ICE dumping thousands of illegal kids in Arizona. abandoned without food and water

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Senior member
May 1, 2013
There's two problems here that I want to highlight. First, rewarding those who broke the law while ignoring everyone following it is a travesty. That's my main point. Any immigration system should (1) apply to the needs of the country as a whole, and (2) be fair to a would-be immigrant. Any proposals by you pro immigrant crowd reward law breakers while shafting those following the laws. That's not fair, period, no matter how stupid you think the laws would be.

If Obama passes an admin fix that says anyone illegal in the country gets an employment authorization that's infinitely renewable, how is that fair to someone in the queue, working here, who would have to get a visa and jump through all the hoops that represents? Even worse, I could just throw my papers away, make up a fake name, and get the exact same benefits. How does this make any sense whatsoever?

If I need to change jobs with my visa, I need to prove a variety of things, including how special my knowledge is and how I'm not harming american workers wages, which is correct because, you know, this is your country and you don't want your own people to be shafted.

If I had come here illegally, I can get my employment authorization with NO rules whatsoever on how it distorts the labor market, switch jobs willy nilly, and so on.

There's maybe a few hundred thousand of me and several million illegals.


That's the problem with you guys. You use grandiose ideals to solve a problem thats incredibly complicated when it comes to details.

Secondly, immigration law. I found this comment of yours interesting:

I appreciate your desire to be immigrant friendly, and I agree that the current system is convoluted. But you're asking the wrong question, because you're starting from an assumption that any and every immigrant is what the USA needs.

The real question is, what kind of immigrants benefit the USA? How can the laws ensure that such immigrants have an efficient time immigrating? That's where you start at. Not at looking at the current system, realizing it doesn't work, and just opening the borders.

There's a quote saying that immigrants can be hypocritical, and would love to shut the doors behind them. I can't speak for all immigrants, but I can speak for myself.

I came here because of the opportunities this country provides. However, I don't believe these should be "free". If you want the opportunities America represents, then you have to be able to put in the work that's required to make it here, show that your skills are needed, and that you're a valued member of society. The USA is a VIP club and you have to prove that you merit to be here. That's how I view it.

If you just let everyone in willy nilly, then why would I want to come here?

So the ideal solution would be to figure out what America's needs are in this century, based on pragmatism, not on poems written on statues. Then structure a policy around that, and enforce a policy.

I realize this is impossible to happen in the current, polarized state of the political machinery here... so if this can't be done, at least make sure that any fixes apply fairly to people who follow the law.
This second part is what I wanted to say but was too frustrated to put into words. Thank you.


Dec 9, 1999
Unfortunately nixium, the answer from the pro-Open Borders crowd to 'what kind of people do we need here' is: Whoever can make it, and, if you disagree with that, you're a racist xenophobe.

And with that, the lines are drawn...


Senior member
Aug 25, 2008
This is an interesting story.
What country do you come from that it takes 25 years to become an American citizen?

- I came here as a student when I was 17 (2001)

- After my bachelors, I continued into grad school. I wanted to do a PhD, but a company seduced me away. After spending a while in China, I came back here.

- They filed a employment based green card for me in 2009.

- Thanks to government errors, my application only made it through in 2011.

- This is where the problem is. Every applicant for permanent residency has to abide by a diversity rule, which means that no more than 7% of all green cards in a year can go to a person born in that country.

- I'm of Indian origin, and we're oversubscribed. So the wait time (non-linear - No one really knows how the government calculates this - is 6-7 years IF you have a grad degree.

- I won't go into the convoluted details of the exact process that a company needs to file an immigrant petition for someone. It'll ruin your faith in anything Government does, and I don't think you're ready for that yet.

- If you change jobs when this process is going on, you have to file an application all over again (you get to retain your original date, thankfully) Which I just did.

- Oh, did I mention that the actual application process takes a year if everything goes smoothly? If there are audits, it can take 3 years, in which time more hoops have to be jumped through.

- So doing the math, I'm thinking I'll get my green card in about 2017 or so, assuming everything goes OK.

- add five years for citizenship (2022)

Total time spent in the country ~ 23 years.

And I have to have a squeaky clean record the whole time. No minor arrests, prove that I don;t have any serious diseases, prove that I've been paying taxes, etc. I get to be quizzed every time i enter or exit the country and have to maintain a suitcase full of documents.

Contrast this:

- If I was from Pakistan, I would be a citizen by now. Or from Iran, North Korea, hell even Russia. Fuck, the Boston bombers got a green card before I did.

- If I had thrown away my student visa after I got here, I would have a unlimited employment authorization that I could use to freely change jobs without having to refile applications over and over again.

And guess whose problems get listened to? I mean, look at your post, you started with "interesting story" implying you don't really believe this could happen. Well you better believe this, because I'm living this life. But my story doesn't matter... the story of someone who stole in here and wants all the benefits while breaking all the rules makes it to NYTimes.

Thanks, liberals. Thanks a LOT. If I ever make it to citizenship, you'll know who I'm going to vote for... if the country isn't already fucked by then.

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
Unfortunately nixium, the answer from the pro-Open Borders crowd to 'what kind of people do we need here' is: Whoever can make it, and, if you disagree with that, you're a racist xenophobe.

And with that, the lines are drawn...

Is there a lot of these Open Borders people posting here?

And guess whose problems get listened to? I mean, look at your post, you started with "interesting story" implying you don't really believe this could happen.

Nope...I just meant interesting story
My first thought was that you may be from Pakistan or Iran and probably being discriminated against actually
Must be the Liberal in me

Thanks, liberals. Thanks a LOT. If I ever make it to citizenship, you'll know who I'm going to vote for... if the country isn't already fucked by then.

That's sad the Liberals screwed you over so bad.
I guess there was nothing you could of ever done to change your circumstances


Dec 9, 1999
Is there a lot of these Open Borders people posting here?

I was responding to an Open Borders person. Anyone who cannot first advocate for the lock down of the US southern border, not in theory or in policy, but in actuality, prior to seriously advocating for Amnesty 2.0 and/or immigration policy reform, is effectively an Open Border proponent, whether they admit that or not. We have tens of Millions of examples of how non-US citizens feel about respecting our southern border and how they feel about adhering to our immigration policy. Going through the charade of new laws and handing out new freebies and rewards for streaming illegally across makes quite literally zero sense at all. The only way it does make sense is if someone wants to appear to be for border integrity, goes through the motions of these new laws that will magically make people get in line and come here - and stay here - the proper way, all the while knowing that border ain't gonna be secure so it doesn't matter a bit. Or, the other con, "compromise" by just having the process allow basically anyone in in as short of a time as possible, aka, Open Borders Without Saying Open Borders.

It's not hard to understand what people are arguing for...


May 15, 2000
- I came here as a student when I was 17 (2001)

- After my bachelors, I continued into grad school. I wanted to do a PhD, but a company seduced me away. After spending a while in China, I came back here.

- They filed a employment based green card for me in 2009.

- Thanks to government errors, my application only made it through in 2011.

- This is where the problem is. Every applicant for permanent residency has to abide by a diversity rule, which means that no more than 7% of all green cards in a year can go to a person born in that country.

- I'm of Indian origin, and we're oversubscribed. So the wait time (non-linear - No one really knows how the government calculates this - is 6-7 years IF you have a grad degree.

- I won't go into the convoluted details of the exact process that a company needs to file an immigrant petition for someone. It'll ruin your faith in anything Government does, and I don't think you're ready for that yet.

- If you change jobs when this process is going on, you have to file an application all over again (you get to retain your original date, thankfully) Which I just did.

- Oh, did I mention that the actual application process takes a year if everything goes smoothly? If there are audits, it can take 3 years, in which time more hoops have to be jumped through.

- So doing the math, I'm thinking I'll get my green card in about 2017 or so, assuming everything goes OK.

- add five years for citizenship (2022)

Total time spent in the country ~ 23 years.

And I have to have a squeaky clean record the whole time. No minor arrests, prove that I don;t have any serious diseases, prove that I've been paying taxes, etc. I get to be quizzed every time i enter or exit the country and have to maintain a suitcase full of documents.

Contrast this:

- If I was from Pakistan, I would be a citizen by now. Or from Iran, North Korea, hell even Russia. Fuck, the Boston bombers got a green card before I did.

- If I had thrown away my student visa after I got here, I would have a unlimited employment authorization that I could use to freely change jobs without having to refile applications over and over again.

And guess whose problems get listened to? I mean, look at your post, you started with "interesting story" implying you don't really believe this could happen. Well you better believe this, because I'm living this life. But my story doesn't matter... the story of someone who stole in here and wants all the benefits while breaking all the rules makes it to NYTimes.

Thanks, liberals. Thanks a LOT. If I ever make it to citizenship, you'll know who I'm going to vote for... if the country isn't already fucked by then.

Lol! How did "liberals" screw you exactly?


Senior member
Dec 10, 2013
It's mostly clear. Source inside the ICE told the media to look into children being drug mules.

The Illegals Release? Half the story, it is a cover for the drug cartel operation, actually.

And some pictures you won't find on snotnose cable news.

The children inside the shelter spent their time playing basketball, soccer and singing in groups.

DREAMers lounge around while immigration officials decide where to send them.

The children are standing in unison to sing a song.

Health Department subcontractors take loads of trash out to the garbage dumpsters behind the shelter.

Three food trailers from a local grocery store are parked right outside the shelter.

Taxpayer-funded ICE officials guard temporary illegal immigrant holding facility.

A port-o-potty designated for the immigrant youth at the facility.

Videos And Pics of illegals getting better treatment than many american groups every would:
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Senior member
Aug 25, 2008
Lol! How did "liberals" screw you exactly?

By having a CIR-or-bust approach to solving this problem, and not taking it piecemeal as it's supposed to be.

Fix the issues surrounding legal immigration, then figure out what to do with the illegal immigrants already here. The two are not connected and I blame liberals for only focusing on the latter.


Nov 11, 1999
By having a CIR-or-bust approach to solving this problem, and not taking it piecemeal as it's supposed to be.

Fix the issues surrounding legal immigration, then figure out what to do with the illegal immigrants already here. The two are not connected and I blame liberals for only focusing on the latter.

You still haven't offered how "Liberals" rather than conservative nativists are to blame for current policy.

Illegals currently in this country are obviously a much more urgent problem *for this country* than people waiting for legal entry.


Jun 19, 2000
So why don't you say exactly what your point is, rather than continuing to mouth vague shit.
Not a problem. I'll be happy to. My point is that you're an emo wacko that can't grasp the concept of hyperbole and mild hyperbole at that. You're fucked up in the head. Thanks for asking.


Apr 8, 2002
Oh I'm sure they're the wrong questions, asking them makes allowing so many illegals in mighty painful for the Politicians and those pro-Open Border. Tell me, how does it help an established society with established wages and established standards of living to have 3rd worlders come in, live 10 to a house, put large strains on the social services (that their tax revenues will never pay for), all the while directly competing with the lower and lower-middle working classes? Does it help the high school student who graduated with a D average and is making $15 an hour doing flooring, the market rate, when a flood of your legal (now illegal but legal under your dream) come in and saturate the market with low wage opportunity? I mean, I know it helps the owner employing these new legals, he gets to charge the same and pocket more. I know it might (and I stress might) help the customer, as in theory, they're going to get more for less (unless the owner just pockets the difference, which is common)...and then there's the re-work/long term quality that they won't see initially. But, for all the already US citizens before these new legals come in, the ones who will now go from $15 an hour to $9 an hour to compete, or who will just loose their jobs, you know, the ones that can't afford to, exactly what happens to them? Sorry, I must have missed it, how is allowing tens of millions of competition for them into the US going to benefit them again? Please don't say 'Oh, they can retrain'. Guess what - they can't/won't. They're a D average high school grad, those don't retrain, they go on unemployment and suck up social services, and so do the 2-4 kids they have.

How does having a D plus avg student in the workforce help the country? Your built up scenarios are just that, scenarios. Because you build up a situation that tugs on the heart strings of the uneducated in this country we shouldnt modernize our immigration policy?

Of course they'd go legit, haha. That's not the US problem, that's theirs for coming here illegally. As for 'net positive', WTF are you smoking man? Have you lost your mind completely? Lets do the math: Minimum wage dad and mom, both now legal, with 2 kids. That will be a complete Fed tax return of...everything. State as well. Plus, state sponsored healthcare. Plus, because kids, some kind of food handout. Plus, because kids, housing assistance. Plus, because kids, they are both in school. 8 years gradeschool, $13k per year per kid. Another 4 years high school, last I looked 2 years ago, $16k per kid per year. Then, since they're legal, they will themselves be entitled to social security and Medicare. Can you break it down for me exactly where they're net positive? Please again, don't tell me it's because they're providing less cost to customer.

I have to ask. Are you a champion of the drug war?

No actually I want it on our southern border, and, as I already said, not a wall (at least not in all areas).

No actually they're not the same thing at all. Your heart bleeds for these people, fine. Bleed at home. Enjoy the benefits of them living on top of you, of you paying for them. Heck, it's 'a net positive' for you, amirite? I mean, look, they'll do the dishes sometimes, maybe clean once a while, and, you can accountant account for everyone in your household being bilingual (well, no need for that if we didn't allow tens of millions in, but hey, why be practical about it). Are you now saying you don't want to support your familia? I get this sense you want them here, you want the "cheap" lawncare, the "cheap" vending, but you don't want to actually live with the problems these tens of millions bring to others. Err...why is that? You're not xenophobic are you? If having them here is good, then having them in your own house directly contributing to you, and you to them, would be even better, would it not?

You still cant understand how a wall and letting people into a home are the same thing? Really?

Well, when governments build walls - real or virtual - to keep invaders out (lethal or otherwise), and let their own population go where they want, I'm not seeing a problem from their own populations perspective. Sorry, exactly how would that affect a US citizen again?

List the number of countries in the last 100 years that built walls and armed them. Then let their citizen flow freely.


Apr 8, 2002
There's two problems here that I want to highlight. First, rewarding those who broke the law while ignoring everyone following it is a travesty. That's my main point. Any immigration system should (1) apply to the needs of the country as a whole, and (2) be fair to a would-be immigrant. Any proposals by you pro immigrant crowd reward law breakers while shafting those following the laws. That's not fair, period, no matter how stupid you think the laws would be.

Nobody is rewarding people for breaking the law. It would allow an avenue of citizenship that is simply not realistic right now as your story proves. It is dealing with the reality of the situation that we cant deport 20 million people.

If Obama passes an admin fix that says anyone illegal in the country gets an employment authorization that's infinitely renewable, how is that fair to someone in the queue, working here, who would have to get a visa and jump through all the hoops that represents? Even worse, I could just throw my papers away, make up a fake name, and get the exact same benefits. How does this make any sense whatsoever?

It isnt fair

If I need to change jobs with my visa, I need to prove a variety of things, including how special my knowledge is and how I'm not harming american workers wages, which is correct because, you know, this is your country and you don't want your own people to be shafted.

If I had come here illegally, I can get my employment authorization with NO rules whatsoever on how it distorts the labor market, switch jobs willy nilly, and so on.

There's maybe a few hundred thousand of me and several million illegals.


It doesnt make sense and that is my point. Our immigration policy encourages low skill labor to come here and remain under the radar while educated skilled labor gets put into years of hoops to become citizens.

That's the problem with you guys. You use grandiose ideals to solve a problem thats incredibly complicated when it comes to details.

I dont consider streamlining the immigration process so people like you can get in and become citizens much faster grandiose.

The real question is, what kind of immigrants benefit the USA? How can the laws ensure that such immigrants have an efficient time immigrating? That's where you start at. Not at looking at the current system, realizing it doesn't work, and just opening the borders.

I dont believe anybody said open the borders. At least I havent been advocating that. What I am advocating is immigration reform that makes it much easier for people to become citizens. As for who we should let in? I say we should let in anybody who doesn't have a felony criminal record.


Apr 13, 2012
This isn't going to happen. So you may as well explore realistic options.

Liberals said the same thing 10 years ago. No one is saying you are going to deport 10 million people over night. If we had implemented it then it would have happened by now.


Apr 8, 2002
Liberals said the same thing 10 years ago. No one is saying you are going to deport 10 million people over night. If we had implemented it then it would have happened by now.

No it wouldn't. We already deport hundreds of thousands of people each year. The result is the illegal population is growing.


Apr 13, 2012
Nobody is rewarding people for breaking the law. It would allow an avenue of citizenship that is simply not realistic right now as your story proves. It is dealing with the reality of the situation that we cant deport 20 million people.

Well you certainly can't deport 20 million people when you keep releasing more on the wrong side of the border.


Apr 13, 2012
No it wouldn't. We already deport hundreds of thousands of people each year. The result is the illegal population is growing.

Because we have policies that encourage more to come.

Illegal immigrants should be living in fear. Whereas in reality they feel free to have cross-country van tours advertising they are illegal immigrants. Or show up in a court of law claiming to be an illegal immigrant. Or show up at congressional offices claiming to be an illegal immigrant.

I mean we are catching illegal immigrants on the border and they are now being released and told to come to court later

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
List the number of countries in the last 100 years that built walls and armed them. Then let their citizen flow freely.

Maybe chucky should start out with a much smaller wall to begin with.
Build a 50 ft. wall around Chicago, and some more smaller 30 ft walls to separate the neighborhoods
Then in a decade show the rest of the US all the positive results


Apr 8, 2002
Because we have policies that encourage more to come.

Illegal immigrants should be living in fear. Whereas in reality they feel free to have cross-country van tours advertising they are illegal immigrants. Or show up in a court of law claiming to be an illegal immigrant. Or show up at congressional offices claiming to be an illegal immigrant.

I mean we are catching illegal immigrants on the border and they are now being released and told to come to court later

I think you have a bloated idea of what it is like to be an illegal immigrant in this country. It isn't some picnic. The only stories you hear about are the fringe about an illegal showing up to court and being released.

There is a reason why they go underground. If they felt as free as you claim they wouldn't hide.


Apr 13, 2012
I think you have a bloated idea of what it is like to be an illegal immigrant in this country. It isn't some picnic. The only stories you hear about are the fringe about an illegal showing up to court and being released.

There is a reason why they go underground. If they felt as free as you claim they wouldn't hide.

So you missed the thread about the illegal immigrant in California who went to court to argue for his right to practice law in California?


Apr 8, 2002
Maybe chucky should start out with a much smaller wall to begin with.
Build a 50 ft. wall around Chicago, and some more smaller 30 ft walls to separate the neighborhoods
Then in a decade show the rest of the US all the positive results

Hey I suggested he go smaller than that. To build a wall around his house and put armed guards up there. Unsurprisingly this was not a desired outcome for him. Gee I wonder why?

Humans have built walls in other cities or areas and armed them that worked out well for the citizens. I can think of a few.

Berlin - Built 1961
West bank wall - 2000
Baghdad - April 2007
North Korea - 1953
Warsaw - Oct 1940
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