"If u reflexively oppose antifa today, u probably would have opposed lunch counter sit-ins in 1960"


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
It's pretty interesting talking point. The saying "the ends justify the means" comes up in my mind. These things do tug at me quite a bit. I prefer to encourage different approaches, but I can't be certain that they are better.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
Yeah, that's a false equivalent right there.

I don't support antifa because they are not only against fascism but against liberalism just as much. Their biggest events has been at the G* summits so far.

Praising their "imprisoned comrades" throwing firebombs and rocks at peace keepers kind of puts me off.

Fuck the Anti Fascist Action criminal organization and fuck the Nazis too, howbou' dat?
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Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
They probably would have reflexively opposed the liberation of Auschwitz because the liberators were Communists.

Yes, because opposing the violent anti-liberal anarcho-communists that are antifa is exactly like being a Nazi....

What about their actions at the G* summits? Their praise for imprisoned comrades that got imprisoned for extreme violence? What about their attacks on just about anyone that isn't far left?

Only one viewpoint allowed or you are a Nazi?

Go fuck yourself.
Reactions: WackyDan


May 28, 2007
I don't remember any lunch counter sit-in participants covered their faces and bodies all in black and ganged up and beat up their opponents with bats, sticks, and other items.

The professor's argument was not that the groups behaved in the same manner, or even that the antifa are always justified or correct in what they do. If you bothered to read the thread, you would know that.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
I don't remember any lunch counter sit-in participants covered their faces and bodies all in black and ganged up and beat up their opponents with bats, sticks, and other items.

This is a good point, and there was also plenty of violence during the civil rights movement of the 60s. The question becomes: do those actions represent Antifa as a whole, even if non violent representatives fail to distance themselves from the violence?

Separately, does anyone have a good source in learning more about Antifa? I really want to learn more.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017

When you have no reply, just write "triggered"? Where did you learn that from? Did you let them turn you into one of them?

I don't support violent authoritarian fucks no matter what side they are on, that is where you and I differ.
Reactions: Thunder 57


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
The professor's argument was not that the groups behaved in the same manner, or even that the antifa are always justified or correct in what they do. If you bothered to read the thread, you would know that.

It's one big false equivalence and that is ALL it is.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
This is a good point, and there was also plenty of violence during the civil rights movement of the 60s. The question becomes: do those actions represent Antifa as a whole, even if non violent representatives fail to distance themselves from the violence?

Separately, does anyone have a good source in learning more about Antifa? I really want to learn more.

Antifa are anti-liberal, anti-capitalist anarcho-communists that are as happy throwing molotov cocktails against the police at G* summits as they are protesting fascists.

They are basically the evolution of the far left autonomous movements. Coincidentally that is how they describe themselves as well.

They are not fighting for anyone's freedom, they are fighting for their own ideas to prevail and nothing else, disagreement means you are the enemy and they will praise anyone who kills you in their name as a hero for their movement.


Oct 18, 2013
The professor's argument was not that the groups behaved in the same manner, or even that the antifa are always justified or correct in what they do. If you bothered to read the thread, you would know that.

The professor is making the following argument.

Violence is what got Civil Rights passed, so we need to use violence again.

Here is the proof.

There's a few problems with that, though. First of all, not all lunch counter sit-ins were nonviolent. Let's take a look...

Today we see the lunch counter sit-ins as uniformly nonviolent. But they weren't, and they weren't seen that way at the time.

So if your view is that any recourse to violence renders a protest movement illegitimate, you would have opposed the lunch counter sit-ins.

His argument then is that if people supported Sit-ins, and those were violent, then they should support Antifa because they both use the same methods.

Proof of that as well.

If violence isn't the solution, it's the problem, then going to war against Nazis is bad.

So, we have a professor saying that using violence is the correct thing to do here. The non-violence of sit-ins was actually an illusion because they were actually violent. Nevermind that the people at the sit-ins were not violent, but sometimes people did need to defend themselves, because to the professor, the very fact that sometimes people attacked the protesters makes sit-ins inherently violent.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2017
The professor is making the following argument.

Violence is what got Civil Rights passed, so we need to use violence again.

Here is the proof.

His argument then is that if people supported Sit-ins, and those were violent, then they should support Antifa because they both use the same methods.

Proof of that as well.

So, we have a professor saying that using violence is the correct thing to do here. The non-violence of sit-ins was actually an illusion because they were actually violent. Nevermind that the people at the sit-ins were not violent, but sometimes people did need to defend themselves, because to the professor, the very fact that sometimes people attacked the protesters makes sit-ins inherently violent.

So what, Nazism is a violent ideology at it's very core, it's like ISIS ideology.

They need to be stopped and if they won't leave peacefully I support violence to stop them.

However, I support the same means against the antifa that are equally violent if not more and I support violence to stop them too.

If you can't make your voice heard over these fascist authoritarian arseholes that makes up both the Nazis and the antifa, violence is needed to regain peace.
Mar 11, 2004
It's one big false equivalence and that is ALL it is.

Look, I get your disdain for Antifa, and I'm not a fan myself. But that logic is pure crap and is like saying that's all Trump's problem is when he won't condemn literal fucking wannabe Nazis and white supremacists. It also completely dismisses any and all nuance while simultaneously lessening how horribly fucked up the false equivalence that Trump and many like him have been spouting for years. The people calling Black Lives Matter as terrorists are the exact same type of people that condemned the Black Panthers (who absolutely were wrongly called terrorists when they were in fact arming themselves in defense of the outright murder and terror that law enforcement was doing against people of color at the time). That's why the professor is making the point, as just labeling Antifa like that, effectively promotes law enforcement to do horrible shit that is not justified. Not only that but it completely ignores the outright hypocrisy and how the false equivalency does disservice in both directions (makes one group look worse, while also tries to justify the actions of other groups that are doing worse shit and being defended by the same people making the stupid claims). In this case it is the people that support right wing "militias" that have proven to be far far worse and commit outright terrorism and a whole host of other awful things, often in the name of white supremacy or various fucked up insane beliefs that fall in line with that general mentality.
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Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
This is dumb on many levels, but not the least of which is the fact that its easily debunked in reality.

I, for one, know several people who were alive and well during the time of lunch counter sit-ins, not only would never have opposed them, but were active supporters of the Civil Rights movement...

... and today don't think too highly of antifa types. Ironically, I'd say it's their historic perception that makes them able to see much of today's groups don't begin to compare favorably with their 1950's-60's counterparts who had an entire world more at stake, yet conducted themselves 1000% more honorably.
Reactions: Thunder 57


Oct 18, 2013
So what, Nazism is a violent ideology at it's very core, it's like ISIS ideology.

They need to be stopped and if they won't leave peacefully I support violence to stop them.

However, I support the same means against the antifa that are equally violent if not more and I support violence to stop them too.

If you can't make your voice heard over these fascist authoritarian arseholes that makes up both the Nazis and the antifa, violence is needed to regain peace.

I know your position. You want to kill people for thoughts. So if people are racist, kill them.


May 28, 2007
When you have no reply, just write "triggered"? Where did you learn that from? Did you let them turn you into one of them?

I don't support violent authoritarian fucks no matter what side they are on, that is where you and I differ.

I like how you call anarchists authoritarian. It's like a bright flashing sign over your head that says "Don't listen to me, I'm a dumbass!"

It's one big false equivalence and that is ALL it is.

Sure Jan. You got it all figured out so I guess you can leave the thread now.

The professor is making the following argument.

Violence is what got Civil Rights passed, so we need to use violence again.

Here is the proof.

No, you're completely wrong. He posted that in response to people who were saying that the difference between antifa and the lunch counter sit-ins is violence, and implying that violence is a bright line.

Any semi-organized mass movement like this is going to have violent and non-violent factions. It's inevitable.

His argument then is that if people supported Sit-ins, and those were violent, then they should support Antifa because they both use the same methods.

Proof of that as well.

So, we have a professor saying that using violence is the correct thing to do here. The non-violence of sit-ins was actually an illusion because they were actually violent. Nevermind that the people at the sit-ins were not violent, but sometimes people did need to defend themselves, because to the professor, the very fact that sometimes people attacked the protesters makes sit-ins inherently violent.

No, you either didn't read or understand what he said, or you're deliberately misrepresenting his argument.
Reactions: greatnoob
Mar 11, 2004
So what, Nazism is a violent ideology at it's very core, it's like ISIS ideology.

They need to be stopped and if they won't leave peacefully I support violence to stop them.

However, I support the same means against the antifa that are equally violent if not more and I support violence to stop them too.

If you can't make your voice heard over these fascist authoritarian arseholes that makes up both the Nazis and the antifa, violence is needed to regain peace.

Holy shit, you literally just claimed Antifa is equally if not worse than Nazis (which includes literally the the Nazis).

I would agree that its not good to support Antifa, as they are pushing for actual anarchy and share a lot of ideological aims as many "libertarians" in the US (the ones that actively want to overthrow government so they can live in their dystopian utopia). But you really need to actually look at what you're saying as its is straight up bullshit. Hell even comparing Antifa in Europe against the neo-Nazis and white supremacists (Anders Breivik alone has done every bit as much as Antifa), and thus far in the US, Antfia is nowhere even remotely close to what those groups have done here (Timothy McVeigh among others; hell the Charlottesville piece of shit alone, not to mention Dylan Roof, and there's sadly a lot more).

Damnit, copy-pasted text which is why the font changed at the end.
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Reactions: xthetenth


May 28, 2007
However, I support the same means against the antifa that are equally violent if not more and I support violence to stop them too.

MORE violent? Jesus fucking Christ, liberals are so easily duped by right wing shit lords it's unbelievable.

How many people have antifa killed? Because Nazis killed someone like 3 weeks ago.
Mar 11, 2004
I know your position. You want to kill people for thoughts. So if people are racist, kill them.

WTF, you realize he's arguing deliberately against that. He's also arguing that you should oppose the people that use that as a foundation for their justification of violence against those. The post you quoted is literally him saying that only if those groups insist on being violent should we violently get rid of them.

I like how you call anarchists authoritarian. It's like a bright flashing sign over your head that says "Don't listen to me, I'm a dumbass!"

Sure Jan. You got it all figured out so I guess you can leave the thread now.

No, you're completely wrong. He posted that in response to people who were saying that the difference between antifa and the lunch counter sit-ins is violence, and implying that violence is a bright line.

Any semi-organized mass movement like this is going to have violent and non-violent factions. It's inevitable.

No, you either didn't read or understand what he said, or you're deliberately misrepresenting his argument.

Except you're missing his point. And it is valid. Many anarchists are just using that as a means of pushing their own ideologies, which tends to be authoritative regimes that end up every bit as bad (the reason Communism failed is because the ones pushing it used the same tactics as the complete opposite side, they and fascism both used authoritarian dictatorships that did the same things and accomplished the same results). Its like many of the so called "libertarians" or "fiscal conservatives" that try and prop up that they believe those ideals, when in fact they're just using that to try and legitimize their other beliefs (much like the self-purported objectivists that use junk science to push for eugenics and other similarly horrible ideas), which go far beyond, and often actively work against the ideals they claim as central to their ideology.

I do agree that he's wrong for trying to dismiss what the person is saying (and doubling down by making his own awful false equivalence).
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Jun 9, 2016
Look, I get your disdain for Antifa, and I'm not a fan myself. But that logic is pure crap and is like saying that's all Trump's problem is when he won't condemn literal fucking wannabe Nazis and white supremacists. It also completely dismisses any and all nuance while simultaneously lessening how horribly fucked up the false equivalence that Trump and many like him have been spouting for years. The people calling Black Lives Matter as terrorists are the exact same type of people that condemned the Black Panthers (who absolutely were wrongly called terrorists when they were in fact arming themselves in defense of the outright murder and terror that law enforcement was doing against people of color at the time). That's why the professor is making the point, as just labeling Antifa like that, effectively promotes law enforcement to do horrible shit that is not justified. Not only that but it completely ignores the outright hypocrisy and how the false equivalency does disservice in both directions (makes one group look worse, while also tries to justify the actions of other groups that are doing worse shit and being defended by the same people making the stupid claims). In this case it is the people that support right wing "militias" that have proven to be far far worse and commit outright terrorism and a whole host of other awful things, often in the name of white supremacy or various fucked up insane beliefs that fall in line with that general mentality.

MORE violent? Jesus fucking Christ, liberals are so easily duped by right wing shit lords it's unbelievable.

How many people have antifa killed? Because Nazis killed someone like 3 weeks ago.

Worth mentioning that J.Wilkins only hates nazis because he aligns with the Israeli right (ie big fan of penning up muslims, etc), not due to any disdain for their ideals per se.

Similar to this guy who's only out to protect other conservatives (no matter how shitty) by pretending to give a shit about free speech/non-violence:

The professor is making the following argument.

Violence is what got Civil Rights passed, so we need to use violence again.

Here is the proof.

His argument then is that if people supported Sit-ins, and those were violent, then they should support Antifa because they both use the same methods.

Proof of that as well.

So, we have a professor saying that using violence is the correct thing to do here. The non-violence of sit-ins was actually an illusion because they were actually violent. Nevermind that the people at the sit-ins were not violent, but sometimes people did need to defend themselves, because to the professor, the very fact that sometimes people attacked the protesters makes sit-ins inherently violent.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
Antifa doesn't actually promote anything though. They're little more than a violent counter reaction that gives the alt-right a talking point and only fuels further divisiveness. Their methods are contrary to core liberal ideology
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