If President Bush works with the Democrats to bring real change over the next 2 years will you give him praise?

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Deleted member 4644

Originally posted by: Astaroth33
If he works with the Democrats now, it'll only be because he was forced to. Therefore my answer would be something to the effect of weak praise, if that.



Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2000

You ought to try and stop seeing the world only through conservative talk radio.



Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: her209
Honest question.
Honest question, but a hopelessly naive one.

We, the body politic, are the battered wife, and our lying bully of a husband just got a warning from the cops, so he gives a little speech about how nice he's gonna' treat us, and you want to believe him?

Let me put it in another, perhaps more blunt way. He says he not gonna' cum in our mouths.

Do you really find this an even remotely credible statement?

Remember, OP, Bush LIED AND LIED BADLY AND CRUDELY about not firing Rumsfeld in the very same speech yesterday.

Remember, OP, his long history of lies and dirty tricks -- going back to his evasion of his National Guard service.

It is pathetic and telling that our national need to believe we don't have just about the biggest, most ruthless, most amoral little scum bag spoiled rich dad's boy as our President leads people like the OP to be so emotionally needy and gullible.

Any little thing that wasn't quite right in Nazi Germany, the regular citizenry used to have a saying, "If only Hitler knew."

Well Bush knew, Bush knows, and Bush will cum in your mouth and laugh about it over pretzels with Cheney every single chance that little weasel gets.

After all, we have a saying in the United States so simple even ten year old school boys can recite it flawlessly, "Fool me once . . ."



Senior member
Dec 19, 2003
The bulk of the tax cut went to the ultra-rich, not working stiffs. Great, you got a $500 tax cut, some rich guy who doesn't even work got millions. It always amazes me how people defend huge benefits for the rich while they get peanuts. I've got a better plan:
How about a fixed amount for every American citizen, say $1000?

You're wrong. I received many thousands of dollars from the cuts, which were a godsend. And I'm not rich. See, the the tax cuts went to the top 5%. Sure, that seems like a lofty number, and surely you think that everyone in the top 5% of the country can afford it. But there's two problems; one is that anyone over 200k a year combined household income is in the top 5%, and the other is that they go by income, not total worth. For example, I have a salary handily in the top 4th percentile of the country. I also have massive debts from before I started my company (and the early days) and had to rely of donations for food occasionally. Not to mention three kids, a wife, and living in the wealthiest state in the country. I don't think many people have a concept of just how much income taxes eat up; purely due to income tax I pay over $100,000 a year and that's with the marraige benefits. And I'm not even close to out of debt.

Do you have any idea whatsoever how painful it is to write off that $100,000 check and just kiss that hard earned money goodbye?

No matter which way you argue it, the tax cuts benefitted tons of upper-middle class families. 200k combined household income is NOT a lot of money - that's an engineer married to a school teacher. Are they "rich" enough to warrant taking 40% of their income before they have to deal with numerous other taxes as well?

All of the bitching is going on by people who make under 75k a year, are single, and have no concept whatsoever of how expensive having a large family and living in a state like Connecticut is. They just don't know.


Senior member
Apr 1, 2003
If after six years of misusing the power derived from single-party rule to start a preemptive war on scant evidence, trample on civil liberties, paint all political opposition as signs of weakness or treason, ignore the will of the public, weaken our economy, out-overspend even the most fiscally irresponsible of liberals, pander to the rich and powerful, squander our nation's good will, and make the US go from being seen as the bastion of human rights and democracy to being seen as a country that defends torture, fails to give prisoners due process, and delivers "democracy" at the business ends of rifles and bombs... if after all this, his now being forced to work with Democrats brings about "real change" over the next two years... will I give him praise?

No, I'll give it to them.


Nov 20, 1999
Considering how he basically destroyed the constitution and squandered hundreds of billions of dollars and destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives, i'd say he has a lot to atone for before i'd give him any praise.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
He has been acting the bully, now that he doesn't have his gang to get his back, lets see if like most bullys, he is easily humbled, or is truly a man that will stand by his convictions to the bitter end. While that kind of principled nature is the sign of great character, if those convictions are erroneous, it points to bigger character flaws, excessive pride and vanity.


Diamond Member
Dec 19, 2005
Originally posted by: CellarDoor

I would definitely give him praise for what he did in his last 2 years, but I'll never forget what he did in the previous 6.



Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: BDawg
He didn't want to work with them before. Why should they work with him now?
Originally posted by: ntdz
Will I give him praise? Hell no.
Originally posted by: tomywishbone
Hell no! The man started a war based entirely on lies, that killed 10's of thousands.
Originally posted by: bctbct
praise, never
but if he behaves maybe we wont impeach.
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Praise??? He should be convicted of High crimes along with his buddy Saddam.
Originally posted by: International Machine Consortium
Absolutely not. He should be jailed, not praised.

gee, you folks really DO have the future of our nation as your number one priority, eh?

half of you guys think this is a time for "revenge" and "payback" rather than the opportunity for positive change that it really is.

what a joke... and very predictable.

I am personally embracing this situation for what it truly is: an opportunity. I only hope that the Admin and Congress do the same. Nobody should ever forget the mistakes that they've made during the last six years; rather, we should all examine and learn from them while we move forward, together, to correct them.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: BDawg
He didn't want to work with them before. Why should they work with him now?
Originally posted by: ntdz
Will I give him praise? Hell no.
Originally posted by: tomywishbone
Hell no! The man started a war based entirely on lies, that killed 10's of thousands.
Originally posted by: bctbct
praise, never
but if he behaves maybe we wont impeach.
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Praise??? He should be convicted of High crimes along with his buddy Saddam.
Originally posted by: International Machine Consortium
Absolutely not. He should be jailed, not praised.

gee, you folks really DO have the future of our nation as your number one priority, eh?

half of you guys think this is a time for "revenge" and "payback" rather than the opportunity for positive change that it really is.

what a joke... and very predictable.

I am personally embracing this situation for what it truly is: an opportunity. I only hope that the Admin and Congress do the same. Nobody should ever forget the mistakes that they've made during the last six years; rather, we should all examine and learn from them while we move forward, together, to correct them.

Oh please.

You wouldn't be saying this if you didn't have your hero's handed to you on a plate. :roll:


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: BDawg
He didn't want to work with them before. Why should they work with him now?
Originally posted by: ntdz
Will I give him praise? Hell no.
Originally posted by: tomywishbone
Hell no! The man started a war based entirely on lies, that killed 10's of thousands.
Originally posted by: bctbct
praise, never
but if he behaves maybe we wont impeach.
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Praise??? He should be convicted of High crimes along with his buddy Saddam.
Originally posted by: International Machine Consortium
Absolutely not. He should be jailed, not praised.

gee, you folks really DO have the future of our nation as your number one priority, eh?

half of you guys think this is a time for "revenge" and "payback" rather than the opportunity for positive change that it really is.

what a joke... and very predictable.

I am personally embracing this situation for what it truly is: an opportunity. I only hope that the Admin and Congress do the same. Nobody should ever forget the mistakes that they've made during the last six years; rather, we should all examine and learn from them while we move forward, together, to correct them.

Oh please.

You wouldn't be saying this if you didn't have your hero's handed to you on a plate. :roll:

Dave, you really need to grow up and react to the politics like an adult for once.


Platinum Member
Feb 18, 2001
Originally posted by: cumhail
If after six years of misusing the power derived from single-party rule to start a preemptive war on scant evidence, trample on civil liberties, paint all political opposition as signs of weakness or treason, ignore the will of the public, weaken our economy, out-overspend even the most fiscally irresponsible of liberals, pander to the rich and powerful, squander our nation's good will, and make the US go from being seen as the bastion of human rights and democracy to being seen as a country that defends torture, fails to give prisoners due process, and delivers "democracy" at the business ends of rifles and bombs... if after all this, his now being forced to work with Democrats brings about "real change" over the next two years... will I give him praise?

No, I'll give it to them.

I agree, the credit and praise should go to those who are forcing him to change.

And you know what? It's too early to see what he does and how he behaves. He uses words as rhetoric but will he walk the walk? That remains to be seen. Did you see how angry/disappointed he looked in his first press conference? Reminded me of a cornered rat.

Praise or no, I would like to see him face some form of retribution / punishment / atonement for his wrongdoing and the lies - all the reasons posted bu cumhail.



Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2004
HELL no I won't support him. The ONLY reason he's "willing" wo work with Democrats now is because he has no choice. He's villified Democrats for years and done everything in his power to ostracize and oppress ANY dissenting view point, and all of the sudden he deserves admiration for bending yet again to the winds of politics? The policies of this administration have been so utterly destructive to our nation and our nations interests that I for one will NEVER forgive him.


Platinum Member
Feb 18, 2001
Originally posted by: palehorse74
gee, you folks really DO have the future of our nation as your number one priority, eh?

half of you guys think this is a time for "revenge" and "payback" rather than the opportunity for positive change that it really is.

what a joke... and very predictable.

I am personally embracing this situation for what it truly is: an opportunity. I only hope that the Admin and Congress do the same. Nobody should ever forget the mistakes that they've made during the last six years; rather, we should all examine and learn from them while we move forward, together, to correct them.

Yes we're all for the opportunity - that is what clearly shows in the results of this election. The previous bunch were making mistakes - one after the other - and compounding them.

While we have and will learn from the mistakes as well as embrace the opportunity, the leader of those mistakes is still in the position where he was and has never acknowledged the mistakes. When he does, then you can say what you want if we don't take advantage of the opportunity.

At least you acknowledge the mistakes - that new coming from you.



Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: palehorse74
gee, you folks really DO have the future of our nation as your number one priority, eh?

half of you guys think this is a time for "revenge" and "payback" rather than the opportunity for positive change that it really is.

what a joke... and very predictable.
I'm not out for revenge against the Bushwhacko machine. In fact, when they're convicted of treason, I don't want to them get the death penalty. In the spirit of compassion, I'd be happy just to give them an all expenses paid vacation for a few years at the lovely downtown Guantanamo Hilton, complete with a free passes for the waterboard ride.

You know waterboarding isn't torture. The Bushwhackos said so, themselves, so you know it's got to be true. :laugh:
I am personally embracing this situation for what it truly is: an opportunity. I only hope that the Admin and Congress do the same. Nobody should ever forget the mistakes that they've made during the last six years; rather, we should all examine and learn from them while we move forward, together, to correct them.
Like your lame ass President, it's nice of you to come to the party, now that his ass has been so thoroughly handed to him on an election platter. Where were your posts criticizing them when they were making all of these obvious mistakes? :roll:



Jun 2, 2000
I think the general public's perception of GWB has gone over a tipping point. For most of his original six years, the vast majority of people accepted his factual assertions as true. He was treated as if he could do no wrong-much like Ronald Reagan was. Starting with Katrina, I think it came home to a lot more of the population that GWB could talk a lot better show than he could perform. I think for the balance of his term he is going to be faced with general distrust, much like Ford and Carter were.

If GWB's prime motivation is to support his now discredited neocon revolution, he will subvert. If GWB's prime motivation is to secure a positive place in history, he will cooperate. Time will tell.



Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: palehorse74
gee, you folks really DO have the future of our nation as your number one priority, eh?

half of you guys think this is a time for "revenge" and "payback" rather than the opportunity for positive change that it really is.

what a joke... and very predictable.
I'm not out for revenge against the Bushwhacko machine. In fact, when they're convicted of treason, I don't want to them get the death penalty. In the spirit of compassion, I'd be happy just to give them an all expenses paid vacation for a few years at the lovely downtown Guantanamo Hilton, complete with a free passes for the waterboard ride.

You know waterboarding isn't torture. The Bushwhackos said so, themselvers, so you know it's got to be true. :laugh:
I am personally embracing this situation for what it truly is: an opportunity. I only hope that the Admin and Congress do the same. Nobody should ever forget the mistakes that they've made during the last six years; rather, we should all examine and learn from them while we move forward, together, to correct them.
Like your lame ass President, it's nice of you to come to the party, now that his ass has been so thoroughly handed to him on an election platter. Where were your posts criticizing them when they were making all of these obvious mistakes? :roll:
do you use a machine to visit the past, or do you live there full-time?


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: palehorse74
do you use a machine to visit the past, or do you live there full-time?
Ah -- I see. It's all well and good to wrap yourself in "conservative values" like "law and order" and punishment to fit the crime... until it comes to the worst possible crimes against every citizen of the United States. THEN, you want to move on and sweep it under the rug as if we could just ignore the catastrophic damage they've wreaked against the nation and the world.

These assholes willingly and wantonly caused the deaths of thousands of Americans, they have condemned tens or hunderds of thousands of other Americans to lives of pain and impairment and otherwise shortened by their wounds, and they have imposed burdens upon yet hundreds of thousands more of their family members and friends who will bear the added burdens of caring for them in their suffering.

I'm pretty sure you'd want to see any individuals convicted of murder, rape, kidnapping, child abuse, bank robbery, drag racing or littering given the punishment specified by law for their crimes. That's the way our society deals with those who violate the laws of our nation and its various localities.

What kind of human being are you that you are so willing to "forgive and forget" the evil done by those whose crimes are of such monstrous magnitude that they have forever indelibly scarred and stained the history of our nation and the entire world? :shocked:

Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.

- George Santayana


Golden Member
Apr 27, 2001
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
if he cooperates I won't call him a complete fool.

Please, :roll:

The man was a prick from day one, and did everything he could to piss off the rest of the world as soon as he took office.

As soon as the Democrats start suggesting ideas that rub him the wrong way (minimum wage will be the first, followed by the rest of the Dem.'s 100 Hour plan), he'll start issuing veto's like they were signing statements.

GWB had, and still has, a very specific plan for where he wants to take this country. He still holds one branch of government, and has shifted the judicial branch to the right. He will do everything in his power to continue his plan. He may throw the Democrats a bone on issues that don't really matter to give his party things to point to before the next election, but that's all we can really expect.

The OP's question is moot because it will just not happen.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: palehorse74
do you use a machine to visit the past, or do you live there full-time?
Ah -- I see. It's all well and good to wrap yourself in "conservative values" like "law and order" and punishment to fit the crime... until it comes to the worst possible crimes against every citizen of the United States. THEN, you want to move on and sweep it under the rug as if we could just ignore the catastrophic damage they've wreaked against the nation and the world.

These assholes willingly and wantonly caused the deaths of thousands of Americans, they have condemned tens or hunderds of thousands of other Americans to lives of pain and impairment and otherwise shortened by their wounds, and they have imposed burdens upon yet hundreds of thousands more of their family members and friends who will bear the added burdens of caring for them in their suffering.

I'm pretty sure you'd want to see any individuals convicted of murder, rape, kidnapping, child abuse, bank robbery, drag racing or littering given the punishment specified by law for their crimes. That's the way our society deals with those who violate the laws of our nation and its various localities.

What kind of human being are you that you are so willing to "forgive and forget" the evil done by those whose crimes are of such monstrous magnitude that they have forever indelibly scarred and stained the history of our nation and the entire world? :shocked:

Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.

- George Santayana
but you see, I do not believe that they committed any crimes. The funny thing is that Pelosi and Co. agree with me on this one... anyone with half a brain cell knows that the Dems have done their homework on the issue and have chosen to refrain from going after the Admin... why do you think that is?

It's because actual criminal allegations would be next to impossible to prove EVEN IF they did commit any crimes.. which I do not believe they did. they walked a fine line, but I do not agree with any of your criminal accusations... not one.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: SophalotJack
Originally posted by: her209
Honest question.

I'd praise him in a hearbeat.... and I despise the way he has used his power.

Let's see if it will happen.
you mean there are other adults posting here besides me?! amazing!
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