If you put in 8 hours/day every week, should you receive a wage you can live upon?

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Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
No. A straw man is to misrepresent another person's argument into something more easily defeated.
For example, someone argues that government should protect private property. Another responds using an example involving public property. Then, when corrected, they assert that the only way that government protects private property is through the police, totally ignoring other means like civil courts, real estate laws, etc. I'm not gonna touch on the million ways to steal someone's property with the proverbial pen here, but suffice to say they exist and in ways you've likely never dreamed of.

You also used the No True Scotsman fallacy. Not every libertarian wants to have to camp out defending their property 24/7. I for one would like to be able to go to work or take a vacation with the reasonable assurance that it will still be there as I left it when I get back. Without some minimal form of government to maintain law and order (with courts as well as police), that would not be a reasonable expectation. Buying insurance is sound capitalism.


If you spent as much time researching political leanings as you did trying to learn fancy Fallacy words you might actually know what you are talking about. Alas, all you have is fancy talking points by throwing out your "Fallacies for Dummies" talking points.

Sorry for you.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
If you spent as much time researching political leanings as you did trying to learn fancy Fallacy words you might actually know what you are talking about. Alas, all you have is fancy talking points by throwing out your "Fallacies for Dummies" talking points.

Sorry for you.

At the risk of continuing to feed your trolling, where exactly did I not know what I'm talking about?

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
What specifically do you mean by "protect property?" Be specific..

Look how the public property was handled during the shutodwn, that gives you an idea as to how most people want private property handled. Thats not at all what libertarians want. They simply want their rights protected, they dont want the government standing gaurd on the entrance to their property. In fact you really dont need the government to protect property rights, you simply need agreed upon laws in place covering property rights. An example of that is HOA rules. The government doesnt enforce the HOA rules, except through the rules that govern contract law.

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
At the risk of continuing to feed your trolling, where exactly did I not know what I'm talking about?

Look, Vic, its fine. You clearly need to "win" this more than I do. You'll simply continue to take everything someone says to you and misinterpret it in whatever method possible so you can throw out fancy little fallacy lines.

So please, continue. I'm going to let you "win", because clearly you think falling back to petty fallacy shit means you are winning.

Gimme another strawman please.
Nov 25, 2013
The police have no obligation to protect you or your property specifically. There have been court cases, it's already settled.

As for government employees they do work for us, the citizenry, although they seem to have forgot it. Maybe it has something to do with relying on bank loans instead of taxes for paying their salaries...

This isn't about the present govt. system, this is about Libertarian election campaign platform representing libertarian belief as to what the proper role of govt. is.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Look how the public property was handled during the shutodwn, that gives you an idea as to how most people want private property handled. Thats not at all what libertarians want. They simply want their rights protected, they dont want the government standing gaurd on the entrance to their property. In fact you really dont need the government to protect property rights, you simply need agreed upon laws in place covering property rights. An example of that is HOA rules. The government doesnt enforce the HOA rules, except through the rules that govern contract law.

Please quote where I said that I (or anyone) "want the government standing gaurd on the entrance to their property." I never even implied that (although I'm sure most people would prefer that police actually show up if called) .
As for HOA s, they are effectively a form of privately owned local government. If you believe otherwise, then stop paying your dues and see what happens.
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Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
This isn't about the present govt. system, this is about Libertarian election campaign platform representing libertarian belief as to what the proper role of govt. is.

Well.. do keep in mind that "libertarian party" is an oxymoron.
Nov 25, 2013
Lol. Statists.
This is how people like you manage to interpret the constitution as the communist manifesto. You just make up shit to read however you want, combined with no grasp of history or of what anything actually means.

Protecting a RIGHT is not the same thing as physically protecting what that right secures. You have a RIGHT to freedom of assembly. That is NOT the same as a guaranteed police escort when you're assembled with your ilk of like-minded knuckleheads. You have a RIGHT to freedom of the speech and press... that does NOT mean government is providing you with a printing press and typing the words for you.

Anyway, you guys are a good illustration of how statists twist litterally everything into big government worship.

You actually manage to get big government worship out of the libertarian agenda! LOL!

You an Objectivist?
Nov 25, 2013
Well.. do keep in mind that "libertarian party" is an oxymoron.

It seems that the Randites (as in Ayn and not Paul or Rand) have pretty much pushed out most of whatever adults were left in modern American libertarianism. Not that modern American libertarianism was ever all that 'adult' for the most part.
Apr 27, 2012
It seems that the Randites (as in Ayn and not Paul or Rand) have pretty much pushed out most of whatever adults were left in modern American libertarianism. Not that modern American libertarianism was ever all that 'adult' for the most part.

The US was built on Libertarian values but keep spouting your nonsense.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
It seems that the Randites (as in Ayn and not Paul or Rand) have pretty much pushed out most of whatever adults were left in modern American libertarianism. Not that modern American libertarianism was ever all that 'adult' for the most part.

You know, I like Ayn Rand but prefer Heinlein


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
Sounds like classic entitlement mentality to me. The world doesn't owe you sh!t, it was here first.

Of course, wages should be indexed to inflation. But also, a "wage you can live on" depends on your living standards.


Oct 9, 1999
What a wonderful counter argument. Your grasp of the intricacies of the issue and the pure poetry of your counter prose is awe inspiring.

This is a truly valuable addition to the debate.

Or not....

When something so stupid is posted, no other response but ridicule is warranted. If he believes the top 5% are wealthy, he's an imbecile.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
When something so stupid is posted, no other response but ridicule is warranted. If he believes the top 5% are wealthy, he's an imbecile.

Interesting how your insults are justified. I just hope you notice, though, that it's you who is deciding what's stupid based on no logical demonstration of the truth of your point other than that it's truthy to you. I guess you are much too important to deign to explain anything.


May 24, 2004
The one thing that is very irritating to read throughout this thread, is this assumption that only "the rich" are greedy and uncaring.

The large corporations would provide more wages to employees if there were competition for that worker's talents. Problem is there is no competition to corporations.

I am basically self employed in the computer/IT support business. Every time I walk into nearest Best Buy there is a line of people at the Geek Squad counter, instead of at my doorstep. I still do good business, pull in good money, support enough local businesses. But these businesses are all struggling. They are all barely keeping their employees paid. Why? Because anytime anyone, poor or middle class, want to make a purchase, or need a service provided, they find the nearest & largest corporation who promise them a dollar extra in savings, and give them their money, instead of giving their money to the local small business.

That is the culture amongst the average citizen - purchase the product that has the cheapest price tag, morality be damned, community support be damned.

And when certain people have attacked me in this thread - NEWS FLASH! I'm about the biggest supporter of small, local business around, I support them with my dollars. I'm not the hypocrite who goes around spreading the message of progressive utopias, while on the other hand, buying all my Christmas gifts off Amazon for every penny of savings.

The problem in this country is not "the rich", it is not the employers. The problem are the commoners who only pay lip service about helping fellow Americans, hoping everyone else supports rebuilding the nation while they quietly go about their business of being a cheap bastard looking out for himself.


Feb 5, 2006
The one thing that is very irritating to read throughout this thread, is this assumption that only "the rich" are greedy and uncaring.

The large corporations would provide more wages to employees if there were competition for that worker's talents. Problem is there is no competition to corporations.

I am basically self employed in the computer/IT support business. Every time I walk into nearest Best Buy there is a line of people at the Geek Squad counter, instead of at my doorstep. I still do good business, pull in good money, support enough local businesses. But these businesses are all struggling. They are all barely keeping their employees paid. Why? Because anytime anyone, poor or middle class, want to make a purchase, or need a service provided, they find the nearest & largest corporation who promise them a dollar extra in savings, and give them their money, instead of giving their money to the local small business.

That is the culture amongst the average citizen - purchase the product that has the cheapest price tag, morality be damned, community support be damned.

And when certain people have attacked me in this thread - NEWS FLASH! I'm about the biggest supporter of small, local business around, I support them with my dollars. I'm not the hypocrite who goes around spreading the message of progressive utopias, while on the other hand, buying all my Christmas gifts off Amazon for every penny of savings.

The problem in this country is not "the rich", it is not the employers. The problem are the commoners who only pay lip service about helping fellow Americans, hoping everyone else supports rebuilding the nation while they quietly go about their business of being a cheap bastard looking out for himself.

That is a good point, we all need to be more aware of impact of our purchasing decisions. But this is not a corporate vs small business issue. It's businesses that treat employees well vs those who see them as disposable cogs.
Dec 26, 2007
That is a good point, we all need to be more aware of impact of our purchasing decisions. But this is not a corporate vs small business issue. It's businesses that treat employees well vs those who see them as disposable cogs.

Hate to break it to you, but that's basically what anybody is (unless you're at the top but even they get replaced... look at all the companies who have booted founding CEO's). If you don't think you're replaceable then you are naive or haven't been in the real world work place yet.

If business didn't operate that way, then many would be out of business. McDonald's doesn't hire people who are not disposable to work the register/flip burgers because doing so creates a situation where the company could grind to a halt if that person leaves. There are always going to be the "grunt workers."

I go to my job and do the best job I can every day. And my company has rewarded me for that work very nicely. But I don't think for a second that I'm irreplaceable. I know that I could be replaced by somebody else without a second thought by the higher ups at my company, because they will not let the company come to a halt (losing money, potentially clients, etc). They can't if they care about their business.


May 27, 2002
Without putting too much time into it, briefly:

I would address the problem of Global Labor Arbitrage which dramatically increases the supply of labor relative to the demand for labor. (An increased supply of labor relative to capital or the demand for labor means lower wages. It's also a merger between our nation's economy and standard of living and that of the third world.) This means increasing tariffs and adopting a national industrial policy to bring back jobs that were shipped overseas (foreign production for domestic consumption). It also means deporting millions of illegal immigrants and imposing a moratorium on legal immigration or at least reducing legal immigration to a trickle. It also means ending or severely curtailing the foreign work visa programs such as the H-1B ("My job was bombed by the H-1B") and L-1 visas.

I would fix our nation's disastrous and inefficient health care system and replace it with real socialized medicine. It's currently consuming 17.6% of our nation's GDP and in-spite of that our businesses and economy are still heavily burdened by insurance benefit concerns.

I would increase taxes on the top 5% with higher taxes for the mega rich. That revenue could be used to fund health insurance, needed social welfare programs, and infrastructure.

I would end the War on Drugs, legalizing all drugs. This would reduce money wasted on the criminal justice system. At the very least, I would fully legalize and tax marijuana.

I would reduce the size of our military and military budget and avoid becoming entangled in foreign boondoggles such as the Iraq War.

I would also reform our higher education system such that our nation and populace no longer wastes money on higher education for which there is not a real-world demand. In reality, only a small percentage of jobs (perhaps 10-15%) actually require or make use of a four year college degree. So, I would find a way to reinstate some form of employment market feedback to college graduate production, such as allowing student loans to be dischargeable in bankruptcy. I would also reform or curtail the federal student loan program. If higher education has an economic value, let private lenders fund it and let them be subject to bankruptcy protections just like for any other investment. I would also support a "clawback" policy that would hold colleges and universities accountable for higher education that does not provide a return-on-investment by forcing them to pay back a portion of the amounts of student loans discharged in bankruptcy. (This would probably reduce the number of excess colleges and universities by a significant amount.) What I'm proposing would result in a radical reform of higher education in this country. However, such reform is needed and the expense, waste, and inefficiency in this area is part of what's hurting the middle class.

---Not the proposals you expected to hear from someone that you might (in a knee-jerk fashion) typecast as an evil communist?

I could live with most of this, only 1 real point of contention - I don't necessarily agree with your stance on the drug war.

However...Add to this, taxing capital gains the same as income, or some sort of complete tax system overhaul, and this is a group of pilicys which could benefit our country.
Nov 25, 2013
And don't forget who pays for these handout programs..... It's the group you despise so much, the hard-working americans, the people striving to make more money and better themselves.

The father of 8, taking in $2k per month in benefits, is not providing to our society in any way, shape or form. The last thing we should do is promote that lifestyle, it should be shunned.

You figure that you could survive on $24,000 per year with 8 kids?

I'd actually pay money to see that.
Nov 25, 2013
The US was built on Libertarian values but keep spouting your nonsense.

Yep, still funny.

btw, there are these interesting buildings called public libraries. They happen to be filled with books. Some of those books are history texts covering various aspects of American history. People can get memberships to these buildings and borrow these books and read them. My suggestion is to go to one of these public libraries, get a membership and read some of those American history books (and maybe a few others as well). You just might be surprised at what you learn.
Nov 25, 2013
You know, I like Ayn Rand but prefer Heinlein

Ayn Rand, a person who never said anything even remotely interesting about pretty much anything. And managed to do so with some of the most tortured, boring prose I've ever had the misfortune to read. Other than that, yeah she's ok.
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