If possible: Forced birth control for those on welfare to stop the next generation of poor

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Nov 29, 2006
It has been a while since I got my degrees, but when I learned about biology they taught us that it took more then just a women to get pregnant. Also, that it is not a choice, it is one of those things that happens with out conscious decision. Having sex is a choice, but we are not talking about giving them something to reduce their libido. I wonder why that is.

Right we are talking about temporary BC until they can raise a child on their own accord. They can still hump all they want. But why should we have to pay for people who cant control their humping/breeding while under government assistance? That is the like the epitome of irresponsibility.
Nov 29, 2006
In theory is sounds like a good idea, but there is a lot of practical problems with eugenics, and that is what we are talking about here. The first, and most basic, one is that there is not, at this time, a really safe and side-effect free form of birth control that can be administered in mass. Things like the aforementioned BC-injection has major enough side effects that every single women I know that has tried it did not do it more than once. In fact the best probable candidate for safe long term (reversible) BC is going to be the Vasalgel injection for men, but I don't see anyone talking about using that.

I honestly dont know much about Vasalgel, but i would be for that too. Nothing says this HAS to be a woman thing. But a female version that is safe would be the better option of the two since they are the ones who can get pregnant.
Nov 29, 2006
I am angry. It takes two people to get pregnant. How about forced castration for ALL men (because you know, some guys like to play on the wrong side of the tracks). The testicles could be kept on ice so the term temporary can be thrown in there. If a man is with a woman who has multiple children, raw-dogging it is a bad idea. Yeah, I'm mad. Do you think am ooopsy is all the woman's fault? Bullshit!

Well she could choose not to have sex, or be on BC to prevent it. Women have lots of options to avoid this if they want. It does take two to tango, but a woman needs to bear her own responsibilities for her actions and use caution or prevention to prevent what she doesnt want to happen.
Nov 29, 2006
Also, you are a dick for trying to condescend to me and blowing it. "They" is not all it is about but even still I stayed true to the topic at hand. You'd have to be a simple fu*k not to deduce that. But thanks for the help asshole. I'm sure it made you feel clever and witty all while looking like an idiot. That's become far too trendy these days.

Well that is subjective. To many here you look like the idiot with anger and men issues. You are trying to misconstrue context to find something to be offended by.


Junior Member
Mar 6, 2010
Just want to add that, at least in America, any eugenics program would probably be applied disproportionately to minorities just like poll taxes, drug enforcement, voting laws, etc. due to the deep seated racism the country still has problems with.

Also, all this has all been done before... Birth control has already been offered and coerced on poor women in America by government programs... the intro to this book is a good read:

" ...officials across the country began in the 1920s and 1930s to offer access to reproductive technologies through public health and welfare programs. ... Women gained reproductive control, for example, when state officials began to offer birth control through North Carolina's public health clinics and when, several decades later, state legislators enacted a voluntary sterilization law and liberalized North Carolina's abortion law. ... Women lost reproductive autonomy when social workers threatened pregnant women on welfare with sterilization and attempted to tie offers of financial help to the use of contraceptives."​

A quote that really hits a big tension point:

"While all four groups shared the goals of improving infant and maternal health and reducing poverty, they disagreed about women's ability to control their reproduction and the desirability of giving reproductive control to women."​

Anyway, if you're interested in this i'd give the free book preview a read.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
But a female version that is safe would be the better option of the two since they are the ones who can get pregnant.
Complete and utter dipshit! If you didn't deposit your baby making juice, pregnancy wouldn't be a concern. Catch the fu*k up! Yes, women carry the pregnancy but men are just as responsible. It's not just wanting to control a woman's body with birth control but then if she gets pregnant they want to prevent her from aborting the pregnancy. Think your shit through dumbass. Guess what, if ALL men took on the responsibility to prevent pregnancy then women wouldn't get pregnant. Does that concept make sense to you? Your thoughts are counterproductive and antiquated. Trust me, if I could wave a wand and make it so men had to carry the pregnancy, I would. I'm not sure how you manage to be a complete shithead about this but you ARE nailing it!


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
Well that is subjective. To many here you look like the idiot with anger and men issues. You are trying to misconstrue context to find something to be offended by.
Bullshit. I don't hate men. I despise stupid people. If you're struggling with context, that speaks to your comprehension abilities. Wake up!
Nov 29, 2006
Complete and utter dipshit! If you didn't deposit your baby making juice, pregnancy wouldn't be a concern. Catch the fu*k up! Yes, women carry the pregnancy but men are just as responsible. It's not just wanting to control a woman's body with birth control but then if she gets pregnant they want to prevent her from aborting the pregnancy. Think your shit through dumbass. Guess what, if ALL men took on the responsibility to prevent pregnancy then women wouldn't get pregnant. Does that concept make sense to you? Your thoughts are counterproductive and antiquated. Trust me, if I could wave a wand and make it so men had to carry the pregnancy, I would. I'm not sure how you manage to be a complete shithead about this but you ARE nailing it!

You apparently have deep seeded issues that are preventing you from thinking rationally as seen in your posts. All you do is swear and insult people you dont agree with. You should snowflake somewhere else.

Remember were talking about people on welfare here, first off. If the woman is on BC it doesn't matter who she sleeps with (cause apparently being sexual irresponsible is ok with you). It could be another man on welfare or someone not on welfare. But either way she stays pregnancy free while still getting her groove on. If you give the welfare men BC instead, that does nothing to prevent women on welfare from sleeping with a man not on welfare, and now she is pregnant and now were back to the topic of this thread. So in this case its better for the woman to be on BC (if you HAD to pick one), or say screw it and put both men and women on BC that are on welfare.

I'm pro-abortion by the way. So thinking i'm a conservative might be your first mistake in debating me.
Nov 29, 2006
So could the men! What the fu*k is wrong with you?

Remember. Men don't carry babies. Maybe she should take that into consideration when she voluntarily tangos. Women have way more to potentially lose in this and they should seriously take that into consideration. And i'm not saying men shouldn't be responsible also. They absolutely should.

It's the same reason i look both ways before i cross a street. Sure the driver should be responsible and see me and stop. But i'm not going to put my life in his hands by not looking both ways first to avoid taking a car to the face. We're both responsible to look out for this, but when its my life on the line i'm going to take extra precaution and not put my life in his hands hoping he is being responsible also. And id be double upset if he was driving a car i pay for


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
Remember. Men don't carry babies. Maybe she should take that into consideration when she voluntarily tangos. Women have way more to potentially lose in this and they should seriously take that into consideration. And i'm not saying men shouldn't be responsible also. They absolutely should.

It's the same reason i look both ways before i cross a street. Sure the driver should be responsible and see me and stop. But i'm not going to put my life in his hands by not looking both ways first to avoid taking a car to the face.
I like to swear, always have. I insult the stupid. You are truly a fu*king idiot on this subject, oh, and an asshole. If you don't want women on welfare to get pregnant DON'T GET THEM PREGNANT. That is the ONLY control a man has on the subject at hand. That's it!

Darlin', I will continue to post here but it's lovely to see that you don't limit trying to control women to just forcing them to be on birth control. If I had my choice your stupidity would be a determining factor on whether you should continue to post here but I do not. What that means is you will be subjected to someone outright telling you that forced birth control is stupid and wrong in harsher words than you would like (I'm the snowflake?) and I will be subjected to your never ending stupidity. OR (and we both have this lovely available option) the ignore button. Don't worry, my button is probably the same size as yours.
Reactions: SMOGZINN


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
Remember. Men don't carry babies. Maybe she should take that into consideration when she voluntarily tangos. Women have way more to potentially lose in this and they should seriously take that into consideration. And i'm not saying men shouldn't be responsible also. They absolutely should.

It's the same reason i look both ways before i cross a street. Sure the driver should be responsible and see me and stop. But i'm not going to put my life in his hands by not looking both ways first to avoid taking a car to the face. We're both responsible to look out for this, but when its my life on the line i'm going to take extra precaution and not put my life in his hands hoping he is being responsible also. And id be double upset if he was driving a car i pay for
I'll start advising women to drop the babies off with their dads.

If you specifically pay for the car, shouldn't you also be paying for gas, repair, insurance.
Nov 29, 2006
I like to swear, always have. I insult the stupid. You are truly a fu*king idiot on this subject, oh, and an asshole. If you don't want women on welfare to get pregnant DON'T GET THEM PREGNANT. That is the ONLY control a man has on the subject at hand. That's it!

Darlin', I will continue to post here but it's lovely to see that you don't limit trying to control women to just forcing them to be on birth control. If I had my choice your stupidity would be a determining factor on whether you should continue to post here but I do not. What that means is you will be subjected to someone outright telling you that forced birth control is stupid and wrong in harsher words than you would like (I'm the snowflake?) and I will be subjected to your never ending stupidity. OR (and we both have this lovely available option) the ignore button. Don't worry, my button is probably the same size as yours.

Wow. You've totally convinced me on the subject with all your well thought out counter rebuttals. Stay angry my friend. This will be my last response to you in this thread as your daddy issues are too powerful for you to handle.


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
didn't the nazis use compulsory sterilisations? Also when will the poor be allowed to breed? Will there be a means test?

This forum never ceases to amaze me. It's great. It's also good to know that I am not the only one who posts while blind drunk.

Logically there would have to be a means test so it can be determined who can breed and who can't. Then we might as well add some other tests and......eugenics!


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
This would actually make a good first step. We are going to have to start sterilising and/or murdering people at some point to control the population anyway. Might as well start with the illiterate trailer trash and at the same time "promote the racial hygiene" of the remainder of the human race.
Nov 25, 2013
didn't the nazis use compulsory sterilisations? Also when will the poor be allowed to breed? Will there be a means test?

This forum never ceases to amaze me. It's great. It's also good to know that I am not the only one who posts while blind drunk.

Logically there would have to be a means test so it can be determined who can breed and who can't. Then we might as well add some other tests and......eugenics!

They're not drunk.


Mar 17, 2008
"Why should I have to pay for xyz?"

You think you guys are not standing on the shoulders of others? The billions of billions of people that came before you?
If you want to proclaim to be a self made man, drop all your belongings, car, house, renounce your education and venture out into the woods to lay claim to your newfound independence. See how long you last.
None of us are here on our own or without aid from our fellow homo sapiens. NONE of us. Stop behaving like entitled kids.
To make decisions on behalf of society based on feels.. Is that smart or immensely stupid? Your call.


Mar 17, 2008
If it was me, given this choice, I would renounce said welfare and make my money in ways society really REALLY wouldnt want me to do. Just saying, that would be the 'fuck you too' moment for me.
Nov 29, 2006
didn't the nazis use compulsory sterilisations? Also when will the poor be allowed to breed? Will there be a means test?

This forum never ceases to amaze me. It's great. It's also good to know that I am not the only one who posts while blind drunk.

Logically there would have to be a means test so it can be determined who can breed and who can't. Then we might as well add some other tests and......eugenics!

When they can support themselves and not expect others to pick up their tab on life?


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
In fact while we are at it we might as well sterilise everyone who doesn't fit into the aryan...um I mean human race. Poor people, spastics, muslims, mentally ill people, jews etc. then when we are ready we move to the next stage and put them in camps for disposal...um I mean re-education? sex education?

Forced birth control. Really? Has the third reichs attempts at racial hygiene taught us nothing?
Nov 29, 2006
This would actually make a good first step. We are going to have to start sterilising and/or murdering people at some point to control the population anyway. Might as well start with the illiterate trailer trash and at the same time "promote the racial hygiene" of the remainder of the human race.

Maybe we can marry toasters while were at it? I hope you realize how bad your thinking is. I'm sure others here will see the irony in your post based on my toaster reply.
Nov 29, 2006
In fact while we are at it we might as well sterilise everyone who doesn't fit into the aryan...um I mean human race. Poor people, spastics, muslims, mentally ill people, jews etc. then when we are ready we move to the next stage and put them in camps for disposal...um I mean re-education? sex education?

Forced birth control. Really? Has the third reichs attempts at racial hygiene taught us nothing?

I have a feeling you are not talking about the right topic. You might want to check the OP again. Not a single person has mentioned sterilization or targeting any specific races, etc. Your Nazi delusion is getting the better of you.
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