If Newsome does get kicked out of his seat of gov in CA...

Amol S.

Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
If Newsome does get kicked out of his govenor seat in CA, who do you think would win the upcoming election? Do you think it would be a Democrat, Republican, or Independent? Who would it be exactly? Names of users who polled are not shown.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
I'm no longer in CA, so I don't know what the political climate is there any more, or who the players are...but I remember when Gray Davis got recalled. It was the only way Ah-Nold Schwartzenactor could have ever gotten elected.

Overall, the state is still blue, so I'll be surprised if a Republican can steal the office...but I was surprised last time too.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2006
Irrelevant to the thread but interesting... Ron Jr. pimps his atheist org on late night TV here.


Apr 8, 2013
Very low chance. The GOP here succeeded with Grey Davis only because he had low approvals. Newsom has approvals a little over 50 as of last week. This is also a more partisan time meaning the state democratic majority will see this as a GOP coup - which it is - and show up to keep him in office.
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Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
Gray Davis was pretty straightforward: dude wanted to increase vehicle registration fees and people got upset (nevermind the fees went up under the Governator anyway).

Newsom's recall will be messier: people's opinions and the misinfo about Covid is everywhere. He has definitely taken some hits sending his kids to Private school while simultaneously putting little to no pressure on public school reopenings (teacher's unions here are going full retard, refusing to even come back and work in person after being vaccinated), as well as his now infamous lobbyist dinner.

CA's Covid response has been... schizophrenic at best...to the point where large swaths of the population appear to just be ignoring whatever lockdown orders are in place at any given time. CA still does remarkably well in the per capital Covid cases because Californians still practice the basic safety Covid guidelines (masking and distancing,even in many deep red areas) and the weather likely helps as TONS of people have taken to the beautiful outdoors here as other venues of entertainment remain closed which naturally reduces Covid transmission.

While I do not think he will actually be recalled, it will be a real nutkick to his ego.
Reactions: Leeea


Dec 12, 2000
Gray Davis was pretty straightforward: dude wanted to increase vehicle registration fees and people got upset (nevermind the fees went up under the Governator anyway).

Newsom's recall will be messier: people's opinions and the misinfo about Covid is everywhere. He has definitely taken some hits sending his kids to Private school while simultaneously putting little to no pressure on public school reopenings (teacher's unions here are going full retard, refusing to even come back and work in person after being vaccinated), as well as his now infamous lobbyist dinner.

CA's Covid response has been... schizophrenic at best...to the point where large swaths of the population appear to just be ignoring whatever lockdown orders are in place at any given time. CA still does remarkably well in the per capital Covid cases because Californians still practice the basic safety Covid guidelines (masking and distancing,even in many deep red areas) and the weather likely helps as TONS of people have taken to the beautiful outdoors here as other venues of entertainment remain closed which naturally reduces Covid transmission.

While I do not think he will actually be recalled, it will be a real nutkick to his ego.

Stain of a recall would probably hurt his future Presidential prospects though. I’m curious to know who people think “deserves” to be recalled more—Newsome or Cuomo? I think Newsome and Garcetti bent over backwards for the film industry, which definitely led to higher infection rates as production picked up but the economic damage would’ve been far worse had Hollywood stayed shut down.
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Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2017
Gray Davis was pretty straightforward: dude wanted to increase vehicle registration fees and people got upset (nevermind the fees went up under the Governator anyway).

Newsom's recall will be messier: people's opinions and the misinfo about Covid is everywhere. He has definitely taken some hits sending his kids to Private school while simultaneously putting little to no pressure on public school reopenings (teacher's unions here are going full retard, refusing to even come back and work in person after being vaccinated), as well as his now infamous lobbyist dinner.

CA's Covid response has been... schizophrenic at best...to the point where large swaths of the population appear to just be ignoring whatever lockdown orders are in place at any given time. CA still does remarkably well in the per capital Covid cases because Californians still practice the basic safety Covid guidelines (masking and distancing,even in many deep red areas) and the weather likely helps as TONS of people have taken to the beautiful outdoors here as other venues of entertainment remain closed which naturally reduces Covid transmission.

While I do not think he will actually be recalled, it will be a real nutkick to his ego.
I seem to remember the electricity crisis being another major factor in the Davis recall. I didn't pay as much attention to politics back then but I recall distinctly a missive amount of anti Davis radio ads bashing him over the electricity crisis.

I'm not a Newsom fan but don't think he should be recalled. Hopefully you are right and we don't waste resources on a pointless recall in the middle of a pandemic.
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Jan 25, 2000
Very low chance. The GOP here succeeded with Grey Davis only because he had low approvals. Newsom has approvals a little over 50 as of last week. This is also a more partisan time meaning the state democratic majority will see this as a GOP coup - which it is - and show up to keep him in office.
In the unlikely event that Newsom is recalled, the chances are also remote that he's replaced by a leading GOP candidate. Arnold had movie star power, and he was very much a RINO. People tend to have forgotten, but Arnold was an awful governor. His successor Jerry Brown did amazing work to put California back on solid fiscal grounding.

Stain of a recall would probably hurt his future Presidential prospects though. I’m curious to know who people think “deserves” to be recalled more—Newsome or Cuomo? I think Newsome and Garcetti bent over backwards for the film industry, which definitely led to higher infection rates as production picked up but the economic damage would’ve been far worse had Hollywood stayed shut down.
LOL you think entertainment production was a major vector of Covid-19 transmission?


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
I seem to remember the electricity crisis being another major factor in the Davis recall. I didn't pay as much attention to politics back then but I recall distinctly a missive amount of anti Davis radio ads bashing him over the electricity crisis.

I not a Newsom fan but don't think he should be recalled. Hopefully you are right and we don't waste resources on a pointless recall in the middle of a pandemic.

- I think the election is going to happen, we've crossed the million signature threshold and I'm sure even after the dust settles and names are struck off the list we'll still be headed into a wasteful election.

Regardless, I think Newsom stays, but in my ideal reality he wins it by the skin of his balls and has to shake off a bit of that "loves the smell of his own farts" thing he has going on.

Newsom reminds me (I have no actual basis for anything in this) of Governor Moonbeam round 1. I think he's definitely got the smarts and the sleaze to run a place like Cali, but he needs some humbling and kicking around before a more truly productive second term. Jerry Brown might have really been out in left field during his first term, but he was a pretty honest and even-keel guy the second time around that wasn't about to pull any punches that had to be thrown for political expediency or anything else (I await the deluge of responses explaining to me why I am wrong).
Reactions: Leeea


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
People tend to have forgotten, but Arnold was an awful governor.

- Arnold might have started off with his head up his ass, but after getting the shit kicked out of him after his own special election effort went down like the hindenburg he shaped up and figured out that Californians don't know what the fuck they want and to just be a polyanna-ish centrist... wait, what were we talking about again?

Seriously though, Arnold has so much god damn charisma that its basically impossible to dislike him as a person whatever your political views, and that helps him out immensely. He's sort of re-emerged from the whole love baby scandal thing and is charming the shit out of everyone on reddit with his meme game.
Reactions: Leeea


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2017
- I think the election is going to happen, we've crossed the million signature threshold and I'm sure even after the dust settles and names are struck off the list we'll still be headed into a wasteful election.

Regardless, I think Newsom stays, but in my ideal reality he wins it by the skin of his balls and has to shake off a bit of that "loves the smell of his own farts" thing he has going on.

Newsom reminds me (I have no actual basis for anything in this) of Governor Moonbeam round 1. I think he's definitely got the smarts and the sleaze to run a place like Cali, but he needs some humbling and kicking around before a more truly productive second term. Jerry Brown might have really been out in left field during his first term, but he was a pretty honest and even-keel guy the second time around that wasn't about to pull any punches that had to be thrown for political expediency or anything else (I await the deluge of responses explaining to me why I am wrong).

The extent of my familiarity with Brown during that time is California Uber Alles (where when to high school up punk made a comeback in the late 80s) but was Brown a complete phony back then with zero actual ideas? Going into Brown 2 I did not have high hopes. he really surprised me though and I have a lot of respect for him now.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 8, 2000
Gray Davis was pretty straightforward: dude wanted to increase vehicle registration fees and people got upset (nevermind the fees went up under the Governator anyway).

Newsom's recall will be messier: people's opinions and the misinfo about Covid is everywhere. He has definitely taken some hits sending his kids to Private school while simultaneously putting little to no pressure on public school reopenings (teacher's unions here are going full retard, refusing to even come back and work in person after being vaccinated), as well as his now infamous lobbyist dinner.

CA's Covid response has been... schizophrenic at best...to the point where large swaths of the population appear to just be ignoring whatever lockdown orders are in place at any given time. CA still does remarkably well in the per capital Covid cases because Californians still practice the basic safety Covid guidelines (masking and distancing,even in many deep red areas) and the weather likely helps as TONS of people have taken to the beautiful outdoors here as other venues of entertainment remain closed which naturally reduces Covid transmission.

While I do not think he will actually be recalled, it will be a real nutkick to his ego.
That's not the reason Davis was recalled.
He was recalled because of the way he fucked up during the energy crisis.

How much did the energy crisis cost California?
Enron took advantage of this deregulation and was involved in economic withholding and inflated price bidding in California's spot markets.
The crisis cost between US$40 and $45 billion.

Reactions: GodisanAtheist


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
I seem to remember the electricity crisis being another major factor in the Davis recall. I didn't pay as much attention to politics back then but I recall distinctly a missive amount of anti Davis radio ads bashing him over the electricity crisis.

I'm not a Newsom fan but don't think he should be recalled. Hopefully you are right and we don't waste resources on a pointless recall in the middle of a pandemic.

That electricity crisis back then was caused by the previous governor, Pete Wilson and his buddies at San Diego Gas & Electric as well as the other big-name players in the energy biz.
"De-regulate, you can buy your power from whatever company you want...green power, wind power, nuclear energy, cow-fart methane produced...you sign up for whatever company you want, your local utility will deliver it for a small wheeling charge."
Only...once it happened...and people were actually signing up for power elsewhere...the energy companies cried foul...and got Pete to cancel that part of it. Then, also because of the deregulation laws he pushed through, the energy companies outside California were free to rape the state for purchased power. Enron and Duke were just two of the big names who held Davis's feet to the fire to stop the rolling blackouts they were causing by refusing to sell cheap electricity to the state.
I was working for an electrical utility in the early 90's when all this shit started...the public utility I worked for was shitting themselves over the prospect of people in the district buying cheaper power elsewhere...in the end, it cost me my job as they cut jobs to cut costs. I COULD have bid into a different job and stayed...but I've been a crane operator all my life. The idea of starting in some kind of apprenticeship at my age (then) seemed stupid to me..so I did something that was unheard of...I quit and went back to construction.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2020
Here in CA I believe Newsom will not be allowed to run again if he loses the recall.

It is unlikely he would be recalled. I know I will be donating to his campaign to resist the recall. Jumping horses mid-covid is braindead.

Even if he was recalled, republicans are not viewed positively around here. Where I live we had a three way race for a city council seat, with a "vicious" fight between two democrats and republican wild card. The republican received around 15% of the votes if I remember right, with both of the democratic candidates pulling a larger share of the votes even though they were effectively splitting the democratic vote.
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Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2017
That electricity crisis back then was caused by the previous governor, Pete Wilson and his buddies at San Diego Gas & Electric as well as the other big-name players in the energy biz.
"De-regulate, you can buy your power from whatever company you want...green power, wind power, nuclear energy, cow-fart methane produced...you sign up for whatever company you want, your local utility will deliver it for a small wheeling charge."
Only...once it happened...and people were actually signing up for power elsewhere...the energy companies cried foul...and got Pete to cancel that part of it. Then, also because of the deregulation laws he pushed through, the energy companies outside California were free to rape the state for purchased power. Enron and Duke were just two of the big names who held Davis's feet to the fire to stop the rolling blackouts they were causing by refusing to sell cheap electricity to the state.
I was working for an electrical utility in the early 90's when all this shit started...the public utility I worked for was shitting themselves over the prospect of people in the district buying cheaper power elsewhere...in the end, it cost me my job as they cut jobs to cut costs. I COULD have bid into a different job and stayed...but I've been a crane operator all my life. The idea of starting in some kind of apprenticeship at my age (then) seemed stupid to me..so I did something that was unheard of...I quit and went back to construction.
Yeah I wasn't insinuating it was his fault just that it seemed to be a a major part of the recall. I was in my early 20s at that time and listening to a little talk radio was the extent of my political awareness so just going off anti Davis commercials. I knew 100X more about commuter components and upcoming video games then politics back then.


Jul 17, 2003
Whatever slim odds republicans faced in CA before, I'd say they've worsened exponentially after 4 years of spineless republican traitors indulging a mentally ill wannabe dictator. The fires in particular, where republicans sat mum when Trump said it's the Dems fault, I shouldn't have to send anything. Oh hey Putin, I see you have some fires in Siberia, need some help? Yikes.

This country, especially it's famed rule of law, is a worldwide joke thanks to republicans. The GOP is the party of treason, I wouldn't expect to see it make gains outside the dixie waving parts of the South.

Amol S.

Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
Whatever slim odds republicans faced in CA before, I'd say they've worsened exponentially after 4 years of spineless republican traitors indulging a mentally ill wannabe dictator. The fires in particular, where republicans sat mum when Trump said it's the Dems fault, I shouldn't have to send anything. Oh hey Putin, I see you have some fires in Siberia, need some help? Yikes.

This country, especially it's famed rule of law, is a worldwide joke thanks to republicans. The GOP is the party of treason, I wouldn't expect to see it make gains outside the dixie waving parts of the South.

But what about Republican Swazenager??? If he were allowed to run again, why would CA vote him back, or why does everyone want him, if you claim to say CA hates Republicans?
Reactions: Pohemi


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
But what about Republican Swazenager??? If he were allowed to run again, why would CA vote him back, or why does everyone want him, if you claim to say CA hates Republicans?
Just stop, seriously.


Jul 17, 2003
But what about Republican Swazenager??? If he were allowed to run again, why would CA vote him back, or why does everyone want him, if you claim to say CA hates Republicans?

I don't know, what? If you're going to be a clown acting like your retarded hypothetical means anything, you can do that on your own. I have no interest in arguing against a point you don't have, though you flailing away at straw does amuse.

People wanting Arnold in office would be news to me. You, acting like a bullshit or a n0b0dy or a pcgeek, this I've seen before. *yawn*
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Reactions: Pohemi
Mar 11, 2004
I don't know, what? If you're going to be a clown acting like your retarded hypothetical means anything, you can do that on your own. I have no interest in arguing against a point you don't have, though you flailing away at straw does amuse.

People wanting Arnold in office would be news to me. You, acting like a bullshit or a n0body or a pcgeek, this I've seen before. *yawn*

There definitely are some, but I have to imagine that's died down a lot. His approval ratings were awful by the end as Gov, more than half the Republicans probably hate him now for being critical of Turmp and their general behavior. Plenty else (like his history of sexual misconduct) would also play a bigger role.

But then, I think the person you're responding to also was somehow thinking Ah-nuld's niece or daughter or something would possibly be a President or VP candidate in 2024 despite him outright saying she'd shown no impetus to become a politician (but she somehow was like half the options in the poll he made for the thread)?


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
At least this hypothetical could actually still happen, as in hypothetical future and not 2 decades ago.


Feb 24, 2009
Some day California will grow up, accept who they voted for, and run like a regular state. The bar is way too low. Why not give everyone a terminal in the state, abolish the legislature and they can vote on a daily basis their whims.
Edit: Ever wonder why it's always the Dem govs?


Platinum Member
Dec 7, 1999
Rep. Darrell Issa put down 2 million dollars to bankroll the petition drive to recall Gray Davis because he wanted to run for governor.

He literally cried when Schwarznegger got into the recall race and spoiled his plans. This is yet another Republican ploy to try and get elected when they have little chance besides a recall.


Feb 24, 2009
Rep. Darrell Issa put down 2 million dollars to bankroll the petition drive to recall Gray Davis because he wanted to run for governor.

He literally cried when Schwarznegger got into the recall race and spoiled his plans. This is yet another Republican ploy to try and get elected when they have little chance besides a recall.
I'm so shocked. /s
Reactions: Pohemi
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