if you were elected president, what would you change?

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Jan 25, 2000
Propose a War Tax on high earners and then question patriotism of everyone who voted against it.
Tell Congress I will veto every spending bill until they send me a balanced budget.
Eliminate payroll taxes and fund SS and medicare with higher income tax revenue.
There would not be mortgaging of US future while I was president, you can be sure of that. It would be pay as you go.


Feb 25, 2004
Originally posted by: MrDudeMan
Originally posted by: conjur

16) Legalize marijuana (and tax it heftily) and prostitution (but license and regulate the heck out of it.) Focus the war on drugs on meth labs and other hard drugs and work to fund and spread rehab programs that have proven track records of effectiveness

can someone please explain to me why you want to legalize MJ? i dont get it.
Question was not posed to me, I realize, but it was on my 'to do' list as well.

Personally, I see the drug as less harmful than alcohol which is already legal. Its like a step up from regular cigarettes. Its used pretty rampantly. If we legalized it, we could tax it AND regulate it so you wouldn't get kids smoking weed that was soaked in paint thinner and going blind.

I think I like conjur's legalized prostitution idea as well.


Feb 6, 2002
National Sales Tax (15-20%)

Exemptions: unprepared food, necessary medical, clothing (non-luxury) housing or rent (capped). First car (capped)
With these exemptions the poor who spend all their disposable income on necessities would not pay tax.

Real Campaign Finance Reform

Setup a federal blind trust department. Donations would be made via this trust and the recipients would not know where the donations are from. Disclosure would be illegal with serious penalties. Remove the limits on donations. People can still support their candidates and this would end the corruption and favoritism that exists today.

10 year goal to get cars off oil.

Set this as a goal similar to sending a man to the moon. There are multiple benefits to this plan. Alternate sources being tested today are much more environmentally friendly. Second it would greatly lessen Saudi Arabia?s hold over this country. Third terrorists would lose a large source of income. A broke terrorist is just a pissed off guy in the sand and not a threat.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: MrDudeMan
Originally posted by: conjur

16) Legalize marijuana (and tax it heftily) and prostitution (but license and regulate the heck out of it.) Focus the war on drugs on meth labs and other hard drugs and work to fund and spread rehab programs that have proven track records of effectiveness

17) Increase funding for first-responders. Fire, police, EMS are all underpaid and overworked.

18) Create an independent agency to review the yearly fiscal budget looking for wasteful or improper uses of money before being submitted to Congress and the President.


20) Increase funding for NASA but include analysis of cost-justification in each request (and do the same for Pentagon spending) and hold contractors accountable for budget overruns.

That's just a start and it's a rather high-level overview.

can someone please explain to me why you want to legalize MJ? i dont get it.

i like your ideas on 17 and 18 (especially 18) and 20 is awesome. we should cut a little military spending and dump it into NASA. IMO they need it more in the long run.

great post conjur...very cool ideas

Marijuana is less harmful than is alcohol. While strict enforcement of DUI laws are still needed, it is not as destructive as alcohol. People who get addicted to it become lethargic, dull non-entities, people addicted to alcohol often become abusive.

Marijuana also has benefits as a treatment to symptoms of diseases such as cancer.

Legalizing it and taxing it will bring in revenue that could replace some other fee or tax.


Jan 15, 2001
ok i sort of understand about the MJ thing now...it makes more sense, but im still not sure i agree.
May 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Zebo
Repeal the whole budget and start fresh...theres so much pork in there we don't even know.

Get rid of all taxes. Then impose a 5% tax everytime money changes hands.

Actually enforce immigration laws.

No trade with communist countries. No trade with Dictatorships.

Make every peice of governemnt property from airwaves to land a auction system instead of favorism system for pennies on the dollar.

Make patents 7 years, copyrights 10. No tradmarks for phases only images.

Pull our troops out of 153 countries they are in.

Make death penalty and abortion illegal.

Minimum wage to $10 an hour

Make all campain contributions from entities/corps/trusts illegal only people can donate. Then Lift limits.

Legalise anything that does'nt hurt someone else.

Don't we need troupes in some countries in order to prosecute the war against terrorist supporting nations?

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
This could go on forever, and that would be boring.

First, try to mitigate the damage done by Bush internationally. IMMEDIATELY work to grant Iraqis a voice in government. Get people in the region, including the more moderate clerics to help calm things down.

Diffuse the Iranian situation. Oddly, Iran could be a helpful ally if approached properly.

Domestically the TOP agenda would be to make the US completely independent of foreign energy in two decades, with the emphasis on being fossil fuel free in 30 years. To do this, we need to spend the kind of money we are wasting on the Iraq war on R&D. Funds would be given to establish academic research and catch to spending the money is that the govt. retains intellectual property rights. That way Big Oil can't bury the research. The technologies would be evaluated, and whatever infrastructure needed would be built in the spirit of the Interstate Highway projects. Govt money is needed because this is going to take time we already do not have. Right now the Middle east is important because of the oil it has. It forces us to take actions that may not be prudent.

Enough for now.


Senior member
Feb 18, 2004
It's time for America to resume its glorious journey. Time to reject shrinking jobs and wages, disappearing savings and rights. Time to reject the detour towards fear and greed. Time to look out upon the world for friends, not enemies. Time to counter the control of corporations over our politics, our economy, our resources, and mass media. Time for those who have much to help those who have little by maintaining a progressive tax structure. Time to tell the world that we wish to be their partner in peace, not their leader in war. Most of all, it is time for America to again be the land where dreams come true because the government is on the side of its people.

Unfortunately, America now leads the world in categories we should not be proud of. America is now the world's leading jailer with an incarceration rate higher than China. We lead the industrialized world in poverty and in the growing gap between rich and poor. And we are the only industrial nation not to provide national health care.

[1] Universal Health Care with a Single Payer Plan
Over 40 million Americans have no health care and 30 million more have only minimal coverage. Those with coverage often pay exorbitant amounts. The current profit-driven system, dominated by private insurance firms and their bureaucracies, has failed.

Establish streamlined national health insurance, Enhanced Medicare for All. It would be publicly-financed health care, privately delivered. It would provide affordable prescription drugs, thanks to bulk purchasing. The General Accounting Office of Congress has concluded:

"If the U.S. were to shift to a system of universal coverage and a single payer, as in Canada, the savings in administrative costs would be more than enough to offset the cost."

[2] Full Social Security Benefits at Age 65
Social security is the basic covenant our society has with workers who have built our economy. At a time when CEOs earn 240 times the pay of the average worker, it is unconscionable not to return full retirement benefits to age 65.

A progressive tax structure and reordered national priorities. Social Security must not be privatized. Retirement years cannot be dependent on the rise and fall of the stock market.

[3] Withdrawal from NAFTA and WTO
The global trade regime of NAFTA and WTO has enriched multinational corporations. But for workers, family farmers, and the environment, it has meant a global race to the bottom. Companies leave the U.S. in search of low wages, low commodity prices, anti-union climates, and lax environmental laws. NAFTA has been used to whipsaw workers at the negotiation table, forcing wages and benefit concessions under threat of moving jobs overseas. Trade treaties must be conditioned on workers? rights, human rights, and environmental principles.

Among the first actions will be withdrawal from NAFTA and the WTO?to be replaced by fair trade agreements.

[4] Repeal of the "Patriot Act"
The "Patriot Act" is not what American patriots have fought and died for. To allow our Bill of Rights to be nullified without judicial supervision invites tyranny. The Attorney General has been handed unfettered power to wiretap, search, jail, and invade our most sacred right to privacy. The government must not be allowed, without probable cause or warrant, to snoop on our communications, medical records, library records, and student records.

[5] Right-to-Choose, Privacy, and Civil Rights
In a Kucinich administration, a woman?s right-to-choose will be protected as essential to personal privacy and gender equality. Only those who agree to uphold Roe v. Wade will be nominated for the Supreme Court. Civil rights (and voting rights) enforcement will be intensified. Lesbians and gays will be afforded complete equality throughout society. Affirmative action will be maintained as a tool for racial and gender equality. Drug policy will emphasize treatment over criminalization, and not a rampaging war that erodes Constitutional freedoms, privacy, and law enforcement resources. An end to capital punishment will be sought.

[6] Balance Between Workers and Corporations
American workers are working longer and harder for less pay than 20 years ago. What?s needed is a resurgence of organized labor, and a Kucinich administration will tenaciously defend the rights of workers to organize and bargain collectively. Since the purchasing power of the minimum wage has dropped 21% in two decades, it?s time for living wages, not minimum wages. And it?s time to reverse tax cuts that benefit the already well-to-do, and retain an estate tax. Investing $500 billion to rebuild schools, roads, bridges, ports, and sewage, water and environmental systems will do more to stimulate our economy than tax breaks for the wealthy.
[7] Guaranteed Quality Education, Pre-K through College
Since education is the only proven way to reduce poverty, it is unacceptable that a child?s education be dependent on where they are born or the financial status of their family. The federal government spends only 2.9% of its budget on education. That will change under a Kucinich administration, because quality education is a core American right and value.

Education must emphasize creative and critical thinking, not just test-taking. Schools need money to decrease class size, increase teachers? salaries, renovate decaying facilities, and include hands-on job training for those not going to college. Pre-K and after-school programs will get increased funding, and the soaring costs of college will be reversed.

[8] A Renewed Commitment to Peace and Diplomacy
America will return to its role as the most admired?not hated?nation. The doctrine of "pre-emption" will be retired, as will an aggressive, unilateralist foreign policy that makes our homeland less secure, not more. Our security will be enhanced by working with other nations and the U.N. instead of acting like an Empire, arrogantly undermining international agreements such as the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, the Biological and Chemical Weapons Conventions, the Small Arms Treaty, the International Criminal Court, and the Kyoto Climate Treaty. Work to implement two measures he sponsored in Congress: the Space Preservation Treaty, which bans space-based weapons, and a cabinet-level Department of Peace, to establish non-violence as an organizing principle in both domestic and international affairs.

Cut bloated and unneeded weaponry from a military budget that now almost equals the military spending of all other countries combined. A peace dividend will be invested in education, health care, environmental clean-up, urban infrastructure, Social Security, veterans? benefits, and other pressing domestic needs.

[9] Restored Rural Communities and Family Farms
Agriculture, trade, and economic policies that favor agribusiness conglomerates have devastated family farmers, rural communities, and the environment. While the number of family farmers has plummeted, profits have soared for a handful of agribusiness giants that increas-ingly control everything from seed to shelf.

A Kucinich administration will break up agricultural monopolies and restore a strong, independent family farm system with fair prices for farmers and healthy food for consumers. A Kucinich Administration will monitor and reduce contamination of our air, water, and food from factory farms, with strong USDA enforcement of tough new food safety laws.

[10] Environmental Renewal and Clean Energy
Clean air and water, as well as an intact ozone layer, are not luxuries, but necessities for our children's future.

Toughen environmental enforcement, support the Kyoto Treaty on global climate change, reduce oil dependence, and spur investment in alternative energy sources, including hydrogen, solar, wind, and ocean. Clean energy technologies will produce new jobs. Tax and other incentives will favor sustainable businesses that conserve energy, retrofit pollution prevention technologies, and redesign toxins out of their manufacturing processes. The right to know (for example, when food is genetically engineered) will supercede corporate secrecy. Globally, the U.S. will become a leader in sustainable energy production and a partner with developing nations in providing inexpensive, local, renewable energy technologies.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Aelius
Wouldn't work too hot in my case.

Lets say I get voted in as President I wouldn't belong to either Rep or Dem. More than likely I would be an LP. Which means Congress and every other major government body would be dead set against me and I wouldn't be able to pass a bill to save my life.

Thats just the way it goes thanks to the system that put most of thse dorks into power. I wonder why anyone even wonders why there are basicly only Reps and Dems in those jobs.

I would probably go down as the best President the US ever had but also the President that didn't accomplish a single thing (bills wise).

However if I was there I would repeal enough laws to make people think you were back in the 1800s.

The next President would have a fun time trying to convince voters that all those laws are neccessary as he signs them back into law.

At least for my 2 terms as President you would have the most democratic system since the Constitution was signed into law. After I'm gone you would be back to your regularly sheduled police state.

Aelius pretty much nailed it.


Senior member
Jan 21, 2004
Originally posted by: MrDudeMan
Originally posted by: conjur

great post conjur...very cool ideas

yup.. i agree with pretty much everything you propose there. But I would add

: stop trying to criminalize gay marriage, and let states legislate as their populace prefers. Repeal the Defense of Marriage act.

: repeal faith based charity programs, and provide specific tax creditsts for private charitable donations (not just any non-profit). Set up committee to create lists of applicable charitable organizations, excluding those with primarily religious focus. Let orgs submit proposals for inclusion, and review them on a semi-annual basis, much like a grant application.

: get rid of the school voucher system. It isn't helping any of the kids that it's supposed to.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2004
I would be an awful president and i'll prove it.

so tough guys, what would you do first?

The question is not what but Who would I do first? So many young white house interns to choose from

Then i'll work to be impeached


Senior member
Jun 12, 2003
Cut Social programs with the ultimate goal of cutting them completely
Set up investments (similar to bonds) that people can CHOOSE to invest in to plan for retirement this would intail getting rid of SS.
Reform the educational system increasing teacher salary but also increasing responsibility of the schools (teaching isnt that hard expecially at grade level)
I would look to an alternate system to Unions
CLOSE THE MEXICAN BORDER and tighten immigration.
Possibly consider decriminalizing some drugs (because we are losing billions fighting them and losing) .
hold people accountable for their actions
Introduce the death penalty for child molestaion and rape there is no excuse for either.

Most of all i wouldnt play ball, i would do what i truely think is best for this country


Feb 25, 2004
Originally posted by: AEB
Cut Social programs with the ultimate goal of cutting them completely
Set up investments (similar to bonds) that people can CHOOSE to invest in to plan for retirement this would intail getting rid of SS.
Reform the educational system increasing teacher salary but also increasing responsibility of the schools (teaching isnt that hard expecially at grade level)
I would look to an alternate system to Unions
CLOSE THE MEXICAN BORDER and tighten immigration.
Possibly consider decriminalizing some drugs (because we are losing billions fighting them and losing) .
hold people accountable for their actions
Introduce the death penalty for child molestaion and rape there is no excuse for either.

Most of all i wouldnt play ball, i would do what i truely think is best for this country

Holy sh|t...aside from that first one, I think I might vote for you! :Q


Senior member
Jun 12, 2003
Nice. Im not talking about helping people find work that is fine, but i dont like free money it mainly goes with second from last one


Jan 15, 2001
fjord, i really like what you have to say about education. i didnt realize our budget for education is so low! 2.9% is ridiculous. i also find your POV of the patriot act interesting. can they really go through your medical records without permission? :Q honestly didnt know that...

im not sure what i think about social security. there have been a few different opinions in this thread, but i still cant decide what i think is the best route. make it work or get rid of it?

AEB, i agree with everything you said, and especially to close the border to mexico. its not that i have a thing against mexican people, but i think we should at least make it harder for them to come here illegally or something. it just seems wrong to allow so many people to take advantage of our systems and policies.


Aug 25, 2001
If I were president.... lets see.
1) Cut off the congress/senate from voting themselves a pay raise. Put that power back into thier constituent voters. If they are doing a good job, then a pay raise by a local vote, if not then stick it.
2) Reinvent the school system. When it comes down to it the real problems with getting a public education is that there are not enough teachers. You need only to look toward the near 3-1 ratio of administration officials to teacher ratio to see what really needs to go.
3) Criminilize tabacco and place very tough restrictions on it. Since it basically drains hundreds of billions of dollars from the US healthcare system from all those that get cancer. A nonsmoker shouldn't have to breath the smoke in in public period.
4) Restructure the tax system as we know it. Put an end to the $10 limit on dividend interest and allow people to invest and get all their dividends tax free. Kill Bushes tax cuts in thier entirety for better iniatives for US citizens to keep thier money. Such as a zero option on your w2. You shouldn't have to give any extra money to the IRS. As is there isn't any way to maximize your net pay without either having them take too much or too little. It isn't like they pay you any interest on the money that they keep. So why not figure out every year exactly how much you pay, adjust your w2's and have no tax returns at all. Roll back the standard deduction to 30k and get people off welfare permenantly.


Sep 15, 2002
1)Legalize all drugs, if your're stupid enough to smoke crack in the first place you deserve to die
2)National Health Care
3)Rebuild the education system from the ground up - remove all atheletic activities from schools no matter what it takes
4)Increase FBI - CIA - NSA cooperation or merge all organizations into one huge department
5)Pay rasie for all military personal and police officers in the form of year bonus's.
6)Close the borders, once they are closed everyone inside may register for citizenship
7)Ability to convict someone of the same crime twice, if you have reasonable beleif that he or she is guilty.
8)Public excutions - You kill someone, you die.
9)Remove america's dependence on forgien sources of energy. Considering digging up all the highways and having a high speed rail system simaller to germany and france.
10)Much stricter regulation on auto saftey, ban SUVs.
11)Once we are finished with Afganistan and Iraq we pull completely out.


Jan 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Tabb
1)Legalize all drugs, if your're stupid enough to smoke crack in the first place you deserve to die
2)National Health Care
3)Rebuild the education system from the ground up - remove all atheletic activities from schools no matter what it takes
4)Increase FBI - CIA - NSA cooperation or merge all organizations into one huge department
5)Pay rasie for all military personal and police officers in the form of year bonus's.
6)Close the borders, once they are closed everyone inside may register for citizenship
7)Ability to convict someone of the same crime twice, if you have reasonable beleif that he or she is guilty.
8)Public excutions - You kill someone, you die.
9)Remove america's dependence on forgien sources of energy. Considering digging up all the highways and having a high speed rail system simaller to germany and france.
10)Much stricter regulation on auto saftey, ban SUVs.
11)Once we are finished with Afganistan and Iraq we pull completely out.

hmm thank god you arent up for election...some of that makes sense, but taking athletics out of schools? what good does that do? why BAN SUVs? some people actually use/need them for their intended purpose. i think you would be in the right if you said "BAN SUVs for soccer moms and daily drivers"...then i would be cool with it since using a gas guzzler for those purposes is retarded, but completely getting rid of them is kinda overboard IMO


Golden Member
Apr 3, 2001
Just for the fun of it I will post, For one thing I am a honest person so there would be no way I could get elected in the first place and thePresence is right the president can't do anything without the house and senate on his own


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: MrDudeMan
fjord, i really like what you have to say about education. i didnt realize our budget for education is so low! 2.9% is ridiculous. i also find your POV of the patriot act interesting. can they really go through your medical records without permission? :Q honestly didnt know that...

im not sure what i think about social security. there have been a few different opinions in this thread, but i still cant decide what i think is the best route. make it work or get rid of it?

AEB, i agree with everything you said, and especially to close the border to mexico. its not that i have a thing against mexican people, but i think we should at least make it harder for them to come here illegally or something. it just seems wrong to allow so many people to take advantage of our systems and policies.

Most school funding come from state and local. The fed should have little to do with schooling kids.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: MrDudeMan
fjord, i really like what you have to say about education. i didnt realize our budget for education is so low! 2.9% is ridiculous. i also find your POV of the patriot act interesting. can they really go through your medical records without permission? :Q honestly didnt know that...

im not sure what i think about social security. there have been a few different opinions in this thread, but i still cant decide what i think is the best route. make it work or get rid of it?

AEB, i agree with everything you said, and especially to close the border to mexico. its not that i have a thing against mexican people, but i think we should at least make it harder for them to come here illegally or something. it just seems wrong to allow so many people to take advantage of our systems and policies.

Most school funding come from state and local. The fed should have little to do with schooling kids.

It does when the Federal government issues mandates to the schools but fails to fund those mandates.
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