if you could make your own game


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
I would make a game called the guild. Its back story would be. Since the dawn of time evil has existed. Everything from myth and legends are true. Humanity was on the brink of destruction. When Gabriel blew his horn and called all the archangels together and blessed 12 humans with incredible ability. Able to call upon weapons from our myth and legands. Like exalaber. Now x amount of years later the guild consist of the desendents of the original 12. And they fight for are survival. That would be my premise for my game. Now there's more but I'm typing on a tablet so that's all I am going to type for now

So what would be the story behind your game. I think most gamers think about what there perfect game would be


Jul 9, 2000
I would like an open world western based on the TV show Supernatural. It would mix historical figures with the supernatural beings seen in the show. Like one mission could be investigating werewolves, and you meet up with the James gang and take down the pack. Or go to Dodge city investigating vampires, and you team up with the Earp gang. Maybe Billy the Kid is a wendigo, and you go hunt him down. Like a secret supernatural history of the wild west. Or you can just wander the map helping people out, collect bounties, rob banks, etc. Somewhat like Red Dead Redemption, without all the despicable characters and GTA mission types.

Or a game like Fallout, with minimal RPG stuff, and good shooting. Too much grinding in Borderlands.
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Jan 29, 2004
An RPG to rival Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, FF II/III, etc, with story packed full of drama and tragedy that would make grown men cry. The kind of game where you drop the controller or push your chair back from the keyboard/mouse and just 1000 yard stare the ending sequence with your mouth hanging open while holding your breath with goosebumps on your neck.

The art of story telling and emotional manipulation is a lost art. Thanks EA/Activision.
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Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
I'm really tired of the propaganda that aliens are evil and we run around killing them nonstop genocide, i want a game that i am a alien and kill humans all the time. I'm looking at you Serious Sam, i'm coming after the human race.


Nov 13, 2001
Cannonball Run. Race as teams from one side to the other with real traffic, cops, and crashes that could take you out of the race, or you can try and out run the cops NFS Most Wanted style. With real highways, side streets, and sights to see.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2010
An RPG to rival Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, FF II/III, etc, with story packed full of drama and tragedy that would make grown men cry. The kind of game where you drop the controller or push your chair back from the keyboard/mouse and just 1000 yard stare the ending sequence with your mouth hanging open while holding your breath with goosebumps on your neck.

The art of story telling and emotional manipulation is a lost art. Thanks EA/Activision.

^ same, old school turn based RPG.
let it be "open world", and secret/hidden area's/quests ect and random encounters.
This means in X town, you get told to go to Y town, but you can still walk around on world map and do whatever until you want to go to Y.

The "zone's" shouldnt make you feel like your being pigeon holded into just takeing 1 route, have some map's have more than 1 way to take, that end up same place.

Have there be "games" within the game, ei. small mini game types that effect gameplay.
Not like how the later FF games have done, but like in FF7 by the mountains where you defend the mountain, or the chocobo race where you have to win it for certain prices (in the circus area).

Dont spend all the developement $$$ on graphics guys.... instead hire a paranormal romance type writer to help plot the storyline, and some normal story writers. Let there be a romance of some type in that game, for the main character (FF7 did this so well, havnt really seen it much since).

Chrono trigger sequal would be epic as well.


Feb 8, 2004
I would make a sins of a solar empire 2, with 64 bit and multi threading so it would never bog down it would also have:

- Ground combat + planetary invasions
- Build stuff on your planet as well, can be built from space or by going down to the planet, or leaving it to an AI governor to develop the planet for you
- New superweapons including an incredibly slow moving space station with the ability to destroy a planet of a fleet by itself, it would be the size of a small moon.

A bit like imperium galactica II meets sins of a solar empire... damn that would be a fun game!


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
If it were me I'd make a true successor to Jagged Alliance 2. Probably call it JA3 (assuming I had the rights to the name). Using the same type of combined real time and turned base system. Not real high tech but I really like how its used in the JA series. Add newer graphics engine of course with new graphics and a game/map editor so the players can make their own islands, countries, nations, and a merc editor/creator so they can mod or add new mercs, guns, equipment, etc., of their own choosing. Then come up with a workable multi-player system that players can get online and play against another human opponent.

Its not a fancy idea in today's high tech world but hell of a lot of fun for fans of the JA series. Cut my teeth on making a game like that then go on to bigger and better things I guess. Maybe a JA MMO theme based world.


Senior member
Mar 9, 2011
I'd make an MMO set in the future about 50-100 years from now (think more like Blade Runner than Star Trek). Society has advanced technically, but devices are still recognizable. Things are mostly peaceful, but the planet has continued to be stripped of resources and life in general (aside from the human species) has dwindled in diversity and numbers.

Players enter the world as strange phenomena wreck havoc in population centers. Space itself distorts as demonic, mythical creatures invade. Weapons are raised in defense, but they seem only partially effective and can only suppress the new enemy. Many lives and much territory is lost. As people retreat from urban centers to the few parks and forests that remain and interesting fact is observed. The demons seem to weaken in places where life still flourishes.

Gameplay would center around surviving through a day - night cycle while trying to explore for character advancement and to progress the story. Combat would include the usual flavors of melee and ranged while being heavily flavored by crafting and the central gimmick of the game- luminescence (abbreviated Lum).

Character advancement would be somewhat like Star Wars Galaxies and Titan Quest. There would be a large selection of skill trees and you could mix and match abilities to create custom classes. Crafting would involve mixing elements of technology, mystic energies of the demonic invaders, and life energies to construct and enhance your weapons and gear. There would be skill trees to support crafting characters.

Lum is primarily a measure of your characters strength. The quirk to this is that as your strength increases you become a magnet to the monsters. You actually become a bigger target for them faster than your strength grows. One of the choices players have to make when building a character is how much Lum they're going to have. There's no limit to your total Lum, only a practical limit based on what you can handle.

Different skills add different amounts of Lum. Crafting and support skill trees add greatly reduced amounts of Lum and characters with most of their skills in those trees can be very stealthy. By mixing groups with high and low Lum players you can be much more effective. Alternatively, you can try different mixes for solo play and get very different experiences.


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2011
I'd make a full party RPG with deep combat strategy (and full physics - set wooden table on fire creates smoke which can hamper ranged, etc), deep character building, and full drop in drop out seamless multiplayer.

Been working on the design for years... lets hope I win the lottery


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2007
fps (with optional 3rd person view) mecha game using the mortarheads from Five Star Stories in a persistent world map. gameplay would be something like cybertroopers Virtual On Operation Moongate with most of the class types like temjin(big gun/sword).

the map would be like Risk where holding a small country would earn you income. you use the money to buy better parts. players would go from knights/pilots to lords/commander as they conquer more territory. the more resources you have the more border defenses you can build for a rts aspect. being a lord of a small empire would get you AI controlled knights to fill your roster, but when it comes time to take down that big neighbor...

you would then contract out temporary mercenary deals to other player/pilots to fight for you as you try to take more territories. ingame friend groups and guilds would challenge each other for total domination. solo players could PvP in tournaments for money in free cities.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
Probably some seamless world FPS or 3RD-person (one or the other, not sure, probably more 3RD-person to see our character) type of game. When I say seamless I mean it in a way that we've not seen in gaming so far, the technology probably doesn't exist for it yet, or if it does the GPUs would render it at 10 frames per second. And additionally it'd have a very detailed customization phase for your character.

There would be no loading after the initial "world loading" which I guess itself could take minutes, but after that it's done. You'd walk, run, swim, climb, fly... whatever, nothing would load anymore, it'd just be there (stored in memory or whatever the technicalities behind it would be). I'm thinking of a mixture of STALKER/Fallout mix for the setting, maybe not exactly post-apocalyptic... but probably occurring during the apocalyptic event(s), be it an asteroid impact, a nuclear war or accident, an alien invasion or some worldwide pandemic followed by social and cultural chaos and disorder (also have Children of Men in mind which also reminded me a lot of Half-Life 2's setting).

Well the setting itself and the game's context is unclear I'd still have to think about something, but the type of environment is, seamless, open-ended. And the game's "ending" (or more than one) might be your own, meaning that there's no scripted scene ending, you make your own and after all important tasks are completed the game's "main goal" is completed, the credits roll and you're back in the game and can continue playing, observing, experimenting or just firing rockets on abandoned buildings and see them collapse and explode in all sorts of physics fireworks imaginable.

That, or something very much story-driven, scripted to the bones, but with great story-telling, good character development, etc (thinking Half-Life series, Mass Effect 1, DAO, Baldur's Gate, Knights of the Old Republic, etc). Doing the story-driven type of game would be easier but I'd really want something truly technically and technologically seamless.
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Elite Member
Aug 26, 2000
A true sequel to MW3. Luckily, it looks like it's on the verge of release . My inner 13 year old, with a mountain of Stackpole novels, is giddy with anticipation.

Blizzard North's Diablo 3.

A sequel to Einhander.

A 100% GUI roguelike, with some real gameplay depth.

An open-world turn-based RPG steeped in Slavic folklore.

Chrono trigger sequal would be epic as well.
Happened 13 years ago: Chrono Cross. The big problem there is that Square's best people, at their peaks, made FF V, FF VI, and then got the best from Enix to make Chrono Trigger. That sort of thing isn't likely to come together again.

Grrr, now I'm gonna have to dig out and replay Xenogears!


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2000
I'd like a game like the movie "I Am Legend", where you have a sprawling, ruined city, without loading areas, where bad things lurk, and a major component of the game is exploration. I think it'd be cool to have to seek shelter at night too (ala Minecraft, hah!).

It would probably take a long time to flesh out a massive city like that, but that's the kinda game I'd make, or would like to see made, anyway.


Jan 8, 2010
I'd make this game where you are this guy in a maze. In this maze are all these things you have to eat to complete the maze. But wait, there's more. There are these ghosts that chase you around the maze and if they catch you, you die. You aren't totally helpless though because there are special items can eat that gives you the ability to also eat the ghosts.

It's a work in progress.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2000
I'd make this game where you are this guy in a maze. In this maze are all these things you have to eat to complete the maze. But wait, there's more. There are these ghosts that chase you around the maze and if they catch you, you die. You aren't totally helpless though because there are special items can eat that gives you the ability to also eat the ghosts.

It's a work in progress.

Haha! A game like that would NEVER work!


Nov 21, 2011
It's a work in progress.
Make it first-person survival horror.

I think MOBA genre is quite interesting and needs more exploration.
As for plot... MOBA doesn't really need one, but... Two small rivaling scavenger ships crash into the abandoned big ship and start producing robots and maybe humanoid clones to take over the big ship and get the loot. To take over the big ship you have to destroy the enemy ship power core.
No top-down perspective. 3rd person like Smite. And then go crazy and invent new mechanics.

If I consider MMORPGs things become much more complex. I somewhat liked combat system in DCUO. Combination of hack'n'slash, skills and interesting movement modes.
Setting definitely not fantasy, but abandoning magic seems kinda sad.
Plot is tricky. Let's say two(or one... or four) warring factions were exiled to new unknown world and both have to build their civilization from nothing.
Or the world was ending and whole humanity was uploaded into one or several "host" human minds... or some kind of Matrixesque(or not) virtual reality.
Or space...


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2012
A story about how 'me' as a particle physicist at CERN trying to create the God particle accidentally opens up a portal to Heaven. A 3rd person RPG but in heaven/earth, where you get gear and talk to gods for special powers until you meet the leader 'GOD' and he orders you to sort out the problems on earth. Like solving the unrest in Zimbabwe, Somalia, by going there yourself, complete with real world leaders as Bosses. You can choose where to go to by clicking on the Globe view of earth

A mixture of fantasy, reality and RPG.

I need to copywright this methinks.
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Senior member
Oct 19, 2011
A next generation MMOFPS-RTS which would use tech similar to the Infinity Engine.

It would mix aspects of EVE and Planetside 2 but in a more epic fashion with 3 to 5 human factions all fighting each other. The aim would be to annihilate the other factions so a winner could be eventually declared. Resources would play a key part in the game determining how and when a faction could fight. They could be mined on planets, moons and asteroids, with planets being the easiest to defend. It would determine what tech a faction could use, how many ships they could build and how many soldiers they could field. For example, if a faction mined many asteroids and built up large reserves of rare elements, they could field an army with formidable weaponry and armour. If another faction has lots of planets with a high population count, then that faction would have more infantry (spawns) available for a given battle.

There would also be 3 levels to the combat; space - atmosphere - ground. Spacecraft, i.e. battleships, carriers and their large supporting craft would not be able to land on planets/moons/asteroids, only place themselves in orbit and FTL jump, use impulse drives, etc. Smaller craft such as drop ships, drop pods, fighters and bombers would be able to fight in space and in a planets' atmosphere, depending on what their objective is (such as boarding an enemy ship or invading a planet). Ground based warfare would be similar to a team based FPS with objectives, class based roles and vehicles. It would range from huge infantry battles with vehicle support to special ops missions depending on which approach the commanders felt was most likely to ensure success.

Research would play a huge part in the game, divided into an tech tree for a faction overall to individual ones for planets/moons/asteroids within a factions' territory. Overarching tech trees would determine if a faction could develop technology such as faster FTL drives or different types of weaponry, whereas a tech tree for a planet would determine how quickly a type of technology could be developed for ships and armies produced there.

The RTS element would come in at the operational and strategic levels. Player elected Generals and Admirals of each faction would determine where a factions forces would be placed, which would mean other players could only fight according to where spawn points were available, such as ships etc.

I could fully flesh it out but it would be too long to type. One can dream that something like this will exist someday eh?
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Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2012
I'd make this game where you are this guy in a maze. In this maze are all these things you have to eat to complete the maze. But wait, there's more. There are these ghosts that chase you around the maze and if they catch you, you die. You aren't totally helpless though because there are special items can eat that gives you the ability to also eat the ghosts.

It's a work in progress.

Lets create a sequel in which a woman traverses the maze instead of a male!
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