I was hit. :-o

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Diamond Member
May 20, 2000
SO you took a 15 year old girl out, knowing that she had snuck out of the house against her father's wishes....and your're crying like a little bitch because you got hit over the head with a toy.
Let me tell you something, if that had been my daughter you would have been pummeled to ground beef.

You asked for it, so suck it up and live with it.


Apr 22, 2003
Originally posted by: Rogue

How old are you? You've obviously not been around too many situations for too long, have you? First off, the offenses nearly balance each other out. Considering the cases like Polly Klaas and Elizabeth Smart, how can you not understand the momentary anger this parent displayed upon discovering his daughter missing from his house? We don't know that he didn't wake up and find her missing from her bed with no explanation at all, now do we? In fact, I'm sure that's what happened. Second, this 17 year old male removed this 15 year old child from her home after curfew. He took her god knows where and did god knows what with her. He may never admit to what he actually did to us or anyone else anyway. I caught my brother's 15 year old girlfriend in a tent with two sleeping bags zipped together and two condom wrappers underneath. They both said they didn't have sex until the used condom was found nearby. Third, you are obviously a part of either this current generation or a generation past that insists on taking no responsibility for their own irresponsible actions. He knew what he was doing was wrong, he must have known that he could suffer some consequences for it and he did, minor ones at that. So he got something thrown at him, if that's even what happened. It's not like he was brutally beaten and kicked by this guy. He even admitted more or less that he suffered no real physical damage. Now ask me why I should waste my time, my department's time, my court's time and the tax payers hard earned money to take a case and run with it on this one? All things told, this one is a no brainer that I would guess easily better than 50% of cops in this country would not waste their time on. Keep in mind also, that you have no relevant experience in dealing with criminal matters other than watching COPS and you know less than I do about the legalities of this entire situation, even though he hasn't even really given us a full detailed story in the first place. Never mind the fact that no court in it's right mind is going to prosecute this case under all the circumstances listed above and you've got yourself one big bull$hit party.

Uhm, simple assault is simple assault, and assaulting a minor is assaulting a minor. Aggrivating and Mitigating circumstances are supposed to be left to the court to decide. I call BS on you even being a cop.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: amdforever2
Like a plastic thing a kid would ride around on or something. A plastic firetruck or something, I'm not even sure it was that. I drove off before taking time to examine his weapon of choice. Hard plastic though.

Doesn't matter if I'm bleeding, which I'm not.

He assaulted a minor and given the opportunity to make him pay I will.

Go outside your vehicle and place you hands firmly on the hood and then head butt the hood as hard as you can....this should produce blood which will make your case stronger...



Diamond Member
May 3, 2001
Aw man, I came late to the party!

I'd say he was lucky to get out alive. Where I live (deep south), bringing a 15 year old girl home at 2am will get you shot.

In my opinion Rogue is being nice for the forum... the cops I know around here would believe the father's story over your's any day of the week.

If I were you, AMD... I'd never go near the girl or her father again.
Dec 4, 2002
this thing is 4 pages :Q

i think this guy got "hit" pretty bad as last night, when he started the thread, we couldnt beat out any details....the whole first page short sentances to describe a very vague situation.



Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
dont you hate it when the original poster neglects their thread...

seriously though im interested to hear what his parents have to say.

and what was he doing just sittign outside int he car with her...seems to me there are alot of 'plot' holes as it where.

first off he got hit with a toy truck..then he tries to pull away steppign lightly ont he gas yeah ok, as the guys comes up to him..dont you guys think the guys reached for the keys thinking he was going to get run over....

i think both may be in the wrong..and should just leave it at that....besides i really dont think we are gettign the whole story...

maybe there is soem histroy between the both of them...we are gtting a one sided story and very iffy and lacking in details at that.

so coem on AMD tell us everythign and update


Senior member
Apr 6, 2000
Holy cow, long thread.

1. He shouldn't have hit you. It was wrong. He was probably being a good protective father, didn't realize you were just 'a friend' and acted out of emmotion.
2. You probably shouldn't have been driving with his daughter past his curfew knowing what you did.

Your both young, so I understand #2. And he was just being a protective parent, who probably acted rashly - so I can forgive #1. As far as I see, you were both in the wrong and should both be men about it and either talk about it or go on your separate ways. No need to press charges, go to court, or stir up more crap. Either talk it out one on one with the dad, or move on.

Both of you are responsible for the events, and were both in a way wrong.

My .02


Oct 17, 2002
If you think getting hit with a toy firetruck sucked, wait till you get hit with a legal bill when the court finds your case frivilous. Don't sue, egg the dudes house, enjoy it, and move on.


Jan 28, 2000

You can throw your BS card all you want, but I have nothing to hide. I am a Military Policeman stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas. Now before you go throwing all this BS around that you know nothing about, I am strictly law enforcement and haven't fired an M-16/M-4 in nearly 6 years. I worked for over a year as a Military Police Investigator, a position which works primarily in cases involving juvenile incidents such as this one as well as other felony crimes committed on the installation and off. I work jointly with various local law enforcement agencies including Junction City Police Department, Geary County Sherrif's Office, Riley County Sheriff's Office and the post CID detachment. I've been trained by not only the Army, but also the Kansas State Bureau of Investigation, the Kansas State Highway Patrol and various other local agencies that conduct law enforcement training. I have many friends with over a hundred total years of service in law enforcement to draw experience from and I am positive that if I ran this situation past them, as it's been presented so far, that they would with a better than 75% certainty rule the same way I have. Although you would like to think that all laws are the same and all crimes should be enforced the same way, very often regional or local problems convey a different action on the same crime. We don't know that this entire situation has occurred in an area where juvenile delinquency and misconduct is rampant and that this father, in his attempt to protect his daughter from it, didn't conduct himself in a manner consistent with what the local law enforcement agency would permit, but alas, neither do I. I only speak of my experience and I've stated my resolution time and again and I think all told, it's reasonable, more reasonable than most other LE officers would permit. So while you sit back and question my credentials, I question yours to even rule on this matter with any kind of professionalism or experience. So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride, because you have absolutely no experience in this matter other than "thinking" you know what you're talking about.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Gulzakar
I have personal responsibility, but staying out after curfew is a rather common thing with TEENAGERS. If you didn't, well good for you...but I did. It's what teenagers do. Your speaking like an old man, you have to try and remember what it was like to be a teenager. Spare me the high and mighty routine... I think most of you spent or are spending these years plopped in front of a computer.

and no, it DOESN'T matter if it was a toy or fist...you would have to look at intent. His intent was to harm, REGARDLESS of what he used. The only reason to strike someone is to harm them in some way. He is a minor, even if he is 17...the only time somone is considered an adult is under extreme cases...usually murder.

You have no concept of law. Please don't try to lecture me on mens rea(go google that). I never doubted an intent, but mens rea and actus rea are two different beasts. Please understand WTF you are talking about before you post. I am tired of this street law BS. No, I am not posting like an old man, I was 17 not long ago at all myself. I am just trying to give the kid some advice on how to act instead of learning it the hard way like me. I am tired of being assuming that I am taking a moral high road in any of these threads. I am TRYING TO TELL YOU NOT TO LEARN THE HARD WAY LIKE ME. Is that so hard to understand?

Secondly, I spent very little of my teenage years in front of a computer. Most of mine was spent with my friends and getting in trouble. I was stupid back then. In fact, I am dealing with a situation right now in which I have to call a friend of mine up(Cop) who arrested another friend of mine last night. Some questionable ethics went on, and I am trying to understand his reasoning, because it seems out of character. There are two sides to EVERY single story and that is the toughest part of a Cop's job. I am going to ask my bud what he was perceiving and why he lost his cool. Nothing more. I am not concerned with any details, or crossing the ethical boundaries here. Sometimes things are perceived that don't exist and people lost their cool. EVERYONE of us is human. Please understand that humans are not capable of always making the right or just decision. Sometimes they have to be told by another person they made a mistake, or sometimes they think they made a mistake and they have to be reassured. Look, I can tell you think I am taking the side of the Dad, but I am really not. I just recognize the original poster's kind. He thinks he is invincible and can go terrorize the streets, and then sue someone when he pisses on the wrong person. Life is funny like that. I am not going to sit down with my Cop buddy and accuse him of anything. I am going to ask him what went on just like I asked my friend. My hope is to mediate something that I think should not have happened, nor would any LEO on this board.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: nan0bug
Originally posted by: Rogue

How old are you? You've obviously not been around too many situations for too long, have you? First off, the offenses nearly balance each other out. Considering the cases like Polly Klaas and Elizabeth Smart, how can you not understand the momentary anger this parent displayed upon discovering his daughter missing from his house? We don't know that he didn't wake up and find her missing from her bed with no explanation at all, now do we? In fact, I'm sure that's what happened. Second, this 17 year old male removed this 15 year old child from her home after curfew. He took her god knows where and did god knows what with her. He may never admit to what he actually did to us or anyone else anyway. I caught my brother's 15 year old girlfriend in a tent with two sleeping bags zipped together and two condom wrappers underneath. They both said they didn't have sex until the used condom was found nearby. Third, you are obviously a part of either this current generation or a generation past that insists on taking no responsibility for their own irresponsible actions. He knew what he was doing was wrong, he must have known that he could suffer some consequences for it and he did, minor ones at that. So he got something thrown at him, if that's even what happened. It's not like he was brutally beaten and kicked by this guy. He even admitted more or less that he suffered no real physical damage. Now ask me why I should waste my time, my department's time, my court's time and the tax payers hard earned money to take a case and run with it on this one? All things told, this one is a no brainer that I would guess easily better than 50% of cops in this country would not waste their time on. Keep in mind also, that you have no relevant experience in dealing with criminal matters other than watching COPS and you know less than I do about the legalities of this entire situation, even though he hasn't even really given us a full detailed story in the first place. Never mind the fact that no court in it's right mind is going to prosecute this case under all the circumstances listed above and you've got yourself one big bull$hit party.

Uhm, simple assault is simple assault, and assaulting a minor is assaulting a minor. Aggrivating and Mitigating circumstances are supposed to be left to the court to decide. I call BS on you even being a cop.

I call BS on you knowing WTF you are talking about. Evidently, you have never heard of discretion have you? Cops have that. Secondly, assault in this case is not clearly defined. We have one party's details, no witnesses, and a biased account. You are ready to hold to your statement that it would be assaulting a minor? I will tell you right now that the original poster isn't even going to call the cops. If he had, they would have never told him to come in tomorrow. They would have wanted to make a report and document any injuries right then.

P.S. I call BS on you having a brain.


Golden Member
Dec 5, 2002
Originally posted by: Rogue

You can throw your BS card all you want, but I have nothing to hide. I am a Military Policeman stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas. Now before you go throwing all this BS around that you know nothing about, I am strictly law enforcement and haven't fired an M-16/M-4 in nearly 6 years. I worked for over a year as a Military Police Investigator, a position which works primarily in cases involving juvenile incidents such as this one as well as other felony crimes committed on the installation and off. I work jointly with various local law enforcement agencies including Junction City Police Department, Geary County Sherrif's Office, Riley County Sheriff's Office and the post CID detachment. I've been trained by not only the Army, but also the Kansas State Bureau of Investigation, the Kansas State Highway Patrol and various other local agencies that conduct law enforcement training. I have many friends with over a hundred total years of service in law enforcement to draw experience from and I am positive that if I ran this situation past them, as it's been presented so far, that they would with a better than 75% certainty rule the same way I have. Although you would like to think that all laws are the same and all crimes should be enforced the same way, very often regional or local problems convey a different action on the same crime. We don't know that this entire situation has occurred in an area where juvenile delinquency and misconduct is rampant and that this father, in his attempt to protect his daughter from it, didn't conduct himself in a manner consistent with what the local law enforcement agency would permit, but alas, neither do I. I only speak of my experience and I've stated my resolution time and again and I think all told, it's reasonable, more reasonable than most other LE officers would permit. So while you sit back and question my credentials, I question yours to even rule on this matter with any kind of professionalism or experience. So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride, because you have absolutely no experience in this matter other than "thinking" you know what you're talking about.



Jan 28, 2000
I've settled with ScottyB. We're cool now, I think anyway. It's these other what we like to call "barracks lawyers" trampling through here spouting their BS and rhetoric. Glad to see someone with some common sense and real world experience join the fray with the other, I think, two of us.


Mar 20, 2000
He can get thrown in jail for assault on a minor. Or you could just go back with your boys and show him how you roll. Fvck his ass up and scream some fake gang name.


Golden Member
Jul 26, 2002
I call BS on the whole thing until we see an update from the original poster.


Jan 28, 2000
Funny MacGaven, real funny. My credentials are called into question, I lay them out clearly for the involved party, and anyone else who doubts to see, and you resort to ignorant rebuttals to somehow disuade my professional assessment of this situation and discredit me after seeing my credentials? I said I was a cop. I was questioned on it. I reaffirmed my position with detail and now I'm overbearing? Thanks for the comment about the big penis by the way. It's always nice to hear the truth once in a while from some of you guys running around here. What is your profession may I ask?


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: MacGaven
Originally posted by: Rogue

You can throw your BS card all you want, but I have nothing to hide. I am a Military Policeman stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas. Now before you go throwing all this BS around that you know nothing about, I am strictly law enforcement and haven't fired an M-16/M-4 in nearly 6 years. I worked for over a year as a Military Police Investigator, a position which works primarily in cases involving juvenile incidents such as this one as well as other felony crimes committed on the installation and off. I work jointly with various local law enforcement agencies including Junction City Police Department, Geary County Sherrif's Office, Riley County Sheriff's Office and the post CID detachment. I've been trained by not only the Army, but also the Kansas State Bureau of Investigation, the Kansas State Highway Patrol and various other local agencies that conduct law enforcement training. I have many friends with over a hundred total years of service in law enforcement to draw experience from and I am positive that if I ran this situation past them, as it's been presented so far, that they would with a better than 75% certainty rule the same way I have. Although you would like to think that all laws are the same and all crimes should be enforced the same way, very often regional or local problems convey a different action on the same crime. We don't know that this entire situation has occurred in an area where juvenile delinquency and misconduct is rampant and that this father, in his attempt to protect his daughter from it, didn't conduct himself in a manner consistent with what the local law enforcement agency would permit, but alas, neither do I. I only speak of my experience and I've stated my resolution time and again and I think all told, it's reasonable, more reasonable than most other LE officers would permit. So while you sit back and question my credentials, I question yours to even rule on this matter with any kind of professionalism or experience. So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride, because you have absolutely no experience in this matter other than "thinking" you know what you're talking about.


Is that really necessary? Rogue has been much nicer than me in this thread. Attack me, but don't attack him. Oh wait, you are scared of how I will respond, and you know he will keep his cool. Fvck you MacGaven.


Platinum Member
Oct 12, 2002
This thread has now gone into complete nonsense. Also, I think the creator just ditched it after the second call of shenatigans. I also called BS right when I read it. The dad probably hit him with a toy hammer, you know, the kinds that go *squeak*
Dec 4, 2002
ah, i love this thread.

quite funny how a few of the uneducated, unexperienced teenagers try to revolt with such deffenses as crude humor & conspiracy bs. Then it is even more laughable to see the "old people" bitch slap the 'youngins' back to their place.


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2001
It's these other what we like to call "barracks lawyers" trampling through here spouting their BS and rhetoric.

You know, virtually no one has actually advocated a lawsuit, or even jail time, on either side of this debate... so I fail to see why you and a couple of others are still hung up on that issue.


Jan 28, 2000
It's not even lawsuit or jailtime that I'm worried about. It's thinking that he's gonna somehow, and I quote, "He assaulted a minor and given the opportunity to make him pay I will." He has little or no recourse in the matter and there are many people falsely stating that he has a good case against this parent. I'm not arguing the merits of the offense or the elements of the crime other than to say that the entire thing is shaky. People are running around saying, "Dude, call the cops and hook his ass up!" and things like that and it negates his wrongdoings by supporting this farce. I'll answer back when I get more information, otherwise, I'm not wasting my time any further. I'll keep an eye out though. It'll be interesting. BTW, it's well past "come by in the morning and file a report" and still nothing back from him. I wonder why?


Elite Member
Nov 5, 2000
Rogue, this is way OT for this thread, but I have a question about stalking laws if you don't mind my asking.

I'll try to put it simply. Is the street simply public domain or can it be used for stalking. In other words, does the stalking have to take place on private property to be considered stalking?


Golden Member
May 27, 2003
Originally posted by: Azraele
Rogue, this is way OT for this thread, but I have a question about stalking laws if you don't mind my asking.

I'll try to put it simply. Is the street simply public domain or can it be used for stalking. In other words, does the stalking have to take place on private property to be considered stalking?

I believe you have to get a restraining order before you can enact a stalking charge. The restraining order would dictate how close that person could come within you and would apply anywhere including a public street.



Jan 28, 2000
I'll let Whade answer that one as I've never had to deal with stalking. I do know that public photography is permissible, so I would venture that following someone in public places would be also. I believe stalking has a general rule of "violating someone's personal domain" or some type of context like that. There is definitely a progressive rule though in that the person being stalked must enact some kind of legal measures for protection and have that person violate those, but I'm not a 100% on that. I'd have to look up stalking laws in Kansas to get a good feel for what other localities might enforce.
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