If you died today, would you be let into Heaven?

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Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2000
Whether anyone likes it or not, the Sun shines on all human beings, even the worst of the worst. We can hide them from the Sun in prison and take their lives, but there are no judges here on Earth, IMO.

Mr N8

Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Eli
Originally posted by: Gravity
Yes, I will be getting and spending eternity there. which is a very long time

There are many misconceptions about hell. Don't be fooled, there will be no party.

For those of you that are a bit dismayed at answering this poll with "no", you may want to reconsider your choice.

1. God's plan is for us to be with him (not seperated from him in hell)
2. Sin seperates us from God.
3. Sin cannot be overcome by good works or good deeds or a good life.
4. Jesus Christ already paid the price for your sin so you can re-unite with god
5. It's free but not automatic, you have to put your faith in Christ to be "saved.

It's up to YOU, not up to God.


1. Ok.
2. Nonsense. What is "sin"? (I am not asking for you to tell me what "sin" is, I am trying to make a point that it is arbitrary God-fearing religious rubbish).
3. Ok, but the only true "sin" is doing harm to your fellow man.(The quote is in someones sig..)
4. Ok.
5. Nonsense. I'm already "saved", and it had nothing to do with Jesus Christ, Christianity or any other organized religion.

I agree, it has nothing to do with religion. It is up to me.

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes - Salvation (being made acceptable to God) only comes through belief that Jesus Christ was / is God, and that his death is a payment for the sins we have committed. Belief and acceptance is up to each individual, but Jesus can not be factored out of the equation. Belonging to a church can be factored out, because there is no place in the scriptures that says you must subscribe to a religion to be accepted into heaven.

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.

The fundamentals of my life are these:

I believe in God the Father. I believe in Jesus, who was born of a virgin, Mary. I believe in the work of the Holy Spirit. I believe that the 3 being are 1 God.


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2000
Originally posted by: MogulMonster
Originally posted by: Eli
Originally posted by: Gravity
Yes, I will be getting and spending eternity there. which is a very long time

There are many misconceptions about hell. Don't be fooled, there will be no party.

For those of you that are a bit dismayed at answering this poll with "no", you may want to reconsider your choice.

1. God's plan is for us to be with him (not seperated from him in hell)
2. Sin seperates us from God.
3. Sin cannot be overcome by good works or good deeds or a good life.
4. Jesus Christ already paid the price for your sin so you can re-unite with god
5. It's free but not automatic, you have to put your faith in Christ to be "saved.

It's up to YOU, not up to God.


1. Ok.
2. Nonsense. What is "sin"? (I am not asking for you to tell me what "sin" is, I am trying to make a point that it is arbitrary God-fearing religious rubbish).
3. Ok, but the only true "sin" is doing harm to your fellow man.(The quote is in someones sig..)
4. Ok.
5. Nonsense. I'm already "saved", and it had nothing to do with Jesus Christ, Christianity or any other organized religion.

I agree, it has nothing to do with religion. It is up to me.

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes - Salvation (being made acceptable to God) only comes through belief that Jesus Christ was / is God, and that his death is a payment for the sins we have committed. Belief and acceptance is up to each individual, but Jesus can not be factored out of the equation. Belonging to a church can be factored out, because there is no place in the scriptures that says you must subscribe to a religion to be accepted into heaven.

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.

The fundamentals of my life are these:

I believe in God the Father. I believe in Jesus, who was born of a virgin, Mary. I believe in the work of the Holy Spirit. I believe that the 3 being are 1 God.

Jesus was just a man. What makes him more holy than Buddha, Mohammad, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, or anyone else who has achieved true Enlightenment? Why focus only on Jesus?



Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2003
Originally posted by: stormbv

Jesus was just a man. What makes him more holy than Buddha, Mohammad, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, or anyone else who has achieved true Enlightenment? Why focus only on Jesus?

perhaps because that's the basis for Christianity...............? I dunno, just a shot in the dark here. Christians don't believe that Jesus was simply a man, so you have to keep this in mind when discussing Jesus/Christianity. The focus is on Jesus and none of the other people/imaginary figures you mentioned because Jesus died for the sins of man, I don't recall Ghandi doing that


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2001
I'll assume that there is a heaven and that's ran by the Christian god.

That being said, I'm sure he'd accept me. I'm a good person and I doubt that god would be as big of an asshole as most make him out to be. I've been told by many, MANY Christians that "being good" is not good enough for their god. Well if it isn't, then I'll go to whatever the alternative to heaven is because I don't want to be around an asshole god.


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2000
Originally posted by: Flyermax2k3
Originally posted by: stormbv

Jesus was just a man. What makes him more holy than Buddha, Mohammad, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, or anyone else who has achieved true Enlightenment? Why focus only on Jesus?

perhaps because that's the basis for Christianity...............? I dunno, just a shot in the dark here. Christians don't believe that Jesus was simply a man, so you have to keep this in mind when discussing Jesus/Christianity. The focus is on Jesus and none of the other people/imaginary figures you mentioned because Jesus died for the sins of man, I don't recall Ghandi doing that

Okay, then I'm definitely not a Christian. I'm more concerned with the Spirit of Jesus. I don't care if he even ever existed...it's the thought that counts.

Mr N8

Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2001
Originally posted by: DougK62
I'll assume that there is a heaven and that's ran by the Christian god.

That being said, I'm sure he'd accept me. I'm a good person and I doubt that god would be as big of an asshole as most make him out to be. I've been told by many, MANY Christians that "being good" is not good enough for their god. Well if it isn't, then I'll go to whatever the alternative to heaven is because I don't want to be around an asshole god.

As long as you are accepting the Christian viewpoint, lets look at it from that perspective. God created human as perfect beings, in a perfect world. Humans are tempted by Satan to do the only thing that God told them was wrong. When they chose to sin, they were no longer perfect, thus could no longer have perfect offspring.

God decides to send Jesus as a man to live a perfect life, so that he will be an acceptable sacrifice for the sins of imperfect humans. God does this to show love, and provide a way to heaven without going through all of the rituals. All that he asks is that you believe that Jesus is God and that he took the punishment for your sins.

I fail to see where that makes God the bad guy? He has offered an acceptable sacrifice in place you doing all kinds of acts and rituals.


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2000
Originally posted by: MogulMonster
Originally posted by: DougK62
I'll assume that there is a heaven and that's ran by the Christian god.

That being said, I'm sure he'd accept me. I'm a good person and I doubt that god would be as big of an asshole as most make him out to be. I've been told by many, MANY Christians that "being good" is not good enough for their god. Well if it isn't, then I'll go to whatever the alternative to heaven is because I don't want to be around an asshole god.

As long as you are accepting the Christian viewpoint, lets look at it from that perspective. God created human as perfect beings, in a perfect world. Humans are tempted by Satan to do the only thing that God told them was wrong. When they chose to sin, they were no longer perfect, thus could no longer have perfect offspring.

God decides to send Jesus as a man to live a perfect life, so that he will be an acceptable sacrifice for the sins of imperfect humans. God does this to show love, and provide a way to heaven without going through all of the rituals. All that he asks is that you believe that Jesus is God and that he took the punishment for your sins.

I fail to see where that makes God the bad guy? He has offered an acceptable sacrifice in place you doing all kinds of acts and rituals.

Jesus was a man each and every one of us should emulate. I think we're all worthy of being Atlas, with the world on our shoulders. What if God wants us to suffer?


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2001
Originally posted by: MogulMonster
Originally posted by: DougK62
I'll assume that there is a heaven and that's ran by the Christian god.

That being said, I'm sure he'd accept me. I'm a good person and I doubt that god would be as big of an asshole as most make him out to be. I've been told by many, MANY Christians that "being good" is not good enough for their god. Well if it isn't, then I'll go to whatever the alternative to heaven is because I don't want to be around an asshole god.

As long as you are accepting the Christian viewpoint, lets look at it from that perspective. God created human as perfect beings, in a perfect world. Humans are tempted by Satan to do the only thing that God told them was wrong. When they chose to sin, they were no longer perfect, thus could no longer have perfect offspring.

God decides to send Jesus as a man to live a perfect life, so that he will be an acceptable sacrifice for the sins of imperfect humans. God does this to show love, and provide a way to heaven without going through all of the rituals. All that he asks is that you believe that Jesus is God and that he took the punishment for your sins.

I fail to see where that makes God the bad guy? He has offered an acceptable sacrifice in place you doing all kinds of acts and rituals.

I understand what you're saying. Let me give you a hypothetical situation then.

A dude grows up in a small tribe in the middle of Africa. All he is concerned with is the survival of him and his tribe. He has no education and knows nothing of any religions. He cares for his tribe and does his part to help everyone survive.

The Christian god would deny him access to heaven for not accepting Jesus.


Mr N8

Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2001
God may or may not let us suffer on earth. The point of sacrificing Jesus is that we are able to be rewarded for our life after we die.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2002
Yeah my atheist a$$ would get into heaven because I'm a better person than 99% of the religous people that ever lived.

The better question is why would you want to go to heaven where the girls don't give up the poontang?


Golden Member
Apr 4, 2001
Originally posted by: mto81
I wouldn't go even if I was let in, heaven has got to be the most boring place, ever. I'd rather go do drugs and see naked chicks dance with satan.

Not to mention Steve Vai runs the place. Was he satan in Crossroads (not the Britney one) or just a henchme?. Either way, I get to jam with him!



Golden Member
Apr 4, 2001
Hey, all us Atheists aren't going to either. We'll be going to our special Atheist place.


Oct 10, 1999
This thread/poll has given me something to think about.

I do not know if the results have been skewed in any way, but my belief before is that most people belive that if Heaven existed, that they would be let in.

My own belief is that I am a good person. I do some stupid things, but in my heart I am a good person. I believe that I would be let into heaven because of this. I also don't believe I would be turned away at the gates because I could never believe in God while I was alive because I didn't care to find him because his existance seems like an impossibility.

I have apparently applied my views to apply to most other people (I'm a psych student do I should know this was a possibility). I believed that most people believe that they are special and a good person and that they believe they will get in.

I did not believe that I would see responces like "My chances are 50/50" or see the results being 50/50

On a side note: Something my girlfriend told me (she's catholic) is that she belives that most people do not go to hell. She says that even if you have done bad things in life, once you die and you come before God you are given the opportunity to be sorry for the things you have done. If you truly sorry for the things you have done (I'm talking things like rape, murder, stealing, etc) and you accept him, you will get in.

My girlfriend believes that the only people that end up in hell are those who are not sorry for their actions and do not accept God.

What do you think of that?


Oct 10, 1999
I understand what you're saying. Let me give you a hypothetical situation then.

A dude grows up in a small tribe in the middle of Africa. All he is concerned with is the survival of him and his tribe. He has no education and knows nothing of any religions. He cares for his tribe and does his part to help everyone survive.

The Christian god would deny him access to heaven for not accepting Jesus.

I've been told that you will not be turned away for something you never knew.


Aug 10, 2001
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
I sure hope so. Eye hath not seen nor ear heard what marvelous things that await those who believe...

To all the cutsie little non-believer comments, keep talking your way down there pals. Keep talking...The devil has you in his grips and has you right where he wants you. He has conquered your mind and hearts.

If hell contains the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dhamer, John Wayne Gacy & most other scumbags, rapists, lowlifes, thugs and other noted atheists you can have it baby.

Im going to see Albert Einstein, Jimi Hendrix, Moses, the twelve apostles, Mother Teresa, Isaac Asimov and the list could go on and on.

Hitler was Catholic. Ted Bundy 'converted' to Christianity on death row, after having been a Mormon.

Einstein did not believe in God.
Jimi Hendrix wasn't religious either.
Isaac Asimov called himself an Atheist.

So... Either you are saying Moses, the apostles and Mother Teresa aren't religious and you are going to hell with them, or you're spouting standard religious bullsh!t.
Jan 31, 2002
I'll figure I'd get in - I just won't be driving as nice of a car.

Of course, I'd rather choose reincarnation. Conscious for the first few times, so I could be a few choice animals - birds of prey, bats, other cool stuff. Then let's go for the human package and start again.

- M4H


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Skyclad1uhm1
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
I sure hope so. Eye hath not seen nor ear heard what marvelous things that await those who believe...

To all the cutsie little non-believer comments, keep talking your way down there pals. Keep talking...The devil has you in his grips and has you right where he wants you. He has conquered your mind and hearts.

If hell contains the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dhamer, John Wayne Gacy & most other scumbags, rapists, lowlifes, thugs and other noted atheists you can have it baby.

Im going to see Albert Einstein, Jimi Hendrix, Moses, the twelve apostles, Mother Teresa, Isaac Asimov and the list could go on and on.

Hitler was Catholic. Ted Bundy 'converted' to Christianity on death row, after having been a Mormon.

Einstein did not believe in God.
Jimi Hendrix wasn't religious either.
Isaac Asimov called himself an Atheist.

So... Either you are saying Moses, the apostles and Mother Teresa aren't religious and you are going to hell with them, or you're spouting standard religious bullsh!t.

Hitler is clearly in Hell.

Einstein is in Heaven, I believe simply based on this statement, "Well, I do not think that it is necessarily the case that science and religion are natural opposites. In fact, I think that there is a very close connection between the two. Further, I think that science without religion is lame and, conversely, that religion without science is blind. Both are important and should work hand-in-hand. It seems to mc that whoever doesn't wonder about the truth in religion and in science might as well be dead. "

Hendrix is also in Heaven, I belive based on the last paragraph on this page.

Asimov, oh well ...

Oh and by the you are spouting the typical non-believer bullshit. I for one will be glad when you wind up with Hitler.


Jul 26, 2002
Originally posted by: Stefan
This thread/poll has given me something to think about.

I do not know if the results have been skewed in any way, but my belief before is that most people belive that if Heaven existed, that they would be let in.

My own belief is that I am a good person. I do some stupid things, but in my heart I am a good person. I believe that I would be let into heaven because of this. I also don't believe I would be turned away at the gates because I could never believe in God while I was alive because I didn't care to find him because his existance seems like an impossibility.

I have apparently applied my views to apply to most other people (I'm a psych student do I should know this was a possibility). I believed that most people believe that they are special and a good person and that they believe they will get in.

I did not believe that I would see responces like "My chances are 50/50" or see the results being 50/50

On a side note: Something my girlfriend told me (she's catholic) is that she belives that most people do not go to hell. She says that even if you have done bad things in life, once you die and you come before God you are given the opportunity to be sorry for the things you have done. If you truly sorry for the things you have done (I'm talking things like rape, murder, stealing, etc) and you accept him, you will get in.

My girlfriend believes that the only people that end up in hell are those who are not sorry for their actions and do not accept God.

What do you think of that?

I agree with your g/f and remember reading that in the Bible somewhere before.
Jan 31, 2002
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: Skyclad1uhm1
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
I sure hope so. Eye hath not seen nor ear heard what marvelous things that await those who believe...

To all the cutsie little non-believer comments, keep talking your way down there pals. Keep talking...The devil has you in his grips and has you right where he wants you. He has conquered your mind and hearts.

If hell contains the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dhamer, John Wayne Gacy & most other scumbags, rapists, lowlifes, thugs and other noted atheists you can have it baby.

Im going to see Albert Einstein, Jimi Hendrix, Moses, the twelve apostles, Mother Teresa, Isaac Asimov and the list could go on and on.

Hitler was Catholic. Ted Bundy 'converted' to Christianity on death row, after having been a Mormon.

Einstein did not believe in God.
Jimi Hendrix wasn't religious either.
Isaac Asimov called himself an Atheist.

So... Either you are saying Moses, the apostles and Mother Teresa aren't religious and you are going to hell with them, or you're spouting standard religious bullsh!t.

Hitler is clearly in Hell.

Einstein is in Heaven, I believe simply based on this statement, "Well, I do not think that it is necessarily the case that science and religion are natural opposites. In fact, I think that there is a very close connection between the two. Further, I think that science without religion is lame and, conversely, that religion without science is blind. Both are important and should work hand-in-hand. It seems to mc that whoever doesn't wonder about the truth in religion and in science might as well be dead. "

Hendrix is also in Heaven, I belive based on the last paragraph on this page.

Asimov, oh well ...

Oh and by the you are spouting the typical non-believer bullshit. I for one will be glad when you wind up with Hitler.

*hooks up special ATOT-to-Stereo convertor to the Internet*

Keep on thumping there, champ, you've got a kickin' backbeat going.

- M4H
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