I'd vote for Bush twice if I could

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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
The taxes I can no longer afford to pay cuz you have my money
nope..doesn't pay taxes (a victim, i "took" their money)

your sweeping generalizations
nope...doesn't pay taxes

I've never had ANY assistance in my life that I haven't earned. I was on unemployment for two years, which, and get this, my liberal self payed in, amazing eh? I will be getting money from the government to finally go to college also, but I see no problem in that. I've had alot of hardships in my life, not due to any fault or lazyness of my own. At the end of my unemployment I wanted to get a job, but instead chose taking care of my father who had Lou Gehrig's Disease, all so he wouldn't have to rot away in a funeral home. And now that those things are over, I'll gladly take a little help to get a BA in College and earn my way through the system.
definitely not a tax payer...indeed, a typical liberal...feels entitled to living on my dime, and then has enough self-esteem left over to spit in my face.

liberals are embued with high self-esteem, even when they are unemployed, non-tax paying, kids.

You guys crack me up...

What is my income?


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
The taxes I can no longer afford to pay cuz you have my money
nope..doesn't pay taxes (a victim, i "took" their money)

your sweeping generalizations
nope...doesn't pay taxes

I've never had ANY assistance in my life that I haven't earned. I was on unemployment for two years, which, and get this, my liberal self payed in, amazing eh? I will be getting money from the government to finally go to college also, but I see no problem in that. I've had alot of hardships in my life, not due to any fault or lazyness of my own. At the end of my unemployment I wanted to get a job, but instead chose taking care of my father who had Lou Gehrig's Disease, all so he wouldn't have to rot away in a funeral home. And now that those things are over, I'll gladly take a little help to get a BA in College and earn my way through the system.
definitely not a tax payer...indeed, a typical liberal...feels entitled to living on my dime, and then has enough self-esteem left over to spit in my face.

liberals are embued with high self-esteem, even when they are unemployed, non-tax paying, kids.

You guys crack me up...

Excuse me, how am I "living on your dime"? I took out what I and the company paid for my unemployment. And are you saying you're paying for my schooling? Hmm? I wonder how most people got through school without having rich families to spoon feed them. FYI, I've also done consulting work this year, and made high enough money to pay quite a few taxes. Still want to come up with more generalasations and lies? It's funny, I edited my first reply to you, because I felt above attacking you personally, but now I wish I hadn't unedited it. I really wish you'd get off your highhorse and get a clue, but I can see your so blinded by your own ego that you never will. Pathetic.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
The taxes I can no longer afford to pay cuz you have my money

nope..doesn't pay taxes (a victim, i "took" their money

Took... depends how you view it, don't it... you got it... I had it and you shared that with the government... you actually caused me to pay your rate of tax. You only count the money you have after tax.. or should. That is what you have left till someone else gets it. So I paid that tax for you... you claim the credit for my money going to the government then chuckle at me for not having any to buy penut butter for dinner.. From now on I'll keep my money and you won't get the portion you don't send to the government. Well both suffer, but, I can handle it... can you?


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
This is fun...
definitely not a tax payer...indeed, a typical liberal...feels entitled to living on my dime, and then has enough self-esteem left over to spit in my face.

liberals are embued with high self-esteem, even when they are unemployed, non-tax paying, kids.

You guys crack me up...

Where did you get the dime you call yours?
You may not realize it but it is my dime you have.... I got it from some other poor smuck who got it from some farmer who planted some corn and paid the smuck to pluck it..
Now why do you have my dime? Did you out smart me? Or did you misappropriate it by getting more that YOUR efforts are worth. Maybe you should only earn what the corn plucker earns... and then we'd all be corn plucking smucks.. till you claim that the corn field is yours too.. or get it by being craftier than the smuck who had it.


Jul 17, 2003
Since when does international support define what's right?

That's irrelevent. A better question with which to amuse yourself with would be: 'When is it right to deceive and jeopardize a nation?" or perhaps maybe "Is it strategically sound for consequence to be ignored, and incompetence rewarded?"

Feel free to recite the YABA mantra of ' remember we're at war!' while contemplating my posers...


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2000
Just ignore that sad old troll, he's not worth your aggravation or effort. He's only here to get your dander up.


Golden Member
May 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Dissipate
Not to defend Republicans, but the modern day liberal certainly has bought into Marxism, lock, stock and barrel.

Oh really?

Progressive taxation, labor and union laws, minimum wage,

"No taxation without representation" wasn't that a prime precept for our founding fathers resistance against the English Crown? Wasn't one of the reasons the Puritans fled to America because they
were restricted in the types of work they were allowed to pursue while in Britan?

...wealth redistribution all have their roots in Marxism.

Wealth redistribution... wasn't that what the French did during their revolution?
All the things you point to as Marxist existed long before Karl was even born. The flaw of Marxism
wasn't in the principles it espoused; it was in the misinterpretation of those principles to fit in
with his pet agenda. And the larger flaw was the mistaken belief that you could force a new
form of government on people and they would simply accept it as common cause.

It is sickening to me that people still believe in this crap, decades after the entire theory was ripped to shreds.

Not half as sickening as blinding yourself to a single ideology, when history and reality paint a much
larger picture.


Senior member
May 31, 2004
I agree that Bush is the right man to lead America. He is a capitalist, Kerry is also a capitalist but not as much IMO. Bush knows that outsourcing in the long run is beneficial to the USA, Kerry is anti outsourcing because he wants the union votes. I might have put it in too simple terms but it still is accurate.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2000
Bush is the right man to lead America straight towards the proverbial iceberg. We can give him his moment of hubris in early November or we can all feel it sometime shortly thereafter. The choice is ours.


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
i'm pretty sure that there is an inverse relationship between the amount of taxes paid, and the liberalism espoused on this forum.

pay taxes - Republican

pay little or no taxes - Democrat

amazing how those that aren't in a position to support themselves and pay taxes, know so much about what is wrong with the country, and how to fix it....

why am i not surprised.

you should all thank God for us "rich" conservatives who pay gobs of taxes,
your living on our dime.

and don't give me that crap that i couldn't have "made it" without the system, so i need to pay more in..
the real question is how come YOU didn't "make it" WITH the same system...

like i said...unable to become self-supporting tax payers, yet "smart enough" to know all the answers..

One can only hope you don't have any kids. If you do, I feel very sorry for them.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
i'm pretty sure that there is an inverse relationship between the amount of taxes paid, and the liberalism espoused on this forum.

pay taxes - Republican

pay little or no taxes - Democrat

amazing how those that aren't in a position to support themselves and pay taxes, know so much about what is wrong with the country, and how to fix it....

why am i not surprised.

you should all thank God for us "rich" conservatives who pay gobs of taxes,
your living on our dime.

and don't give me that crap that i couldn't have "made it" without the system, so i need to pay more in..
the real question is how come YOU didn't "make it" WITH the same system...

like i said...unable to become self-supporting tax payers, yet "smart enough" to know all the answers..

Is it just me, or is HS running out of fresh trolls? No matter, I'd like to see him explain his, umm, "interesting" hypothesis to Warren Buffet, for example.

That's OK, HS, I sympathize. There was a time where I also looked at the $10 to $15 withheld from my check and whined about how it really cut into my budget for music and clothes. I have matured since I graduated, however. I am no longer so selfish, so self-absorbed, and most importantly, so negative. Instead of focusing on the amount I don't get, I focus on my net and realize I am blessed to be one of the wealthiest people in the world.

Do I want more? Absolutely. Do I expct more? Do I blame the government for taking my money? No, I grew out of that a long time ago. I realized that I have the ability to make (net) just as much money as I choose to. The only thing limiting my earnings is me, NOT the government.


Nov 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Bowfinger
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
i'm pretty sure that there is an inverse relationship between the amount of taxes paid, and the liberalism espoused on this forum.

pay taxes - Republican

pay little or no taxes - Democrat

amazing how those that aren't in a position to support themselves and pay taxes, know so much about what is wrong with the country, and how to fix it....

why am i not surprised.

you should all thank God for us "rich" conservatives who pay gobs of taxes,
your living on our dime.

and don't give me that crap that i couldn't have "made it" without the system, so i need to pay more in..
the real question is how come YOU didn't "make it" WITH the same system...

like i said...unable to become self-supporting tax payers, yet "smart enough" to know all the answers..

Is it just me, or is HS running out of fresh trolls? No matter, I'd like to see him explain his, umm, "interesting" hypothesis to Warren Buffet, for example.

That's OK, HS, I sympathize. There was a time where I also looked at the $10 to $15 withheld from my check and whined about how it really cut into my budget for music and clothes. I have matured since I graduated, however. I am no longer so selfish, so self-absorbed, and most importantly, so negative. Instead of focusing on the amount I don't get, I focus on my net and realize I am blessed to be one of the wealthiest people in the world.

Do I want more? Absolutely. Do I expct more? Do I blame the government for taking my money? No, I grew out of that a long time ago. I realized that I have the ability to make (net) just as much money as I choose to. The only thing limiting my earnings is me, NOT the government.

His post is even more amusing because someone posted this.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
Originally posted by: maXroOt

i believe this meets your needs very well, directly refuting what he said:

anyone hear the new bad religion song "let them ear war". it talks about this issue.

ahh again my college comes up on these threads, one of the most liberal schools out there, I guess I have to thank that school for further solidifying my conservatism.


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
Let's see, HS says Kerry is rich, yet he says the poor and those who don't pay taxes are Dems. Ok. Also, HS has railed before about the "CLASS" distinctions frequently made by the Dems. Uh, excuse me?

Medical school ain't as rigorous as it used to be or....



Jun 9, 2004
Originally posted by: IndieSnob
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
i'm pretty sure that there is an inverse relationship between the amount of taxes paid, and the liberalism espoused on this forum.

pay taxes - Republican

pay little or no taxes - Democrat

amazing how those that aren't in a position to support themselves and pay taxes, know so much about what is wrong with the country, and how to fix it....

why am i not surprised.

you should all thank God for us "rich" conservatives who pay gobs of taxes,
your living on our dime.

and don't give me that crap that i couldn't have "made it" without the system, so i need to pay more in..
the real question is how come YOU didn't "make it" WITH the same system...

like i said...unable to become self-supporting tax payers, yet "smart enough" to know all the answers..

Yes, you're right, HS. Without you and your taxes, I don't know what I'd do without your welfare. How can I ever repay you? Oh let me bow down to you and bless you. :roll:

I'll let you know something about me. I've never had ANY assistance in my life that I haven't earned. I was on unemployment for two years, which, and get this, my liberal self payed in, amazing eh? I will be getting money from the government to finally go to college also, but I see no problem in that. I've had alot of hardships in my life, not due to any fault or lazyness of my own. At the end of my unemployment I wanted to get a job, but instead chose taking care of my father who had Lou Gehrig's Disease, all so he wouldn't have to rot away in a funeral home. And now that those things are over, I'll gladly take a little help to get a BA in College and earn my way through the system. But to think for one second that I'll ever praise someone so full of themselfs and high and mighty like you when I've always earned things on my own, it ain't happening. Sorry, but you can take your self praise and shove it.

actually workers dont pay unemployment insurance, employers do. and the student loan program is a socialist program where if you truly can't afford college the government gives you roughly 50% of the cost (and loans you the other half). so you, in fact, will be living of other taxpayers. i used student loans and grants to get through college and im not ashamed to say i needed the assistance. but to say i earned these freebies would be assinine.

you do realize that one of the condition of receiving unemployment is you must be actively looking for work and able and willing to accept work, right? you obviously weren't looking for work. this is the problem with the system. people milk the system and feel as if that was their right.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
Took... depends how you view it, don't it... you got it... I had it and you shared that with the government... you actually caused me to pay your rate of tax. You only count the money you have after tax.. or should. That is what you have left till someone else gets it. So I paid that tax for you... you claim the credit for my money going to the government then chuckle at me for not having any to buy penut butter for dinner.. From now on I'll keep my money and you won't get the portion you don't send to the government. Well both suffer, but, I can handle it... can you?
you need to cut back on the blunts..only on weekends bro...

you seem to be stuck in a typical liberal fantasy, that wealth is like a pie of fixed size, and that if one person has a lot of "pie" they must have taken some "pie" from someone else.
in fact wealth is created. the GDP of the U.S. doubles every ten years... the population stays nearly the same. wealth can and is being created...get out there and create some wealth!!

everyone is getting "wealthier"
the "pie" is getting bigger.
i am able to create more wealth than you are...
the question becomes why you've been unable to create wealth when we've been given the same opportunities...

as for those of you who have "paid quite a few taxes"
or "plenty of taxes"...really are not paying "alot" in taxes unless your paying more than $100,000 yearly to the feds.

how am I "living on your dime"?
If you are unemployed, you are not paying income tax. all the benefits that the goverment provides for you (how about the roads, your defense, a zillion other things you take for granted) are paid for with taxes.....hence living off my dime.

One can only hope you don't have any kids. If you do, I feel very sorry for them.
My children graciously decline your sympathies. My eldest is frightfully smart (she's a Yalie), and stunningly beautiful... My son is a highly ranked tennis player, and a straight A student, and a gentleman. No, my children appreciate your concern, but feel it is misplaced...

Let's see, HS says Kerry is rich, yet he says the poor and those who don't pay taxes are Dems
Exactly!! you've got it now! The
Liberal elites" like Kerry, Kennedy, Rockefeller...all have inherited or married into vast wealth (never having earned any of it themselves). They want to control everything, and they appeal to those who don't pay much in taxes by promising to redistribute the wealth created by others to buy the votes of those who create less or no wealth.

when you have a family and dependants, everything becomes pretty straight forward...you primary focus is to provide for the well being of your family.

you tend to support the political party that will help you the most inproviding for your family...

if you pay an obscene amount in taxes, anyone that will reduce your tax burden is your friend.
if you don't pay any taxes, anyone that wil increase your family's benefits is your friend.

the pols have split the electorate nearly down the middle...

the upper 50% of the population in income, pays almost 100% of the federal income taxes.
the lower 50% of the population in income pays alomost 0% of the federal income tax collected.

all the other issues, gay marriage, abortion, federal judges, etc etc., the "social" issues, appeal to smaller niche, subsegments of the population at large. they do not really play a significant role in how the majority of people vote.

to paraphrase Clinton, who had it right by the way...
"it's the economy stupid"
adults will not vote against their own financial interests, because they have to support families. social issues are all fine and dandy, but they do not trump financial concerns.

at the end of the day, amost dults will vote for someone who supports their financial interests, even if they disagree with the politicians stand on social issues.

social issues have much more resonance with younger voters, because they don't have "adult" responsibilities.
people milk the system and feel as if that was their right
yep..liberals have lots of "self-esteem" they like to de disrespectful to those who actually pay taxes.

you know, if it wasn't for high income earners who pay gobs of taxes (like me), theliberals would be living in a workers paradise like Cuba or N. Korea. Liberals need conservatives to fund their agenda, because the liberal base surely doesn't pay for it. Think about that.


Oct 10, 2000
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
Took... depends how you view it, don't it... you got it... I had it and you shared that with the government... you actually caused me to pay your rate of tax. You only count the money you have after tax.. or should. That is what you have left till someone else gets it. So I paid that tax for you... you claim the credit for my money going to the government then chuckle at me for not having any to buy penut butter for dinner.. From now on I'll keep my money and you won't get the portion you don't send to the government. Well both suffer, but, I can handle it... can you?
you need to cut back on the blunts..only on weekends bro...

you seem to be stuck in a typical liberal fantasy, that wealth is like a pie of fixed size, and that if one person has a lot of "pie" they must have taken some "pie" from someone else.
in fact wealth is created. the GDP of the U.S. doubles every ten years... the population stays nearly the same. wealth can and is being created...get out there and create some wealth!!

everyone is getting "wealthier"
the "pie" is getting bigger.
i am able to create more wealth than you are...
the question becomes why you've been unable to create wealth when we've been given the same opportunities...

as for those of you who have "paid quite a few taxes"
or "plenty of taxes"...really are not paying "alot" in taxes unless your paying more than $100,000 yearly to the feds.

how am I "living on your dime"?
If you are unemployed, you are not paying income tax. all the benefits that the goverment provides for you (how about the roads, your defense, a zillion other things you take for granted) are paid for with taxes.....hence living off my dime.

One can only hope you don't have any kids. If you do, I feel very sorry for them.
My children graciously decline your sympathies. My eldest is frightfully smart (she's a Yalie), and stunningly beautiful... My son is a highly ranked tennis player, and a straight A student, and a gentleman. No, my children appreciate your concern, but feel it is misplaced...

Let's see, HS says Kerry is rich, yet he says the poor and those who don't pay taxes are Dems
Exactly!! you've got it now! The
Liberal elites" like Kerry, Kennedy, Rockefeller...all have inherited or married into vast wealth (never having earned any of it themselves). They want to control everything, and they appeal to those who don't pay much in taxes by promising to redistribute the wealth created by others to buy the votes of those who create less or no wealth.

when you have a family and dependants, everything becomes pretty straight forward...you primary focus is to provide for the well being of your family.

you tend to support the political party that will help you the most inproviding for your family...

if you pay an obscene amount in taxes, anyone that will reduce your tax burden is your friend.
if you don't pay any taxes, anyone that wil increase your family's benefits is your friend.

the pols have split the electorate nearly down the middle...

the upper 50% of the population in income, pays almost 100% of the federal income taxes.
the lower 50% of the population in income pays alomost 0% of the federal income tax collected.

all the other issues, gay marriage, abortion, federal judges, etc etc., the "social" issues, appeal to smaller niche, subsegments of the population at large. they do not really play a significant role in how the majority of people vote.

to paraphrase Clinton, who had it right by the way...
"it's the economy stupid"
adults will not vote against their own financial interests, because they have to support families. social issues are all fine and dandy, but they do not trump financial concerns.

at the end of the day, amost dults will vote for someone who supports their financial interests, even if they disagree with the politicians stand on social issues.

social issues have much more resonance with younger voters, because they don't have "adult" responsibilities.
people milk the system and feel as if that was their right
yep..liberals have lots of "self-esteem" they like to de disrespectful to those who actually pay taxes.

you know, if it wasn't for high income earners who pay gobs of taxes (like me), theliberals would be living in a workers paradise like Cuba or N. Korea. Liberals need conservatives to fund their agenda, because the liberal base surely doesn't pay for it. Think about that.

I wouldnt go as far as to say that liberals need conservatives, but rather than you need both the sides to cancel out to a reasonable solution (balanced budget). Thats how the system was originalyl designated.

Otherwise on one side youd have marxism or similar strategy with all-providing government and on the other you'd have a massive income gap like in Columbia. Somewhere in between you have whats going on right now.


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 1999
I just learned that the Iranian government signed up thousands of suicide bombers to attack coalition forces in Iraq, and possible attacks in the US. Their government is controlled by terrorists. Al Quada fled there after leaving Afghanistan. And they will soon have nuclear weapons. This is a big deal people! We are in more danger now than ever. The US is a huge target, and has been way before Bush took office. Much of their hatred for the US stems from the Clinton administration. But the focus shouldn't be on placing blame for it, but preparing for it and taking care of it. Considering the danger that we are in right now, and how much worse it could get in the coming years, I wouldn't feel very safe with Kerry in charge. Bush has 4 years experience in leading our military against the terrorists, and I wouldn't want to change leadership right now to someone with no Commander In Chief experience. Don't put America at risk just to see a Dem back in the White House.


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2003
Originally posted by: Rob9874
I just learned that the Iranian government signed up thousands of suicide bombers to attack coalition forces in Iraq, and possible attacks in the US. Their government is controlled by terrorists. Al Quada fled there after leaving Afghanistan. And they will soon have nuclear weapons. This is a big deal people! We are in more danger now than ever. The US is a huge target, and has been way before Bush took office. Much of their hatred for the US stems from the Clinton administration. But the focus shouldn't be on placing blame for it, but preparing for it and taking care of it. Considering the danger that we are in right now, and how much worse it could get in the coming years, I wouldn't feel very safe with Kerry in charge. Bush has 4 years experience in leading our military against the terrorists, and I wouldn't want to change leadership right now to someone with no Commander In Chief experience. Don't put America at risk just to see a Dem back in the White House.

Meh. I'm sure the Republicans are proud to have you on their side.


Oct 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Rob9874
I just learned that the Iranian government signed up thousands of suicide bombers to attack coalition forces in Iraq, and possible attacks in the US. Their government is controlled by terrorists. Al Quada fled there after leaving Afghanistan. And they will soon have nuclear weapons. This is a big deal people! We are in more danger now than ever. The US is a huge target, and has been way before Bush took office. Much of their hatred for the US stems from the Clinton administration. But the focus shouldn't be on placing blame for it, but preparing for it and taking care of it. Considering the danger that we are in right now, and how much worse it could get in the coming years, I wouldn't feel very safe with Kerry in charge. Bush has 4 years experience in leading our military against the terrorists, and I wouldn't want to change leadership right now to someone with no Commander In Chief experience. Don't put America at risk just to see a Dem back in the White House.

is that you Rush? comon stop hiding behind the crack pipe...


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Rob9874
I just learned that the Iranian government signed up thousands of suicide bombers to attack coalition forces in Iraq, and possible attacks in the US. Their government is controlled by terrorists. Al Quada fled there after leaving Afghanistan. And they will soon have nuclear weapons. This is a big deal people! We are in more danger now than ever. The US is a huge target, and has been way before Bush took office. Much of their hatred for the US stems from the Clinton administration. But the focus shouldn't be on placing blame for it, but preparing for it and taking care of it. Considering the danger that we are in right now, and how much worse it could get in the coming years, I wouldn't feel very safe with Kerry in charge. Bush has 4 years experience in leading our military against the terrorists, and I wouldn't want to change leadership right now to someone with no Commander In Chief experience. Don't put America at risk just to see a Dem back in the White House.



Jul 17, 2003
just learned that the Iranian government signed up thousands of suicide bombers to attack coalition forces in Iraq, and possible attacks in the US. Their government is controlled by terrorists. Al Quada fled there after leaving Afghanistan. And they will soon have nuclear weapons. This is a big deal people! We are in more danger now than ever. The US is a huge target, and has been way before Bush took office. Much of their hatred for the US stems from the Clinton administration. But the focus shouldn't be on placing blame for it, but preparing for it and taking care of it. Considering the danger that we are in right now, and how much worse it could get in the coming years, I wouldn't feel very safe with Kerry in charge. Bush has 4 years experience in leading our military against the terrorists, and I wouldn't want to change leadership right now to someone with no Commander In Chief experience. Don't put America at risk just to see a Dem back in the White House.

Bush invades the wrong country and makes the situation even worse through a litany of fvckups, and you preach about how his 4 years of experience will save the country?!
You are too stupid to vote. Please, step away from the keyboard. They're right, you really are just a troll. :roll:

I'll go with the leader who isn't afraid to face the enemy thanks. A spoiled coward like the chimp has no business sending in 18yr olds to die, especially in an unnecessary war engineered for fiscal gain. You and your neocon ilk make me want stomp something. :|


Feb 18, 2004
I don't fault Bush for going to war with Iraq (I thought and still think that it was a good war). But I do fault him for the fact that he started the war without UN support and (especially) for going to war without a plan for rebuilding Iraq after the war is over. And I continue to fault him for not re-evaluating the situation and being blinded by his advisors.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
you need both the sides to cancel out to a reasonable solution
i've said this same thing in the past many times..it's the "dynamic" tension between the two parties that keeps things working right.

the genius of the Founding Fathers is that they created a system where it is HARD for anyone to control everything, and every few years (2, 4, 6, or whenever a supreme court judge dies) we get to pick a new team of players.

the House elections are every 2 years, the senate every 6 years, president every 4, and the Supremes turn over every 10-15 years..

controlled chaos....

and ultimately, it reflect the "will of the people", tempered by the Constitution.
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