ICE dumping thousands of illegal kids in Arizona. abandoned without food and water

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Apr 8, 2002
The better question would be, Do you believe allowing tens of Millions of illegals into the country helps the poor/lower class we have to support with our social services programs, since the illegals are directly taking jobs from them? Does it help our blue collar middle class workers? What is the advantage to a US citizen who could clean, cook, mow lawns, be a mechanic, work in the trades, to allow tens of Millions of competitors into the country to compete with them?

It costs around $16k, each year, to send a kid through my local high school - and it ain't no high end high school. All the kids the illegal invaders bring with them, and/or have here, all the medical services, the food services, the housing services, etc., the ones that even if they were legal, they wouldn't be paying for (and they're not legal, so, damn sure they ain't paying for them), exactly who is paying for them again? Why do we need that extra tens of Millions of load onto our society?

I've yet to hear a reason yet, save for targeted 'work in the fields' work that has for decades been done by migrant workers, that we need to inherit tens of Millions of extra people. So far it's bleeding heart and PC 'racist!' BS. Has anyone cooked up a legit reason yet?

You are asking the wrong questions. Does it help our welfare state to have so many people not directly contributing due to working under the radar but taking? Does it help our low end workers that have to compete with people under the radar who often times will work for less than min wage?

It isn't a matter of allowing millions in to compete. It is a matter of allowing millions in and having them compete on the same playing field against legal citizens.

If these people had a realistic path to citizenship they would go legitimate. That would put them on the grid. That would have them paying reliable taxes to help pay for the welfare state you so want to protect.

Once on the grid immigrants are a net positive to the host country.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2012
Just as soon as you build a border that cant be crossed with armed guards around yours.

You do not have to build a man-made barrier; just remove the incentive to breach mother nature's barrier.

There will then be a few die hards that make it, for those, improve the surveillance capability.

Then perform/implement the catch /return policy.

While it may not be 100% secure; the existing system is being kept deliberately flawed to create excuses for not enforcing.


Apr 8, 2002
But when does it stop? We tried this before in the Reagan years and the problem went from several million to 12 million. So we grant amnesty to the 12+ million now and wait for the 48 million that are coming in 20 years? The BS has to somehow come to an end. The current POTUS running around shouting for 'reform' and promising to 'enforce' whatever 'new immigration reform law' that passes his desk really has a credibility problem as the laws he chooses to enforce can vary from day to day.

When does what stop? Immigration? That will never stop. We are a country of immigrants so it shouldn't surprise you they will keep coming. I actually fear the day they stop. That means our economy is in the toilet or our country has gone downhill big time.

But if you are asking when will the flood of illegal immigration stop? When we finally have immigration reform that makes a path to citizenship much more feasible for these people. Once that happens a large % of these people will op for a legal status and the benefits it brings.

Right now we have so many hoops and threats these people dont want to come forward for fear of being tossed out or in jail.


Apr 13, 2012
When does what stop? Immigration? That will never stop. We are a country of immigrants so it shouldn't surprise you they will keep coming. I actually fear the day they stop. That means our economy is in the toilet or our country has gone downhill big time.

But if you are asking when will the flood of illegal immigration stop? When we finally have immigration reform that makes a path to citizenship much more feasible for these people. Once that happens a large % of these people will op for a legal status and the benefits it brings.

Right now we have so many hoops and threats these people dont want to come forward for fear of being tossed out or in jail.

Which will have to be paid for.


Apr 13, 2012
I'm pro LEGAL immigration all day long, in fact I want the BS cleaned up and sped up. I also want future successful citizens like you welcomed with huge open arms. What I don't understand is the libbies are hell-bent on importing uneducated poverty...

Who do you think votes libby?


Apr 8, 2002
But I don't want them just not in my house, I don't want illegals in my country. Contrast that with you guys, who want Open Borders. I'm merely giving you the opportunity to step up, take direct ownership of your desire. Clearly there are tens of Millions of them here, so you have ample opportunity to shelter and have direct contact with them, to help them, aid them, have them living right by you. Heck, your kids don't need separate bedrooms, put your kids in one room and move an illegal familia in. You are so gung ho to go F others by letting them deal with loss of job, loss of wages, increased competition (everyone cannot be a white collar professional), own your want. I cannot believe the lack of Open Border types not stepping up, my god, this is a humanitarian issue! Do you really need to have your entire house to yourself?! This is...this is starting to sound like the Warren Buffet 'rich need to pay more taxes...but I won't voluntarily pay more taxes even though I easily could' deal. Or more recently that rich guy who wanted to open up housing in Richville and the rich liberals there went apeshit. I guess the Bleeding Heart doesn't quite extend to the home front, just someone other persons home front, funny that...

This is so funny. You want the wall, just not around your house. I see. So do you believe we who want immigration reform want to open our house up to strangers? Your entire argument is so effing silly. But the really silly part is you cant see how my wall example and your open up our house examples are the same thing.

P.S. I wouldn't use a wall for the entire border. I'd use technology, military capability (including lethal), and a public relations campaign in other countries to get the word out that illegally crossing the US border is now highly likely lethal. Might take a couple thousand but eventually, the flow would largely stop. Just need political will to accomplish it. Can't have that though. The far right is exploiting that shit for all its worth for the illegal labor and depressed wages for legals. The left is exploiting that shit for all its worth for the votes and base excitement (got to keep the Bleeding Hearts bleeding). The status quo is best we can hope for...

Of course lethal. Because we all know when govts build walls and enforce a lethal form of border control. Nothing but good things happen from that. /facepalm


Apr 8, 2002
Which will have to be paid for.

Well no shit. That is what happens when one becomes a legal citizen. Until that happens illegals will continue to consume healthcare and public education without paying for it. Which way would you prefer?


Senior member
May 1, 2013
The reason people choose to do it illegally is because the process is overly compicated and drawn out. The fact we have millions of people doing this should be our first clue immigration reform is badly needed.

Vigoriously enforcing a 2000 mile long border. Please let us know how many trillions you plan to spend on doing that. Im sure it will be a worthy adventure. Much like the war on drugs.

Overly complicated and drawn out according to whom? We don't just let anyone wander in, we have standards. If the rest of the world doesn't like that TOO BAD! It is our country, not theirs.


Apr 8, 2002
I've been here 14 years and you arrogant condescending liberals would weep at the hoops I've had to jump through to be here legally. And I have education, make a ton of cash and pay a ton in taxes and have a squeaky clean record. Guess what? It'll take me 10 more years to be a citizen the legal way, and I have to jump through every irrational big government hoop along the way. There's been more cash spent on this process than what some good cars cost. And more to come. Why? Because my country of origin is the wrong one - something employers are banned from discriminating against.

Hey your country, your rules. It's a great country, and I've been very successful. I don't like the rules but guess what its not my country. And I can even ask for them to be changed.

But then you D-bag liberals turn around, ignore me and all the others waiting for years and years to do it the right way, and welcome people who totally skip the hurdles and make it across the border, and welcome them and give them benefits.

Oh right, children, the poor things. Except it I brought a child from overseas, they don't get any benefits while I pay taxes. And guess what? If the child hits 21 before I get a green card, they need a visa to stay on. No convenient employment authorization that can be renewed ad infinitum. Where are your bleeding hearts now? Oh that's right, you can't feel smug and happy sipping your lattes that you helped an "unfortunate" other because the parents of these immigrants actually make a ton of cash and are successful, and won't let you patronize them.

So you know what, fuck you, and fuck your fake concern for immigrants. There's no genuine compassion here, just condescension. At least the right wing is openly hostile, and we know where they stand.

You are providing a great example of why our immigration policy produces millions of illegals. You are educated, I am sure have a good job, a good family. And it will take you how many years and how much money to become a citizen? How can anybody expect an uneducated immigrant to jump through those hoops, spend that kind of cash, and wait 20 years?


Apr 8, 2002
You do not have to build a man-made barrier; just remove the incentive to breach mother nature's barrier.

There will then be a few die hards that make it, for those, improve the surveillance capability.

Then perform/implement the catch /return policy.

While it may not be 100% secure; the existing system is being kept deliberately flawed to create excuses for not enforcing.

Does this include leaving children out in the desert to wither away and die? Or denying illegals medical attention? What a wonderfully moral country that would make us. Or we could change the process and all of these people you dont like leeching off the system will contribute to said systems they consume.

Anyways we do catch and release about 50% of estimated immigrants every year. The results speak for themselves. Maybe if we just spend more money and try a little harder these people will stop risking their lives coming here!


Apr 8, 2002
Overly complicated and drawn out according to whom? We don't just let anyone wander in, we have standards. If the rest of the world doesn't like that TOO BAD! It is our country, not theirs.

How many hoops and years do you believe it should take to become a legal citizen in this country? And when did these standards start showing up anyways?


Dec 9, 1999
I've been here 14 years <snip>

So you know what, fuck you, and fuck your fake concern for immigrants. There's no genuine compassion here, just condescension. At least the right wing is openly hostile, and we know where they stand.

You know what nixium, I don't really think the average Rightie is as hostile to legal immigration as you think. The problem most Righties I know have is the mass illegal immigration, and by extension of our Politicians willingly selling out the most needy citizens among us to non-citizens (that is, treason), having to then pay for our needy citizens to not do anything/little while we support them and their kids for infinity, issue(s).

If we took the 20-30M illegals here (11-13M is a laughable estimate), reduced that number to zero, got our citizens who could work those jobs into those jobs where needed, and then had a good guest worker plan, that would be far more preferable than what we have now. The issue is, Lefties cannot trip over themselves fast enough to have a heart bleed out over literally everyone who can make it here. We can't even have an amnesty and legal immigration discussion because we can't first have a border lockdown discussion. Having any type of Amnesty 2.0 (note, Amnesty 1.0 has already been done, with no secured border, and we can see exactly where that got us) discussion, which could easily include immigration reform (which would help you), without first actually locking down the border to demonstrate we can in fact control immigrants attempting to come into the country, and thus, make any point of having immigration law reform not be total waste of time, is a non-starter because one side actually wants to be like every other civilized country on earth and actually enforce its immigration policy (which obviously first necessitates enforcing its border), while the other side wants Open Borders, i.e. come here and you're a US Citizen.

With the two sides so diametrically opposed, and their Politicians both using the situation to exploit as much money and political gain as possible, it's no wonder not much progress has been made...

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
I've been here 14 years and you arrogant condescending liberals would weep at the hoops I've had to jump through to be here legally. And I have education, make a ton of cash and pay a ton in taxes and have a squeaky clean record. Guess what? It'll take me 10 more years to be a citizen the legal way, and I have to jump through every irrational big government hoop along the way. There's been more cash spent on this process than what some good cars cost. And more to come. Why? Because my country of origin is the wrong one - something employers are banned from discriminating against.

Hey your country, your rules. It's a great country, and I've been very successful. I don't like the rules but guess what its not my country. And I can even ask for them to be changed.

But then you D-bag liberals turn around, ignore me and all the others waiting for years and years to do it the right way, and welcome people who totally skip the hurdles and make it across the border, and welcome them and give them benefits.

Oh right, children, the poor things. Except it I brought a child from overseas, they don't get any benefits while I pay taxes. And guess what? If the child hits 21 before I get a green card, they need a visa to stay on. No convenient employment authorization that can be renewed ad infinitum. Where are your bleeding hearts now? Oh that's right, you can't feel smug and happy sipping your lattes that you helped an "unfortunate" other because the parents of these immigrants actually make a ton of cash and are successful, and won't let you patronize them.

So you know what, fuck you, and fuck your fake concern for immigrants. There's no genuine compassion here, just condescension. At least the right wing is openly hostile, and we know where they stand.

This is an interesting story.
What country do you come from that it takes 25 years to become an American citizen?


Senior member
May 1, 2013
You are providing a great example of why our immigration policy produces millions of illegals. You are educated, I am sure have a good job, a good family. And it will take you how many years and how much money to become a citizen? How can anybody expect an uneducated immigrant to jump through those hoops, spend that kind of cash, and wait 20 years?

Why shouldn't we expect it? It is our country, WE decide what the requirements to enter are, not the poor uneducated masses of third world shitholes.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Awww boo hoo. It takes years to earn enough money to buy things you want. Just steal everything!

Anyone who isn't a complete dumbass knows it doesn't have to take years to process legal immigrants. We could change the red tape and bullshit policies overnight. But the assholes in charge don't actually want intelligent, well educated, self-suffecient people immigrating here. That's not helping their agenda of third-worldizing the country. The productive are people they want to discourage from coming here in anyway they can. All the red tape is purposeful.

Meanwhile, the same assholes entice the poor to risk their children's lives to come here by dangling "freebies" I front of them "free accomodarions, food and games! Come on up!"

Then the same lefty shitbags encouraging that think they can pin the wretched consequences on those that are against the whole rotten thing... in other words, what the left always does.


Jun 19, 2000
At least the right wing is openly hostile, and we know where they stand.
Great post and thanks for sharing but I'm going to take issue with your statement I quoted. I know of no one, no one, that has any issues at all with legal immigration. Open hostility? Against people that break our laws to come here - you bet. Pair that with open hostility against those in government that support illegal immigration. I am sorry that you have to go through so much to become legal but I support your ability to do so. Welcome.


Senior member
May 1, 2013
How many hoops and years do you believe it should take to become a legal citizen in this country? And when did these standards start showing up anyways?

I'm happy with the current requirements, having seen those who have been through the process. The second question is irrelevant.


Apr 8, 2002
Why shouldn't we expect it? It is our country, WE decide what the requirements to enter are, not the poor uneducated masses of third world shitholes.

We are certainly within our right as a nation to set the policy. But the results of this policy should make us question if this is the outcome we desire. That outcome is millions of people living within our country who are not citizens.


Apr 8, 2002
I'm happy with the current requirements, having seen those who have been through the process. The second question is irrelevant.

That doesnt answer the question. Are you fine with 5,10, 20 years waiting to become a citizen? Which is it?

My second question is very relevant. Our history of immigration reform is based on racism and religious discrimination. That is why I suspect you dismiss it as irrelevant.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Agree with boomerang. I want a few million more nixiums immigrating here legally and all the bullshit barriers placed in their way drastically reduced.

Meanwhile we need a sign up on the border that says we have all the McOwned types we need (a massive surplus in fact) so go the fuck home.


Apr 13, 2012
We are certainly within our right as a nation to set the policy. But the results of this policy should make us question if this is the outcome we desire. That outcome is millions of people living within our country who are not citizens.

The outcome I desire is for the illegal uneducated 3rd world masses to go home.

America does not have a lack of uneducated workers.


Senior member
Aug 25, 2008
I edited my post, changed it to "extreme right wing". I agree that a lot of the right wing is NOT opposed to legal immigration, and I appreciate that.


Dec 9, 1999
You are asking the wrong questions. Does it help our welfare state to have so many people not directly contributing due to working under the radar but taking? Does it help our low end workers that have to compete with people under the radar who often times will work for less than min wage?

Oh I'm sure they're the wrong questions, asking them makes allowing so many illegals in mighty painful for the Politicians and those pro-Open Border. Tell me, how does it help an established society with established wages and established standards of living to have 3rd worlders come in, live 10 to a house, put large strains on the social services (that their tax revenues will never pay for), all the while directly competing with the lower and lower-middle working classes? Does it help the high school student who graduated with a D average and is making $15 an hour doing flooring, the market rate, when a flood of your legal (now illegal but legal under your dream) come in and saturate the market with low wage opportunity? I mean, I know it helps the owner employing these new legals, he gets to charge the same and pocket more. I know it might (and I stress might) help the customer, as in theory, they're going to get more for less (unless the owner just pockets the difference, which is common)...and then there's the re-work/long term quality that they won't see initially. But, for all the already US citizens before these new legals come in, the ones who will now go from $15 an hour to $9 an hour to compete, or who will just loose their jobs, you know, the ones that can't afford to, exactly what happens to them? Sorry, I must have missed it, how is allowing tens of millions of competition for them into the US going to benefit them again? Please don't say 'Oh, they can retrain'. Guess what - they can't/won't. They're a D average high school grad, those don't retrain, they go on unemployment and suck up social services, and so do the 2-4 kids they have.

It isn't a matter of allowing millions in to compete. It is a matter of allowing millions in and having them compete on the same playing field against legal citizens.

Stop. The people here who are working low to low-middle paying jobs don't need that competition. You know, our existing barely making it people. Other countries sob stories are those countries problems. Exactly why are you heaping more difficulty on top of our US citizen lower wage earners? Please don't tell me because it gives other US citizens cheaper prices, and/or, these other non-US citizens 'need a chance'.

If these people had a realistic path to citizenship they would go legitimate. That would put them on the grid. That would have them paying reliable taxes to help pay for the welfare state you so want to protect.

Once on the grid immigrants are a net positive to the host country.

Of course they'd go legit, haha. That's not the US problem, that's theirs for coming here illegally. As for 'net positive', WTF are you smoking man? Have you lost your mind completely? Lets do the math: Minimum wage dad and mom, both now legal, with 2 kids. That will be a complete Fed tax return of...everything. State as well. Plus, state sponsored healthcare. Plus, because kids, some kind of food handout. Plus, because kids, housing assistance. Plus, because kids, they are both in school. 8 years gradeschool, $13k per year per kid. Another 4 years high school, last I looked 2 years ago, $16k per kid per year. Then, since they're legal, they will themselves be entitled to social security and Medicare. Can you break it down for me exactly where they're net positive? Please again, don't tell me it's because they're providing less cost to customer.

This is so funny. You want the wall, just not around your house. I see.

No actually I want it on our southern border, and, as I already said, not a wall (at least not in all areas).

So do you believe we who want immigration reform want to open our house up to strangers? Your entire argument is so effing silly. But the really silly part is you cant see how my wall example and your open up our house examples are the same thing.

No actually they're not the same thing at all. Your heart bleeds for these people, fine. Bleed at home. Enjoy the benefits of them living on top of you, of you paying for them. Heck, it's 'a net positive' for you, amirite? I mean, look, they'll do the dishes sometimes, maybe clean once a while, and, you can accountant account for everyone in your household being bilingual (well, no need for that if we didn't allow tens of millions in, but hey, why be practical about it). Are you now saying you don't want to support your familia? I get this sense you want them here, you want the "cheap" lawncare, the "cheap" vending, but you don't want to actually live with the problems these tens of millions bring to others. Err...why is that? You're not xenophobic are you? If having them here is good, then having them in your own house directly contributing to you, and you to them, would be even better, would it not?

Of course lethal. Because we all know when govts build walls and enforce a lethal form of border control. Nothing but good things happen from that. /facepalm

Well, when governments build walls - real or virtual - to keep invaders out (lethal or otherwise), and let their own population go where they want, I'm not seeing a problem from their own populations perspective. Sorry, exactly how would that affect a US citizen again?
Last edited:


Senior member
Aug 25, 2008
You are providing a great example of why our immigration policy produces millions of illegals. You are educated, I am sure have a good job, a good family. And it will take you how many years and how much money to become a citizen? How can anybody expect an uneducated immigrant to jump through those hoops, spend that kind of cash, and wait 20 years?

There's two problems here that I want to highlight. First, rewarding those who broke the law while ignoring everyone following it is a travesty. That's my main point. Any immigration system should (1) apply to the needs of the country as a whole, and (2) be fair to a would-be immigrant. Any proposals by you pro immigrant crowd reward law breakers while shafting those following the laws. That's not fair, period, no matter how stupid you think the laws would be.

If Obama passes an admin fix that says anyone illegal in the country gets an employment authorization that's infinitely renewable, how is that fair to someone in the queue, working here, who would have to get a visa and jump through all the hoops that represents? Even worse, I could just throw my papers away, make up a fake name, and get the exact same benefits. How does this make any sense whatsoever?

If I need to change jobs with my visa, I need to prove a variety of things, including how special my knowledge is and how I'm not harming american workers wages, which is correct because, you know, this is your country and you don't want your own people to be shafted.

If I had come here illegally, I can get my employment authorization with NO rules whatsoever on how it distorts the labor market, switch jobs willy nilly, and so on.

There's maybe a few hundred thousand of me and several million illegals.


That's the problem with you guys. You use grandiose ideals to solve a problem thats incredibly complicated when it comes to details.

Secondly, immigration law. I found this comment of yours interesting:

How can anybody expect an uneducated immigrant to jump through those hoops, spend that kind of cash, and wait 20 years?

I appreciate your desire to be immigrant friendly, and I agree that the current system is convoluted. But you're asking the wrong question, because you're starting from an assumption that any and every immigrant is what the USA needs.

The real question is, what kind of immigrants benefit the USA? How can the laws ensure that such immigrants have an efficient time immigrating? That's where you start at. Not at looking at the current system, realizing it doesn't work, and just opening the borders.

There's a quote saying that immigrants can be hypocritical, and would love to shut the doors behind them. I can't speak for all immigrants, but I can speak for myself.

I came here because of the opportunities this country provides. However, I don't believe these should be "free". If you want the opportunities America represents, then you have to be able to put in the work that's required to make it here, show that your skills are needed, and that you're a valued member of society. The USA is a VIP club and you have to prove that you merit to be here. That's how I view it.

If you just let everyone in willy nilly, then why would I want to come here?

So the ideal solution would be to figure out what America's needs are in this century, based on pragmatism, not on poems written on statues. Then structure a policy around that, and enforce a policy.

I realize this is impossible to happen in the current, polarized state of the political machinery here... so if this can't be done, at least make sure that any fixes apply fairly to people who follow the law.


Platinum Member
Oct 18, 1999
I edited my post, changed it to "extreme right wing". I agree that a lot of the right wing is NOT opposed to legal immigration, and I appreciate that.

Thanks for the edit. I applaud you for your hard work and yes you and your family should be allowed citizenship much faster. I just can not understand why we cannot be fair and equal and enforce that idea.
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