I think my girlfriend is pregnant

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Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: crt1530
Originally posted by: manowar821
It is generally thought that brain activity is started at about week 22. A safe bet would be 15-20 weeks in, IMO.

Here, don't believe me?

Now, barring any kind of existence of a soul, what would be wrong with a week 15-20 abortion, morally?
I don't think abortion should be banned. Frankly, I don't care what other people do to their unborn offspring. That being said, there is no moral or ethical justification for destroying a fetus to avoid inconvenience. Terminating another lifeform to avoid nine months of (not insignificant) inconvenience reeks of selfishness and a complete lack of respect for life. Regardless of how many brain cells the fetus has or whether it could survive outside the womb at that point in time, you are killing a living organism because you don't feel like accepting the responsibility that accompanies sex.

Try 18 Years.


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: MercenaryForHire
Originally posted by: jpeyton

They haven't patched in 64-bit support yet? Bastards.

- M4H
Give them a break. Pregnancy is a legacy application. Our bodies should have spontaneously adapted to be unintended-pregnancy-and-STD-proof in the 1960's when society decided that unsafe casual sex with multiple partners was OK.


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: MyStupidMouth
Originally posted by: crt1530
Originally posted by: manowar821
It is generally thought that brain activity is started at about week 22. A safe bet would be 15-20 weeks in, IMO.

Here, don't believe me?

Now, barring any kind of existence of a soul, what would be wrong with a week 15-20 abortion, morally?
I don't think abortion should be banned. Frankly, I don't care what other people do to their unborn offspring. That being said, there is no moral or ethical justification for destroying a fetus to avoid inconvenience. Terminating another lifeform to avoid nine months of (not insignificant) inconvenience reeks of selfishness and a complete lack of respect for life. Regardless of how many brain cells the fetus has or whether it could survive outside the womb at that point in time, you are killing a living organism because you don't feel like accepting the responsibility that accompanies sex.

Try 18 Years.
Try adoption.


Golden Member
Feb 2, 2006
WOW! Look at where this thread has gone, and all because the OP mis-diagnosed a urinary tract infection as a possible pregnancy.
Oh, OP? She got the infection from you.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: crt1530
Originally posted by: MyStupidMouth
Originally posted by: crt1530
Originally posted by: manowar821
It is generally thought that brain activity is started at about week 22. A safe bet would be 15-20 weeks in, IMO.

Here, don't believe me?

Now, barring any kind of existence of a soul, what would be wrong with a week 15-20 abortion, morally?
I don't think abortion should be banned. Frankly, I don't care what other people do to their unborn offspring. That being said, there is no moral or ethical justification for destroying a fetus to avoid inconvenience. Terminating another lifeform to avoid nine months of (not insignificant) inconvenience reeks of selfishness and a complete lack of respect for life. Regardless of how many brain cells the fetus has or whether it could survive outside the womb at that point in time, you are killing a living organism because you don't feel like accepting the responsibility that accompanies sex.

Try 18 Years.
Try adoption.

Try Abortion.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Too bad, I'm sure both of you were looking forward to exercising your pro-choice viewpoints.

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Mr Pepper

The analogy does in fact work, if bodily integrity (this phrase could use some explanation) takes second place to another individual's right to live.
First of all, zygotes, embryos, and early-term fetuses are not "individuals," where that word is used as a synonym for "person." But nobody, person or non-person, has the right to live occupying another person's body, forcefully extracting nutrients from the host's body and injecting the host with hormones. So, no, in fact your analogy fails.




Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Bibble
For those of you with kids, please help me out.

11 days ago the condom broke, and I didn't notice until it was too late. She is on the pill, so I didn't think it was anything to worry about. (she did miss her pill 3 days ago by accident, but took two the next day like you're supposed to)

Flash to last night, she say she had to go to the bathroom really often (like twice in 10 minutes was the worst), and occasionally there is a little bit of blood. She was ok all of today except for like an hour ago when it happened again. We're afraid this could be the egg burrowing into the lining of her uterus.

Do you guys think she is indeed pregnant? I've pretty much come to accept the fact that she is, but I'm paranoid about everything and the only real reasoning I have is what I've just stated. I'd think the condom breaking is good enough reason to think she is, though.

She is calling Planned Parenthood tomorrow to schedule an appointment to find out what's going on. We agreed before we started having sex that in case this did ever happen, we would get an abortion. We are both finishing up our first year of college, so this really couldn't have happened at a worse time. I know the worst case scenario is that she gets an abortion behind the back of her/my parents over the summer, but that is a pretty damn bad scenario if you ask me. If her parents find out I doubt they will pay for her tuition anymore (they hate the fact that she's dating as it is), so our lives will be pretty much ****** then.

But, hopefully, I'm fretting over nothing. What do you think?

She went to the doctor's today to check out her UTI (after about 100 of you told me this, I convinced her that is what it was), they sent her to Planned Parenthood because that is where her campus' OB-GYN works out of. The doctor said she's completely sure she's not pregnant, and it would be a freak thing if she is. Of course, it won't be 100% until she gets her period, but I'll take the doctor's word for it.

Thank you to everyone who told me to calm down (I realize I should not have reacted this way). Also, thanks to those who gave their thoughts on whether or not it looked like she was pregnant

You know what this means right? It means you are not going to get any for a loooong time.

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: SilthDraeth
Originally posted by: Garth

Children are also born. What they may have on their hands is a zygote, which could eventually become an embryo and a fetus. Only on its birthday, should it have one, will it become a born, baby child.

And why should she have qualms about it? Its her body. She gets to decide if she's going to remain pregnant or not -- not you or anyone else. That's her right under the U.S. Constitution. Remember that pesky little document?

Actually it isn't a constitutional right. Thank you for trying.
Sure it is. Every person equally enjoys the right to live without another occupying their body, forcefully extracting nutrients from their blood and injecting their body with hormones against their will. It's implicit in the due process clauses of the fifth and fourteenth amendments.

And yes, technically it is a zygote, embryo, fetus, but it is still composed of living cells, created when sperm joined an egg, and created a new life form separate from both individuals. So it is still killing.
I never said it wasn't killing. Not all forms of killing are prohibited by law, however.

Originally posted by: manowar821
Killing living cells does not = murder. Is killing bacteria, murder? There is a point in the pregnancy when the fetus actually becomes "alive".
Not exactly. There's no point where the gametes, zygote, embryo, or fetus are NOT alive, techically. They simply aren't yet a person. Persons are protected by the law before non-persons, and persons are born.



Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2001
Originally posted by: CKent
I've had one break and knew right away because it felt too good. She's probably not pregnant if she was on the pill (even if she missed one) so try to relax. Even with no protection, I think women can only get pregnant a few days a month. Otherwise, have a cigar dad J/k, don't worry unless you have to worry (missed period, test comes out positive).

Hm...you got a source on that?

Oh, and the holier-than-thou pro-lifers in here (not you,ckent) seriously need to calm the fsck down. Abortion's nothing new. I don't intend to have the pro-choice/life debate here, cause that's not what this thread was about, but man...take a deep breath and chill.


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2003
Good news OP. I'll never forget the heart-in-mouth feeling when my ex said she'd bought a pregnancy test, even though she quickly said it was negative.


Sep 19, 2003
Originally posted by: Tobolo
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: MAME

you're right. They should have a child when they're clearly not ready for it. It definitely would not inhibit their lives and it's totally fair to the child. They better have this kid because it's their only chance to ever have a child.

you moron


Hey look, you still don't get it yet.

There's an extremely wide gap between sitting on the sidelines saying a couple should have an abortion, being the father saying that we should have an abortion, and actually being in the woman's shoes when she is carrying a baby.

You have no idea what is going through the mother's mind or her mental state or what it actually feels like or does to you emotionally when a woman carries a human being inside of her. If she is indeed pregnant (which is highly doubtful) she'd be a 19 year old college freshmen during finals having pre-marital sex, in a relationship her parents do not approve of.

You honestly expect her not to be bat-sh!t crazy in a situation like that?

I agree with you. I have witnessed two abortions (Not my own, but for a class). Anyone that would casually suggest an abortion has not. One woman was completely knocked out on medication and STILL screamed during the procedure. This is not just a easy thing to decide. It could haunt the mother the rest of her life (could not) but it is something that she needs to decide. IMO if she has any doubt AT ALL then she should not have one. You can always give the baby up for adoption.

and having a kid you're not ready for is a great alternative :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:


Senior member
Dec 14, 2006
Hey OP, if the girlfriend ends up needing antibiotics for the UTI, then you might have a reason to worry if you break another condom. Taking one bc pill late almost never results in ovulation, some antibiotics can increase the failure rate of bc though.

I actually think the OP and his girlfriend have been far more responsible than most people are- they're using two forms of birth control and actually had a discussion with each other about what they'd do in the event the bc failed, instead of waiting to talk until an emergency situation came up and perhaps discovering they couldn't agree.

Solution to the pro-life/pro-choice debate: talk to anyone you're potentially going to shag beforehand and only screw people you can agree with.

Adoption is not as easy an option for an unwanted pregnancy as some people seem to think it is... you still have to pay for medical costs related to the pregnancy and birth (a lot more money than an abortion costs, most college students would be in debt for a hell of a long time), and (legal) abortion has a far lower risk of health complications and death than carrying a pregnancy to term and giving birth does. Some women end up with longlasting health problems, or are absolutely miserable for most of a year even if there's no longterm damage. You don't just decide to put it up for adoption and your problems are over, the woman's body still has to build and incubate the thing, and then get it out. I'd rather not take the risk unless I want a kid, if other women want to that's up to them. You also have no idea if the kid will be placed in a good home or not, and there's already a lot of kids around waiting to be adopted.


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2002
Originally posted by: fisher
btw the pill is NOT 100%, just fyi to those who seem to think it is. it's good, like 99.9999%, but i know people who have had kids on condoms and the pill, so it happens.

The kids probably don't belong to the guy that was wearing the condom...
May 5, 2007
Nothing like asking the opinion of members about "girl problems". The closest that most of them has gotten to sex is internet porn.....
Perhaps you should try washing your privates a little better. More than likely you gave her a UTI while you were bumping your crusty ugly against hers.


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: MAME
Originally posted by: Tobolo
Originally posted by: BigJ
Originally posted by: MAME

you're right. They should have a child when they're clearly not ready for it. It definitely would not inhibit their lives and it's totally fair to the child. They better have this kid because it's their only chance to ever have a child.

you moron


Hey look, you still don't get it yet.

There's an extremely wide gap between sitting on the sidelines saying a couple should have an abortion, being the father saying that we should have an abortion, and actually being in the woman's shoes when she is carrying a baby.

You have no idea what is going through the mother's mind or her mental state or what it actually feels like or does to you emotionally when a woman carries a human being inside of her. If she is indeed pregnant (which is highly doubtful) she'd be a 19 year old college freshmen during finals having pre-marital sex, in a relationship her parents do not approve of.

You honestly expect her not to be bat-sh!t crazy in a situation like that?

I agree with you. I have witnessed two abortions (Not my own, but for a class). Anyone that would casually suggest an abortion has not. One woman was completely knocked out on medication and STILL screamed during the procedure. This is not just a easy thing to decide. It could haunt the mother the rest of her life (could not) but it is something that she needs to decide. IMO if she has any doubt AT ALL then she should not have one. You can always give the baby up for adoption.

and having a kid you're not ready for is a great alternative :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:

And naturally I should have known that you'd be too damn stupid to realize the bolded sentence on your own, or at least take 3 seconds to actually read an entire post.

I'd never want to take away someone's choice to have an abortion, and I'd also never want people to have abortions and thinking nothing of it. There's a lot more to the decision then just saying "Well we're pregnant, time for an abortion." It's real easy to say that on the sideline, and even easier to say when you're not going to have the procedure done to your body. Whether you want to believe it or not, having an abortion is not an easy decision to make.


Jan 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Garth
Originally posted by: SilthDraeth
Originally posted by: Garth

Children are also born. What they may have on their hands is a zygote, which could eventually become an embryo and a fetus. Only on its birthday, should it have one, will it become a born, baby child.

And why should she have qualms about it? Its her body. She gets to decide if she's going to remain pregnant or not -- not you or anyone else. That's her right under the U.S. Constitution. Remember that pesky little document?

Actually it isn't a constitutional right. Thank you for trying.
Sure it is. Every person equally enjoys the right to live without another occupying their body, forcefully extracting nutrients from their blood and injecting their body with hormones against their will. It's implicit in the due process clauses of the fifth and fourteenth amendments.

And yes, technically it is a zygote, embryo, fetus, but it is still composed of living cells, created when sperm joined an egg, and created a new life form separate from both individuals. So it is still killing.
I never said it wasn't killing. Not all forms of killing are prohibited by law, however.

Originally posted by: manowar821
Killing living cells does not = murder. Is killing bacteria, murder? There is a point in the pregnancy when the fetus actually becomes "alive".
Not exactly. There's no point where the gametes, zygote, embryo, or fetus are NOT alive, techically. They simply aren't yet a person. Persons are protected by the law before non-persons, and persons are born.

I like your POV. A person is not a person until a intangible high level consciousness manifests on top of the underlying medium known as cells.

It's the difference between destroying a blank hard drive or one that has been in use for 5 years and given the PC it's 'personality'. It is the abstract data on the medium that we consider sentient life, not the medium it subsists within.

I can't say when that occurs in humans though, so that choice is best left up to the individual. A government can only serve a diverse population if it regulates minimally. The more you regulate, the more you alienate select groups, etc.

The people that cry that cells are sacred should look in the mirror. Every second there are a million cells dying in their body while new ones replace them, and every time they take a shower, they are committing genocide.
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