If NVIDIA and AMD ran at exactly the same price/performance/heat/RAM ratios...

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Dec 12, 2001
OK so if AMD had 70% market share hypothetically, tried to shove FreeSync as a vendor locked standard, tried to push DX12 aside in favour of Mantle, tried to charge us $100+ per each monitor for FreeSync if GSync was an open standard, locked out specific IQ features out of Nvidia cards in Gaming Evolved games, this would be perfectly fine to you? :hmm:

The fact that NV is leveraging its market share and as a result purposely refuses to accept an open industry standard (FreeSync), while at the same time supporting its own standard (GSync), shows all their care about is profits, not the end user experience of the entire PC market.

Imagine if tessellation, Havoc physics, HBAO, TressFX were AMD locked features and AMD purposely locked out gamers with NV cards from using them. Would that be fair? If AMD did this, I would stop buying their products immediately. Any company that tries to lock me in or shove proprietary garbage down my throat that makes them $ as a result will get $0 out of me, period. Win me over with showing respect, showing that you care about the PC gaming community, that you care to not hurt other gamers. :thumbsup:

If NV allowed Physx, G-Sync and PCSS+ to run on AMD cards, allowed direct access to GW code, and if NV cards were conclusively better at performing those tasks, I would have no problems with such a strategy. Instead, NV artificially limits features and gimps performance on AMD products. That's not fair business practices or showing that you really care about the entire PC gaming community. If NV was so confident in its features, they would make them open standard as they would run faster/better on NV hardware and entice gamers to shift to NV GPUs in the first place. NV isn't confident enough in their own features which is why they vendor lock everything they can think of. Because NV is in a stronger financial position than AMD, they can afford to throw more marketing money at vendor locked features.

Yes it would not matter to me. You snooze you lose, sorry.


Golden Member
Jul 5, 2013
Doesn't hurt nvidia customers one bit so you can't lump consumers all into the same group.

It does, but you are just too blind to aknowledge it. Those over tesselated concrete fences and walls in Crysis2 had an impact in performance to everyone with zero impact on better IQ, it is just that NV had a lesser impact in peformance because of sporting better geometry perf than AMD at that time. To make AMD/ATI cards look worse than they were, NV also threw their userbase under the bus and everyone lost performance (altough on different levels, depending of your gpu brand) in that game because of that.

Also, Sub pixel tesselation is not a feature of DX11, tesselation is. Sub pixel tesselation is a result of abusing the tesselation technique, resulting in triangles that are smaller than a pixel rendered in your screen, and thus adding zero IQ benefit in the game being played. Detecting sub pixel tesselation is also a featured AMD sported as a result of NV's underhand practices in this regard.
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Dec 12, 2001
It does, but you are just too blind to aknowledge it. Those over tesselated concrete fences and walls in Crysis2 had an impact in performance to everyone with zero impact on better IQ, it is just that NV had a lesser impact in peformance because of sporting better geometry perf than AMD at that time. To make AMD/ATI cards look worse than they were, NV also threw their userbase under the bus and everyone lost performance (altough on different levels, depending of your gpu brand) in that game because of that.

Also, Sub pixel tesselation is not a feature of DX11, tesselation is. Sub pixel tesselation is a result of abusing the tesselation technique, resulting in triangles that are smaller than a pixel rendered in your screen, and thus adding zero IQ benefit in the game being played. Detecting sub pixel tesselation is also a featured AMD sported as a result of NV's underhand practices in this regard.

What? Crysis 2 how old is that game now? You really care Bout that?

Seriously get over yourself


Aug 10, 2009
Quit being so emotional about all of this. NV is a business and they are running it well compared to AMD. That's a simple fact. NV isn't hurting anyone. Competition is great and we're getting lots of nice things as gamers at the moment. Emotional reactions regarding "fairness" are laughable and neither AMD (your favored company) nor NV could care less about you. All either one wants is your money and if you think AMD is better than NV when it comes to profit motive you aren't living in the real world.

I don't care about their business and you actually sound more emotional than RS since he spoke purely about his preferences and you decided to call him out personally instead of addressing his points.


Senior member
Dec 14, 2011
Nvidia, because I find their driver support to be better and I can get better IQ out of their products, either via control panel options or 3rd party tools, as well as other small features I sometimes use. It just seems more customisable and easier to achieve the results I want. I also don't mind PhysX and occasionally use 3D.

For the record, I was an ATi fanboy for over a decade and have owned more ATi/AMD than Nv products by a ratio of 10:1. For me to make the switch and be honest with myself about it says a lot.


Diamond Member
May 16, 2008
Quit being so emotional about all of this. NV is a business and they are running it well compared to AMD. That's a simple fact. NV isn't hurting anyone. Competition is great and we're getting lots of nice things as gamers at the moment. Emotional reactions regarding "fairness" are laughable and neither AMD (your favored company) nor NV could care less about you. All either one wants is your money and if you think AMD is better than NV when it comes to profit motive you aren't living in the real world.

Of course it harms the consumers being locked into a brand which just keeps raising prices and milking just about every release over the past few years.

Spinning the discussion into meaning that he has a favorite brand doesn't help either, the only consistency RS (and some others) has is being loyal to the consumer, not to a brand. Can you say the same?

I agree that AMD wouldn't be a saint if they had 70% of the market, however if they did and NV was in the other shoes with better values then many of us would be speaking the same position (best value) with the companies reversed. I don't think it's healthy for consumers unless there is enough competition to keep both of them vying for our purchases instead of milking uninformed consumers.

Black Octagon

Golden Member
Dec 10, 2012
I don't believe the scenario from the OP would ever happen... But if it did, I'd choose based on color


Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003
Yes it would not matter to me. You snooze you lose, sorry.

You only say that right now because NV makes great products, you buy NV products and AMD isn't purposely locking out features from you in GE titles. Was it necessary to lock out PCSS+ in The Crew on AMD cards but this feature works fine in FC4? Why can't I buy an NV card for PhysX and pair it with a 295X2?

If AMD had billions of dollars and 70% market share and started vendor locking everything, if I decided to buy a new NV card, it would hurt me. I can safely upgrade to GM200s and know that they will run every IQ feature in every AMD GE game. If NV adopted FreeSync, I could safely buy any FreeSync+GSync monitor and not have to worry about only buying NV cards for the next 10 years. Right now NV refusing to support FreeSync hurts me as a gamer since the decision on which monitor to buy next isn't clear. NV is forcing me to buy into their more expensive eco-system just to be able to use adaptive sync monitor with my card. Meaning if I get locked in, it will cost me a lot more money over 10 years of gaming since well GSync and NV cards cost more than the alternatives.

Also, some people clearly can't separate products from brands. I always call out bad NV or AMD products. The same cannot be said for the brand attached...Even though I prefer AMD's business practices over NV's, I still judge products like a 970 against an R9 290 as pure videocard comparisons not AMD business practice vs. NV.
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Cookie Monster

Diamond Member
May 7, 2005
OK so if AMD had 70% market share hypothetically, tried to shove FreeSync as a vendor locked standard, tried to push DX12 aside in favour of Mantle, tried to charge us $100+ per each monitor for FreeSync if GSync was an open standard, locked out specific IQ features out of Nvidia cards in Gaming Evolved games, this would be perfectly fine to you? :hmm:

If nVIDIA and AMD had their positions swapped, I doubt you'd see nVIDIA use the strategies that AMD has been using. That's the difference between the two companies, their mindset and strategic vision. If however, it was ATi maybe things might have looked different.

The fact that NV is leveraging its market share and as a result purposely refuses to accept an open industry standard (FreeSync), while at the same time supporting its own standard (GSync), shows all their care about is profits, not the end user experience of the entire PC market.

GSnyc benefits NV users and was the first to the market. How is that not caring about end user experience especially when nVIDIA would likely to respond faster to bugs/glitches in GSync then it's competition because they have direct control over this.

Imagine if tessellation, Havoc physics, HBAO, TressFX were AMD locked features and AMD purposely locked out gamers with NV cards from using them. Would that be fair? If AMD did this, I would stop buying their products immediately. Any company that tries to lock me in or shove proprietary garbage down my throat that makes them $ as a result will get $0 out of me, period. Win me over with showing respect, showing that you care about the PC gaming community, that you care to not hurt other gamers. :thumbsup:

I still dont understand why people hate proprietary technology. MANY things in its heyday were proprietary (some still are to this day). It's what differentiates companies.. or better yet their products. Out of the proprietary mess comes industry standards. It is arguably what rakes in the long term profits via licensing or being adopted as industry standard (hello royalties). And if I was working for company A.. why would I want to have a piece of technology work on company B's products whom are my competitors? especially when $$$, lots of man hours have been poured on this and yet company A wants to offer this on a silver plate to company B for the good of PC gaming community? for the greater good?

If NV allowed Physx, G-Sync and PCSS+ to run on AMD cards, allowed direct access to GW code, and if NV cards were conclusively better at performing those tasks, I would have no problems with such a strategy. Instead, NV artificially limits features and gimps performance on AMD products. That's not fair business practices or showing that you really care about the entire PC gaming community. If NV was so confident in its features, they would make them open standard as they would run faster/better on NV hardware and entice gamers to shift to NV GPUs in the first place. NV isn't confident enough in their own features which is why they vendor lock everything they can think of. Because NV is in a stronger financial position than AMD, they can afford to throw more marketing money at vendor locked features.

Words "fair" and business or as a matter of fact.. life just simply does not mix. Designing a GPU (hardware) is one thing. Software is a HUGE part of whether or not the product will succeed. It also happens to be one of the hardest things to really get some returns out of it. nVIDIA has always thought about how to differentiate their product to their competitors even in the early years (whether or not it sucked, thats a whole new different question). Not just performance but feature wise. Always looking for newer ways to make their video cards do other things, speed up things, functionality etc.

And Kudos for them to make it their tech/feature only because its another thing to be compared to its competitor's products. Just like how when one goes out to buy a car, speed and fuel efficiency isn't the only thing. The look, the control system inside, ergonomics etc..

Ive said it time and time again, AMD has been making critical mistakes in the long term. They've turned themselves in a "cheap" brand just like their CPU division. And now they are ignoring power efficiency in this day and age (regardless of peformance unless its literally x2 the competition) which also further cements their image as being cheap. They are also gunning for "open industry standards" and free things which also paints them as cheap and lazy. Its probably the single largest factor that is hurting AMD for a long time. Sometimes you got to market your things as the next best thing since slice bread or atleast package it so it conceals its fault (low performance) to maintain that elite image like nVIDIA did (FX series) so what ever comes next will actually be good.

As for the OP.. I'd choose the one with the best blower design


Golden Member
Nov 9, 2005
Of course it harms the consumers being locked into a brand which just keeps raising prices and milking just about every release over the past few years.

Spinning the discussion into meaning that he has a favorite brand doesn't help either, the only consistency RS (and some others) has is being loyal to the consumer, not to a brand. Can you say the same?

I agree that AMD wouldn't be a saint if they had 70% of the market, however if they did and NV was in the other shoes with better values then many of us would be speaking the same position (best value) with the companies reversed. I don't think it's healthy for consumers unless there is enough competition to keep both of them vying for our purchases instead of milking uninformed consumers.

Get over the consumers are being hurt thing. Video cards are a luxury item and if NV was hurting consumers they wouldn't buy their product. This meme is a red herring. AMD made the bed they are sleeping in and not "uninformed consumers'".

RS does have a favorite brand and he admitted it earlier in the thread. You might want to go back and read it. I can absolutely say I don't have a favored brand. I purchase both companies products every generation. As a matter of fact I purchased 18 AMD cards this generation. I like video cards and the tech so I don't get wrapped up into the silly AMD vs. NV game that so many do.

3x 7990
5x 290
4x 280x
2x 7970
1x 270x
2x 270
1x 7770

Gamed on 3 of the 290s in Trifire, did Xfire with the 7970s, and Quadfire with the 7990s. Mined with the others. AMD loved me this generation. I won't list prior generation ownership.

Don't let my sig fool you.

Best value is another red herring. Every person has their own definition of that and the fact some push price/performance as the definitive definition are flat out wrong.
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Apr 2, 2011
nVIDIA has always thought about how to differentiate their product to their competitors even in the early years (whether or not it sucked, thats a whole new different question). Not just performance but feature wise. Always looking for newer ways to make their video cards do other things, speed up things, functionality etc.


Read the end of the article, how nVidia willingly confused the press to make them think that the GF6xx was DX 11.1 compatible while it was not, that is, they go as far as usurpating functionalities, so much for the functiunalities, if you dont have them just do as if they were here...

And a good article to understand the different D3D and level features compatibilities.

They are also gunning for "open industry standards" and free things which also paints them as cheap and lazy.

Because they got HSA, Mantle and Freesync for free, that is they used existing standards without pourring a cent, they made all this out of laziness...

Difference is that AMD dont lock their features, that s what you re calling cheap....


Senior member
Mar 31, 2011
I can understand being complacent about proprietary technology because you already own the products of the main driver of said tech, and I can understand other reasons that I can't say here without being accused of this or that.

What is sad, though, is that there is so little concern from the community about locking monitor purchase with video card purchase. If anyone tried this a decade or two ago, there would have been way more backlash. I can only speculate as to what this implies about the mentalities of the consumers in the market. It is seriously a major step backward in mentality, and if this holds, I don't really look forward to the future of gaming nearly as much as I would otherwise.


Dec 12, 2001
With proprietary tech you generally get stuff that works better out of the box. Not all that dissimilar to Apple products in some respects. Technologies developed in house and put into their products will generally have fewer problems than a technology that comes from a 3rd party source because the ecosystem using it is more closed and you can work on getting stuff to function properly on a smaller sampling of products.

People are making way too much of this gsync/freesync stuff IMO. In a few years there will be things like this built into DisplayPort and HDMI specs and it won't matter then. This is just my opinion but both are a stopgap until then. I think most people will buy a monitor they like for other features first like higher refresh rates, zero blur, viewing angles, resolution etc. I do need to read up more on this gsync stuff to find out if it deals with the input lag issue when running vsync. If it doesn't it's worthless to me as I favor more precise and closer to 1:1 movement than a few bits of tearing which isn't all that problematic to me in the first place.
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Elite Member <br> Super Moderator <br> Video Cards
Apr 6, 2004
The dead horse has been beaten one too many times here. I think its time we all agree to disagree and move on.

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