I want thank you cards from rural folks


Jan 14, 2013
It's about time. Rural folks have been subsidized by the urban and xurban areas for so long and they are so damn ungrateful. Therefore they should be required to send folks in the cities at least one thank you card per year. A thanks for us subsidizing their lifestyles. I don't expect everyone to live in a city, but goddamnit, if you are going to be out in the sticks you need to give thanks to your providers. Instead they simply attack us and vote for the most horrific people and ideas. It's just so inconsiderate. Maybe if these regressives had to write a detailed thank you letter to us every year listing all the things our money makes possible for them, they'd start to get some sense into them, cause they ain't got much now.

We can shorten the list by only requiring Republican voters in the sticks to send thank you cards. They are the ones that are really unappreciative of the hands that feed them.
Feb 4, 2009
People in hell want ice water…
Luke 16:4:

And he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.’

Basically it is a story of a rich man who ignored those in need and was arrogant. Lazaruth was in Heaven and the rich man in Hell they were separated by an impassable, large chasm (or distance). The Rich Man who knew Lazaruth still showed no signs of letting his arrogance go by crying out (which in context is he asked god to send Lazaruth a lowly man to serve him) to have Lazaruth first cross an enormous expanse, second enter the fires of Hell and finally deliver one meaningless drop of water to him. The Rich Man gave zero fucks about what happens to Lazaruth.
Talk about the ultimate arrogance. Hard to beat that.
Reactions: pcgeek11 and iRONic


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
I don't know that I completely agree with the OP's assertation that cities subsidize rural areas. As expensive as cities are to run...I suspect that the rural areas end up subsidizing city life.

(but youse city dwellers keep paying your taxes...I need a new road/bridge, etc...and we can't afford it ourselves.)


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2005
maybe everyone could start paying unsubsidized prices for food too.

we produce nearly all of our meat on our property, and should be up to maybe 30 or 40 % of veg this year.
Reactions: pcgeek11

Zor Prime

Golden Member
Nov 7, 1999
Alright, boys. Time to wrap up and close down all the farms throughout the countryside, MrSquished has got this and is serving sewer rat this evening at dinner.


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
I don't know that I completely agree with the OP's assertation that cities subsidize rural areas. As expensive as cities are to run...I suspect that the rural areas end up subsidizing city life.

(but youse city dwellers keep paying your taxes...I need a new road/bridge, etc...and we can't afford it ourselves.)
Err every single study shows rural areas receive more than they pay in taxes...
Reactions: [DHT]Osiris


Sep 4, 2005
Alright, boys. Time to wrap up and close down all the farms throughout the countryside, MrSquished has got this and is serving sewer rat this evening at dinner.

These arguments are so dumb, like farmers are giving away their crops out of the kindness of their heart. We literally pay them for their crops and livestock. Like a farmer could survive without selling what they produce, lol.
Reactions: Meghan54 and dank69

Zor Prime

Golden Member
Nov 7, 1999
These arguments are so dumb, like farmers are giving away their crops out of the kindness of their heart. We literally pay them for their crops and livestock. Like a farmer could survive without selling what they produce, lol.
Who's going to make it if the world turns upside down, a farmer or (insert hundreds of other professions?) Take a guess who has an irreplaceable commodity.

I'd like to see the notion put into actual practice. Farmers stop selling their shit to anyone or anything to do with a large city and sit back and see what happens. Fun experiment don't you think. You know what would happen, right? It would be such a crisis that the government would intervene, that's how bad it would be.

I don't know about you but I'm so comfortable in knowing what the outcome would be that I would be willing to see it begin before the day is out. I'll be on the last plane out the local airport here tonight in California back to my property in West Virginia and watch the fireworks. I've got a cellar that doubles as a bunker with approx a year of canned goods. Let's do this for about 6, 8 months and comb over the results a year out and see what you have to say afterward.


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2005
These arguments are so dumb, like farmers are giving away their crops out of the kindness of their heart. We literally pay them for their crops and livestock. Like a farmer could survive without selling what they produce, lol.
farmers are beholden to government price fixing in food markets. not directly, but through all of the subsidy, crop insurance, furloughed land..... list of government controlled programs that influence the price of our food is miles long. I am guessing a lot of the money you speak of is these programs, which effect the food prices in all places including dense cities.

i know exactly what it takes to produce lamb meat from lambing to freezer and you are getting a screaming deal at the super market.

though my lamb meat is far far superior.


Jan 14, 2013
Who's going to make it if the world turns upside down, a farmer or (insert hundreds of other professions?) Take a guess who has an irreplaceable commodity.

I'd like to see the notion put into actual practice. Farmers stop selling their shit to anyone or anything to do with a large city and sit back and see what happens. Fun experiment don't you think. You know what would happen, right? It would be such a crisis that the government would intervene, that's how bad it would be.

I don't know about you but I'm so comfortable in knowing what the outcome would be that I would be willing to see it begin before the day is out. I'll be on the last plane out the local airport here tonight in California back to my property in West Virginia and watch the fireworks. I've got a cellar that doubles as a bunker with approx a year of canned goods. Let's do this for about 6, 8 months and comb over the results a year out and see what you have to say afterward.

Sure, people will stop earning their livelihood to spite people. I mean I know red rural dumbfucks are dumb, but they like their money.

Your plan sounds like a fun life; solid aspirational life goals and you don't sound bitter at all. So why don't you just move to your place in West Virginia now and get out of the liberal hellhole that is California like right fucking now? Seriously. There are plenty of decent people in CA that need to buy or rent homes when the shite folks let themselves out the door. But why not go to your West Virginian paradise now? We'll start a go fund me.
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Feb 4, 2009
Who's going to make it if the world turns upside down, a farmer or (insert hundreds of other professions?) Take a guess who has an irreplaceable commodity.

I'd like to see the notion put into actual practice. Farmers stop selling their shit to anyone or anything to do with a large city and sit back and see what happens. Fun experiment don't you think. You know what would happen, right? It would be such a crisis that the government would intervene, that's how bad it would be.

I don't know about you but I'm so comfortable in knowing what the outcome would be that I would be willing to see it begin before the day is out. I'll be on the last plane out the local airport here tonight in California back to my property in West Virginia and watch the fireworks. I've got a cellar that doubles as a bunker with approx a year of canned goods. Let's do this for about 6, 8 months and comb over the results a year out and see what you have to say afterward.
I’ll tell you what would happen. Their farms would collapse from debt and us city dwellers would simple pay extra short term for groceries and buy them from Canada or Mexico or anywhere else that’s capable of shipping their farm goods.
Big companies would never turn a market away so I suspect there would be a little blip of price increases or shortages then the big corporate owned farms would fill that void. To my amateur understanding nearly everything produced comes from a large corporate farm already.
Reactions: JD50 and dank69


Jan 14, 2013
farmers are beholden to government price fixing in food markets. not directly, but through all of the subsidy, crop insurance, furloughed land..... list of government controlled programs that influence the price of our food is miles long. I am guessing a lot of the money you speak of is these programs, which effect the food prices in all places including dense cities.

i know exactly what it takes to produce lamb meat from lambing to freezer and you are getting a screaming deal at the super market.

though my lamb meat is far far superior.

I would buy some of your lamb. I bet it's absolutely amazing.

Being of middle eastern heritage, it's a fundamental food group. If I could I would shop for small local/regional farms that raise humanely and organic. We do have those options but they are quite expensive, a bit much for on the regular, but ok to do some of the time.


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2005
I would buy some of your lamb. I bet it's absolutely amazing.

Being of middle eastern heritage, it's a fundamental food group. If I could I would shop for small local/regional farms that raise humanely and organic. We do have those options but they are quite expensive, a bit much for on the regular, but ok to do some of the time.
we do everything from bailing the hay to butchering right here. i started bailing with my neighbors when i starting figuring out i have more than 10 bucks per lb in the freezer just in hay!!!


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It's about time. Rural folks have been subsidized by the urban and xurban areas for so long and they are so damn ungrateful. Therefore they should be required to send folks in the cities at least one thank you card per year. A thanks for us subsidizing their lifestyles. I don't expect everyone to live in a city, but goddamnit, if you are going to be out in the sticks you need to give thanks to your providers. Instead they simply attack us and vote for the most horrific people and ideas. It's just so inconsiderate. Maybe if these regressives had to write a detailed thank you letter to us every year listing all the things our money makes possible for them, they'd start to get some sense into them, cause they ain't got much now.

We can shorten the list by only requiring Republican voters in the sticks to send thank you cards. They are the ones that are really unappreciative of the hands that feed them.
Try not to fall in love with every hot bean that crawls up your ass. It leads down as a path where you will have to be committed.
Your facts are correct. Rural people receive more in tax benefits than they contribute, a widely underappreciated fact that results from the socialism we have built into our system to attempt to improve the lives of those who are at the low end of income or whose representatives have political leverage to swing favors that benefit their rural voters.

You excel in critiquing the lack of gratitude among the bitter which has made you bitter yourself. Try saying grace more often before you eat. Nobody I know will hear you but it might contribute to making you more lovable as a person. Not everybody is like me and sees past the unpleasantness you project to notice the god within you. We are all the same. Love the farmer, love the world.

Zor Prime

Golden Member
Nov 7, 1999
So why don't you just move to your place in West Virginia now and get out of the liberal hellhole that is California like right fucking now? Seriously. There are plenty of decent people in CA that need to buy or rent homes when the shite folks let themselves out the door. But why not go to your West Virginian paradise now? We'll start a go fund me.
I would if I could if not for primo California pussy. Imagine a guy being dictated by pussy. We all have our weaknesses. I do what I can to find loopholes and work around it. But it is on the radar.


Nov 21, 2001
I stayed up late last night watching this Independent Lens documentary on PBS.
I highly recommend watching it for a little insight on farm life in the midwest.
Greener Pastures

Zor Prime

Golden Member
Nov 7, 1999
we do everything from bailing the hay to butchering right here. i started bailing with my neighbors when i starting figuring out i have more than 10 bucks per lb in the freezer just in hay!!!
Bailing hay all day is one hell of a workout. Separates the men from the gym bros. I'm assuming you're picking up the bails that get shit out and fling them onto a trailer -- then stacking them in a loft, later. Even with the conveyor belt it's a bitch. I'd rather walk into any gym and piss off any random dude in there than to walk onto a farm and insult Darryl. He can keep kicking your ass for hours in between replenishing Copenhagen, Skoal or Grizzly. I only row these days with some strength training on the side and I don't want to be fuckin' with no Darryl.

But I used to bail hay. Bailing hay in the sweet shining ass crack of summer is no joke. Especially if you were up all night partying, spending the next day bailing and puking and contemplating that jumping in front of a combine isn't necessarily a horrible idea. lol

Other family members operated a slaughter house and we also ran a sawmill but I never dealt with either of those festivities. Now we just have a mobile sawmill you tote around behind a truck for private non-commercial use. Gone are the commercial farm days, fam only bails hay mostly for trade and horses and keeping swathes of land cleared out for said horses.
Reactions: RearAdmiral


Jan 14, 2013
I would if I could if not for primo California pussy. Imagine a guy being dictated by pussy. We all have our weaknesses. I do what I can to find loopholes and work around it. But it is on the radar.
Oh Christ. You are a sad sack. And probably full of shit.

What's the matter, maga white trash real American white women don't don't do it for you? Walk the walk, even if you are probably an incel.
Reactions: iRONic


Jan 14, 2013
Try not to fall in love with every hot bean that crawls up your ass. It leads down as a path where you will have to be committed.
Your facts are correct. Rural people receive more in tax benefits than they contribute, a widely underappreciated fact that results from the socialism we have built into our system to attempt to improve the lives of those who are at the low end of income or whose representatives have political leverage to swing favors that benefit their rural voters.

You excel in critiquing the lack of gratitude among the bitter which has made you bitter yourself. Try saying grace more often before you eat. Nobody I know will hear you but it might contribute to making you more lovable as a person. Not everybody is like me and sees past the unpleasantness you project to notice the god within you. We are all the same. Love the farmer, love the world.
I'd like five thank you cards from you plus a gift card. And a fruit basket. Filled with ammo from your cherished collection.


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2010
I don't know that I completely agree with the OP's assertation that cities subsidize rural areas. As expensive as cities are to run...I suspect that the rural areas end up subsidizing city life.

(but youse city dwellers keep paying your taxes...I need a new road/bridge, etc...and we can't afford it ourselves.)
This has actually been shown true. A good example is looking at what would happen if you removed the Chicago metro from Illinois. Why would that ever happen you say? Because we have 20+ rural Illinois counties represented by Republican politicians who actively campaign on such a separation and claim that the rural areas are subsidizing liberal elites in the city. In reality, removing Chicago from Illinois would make Illinois one of the poorest states in the nation.

Furthermore, rural counties in Illinois get between $1.70 and $2.88 back in taxpayer dollars for every $1.00 they pay in. Urban and Suburban counties receive less than $1.00 in tax revenue for every $1.00 they put in.

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I'd like five thank you cards from you plus a gift card. And a fruit basket. Filled with ammo from your cherished collection.
From my priceless treasures you take only what you can carry. I like guns for their craftsmanship. Ammo I have little of and little interest in. I have personally fired only two of my guns and one was as a kid. The other maybe twenty rounds. Two have never been fired by anybody. I built a pretty high end AR 15 for the fun of it but need a bench vice to torque the barrel so it sits waiting for me to finish it. I spent hours and hours of pleasurable moments learning about the platform and buying the parts and tools to put it together. It should be good out over 600 yards but sadly my yard isn’t that big.

Unlike the mentally I’ll who want to shoot people I don’t have a place I want to go to shoot. The desert is my choice but it’s far away. I also have not purchased a muzzle device. The choices are astounding. What would you recommend. Flash hiders are illegal in California so can’t be one of those.
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