I will never buy another XFX product


Jan 28, 2001
I need to start off by saying this;
You know how you buy a brand of product and it or the customer interaction you get from the company providing it turns out to be fantastic? Remeber how your next trip to the store spurs you to head for that product or brand?
It's called brand loyalty, and wht you are about to read is an exercise is brand DISloyalty.

I had trouble with a line of XFX items. The 7900GS.
Does that make ALL XFX bad? No.
Just the one I am speaking about (and there are rumors that the other AGP ported card, the 7950GT, is just as bad).
At any rate, please take this as a warning against this product line.
I refuse to deal with XFX ever again due to my issues.
I am NOT trying to talk you out of that shiny PCIe XFX product, or the XFX AGP 6600GT.
I would NOT buy a 7900GS or 7950GT, and I think you should read why.

I have titled this thread appropriately;
It says "I will never buy another XFX product"
It does not say "You should never buy another XFX product"

Lastly, a warning: There are a lot of details I have left out for the sake of keeping this brief.
Assume I'm not an idiot and am able to troubleshoot with a good degree of accuracy before replying. Thanks

I bought an XFX 7900GS AGP from newegg.
5 weeks into it the card crashes during Bioshock and I get corrupted graphics. I can no longer get into windows.
I post onto the Bjorn3D website forum, as they have sold out (sorry, "sponsored by" ) to XFX.
I was told to RMA it.
I do.

A week goes by and I ask what is happening with the RMA. XFX support on the Bjorn forum says it will be sent the next day. It isn't. I ask 2 days later. I am told it will be sent that day. It doesn't.
2 days later it gets sent.
I call to complain. The guy says "Our shipping company had some troubles. It wasn't our fault". I'm like, but it was YOUR responsibility to get the card sent out to me. He says No, "It was the shipping companys errors".

I get told that 2 weeks is a good turn around for computer parts RMA.
I explain my average is probably 3 days (for sure less than a week) in these situations for getting through the receipt of an RMA.

So I get the new card. And I start getting random BSODs.
I knew it was the card because I was completely stable before. My PSU (Antec True Power 430), was more than adequate, and no other hardware or drivers had been changed - hard to install stuff when your system is down for 2-3 weeks at a time.
My original corruption (with strange non alpha-numeric characters on BIOS screen, during windows boot screen, et cetera), did not make my computer unstable, just unusable. It was now unstable.
I reformat. I try 10+ driver sets. I swap hardware (no spare video card though). Nothing helps.

I RMA that card.
I get the new card and still have BSODs - the process this time only took a week, because I demanded they cross ship.
I get the new card. Same thing.

FOUR CARDS into it, and I am still BSOD'ing and XFX is still able to confirm that the cards are indeed bad.

I ask, then demand to speak to someone higher up than the tech supervisor I had been in contact with, and I am told no. They refuse to let me talk to anyone higher.
I'm sorry, I feel like for my troubles they should at least be expressing regret.
And I feel like a good company might try tossing me a bonus for hanging in there.

I guess my big issue isn't with their 2+ week RMA process.
My issue is only partly with them taking NO accountability or responsibility in getting my card back to me in a timely manner.
My issue with XFX is largely because I was LIED to TWICE.
TWICE I was told the card shipped and it did not.
I prefer the companies I deal with to stand by their word, and be accountable when something goes south along the way.
XFX did neither.

I also have issues with the fact that it seems this 7900GS and 7950GT line seems to have quality issues above and beyond the normal failure rate.

It has taken better than 3 months for this process. And it has been a fairly continual process - maybe a week of running the RMA card before I can confirm it is not related to any other hardware, so XFX is averaging like 3 weeks per RMA. Unacceptable by my standards.

Am I sure the cards are bad? Yes.
Is XFX sure the cards are bad? Yes.

And to play my own devils advocate, if it was something in what was left of my system causing it, then why was I completely stable with my first XFX card?
But the first card worked PERFECT, for the 5 weeks it ran.
Then I got the RMA and had issues immediately.
I took the system down to just the basics.
I swapped MB's back and forth and still had issues.
I swapped PSU's back and forth and still had issues.
I swapped Memtested RAM in and out and still had issues.

The good news it this has spurred me to move to PCIe.

And in good faith as a last chance for them to redeem themselves, my last RMA I told them I would be moving to PCIe, and would gladly take a comparably valued card if they wanted to be done with this issue.
They offered me a PCIe 7900GS. I pointed out that I paid $180+ for my AGP 7900GS and they wanted to "upgrade" me to a $110 PCIe card?No way.

They could have kept me as a customer and been done with this issue had they not spent chance after chance screwing me over.

Sure the move to PCIe was a complete build, but I no longer have to hassle with XFX.
So the money was worth it.

I will NEVER buy another XFX product.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Arrrghhh. Someone pass me the Mylanta. Do me a favor. Next time you RMA the card, don't install it in your rig. Just send it to me. After it works fine, I'll send you the money for it.

I'm not saying it's impossible to get a bad card here and there. Maybe even two. But FOUR cards??? Please.


Senior member
Dec 2, 2006
One issue I find with your complaint. It does not appear that you ever tried another video card to test your system, or put the video cards into another system.

I have worked in a recording studio with long chains of cables and components. Any time we had a problem and started to troubleshoot it, we always tried to replace suspect parts with 'known good' parts. Or put the suspect part into a known good system.

If you did these things (as you might have, given your disclaimer) you should have put that into the rant. As that would totally back up your complaint without more than a line or two added.


Jan 28, 2001
I could see those issues if XFX themselves weren't telling me these cards are faulty.
How is that not testing the card in another system?

Also, the original (until it corrupted) and the 6600GT I had for a year before it worked perfectly.


Senior member
Dec 2, 2006
The problem I see is that your old computer could be killing your video cards. If you used a known good card, and in the same time frame, it came up bad in a similiar way, then you would have a reasonable idea that something else was the issue.

Stuff changes. The fact that it used to work right doesn't neccesarily mean that it is working right now. Not saying you didn't get 4 bad in a row, just that you didn't fully test to my satisfaction. For what that's worth....

Definitely sounds like a pain though. And it doesn't have anything to do with bad support and cusomer service from XFX.


Jan 17, 2007
The most important and incriminating point in the original post was that the FOUR video cards were CONFIRMED FAILED by XFX.

There are three possible conclusions, in my opinion based on the OP:

1. His AGP system failed and broke the first GPU he bought, and then the same failure expanded and corrupted the other cards. Whether true or not can be easily tested by trying a confirmed 'working' video card in his system (something he didn't or couldn't do). This version seems highly unlikely - components don't just cause permanent damage to each other, unless its a badly failing PSU.

2. XFX didn't actually test the cards he sent to RMA, only said they did. Maybe it's more cost effective for them to just send someone a new card over and over regardless of whether what he sent back is truly broken. The 'broken' part goes into the 'refurbish this' bin, and another refurbished part that passes testing ships out. This way XFX only pays for testing once.
If his system has a failure the four working cards would appear broken, and 'confirmed' by XFX, while actually being working parts and his system being the one broken.

3. XFX has a production issue with AGP version of 7900GS with compatibility problems with certain system configurations and they don't care about it because it's a phased out part. This would mean that his system was fine and four cards sent were indeed broken. OR he was truly unlucky with four bad cards in a row.

Since I didn't read about other people having massive failures with AGP 7900GS, I'm leaning towards the 2nd possibility.

What is certain is that XFX didn't handle his case as well as they could have. They confirmed FOUR failures of their cards and approved returns. That in itself, regardless of what was really going on, is enough to start treating this customer as an exception case, apologizing for the delays, and offering some kind of compensation (higher priced retail box video card).

They didn't, and I would personally think twice before picking them among the manufacturers for my next upgrade.


Jan 28, 2001
Originally posted by: Gautama2
You fail at basic troubleshooting procedure.

Please elaborate.
The only area in dispute is that I didn't put the card in a different system.
And you're right. I didn't.
XFX did. And they found it faulty.

Originally posted by: Amart
What is certain is that XFX didn't handle his case as well as they could have. They confirmed FOUR failures of their cards and approved returns. That in itself, regardless of what was really going on, is enough to start treating this customer as an exception case, apologizing for the delays, and offering some kind of compensation (higher priced retail box video card).

They didn't, and I would personally think twice before picking them among the manufacturers for my next upgrade.

Great points.
1) I did swap out the PSU, but there is that slim chance that both my PSU were failing, despite them working fine with other hardware.
2) I specifically asked XFX the porcess used for finding my video cards faulty to make sure they weren't just taking my word for it and allowing my troubleshooting to find nonfaulty cards faulty. I was told that at least part of their testing (I would assume the preliminary testing) is to put the card into their test system and run 3Dmark 2006. The 3 RMAs failed this test quickly. (The original card they probably couldn't even boot with, the graphicalm corruption was so great that the BIOS information on boot looked Japanese).
3) This is where I am left, and why I posted this here (and elsewhere). I feel AGP users looking to upgrade should know there are HUGE issues with this card design - I feel it lays from taking an existing PCIe design and "porting" it to AGP, although I don't know the technical details.

How can I say that?
Well, let's just look at Newegg - not as a definitive answer, but just to get a cross section

Please take the time to actually READ the user reviews on the second link. The 4/5 "egg" rating is VERY misleading on this product when you have people with card failures giving the card 4 or 5 "eggs".

Some other google links


Golden Member
Jun 13, 2006
Heh, skim-read and missed that you swapped PSU's. Also seeing your other testings, I take back my statement. Still, I would've done more testing before attacking XFX's name. Such as trying a different wall-wart and definetely try it in a friends system.


Mar 9, 2005
Well I've bought two xfx cards and I'll soon go through the rma process with them over the 6800gt. With that said I just went through an rma with viewsonic. It took them over a month to repair and return one of my lcd monitors. I had to call them if I wanted updates so it was a 40 minute call counting on hold time waiting to speak to someone. They didn't even let me know they were shipping it back to me. The fedex guy just showed up one afternoon while I was outside with a box. Will I buy another viewsonic product? Probably not but I'm not on the forum bashing them. I did however bash corsair after they gave me a multiweek run around before refunding my money for ram they couldn't replace. The op has old hardware and a known questionable ps so take it for what it's worth.


Oct 19, 2004
While I can definitely see your frustration, I'm trying to figure out how this is such a big thing. Companies routinely have crappy CSR stories. Look at Bell, Rogers, AOL, Wal-Mart, etc...looks like you were just unlucky. I'm sure that had you persisted - they would eventually have given you an equivalent value PCI-E upgrade. Then again, I suppose we all have to vent somewhere


Jan 28, 2001
Originally posted by: DeathSniper
While I can definitely see your frustration, I'm trying to figure out how this is such a big thing. Companies routinely have crappy CSR stories. Look at Bell, Rogers, AOL, Wal-Mart, etc...looks like you were just unlucky. I'm sure that had you persisted - they would eventually have given you an equivalent value PCI-E upgrade. Then again, I suppose we all have to vent somewhere

Not saying the experience with XFX could not have happened anywhere to anyone on any product. Again, I'm not all huffy about it. Heck it pushed me to PCIe so it really is a win for me.

But, and here is why I am posting this....
If my 4 cards were bad, and XFX has said they were, and I agree.
What are the odds?

Some will say I'm just some idiot that is in over his head.
Some will say that I am just incredibly unlucky.
Chances are neither of these groups are on the market for an AGP solution.

But there will be some that ARE on the market for an AGP card, and (with any luck) will either make their buying decision with the whole story, or will go in blindly only to find what I have found, which is...

I feel that the 79** series of AGP cards has some sort of rudimentary issues that lead it to have a shorter lifespan, and a higher failure rate.


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2004
And in good faith as a last chance for them to redeem themselves, my last RMA I told them I would be moving to PCIe, and would gladly take a comparably valued card if they wanted to be done with this issue.
They offered me a PCIe 7900GS. I pointed out that I paid $180+ for my AGP 7900GS and they wanted to "upgrade" me to a $110 PCIe card?No way

The price you paid for the AGP 7900GS isn't really relevant to XFX or the discussion. They offered you an exact PCIe replacement for your AGP card, which makes it a comparable value plus it lets you migrate over to PCIe on their dime. Clearly XFX has made every attempt to get you a working video card. Obviously, you're upset, but don't you think it costs them way more money to give you 4 cards for the price of the one that you originally paid for? They aren't really gaining anything from all this.

btw... If you think 2 weeks is abnormal for RMAing a video card, I think you are mistaken. Retailers tend to offer faster RMA turn around times than manufacturers (I don't know why, but it seems to be the case), so if you're comparing retail RMA turn around times to manufacturer, they will generally be longer.

EVGA always has taken 2 weeks when I've stepped up (twice) and the one time I had to exchange a 6800GT. My "best" experience was with HISTech. ...well actually their North American distributor, since they don't actually do their own RMA in North America... OVER TWO MONTHS to get an X1900XTX replaced from HISTech!!!! It was my own fault though because I bought it from a retailer that didn't offer me a warranty without paying extra.

My advice: don't worry as much about the brand of the card, but where you buy it from. A reputable retailer is almost always easier to deal with than a manufacturer. I bought my XFX 8800GTS 512MB from Newegg and it comes with a 30 refund/1yr replacement guarantee - provided that I don't cut out the original UPC. So, I have to decide if the $20 rebate is worth losing the 1 yr replacement guarantee from Newegg. Another option is to buy from brick and mortar stores. It's usually a little more expensive, but nothing beats same day exchange/refund.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Lower
I bought an XFX 7900GS AGP from newegg.
i thought i read it ... some ??s ...

WtH didn't you use NewEgg's RMA service? .. it is back within a few days ... unless you got a refurb or one not covered by their 1-year *exchange* warranty

and you should test another card in your rig ... just in case



Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2004
Just had another thought... How are you supplying power to the card? Are you running a line with a 4-pin molex directly from the PSU to the card, or are you sharing a line with other components? I ask because I had an issue very similar to the one you describe with a 6800GT. I actually RMAed one for a garbled BIOS screen, and the one I got back did the same thing. After posting on here, someone recommended that I re-examine my wiring. It turns out that I had added an extension to the line coming from my PSU to my 6800GT (for neatness purposes), and after I removed that it worked without a hitch. The 6-series and the AGP 7-series are very picky about where their power comes from. The 7-series especially because the G70 core is actually designed to get more power from the PCIe slot than AGP can supply, so the extra molex connector is really vital and should be connected directly to the PSU and not shared with anything else.

btw... You've never mentioned what the rest of your components are...


Golden Member
Jul 19, 2006
Didn't accept a 7900GS PCI-e ? Should have. Better than nothing. Cost isn't really relative. Someone who bought a 6800Ultra for $500 back in the day shouldn't expect a 8800GTX for a replacement because they are the same price.

Situation sucks for sure. Not much else they could of done, short of testing the card specifically for you to make sure.


Jan 28, 2001
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Lower
I bought an XFX 7900GS AGP from newegg.
i thought i read it ... some ??s ...

WtH didn't you use NewEgg's RMA service? .. it is back within a few days ... unless you got a refurb or one not covered by their 1-year *exchange* warranty

and you should test another card in your rig ... just in case

I cut the UPC for the rebate.
I suppose I could have still asked, and I'd even wager that Newegg, being the incredibly awesome company they are, probably would have supported me.
Maybe I'll still ask.

Originally posted by: nitromullet
Just had another thought... How are you supplying power to the card?

btw... You've never mentioned what the rest of your components are...

PSU was swapped back and forth, and because I was running minimal components (CPU, single stick of RAM and video) I doubt it was the line - heck there wasn't anything else on the line anyway.
I haven't mentioned the components because this isn't a trouble shooting thread.
I have sold all the parts off, and once my final RMA gets delivered it will become someone elses' crap shoot.
I'm now on an XFX-free PCIe system, and loving it.

Originally posted by: vhx
Didn't accept a 7900GS PCI-e ? Should have. Better than nothing. Cost isn't really relative. Someone who bought a 6800Ultra for $500 back in the day shouldn't expect a 8800GTX for a replacement because they are the same price.

Situation sucks for sure. Not much else they could of done, short of testing the card specifically for you to make sure.

Why? My thinking is I can take the AGP, which has a higher resale value, and sell it for more than I could the PCIe.
Since I am done with XFX, it's not like I am looking at anything more than my own bottom line.
But let's just say I was interested in a 7900GS PCIe card. Doesn't it make more sense to sell the AGP for $150-ish and then buy a PCIe card for $110, pocketing the $40?
I thought so


Sep 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Lower
How can I say that?
Well, let's just look at Newegg - not as a definitive answer, but just to get a cross section
About three weeks ago, I compared these two seemingly identical XFX 7900GS cards and noted the huge difference in ratings between them. I even mentioned it when I recommended the 7900GS to someone on this forum, pointing to the XFX card merely as an example of 7900GS (not necessarily recommending that specific card).

The "PVT71KUDF3" had HUGELY better ratings, but even it appears to be creeping downward (with more bad ratings coming in), probably as more cards are failing. Weird.

Don't forget to file a complaint with the BBB. No, its not going to trigger a criminal investigation, but the BBB does work to resolve complaints. Make sure that you input your desired outcome/resolution in the BBB complaint form. At this point, I would insist on a full refund, since XFX doesn't appear to have the capability to provide you with a working replacement.


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2004
Don't forget to file a complaint with the BBB. No, its not going to trigger a criminal investigation, but the BBB does work to resolve complaints. Make sure that you input your desired outcome/resolution in the BBB complaint form. At this point, I would insist on a full refund, since XFX doesn't appear to have the capability to provide you with a working replacement.

Complaint for what? XFX bending over backwards to replace his card THREE times, and offering an EXACT replacement card but in PCIe which he turned down? Look, we can slice this up any number of different ways, but I can almost guarantee you that this is user error or a hardware problem on his end. I'm sorry, but anyone running AGP this close to 2008 doesn't exactly have my vote as "most likely to have the best PSU" or other components.

by the way... the difference between those two 7900GS cards is the memory clocks... One is clocked at 1200 and the other at 1320.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Lower
And in good faith as a last chance for them to redeem themselves, my last RMA I told them I would be moving to PCIe, and would gladly take a comparably valued card if they wanted to be done with this issue.
They offered me a PCIe 7900GS. I pointed out that I paid $180+ for my AGP 7900GS and they wanted to "upgrade" me to a $110 PCIe card?No way.


you gave up there?

Any good negotiator knows about a *counter-offer*

Tell them what you want as a replacement; show them the online prices at vendors ... show them this thread.
--BUT, above all else, be *reasonable*.. Neither you or the company is going to be "happy" with your settlement. But it is better than nothing plus anger.

You have to realize that XFX does not feel your pain. You feel it ... and you are also not in a court asking for "pain and suffering" [which you would *never* get in this kind of small claims]. You were entitled to "warranty service". Whether by bad luck, coincidence or perhaps a MB fault with the AGP slot - you had 4 cards go bad and they offered to replace each one - finally agreeing to cross-ship. They even offered to swap a similar PCIe card for the AGP one - which is not in their warranty anywhere. They don't need to "redeem" themselves - perhaps it costs the company the same amount for either card - You just didn't like what they offered you as replacement. So ...

i'd say give them another chance ... put your negotiator suit back on and contact them again. Tell them what you'd like as a replacement and also tell them you will be a XFX customer for life and tell it on the forums how well they treat you. Be Prepared - show knowledge of current online vendor pricing for comparable cards [especially of competitor's cards that are currently 'on sale' ] Have a 2nd choice ready also. And perhaps ask for a refund.

Report back here after you negotiate more skillfully and especially more completely.




Jan 28, 2001
Originally posted by: apoppin
you gave up there?

Any good negotiator knows about a *counter-offer*

Uh, no. I didn't give up there.
I told them that I appreciated them looking into a PCIe upgrade, but needed an equivalently valued card. They said no.
I basically explained that they could keep me as a customer, or they could lose me as a customer. Their actions would be the deciding factors, not their card.

They proceeded with the AGP RMA.
I asked that I get a retail boxed card since they send those for cross shipments, and it would assure me I got the highest market price back out of the card since they would be losing me as a customer.
They said they would be sending a brown box version.

Cooperative to the very end, they certainly were.
Of course maybe when the box gets here Wednesday it'll have XFX stock options in it or some other "bonus" and I'll look the fool.
Stay tuned to find out.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Lower
Originally posted by: apoppin
you gave up there?

Any good negotiator knows about a *counter-offer*

Uh, no. I didn't give up there.
I told them that I appreciated them looking into a PCIe upgrade, but needed an equivalently valued card. They said no.
I basically explained that they could keep me as a customer, or they could lose me as a customer. Their actions would be the deciding factors, not their card.

They proceeded with the AGP RMA.
I asked that I get a retail boxed card since they send those for cross shipments, and it would assure me I got the highest market price back out of the card since they would be losing me as a customer.
They said they would be sending a brown box version.

. . .

Of course maybe when the box gets here Wednesday it'll have XFX stock options in it or some other "bonus"
and I'll look the fool.
Stay tuned to find out.
Yeah, Polonium dust ... use extra care in opening the box


So you are getting your FIFTH card? AGP and OEM?
- i think they might have got a little annoyed by your telling them to send a "retail box" and that you were done with them as a customer.
--finally we get the whole story

- at this point, i would just sell the damn thing and buy something else. i don't think i would put it back in my rig ...

good luck


Sep 7, 2001
Originally posted by: nitromullet
Complaint for what? XFX bending over backwards to replace his card THREE times, and offering an EXACT replacement card but in PCIe which he turned down?
Oh right, and you'd be fine with your tire dealer stating "OK, we have no more 16" tires that don't come apart when you get 100 miles down the road, but don't worry, we can give you these vastly superior 18" tires as 'replacement'. Sure, you'll have to spring for an extra $1200 to replace your 16" wheels, and probably another $2000 to modify your fenders so the tires won't rub...but man it'll be off the hook! You good wit dat?"

Or "We don't have any more Socket 939 processors but here you go - a brand new Pentium Dual-Core! A new motherboard and RAM will only set you back $100 or so. Oh, and you'll probably have to replace your perfectly good AGP video card with a PCI Express model, so figure another $100. We good?"

How is it that you don't see any problems with these scenarios, and still have enough brain cells to rub together in order to use a computer so that we might be graced with your idiocy?

Look, we can slice this up any number of different ways...
Indeed, we can:

Slice 1. you = idiot
Slice 2. you = imbecile
Slice 3. you = moron

ALLLRIGHTY THEN!! After over 11,000 posts here, you should have learned some form of forum manners. Apparently, you chose the other road. Here's a slice for you.

Slice 1. you = 1 week off.

Anandtech Moderator - Keysplayr2003

Take your pick. They're all pretty good to me, but you may have your own personal preference.

but I can almost guarantee you that this is user error or a hardware problem on his end. I'm sorry, but anyone running AGP this close to 2008 doesn't exactly have my vote as "most likely to have the best PSU" or other components.
Right...because people who purchased current hardware three years ago surely must be less technically competent than those who purchased current hardware last month. The more time that passes since a hardware purchase, the less competent people become. Similarly, those who purchased hardware today will magically become incompetent if they are still hanging on to that hardware three years from now.

Your powers of reasoning and logic are nothing short of stunning.

by the way... the difference between those two 7900GS cards is the memory clocks... One is clocked at 1200 and the other at 1320.
And yet have remarkably disparate ratings, as well as an equally remarkable consistency among the problems described by reviewers giving poor and very poor ratings.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2002
Originally posted by: Amart
The most important and incriminating point in the original post was that the FOUR video cards were CONFIRMED FAILED by XFX.

There are three possible conclusions, in my opinion based on the OP:

1. His AGP system failed and broke the first GPU he bought, and then the same failure expanded and corrupted the other cards. Whether true or not can be easily tested by trying a confirmed 'working' video card in his system (something he didn't or couldn't do). This version seems highly unlikely - components don't just cause permanent damage to each other, unless its a badly failing PSU.

2. XFX didn't actually test the cards he sent to RMA, only said they did. Maybe it's more cost effective for them to just send someone a new card over and over regardless of whether what he sent back is truly broken. The 'broken' part goes into the 'refurbish this' bin, and another refurbished part that passes testing ships out. This way XFX only pays for testing once.
If his system has a failure the four working cards would appear broken, and 'confirmed' by XFX, while actually being working parts and his system being the one broken.

3. XFX has a production issue with AGP version of 7900GS with compatibility problems with certain system configurations and they don't care about it because it's a phased out part. This would mean that his system was fine and four cards sent were indeed broken. OR he was truly unlucky with four bad cards in a row.

Since I didn't read about other people having massive failures with AGP 7900GS, I'm leaning towards the 2nd possibility.

What is certain is that XFX didn't handle his case as well as they could have. They confirmed FOUR failures of their cards and approved returns. That in itself, regardless of what was really going on, is enough to start treating this customer as an exception case, apologizing for the delays, and offering some kind of compensation (higher priced retail box video card).

They didn't, and I would personally think twice before picking them among the manufacturers for my next upgrade.

i bet it was #2

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