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Dec 15, 2015
Oh yeah, dried fruit is actually really high in sugar.
That's just horrifying though. Glucose is 100, lol.

Having said that, my in-laws make some absolutely killer dried date snacks. Split 'em, throw in an almond, then dip in honey and I think bake? Or something.

Not the healthiest things for you but man those are tasty.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2011
I dunno if it's blood-sugar related, or I just desperately need REM sleep, and my body keeps passing out trying to get it. I haven't had all that much sleep the last few days. I did last night (yesterday last night), and I think earlier tonight (watch says it's 5:13am).

Just fixed myself a PB&J, those are supposed to help regulate blood sugar, no?

Thanks for your concern, everyone. I'm going to see about seeing my primary care doctor as soon as I can, I think.

Dont think, just do. I havent had your issues before, but I let lyme disease go untreated for many months and over the course of 3 days I lost the use of anything attached to my upper body, the look on the doctors eyes was that of pure disbelief and terror. Im only 23, and frequently make decisions as such, but even I know (now) that you dont mess around if theres somthing serious going on with your body. Youre going to be fine though, see the doc, change your diet, maybe get some more excersize? How about an elliptical machine in front of the TV? Just zome into a show or a game thats played with a controller and keep walking while you play? Keep a positive attitude too, thats 50% of the battle!


Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2005
Larry, I like reading your posts here. I hope to read more.

Go see a doctor. Your health is your most important asset. You can always get more money, but you only have one body.
Reactions: NTMBK and Ken g6

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
Should be noted that Fruit Juice contains similar amounts of sugar as Soda/Pop. The only way to really replace Soda/Pop is with Water.

Yeah at one point I figured I could just switch to like orange juice or something, but then realized not only is it just as bad for sugar, but it's actually horrible for your teeth. You would think fruit juice is healthy, but in that form it's not. When you eat raw fruit you're ok because of all the fibre.

The only viable replacement I think is really carbonated water. It gives you that bubbly taste that you seek when drinking pop, but it's really mostly just water.

That, or coffee. You know sometimes you just want to sit down and sip on something other than water. Have a coffee instead of a pop. Idealy, drink more water too as it may help with the cravings.


Dec 7, 2009
I've either died due to a brain tumor, or my mother is / has been poisoning me. Or I've developed diabeetus, and I don't know.

Something's definitely not right with my brain, and I've been having mini-blackouts for the last few months, and today, my consciousness feels like it's slipping away. I "wake" a few seconds / minutes later, and wonder whether this is going to be my last.

If I do pass, then I'd just like to say, "Thanks for all the posts". This has been my online home for the last 10+ years. Hopefully I haven't pissed too many of you off. That is all.

PS. I know that Jen wasn't feeling well either, and I haven't heard from her for a while now, I'm fearing the worst in her case as well.

All of these people telling you to go to the doctor, go to the drugstore, go to the ER are WRONG.

If you're really blacking out as you say, don't get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle and drive yourself. You could crash into someone and hurt or even kill others or yourself.

If someone can drive you ok. If not then call emergency services for an ambulance.


Nov 10, 2003
OP. Here is my personal example. I ordered a large pizza tonight because it was on sale for $10 plus sale tax. I only ate 2 slices and no soda at all. I used to eat 3 to 4 slices plus at least a can of regular Coke. You do not have to go cold turkey but you have to control the portion and watch what you eat.
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Golden Member
Mar 10, 2017
Saw this thread pop up on the new posts list. I thought I would add my two cents.

I'm borderline diabetic. I've had to make some unpleasant decisions with respect to my diet and health because of it. Largely, I've transitioned to a largely high protein and low carb diet. I haven't completely eliminated them, but I consume them very carefully.

For breakfast most days, I have a single Premier Protein meal replacement shake. They are high in protein and very low in carbs, netting near zero. They have several flavors to choose from, so I have a little variety. I used to eat a bowl of cereal, or grab a cereal bar, or even have a bowl of oatmeal. The problem there was that, around mid-morning, my blood sugar would crash and I would struggle to concentrate or even just stay awake. Consuming large amounts of coffee just didn't help either. Since I switched to low carb breakfast, that just doesn't happen anymore. My blood sugar stays in the normal range and I feel OK.

For lunch, I tend to stick to a meat, a cheese, a single serving of fruit, and vegetables like carrots or broccoli or beans. I know Keto dieters don't like Broccoli, but, for low carb, its good enough. That gets me through to dinner.

For dinner I'm not as careful, though I do tend to avoid pasta, bread, and anything with added sugar. If the family is eating something high in carbs, I'll make something that better meets my needs, like a skillet pizza that has just cheese and toppings fried on a non-stick pan. Its actually pretty good.

For drinking, I ALWAYS have a bottle of water with me. It may have a zero calorie flavor packet added to it, or it may be just pure water. Non-diet soda is a no-go. Soda messes with me in a big way and while it tastes great, an hour later, I feel terrible. Instead, I've been drinking Iced Tea with stevia/splenda, Coffee in the mornings, again with stevia/splenda, but I'll use a little normal creamer. Lately, I've discovered Clean American brand zero sugar/calorie/caffeine/sodium flavored spring water. It has a wide variety of flavors, and hits what I'm craving with being semi-sweet and bubbly.

For snacks, I find that nuts, carrots, and a few sugar free diabetic targeted candies seem to work well for me.

Since I switched to this, and without greatly altering my physical activity (well, I do take the stairs now instead of the elevator), I've been able to shed 30 lbs of weight since the beginning of the year and I feel much better. It's not perfect, but its a big improvement, and when I bother to check my blood sugar, its in the normal range.


Oct 12, 2009
No more "politics" in this thread, please.

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Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
That's just horrifying though. Glucose is 100, lol.

Having said that, my in-laws make some absolutely killer dried date snacks. Split 'em, throw in an almond, then dip in honey and I think bake? Or something.

Not the healthiest things for you but man those are tasty.
dried fruit concentrates the sugars.

I do love me some nice raisins, though. and dates. especially date squares.

there was also an older thread about a guy that ate 2 pounds of raisins. that was awesome.


Oct 9, 1999
Coffee. Black. Works for me.

I rarely ever drink sodas. Mostly because of the terrible health risks. Partly because of the overly sweet taste. All sodas tastes like eating sugar in liquid form when you don't indulge often in sugary foods.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
See previous Mod comment.

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No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
See previous Mod comment.

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May 7, 2002
See previous Mod comment.

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Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2004
First of all, the OP isn't going to die. Diabetes doesn't kill you outright. It's blinds you first, or causes peripheral nephropathy and you won't be able to walk because of the pain in your feet and legs. You might loose feeling in your fingers and hands. You might get sores that won't heal on your legs and lower body. Your penis will stop being your friend and can actually start to rot. Eventually you lose a limb or have a stroke and live partially paralyzed. Then it might kill you.

Your "brain tumor" and falling asleep is probably caused by sleep apnea where you stop breathing in your sleep. It keeps you from entering the really restful REM sleep as you describe and makes you tired so you fall asleep during the day. It makes you irritable and unable to think clearly.

PB&J sandwiches are straight up carbs with carbs with carbs. Terrible for your blood sugar. There is nothing you can eat to bring down high blood sugar. Your body is telling you it has too much sugar-fuel already and it's releasing as much insulin as possible to deal with it, but your body is starting to ignore the insulin because you've been overdosing regularly on sugar due to your overeating and Mt Dew habit. How can eating more help?

Exercise such as walking will help kick start your metabolism to burn off that extra glucose and you will feel much better in the long run. Fight through your tired feelings because resting or going to sleep will only make it worse. Your brain interprets your lack of energy caused by excess glucose as a sign that your body needs more energy and it tells you to eat even more. Fight that feeling because it's sure death to indulge and go for a walk instead.

You are like me, a carb/sugar/food junky. I liken it to a heroin addiction. I find pleasure in eating so I want to eat even when I am not hungry. I will literally eat myself sick. I have to distract myself or I will eat all day. I have to take meds, keep active and skip meals because I have no self-control.

I know that a single cheat will usually lead to me gorging myself on food until I am sick. When I feel good I want to celebrate with food, same when I am sad or upset. Anger at my self-destruction is one of the few emotions that keeps me away from food. I try to get up and out of the house every day. I walk every day and constantly remind myself that the less I eat the better I will physically feel.

Go see a doctor now. I suspect your blood sugar is extremely high, like stroke out high, and you need to stop trying to eat your way (pb&j) to a lower blood sugar. Meds will help get your blood sugar levels under control but you need to make a lifestyle change now.

No more drinking any calories, period. Eat something like a hard-boiled egg or two for breakfast. Eat a broiled boneless, skinless breast of chicken for a meal. Eat a single, small portion of whatever you are having for dinner. Big meals stretch your stomach and make you feel hungry again sooner than if you only eat small portions. No sugar, carbs, starch or breads. Have 3oz of lean protein and 6oz of vegetables and walk away from the table.

Nobody can make you do it except for yourself, and that's the biggest problem. Understanding that you are the source of your pain leads to emotions that drive you straight back to the table to cover up with more food. You and I have done this to ourselves and we are the only ones who can fix it. A doctor can help, but really we need to train our brains to find pleasure somewhere other than at the dinner table.

Whatever it is you are looking for...love, acceptance, friendship, joy, success...whatever it is that you think you lack and are substituting food for it must stop now. Food is the drug you are using to ignore your problems and it will kill you if you don't stop. Fuck food.
Mar 11, 2004
See previous Mod comment.

Forum Director

Coffee. Black. Works for me.

I rarely ever drink sodas. Mostly because of the terrible health risks. Partly because of the overly sweet taste. All sodas tastes like eating sugar in liquid form when you don't indulge often in sugary foods.

I'd say it actually tastes worse than sugar, but depends, as it goes good with some foods (not in the smell your own farts wine asshole way) and having something to drink helps. I'd rather eat straight sugar and drink water than drink pretty much any pop straight. Abundant ice is necessary.

Random aside. There's new Pepsi commercials, and I both want to applaud and condemn their advertising department. Applaud because they pulled their heads out of their asses and realized "oh, right, we make flavored sugar water" and just focused on that (and not that stupid tone deaf crap about divided America they pushed out). Condemn because goddamn it made me want a Pepsi. I've seen two, one is they show just a typical pepperoni pizza (didn't even try to tie it into a brand), and that made me crave pizza and a Pepsi. The other is just a fairly generic but still way better because its just straightforward and effective, they just say something about "refreshing Pepsi" or something, show a glass with ice and Pepsi in it.

AFAIC, the only right you have is to be left alone. Nobody's *entitled* to the labor of others. That said, universal healthcare is a Good Thing®, and worth paying for as long as the money doesn't go to for profit companies, and is paid mostly through cuts to other programs that don't *directly* affect all Americans. Under those terms, the tax increase should be nominal.

Eh, I think it'd be fine to just outright raise taxes for it, as long as they can keep costs in check so that overall people are spending less money (per person) on healthcare. Meaning, sure they're paying more in taxes but they're still better off than paying for their own private insurance, giving them more effective money and other benefits (health care issues and financial problems associated with it is stressful on the level that its health impact in the form of stress is probably in line with diabetes and obesity related health problems; plus it likely fuels those problems as a lot of people deal with stress by eating and we end up in a toxic feedback loop). And when our military has things that they're literally asking our legislature to stop funding, maybe, I don't know, keep the jobs but put them towards health care (that would benefit people in the military as well as their families, and also the people that the military is there defending).

I'd also like if healthcare costs were in part paid by for profit companies that have shown a willingness to be unconcerned about public health or putting it in peril. Or even just somewhat taking into account externalities that a lot of companies are subjecting us to whilst not only not compensating us for the damage they do, but we often are outright subsidizing their behavior while they pay politicians money to prevent regulations on them that would directly address health (either of the public or even just their own workers; case in point see the chemical plant situation in Houston), just so they can keep padding their balance sheets and enriching people that just exploit others for sake of some extra money (despite already having enough that they could literally give up working for the rest of their lives and still live without a care for the rest of their days).

First of all, the OP isn't going to die. Diabetes doesn't kill you outright. It's blinds you first, or causes peripheral nephropathy and you won't be able to walk because of the pain in your feet and legs. You might loose feeling in your fingers and hands. You might get sores that won't heal on your legs and lower body. Your penis will stop being your friend and can actually start to rot. Eventually you lose a limb or have a stroke and live partially paralyzed. Then it might kill you.

Your "brain tumor" and falling asleep is probably caused by sleep apnea where you stop breathing in your sleep. It keeps you from entering the really restful REM sleep as you describe and makes you tired so you fall asleep during the day. It makes you irritable and unable to think clearly.

PB&J sandwiches are straight up carbs with carbs with carbs. Terrible for your blood sugar. There is nothing you can eat to bring down high blood sugar. Your body is telling you it has too much sugar-fuel already and it's releasing as much insulin as possible to deal with it, but your body is starting to ignore the insulin because you've been overdosing regularly on sugar due to your overeating and Mt Dew habit. How can eating more help?

Exercise such as walking will help kick start your metabolism to burn off that extra glucose and you will feel much better in the long run. Fight through your tired feelings because resting or going to sleep will only make it worse. Your brain interprets your lack of energy caused by excess glucose as a sign that your body needs more energy and it tells you to eat even more. Fight that feeling because it's sure death to indulge and go for a walk instead.

You are like me, a carb/sugar/food junky. I liken it to a heroin addiction. I find pleasure in eating so I want to eat even when I am not hungry. I will literally eat myself sick. I have to distract myself or I will eat all day. I have to take meds, keep active and skip meals because I have no self-control.

I know that a single cheat will usually lead to me gorging myself on food until I am sick. When I feel good I want to celebrate with food, same when I am sad or upset. Anger at my self-destruction is one of the few emotions that keeps me away from food. I try to get up and out of the house every day. I walk every day and constantly remind myself that the less I eat the better I will physically feel.

Go see a doctor now. I suspect your blood sugar is extremely high, like stroke out high, and you need to stop trying to eat your way (pb&j) to a lower blood sugar. Meds will help get your blood sugar levels under control but you need to make a lifestyle change now.

No more drinking any calories, period. Eat something like a hard-boiled egg or two for breakfast. Eat a broiled boneless, skinless breast of chicken for a meal. Eat a single, small portion of whatever you are having for dinner. Big meals stretch your stomach and make you feel hungry again sooner than if you only eat small portions. No sugar, carbs, starch or breads. Have 3oz of lean protein and 6oz of vegetables and walk away from the table.

Nobody can make you do it except for yourself, and that's the biggest problem. Understanding that you are the source of your pain leads to emotions that drive you straight back to the table to cover up with more food. You and I have done this to ourselves and we are the only ones who can fix it. A doctor can help, but really we need to train our brains to find pleasure somewhere other than at the dinner table.

Whatever it is you are looking for...love, acceptance, friendship, joy, success...whatever it is that you think you lack and are substituting food for it must stop now. Food is the drug you are using to ignore your problems and it will kill you if you don't stop. Fuck food.

Largely great post. I do have a couple of nitpicks though. Are you saying peanut butter is a carb? Put on some good whole grain bread, its actually a great healthy snack. Expecting people used to our flavor overloaded modern foods to be able to go to eating skinless chicken breast is, in my opinion, absurd and showing a serious lack of understanding why its so damn hard to make such a transition (yes, it is big enough that an average person would say they'd rather die than to switch to that level of healthy eating; something I've heard a lot of people say). I have actually done that myself, at one point I ate incredibly healthy - basically no sweets, no fast foods, baked fish fillets, straight tuna out of cans after workout, lean ham (underrated for healthy food I think, but I find chicken and turkey to be less palatable), plain potatoes, measured out my cereal, etc but I was goddamn miserable and outright hated thinking about food (and you realize how integral food is to social gatherings, making those miserable as well - to this day I'm a loner when it comes to eating). I'm also not sure that going on such a crash diet change is healthy either. It might be warranted in the OP's case, but I'd rather leave that up to a doctor (that yes he needs to be going to ASAP).

But I agree, make changes. Get off your but, get moving. Eat better. Replace chips and fries with baked potatoes (with toppings, and gradually reduce the toppings over time). Replace candy with some fruit (seriously, bananas are pretty damn cheap, as are other fruits in season, and you can buy frozen, and put in little containers and let thaw out over night in the fridge). Cut back on the pop any way you can (go cold turkey if that works). Load up on veggies. Get peanuts (they're cheap and filling, and if you have to crack shells it'll help limit how quickly you eat while also burning some calories). Drink lots of water. Prepare meals instead of eating conveniently. Find some good hearty whole gran bread, put some honey on it for a snack.

Another good tip is catalogue all the food you eat. It'll help you realize how much you're eating, how bad you're eating, and it'll take effort and time (that you might otherwise be mindlessly eating).
Find distractions (but don't just substitute one unhealthy thing for another; gaming is good but you need to be active some).
Call up Rossman (just not for 8 hours a day )
Seek support groups. I don't give a shit if you're a furry that likes being rode like a horse, there are people out there that wouldn't put you down for that.
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Senior member
Mar 30, 2013
Again and again and again, take this to P&N, not here.

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Oct 12, 2009
Again and again and again, take this to P&N, not here.

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