couldn't tell them apart! I say dump the whole works and start from scratch!


May 21, 2002
Originally posted by: EndGame
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: xxxxxJohnGaltxxxxx
..so you probably saw this in there:

Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT): "I thought that John Kerry's statement in his announcement address -- that he voted for the resolution just to threaten Saddam Hussein -- was unbelievable. It was clearly an authorization for President Bush to use force against Saddam. ... I don't get it. He's been criticizing Howard Dean for lacking experience to lead America in the world today. It's true. It's not the best time to put a rookie in charge of our country's future. It hasn't been a good time to have a cowboy in charge of our future, but we also don't need a waffler in charge of our country's future." (Glen Johnson And Anne E. Kornblut, "Democrats Rip Bush In 8-Way Debate," The Boston Globe, http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2003/09/05/democrats_rip_bush_in_8_way_debate/, 9/5/03)

I see everything in there and believe nothing.

Galt, I'm so surprised. You're a "Team Leader" too!

We're both members. Hi fellow "Team Leader!"

It just goes to show, President Clinton was right. We have more things in common than keep us apart.

Put ALL politicians in a large bag, shake it up, dump it, and you couldn't tell them apart! I say dump the whole works and start from scratch!

I can agree with that with one caveat. I've always done better during Democratic adminstrations. More jobs, less government snooping in my personal life and no right wing maniacs trying to flex their muscles at everyone else's expense.

Also vastly smaller deficits.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2002
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: EndGame
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: xxxxxJohnGaltxxxxx
..so you probably saw this in there:

Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT): "I thought that John Kerry's statement in his announcement address -- that he voted for the resolution just to threaten Saddam Hussein -- was unbelievable. It was clearly an authorization for President Bush to use force against Saddam. ... I don't get it. He's been criticizing Howard Dean for lacking experience to lead America in the world today. It's true. It's not the best time to put a rookie in charge of our country's future. It hasn't been a good time to have a cowboy in charge of our future, but we also don't need a waffler in charge of our country's future." (Glen Johnson And Anne E. Kornblut, "Democrats Rip Bush In 8-Way Debate," The Boston Globe, http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2003/09/05/democrats_rip_bush_in_8_way_debate/, 9/5/03)

I see everything in there and believe nothing.

Galt, I'm so surprised. You're a "Team Leader" too!

We're both members. Hi fellow "Team Leader!"

It just goes to show, President Clinton was right. We have more things in common than keep us apart.

Put ALL politicians in a large bag, shake it up, dump it, and you couldn't tell them apart! I say dump the whole works and start from scratch!

I can agree with that with one caveat. I've always done better during Democratic adminstrations. More jobs, less government snooping in my personal life and no right wing maniacs trying to flex their muscles at everyone else's expense.

Also vastly smaller deficits.

Well, there ya go. I did GREAT during the 80's and while the 90's were fine, advancement in income and career was stalled in my proffession during the 90's. Not complaining, just saying the 80's provided advancement in leaps and bounds for me while the 90's, especially late 90's (96 on) were at best, stagnet.



May 21, 2002
Originally posted by: EndGame
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: EndGame
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: xxxxxJohnGaltxxxxx
..so you probably saw this in there:

Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT): "I thought that John Kerry's statement in his announcement address -- that he voted for the resolution just to threaten Saddam Hussein -- was unbelievable. It was clearly an authorization for President Bush to use force against Saddam. ... I don't get it. He's been criticizing Howard Dean for lacking experience to lead America in the world today. It's true. It's not the best time to put a rookie in charge of our country's future. It hasn't been a good time to have a cowboy in charge of our future, but we also don't need a waffler in charge of our country's future." (Glen Johnson And Anne E. Kornblut, "Democrats Rip Bush In 8-Way Debate," The Boston Globe, http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2003/09/05/democrats_rip_bush_in_8_way_debate/, 9/5/03)

I see everything in there and believe nothing.

Galt, I'm so surprised. You're a "Team Leader" too!

We're both members. Hi fellow "Team Leader!"

It just goes to show, President Clinton was right. We have more things in common than keep us apart.

Put ALL politicians in a large bag, shake it up, dump it, and you couldn't tell them apart! I say dump the whole works and start from scratch!

I can agree with that with one caveat. I've always done better during Democratic adminstrations. More jobs, less government snooping in my personal life and no right wing maniacs trying to flex their muscles at everyone else's expense.

Also vastly smaller deficits.

Well, there ya go. I did GREAT during the 80's and while the 90's were fine, advancement in income and career was stalled in my proffession during the 90's. Not complaining, just saying the 80's provided advancement in leaps and bounds for me while the 90's, especially late 90's (96 on) were at best, stagnet.

Well I don't know what your profession is but I can tell you average working people didn't do well under Reagan/Bush and aren't doing
well under the current Bush. That's a fact.

We did very well under Clinton. That's a fact too.


Sep 22, 2001
These morons all believe if you aren't stupid enough to have to join up to make a living you aren't a "real" American.

Their only real asset is the ease with which they're brainwashed. Makes them all perfect candidates to become grunts.

They need the "structure" of military life. They need someone to tell them how exactly to do everything. They don't possess the mental faculties to figure it out on their own.

Now that their brainwashing is complete they think they've made some "contribution."

The only contribution made was us contributing our tax dollars to keep these dullards employed until they could be taught how to march in a straight line.

I wasn't a drain on US taxpayers like some here admit to being. I paid my own way. I didn't have to join up and claim I was making some contribution while getting an education that amounted to welfare.

Your conclusions are all BS because you're all BS. You loser.

Brainwashed delusional jar heads.

Any of you volunteer your time? No? What a surprise.

None of you were conscripted. You chose to join. You were all paid.

Now you're all American heroes. Uh, huh.

So now all the losers who weren't capable of getting a real job and had to join the military (during peace time) are coming out of the woodwork

I wonder where these orders came from?


Nov 25, 2001
Here's the secret (shhhhhhh!) break-down of positive-spin rewards:

(Total ATP&N Posts:*) - Official Title:

(1-10) - Republican Rustler
(11-50) - Brush-buster extraordinaire
(51-100) - Halliburton Hero
(101-200) - Crawford Cowpoke
(201-500) - Bushmaster
(501-1000) - Neocon Commander

* Please note: Posts must glorify the Dubya or de-bunk nasty liberal lies and slander. Get to work, people.


May 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Ultra Quiet
These morons all believe if you aren't stupid enough to have to join up to make a living you aren't a "real" American.

Their only real asset is the ease with which they're brainwashed. Makes them all perfect candidates to become grunts.

They need the "structure" of military life. They need someone to tell them how exactly to do everything. They don't possess the mental faculties to figure it out on their own.

Now that their brainwashing is complete they think they've made some "contribution."

The only contribution made was us contributing our tax dollars to keep these dullards employed until they could be taught how to march in a straight line.

I wasn't a drain on US taxpayers like some here admit to being. I paid my own way. I didn't have to join up and claim I was making some contribution while getting an education that amounted to welfare.

Your conclusions are all BS because you're all BS. You loser.

Brainwashed delusional jar heads.

Any of you volunteer your time? No? What a surprise.

None of you were conscripted. You chose to join. You were all paid.

Now you're all American heroes. Uh, huh.

So now all the losers who weren't capable of getting a real job and had to join the military (during peace time) are coming out of the woodwork

I wonder where these orders came from?

Those aren't orders, but nice try.

Those are opinions directed at any military personnel who try to tell me they have somehow earned more rights than anyone else just
because they CHOSE to enter the service, get paid and get a free education among other benefits.

Hey, UQ. Are you a "Team Leader" too? We could be members of the same organization! That would make me very happy.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2002
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: EndGame
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: EndGame
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: xxxxxJohnGaltxxxxx
..so you probably saw this in there:

Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT): "I thought that John Kerry's statement in his announcement address -- that he voted for the resolution just to threaten Saddam Hussein -- was unbelievable. It was clearly an authorization for President Bush to use force against Saddam. ... I don't get it. He's been criticizing Howard Dean for lacking experience to lead America in the world today. It's true. It's not the best time to put a rookie in charge of our country's future. It hasn't been a good time to have a cowboy in charge of our future, but we also don't need a waffler in charge of our country's future." (Glen Johnson And Anne E. Kornblut, "Democrats Rip Bush In 8-Way Debate," The Boston Globe, http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2003/09/05/democrats_rip_bush_in_8_way_debate/, 9/5/03)

I see everything in there and believe nothing.

Galt, I'm so surprised. You're a "Team Leader" too!

We're both members. Hi fellow "Team Leader!"

It just goes to show, President Clinton was right. We have more things in common than keep us apart.

Put ALL politicians in a large bag, shake it up, dump it, and you couldn't tell them apart! I say dump the whole works and start from scratch!

I can agree with that with one caveat. I've always done better during Democratic adminstrations. More jobs, less government snooping in my personal life and no right wing maniacs trying to flex their muscles at everyone else's expense.

Also vastly smaller deficits.

Well, there ya go. I did GREAT during the 80's and while the 90's were fine, advancement in income and career was stalled in my proffession during the 90's. Not complaining, just saying the 80's provided advancement in leaps and bounds for me while the 90's, especially late 90's (96 on) were at best, stagnet.

Well I don't know what your profession is but I can tell you average working people didn't do well under Reagan/Bush and aren't doing
well under the current Bush. That's a fact.

We did very well under Clinton. That's a fact too.

Yes, many, many did and as stated, i didn't do "badly" either, simply did better in the 80's.

Now, that settled, one stark fact remains and is directly connected to the site you are now using. The 90's saw unprecidented growth in technology that would have come, and would have boomed NO MATTER WHAT/WHOM was President of our country. Much of that economy (.com bubble) was based upon false hopes and misconception. The stock market (due largely to new technology stocks) rose to record highs at a whim. Then, when things began to burst, (early '99) it was clear, whomever was elected would be faced with an economy on a downslide. Then came the 9/11 ordeal and the struggles as a result. Would/could any other candidate have dealt with that better? Hard to say and immpossible to prove.



Sep 22, 2001
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: Ultra Quiet
These morons all believe if you aren't stupid enough to have to join up to make a living you aren't a "real" American.

Their only real asset is the ease with which they're brainwashed. Makes them all perfect candidates to become grunts.

They need the "structure" of military life. They need someone to tell them how exactly to do everything. They don't possess the mental faculties to figure it out on their own.

Now that their brainwashing is complete they think they've made some "contribution."

The only contribution made was us contributing our tax dollars to keep these dullards employed until they could be taught how to march in a straight line.

I wasn't a drain on US taxpayers like some here admit to being. I paid my own way. I didn't have to join up and claim I was making some contribution while getting an education that amounted to welfare.

Your conclusions are all BS because you're all BS. You loser.

Brainwashed delusional jar heads.

Any of you volunteer your time? No? What a surprise.

None of you were conscripted. You chose to join. You were all paid.

Now you're all American heroes. Uh, huh.

So now all the losers who weren't capable of getting a real job and had to join the military (during peace time) are coming out of the woodwork

I wonder where these orders came from?

Those aren't orders, but nice try.

Those are opinions directed at any military personnel who try to tell me they have somehow earned more rights than anyone else just
because they CHOSE to enter the service, get paid and get a free education among other benefits.

Hey, UQ. Are you a "Team Leader" too? We could be members of the same organization! That would make me very happy.

So it's your usual ignorance coming out coupled with your hatred of the military. Got it. You are everything I described you as in that thread a couple of weeks ago.



May 21, 2002
Originally posted by: EndGame
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: EndGame
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: EndGame
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: xxxxxJohnGaltxxxxx
..so you probably saw this in there:

Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT): "I thought that John Kerry's statement in his announcement address -- that he voted for the resolution just to threaten Saddam Hussein -- was unbelievable. It was clearly an authorization for President Bush to use force against Saddam. ... I don't get it. He's been criticizing Howard Dean for lacking experience to lead America in the world today. It's true. It's not the best time to put a rookie in charge of our country's future. It hasn't been a good time to have a cowboy in charge of our future, but we also don't need a waffler in charge of our country's future." (Glen Johnson And Anne E. Kornblut, "Democrats Rip Bush In 8-Way Debate," The Boston Globe, http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2003/09/05/democrats_rip_bush_in_8_way_debate/, 9/5/03)

I see everything in there and believe nothing.

Galt, I'm so surprised. You're a "Team Leader" too!

We're both members. Hi fellow "Team Leader!"

It just goes to show, President Clinton was right. We have more things in common than keep us apart.

Put ALL politicians in a large bag, shake it up, dump it, and you couldn't tell them apart! I say dump the whole works and start from scratch!

I can agree with that with one caveat. I've always done better during Democratic adminstrations. More jobs, less government snooping in my personal life and no right wing maniacs trying to flex their muscles at everyone else's expense.

Also vastly smaller deficits.

Well, there ya go. I did GREAT during the 80's and while the 90's were fine, advancement in income and career was stalled in my proffession during the 90's. Not complaining, just saying the 80's provided advancement in leaps and bounds for me while the 90's, especially late 90's (96 on) were at best, stagnet.

Well I don't know what your profession is but I can tell you average working people didn't do well under Reagan/Bush and aren't doing
well under the current Bush. That's a fact.

We did very well under Clinton. That's a fact too.

Yes, many, many did and as stated, i didn't do "badly" either, simply did better in the 80's.

Now, that settled, one stark fact remains and is directly connected to the site you are now using. The 90's saw unprecidented growth in technology that would have come, and would have boomed NO MATTER WHAT/WHOM was President of our country. Much of that economy (.com bubble) was based upon false hopes and misconception. The stock market (due largely to new technology stocks) rose to record highs at a whim. Then, when things began to burst, (early '99) it was clear, whomever was elected would be faced with an economy on a downslide. Then came the 9/11 ordeal and the struggles as a result. Would/could any other candidate have dealt with that better? Hard to say and immpossible to prove.

That all may very well be but I'm sure if the Republicans were in the White House during the boom they would have taken credit for it and blamed any
Democrat who followed if things went sour.

Instead the Republicans are blaming Clinton for the greates period of economic expansion in our nation's history and denying ANY responsibility for the
downslide. Even after two irresponsible tax cuts which added billions to the now record deficit. And after entering into an unnecessary conflict that will cost
hundreds of billions of dollars.

I don't see how anyone can not blame the Bush administration for the current sorry state of national affairs.


Golden Member
Dec 28, 2002
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: EndGame
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: EndGame
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: EndGame
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: xxxxxJohnGaltxxxxx
..so you probably saw this in there:

Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT): "I thought that John Kerry's statement in his announcement address -- that he voted for the resolution just to threaten Saddam Hussein -- was unbelievable. It was clearly an authorization for President Bush to use force against Saddam. ... I don't get it. He's been criticizing Howard Dean for lacking experience to lead America in the world today. It's true. It's not the best time to put a rookie in charge of our country's future. It hasn't been a good time to have a cowboy in charge of our future, but we also don't need a waffler in charge of our country's future." (Glen Johnson And Anne E. Kornblut, "Democrats Rip Bush In 8-Way Debate," The Boston Globe, http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2003/09/05/democrats_rip_bush_in_8_way_debate/, 9/5/03)

I see everything in there and believe nothing.

Galt, I'm so surprised. You're a "Team Leader" too!

We're both members. Hi fellow "Team Leader!"

It just goes to show, President Clinton was right. We have more things in common than keep us apart.

Put ALL politicians in a large bag, shake it up, dump it, and you couldn't tell them apart! I say dump the whole works and start from scratch!

I can agree with that with one caveat. I've always done better during Democratic adminstrations. More jobs, less government snooping in my personal life and no right wing maniacs trying to flex their muscles at everyone else's expense.

Also vastly smaller deficits.

Well, there ya go. I did GREAT during the 80's and while the 90's were fine, advancement in income and career was stalled in my proffession during the 90's. Not complaining, just saying the 80's provided advancement in leaps and bounds for me while the 90's, especially late 90's (96 on) were at best, stagnet.

Well I don't know what your profession is but I can tell you average working people didn't do well under Reagan/Bush and aren't doing
well under the current Bush. That's a fact.

We did very well under Clinton. That's a fact too.

Yes, many, many did and as stated, i didn't do "badly" either, simply did better in the 80's.

Now, that settled, one stark fact remains and is directly connected to the site you are now using. The 90's saw unprecidented growth in technology that would have come, and would have boomed NO MATTER WHAT/WHOM was President of our country. Much of that economy (.com bubble) was based upon false hopes and misconception. The stock market (due largely to new technology stocks) rose to record highs at a whim. Then, when things began to burst, (early '99) it was clear, whomever was elected would be faced with an economy on a downslide. Then came the 9/11 ordeal and the struggles as a result. Would/could any other candidate have dealt with that better? Hard to say and immpossible to prove.

That all may very well be but I'm sure if the Republicans were in the White House during the boom they would have taken credit for it and blamed any
Democrat who followed if things went sour.

Instead the Republicans are blaming Clinton for the greates period of economic expansion in our nation's history and denying ANY responsibility for the
downslide. Even after two irresponsible tax cuts which added billions to the now record deficit. And after entering into an unnecessary conflict that will cost
hundreds of billions of dollars.

I don't see how anyone can not blame the Bush administration for the current sorry state of national affairs.


Things would be exactly the same, only with Republican blame if Al had won! LOL! To be honest, given the circumstances, Al should be happy as hell he didn't win!

As for blame, that's a dangerous game. Nobody could have predicted how bad things could/would become and then throw 9/11 in and ALL bets are off! As for the tax cuts, I'll not say either way because in my current capacity, I pay SO much in taxes, (own and run a restaurant/nightclub with my wife) I'm for anything that lowers them a bit. After payroll taxes, SS taxes, income quarterlies, etc., I'm almost considering going back to work full time! (I'm currently semi-reitred).

Having said that, I do see that growth numbers have been pushed up for the current quarter and the outlook for next, and unemployment numbers have steadied and the outlook is for a decline in claims, so I don't know.


May 21, 2002
Well the first week of September came in with higher unemployment numbers over the last week of August. Kinda' backwards.
We'll see if things improve as they normally do when the holiday season approaches.

The real test will be if the holiday jobs are still around in the new year.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: BOBDN
I wasn't kidding in that post I was kidding in.
(Remainder of idiocy conveniently snipped for the sake of humanity)

No worries, Comrade Bob. When the propaganda portion of the Communist Party game starts up again, rest assured that you'll be notified thereof.


May 21, 2002
Originally posted by: burnedout
Originally posted by: BOBDN
I wasn't kidding in that post I was kidding in.
(Remainder of idiocy conveniently snipped for the sake of humanity)

No worries, Comrade Bob. When the propaganda portion of the Communist Party game starts up again, rest assured that you'll be notified thereof.

They say sense of humor is tied to mental capacity.

As for commies I'm not the one supporting an administration that has abrogated our rights and is attempting right now to further
their attack on the Bill of Rights. Currently they are trying to take away the necessity of the Grand Jury process. While they attack
nations pre-emptively forcing their political and economic system on them.

To the rest of the world that imbecile you support in the White House is acting more like a commie than the people in this nation
who disagree with him.

You people really need to stop calling everyone who disagrees with Bush commies. It's a real Nazi thing to do,


Senior member
May 31, 2000
Intead of making his speach in front of a mothball fleet aircraft carrier, John Kerry should have done it in front of a Waffle House!
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