

Nov 27, 2001
So, I watched the movie Idiocracy tonight and it made me wonder... will our world just keep getting dumber?

I mean before, people actually wrote in a real language. Today, people turn papers into their teachers in "Chat Speak", which only has tie-ins to the old stenographer language "Short Hand." Note that they really only share the concept of speeder entry and inability for anyone not learned in the dubious method to decipher the arcane entries.

But there's one thing that may come to our advantage... the savior of earth. Geeks, the geniuses of the world, are actually "cool" now. This may lead to end of the ostracizing of my kind! Women may actually forget the concept of forgoing the geek, just because of his pencil protectors and need for extra-thick lenses. Yet, we have one glaring issue... geeks are being convoluted by the "pretenders." Those that may use a computer... send a couple IMs.. and even be able toe set up a computer by themselves... they think that they are geeks like us! With the dilution of our class of people, we may end up being forced into some unknown stratification of the social aspect.

So, essentially... do you think the Earth is doomed to get dumber?

PS. First person to post "Yes, and this thread just made it worse!" gets a !


Apr 12, 2004
I seriously doubt that mankind as a whole will become stupider because of a few high school idiots using text messaging. Even if society does somehow collapse because of the sudden rise of idiots, the strong and smart would survive while the weak and useless would just starve.


Nov 27, 2001
Originally posted by: HamburgerBoy
I seriously doubt that mankind as a whole will become stupider because of a few high school idiots using text messaging. Even if society does somehow collapse because of the sudden rise of idiots, the strong and smart would survive while the weak and useless would just starve.

The point isn't to suggest that the movie's state will come into fruition, the point is to state that will people regress further? Will we become lazier sloths? My use of Chat Speak was just an example, and I could've given more examples about issues with society as a whole, but that's not the point. I'm sure we've all seen our examples of degradation in society.

Another question to throw out there... would you ever "control your genes" by refusing to procreate (including dating, marriage and all that fun stuff) with someone who's not as smart as you? Now, I don't mean this to be any bit like "oh, well (s)he doesn't understand Nuclear Physics, so I don't want her!" But where you can see the actual difference in comprehension.

Now, I personally wouldn't be able to put up with someone like that. Stupid people tend to bother me more often than not.

EDIT: Looks like it's in my own best interest to clarify this.

For me, I'm a thinker... I like to think about things from the mundane/inane to the philosophically/psychologically riveting. It just depends on whatever I'd like to "look" at. But, I tend to like to talk about these with people and get input from them. So, if I ended up with someone who made this experience like talking to a brick wall... I just wouldn't be happy with that. I'm sorry, but that's true. But, the whole mention of "nuclear physics" above wasn't to say that I need an educated person... I guess the best way to put it is a person who can understand or comprehend where I'm coming from, but not necessarily the material... or perhaps someone who's a great conversationalist.

The last blurb wasn't meant to ask if you're an elitist who scorns the less educated, but you could say it ponders the question of whether or not you mind the comprehension of your significant other.

I hope this clears it up .


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2006
I think the true idiots are those who believe everything they see on the news, and buy into hype. These people are disconnected, and you appear to be one of them.

Case in point-
"Today, people turn papers into their teachers in "Chat Speak"... followed by a rant about women turning to geeks?

LoL! (This is coming from a high school junior)


After reading your follow-up posts, I have also determined that you are a first class asshole! Congratulations!


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Now, I personally wouldn't be able to put up with someone like that. Stupid people tend to bother me more often than not.

That's so true.

You kind of bother me.


Nov 27, 2001
I don't see how this shows any sense of disconnection from the state of the world. Yes, some people are utterly stupid, some people are not. I don't actually believe that we'll see a huge shift from the prior that will outrun the latter. The movie's idea wasn't even to point out that this will be the state of the Earth come 2505. Although, the concepts of the "coming of age" of geeks isn't something that's just "off-base", as you can even see with the shift from technology being something found in the business to the home (i.e. computers, etc), people are being introduced to technology at early ages. Video games, for one thing, have picked up as a "nerdier hobby" to something that quite a decent amount of people from the ages of 12 to 25 do. To also throw it out there, I've even seen specials on how "geek is chic."

If this comes as a shock to you, don't worry; once you grow up, you'll begin to understand the more complex ideas of the world, but for now, stick with your Harry Potter and thoughts of school dances.

Read this remark that I made earlier and just stop posting in regards to me:

Stupid people tend to bother me more often than not.

PS. My dislike of stupid people is my own taste. Personally, I can get along with anyone, but I sure as hell don't have to like them.


That's so true.

You kind of bother me.

I also love your baseless opinions. If you don't like mine, congratulations, you don't have to agree nor do I care if you agree with mine. Albeit, someone's opinion on what they like or dislike does not necessarily make them stupid.

To me, you're just a waste of database space.


Oct 20, 2003
You need to listen to a little Frank Zappa! (RIP) ... Discussion of virtually any topic that requires actual thought is simply an annoyance to many people, especially if it conflicts with their narrow minded opinions, often formed by "factual information" that was passed on to them at a very young age by their parents. (who happened to have learned it the same way) Broaching topics which encourage folks to analyze these beliefs logically will lead to ridicule & anger ... try it some time & see.

However I hate to break it to you OP ...MOST women will never "turn to geeks" or "think we are cool" At least not until they hit the age where they notice the old biological clock ticking!

Edit: added MOST


Nov 27, 2001
Well, Captante, it seems I didn't explain some of my own beliefs or desires a bit thoroughly, so it's a bit of my own fault. Blame it on the fact that it's almost 6am or the alcohol, I'll edit in an addendum to better explain where I'm coming from.

Also, Captante, I can always dream for the acceptance from the other sex. But, there will always be the extremes (of almost ANY type of person) that's hard to accept unless you are also one of those extremes. You can almost look at the guys from the Fear of Girls video and get an idea of that. Where as the more "mainstream" may be sociably accepted by the other sex much much more easily. Simply depends on the amount of tolerance .


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2006
Originally posted by: Aikouka
I don't see how this shows any sense of disconnection from the state of the world. Yes, some people are utterly stupid, some people are not. I don't actually believe that we'll see a huge shift from the prior that will outrun the latter. The movie's idea wasn't even to point out that this will be the state of the Earth come 2505. Although, the concepts of the "coming of age" of geeks isn't something that's just "off-base", as you can even see with the shift from technology being something found in the business to the home (i.e. computers, etc), people are being introduced to technology at early ages. Video games, for one thing, have picked up as a "nerdier hobby" to something that quite a decent amount of people from the ages of 12 to 25 do. To also throw it out there, I've even seen specials on how "geek is chic."

If this comes as a shock to you, don't worry; once you grow up, you'll begin to understand the more complex ideas of the world, but for now, stick with your Harry Potter and thoughts of school dances.

Read this remark that I made earlier and just stop posting in regards to me:

Stupid people tend to bother me more often than not.

PS. My dislike of stupid people is my own taste. Personally, I can get along with anyone, but I sure as hell don't have to like them.


That's so true.

You kind of bother me.

I also love your baseless opinions. If you don't like mine, congratulations, you don't have to agree nor do I care if you agree with mine. Albeit, someone's opinion on what they like or dislike does not necessarily make them stupid.

To me, you're just a waste of database space.

Yet more stereotyping-shallow mindedness

You're the kinda guy who wont take a girl to a party with you friends if she never went to college, correct? (In reference to a thread on ATOT earlier, or was that your thread too?)


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Aikouka
I don't see how this shows any sense of disconnection from the state of the world. Yes, some people are utterly stupid, some people are not. I don't actually believe that we'll see a huge shift from the prior that will outrun the latter. The movie's idea wasn't even to point out that this will be the state of the Earth come 2505. Although, the concepts of the "coming of age" of geeks isn't something that's just "off-base", as you can even see with the shift from technology being something found in the business to the home (i.e. computers, etc), people are being introduced to technology at early ages. Video games, for one thing, have picked up as a "nerdier hobby" to something that quite a decent amount of people from the ages of 12 to 25 do. To also throw it out there, I've even seen specials on how "geek is chic."

If this comes as a shock to you, don't worry; once you grow up, you'll begin to understand the more complex ideas of the world, but for now, stick with your Harry Potter and thoughts of school dances.

Read this remark that I made earlier and just stop posting in regards to me:

Stupid people tend to bother me more often than not.

PS. My dislike of stupid people is my own taste. Personally, I can get along with anyone, but I sure as hell don't have to like them.


That's so true.

You kind of bother me.

I also love your baseless opinions. If you don't like mine, congratulations, you don't have to agree nor do I care if you agree with mine. Albeit, someone's opinion on what they like or dislike does not necessarily make them stupid.

To me, you're just a waste of database space.

My opinion is not baseless, it's based on your post. To me you're not a waste of database space, you're a sad little geek who can't get laid. All you need to do is look in the mirror and you'll see why you're shunned by most of society.



Jun 23, 2001
This sounds like an interesting movie. Maybe I'll go see it, or rent it when it comes out.


Oct 20, 2003
Originally posted by: Aikouka
Well, Captante, it seems I didn't explain some of my own beliefs or desires a bit thoroughly, so it's a bit of my own fault. Blame it on the fact that it's almost 6am or the alcohol, I'll edit in an addendum to better explain where I'm coming from.

Also, Captante, I can always dream for the acceptance from the other sex. But, there will always be the extremes (of almost ANY type of person) that's hard to accept unless you are also one of those extremes. You can almost look at the guys from the Fear of Girls video and get an idea of that. Where as the more "mainstream" may be sociably accepted by the other sex much much more easily. Simply depends on the amount of tolerance .

No problem... I've been there myself!

Consider the folks you know who are of "average" intelligence ... & then realize that FULLY HALF of people in the world fall below that median & a fair number of them are in positions of power!

Now THATS some scary stuff! :Q


Nov 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Kilgor
My opinion is not baseless, it's based on your post.

Basing it on a post on an Internet forum, need I say more?

Originally posted by: Kilgor
To me you're not a waste of database space, you're a sad little geek who can't get laid. All you need to do is look in the mirror and you'll see why you're shunned by most of society.

Nah, I've actively passed up sex. Just simply not interested at this point. Also, being quiet doesn't infer being shunned by society in one bit. In fact, it's the exact opposite .

Originally posted by: wazzledoozle
You're the kinda guy who wont take a girl to a party with you friends if she never went to college, correct? (In reference to a thread on ATOT earlier, or was that your thread too?)

That could be true, but it wouldn't be based on just that fact. There's no law that just because someone doesn't go to college that they're not smart .

Originally posted by: wazzledoozle
Yet more stereotyping-shallow mindedness

Isn't your comment stereotyping me based on what you "think"?

Originally posted by: Bateleur
This sounds like an interesting movie. Maybe I'll go see it, or rent it when it comes out.

I'd say it's definitely worth a rent if you don't want to buy it.


Jan 4, 2001
Dumber people do seem to have more children than smart people. Smart people are generally more concerned with population control, and the expense of raising children. Dumb people tend to like to give birth in litters, rather than one at a time.

Originally posted by: HamburgerBoy
I seriously doubt that mankind as a whole will become stupider because of a few high school idiots using text messaging. Even if society does somehow collapse because of the sudden rise of idiots, the strong and smart would survive while the weak and useless would just starve.
Yeah, the weak and useless devote all their time to figuring out how to make beer, and then they waste away partying themselves to death. The smart ones cultivate food, watch the partiers die of malnutrition as entertainment, then go take their beer technology, and all is well with the world again.


Nov 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Jeff7
Dumber people do seem to have more children than smart people. Smart people are generally more concerned with population control, and the expense of raising children. Dumb people tend to like to give birth in litters, rather than one at a time.

You pretty much summarized the beginning 5 or so minutes of Idiocracy... although they do it in quite the humorous manner. It's a Mike Judge film, so it will get bad reviews and in 5 years, it will be a cult classic (a la Office Space).


Diamond Member
Apr 26, 2006
Bumping this thread to the top 'cause I just watched the movie and it made me laugh.

Was it a great movie? Nope.

Was it decent and good for several laughs? Yup.

Why should you watch it? Bottom line, watch it because it's a fairly entertaining movie. But also watch it so it makes enough money to allow Mike Judge to make more movies, movies that are a bit offbeat, a bit different than most, and are hopefully treated better by the Hollywood system than this one and Office Space were.


Jul 7, 2002
id be cool with the way starbucks is portrayed in the movie in our present day.

"but it has electrolytes!"
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