I'd vote for Bush twice if I could

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Oct 10, 2000
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
you need both the sides to cancel out to a reasonable solution
i've said this same thing in the past many times..it's the "dynamic" tension between the two parties that keeps things working right.

the genius of the Founding Fathers is that they created a system where it is HARD for anyone to control everything, and every few years (2, 4, 6, or whenever a supreme court judge dies) we get to pick a new team of players.

the House elections are every 2 years, the senate every 6 years, president every 4, and the Supremes turn over every 10-15 years..

controlled chaos....

and ultimately, it reflect the "will of the people", tempered by the Constitution.

yup, thought its more of the two extremes than two parties. Being eurpean i never got into the whole republican or democart thing. I have my set of beliefs and i address the issues as they come up.

IMHO political parties hinder the whole cancelling process, as they take over the actual will of the people (the representatives) and mold em into a general effort - ie abortion, civil liberties etc. In the end your representative has to do whatver the partie does, rather than what he/she thinks is right.


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
you need both the sides to cancel out to a reasonable solution
i've said this same thing in the past many times..it's the "dynamic" tension between the two parties that keeps things working right.

the genius of the Founding Fathers is that they created a system where it is HARD for anyone to control everything, and every few years (2, 4, 6, or whenever a supreme court judge dies) we get to pick a new team of players.

the House elections are every 2 years, the senate every 6 years, president every 4, and the Supremes turn over every 10-15 years..

controlled chaos....

and ultimately, it reflect the "will of the people", tempered by the Constitution.

Open your mind...you live in a false reality......... "the have's have not a clue"

I think some Bob Dylan lyrcs are quite fitting here

Come you masters of war
You that build the big guns
You that build the death planes
You that build all the bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks

You that never done nothin'
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it's your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly

Like Judas of old
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain

You fasten the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you set back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion
As young people's blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud

You've thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain't worth the blood
That runs in your veins

How much do I know
To talk out of turn
You might say that I'm young
You might say I'm unlearned
But there's one thing I know
Though I'm younger than you
Even Jesus would never
Forgive what you do

Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul

And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand o'er your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
you need both the sides to cancel out to a reasonable solution
i've said this same thing in the past many times..it's the "dynamic" tension between the two parties that keeps things working right.

the genius of the Founding Fathers is that they created a system where it is HARD for anyone to control everything, and every few years (2, 4, 6, or whenever a supreme court judge dies) we get to pick a new team of players.

the House elections are every 2 years, the senate every 6 years, president every 4, and the Supremes turn over every 10-15 years..

controlled chaos....

and ultimately, it reflect the "will of the people", tempered by the Constitution.


A statement from someone I couldn't disagree with more on economic or social policy, but that is absolutely the way a representative democracy should work.

I am constantly upset that in Canada we have castrated our Senate (politically-appointed rubber-stampers is all they are now), and have only our parliament and our supreme court left to balance each other's actions. The checks and balances in the Canadian system are almost entirely 'by tradition' which tends not to work well when 'reformers' (right wing or left) come into power.


Senior member
Apr 1, 2003
Originally posted by: Rob9874
I'd vote for Bush twice if I could

Given enough time and leeway, I'm sure this administration will figure out a way to let you do just that.



Golden Member
Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: cash1220
Originally posted by: IndieSnob
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
i'm pretty sure that there is an inverse relationship between the amount of taxes paid, and the liberalism espoused on this forum.

pay taxes - Republican

pay little or no taxes - Democrat

amazing how those that aren't in a position to support themselves and pay taxes, know so much about what is wrong with the country, and how to fix it....

why am i not surprised.

you should all thank God for us "rich" conservatives who pay gobs of taxes,
your living on our dime.

and don't give me that crap that i couldn't have "made it" without the system, so i need to pay more in..
the real question is how come YOU didn't "make it" WITH the same system...

like i said...unable to become self-supporting tax payers, yet "smart enough" to know all the answers..

Yes, you're right, HS. Without you and your taxes, I don't know what I'd do without your welfare. How can I ever repay you? Oh let me bow down to you and bless you. :roll:

I'll let you know something about me. I've never had ANY assistance in my life that I haven't earned. I was on unemployment for two years, which, and get this, my liberal self payed in, amazing eh? I will be getting money from the government to finally go to college also, but I see no problem in that. I've had alot of hardships in my life, not due to any fault or lazyness of my own. At the end of my unemployment I wanted to get a job, but instead chose taking care of my father who had Lou Gehrig's Disease, all so he wouldn't have to rot away in a funeral home. And now that those things are over, I'll gladly take a little help to get a BA in College and earn my way through the system. But to think for one second that I'll ever praise someone so full of themselfs and high and mighty like you when I've always earned things on my own, it ain't happening. Sorry, but you can take your self praise and shove it.

actually workers dont pay unemployment insurance, employers do. and the student loan program is a socialist program where if you truly can't afford college the government gives you roughly 50% of the cost (and loans you the other half). so you, in fact, will be living of other taxpayers. i used student loans and grants to get through college and im not ashamed to say i needed the assistance. but to say i earned these freebies would be assinine.

you do realize that one of the condition of receiving unemployment is you must be actively looking for work and able and willing to accept work, right? you obviously weren't looking for work. this is the problem with the system. people milk the system and feel as if that was their right.

Oh really? Can you explain why I had money out of my checks that said 'State UI Insurance'? And can you also explain why I looked for work those two whole years? Nice assumption, no go away troll.


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon

you need to cut back on the blunts..only on weekends bro...

This coming from a medical doctor with Ivy League kids! LMAO. :shocked:

Let me guess, you have a minor in rocket science, too and your dog won the Westminster a few times. You sure you aren't busting a cigar open right now man


Jun 9, 2004
Oh really? Can you explain why I had money out of my checks that said 'State UI Insurance'? And can you also explain why I looked for work those two whole years? Nice assumption, no go away troll.

what state?

you looked for work for two years and couldnt find a job? ok...


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: cash1220
Oh really? Can you explain why I had money out of my checks that said 'State UI Insurance'? And can you also explain why I looked for work those two whole years? Nice assumption, no go away troll.

what state?

you looked for work for two years and couldnt find a job? ok...

I apologize, I was wrong on the paying in out of check, instead I mistook it for L&I (yes, I can admit when I am wrong). But yes, no jobs in 2 years looking, and I applied to thousands, all around the country and in-state. I mostly got 'you're overqualified or not qualified enough'. I worked in a niche tech market that had only about 3 other companies doing the same thing, so my skills weren't very transferable.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
This coming from a medical doctor with Ivy League kids! LMAO.
glad i could lighten your day with a smile!
Let me guess, you have a minor in rocket science, too and your dog won the Westminster a few times.
Nope, even better...wifey is a doctor too!! Beautiful and smart..ah, how could i possible be luckier?


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
[ ... ]
adults will not vote against their own financial interests, because they have to support families. social issues are all fine and dandy, but they do not trump financial concerns.
I'm really curious, HS. You say you represent a two-doctor family. You whine about your outrageous tax burden. What is it you can't provide for your family? What does your family need that you can't provide because the government takes so much? It seems especially perplexing since tens of millions provide for their families' needs just fine on a fraction of what you claim to make. Why can't you?

at the end of the day, amost dults will vote for someone who supports their financial interests, even if they disagree with the politicians stand on social issues.

[ ... ]
yep..liberals have lots of "self-esteem" they like to de disrespectful to those who actually pay taxes.
For the record, that's a lie (at least that's what you called it when Kerry made a similar, overly-broad generalization).

you know, if it wasn't for high income earners who pay gobs of taxes (like me), theliberals would be living in a workers paradise like Cuba or N. Korea. Liberals need conservatives to fund their agenda, because the liberal base surely doesn't pay for it. Think about that.
Youy know, if it wasn't for high-income earners who pay gobs of taxes, we would all be living in third-world hell-holes like Guatemala. The high-income earners need the tax contributions of all the other high-income earners to support our extraordinary physical and economic infrastructure that provided them with the opportunity to earn high incomes. Without that expensive infrastructure, even heart surgeons would earn four-figure incomes and live in shacks ... but they'd get to keep most of that four-figure income! Woot!

You think about that.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
why don't you slackers work a little harder, smoke less blunts, keep study more, make better decisions with your lives and make more money so you can pay more taxes...imagine what the U.S could be if 100% of the population made enough to pay some meaningful taxes, rather than only 50%!!

think about that.

and yes, we want for nothing material in our family. but i would like to retire at a young age and maintain a certain lifestyle, i hope to retire to a "nice" area of the coastal U.S., i like to travel, and i'm probably going to end up putting three kids through college and very likely post-graduate school as well.

by the way, i've already put a cousin through college..paid her tuition.

fyi tuition at Yale is about $40,000/year X4 years = $160,000
lets assume post-graduate (dental, medical, business or law school) $40,000X4 - $160,000

$320,000 per kid X3 kids = potentially $960,000+ for schooling. Now us Conservatives don't get any "loans" or "grants" or "tuition reductions" ..so basically, a million bucks potentially to send my kids through school.

a million here, a million there, pretty soon your talking real money..

that's why i HATE paying so much in taxes. You've got to understand i send 50% of my hard earned cash to uncle sam....that's an very large amount of money.more than most people make.

i have worked extremely hard all my life to earn what i make.

my career as a heartsurgeon has a finite "lifetime"

i spent 4 years college, 4 years medical school, 8 years surgery residency, 3 years cardiac surgery residency - that's 19 years busting my @ss after high school, working 60-100 hours/wk+. getting paid less than minimuim wage on an hourly basis.

Just what do you believe I deserve to be paid?

now i don't expect any sympathy from anyone, but don't start telling me you "deserve" to be helped by the goverment (i.e., my tax dollars) because you had it rough, or "things didn't work out for me" i worked for 19 years at below minimum wage..

go get married, you and the wife both flip burgers for $6.00/hour, 100 hours/week, and you'll make $60,000 year...enough to qualify as "rich" acccording to the Democrats...then pay taxes and see how you feel about it.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
You've got to understand i send 50% of my hard earned cash to uncle sam
:roll: Impossible even using AGI. highest possible bracket is 35% after ~300K. Then don't you have deductions? You know like insurance, rent, payroll, mortgage intrest, Keogh, IRAs etc etc etc.? Sure you do which lessons liabity further. For example my dads co did 20M is business last year and he only pays 250K per quarter, no where near 50% more like 5%.


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Zebo: 20M in business is a lot different from 'made $20M' and as a resuthe real tax burden on earnings is probably higher than 5%. In addition, running your own business is very different from being employed, when it comes to tax avoidance through depreciation etc. I can believe that HS pays 50% of his total earnings in taxes once you factor in sales taxes and the like.

HS: Quoting tuition costs for elitist schools is not going to make anyone feel sorry for your tax burden, so it's a good thing you don't want sympathy.

You knew what the taxation of high income earners was before you signed up for 19 years of post-secondary education, so don't complain about how unfair it is now; You are playing an important part in the economy of your country, but so is the guy stuck flipping burgers for $6 an hour, while producing $50-100 an hour in value for his employer.

The difference is multi-fold, and you can only take credit for part of it. You are obviously intelligent or you would never have made it through 4 years of undergrad and into medical school (gentlemen's C's' don't cut it for med school admission, and we all know that). However, none of us deserve credit or criticism based soley on our intellect; we are born with it, and what we aren't born with we largely owe to our parents and teachers.

Your chosen profession is governed and controlled by bodies who restrict the number of candidates in order to protect their high salaries upon graduation. In effect, medical doctors, as valuable as they are intrinsically, are made more valuable by creating an artificial shortage, despite a plentitude of qualified candidates. Now to some extent those who make it through are the best of the best, but they are also part of a system which sells its services as an oligopoly, essentially holding the public for ransom to benefit itself. You did not create this problem, nor do you have much choice whether to participate in the problem, given that you want to be a doctor (and I doubt anyone would become a highly trained specialist without first really wanting to be a doctor).

We can however be commended for hard work and sacrifice:

Either through extraordinary effort, government help, support from your parents/relatives, or most likely some combination of two or more of these things, you made it though medical school and residency. In this respect, you have earned what you have now; you knew what the sacrifices were going in, you made them - willingly, I assume - and you now reap the rewards.

But why do you put yourself in a position and then complain that it is unfair? You get to work at a job that I imagine you enjoy, make more money in a year than most see in 10, and you can seriously talk about retiring early and never wanting for material things.

Far from being robbed blind by the tax man, I would say the system has more than worked for you.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
why don't you slackers work a little harder, smoke less blunts, keep study more, make better decisions with your lives and make more money so you can pay more taxes...imagine what the U.S could be if 100% of the population made enough to pay some meaningful taxes, rather than only 50%!!

think about that.

and yes, we want for nothing material in our family. but i would like to retire at a young age and maintain a certain lifestyle, i hope to retire to a "nice" area of the coastal U.S., i like to travel, and i'm probably going to end up putting three kids through college and very likely post-graduate school as well.

by the way, i've already put a cousin through college..paid her tuition.

fyi tuition at Yale is about $40,000/year X4 years = $160,000
lets assume post-graduate (dental, medical, business or law school) $40,000X4 - $160,000

$320,000 per kid X3 kids = potentially $960,000+ for schooling. Now us Conservatives don't get any "loans" or "grants" or "tuition reductions" ..so basically, a million bucks potentially to send my kids through school.

a million here, a million there, pretty soon your talking real money..

that's why i HATE paying so much in taxes. You've got to understand i send 50% of my hard earned cash to uncle sam....that's an very large amount of money.more than most people make.

i have worked extremely hard all my life to earn what i make.

my career as a heartsurgeon has a finite "lifetime"

i spent 4 years college, 4 years medical school, 8 years surgery residency, 3 years cardiac surgery residency - that's 19 years busting my @ss after high school, working 60-100 hours/wk+. getting paid less than minimuim wage on an hourly basis.

Just what do you believe I deserve to be paid?

now i don't expect any sympathy from anyone, but don't start telling me you "deserve" to be helped by the goverment (i.e., my tax dollars) because you had it rough, or "things didn't work out for me" i worked for 19 years at below minimum wage..

go get married, you and the wife both flip burgers for $6.00/hour, 100 hours/week, and you'll make $60,000 year...enough to qualify as "rich" acccording to the Democrats...then pay taxes and see how you feel about it.
For the sake of argument, let's assume you've accurately described your personal situation. (For the sake of civility, let's further assume you haven't littered your post with condescending and ignorant personal attacks suggesting anyone who doesn't whine about taxes must not work hard enough to pay them. For the record, my wife and I are accomplished IT professionals -- me in management for many years -- and though we don't earn as much as two "doctors", we pay more in taxes than the average American earns. We feel privileged to live in a country where we can earn and keep so much. You can put that in your blunt and smoke it. But I digress.)

Anyway, it seems to me that you're trying to mooch off other taxpayers just as much as the Democrats you like to slur. Does Yale take advantage of any public services, e.g., utilities, roads, public transportation and air travel, police and fire, etc.? What about research grants and other government subsidies, federal grants and loans for students (including former students who are now faculty), etc.?

How about the medical facilities where you work? Any of the above public services? How about public emergency resources, e.g., ambulances, E-911? Do your medical facilities pay property taxes (many don't)? Did any staff receive publicly-funded training: EMTs, orderlies, nurses, office staff? Any of your patients use Medicare, Medicaid, or other publicly-subsidized health programs? Any of your patients able to afford your services thanks to their publicly-funded education at government-subsidized learning institutions? Does the medical profession benefit from any publicly-funded research, grants, loans, etc.?

For that matter, did any of your co-workers or patients attend public schools? Do any live in homes accessible via public roads, protected by public safety resources, and serviced by public utilities? Do any of them work in businesses that benefit from these public resources, and that have customers who benefit from these resources, who in turn work at other businesses, etc.?

Everyone and everything around you exists the way it does thanks to taxpayers. Your life of privilege doesn't exist in a vacuum. You didn't create it out of dust. You took advantage of the benefits of living in a tax-paying nation.

Re. some of your other points, I think your expectations are off. First, it's not up to other taxpayers to let you retire early and get a nice coastal retirement villa. You pay your taxes like the rest of us. The tremendous amount you get to keep either supports your desired lifestyle or it doesn't. If it doesn't, you either adjust your expectations or decide to earn more money. Life is all about choices.

You are mistaken when you suggest you must pay the full cost of your children's education. If they are high-achievers, they will qualify for some grants regardless of financial need. If they aren't, yet you choose to send them to an Ivy-league school, well that's just another choice you make.

You will also find that your children will qualify for low-interest loans regardless of means. Most of America use loans to pay for education these days. You have that option as well. Your children can also work while in school, defraying some of the expenses. Since you are so big on people making their own way in the world, I would think you would encourage this.

Certainly, if you choose to send your children to expensive schools, you will shoulder much of the cost. You should feel privileged to have that choice. Many would give their right arm for it.

By the way, $1M over 30 or so years (assuming you start saving at birth, three children with a couple of years between them, several years of college) is "only" $33,000 per year (ignoring interest and investment gains). While that's not chicken feed, it's also not a fortune for someone with a six-figure income. Choices.

Finally, I don't have any problem with what most doctors are paid. In general, I don't have a problem with any wage-earners who are able to demand whatever the market will bear for their labor. I do have a problem with some CEOs who conspire with compliant boards to suck exorbitant salaries out of companies, especially when the company is screwing its employees and/or its shareholders.

Finally, you're right, HS. It's not a fixed pie. The American pie is so large, in part, because generations of taxpayers have built an extraordinary physical, economic, and educational infrastructure that have allowed so many to prosper. That is why so many Americans can take home tens of thousands of dollars per year while most of the world scratches by on a pittance. We all pay so much in taxes so we can have an economy that provides the opportunities to work in jobs where we can pay so much in taxes.

If you take away the taxes, you also take away the opportunities, and the whole thing collapses like a house of cards. Again, think about that. And count your blessings. We do.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: cash1220
What is it you can't provide for your family


Exactly what my reply to Bow's post was going to be. It isn't about what I(or others) can or can't afford due to the tax burden - it's about why the gov't feels they need to take more. Just because I have more to spend as I choose doesn't mean it's fair game for the gov't to just take it. I don't expect him and others to understand this concept though - they seem to believe in the old "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." line of thought.



Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
[ ... ]
It isn't about what I(or others) can or can't afford due to the tax burden
Yes, it is.

- it's about why the gov't feels they need to take more.
Because they won't cut spending. Elect people who will cut spending and we can cut taxes.

Just because I have more to spend as I choose doesn't mean it's fair game for the gov't to just take it.
They don't, of course. They just take part of it.

[ ... ] they seem to believe in the old "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." line of thought.
Nope. Nice straw man though.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Bowfinger
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
[ ... ]
It isn't about what I(or others) can or can't afford due to the tax burden
Yes, it is.
No, not it isn't
- it's about why the gov't feels they need to take more.
Because they won't cut spending. Elect people who will cut spending and we can cut taxes.
That's only part of the problem and I do vote that way - some people don't though and vote for people who wish to raise taxes and spending
Just because I have more to spend as I choose doesn't mean it's fair game for the gov't to just take it.
They don't, of course. They just take part of it.
Doesn't matter - it's the principle. Who is the gov't to tell me I need less of my income than someone else?
[ ... ] they seem to believe in the old "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." line of thought.
Nope. Nice straw man though.
No straw man - using arguments like you did falls in line with that old saying.
It seems especially perplexing since tens of millions provide for their families' needs just fine on a fraction of what you claim to make. Why can't you?
It doesn't matter what he does with the money he earns. You nor the gov't have any business taking a bigger percentage from one person than another just because you deem them "rich" or say they don't "need" it as much. It all boils down to that old saying. You want to say he has more so he should pay more.



Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
I would be willing to pay more if someone could prove that I make more than someone that makes less, because of some goverment involvement on my behalf!!


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Ozoned
I would be willing to pay more if someone could prove that I make more than someone that makes less, because of some goverment involvement on my behalf!!

What do you do?


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
elitist schools
Oh, I see, not academically rigorous, not highly selective, as in you've got to be really smart, no, just elitist.
You are playing an important part in the economy of your country, but so is the guy stuck flipping burgers for $6 an hour, while producing $50-100 an hour in value for his employer.
Don't major in economics, you'll never graduate. An employee that returns 10-20 times his salary in earning for his employer!! HAHAHAHAHA WTF? Another example of denying that intelligence and skill has anything to do with reality. This is slacker self-esteem at work..i'm as good as anyone, i just choose to under achieve!!

By the way,
You knew what the taxation of high income earners was before you signed up for 19 years of post-secondary education
Don't major in Hiostory either. Clinton raised tax rates...before that Reagan had lower the, nicely.

Q]despite a plentitude of qualified candidates[/quote] HAHAHAHAHA, yep, and everyone can play the violin!! This is what i love about slackers..high-self esteem....i could do it if i wanted to...i just choose to under-achieve!

We can however be commended for hard work and sacrifice
Here's that self-esteem stuff again, no mention of extraordinary intelligence or unique skills...just hard work and being a tool, anyone could do it if they wanted to. Slacker logic...

Far from being robbed blind by the tax man, I would say the system has more than worked for you.
Since what i do can obviously be done by anyone who is willing to work hard enough, this begs the issue, why aren't YOU working harder, and paying more taxes. You would be making this an even better worker's paradise if you weren't slacking off so much. I'm not be robbed by a "blind man", i'm being robbed by slackers. that's what i onject to

instead of braying about me paying my fair share....why don't you work your fair share, and pay more taxes.


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2004
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
Oh, I see, not academically rigorous, not highly selective, as in you've got to be really smart, no, just elitist.

Academically rigorous schools don't hand out degrees to the George Bushes of the world. But elitist schools do.

Don't major in economics, you'll never graduate. An employee that returns 10-20 times his salary in earning for his employer!! HAHAHAHAHA WTF? Another example of denying that intelligence and skill has anything to do with reality. This is slacker self-esteem at work..i'm as good as anyone, i just choose to under achieve!!

I don't underachieve, and I do major in economics (and, on a side note, psychology). Furthermore I will be graduating shortly from a respected school, most likely with a place on the dean's list. My future plans include law school and hopefully the opportunity to pay a great deal of tax.

By the way,
You knew what the taxation of high income earners was before you signed up for 19 years of post-secondary education
Don't major in Hiostory either. Clinton raised tax rates...before that Reagan had lower the, nicely.

Reagan also spent billions (or was it trillions?) more than he collected in taxes, which may or may not be defensible on occasion, but certainly is not sustainable.

HAHAHAHAHA, yep, and everyone can play the violin!! This is what i love about slackers..high-self esteem....i could do it if i wanted to...i just choose to under-achieve!

I didn't say 'choose to underachieve', and you know it - there is quite simply a limit on the number of spaces available for doctors and many other high-paid professionals in acaemic institutions. This is one of the reasons that those who do find a place AND WORK HARD ENOUGH TO GRADUATE are paid quite so very much as they are.

We can however be commended for hard work and sacrifice
Here's that self-esteem stuff again, no mention of extraordinary intelligence or unique skills...just hard work and being a tool, anyone could do it if they wanted to. Slacker logic...[/quote]

There is no slacker logic here - your dedication to your education certainly suggests that you have earned some part of your expanded earning power through hard work and sacrifice. I'm certainly not calling you a slacker, so why would you atack the wrong part of my argument?

Far from being robbed blind by the tax man, I would say the system has more than worked for you.
Since what i do can obviously be done by anyone who is willing to work hard enough, this begs the issue, why aren't YOU working harder, and paying more taxes. You would be making this an even better worker's paradise if you weren't slacking off so much. I'm not be robbed by a "blind man", i'm being robbed by slackers. that's what i onject to[/quote]

You aren't being robbed by anyone, and no, what you do cannot be done by anyone. But it is not solely through your own efforts that you have acheived what you have. Probably 80-95% of the population does not have the natural intelligence and specific aptitudes needed to be a medical specialist. You can't claim credit for what you didn't create, and you didn't create your natural abilities.

instead of braying about me paying my fair share....why don't you work your fair share, and pay more taxes.

I already pay Unemployment and Pension deductions for plans which I do not qualify to ever collect from, and normally at least a small amount of tax, even after deductions for paying my rent and tuition for the school year. The specifics of the tax system are a little different in Canada than in the USA, but it comes to the same thing, except that everyone here pays a little more tax than we would in the United States (but health care is publicly funded).

You also ignored the part where you get to do a job that you enjoy, make more money than nearly anyone in your country or any other, and help provide the kind of future you want for your children.

ED: (responded to Bowfinger's excellent post) Not to mention ignoring Bowfinger's post, which was considerably better than my own.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
I respect you more for paying taxes.

several of your points are completely incorrect.

high rate tax payers pay for nearly everything. All the goverment dervived resourcxes that i "use" to make my living, are funded by taxpayers just like me. Indeed, i not only pay for the resources i use, i also pay for the resources that you and others use. highly taxed income earners pay for all they utilize and much much more.

Explain to me again how my income is derived from the tax contributions of the 50% of the population that doesn't taxes?

this idea that i am living offf your dime is completely bizarre. You don't seem to understand that not only do high income earners get taxed at a high rate, but the amount of tax revenue generated by high income earners represents the bulk of the taxes collected.

we are not living off the collective "back" of low income earners....it is the exact opposite.

the second part of your being incorrect is a more fundamental issue, that you do not raise directly, but is the implicit underpinning of all your arguments..

you assume that higher tax rates for high income earners is "better" for society. i completely disagree.
i would argue that high income earners are efficient at creating wealth, and should be encouraged to create more wealth. we hire people, we form companies, we create goods and services, we increase shareholder value. we can "grow the pie" for everyone the best..we have proven it.

instead, you want to punish the very people that "grow" the economic pie. low income earners don't hire people, create new jobs or grow the economic pie. they are "under" productive.

you want to engage in class warfare, and redistribute wealth to the least productive segments of society.
why not grow the pie and make more and better paying jobs and greater wealth available for everyone?

i'm not interesting in creating a better societyfdor slackers, i want it to be better for everyone. and i think lower marginal tax rates are the solution to more growth, more wealth for everyone (including the wealthy and the "poor").
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