I wish my g/f would lose about 15lbs and tone up a bit

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Feb 25, 2004
Originally posted by: Gurck
Who the hell is ripping anyone to shreds over not looking like a fasion model? Nobody! You're past defensive on this issue, you're launching retalitory nukes without provocation... If it's any consolence though, you have plenty of company :disgust:

Yep. This is why you can't touch this subject. You ask a girl to maybe tone up a bit, and without even knowing it you've gone from "we should exercise some more" to "You must lose 35 pounds, stop eating, get breast implants and grow 7 inches." And women complain men don't communcate enough? Its like you're a runner between two platoons and to get the message across you have to run through a 300 yard mine field. Chances are, you're just going to get blown up and the message will be lost anyway so why bother?


Jan 23, 2001
GB, I hope you realize the difference between a fit 140 and a fat 140. I really hope. Obviously we havn't gotten any pictures or a BF% because those 2 things would end this discussion.


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999
Originally posted by: skace
GB, I hope you realize the difference between a fit 140 and a fat 140. I really hope. Obviously we havn't gotten any pictures or a BF% because those 2 things would end this discussion.

the woman being discussed is 5ft 10 for christ sakes and at that height 140 is not overweight by any recognized medical chart!


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: skace
GB, I hope you realize the difference between a fit 140 and a fat 140. I really hope. Obviously we havn't gotten any pictures or a BF% because those 2 things would end this discussion.

Height/weight is like a cpu's rated mhz - it's only a vague indication of the true situation. Not only does it vary based on muscle &amp; fat amounts, but some people can quite literally be more dense than others (no pun intended ). I have a friend who sinks in water even with his lungs full of air to the bursting point, which makes most people float.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2001
Originally posted by: Geekbabe
Originally posted by: skace
GB, I hope you realize the difference between a fit 140 and a fat 140. I really hope. Obviously we havn't gotten any pictures or a BF% because those 2 things would end this discussion.

the woman being discussed is 5ft 10 for christ sakes and at that height 140 is not overweight by any recognized medical chart!


(read the fscking thread)

The chart has NOTHING to do with it. She has LESS muscle than she should from not working out, and MORE fat than she should from not eating a decent diet.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
I think the post by the chick who said it would break her heart if she knew her B/F was talking about her weight on a forum populated with "Male Models" was pretty poignant. I bet your G/F's heart would be broken too if she knew what a schmuck you were.


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
I think the post by the chick who said it would break her heart if she knew her B/F was talking about her weight on a forum populated with "Male Models" was pretty poignant. I bet your G/F's heart would be broken too if she knew what a schmuck you were.

Yeah, real men don't try to work things out, right RD? :disgust: It's not like he gave out any personal info or posted a picture.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
I think the post by the chick who said it would break her heart if she knew her B/F was talking about her weight on a forum populated with "Male Models" was pretty poignant. I bet your G/F's heart would be broken too if she knew what a schmuck you were.

wtf? it's not like a conned her into letting me take naked pics then posting them or something. It's not like one of her coworkers knows who I am and is going to pull it on her in front of her friends.

imo it's not even as bad as talking to one of my personal friends (who might end up telling her)

this is a way of trying to seek help in the matter without letting her get hurt.


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999
Originally posted by: armatron
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
I think the post by the chick who said it would break her heart if she knew her B/F was talking about her weight on a forum populated with "Male Models" was pretty poignant. I bet your G/F's heart would be broken too if she knew what a schmuck you were.

wtf? it's not like a conned her into letting me take naked pics then posting them or something. It's not like one of her coworkers knows who I am and is going to pull it on her in front of her friends.

imo it's not even as bad as talking to one of my personal friends (who might end up telling her)

this is a way of trying to seek help in the matter without letting her get hurt.

Well,if your way of seeking help is such a smart move,why not bring her here and show her this thread?

I'm sure she'd appreciate your sensitivity on her behalf.Btw,I agree with the gal who said she'd be broken hearted if her b/friend ever did such a thing.I'd curl up into a ball and want to die of embarrassment.


Jan 23, 2001
The point of posting anonymously to a forum is so that you can get a question answered without people who know you ever knowing the problem existed. This goes doubly for what armatron is doing. To bring her to the forum and show her and explain that it was her would destroy the entire point of posting in on a forum in the first place.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2001
Originally posted by: Geekbabe
Originally posted by: armatron
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
I think the post by the chick who said it would break her heart if she knew her B/F was talking about her weight on a forum populated with "Male Models" was pretty poignant. I bet your G/F's heart would be broken too if she knew what a schmuck you were.

wtf? it's not like a conned her into letting me take naked pics then posting them or something. It's not like one of her coworkers knows who I am and is going to pull it on her in front of her friends.

imo it's not even as bad as talking to one of my personal friends (who might end up telling her)

this is a way of trying to seek help in the matter without letting her get hurt.

Well,if your way of seeking help is such a smart move,why not bring her here and show her this thread?

I'm sure she'd appreciate your sensitivity on her behalf.Btw,I agree with the gal who said she'd be broken hearted if her b/friend ever did such a thing.I'd curl up into a ball and want to die of embarrassment.

Show me one post of MINE why I was being insensitive. Of course she would be broken hearted. That's exactly why I'm not going to talk to one of my/our friends... she would probably eventually find out. This is, imo, the best way of me finding the best way to let her know.

I told her a day or two ago about how I feel; and now she understands why.


Mar 16, 2004
Well I think you know what you have to do, armatron. Go to the nearest Pizza Hut and see if you can get some kind of frequent customer discount. Feed her till she can't fit out the damn door. Only then will you have ATOT's acceptance :disgust:

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
I think the post by the chick who said it would break her heart if she knew her B/F was talking about her weight on a forum populated with "Male Models" was pretty poignant. I bet your G/F's heart would be broken too if she knew what a schmuck you were.

Yeah, real men don't try to work things out, right RD? :disgust: It's not like he gave out any personal info or posted a picture.
Well speaking as a real man the last thing I would do is ask advice from the likes of you as you obviously haven't a fscking clue BOY!

If I were the OP I definately wouldn't come here asking for advise. What I would do is get her to change by changing my lifestyle. First of all start eating healthier. If that means he has to start cooking and buying the food then so be it. Secondly I would become more physically active in things that the both of us could do (go on hikes, join a gym, buy a couple of bikes and go riding on the weekend). The extra benefit is that the OP would get into better shape too instead of just being a skinny dork who has yet to hit his natural adult weight which could be a lot heavier than he is now if he doesn't take control of his diet and health.

This seems so obvious to me that I can't understand why someone needs to come here and ask what to do.


Feb 25, 2004
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
I think the post by the chick who said it would break her heart if she knew her B/F was talking about her weight on a forum populated with "Male Models" was pretty poignant. I bet your G/F's heart would be broken too if she knew what a schmuck you were.

Yeah, real men don't try to work things out, right RD? :disgust: It's not like he gave out any personal info or posted a picture.
Well speaking as a real man the last thing I would do is ask advice from the likes of you as you obviously haven't a fscking clue BOY!

If I were the OP I definately wouldn't come here asking for advise. What I would do is get her to change by changing my lifestyle. First of all start eating healthier. If that means he has to start cooking and buying the food then so be it. Secondly I would become more physically active in things that the both of us could do (go on hikes, join a gym, buy a couple of bikes and go riding on the weekend). The extra benefit is that the OP would get into better shape too instead of just being a skinny dork who has yet to hit his natural adult weight which could be a lot heavier than he is now if he doesn't take control of his diet and health.

This seems so obvious to me that I can't understand why someone needs to come here and ask what to do.

Read thread. No, really read it this time. He's already exercising more and is trying to include her in that. He tried to lead by example, when that didn't work, he gave her a nudge. Any more bright ideas?


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
I think the post by the chick who said it would break her heart if she knew her B/F was talking about her weight on a forum populated with "Male Models" was pretty poignant. I bet your G/F's heart would be broken too if she knew what a schmuck you were.

Yeah, real men don't try to work things out, right RD? :disgust: It's not like he gave out any personal info or posted a picture.
Well speaking as a real man the last thing I would do is ask advice from the likes of you as you obviously haven't a fscking clue BOY!

If I were the OP I definately wouldn't come here asking for advise. What I would do is get her to change by changing my lifestyle. First of all start eating healthier. If that means he has to start cooking and buying the food then so be it. Secondly I would become more physically active in things that the both of us could do (go on hikes, join a gym, buy a couple of bikes and go riding on the weekend). The extra benefit is that the OP would get into better shape too instead of just being a skinny dork who has yet to hit his natural adult weight which could be a lot heavier than he is now if he doesn't take control of his diet and health.

This seems so obvious to me that I can't understand why someone needs to come here and ask what to do.

What's your fixation with calling people kids? I'll be 27 in a month. I don't see anything wrong with posting anonymously for help with a relationship, much less how it (or agreeing with it) makes one immature. If it's so wrong, why don't I see you flaming in every YAGT? There's no shortage of them on ATOT. I get the feeling there's something here, weight-related, that you're not telling us... Is your S/O significantly overweight? Are you?

Anyway, changing your lifestyle wouldn't work in his situation - as you know, because I know all 1337 members read the full thread before posting ( :disgust: ), he already exercises. Likewise for eating healthy. As you also already know (from reading the thread...) they're both 19 and the assumption is that they do not live together, which sorta kills taking over the grocery shopping.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: PingSpike
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
I think the post by the chick who said it would break her heart if she knew her B/F was talking about her weight on a forum populated with "Male Models" was pretty poignant. I bet your G/F's heart would be broken too if she knew what a schmuck you were.

Yeah, real men don't try to work things out, right RD? :disgust: It's not like he gave out any personal info or posted a picture.
Well speaking as a real man the last thing I would do is ask advice from the likes of you as you obviously haven't a fscking clue BOY!

If I were the OP I definately wouldn't come here asking for advise. What I would do is get her to change by changing my lifestyle. First of all start eating healthier. If that means he has to start cooking and buying the food then so be it. Secondly I would become more physically active in things that the both of us could do (go on hikes, join a gym, buy a couple of bikes and go riding on the weekend). The extra benefit is that the OP would get into better shape too instead of just being a skinny dork who has yet to hit his natural adult weight which could be a lot heavier than he is now if he doesn't take control of his diet and health.

This seems so obvious to me that I can't understand why someone needs to come here and ask what to do.

Read thread. No, really read it this time. He's already exercising more and is trying to include her in that. He tried to lead by example, when that didn't work, he gave her a nudge. Any more bright ideas?
It takes more than exercise, it also takes a healthy diet Bucko Plus there is more to exercise than going to the gym. For most women the gym is a necessary evil where for a guy working out is fun. Try different forms of exercise that she might enjoy. Hell maybe do something that is a sacrifice to you but that she would enjoy like Dance Lessons.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
I think the post by the chick who said it would break her heart if she knew her B/F was talking about her weight on a forum populated with "Male Models" was pretty poignant. I bet your G/F's heart would be broken too if she knew what a schmuck you were.

Yeah, real men don't try to work things out, right RD? :disgust: It's not like he gave out any personal info or posted a picture.
Well speaking as a real man the last thing I would do is ask advice from the likes of you as you obviously haven't a fscking clue BOY!

If I were the OP I definately wouldn't come here asking for advise. What I would do is get her to change by changing my lifestyle. First of all start eating healthier. If that means he has to start cooking and buying the food then so be it. Secondly I would become more physically active in things that the both of us could do (go on hikes, join a gym, buy a couple of bikes and go riding on the weekend). The extra benefit is that the OP would get into better shape too instead of just being a skinny dork who has yet to hit his natural adult weight which could be a lot heavier than he is now if he doesn't take control of his diet and health.

This seems so obvious to me that I can't understand why someone needs to come here and ask what to do.

What's your fixation with calling people kids? I'll be 27 in a month. I don't see anything wrong with posting anonymously for help with a relationship, much less how it (or agreeing with it) makes one immature. If it's so wrong, why don't I see you flaming in every YAGT? There's no shortage of them on ATOT. I get the feeling there's something here, weight-related, that you're not telling us... Is your S/O significantly overweight? Are you?
Nope, at 50 I'm in better shape than most half my age and my SO is also in great shape.

Anyway, changing your lifestyle wouldn't work in his situation - as you know, because I know all 1337 members read the full thread before posting ( :disgust: ),
WTF reads all 200+ posts of nonsense from the likes of you? {q] he already exercises. Likewise for eating healthy. As you also already know (from reading the thread...) they're both 19 and the assumption is that they do not live together, which sorta kills taking over the grocery shopping.[/quote] I posted about the other options to exercising and as far as a diet, well I'm sure they spend a lot of time together, when they go out they can avoid places like Pizza Hut and Baskin Robbins and eat healthier. Of course since they are both 19 this is really moot because the odds are they won't be together in a year or two anyway.


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
WTF reads all 200+ posts of nonsense from the likes of you?
That's the idea of contributing to a thread, yes. Reiterating suggestions that have already been made but which you couldn't be bothered reading just makes you look ignorant. And if you didn't read my replies, how do you know they're nonsense? I've actually laid out quite a bit of impartial, factual information in this thread, for anyone who cares to read it. Ah well, no fool like an old fool...

Electric Amish

Elite Member
Oct 11, 1999
What's your fixation with calling people kids? I'll be 27 in a month.

Obviously you have learned nothing in your 27 years if you think the difference between a "Man" and a "Boy" has anything at all to do with age.

:thumbsup: RD, as always...

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
WTF reads all 200+ posts of nonsense from the likes of you?
That's the idea of contributing to a thread, yes. Reiterating suggestions that have already been made but which you couldn't be bothered reading just makes you look ignorant. And if you didn't read my replies, how do you know they're nonsense?
You mean your ealier replies weren't as foolish as your last 5? Excuse me:roll:


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Electric Amish
What's your fixation with calling people kids? I'll be 27 in a month.

Obviously you have learned nothing in your 27 years if you think the difference between a "Man" and a "Boy" has anything at all to do with age.

:thumbsup: RD, as always...

I'll equate this as well to a cpu's mhz rating; it's a good indication, but not an extremely accurate one. That said, I'd have to disagree with you on that - I've done my best to back up my points and stay away from ad hominem attacks, while ... well, while others haven't. Your post which I quoted for example, serves no purpose other than to insult me and doesn't even back that up. Who're the boys again?


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Electric Amish
What's your fixation with calling people kids? I'll be 27 in a month.

Obviously you have learned nothing in your 27 years if you think the difference between a "Man" and a "Boy" has anything at all to do with age.

:thumbsup: RD, as always...

While the title "Man" may need to be earned by some, RD uses "Boy" as a term to belittle people on the opposite side of the argument as him. Same as he will call anyone here a pimple farmer simply for disagreeing. It is the same as calling someone "Son" when arguing.

But Red Dawn is really mean when he is defending Geekbabe. Read any of his other threads and they are wholely different. I probably opened up a can of worms, but it is just my perception that Red Dawn is a whole different poster when he comes into a thread where GB is one of the main arguers.

Personally, I think it is hillarious that some of the older posters think they look *so much better* than all the younger "pimple farming geeks" who also happen to know just about nothing about life, will all break up with their SOs, and will most likely suffer a darwin award candidate death.


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: skace
Originally posted by: Electric Amish
What's your fixation with calling people kids? I'll be 27 in a month.

Obviously you have learned nothing in your 27 years if you think the difference between a "Man" and a "Boy" has anything at all to do with age.

:thumbsup: RD, as always...

While the title "Man" may need to be earned by some, RD uses "Boy" as a term to belittle people on the opposite side of the argument as him. Same as he will call anyone here a pimple farmer simply for disagreeing. It is the same as calling someone "Son" when arguing.

But Red Dawn is really mean when he is defending Geekbabe. Read any of his other threads and they are wholely different. I probably opened up a can of worms, but it is just my perception that Red Dawn is a whole different poster when he comes into a thread where GB is one of the main arguers.

Personally, I think it is hillarious that some of the older posters think they look *so much better* than all the younger "pimple farming geeks" who also happen to know just about nothing about life, will all break up with their SOs, and will most likely suffer a darwin award candidate death.

Ah, so that's what it is I sensed something for sure, but couldn't put my finger on it. There was simply far more hostility than was warranted.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: skace
Originally posted by: Electric Amish
What's your fixation with calling people kids? I'll be 27 in a month.

Obviously you have learned nothing in your 27 years if you think the difference between a "Man" and a "Boy" has anything at all to do with age.

:thumbsup: RD, as always...

While the title "Man" may need to be earned by some, RD uses "Boy" as a term to belittle people on the opposite side of the argument as him. Same as he will call anyone here a pimple farmer simply for disagreeing. It is the same as calling someone "Son" when arguing.

But Red Dawn is really mean when he is defending Geekbabe. Read any of his other threads and they are wholely different. I probably opened up a can of worms, but it is just my perception that Red Dawn is a whole different poster when he comes into a thread where GB is one of the main arguers.

Personally, I think it is hillarious that some of the older posters think they look *so much better* than all the younger "pimple farming
LOL in better shape doesn't mean we look better. It does mean that we probably look as good as we can for our age. No doubt a younger person in shape will always look better than an older person in shape.
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