IB Extended Essay Topic

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Jul 6, 2011
I'm currently in need of topics. I want to do something related with Japan. My advisor wants it to be really specific so my idea right now is about Nuclear power of japan and since they're shutting down (but started back up 2) what could happen to the future of energy for Japan.
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No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
I will award you a cookie if you include a pic of Godzilla or Mothra in your paper. Two cookies if you include Uhohs in the references.


Platinum Member
May 21, 2010
I'm currently in need of topics. I want to do something related with Japan. My advisor wants it to be really specific so my idea right now is about Nuclear power of japan and since they're shutting down (but started back up 2) what could happen to the future of energy for Japan.

I really want to see some of you guy's writing. If you guys could do me a favor and let me see some of your old college essays.

I know that most people in Anandtech are great writers and I want to improve my Writing skills.



Apr 12, 2004
Someone at my college honestly did a poster session on hentai and Japanese acceptance of it for an NSF-funded science research project. You shouldn't have to worry too much.


Jun 19, 2004
I'm going to tell you the secret of good essay writing. Never pick something you're interested in, want to learn more about or, hold strong opinions on. Go to a library and peruse the books on Japan. Find a topic there is plenty of information about and, is easily defended. THEN, tell your teacher what topic you've picked.


Jul 6, 2011
Why do you always ask us for homework help

Becuase i needed help and none of my friends knew the answers

B/c he's stupid.


Someone at my college honestly did a poster session on hentai and Japanese acceptance of it for an NSF-funded science research project. You shouldn't have to worry too much.


I'm going to tell you the secret of good essay writing. Never pick something you're interested in, want to learn more about or, hold strong opinions on. Go to a library and peruse the books on Japan. Find a topic there is plenty of information about and, is easily defended. THEN, tell your teacher what topic you've picked.
Sorry. Not the point of IB. I want something that I'm interested in.
(Must be trolling)
Feb 6, 2007
I'm going to tell you the secret of good essay writing. Never pick something you're interested in, want to learn more about or, hold strong opinions on. Go to a library and peruse the books on Japan. Find a topic there is plenty of information about and, is easily defended. THEN, tell your teacher what topic you've picked.

This is very, very good advice. I did my senior thesis on gender portrayals in video games and how they've shifted based on cultural mores over the years. It's a subject I knew a lot about and enjoyed researching, and I killed it; solid A for the thesis and presentation (which spawned a separate presentation at our school's gender symposium). But it deadened my interest in video games, because I was completely inundated with them for a year, and I've never gotten that same magic from them that I once used to. Maybe that's just a natural part of aging, maybe it's because the games aren't as good, but something was lost for me after that year I spent devoted to researching the subject I cared so deeply about. Granted, a year-long thesis project is slightly different than a typical research paper, but you can burn yourself out doing exhaustive research on a subject; better not to do it on something you care a lot about.


Jun 19, 2004
Sorry. Not the point of IB. I want something that I'm interested in.
(Must be trolling)

The POINT is to get a good grade, correct? I never attended any English classes in HS and, yet, I got "A's" in all my writing classes in college. I learned to write a good essay using the correct style and construction for each class. I've told you how to do it. Unfortunately, too many writers get hung up on the idea that their subject matter is the most important thing in the essay. It is NOT.


Jul 6, 2011
This is very, very good advice. I did my senior thesis on gender portrayals in video games and how they've shifted based on cultural mores over the years. It's a subject I knew a lot about and enjoyed researching, and I killed it; solid A for the thesis and presentation (which spawned a separate presentation at our school's gender symposium). But it deadened my interest in video games, because I was completely inundated with them for a year, and I've never gotten that same magic from them that I once used to. Maybe that's just a natural part of aging, maybe it's because the games aren't as good, but something was lost for me after that year I spent devoted to researching the subject I cared so deeply about. Granted, a year-long thesis project is slightly different than a typical research paper, but you can burn yourself out doing exhaustive research on a subject; better not to do it on something you care a lot about.

IB extended essay...look it up

The POINT is to get a good grade, correct? I never attended any English classes in HS and, yet, I got "A's" in all my writing classes in college. I learned to write a good essay using the correct style and construction for each class. I've told you how to do it. Unfortunately, too many writers get hung up on the idea that their subject matter is the most important thing in the essay. It is NOT.

Well for the IB paper it is. :/ its a 2 year process. The paper is broken down and the grade system is a little different.


Jun 19, 2004
IB extended essay...look it up

Well for the IB paper it is. :/ its a 2 year process.

You just don't get it. NO ONE cares, expects or, desires you add more information, unique perspective or, truth (with a capital 'T') with regards to your subject. They want you to learn the process, do some digging and, explain it clearly in the defined style with proper construction. You are not building a modern day pyramid that will have scholars researching your efforts for the next forty years. Get over it. You have an assignment to complete whether, it's two days or, as you say, two years. I am trying to help you do well on your assignment. Do you think you're the first to do something like this?


Jul 6, 2011
You just don't get it. NO ONE cares, expects or, desires you add more information, unique perspective or, truth (with a capital 'T') with regards to your subject. They want you to learn the process, do some digging and, explain it clearly in the defined style with proper construction. You are not building a modern day pyramid that will have scholars researching your efforts for the next forty years. Get over it. You have an assignment to complete whether, it's two days or, as you say, two years. I am trying to help you do well on your assignment. Do you think you're the first to do something like this?

My advisor told to me to choose something I'm passionate about :/ like for him its Jewish history.


Jun 19, 2004
My advisor told to me to choose something I'm passionate about :/ like for him its Jewish history.

Here another secret with regards to high school, your advisor is wrong. You think he has your best interests at heart. He wants you to do well (while you are in HS and he's still listed as your advisor) but, think about it. Do you REALLY think he has the time or inclination to learn and recommend the best approach to your unique situation at the same time he's advising all his other students?

Look, I'm old enough to be your grandfather and am just trying to give you insight to how the world works. I know this is hard to grasp but, almost NOTHING you learn in HS will benefit you later in life.


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2001
Here another secret with regards to high school, your advisor is wrong. You think he has your best interests at heart. He wants you to do well (while you are in HS and he's still listed as your advisor) but, think about it. Do you REALLY think he has the time or inclination to learn and recommend the best approach to your unique situation at the same time he's advising all his other students?

Look, I'm old enough to be your grandfather and am just trying to give you insight to how the world works. I know this is hard to grasp but, almost NOTHING you learn in HS will benefit you later in life.

Well, Magnus, I think this last post pushes over the top a bit. I'll give most high school advisors the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their good intentions and sincere interest in student learning. And I agree more with your previous post that the real purpose of the IB extended essay is to induce students to learn how to research a topic and present findings and/or conclusions in an understandable way. These kinds of skills (along with basic knowledge) learned in high school will certainly benefit students in later life!

That said, I also agree with your advice concerning essay topics. OP, please pick a topic that you are not familiar with and have no opinions about.

For a number of years, I served as a community judge for senior projects at a local high school. Being an IB high school, I listened to many presentations of IB extended essays (as well as non-IB papers). IMHO the worst presentations were ones where the presenter chose a topic about which he/she already had an opinion, which led to biased superficial research for only that information which supported their opinion, and read more like a propaganda piece rather than a balanced research paper.

Avoid that trap! It's much, much better to actually come to your interpretation (or opinion) through what you learn from your research! When you finish your essay, you should also be able to speak to alternate interpretations (or opposing opinions) along with the facts that lend credence to them.

My two cents...
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skim milk

Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2003
Write something related to the insane level of debt\GDP that japan is facing (highest among all countries)
Or write about the demographic shift where there's such an imbalance to the elderly

Of course, provide analysis and global ramifications


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2000
instead of japan, how about south korea, regarding Gangnam style is taking the US by storm. lol.

What the hell is IB? Internet based


Dec 6, 2004
Here another secret with regards to high school, your advisor is wrong. You think he has your best interests at heart. He wants you to do well (while you are in HS and he's still listed as your advisor) but, think about it. Do you REALLY think he has the time or inclination to learn and recommend the best approach to your unique situation at the same time he's advising all his other students?

Look, I'm old enough to be your grandfather and am just trying to give you insight to how the world works. I know this is hard to grasp but, almost NOTHING you learn in HS will benefit you later in life.

This is true. As nice as my hs advisors were, their advice did not help in college at all and much was straight up wrong.


Oct 10, 1999
Well, Magnus, I think this last post pushes over the top a bit. I'll give most high school advisors the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their good intentions and sincere interest in student learning. And I agree more with your previous post that the real purpose of the IB extended essay is to induce students to learn how to research a topic and present findings and/or conclusions in an understandable way. These kinds of skills (along with basic knowledge) learned in high school will certainly benefit students in later life!

That said, I also agree with your advice concerning essay topics. OP, please pick a topic that you are not familiar with and have no opinions about.

For a number of years, I served as a community judge for senior projects at a local high school. Being an IB high school, I listened to many presentations of IB extended essays (as well as non-IB papers). IMHO the worst presentations were ones where the presenter chose a topic about which he/she already had an opinion, which led to biased superficial research for only that information which supported their opinion, and read more like a propaganda piece rather than a balanced research paper.

Avoid that trap! It's much, much better to actually come to your interpretation (or opinion) through what you learn from your research! When you finish your essay, you should also be able to speak to alternate interpretations (or opposing opinions) along with the facts that lend credence to them.

My two cents...

I disagree with both of you. He should choose a topic that interests him, and that he is passionate about. His challenge will be to research the topic as a neutral participant, and put his cognitive biases away while attempting to create a convincing essay. This is an IB paper, so I'm assuming the OP has a relatively decent head on his shoulders.

Students with an IB background don't need to approach the process in the typical "Get an A fashion." They need a topic that piques their natural curiosity and passion -- in this case Japan -- yet becomes a challenge to their intellect (remaining neutral).

I'd say, trying to balance potential personal biases and emotion, against the passion that one feels for a topic, while remaining neutral, is a great challenge to an IB student. IB students need challenges. They don’t need to make good grades. If his school and reviewer have any clue at all, they will recognize what the OP is trying to accomplish.

OP, make sure you make the reader aware that you are putting personal biases, – and/or feelings – aside to construct a neutral essay while incorporating fresh ideas and research. IB students shouldn't try to make good grades; they should be re-inventing the wheel in the face of a society that says you just need to conform to some blasé academic standard.
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Jul 6, 2011
Here another secret with regards to high school, your advisor is wrong. You think he has your best interests at heart. He wants you to do well (while you are in HS and he's still listed as your advisor) but, think about it. Do you REALLY think he has the time or inclination to learn and recommend the best approach to your unique situation at the same time he's advising all his other students?

Look, I'm old enough to be your grandfather and am just trying to give you insight to how the world works. I know this is hard to grasp but, almost NOTHING you learn in HS will benefit you later in life.

Are you around 60?

Write something related to the insane level of debt\GDP that japan is facing (highest among all countries)
Or write about the demographic shift where there's such an imbalance to the elderly

Of course, provide analysis and global ramifications

Never thought about the demographic shift.
That's actually a good idea

instead of japan, how about south korea, regarding Gangnam style is taking the US by storm. lol.

What the hell is IB? Internet based
Lol gangnam style. I could do a paper on 'what is a meme'


Jun 19, 2004
Are you around 60?


I did not mean to imply your counselor was purposely misleading you or, that he is not sincerely interested in your success. I meant he (and you) have a very narrowly focused perspective on the HS experience. Your advisor and teachers can't admit to the bias because it's what they do and believe in. The system is broken and the best teachers do their damndest to do their best but, they are trapped in the same system you are.

I didn't mean to get sidestepped by a philosophy of education discussion, I'm just trying to give you the benefit of experience, most of which, was garnered the hard way.

It's fine to be passionate about your writing but, know this going in, you will be increasing the difficulty by several orders of magnitude. If you're up for that do it. I educated myself in HS and none of my teachers with the exception of my Physics teacher ever came close to challenging me, provided a broader perspective or, instilled a desire to further study their respective fields.

The single most important thing you can learn in HS (and few do) is to learn how to learn. Math and computer science can help in the near future but, being able to learn a framework for further education is the main thing.


Jul 6, 2011

I did not mean to imply your counselor was purposely misleading you or, that he is not sincerely interested in your success. I meant he (and you) have a very narrowly focused perspective on the HS experience. Your advisor and teachers can't admit to the bias because it's what they do and believe in. The system is broken and the best teachers do their damndest to do their best but, they are trapped in the same system you are.

I didn't mean to get sidestepped by a philosophy of education discussion, I'm just trying to give you the benefit of experience, most of which, was garnered the hard way.

It's fine to be passionate about your writing but, know this going in, you will be increasing the difficulty by several orders of magnitude. If you're up for that do it. I educated myself in HS and none of my teachers with the exception of my Physics teacher ever came close to challenging me, provided a broader perspective or, instilled a desire to further study their respective fields.

The single most important thing you can learn in HS (and few do) is to learn how to learn. Math and computer science can help in the near future but, being able to learn a framework for further education is the main thing.

Yes learning how to learn is very important considering college will be mostly self teach? (Or so I've heard).
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